Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A-Rank - Recovery - Part 2 - Eastern Ridge

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A-Rank - Recovery

Description: A team of shinobi have been caught in an awkward situation. They got a message out to Kumogakure letting the village council know that they are held up in a cave, the directions given. At the time of the message this cave hadn't been found by their hunters, but it was only a period of time. One of them was badly injured and moving him any further was near impossible.

The council have requested Kushin assemble a team. Their primary mission detail was to retrieve the statute that was in the teams possession. Secondary objective was to heal the wounded shinobi and bring the team home if possible.

Kushin has decided to take a trainee alone in this mission. If they're lost then at least it's minimal damage to the village. At least that's the reason he gave the council.

Combat: Likely, if there isn't it'll be due to good management than anything else.

Leader: Kushin
Members: Keiji

They'd travelled to the edge of Ryu's land and stopped. It was dark and they'd been traveling in the dark for some time. Probably around midnight when they did finally stop their movement, but Kushin was aware of the difficulty of remaining in contact and Keiji not getting lost. They had headsets but from this point on they'd need to be as quiet as possible. So it would be here that they'd stop.

Kushin landed on a tree branch and stopped, still kneeling on it he waited for Keiji to land next to him.

We'll sleep in the tree's tonight. Tie yourself to a branch and get some rest. Tomorrow we'll be traveling slower and more carefully.

He waited for Keiji to acknowledge this and then found a branch to sleep on, tying himself to it and getting some rest.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
It was a strange sensation to finally leave the village with an actual purpose.
Last time he had been outside of the gates was with his father when Jin was still a baby.
Reminiscing shortly as they continued on their path, he merely tightened his fist as his thoughts were merely distracting.
His eyes, thankfully instantly had gotten used to the darkness surrounding them.

Kushin had landed and stopped on a branch, and Keiji quickly followed and landed on another branch on the same tree a few meters from Kushin.

He nodded at the words spoken by Kushin, he did not reply, he didn't feel it necessary.
Follow the orders and question them not.
He trusted Kushin to know what was necessary in the mission, he was the leader, Keiji was not.
And he accepted this whole heartedly.

The words repeated themselves in his head as he pulled out a thin wire out of his belt pouch, he sat himself near the tree trunk, and laid on the branch.
With the wires he tied his body to the branch, the knot on the front for quick access. He had his arms in under each sleeve for quick access to the Kunais attached to his forearm.
If something were to come stirring in the night, enemy or beast he would quickly be able to either tie up the knot, or pull out one of his Kunai and merely cut the wire.

As he laid there trying to sleep, his thoughts continued to repeat, not just for repetition or for remembering them, but more to form a distraction, too many bad memories kept curling up every night.
His determination kept his thoughts distracted.

Follow the orders and question them not. Follow the orders and question them not. Follow the orders and question them not. Follow the orders and question them not. Follow the orders and question them not.
After a short while, he fell into a light sleep.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The light woke him and he untied himself silently, once untied he lowered the rope to gently tap Keiji's face to wake him up before raising it again and placing it in his pack.

It was morning, they'd had probably six hours sleep, which was more than enough. Or should be. Dropping down to a branch next to Keiji's Kushin needed to give orders, hopefully give knowledge as well.

Oddly enough ordinary people rarely look up or down. So we'll keep traveling through the trees. You'll be on lookout, yet you'll be behind me. We'll need your eyes to spot anyone within a hundred meters. Moving through the trees is loud, and if we were to ignore people existing below us they would hear us as we pass overhead and alert them. What we want to do is get through unseen. It'll be harder to manage on the way back because there should be more of us. However on the way there we can't afford to alert the hunters. We are the hunted. We're just more dangerous than the typical fowl. If you have any questions now is the time to ask.

He'd wait for Keiji before they began moving again.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Keiji awoke as the rope tapped his face, his eyes quickly looked around assessing the situation.
Nothing happening around us, just a bear underneath us..

He quickly untied himself and placed the wire back into his pouch.
Kushin explained the plan, and Keiji nodded in agreement.
He didn't say much in regards to any questions.

It was merely a listening and a doing job Keiji had gotten, and he liked it like that.

Seconds afterwards Keiji went through his shoulder bag quickly and pulled out a small snack composed of a maki roll.
With his Kunai he cut it into two pieces and threw one to Kushin.
"Thought we'd need some substance on the road, I had them prepped the day before we left." A large smile appeared on his lips.

After devouring the half Maki roll in 3 bites he closed his eyes, held his hands in front of his face making a chakra controlling seal.

Keiji had worked on maintaining his Byakugan, for longer duration of times, heck the last time he had even managed to keep it running through an entire day.
Weirdly enough it was strange and tended to cause headaches now and again being able to see so many things at the very same time.
Coincidentally it worked great for looking at girls.

Chakra was concentrated around his eyes, the veins slowly increased in density and suddenly they increased in size two folds.
With a controlled burst of air out of his mouth he opened his eyes.

He turned his face to Kushin and spoke with a tense, direct voice
"I'm ready, lead the way sensei."


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Accepting the roll Kushin ate it quietly. There was no thank you, there was no smile. Yet his accepting it at all was a large step for Kushin who wasn't one who cared to "share".

After Keiji got ready they headed out moving at a slower place to restrict the noise. Kushin knew that they were still probably about ten kilometers away from where the party had said they were. Thankfully it was along the edge of the mountainside so they would need to check any caves.

Keiji gave a couple of warnings, they would approach the wandering groups till they might be heard and then remain in the trees. Up there they would wait and watch for the group to pass ahead. At one time they were stuck in place for an hour as after one group passed there was another which came nearby. Using these times to relax and rest up Kushin would tell Keiji to let his Byakugan go so that he could recover some of his chakra. Kushin was unaware of the toll it would take on the boy, but was aware it would use chakra.

When they were within two kilometers of the spot Keiji spotted them.

They were inside a cave which had likely been created using chakra. A small hole hidden by a bush and with a rocky overhang stopping water from getting inside led down a small tunnel, barely large enough for a full grown man to crawl down. At the bottom there was a wide space large enough for maybe ten. Amusingly enough it seemed the hunting parties looking for them had made camp about twenty meters away from the entrance. So Kushin and Keiji would wait for dark before attempting to enter.

They had a couple of hours so Kushin decided some quiet conversation would probably be a good idea What was it about the medical branch that drew you to it? For me I was forced to take that path by my father. My older brother was an ANBU and he was to be my fathers pride and joy. I decided to follow and try and surpass him, but was pulled out forcibly and told to join the medical branch. While he spoke in a hushed voice he kept looking around to make sure that none were nearby. Even though he knew Keiji could do so better.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Keiji kept his chakra flow in control, even if it drained him ever so slightly, Byakugan wasn't the toughest of things he was capable of doing.
The short breaks did help calming his nerves as well as his chakra ever so slightly making it easier for him to manage it.

It was troublesome that the hunting party had put camp so close to the group, but Kushin had already established a plan.
Keiji didn't think he'd be in any way possible to do anything like this if Kushin wasn't there.
He appreciated that he was of use, it helped him gain more confidence in himself and his abilities.
I'm needed, I can do this! His focus remained unfaltering.

As they awaited night time Kushin had begun idle conversation.

Stressed out and completely focused on the surroundings Keiji found it at first bothersome to discuss choices in life, but quickly accepted that it might be a good idea to indulge him, if at least a little bit about his past.
Interestingly enough Kushin had chosen to speak first, and let Keiji in on the Sennin's own past and reason for even being in the branch itself.
It wasn't what he expected, not by a long shot. Keiji had thought Kushin-senpai had always been a Medical Nin, his position alone should hint to that, and not to mention his abilities, even if Keiji had yet to experience it first hand.
His glow by itself hinted towards deadly abilities and skills. Keiji shook the thoughts out of his mind before they went too far.

Keiji looked to the side scanning his eyes through the bushes as Kushin ended his speech.
"My mother was a nurse, my father was a main branch nin, Chuunin.." he sighed slightly by himself "I hated them though, so honestly they weren't the reason.."
He tapped his hand on his shoulder bag reminiscing of the burnt book he had salvaged from the burning house where his brother and family died.
"My.." His eyes turned to the ground. "Brother's dream was to help everyone and become a doctor.." He clenched his fists "So I wanted to keep his dream alive.." He relaxed his hand and steadied his eyes.
"So I decided the best way to do so was to help out in the field of medicine.."

It felt weird at first, spilling the beans of his past to someone of such higher rank than himself, I mean it wasn't like Kushin was a psychologist.
Not like he needed to know every nook and cranny of the fears and worries in his mind, a slight smile appeared on his lips due to his thoughts. Psychologist Kushin, to the rescue!


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kushin listened to Keiji and watched men come and go from the camp. It was clear that there were probably a hundred at this camp alone, and who knew how many other camps there were. The barking of dogs during his own and Keiji’s conversation told him how they’d gotten so close. They knew they’d wounded the Cloud shinobi, so they had hounded them leading them here.

This was bad, Ryu likely had some fairly effective fighters amongst these camps and with so many people it would be hard to know which of them were the dangerous ones. That would mean if they engaged the whole group in combat the enemy would attempt to split them up and the skilled fighters of the group would attack from hidden positions, making them all the more dangerous.

His mind played back what Keiji had said to him quickly before the boy finished and as he finished Kushin nodded acknowledging what had been said.

So you’re a medical shinobi to keep someone else’s dream for themselves alive. Do you know what he wished for you? If the two of you were close then chances were he hoped that you would achieve whatever it was you dreamed of. Kushin spoke quietly and almost distractedly. His eyes were still watching, his ears still listening, his nose smelling.

Yet he knew that this would be a rather serious issue for the boy. Living someone else’s dream was not something to be taken lightly. It meant giving up on your own, and often resulted in forgetting that though that person had their own dreams, they would have had hopes for that person as well. It was different from Kushin’s experience as he had never had any choice, he was living someone’s hope for him.

It was getting darker, they would be able to move soon.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Kushin's words made Keiji's mind grow darker, and grimmer, why am I even doing this? Is this for Jin? Or is this for myself?
He was distracted by his own thoughts. His eyes were staring at the ground beneath him as the words settled in his mind.

A deep sigh escaped his mouth. "I suppose you're right sensei, and you have a point."

His thoughts went back as he reminisced parts of his past, the times when Jin would join him at his training sessions, he rooted for him, cheering him on for every punch, ever meter that was ran, every minute he meditated (Even if was slightly frustrating to hear him as he meditated) Keiji loved his brother, more than anyone. And Keiji enjoyed every minute he had spent with him. Now, as is no more, the search for what to do with his life, and the life that is lost had come down to him, he was the only one remaining, the sadness from what is lost, echoed in the present.

Feelings were welling up inside of him, as a tear escaped his eye, his chin moving slightly in a sobbing fashion, his fist tightened. Jin.. He looked further down right in front him for a second then turned to face Kushin. In a slightly upset tone he whispered "Jin would have wanted me to further my own dreams, yes." Both his fists tightened. "But my dream.." He lifted his right fist in front of his own face, brandishing it towards Kushin. "Is to become stronger! And if I can further my own dream while furthering his. I would be the happiest."

He calmed his nerves and released the tightened fist and lowered it. "So by being a Medical Nin, and getting stronger.. I am living for the both of us." He turned his face towards outside again, with regained strength and affirmation to his goals.
Newfound energy sparked inside of him, and was apparent to see on his whole face.

I'm ready for anything! He thought to himself as his eyes scanned across the area trying to catch up with whatever he might have missed as he had been looking away.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kushin knew he had a point. He didn't want to have a peon who didn't know what he was really doing. Doing things under the auspices of doing what someone else would have wanted do two things. They create pressure on the person, which makes them second guess themselves, it makes them doubt their decisions and that causes hesitation. Kushin did not want hesitation. In addition it made them sometimes a little less controllable. Someone who was doing what they felt to be for someone else would do that thing despite any common sense. Which would mean Kushin would have killed Keiji after this mission.

And then Kushin heard the words that there was only a small chance he'd hear, yet those were the words he wanted. He wanted power, he wanted strength, personal strength. These things Kushin could give him. These things Kushin possessed.

Giving a silent nod Kushin decided that it was time to move.

A small gesture told Keiji to follow him and he began climbing down the tree. At the bottom he formed the seals needed for a low level wind jutsu and suddenly with a rush the leaves blew up and Kushin darted along the path created. With the leaves in the air or blown to the side it meant that there was less to crunch underfoot, allowing him to move silently. He didn't look behind him but he hoped Keiji was following close.

Reaching the hole Kushin climbed in and down into the darkness he went.

Voices could be heard, hushed whispers double checking that they had all heard something. Kushin replied Isaki Kushin, Medical Sennin. Eventually he came to a point where there was nothing under foot. Climbing down into the darkness hands helped him find himself and helped Keiji as well. Then a small rumble was heard and the hole sealed once more.

A lantern, chakra fuelled, was lit. The fire gave off no heat, it was for light alone. Inside the 'room' were the four shinobi. One was near death, Kushin could tell that by how his heart sounded. The other three had various other injuries. In the corner sat a gold statute of a figure holding in one hand a lightning bolt, in the other hand a cloud.

Keiji, get to healing the minor wounds on the others, I'll work on this one.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Keiji noticed the nod, and followed swiftly, right before he jumped down he activated his Byakugan and scanned across the field, looking to see if anyone took notice of them as they were running.
Jumping down, he landed silently.
it was a quick dash, the wind jutsu performed by Kushin-sensei proved befitting and definitely useful. Movements were unhindered and it permitted them to move incredible silent.

As they had reached the hole Kushin climbed down first, Keiji followed right after, before going out of sight he scanned across the area surrounding them. All clear, looks good.

The voices were distinguishable. Boy, these guys are bad at hiding, we found them so easily! With the Byakugan still activated he saw their movements not too far ahead. Kushin spoke his name and job. He was helped, as was Keiji himself, a little to his surprise. Suddenly he found in a small cave. A small light emitting from the chakra filled lantern in the middle of the cave. It seemed dank and gritty. Nothing Keijii wasn't used to but, he wondered still how long they had been in there by themselves, just waiting.

Keiji nodded at the command from Kushin-sensei and replied swiftly "Understood!"

He quickly took control of the situation, and began barking orders at them. "Show me your wounds, all of you." As the began pulling up their sleeves, or pulling up their shirts. Keiji was reciting the trauma algorithms for patient check-up in the field. Examine the wounds, external wounds alone are under precedented by wounds that has a higher risk of internal wounds, if internal bleedings is a risk Laparoscopic surgery is needed to gain further information. he began examining each of them, one had a few cuts bruises on the Lateral side of arms and legs, nothing severe. One had a deep penetrated cut, on the distal part of his arm, on the Lateral side. He must've tried to protect himself from an arrow or a kunai.. with his arm. The last one appeared to be fine, no external wounds, merely a few bruises, presumably from a fight, and with fists at that.
He sat to the second guy and examined it closely, it appeared to have barely touched the fascia, so he took note from his trauma studies and cleaned the wound with some disinfectant from his shoulder bag, and instead of suturing it, he performed medical jutsu healing hand just to close the wound, so as to let it heal by itself. He then bandaged it up with a few rolls of bandage. "There, that should handle that for, don't overdo it with this arm until it's properly healed though, It'll need more time to heal later when we get out of this, alright?"

Keiji got up and went to the first guy again. He cleaned his cuts and bruises with the disinfectant, then bandaged him up as well.

He sat with the third guy again, he re-checked and examined him closely, he pushed certain areas prone for internal damage from punches, the abdominal cavity, as well as the thoracic cavity.
A slightly deep push with his fingers revealed an internal wound, not any bleeding, hopefully, it didn't seem that painful and comparing to the amount of time they'd have been here he would've been almost as worsen up as the guy being checked on by Kushin if there were internal bleedings. With jutsu Keiji performed Healing Hand.

After he was done, he turned to to face Kushin, Keiji was ready and had prepped them, cared for their wounds and readied himself to continue on with the mission, his eyes shifted on the statue.
All this, for such a tiny thing? dismissing his belief of it being a silly mission with no real purpose he thought to himself. I've heard of sillier missions. Like getting a hold of a lantern with real purpose! He sighed a little to himself as his thoughts served as a mild distraction from the turmoil the current mission entailed upon him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kushin checked the body over, he was pretty beaten up. Though Kushin's first interest wasn't in healing the man at all, rather, he was interested in figuring out the types of wounds. Were they chakra imbued or were they caused simply by weapons. It would tell Kushin a number of things, namely the type of opponents they were up against as well as the abilities of these men.

Taking off the mans top revealed a number of puncture wounds in the abdomen under poorly wrapped dressings. Kushin removed the wraps, revealing puss and the skin surrounding the wounds were inflamed, hot to the touch and swollen. From this Kushin knew two things. The enemy were using bows, crossbow bolts weren't long enough to do this, and that these men couldn't dress a wound.

Rolling the man onto his side he ignored the moans of pain and noticed the marks on his back. Yes there were cuts, but they weren't deep enough to be cuts from weapons, rather wind. Which meant there was definitely a chakra user hunting them as well. However whoever it was couldn't be a sensor type, or else they'd have been killed in this cave long before Kushin and Keiji got here. If they had been caught in here there would have been no escape.

Like the ones on the front there was substantial inflammation and some puss. Yay for infection. Being in a dark damp hole wouldn't have helped, in all likelihood it was a fungal infection. Though the stink of four men being stuck in a hole for nearly a week without shower had removed his ability to judge that effectively.

Kushin used tranquilize on the man, it would numb the pain and allow Kushin to work on things a bit. He didn't have a way to clean these wounds, at least not effectively so instead he used sub-atomic scorch on the wounds. They would destroy everything living there, yes that meant skin cells, muscle cells, everything in the way, but it would also kill whatever it was that was infecting that part of the body. After doing that he used mystical force on the area, healing it. Yet all of this wouldn't give the man the energy he needed to live. In fact he wouldn't be able to move on hi own strength from this place.

Turning around Kushin noted Keiji doing his job and had to consider what to do. The man was a member of the Yamanaka Clan, a difficult clan to surgically remove's kekkei genkai from. So from that standpoint it could be a good test and lesson. He'd have to give the options to the squad.

Keiji finished up and Kushin nodded to him before speaking You all look to be in health where you can move. This man is not. If we leave here he will be discovered, that much is certain. The question you all need to decide on is whether or not we leave him here to die or do we attempt to carry him back to Cloud. If we attempt the latter we might all die trying to save him. As you are all already injured you will be moving slower than usual without having to carry him, so it is likely you will be cut down. It is over to you to decide.

He wondered if they realized that he wasn't including himself or Keiji in this. He was not going to be carrying some useless shinobi anywhere, Keiji was a Genin, he was going to be as slow as the injured men most likely as well. Before stealth was required, with their injuries and inability to properly wash the hounds would be on them within moments of leaving this place.

[OOC: Keiji, I'll let you decide what they vote.]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The nod, the nod that would decide the fate of these men.
The words that came from Kushin's mouth was almost expected, Keiji had realized the difficulty in bringing the man back, if at all even. He gulped as his eyes shifted to the men looking worryingly at each other. They almost seemed dumbstruck by the sheer idea of leaving behind their comrade.

They all were looking at the ground, like they were in deep thought. The one with the arrow wound in his arm spoke.
"Wait, we're not seriously considering leaving him are we?" He paused as a pellet of sweat appeared on his forehead "... Are we?..."

Suddenly the last guy Keiji had treated stepped forth in the middle of them, he held his stomach with his arm, it seemed painful for him to move slightly.
"I-I say we leave him, I know he's our friend and all. But WE need to survive just as well." The others nodded in reply to the statement.
The first guy who had spoken, gulped, then let out a sigh. "A-alright then.. I agree too... It's the best.." He spoke with hesitation, but he agreed nonetheless. It was unanimous.
Keiji looked a little surprised at their decision, he looked to the ground as he thought the situation over.
Would I have done the same? .. I suppose depending on the person.. I wouldn't want to leave Hikari behind, or Kahako.. Damnit! I am too sensitive! he clenched his fists.. I'm too weak!

All three of them at the very same time first shifted their eyes at Keiji, Why look at me?! then at Kushin. They stared him in the eyes, and nodded in silence.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Interesting. At least they were able to make the hard decision.

Kushin spoke after they had made the decision, calling Keiji over to him and the injured man, Keiji, come here. I have a task for you.

His eyes scanned the faces of the others in there. They likely suspected he was going to request that Keiji kill the man, and it wasn't that far from the truth. Two of them looked away, not wanting to hear the order to kill.

This man is of the Yamanaka clan. He said as he took out a scroll and summoned a jar I need you to take the cerebrospinal fluid that is found in the backbone. One of the two looking away looked back in shock and then looked at the other two. The other one looked at the ground, the look on his face told Kushin that he didn't know what this meant, while the one who had been looking at him looked at the other two for guidance on what his reaction should be. Kushin summoned a needle, it was thin but long, Take this and penetrate his backbone till the cavity of it is filled then empty the contents in the jar. After that I'll show you a paper seal which allows it to remain fresh.

You'll kill him! He'll suffer an aneurism! This caused one of the others to turn in defiance towards Kushin.

Standing Kushin faced them Do you want for those hunting us to find him and have him torn apart by dogs, the fluid possibly being harvested and then placed into an enemy of Cloud? Do you want to fight one of the chakra users who did this when they're enhanced with further abilities? Stand down and let me do my job. He gave the two who were looking his way a scowl, they matched his stare at first before standing down realizing he had the authority here.

Kushin knelt down and gave them one last glance before forming handseals to tranquilize the area that Keiji would need to stick the needle in. He'd know what he was going to cause and Kushin placed his hands on the man I'll hold him still, towards the end of this he'll begin thrashing due to his brain dying and the pressure of itself on the skull without the liquid to keep it afloat.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Following Kushin's instructions Keiji went over to the man lying down, it was strange to see someone so close, on the very brink to death.
A little frightening at first, but he quickly vaporized the running thoughts that this man was to be saved, his life was already forfeit. A serious and unfaltering attitude was readable on his face.

As Kushin explained the situation his eyes shifted at the men behind them. Must've been hard for them to accept this. it was hard for Keiji to imagine this happening to himself, making him feel this resembling a nightmare. A nightmare for him especially to help realize the consequences of his choices. It was difficult to accept that being the truth, but the chances of it being true was even harder to accept, even for him.

He explained that the man was of Yamanaka decent, which made him a valuable asset for all. The powers he possees.. A so called Kekkei Genkai, bloodline powers. Keiji gulped, he himself possessed a Kekkei Genkai, for a brief moment he remembered back to looking himself in the mirror. His eyes, the bloodline awakened powers.. Would this same thing happen to me, if I were to be close to abandoned? If I couldn't survive on my way back.. This would be a necessity for me... These powers of mine, are of too high a risk.. The realization dangled in his mind, like true insanity hanged on the balance in his mind. He gulped in his fears as Kushin explained further and handing him a large needle, explaining how the operation were to be carried out.

I'd be killing hi- His thoughts were taken out of his mind and shouted from behind him, one of the Ninjas in the cave shouted his disagreements with doing it. Keiji knew full well what could happen. And he knew full well this would result in his death, it was the reason a drop of sweat appeared on Keiji's forehead and why a great discussion was ongoing in his mind. Killing another human being, one from his own village, to further the goals and help his village at the very same time, while also disabling their enemies to gain the village's strengths.

Just as Kushin was turning around to face the man Keiji closed his eyes. "Give me a minute Kushin-senpai.." Keiji spoke in a monotone voice, not caring if Kushin had heard him or not.
Keiji closed his eyes, he sat down, and went through his thoughts. It was a mess, the whole situation. It was a necessity, but the voices in his head, his reason, his belief in humanity around this, was messing with every bit of his will.

Suddenly Keiji fell a tug on his clothes, a small, light one. He opened his eyes and saw the man lying down in front of him had turned to face Keiji, he had awoken. If at least for a second. He looked with his one good eye, the other covered in blood and stared into Keiji's eyes and spoke with a smile. "It- It's okay.. I knew this day would come.. Just.. Be gentle.. Okay?" He then closed his eyes and turned around, with his face facing down, as if nothing had happened, the very words Keiji needed to hear was said by an almost dead man, every word spoken probably hurt more than what Keiji could explain. The core essence of the words wasn't that he knew it was coming. It was that his belief in Keiji's abilities and that of Kushin's their saviors, and through them the city, was unwavering, even to the point of death he still believed there be feelings, and trust among his fellow ninjas.

It was there that Kushin returned besides Keiji, hopefully he didn't hear Keiji's words, and hopefully he didn't see the difficulty Keiji had with the decision. As he returned and began forming a seal, Keiji readied himself. Pulling up his sleeves and taking a deep breath, he first tested the suction of the needle, it worked fine. Then he placed the needle at the designated area, tilted it slightly to avoid the spinal cord bones and to hit the necessary spinal cord vein exactly.

Pushing it in, penetrating the skin it went straight through, as soon as he felt the needle penetrating something. Can only be the vein.. He began pulling back the suction of the needle. A yellow, brown-ish colored liquid, clearly visible was seen in the needle tube. At first it seemed a strangely colored liquid, but he dismissed the curiosity. I'll have time to examine this when we get back home..

The liquid was quickly filling out the entire tube, at the moment it was nearing completion His body began thrashing around, arms waving around, legs kicking, his head even hitting hard onto the floor. He's.. Dying.. Keiji was determined to complete the task at hand as he continued sucking out the liquid. Teeth grimaced, grinding together as he kept sucking out the liquid.

As soon as the needle tube was full, Keiji quickly pulled out the needle. As he did, he finally managed to breath out, he had held his breath the entire time, as Kushin kept holding him down, his movement started dying down. As he did, Keiji opened up the jar, and began filling up the jar with the content of the needle. A tear escaped Keiji's eye, he knew deep down he would do this again, many more times if he kept on this path. Realizing this the tear fell and landed on the ground beneath him, as it splashed, he dedicated the very essence of the tear to all the future lives of fellow Kumo Nin he would have to take in his future operations. And especially the first.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kushin held the thrashing body down, more to save the thin needle from being bend or broken. His eyes kept watch on the other three who had turned away from the scene of their comrade, probably friend from the academy die. Keiji was doing well, considering he was only a trainee. Obviously he'd been training in some basic practices, and this was a basic practice. Many of the Kinjutsu harvesting techniques were basic, but it was about being able to identify an opponents attributes, and knowing where to gather their clans kekkei genkai from. Then it was a case of making sure you had the right equipment.

The body began to stop thrashing, down to a twitch and Keiji was putting the liquid into the container. A tear fell, thankfully not into the jar.

Taking the jar he placed the lid back and then took a couple of small pieces of paper and a brush. He scribed a symbol on the first and then spoke.

Infuse this seal with wind chakra. It draws the air out of the jar, creating a vacuum seal and thus making sure the contents of this jar are kept fresh. With other objects like eyes or other body part we have different seals. But this seal works for this bloodline.

He handed the other paper and the brush to Keiji Practice. He said simply.

As he let Keiji attempt to copy the seal he stood and turned to the others.

Prepare to travel. We leave when we're ready.

If there were any questions from Keiji, now was the time.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking at the method of preparing the jars for the necessary sealing. Better protection, and prolonging the life span of the organ or liquid as long as possible.
It was interesting to see the uses of making seals, and utilizing them as needed. Would be wise for Keiji to learn them as much as possible.
Just as the thought had crossed his mind, Keiji was handed a few pieces of paper and a brush by Kushin. Practice? Practice?! Now? Of all times? He must be insane! But Keiji would not be the kind of guy to back down from a challenge, even if the timing was a bit off. He grabbed the papers, and brush. "Thank you Kushin-senpai! I will start right away!" and began to scribble the symbol from the jar. Disliking the first attempt he grabbed the first paper, clenched it in his fist and packed it in his bag. Can't leave papers lying around, especially not ones with seals written on them! Continuing on with the other papers he kept going. Testing his skills.

How am I supposed to be making Wind Jutsus? I can just barely control lightning as it is! And if that's not enough, these lines are highly advanced for my calligraphy. I need to practice more.. His frustrations was apparent on his face. But he did not ask for assistance, Keiji wanted to learn it himself, he didn't want to ask and seem stupid.

As he continued on, Kushin had turned to the ninja sitting in the cave, awaiting orders pretty much, and proclaimed they were about to head out. As he said it, Keiji checked his equipment, made sure all his equipment was packed, since the injuries he treated at first needed a little bandage work and what not, he had been utilizing his items.

Having finished his scribbling, he packed in his notes, showing them to him now, will just make him seem childish and attention seeking, which Keiji wasn't. At least not when on missions.
He placed himself by the side of Kushin and nodded to him "Ready to move, sensei!"

As he spoke the other Ninjas were readying themselves, packing up the light source, their weapons, and mats they had spread out on the ground. A slight frustrated sobbing could be heard with a little focused ears, it was strange to consider them scarred over the latest ongoings in the cave. It was a dire situation, true, but a necessary one. Keiji's mind was determined on the fact he had done what was right, regardless of whatever anyone would say to him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
So they were ready to go. Only one last thing to do.

Kushin formed some seals, the expressions on the faces of the other shinobi showed their concern. Was Kushin about to attack them? Then a powerful wind jutsu struck the dead body carving it up into several pieces.

WHAT ARE YOU DO...!?! one of them began to yell. Kushin looked at him instantly furious. Moving at him at a ferocious pace and covering the mans mouth with his hand, his voice was hushed but the anger clear.

Lower your fucking voice you piece of shit. I'm cutting him up so that we can send clones in different directions with his body pieces dripping blood. The dogs are most likely on the scent of his blood so this should buy us the time we need to get away. Now if you speak up again perhaps it will be your limbs being carried in different directions. He pushed away from the man, using the hand that was on the mans face to do so deliberately and at length. A sign of Kushin's disdain for the man.

The shinobi's pride was hurt, and Kushin was looking up at the roof, seemingly listening for something. The shinobi could attack, his heart quickened at the thought, this man was a monster. He could see the logic in Kushin's decisions but to make them so easily and without hesitation. His hand gripped his blade and the other two shinobi looked between Kushin and the man. Their minds made up, if their friend attacked so would they.

I dare you.

His voice was calm, collected, he still wasn't even looking at them. How did he know. The medical branch sennin, a man known for his brutality in the field and his seeming disregard for human life proven to these three survivors. How did that man know they were going to attack him. The man gulped. His hand leaving his blade.

I... I don't know... what... you mean... he said, the three of them stood straight and looked as if they weren't planning anything. Knowing that their subtle actions likely would have been witnessed by Keiji.

A snicker came from Kushin Very well then. Lets be on our way. You three create some clones and have them carry the parts in multiple directions. We'll go straight home.

They nodded, any thought of attacking him gone. Their hearts no longer in it. Kushin had known by their hearts. His senses were tuned into the sounds of blood. Their own blood told him that they were going to attack, their own blood now told him they were not.

The earth was removed and the clones moved up first, carrying their chosen limb. Then Kushin had Keiji go up Use your abilities to see when the best opportunity is to move. We will be following you. After Keiji would be the three, and after them was Kushin.

[ooc: Roleplay watching and then running away. I'll leave it to you whether we get away clean or not, the mission doesn't needa drag on, but if you want it to go a bit longer that's fine too.]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking over the situation Keiji looked frightfully at the reactions the Shinobi had on their faces as Kushin formed the seals.

As Keiji turned to see what the fuss was about Kushin had cut the man Keiji had just performed the surgery on. He was dead, thankfully. Otherwise Keiji would have reacted differently then how he did. The first thought that ran through his head was the sheer brutality Kushin displayed in front of Keiji, then a slight distaste to the idea of cutting entire bodies apart. What for?! What could possibly be the reason?! Keiji questioned himself, and as he did the Shinobi behind him reacted with shouting, Kushin reacted instantly, as did Keiji, he was just about to lift up his Kunai pointing at his throat, but Kushin reacted faster, and held his mouth to silence him. Keiji held back, and merely stood straight again.

As Keiji resumed his thoughts he realized the importance in escaping, in getting out safely, he remembered the dogs outside, incredible noses. The stench of a dead body, and blood alone should be enough to drive anything towards it. If anything especially dogs. As Keiji realized this it was about just about the same time as Kushin explained his intentions to the loud Shinobi. But how to spread out the scent?..[/color]

A slight grin appeared on his face. Great minds think alike.. He nodded in self acknowledgement to his thoughts.

Examining the situation Keiji looked closely at the Shinobi as Kushin gathered his thoughts and listened closely to the surroundings outside. It was freaky to think how rowdy they were, and how stupid they were, to question the Sennin himself, Keiji didn't like it. Not one bit.

DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SENSEI! Keiji was lifting up his Kunai as he saw the rowdy one was tightening his grip on his own blade.
Kushin reacted himself with three simple words, words that could clearly carve someones morale in two, to cut your resolve to tiny pieces and leaving it grounded into dust. solidifying it with the only reason to ridicule it all the more. Keiji lowered his Kunai again as the man loosened his grip and lost his resolve to do, whatever it was his intentions had been. Regardless whatever it was, if it would be against himself, or Kushin for that matter Keiji wouldn't hesitate to punch his face in. Actually, Keiji wouldn't have minded it one bit. Getting the opportunity to punch the face of a fellow Shinobi might be good. Ever since that Study Group Keiji has had some frustration and irritation he would have just loved to release in someone's face.

He took a deep breath to calm his mind as the others prepared to leave. Keiji had already realized what his role is on this mission, scout, secondary healer, and the eyes of the mission. That was his assignment pretty much. He kind of liked the attention, and the trust he was receiving especially on such an important mission as this was. He wanted to prove himself, both to Kushin-senpai, but also to himself.

The clones went up, and began running as Keiji was lead up right behind them. As he crawled his way up, and right before his head would stick up, he again concentrated chakra around his eyes, with his eyes closed the veins expanded and his Byakugan was activated once again. He stuck His head up and he scanned around quickly, and saw all the clones had already begun running, there were enemies everywhere, covering almost all areas, they many were on the tail of the clones some were standing guard further away and some remained at the nearby encampment. One clone was missing though. He must've been found and disposed of already. They must already know it's a ruse.. If their smart enough.

At the current moment Keiji had little faith in the enemy's abilities, but that's primarily because he had yet to experience it himself. He helped the Shinobi up, and kept examining the surroundings. Nothing yet, all but one clone remains still. As Kushin had gotten up. Keiji relayed the information to him. "One Clone is already gone, but it was in the opposite direction then what we're going, I think we're okay." He nodded in reply. And as he did Keiji returned to the front of the group then began running.

He ran as fast as he could, the other Shinobi was finding it difficult moving at full speed at the first few seconds, but their resolve was clear in their faces as Keiji looked behind him at them. Kushin followed swiftly behind.

Keiji's eyes were focused in all directions possible. He checked every nook and corner of his eyes whenever he would see anything remotely living with Chakra inside of it.
Bat.. Another Clone was just killed..
They just passed the area they had made camp, waiting for Nightfall.
His eyes were fixated, always scouting as they kept running. Minutes had passed, they hadn't met any opposition yet..

There! A human, and with a companion, looks like a Dog! Keiji turned his head to the other shinobi and indicated with quick hand movements the existence of someone in their path, not exactly in their path, but close, he indicated he saw one person, one kilometer away slightly on the side of their path.
The Shinobi nodded in reply, one seemed scared, or in pain. Or probably event both. Keiji's mind was untouched, and undisturbed the dangers he might be facing. His mind had yet to fully comprehend the latest happening in the mission, Keiji had literally just taken the life of another Shinobi. He had backed it away in his mind though, and wasn't letting his own head get in the way of the mission.

He diverted the path slightly to avoid the enemy in their path, the dog was barking, and in their direction even. Luckily their running speed far surpassed that of the dog and of the man. Kushin being furthest behind was holding one of his scalpels in hand. Keiji assumed it was in order to ready himself for an enemy, but at the same it could just as well had been for other reasons.

They had managed to get far. Far enough not to be able to see any enemies. They had almost just passed the area in which they had slept the previous day. No one was talking, and everyone but Keiji and Kushin was having a hard time keeping their breaths not to exude. They were in relative safety.
Keiji stopped up at a tree and awaited further orders. Continue on, or make camp?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The sounds of hounding dogs filled the air with howls and barking as they made their escape. Kushin followed along behind them. They were going at a good pace, Kushin wasn't sure how long the injured could keep it up for.

They made it out of the danger zone, apparently their pace enough to get away from their pursuers.

The three shinobi were tired, needed a rest but Kushin wondered how long they had before they were caught up to. The dogs would have their scent, and unlike these three those chasing were unlikely to need to rest. Pulling out some ninja wire and explosive tags Kushin went about setting up some traps... traps he wouldn't take down before he left, in the hope that at some point in time in someone's future they would accidentally set them off, even if those chasing did not.

Kushin then came back to where the others were, it had been about fifteen minutes, long enough to catch their breath. When he arrived he looked around him and then at his map. They were reasonably close to the mountain passes that they would use to get home. Close enough that those leading the chase might have given up, and should they make it that far the chasers would definitely do so.

Okay, that's enough of a break. We'll travel until we reach the pass, then for ten minutes into there just so we're safe. After that point we shouldn't have any worries about anyone coming for it. Besides, the traps I set might cut down a few of them and make them slow their advance anyway.

The three nodded, and Kushin nodded to Keiji to continue to lead the way. It looked like this was the end of the mission. They had successfully managed everything they had set out to do.

[topic left - mission success.]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
It was tough to keep the speed with everyone. Assuming the three other Shinobi were actually of higher rank and skill than Keiji they would be faster than him, if not were for their wounds.
As Kushin prepared the trap Keiji first looked below to see and examine the method of rigging.

Then as Kushin returned, Keiji readied himself to move. After Kushin explained the situation, he moved with haste. His Byakugan remained active all the way till the pass, even if it was long and hard to keep it active for so long.

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