Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private A test of the new blood... Bout five years late though...

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren just came back from another small mission when one of the other Mednin had told him that they need him to go out again. Apparently he was supposed to meet some other Kumo Mednin who were also returning from a field mission.

Must be hard, if they are sending me back out to help, Ziren thought. The mission he had before was simple enough of transporting medical supplies to some small towns that need them. He wondered what these people needed.

Today he wore his normal attire, what along with his metal left arm, he was an abnormal sight to see, though a welcome sight for the Kumo ninja he would meet up with.

It's been five years... Five years since he came to Cloud, asked Raikage Ayumu to give him citizenship here, let him work as a Mednin. Now, he has heard of sub branches here, and how sometimes the medical branch does some sort of initiation for new members, but for some reason, not a lot of people have came up to him for this initiation. Part of him almost forgotten about it. Five years, and nothing, Ziren can't help but smirk a little but to himself, must have been just a rumour or something to try and get him tense. Even if it wasn't, he would doubt about stressing over something like that. Though he is one to also keep an open mind about things, if someone says that they can help him get better, he will do what he can, but he isn't one to just drop everything to please people. No, he tried that life and he regretted it.

Just as fast as that tangent thought came, it was gone. His mind focused on the task at hand, time to see what these guys need.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Moving across the mountains was close to being natural for most of the field division physicians of Kumogakure. However, their current mission change from supply delivery to a retrieval. The subject of this retrieval was kept secret to avoid incurring potential dangers as they closed in towards Kumogakure’s territory. But sometimes, the harsh winds of the mountains could carry such secrets to ill-intentioned beings.

The retrieval party comprised of two carriages and what was listed as ten field physicians were only about an hour’s away from the Kumogakure checkpoint at the outskirts when a sudden tremor quaked. The earth rippled, revealing jagged roads, and black smoke began to rise to the sky. It was a stark contrast of the ever white mountains and the ominous black smoke.

And at that very moment, when one of Kumo’s mednins had been sent to the checkpoint tower, that one of the watchguards approached him. “Ziren, I presume?” Said the watch guard, looking quite agitated as he ran to meet the mednin before literally dragging him across the checkpoint gates to start running for the black smoke. “We don’t have time. The caravan that was on its way was struck by something. We need to hurry!”

Meanwhile, near the said caravan, the two carriages were toppled over, one almost swallowed by the upheaved earth. Littered around the caravans were the physicians, some unconscious and bleeding, others trapped by fallen earth and debris, or pinned beneath the toppled carriage. But perhaps quite devastating was a group of bodies to the side, stacked and charred where the black smoke rose from.

To the side, amidst the snowcapped trees, Kiri arrives, surprise in his face. He was in his all black coat and parka, having traveled to the nearby village as part of a routine he’d made since he was a fledgling mednin. Attachment to the local clinic and all. But as he was on his way back, he had felt that tremor and the explosion that shook the mountain side. However, as he reached the site itself, it would appear as though there was something amiss.

Seeing one of the physicians on the ground, he quickly went over to help move the fallen carriage that had toppled over the man. Bloodless may also become an issue as the once snowcapped grounds held splotches of red.

“What happened?” He asked as he tried to use a quick healing jutsu.

[Topic Entere]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
He heard the blood flow nearing and seen a guard approaching. He didn't speak, but only listened as the man explained what had happened. He understood and went immediately to the area with haste.

Ziren has seen what a battlefield looked like, and this damn near resembled the aftereffects of such battle. He studied the surroundings with watchful eyes for one second, taking everything in, to discern what happened, what to do. He was such a man to be used to things like this to not be emotionally shaken at what was happening. What these people need, other than the heals, is a smiling face, because, some studies have shown, that happiness can soothe pain.

The Chimera set to work. First things first, try and save those that are nearest to death. He walked up to some of the charred bodies and listened for blood flow, a sign of if they were alive, if so, he would use Resucicate to bring them back from the brink, followed by Mystical force to soothe their pain and make sure that they are alive. They most likely won't be able to live a normal life from here on, but at least they will be alive.

Ziren then focused on the ones bleeding out. Their injuries would be bad, but at least he has a trick up his sleeve. He focused on their wounds, and using his chakra, they closed up, but only to reappear on Ziren's body, thanks to a Chigokai skill known only as The Gift. One way would be to transfer bleeding to someone, or a Chigokai could also take that pain for themselves. Ziren winced, but this was a pain he had come in terms with, one that he can ignore to help those in need. He gave a soft smile to those who are still awake, "Don't worry. I got you. You'll be alright."

With the others that weren't in any immediate danger, Ziren casted Angelic blessing, followed by Medical ward on those he wasn't able to cover with the aura.

He made more hand seals and three clones of him appeared. "Help me move this carriage so we can get the survivors out."

His clones nodded and they got to work. Finally, Ziren used his chakra again to use another Chigokai exclusive jutsu. Destiny bond.

He took on the pain and suffering of one person that would be suffering the most through this whole ordeal. Ziren knows he can't maintain all of this by himself. And he hates to admit it, but that very same Hokage that he clashed heads with was right about one thing. He can't do everything on his own.

Ziren merely used a small mystical hand on himself, but moreso looking around for someone who would be good to help him. His eyes finally settled on Kiri.
"You. Give me a hand with healing and moving this debris out of the way. I'm doing my best, but I can only maintain so much. We gotta save as much people as possible."

Ziren set to work himself, lifting the debris to help the injured. His clones seem to be a help, but they are only an extension of him, they are right now, only moving debris, and Ziren's mind is too focused on all the maintains to try and add another onto it.

"Tell me stranger. What's your name? I'm Chigokai Ziren."He said through gritted teeth as he struggled to move some of the debris.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Despite his effort, the wounded man could only grunt, gurgling through blood and spit. An internal bleeding was making him suffer more than necessary. So Kiri made sure to ease his pain a little bit for now. He didn’t have to look up to sense that more had arrived in the scene. A glimpse to the watch guard told him they were from the nearby checkpoint, and at the very least, the other man, black of hair, was quick enough to think of a plan. Clones appeared and began to assist in the healing of the aftermath of an attack.

Still, the real cause of this unexpected event was still in the shadows. Kiri could sense a strange chakra abound. A familiar sensation. No, it wasn’t a simple synergy of chakra. It was something familiar but also dreaded in his memories.

At the cling of the wounded man, he looked down just as the other pulled out a folded parchment from his pocket. Silenced by his injuries, he may have hoped to tell Kiri through the missive written in the paper. Assuring him once more with a final cast of healing, Kiri took the paper from the man and opened.

He only had a moment to glimpse at the writings before he was called over. Quickly, he kept the paper and went to where the rest of the first responders were, helping with the debris and moving the bodies away from dangerous areas. He could see how the this young man was giving his all to keep everyone alive. A sigh escaped his breath. He didn’t think this would be the welcome that would greet him. Of course, when he heard the name, he blinked for a moment or two as memories of his dearest teacher returned to him. A Kumonin and a Chigokai. Perhaps Osu has finally made progress to create a better place for their clan in Kumogakure. He would have to meet his mentor soon.

But alas, that wish was shot down as soon as he thought of it as a memory of his waking reminded him that years have passed and many of the people he’d come to know as family were long gone. All that was left was him.

“Don’t exhaust yourself,” he said. His tone was cool and almost like a whisper if Ziren didn’t notice. After not having to talk for so long, it was a miracle his voice wasn’t hoarse at all. Almost reflexively, a clone of himself appeared in the gathering of chakra and then went to help. As for Kiri, he channeled his chakra to create of field with coursing static before everything around them began to hover. Manipulating gravity wasn’t new to him and it allowed them to move things and people far easier.

After moving through the injured when all the debris were cast aside, Kiri was impressed by the emergency reaction of the young lad. Certainly a good addition to the medical branch. Again, a wave of nostalgia was trying to pry into his mind, but he shook his head and kept to the present. There were still some who had deep lacerations and although he could help, he prompted the other as something more important had to be undertaken. Something quite dangerous.

“Sorry for the request, but can you make sure their injuries are taken cared of. The lacerations that some had suffered seemed to have been seared by a chakra-based energy, which can only be attended to by medical jutsu. I know you’ve already began to treat them, but they will need more time. The checkpoint isn’t far, if we can ask for help, some of the guards can help move them. However, they shouldn’t be moved too far in order to ensure rest and treatment.” Kiri then looked to the watch guard and motioned for him. The latter may have understood as he quickly tapped towards his ear, no doubt, calling for backup with a headset receiver.

“I’d help out but, I have something to look into first. I’ll be back by nightfall so if you can hold out the fort with the healing, it would be helpful.” He was already back on his feet and ready to walk away, towards the direction of where the caravan had come from when he seemingly remembered something and called back to this Ziren fellow. “Oh, and if anyone asks, tell them Kiri is handling it. Shouldn’t be difficult. See you later.”

If there was anything he learned from his mentor over the years, it was the stubbornness to go through with a plan on his own if at all possible. Besides, now that he knew of what the special cargo they were retrieving, all the more important it was to keep other shinobis away. He remembered how it affected Osu very badly, almost rendering his mentor and fatherly figure (despite really being more motherly) to just a vessel of blood and bones and nothing more because of this particular effect. But as a Jinchuuriki, he had the resources to make this work.

[OOC: take this moment too to be able to work on those specializations with the wounded]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren raised his eyebrows as some of the debris moved. He never really seen gravity jutsu. At least, he thinks that is it. But at least he wasn't the only one helping out. Even as a Chimera, though, there would only be so much he can do without exhausting himself just as the other Medical ninja had said. Now, if they do get into a pinch, Ziren knows that he'll have to stick with Taijutsu, mainly since it uses less chakra than Ninjutsu or Genjutsu.

Then the other man had asked him to take care of some of the other survivors who had lacerations, then explained further as he had to look into something. Ziren nodded, he didn't like the fact that there were no information on how this accident, if it was an accident, happened. But he will have to put faith in this man in finding out what happened. Ziren himself can't leave these people by themselves.

Then the man said that if anyone asks, tell them that Kiri is handling it, which Ziren can only assume that that is this man's name. Ziren looked to his clones, "You, go further down to the checkpoint, make sure the route is secure and ask for help from any experienced ninja. We don't need a whole lot, maybe one additional medic along with a normal ninja to help keep this place secure. The other two clones. You guys move the debris and carts to make a fort as best as you can. Make sure that we are able to use as much of the surrounding environment to our advantage."

Ziren then went and focused on healing the ones that Kiri had pointed out as needing more attention. Ziren focused his healing chakra and used Coagulation followed by Mystical force. Once he was satisfied that they were in good condition, he would help his two clones with fortifying the place, keeping his ears open to listening for any irregular bloodflows, whether it be from one of the patients who need more attention, or from someone or something nearing in on the area.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Ziren’s efforts to help the wounded allowed for the rest of the watch tower guards to come in time. Soon enough, there was a group that helped in the retrieval of the wounded, bringing them all to the checkpoint. Despite the harsh cold weather of the place, the checkpoint had a small sturdy fort that was inhabited by the protectors of Kumogakure. In its warm stone walls, they settled the wounded in the infirmary. Though the number of cots were less than the number of patients, they quickly made do with piling up beddings on top of tables to settle for beds.

There, the infirmary’s physician helped Ziren in keeping tabs of the rescued. “I must thank you for your quick thinking. Your first-aid treatment on them pretty much saved them from any serious injuries. Still, from the looks of this, their wounds were not only caused by outside forces, but something else. Almost like it was exacerbated by something from within, yet there are no traces of poison. How very strange.” He was reading through the quick report about the patients before he turned towards Ziren, “In any case, you must be exhausted. Please rest at the common rooms for now. It’ll take a while for further tests on them would explain what happened, and I will let you know. We’re glad one of Kumogakure’s finest medic nin is here, you have our thanks.”

An assistant would then usher Ziren to the common rooms where a great hearth heated the entire fort. Rather than working simply with fire, there were traces of chakra that hinted on how the source of the warmth of the fort is being distributed. In the same room, some seats were left empty from the recent ambush that had occurred, which result in the fort being placed on alert. Furthermore, some of the guards were also sent to do nearby reconnaissance.

But it wasn’t long before a messenger came into the common rooms and found Ziren. She wore a white robe over her shinobi gear which pointed to her affiliation to the medical branch. “You must be one of the first responders. I have a message for you from one of the patients. Apparently, they were transporting a very important patient who has life-threatening illness of the chakra absorbing kind. But from what I have heard from the head transporter, the patient exhibited uncommon symptoms such as chakra flashes despite the illness, and because of that, there was a sudden spill of the illness, which contributed to the sudden absorption of their chakra. However, it seemed there was also another party involved, attacking the said transport group and taking that patient in the process.”

The messenger paused and looked out the window to the see the small snowfall outside. “With this weather, they wouldn’t have far, and as I was informed, Kiri has already moved to find them. Still, unlike the previous cases of chakra absorption patients, this one seems to contaminate other around them, even if shortly. He may need some support.” Looking back to Ziren, the messenger handed a folded paper. “That’s why as a medic nin, you’re also to mobilize in locating the party responsible for this. This is the order form. We’ll begin our search in an hour. Get yourself ready by then and meet me by the gates.”

As the messenger left the common rooms, Ziren would be able to read the order form:
“Immediate retrieval of patient “Chika”.
“Investigate the severity of patient “Chika’s” illness, and degree of the disease.”
“Support the agent “Antithesis” in dealing with belligerents.”

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Well the least was said that help came by faster than Ziren had anticipated. He doubted his clone even made it far before it was sent back with the other people that came and helped. With that done, Ziren and his clones helped move the survivors to a more secure area, way better than the makeshift fort he was in the process of making. Once everyone was safely moved, Ziren sat down in the infermery to watch over them. it was at this time that one of the other medics came by and gave him a run down of what they know from what they were seeing. There were talks of internal injuries, but more so on the likes of poison, though there showed no signs of poison in any of the survivors. This made the Chimera think, could it be a form of chakra burn? Though as he was thinking of that, it would be highly unlikely for a whole group of people to waste away their chakra to such an extent. His thoughts were interrupted when he was told to rest.

"To say I'm one of the finest Mednin is an overstatement. I'm just doing my job to make sure people can live to see another day.", He said with a soft smile. But he didn't argue about the need to rest. Ziren had put forth a lot of chakra to heal a lot of people. Had too much jutsus being maintained. Now he only needed to rest his eyes now that he no longer is maintaining those jutsus, having full faith in he medics here that they will continue to heal and stabilize the survivors. a few minutes have past before he heard a blood flow nearing him and he opened his eyes to see a woman approaching and then giving him information on what exactly had happened to these people.

Well... He wasn't too far off the mark. Except for the fact that this kind of thing was a whole illness that could negatively effect others. And that a third party had attacked the transportation that protected this mystery patient named Chika. And Kiri, well this guy is heading straight in the middle of this with no back up. Ziren has gained some chakra back, but he shouldn't use too much. He definitely wouldn't want to use his Chimera technique of taking chakra that might be "tainted" by this illness, who knows what it could to a chimera. In the mean time, he'll just have to hope enough chakra returns to him before he has to fight. The girl had said to meet in an hour, though, so he should be good by then.

Once an hour has passed, Ziren stretched his body out and found the woman at the Gate of the outpost. "Let's go. I'm a sensor ninja in terms of I can track people by the sound of their blood flow. I only heard this Kiri's once, so it'll be hard to discern whether or not it is him, but I should be able to track down our missing patient and his unexpected friends. I'll just listen for multiple blood flows and follow that. hopefully that's where Kiri is too, and then we can devise our plans there after getting a hold of what the situation is like there." Ziren has a feeling that sometimes he has to explain the fact that he is a Chigokai, mainly because not a lot of people understand the whole control over blood thing, much less being able to hear it and to discern different blood flows.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
It was clear to Kiri that there was more in play in the shadows of this incident. Even as he tracked down the trail into deep into the mountains, most of the remnants from the chakra were gone. With the patient that was abducted being one with chakra absorption, it made for a quick getaway of the belligerents. At the same time, it would make sense that whoever they were, they were clearly not affected by the subject’s condition. Perhaps they weren’t professionals? Perhaps they were nothing more than highway robbers… er…. kidnappers. Or perhaps they had with them a tool that cancelled out the malicious effects of the patient. Whoever they were, they were long gone.

Night time had fully fell around him when he felt two individuals coming his way. Judging from the direction they came from – the checkpoint – he understood that they were probably the ones to be sent as reinforcements or the sort. And no sooner did they arrive. Kiri noticed that the lad from earlier – Ziren, was it? – had also arrived, together with a medic nin.

“I would suppose you were sent by the branch?” Asked Kiri as he approached them. “Unfortunately, the trail has turned cold. That patient’s condition has completely erased any remnants of chakra trail.” He then gave the folded piece of paper to the medic nin. “The branch has seen this kind of illness from before, and no record of a survivor just yet. Whoever they were, they were keen to keep this one from reaching Kumogakure. Perhaps further investigation on the patient’s identity and origin is the best step for now.”

Then, he walked towards Ziren and gave him a warm smile. “Though it is late, I am Kiri from the Tsuyoshi Clan. Thank you for the swift assistance earlier. If you ever need any help within the medical branch, please come and visit me in the mansion. For now, this little incident will have to call itself closed.”

Looking back to the medic in, he nodded at her direction as if a silent conversation has transpired, before he sighed. “I know. I will pass by the office as well. I have to gather the rest of what Kahako had left for me. Thank you, as always.”

And with that, Kiri began to walk away towards the direction of Kumogakure.

[Topic Left]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It was easy for Ziren to catch up to Kiri, what with his sense of being able to hear blood flows and all. He found the man alone, with little to no traces of anyone ever being in the area. Whatever that happened, Ziren surmised that this very well may have been planned out from the start. Kiri had also come to the conclusion that the chakra trail, must have been erased by such methods from the patient, and how a third party didn't want that patient to make it to Kumo.

Ziren looked around, not even a speck of blood... With a sigh, he said, "Well, if one of them was bleeding, I would be able to track the person who was bleeding, but seeing as there is no blood here, nor have I encountered any of these people, I won't be able to track them all that well." Kiri talked about how all they can do is discover the patients identity along with waiting. Ziren never liked the idea of waiting, but he knows that rushing in now would be dangerous. Neither of them knows the location of this patient, and it would turn to wasted man hours and possibly putting them in danger.

With a sigh, Ziren nodded, "Likewise, if you come trying to find me, I'll most likely find you first since I know your blood flow now. But for now, take care Kiri." With that said, Ziren walked back to the checkpoint to make sure all the people there would be okay and live to see another day.

(Topic Left)
(WC: 263)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
