Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Important Encounter![Private & Req:Toraono Kuro]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

Basic Knowledge:
Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Alias: Mikisugi Kyūji
Physical Age: 23
Height: 5 feet 10 inches tall
Weight: ????[Assume very skinny like somewhat unhealthy for now]
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Hazel
Village: Formerly Iwagakure
Alignment: ????
Rank: Formerly Medical Shinobi[Jounin]
Religion: Formerly Christian-based
Looks Like: Munakata Reisi from the anime K Project​

After weeks of "touring" the village and trying to get some form of intelligence on what was going on in the village, the quest for knowledge had brought the twenty-three year old medic out of the village and heading towards the famous dojo named after the Toraono Clan. He had one simple goal on his mind: find this Kuro guy and get more information on the village from him. After he knew what was going on in more depth, he could provide assistance or do what was in his best interest easier. Personally, he was a medic while in his home country and he still had the mindset of healing others and trying to keep everyone's life that he could.

It didn't matter if they were friend, foe, animal, human. A life is a life and Akujin lived to serve or he wouldn't have joined the medical branch in the Hidden Stone. Arguments could be said since he left the Hidden Stone behind when they probably needed him most, but it wasn't like he was trying to not help anyone out in this village. Sure, he hadn't healed anyone yet nor found any medics quite yet. But that was because he was an outsider and he didn't want to put his hands on a foreigner in their village until he got the approval unless he actually would've seen someone in pain and dying. He hadn't seen anyone that way however as the bodies he saw were near the Kazekage Tower and under the debris from the supposed attack on the village. In other words, those people were crushed and dead long before Akujin had gotten there. It was a horrific sight to see, but not something out of the ordinary for a medic. He had just sighed and turned away from the sight when he saw it as lives had been lost.

All of this brings us back to Akujin today walking to the Dojo. It was obvious what the Dojo looked like as it was a large structure in the desert and Akujin could see it, even though his vision was limited due to the storms that were blowing quite often. He was wearing like always his blue jacket, black pants, black belt , black boots, and a white shirt. He had his glasses on like always and his hair was still blue and shoulder length. When he got to the dojo if anyone would look closely, his eyes were a hazel color.

His travel there was taking quite some time due to the sandstorms and the fact that he had miscalculated how far it was. He was still pondering why he didn't see this structure when he was coming to the Hidden Sand. He must have seen it since it was a huge structure or simply mistook it as a mirage as he was dehydrated coming through the desert to the village and again was dehydrated now. He was slowly fading with each step but he eventually did get to the Dojo as he could feel the side of the building so he knew it was not a mirage. He would then bang on the door(if there was one) and wait for someone. After someone answered: "He would say he was here to talk to Kuro and he needed some water."

[MFT: 552 Words. Sucky starting post but they will get better, somewhat rusty.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Nestled along the dunes near the oasis is the dojo an ancient stone building a former coliseum converted by Toraono Kaibudo and his wife Azame into a specially domed dojo; a place of perpetual learning for the martial arts, and combat at its finest. One side was dedicated to weapons more specifically the sword but weapons the other side of the house was dedicated to unarmed combat. A finesse and power that was understandably overwhelming and set for bloodletting. The stone pillars upholding the building were set with skill, chakra, and care to promote maximum stability throughout the entire structure. The dome was added to promote an atmosphere and provide air conditioning in a round-about way through specially placed vents. The floors of special marble in some areas were be-speckled and set apart by floors coated with special disinfected sand that wouldn't infect a bloodied warrior. Weapons racks lined the walls of the second area with meticulous care in stands. On the northern side of the dojo were padded wraps and leggings, for martial arts training. The Toraono Clan Dojo once sat at just over thirty feet in height with an additional ten feet higher in dome. The steps leading up to the main antechamber were an odd sand red marble, brown marble stained by bloodied sand. Six chambers were divided in shapes necessary to provide optimum training in various forms of combat. Two more additions had been made due to the children of the Toraono clan actually becoming full-fledged ninja were dedicated to ninjutsu and genjutsu. The ninjutsu chamber was in an underground cavern while the genjutsu chamber was in a calm hand dug bath chamber irrigated ever so slightly by the Oasis itself and heated by the sun.

Akujin arrived at the Toraono Dojo in short order where he witnessed different people of obviously differing bloodlines working under the same banner.

The Kindred of Byakko: Some of the Toraono Clan descend from the blood of the celestial beast Byakko, the great white tiger. As such they are normally born with white, gray, or blonde hair with exotic gray, blue, or ever rare completely white eyes. These warriors are able to use taijutsu that combines their inner energy flawlessly with their movements resulting in a combat style known amongst the Toraono Clan as Tora no Ken or Fist of the Tiger. Lady Yanshi stood at the wait to meet her possible business partner/male concubine. She was intensely beautiful as her skin seemed to sparkle, like snow on a sunny day, it was said she could summon a blizzard in the middle of a sandstorm. To see her standing there with her white hair tied up in a tight bun with white lace and her shimmer silk white battle robes she could have been made of unmelting ice. Eyes as blue as the clear skies looked upon Akujin with a hint of longing.

As ever it was Lady Yanshi of the Byakko whom made the first move as Akujin stepped forward she walked forward impatiently believing he was the contact she was supposed to meet to setup a trade agreement with. “Well it certainly took you long enough to get here, the terms of the arrangement should still be discussed… come with me.” She grabbed his arm in a steel grip concealed in soft smartly calloused hands and pulled him along behind her before he could utter a single word.

As she led Akujin into the dojo the few guards they had remaining simply nodded their ascent to Lady Yanshi's actions as only an elder or a lord would dare get in her way in the first place... to them it seemed as if she thirsted for men and that made her far more fearsome than usual but such was the case with the youngest unmarried and by far the most dangerous Mistress of House Byakko ever born. She was the first woman of her family to ever master and withstand the '8 celestial path' test given by Lord Kaibudo, and the only member of House Byakko to keep her position for more than ten years. The last lord of House Byakko her cousin Seishi had given up the title to Yanshi's mother simply because he couldn't keep pushing his body beyond the limit to be Kaibudo's training partner. Lady Yanshi's Mother Yakune had kept up without celestial training for eight years until her daughter turned sixteen and completed the test and surpassed the trials, for ten years Kaibudo has actually faced off with someone he could not best in four rounds although after that even Lady Yanshi had to yield. For a woman not of the main branch that was incredible, for a tiger trainer to not use her tiger companion in a battle was even more incredible. One of the Hyou clan guardsmen suspected she saw Akujin as new blood for her clan as she had yet to have a child despite having found a few potential mates.

The air conditioning kicked in suddenly clearing the stagnant air and dust from the entrance walkway of the Toraono Dojo and significantly cooling everyone down as rare cumulus clouds darkened the sky above the dojo. Her main office was close to the main entrance to the dojo so it was a short walk as they entered her office chamber. After entering her office Lady Yanshi practically threw Akujin across the room unto a well-padded, soft, leather couch. She then turned and locked the door. She hungered, she hungered for a mate, she hungered for battle, even now she hungered for blood. If this man was going to be her business adviser/partner he must be a man capable of satisfying her needs business and otherwise. That was the deal she had worked out with the medical specialties company from Iron Country’s supply dealers. He was dressed in blue, her favorite color, he was handsome, and he was fit, just as she requested, now she needed to see his skillset too. She stood five feet 10 inches. She weighed a reasonable, muscular, 160 pounds. As her Kimono slid to the floor, she wore nothing beneath but traditional wrap upon her chest and double twisted cloth underwear. She stepped out of traditional her wooden sandals in two smooth delicate steps. She took the Byakko no Sei stance and calmed herself as the entire area for thirty feet became a deep thrumming pulse of chakra. Her eyes glowed a bright sky blue, but it was obvious these were the true eyes of a tiger. She looked Akujin over and was astounded to see his chakra system was fully capable and he was in better health than she suspected a courtesan businessman would be. In fact he was in optimum health to be a prime shinobi if he wasn’t one already.

Lady Yanshi's hands wreathed in chakra and resembled tiger claws, she wasn't going to hold back at all and Akujin could see it too. This was her challenge and she seemed to be aiming to force him to submit to her. She smiled and it seemed like a tigress was smiling at a meal as she spoke soon after.
"I'm ready, what are you waiting for? Show me your medical masseuse skills or yield."

She was set in her stance and her power was in full view, it seemed Lady Yanshi wanted Akujin to make the first move.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
After his long journey from the Hidden Sand Village to this dojo, it did not take long to get service as a beautiful woman who was roughly the same height as him and had some of the most gorgeous eyes he ever saw grabbed him by his arm and started to guide him into the dojo further. He did not even have the opportunity to say a single word, so he allowed her to guide him through her home as he looked at her with each passing step. Obviously, he was wondering what she meant by an arrangement but he decided that would have to wait. For now, he would just take in every single attribute about her that he could since he had really no other choice and getting intel could provide useful when he was talking to people in the future. Her skin was very light compared to most of the people she had seen in the Hidden Sand and she was dressed in an elegant white robe that complimented her white hair that was in a bun with white lace as well. She seemed to have an image of purity to Akujin possibly from all his religious upbringings that he had now abandoned since coming to Suna, but that did not mean anything in the slightest since it could all be an act to just catch Akujin off-guard. Although the village was growing on him slowly, he still hadn't really talked to anyone that was in charge and he was really hoping to talk to this Kuro fellow or the Kazekage as soon as possible so he knew what he could do since the destruction of this village that he had saw was very appalling and it made him somewhat sick especially when he saw all the poor villagers looking through the rubble near the Kazekage for probably their loved ones.

As he was being lead down, he caught sight of a few people that were a little taller than them and they simply nodded at them which he would have done the same, but this woman had a strong grip on him and he was not going to stop her since she could always be a valuable asset to him along with Kuro if he found Kuro today. First however, he needed to know where they were going and as he was about to speak it seemed a cooling mechanism(he lived in a cave in Stone, so has no idea about AC) kicked in as the terrible hot temperatures started to go away and it began to feel cooler in the dojo as they kept walking. Within a few minutes of being yanked near the entrance, they were now entering a room where Akujin thought he would be left go to sit down but instead was throw across the room landing on the couch with a loud thud. At this point, he would have asked why she did that but she locked the door right behind her which left them alone in the room. Akujin tried to re-position himself so he could talk to her since he really had no other option since she would probably be able to get to the door before he could and she could help him possibly.

He did manage to get positioned upright but his eyes could not believe what he was seeing. That woman's kimono had slide down and she was out of her saddles and practically naked if she did not have underwear on and bandages. Akujin's face lit up red as he did not know what was going on nor how to react since he never had been in a situation like this before. She wanted him to show her his medical masseuse skills or yield. He put his hands up and said: "Ma'am, I yield. I came here to talk to Kuro about the village and I do not know exactly what you are asking for. I am no masseuse, I am just a common shinobi that is visiting from a foreign village." He could tell his response was not what she was looking for and she could tear him apart with her tiger-like claws if she wanted to. He got up slowly with his hands still raised and said: "I mean I could try to massage you...but I have no practiced skills or anything. I am only a medic and I do not think I am who you think I am."

He was starting to sweat and get nervous as he was in a room with a stranger who had vicious claws. He lowered his hands in front of him and a green aura formed from his right hand as he summoned a clone with his other hand. Nervously, he said: "See...I am a medic. I am not here to harm anyone or the Hidden Sand. I just want to talk to Kuro. But, if you really need me to show you I am no threat...come over here...and turn your back to me. If I am trustworthy, you will listen." He would gulp as his nerves were becoming shot with each passing second as he continued: "If you want something in return...I will do what you ask...but you will have to...teach me, Ma'am."

[OOC: This is long overdue and I am sorry about the wait >.<
MFT: roughly 885 words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012

Lady Yanshi had went from 30 kilometers per hour to 240 kilometers per hour in 3 seconds. She was truly noble and normally very well inclined, prim, proper and quietly dedicated but now at age 26, her biological clock was in full sway and along with her contemplation came overpowering urges to find and secure a strong mate. Her hunger drove her far beyond her normal sensibilities and with her tiger vision in full overdrive her eyes turned to gold and cat like ears emerged as she drew closer to Akujin. His explanation made sense but her vision showed he was more than capable, forcing her needs aside she sat down with her back toward him so he could rub her back while she composed herself. "I apologize, I was expecting a male concubine to arrive today, and your skillset, chakra capacity, and looks more than fit the bill. You are actually very handsome, and with your current shinobi training and some of my own I could easily train you to be one of the greatest doctors and therapists in Kaze no Kuni. Please rub my shoulders so I can keep my urges to a minimum.

Literally swallowing her pride and afraid to allow such potential to slip away she carefully spoke her next words. "In exchange for petitioning Lord Kuro to consider you a part of my family and my potential mate would you allow me to train you? I am in desperate need for a proper suitor, husband, and I can teach you to be something more than what you are... I will summon Lord Kuro shortly just consider my offer. My name is Byakko Yanshi Shouken and I give you the word bond of Family Byakko of House Toraono to render you all the services we have at our disposal if you accept my proposal."
She slowly turned to look Akujin in the eyes her golden feral look still dominating her senses, Akujin could literally feel the soft rumble of a purr emanating from deep in her torso. He could also tell she was only just barely in control of her urges.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Akujin had no idea what he had gotten himself into since leaving the Hidden Sand and coming to this beautiful structure. He wanted to simply talk to Kuro who he assumed was the head of this Dojo and get the information that he was requesting. But instead, he had this female approaching him that seemed to be morphing more and more into a feline as her eyes turned from their beautiful blue color to a golden one and cat-like ears emerged. "What the Hell..." thought Akujin as she kept getting closer and seeming to eye up Akujin as prey or maybe something more. Honestly, the Kanemoto boy had no idea what was going anymore with this girl as she seemed to be slowly stalking prey and that prey was him. Hopefully, he would be able to get what he requested which was a meeting with Kuro.

But it seemed that would have to wait as this beautiful woman was sitting right at Akujin's feet with her back turned to him. He decided for his sake he would sit down and try to massage her back as she began to talk. Much like he assumed, she was mistaken and confused him with a male concubine that was suppose to be coming. At this point, his face lit up even brighter(if that is possible) as she continued talking and mentioning that he was handsome and could make him one of the best medical shinobi of Kaze no Kuni. He wasn't entirely sure what Kaze no Kuni was but it had to be related to the Hidden Sand and this potential offer was intriguing to say the least as he began to rub her shoulders as she requested slightly harder than expected as his mind was not entirely there.

As he continued to rub her, his mind was racing since she mentioned she was expecting a concubine and Akujin had appeared instead. But he wouldn't have much time to think as she began to speak again now actually offering to train him in exchange for him becoming her suitor, her husband. His face was now as red as can be as he couldn't believe this woman would give him all this training and make him potentially one of the best in this area in exchange for his hand. At the end of this proposal, she said she would grab Kuro.

So much was being offered but one thing had to be given up and that was his life more-or-less. Growing up, he was always a hermit and never had any form of affection or even dated anyone. He had always been living in that abandoned mineshaft in Stone and had no real friends in that village. It was not the reasoning for him to flee Stone, no, it was the village was becoming corrupt and leadership was shaky at best. He had to flee leaving all he knew behind in order to survive. Somehow, he had managed to survive thus far in this village on little to no money at all except from the few rewards for doing missions in Stone prior to leaving. He did not know what to do as his home country was now foreign to him and the Hidden Sand had become so friendly over time with people opening up to him and not judging him as a foreigner. However if he agreed to this proposal, he would only be allowed to leave this country if he had a diplomatic job or if something bad occurred like he heard did in the Hidden Mist and Hidden Leaf.

So many things were running through his head as his "master" turned around with her golden eyes locking with his and a little smirk forming on her face. She also was purring he believed as the vibrations were going into his body since they still were physically touching. He could see that this woman's urges were going to come out in any second as her body movements were shaking with excitement and he didn't know what to do. He wanted to speak but he didn't know what to say as he never had been in a situation like this before. Most of his experience in life had been tragic and deathly since he watched his own parents die in his hands and so many patients die because they were too harmed and he was too inexperienced. It frustrated him that he lost so many people close to him and so many people had died at his hands. He really was a medical shinobi but the increase in patients in Stone had become overwhelming prior to his departure.

Closing his eyes, he tried to calm himself done and regain his composure. It would feel like hours but only was a few minutes before the redness in his face had shimmered down and his nervous was slightly less. He would look at this woman, a beautiful and unique one at that, and smile to try to tease the awkwardness between them and prepare himself. His green aura from his one hand would disappear and his clone he formed to prove a point would also poof. This was it, the matter of true and honesty. He could straight-up tell her no and have her tear him apart or he could accept her proposal with no experience at all and she would find out quickly and potentially kill him. What to do, what to do?

Opening his eyes up again, she was still looking at him with those lustful but gorgeous eyes. He would take a deep breathe and begin. "Lady Shouken. I appreciate the offer to train me, but are you sure you would want me as your 'husband' as you said? I mean you seem like a really affectionate and loving woman. You are beautiful, I have to admit. But I never have touched or even dated a woman in my life..." He would trail off momentarily as he wanted to be careful how he answered her proposal. "I have touched a woman and a very strong and beautiful one who is you. But I don't want you to be disappointed if you take my hand as they say and I am your 'husband.' I would love the opportunity either way of becoming a better medical shinobi however as I am tried of seeing everyone I love die in my hands and losing so many people on the operating table."

He would then lean forward and, for the first time in his life, kiss the girl on the forehead (removing any hair that would be in his way). He then leaned back on the couch and blush as he admired her. She was really something special and he couldn't believe she was thinking of picking him as her mate. He would smile at her and say: "If you truly think I am worth your time and effort, I will accept your proposal under one condition. You will teach me as a medic, bu also as a "husband" if you really do want me." He would then turn his head for a moment and then turn back to her: "This is a big moment in mine and probably your life as well. I am leaving my home country behind and dedicating my life to the Hidden Sand, this Dojo, this clan and you. It is quite overwhelming, Lady Shouken so please be understanding."

He would then look her dead in the eyes and wait to see what she would do next. Moreorless, he had agreed to the proposal but allowed her to give her input as well. Akujin was not known as a liar and he surely did not want to start being one. Sure, he lied about his name but that was to keep himself safe and so nobody could stab him in the back and report him to Stone. Now it was only a matter of waiting for her to respond and to see what happened.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A sense of warmth and relief came over her as she grinned happily. No longer concerned if her contracted beau would ever show up she smiled delightedly even as she purred and pounced upon Akujin. "Of course we will begin with your medical training first, give me a moment to pull a shirt on and call Kuro via seal comm. I think he will be anxious to meet a new medic in training especially if you were to marry into the clan after you had proven yourself worthy."<i></i> Her aura was practically infectious as she ruffled his hair like a woman would play with a childhood friend. After pulling on a nightshirt and some shorts she placed her palm on a small dresser activating a sound crystal relay as she spoke in a clearly happy but controlled voice. "Kuro-sama, Shouken-san here, I have found a potential mate whom I will train to be worthy of our clan, could you come to my parlor to meet with us. I would like to make arrangements for his stay at the dojo... After a few moments the seal atop the dresser glowed a deep violet "I will be there in seven minutes, should I bring wine, or a meal, or both?" Shouken was quite literally famished and she would take out her urges on food for a while. "Bring me a ridgeback serpent steak...rare and a pot of spiced rice. Please bring a traditional Sunan welcome banquet without the extra peppers as my chosen has lived in less than humane conditions, I would prefer he be able to eat lightly without needing antacid for his digestion. A large decanter of sweet water as well. Thank you, and take your time while I make myself presentable. After a few moments the dresser runes glowed violet again as Kuro replied. "Ok make that 5 minutes since I will be coming from the master kitchen and your steak will be a fresh cut. You sound happy... can't wait to meet the lucky man."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Like lightning in a bottle, the woman was purring even louder and pounced on Akujin which knocked the poor chap on his back on the couch and had the two at their closest since they first met except for the arm yanking from her earlier. So it seemed that his fate had been decided more or less as she would be training him at the very least and then potentially marrying her after their training and with the approval of Kuro. At the very least, he could tell that she was extremely happy right now as she was playing with his hair and he could feel her breath on his neck and in all honesty it smelled wonderful like nothing he had felt before, but then again he never felt any woman's presence but his mother's prior to this.

The woman would get off of Akujin however and call upon Kuro to come to the room they were in with food and to meet Akujin. He was anxious and nervous at the very least, but he was finally getting his request granted. He would finally see the man who he had been looking for and finally they could speak about the matters at hand. He just needed to wait five minutes and it would finally happen. While waiting he would talk to his "mistress" about his "client" that was coming. "Uhm, Lady Shouken. Could you tell me about Lord Kuro? I was not giving any information on him except that he would be able to answer my questions regarding the village." he nervously asked.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Shouken smiled genuinely as she sat down in a proper manner reigning in her cat like tendencies..."Ok, physically if you merged a bull, a tiger, and a dark skinned man into one being you would easily get Lord Toraono Kuro. He is very dynamic, and has an easy laugh. Since he perfected his clone jutsu he has four kagebunshin running around assisting him at any given moment so all in all he is a pretty amazing guy. He is honest and very strong, martial arts wise, and is capable of a vast amount of taijutsu." Arriving with a large tray of food and carrying two bottles of wine Akuma and Mouko Kuro entered the chamber through a hidden entrance immediately flooding the room with the scent of fresh food, spicy rice, sweet fruit, seared yet tender meats of all kinds and a rare steak. Akuma Kuro bowed before the two of them. "Welcome to the Toraono Dojo sir, I am Toraono Kuro lord of House Toraono and I thank you for efforts to come here and make a wonderful warrior surgeon happy like Lady Yanshi . What do you call yourself?"<i></i> Kuro stood at five feet, ten inches, weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. Kuro’s silver gray mane of hair had a reasonable amount of muscle mass to conceal. With a twenty one inch neck Kuro’s hair couldn’t conceal very much even as it cascaded to the center of his upper back. Violet eyes with gold slits peered from a chocolate brow with large ebony horns growing from where a normal man’s temples would be. He wore a sand tone obi around his thirty six inch waist. The obi allowed Kuro to carry his honor blade in a specialized bone sheath. Kuro wore his battle pouch on a second sash just above his right hip. Adjacent his sacred blade Kuro wore a pair of collapsed fuuma shuriken, and last but not least Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his hakama just atop his fighting gi shorts with his ANBU serum and summon scrolls. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his ANBU gear without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his anbu arm guards and leggings Kuro covered the runic terran markings of his hand and leg wraps. Kuro’s tail swished back and forth its tiger stripes faintly surging with chakra. His black gi top opened to show his overly muscular upper body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Moments after asking his question, the man that he had come to see had arrived. But, prior to his arrival, his potential mate had tried to describe Kuro as a mixture between a bull, tiger and a dark man which raised Akujin's eyebrows slightly at the interesting description of the man. However, he didn't say anything in return as the food and host had arrived. As soon as Kuro arrived the aroma of all the food he brought filled the room and made Akujin's stomach growl. This would be possibly the first true meal he was going to have in his lifetime as he had been living off of scraps and leftovers while in his home and since coming here had not ate anything. He had been surviving off of water and finding shelter when he didn't need to be out and about investigating the village and looking for people to talk to.

Once Kuro had entered the room more, he bowed his head to Akujn and Shouken while welcoming Akujin and thanking him for coming. With respect to his true host, he would get up and bow his head to Kuro first and extend his hand to Kuro. "Mr. Toraono, it is an honor to meet you finally. Mikisugi Kyūji, that is what I go by. I have been meaning to come out here since I talked to Arawe Zashi."

After he introduced himself and stated why he was here, he was examining this man in front of him that could possibly become a relative to him. He was definitely different in appearance to anyone that Akujin had seen before as he had horns coming out of his temple and his eyes were much like Lady Shouken's as they were slits. Did this whole clan have some actual relationship to tigers or was it just a coincidence. He would shrug off his thought as he could see the man was roughly the same height as him but definitely had more weight on him due to his muscles and definitely not fat. Obviously something weird must've had happened with this clan as his woman had cat-like ears and this man had a tail that had stripes on it that were emulating chakra from what he could see. He was not entirely sure what to make of all these people but it would be better to have them on his side than against him.

He would look back at Kuro then and with a smile said: "We can discuss why I am here more and why I seeked you out after some food and drinks. I haven't ever had a meal like this before. Must've been because I lived as a hermit all my life and barely had any interaction with the outside world."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
"Well then it is a great thing that you emerged from your hermit existence and please eat all you like. We work hard to make sure no one goes hungry but people seem to avoid help even when it is right in front of them. We have a wide assortment of meats, some spicey, some saucy, some are actually what Shouken-san here considers sweet. I made her favorite rice cakes and meat pies with dipping sauce. We have wine, we have sweet water, and desert pear juice. Please eat and then we will finish discussing your efforts here at the dojo." Kuro set out the food with a well practiced hand, it was obvious he spent as much time in the kitchen as he did on his physical presence. After setting aside the foods he knew Lady Yanshi loved best he set back against a stone wall and began to meditate ever so briefly.

Lady Yanshi began to stuff herself eating as much as she could in delighted three finger grabs before smiling like a 4 year old with 3 meat pies stuffed inside her mouth, her cat like ears became normal again and her eyes resumed their natural blue as her playful demanding spirit became coy and reserved giving her a decisively different look.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
"I really appreciate it, Lord Kuro. This food all looks so delicious and well-prepared." He smiled as he proceeded to go get himself something to drink as Lady Yanshi had decided to attack the food. He started to chuckle as she ate like a pig and started to resume her "normal" appearance he assumed since she was losing her ears and her eyes were going back to the beautiful blue color they were before. She seemed to have shimmered down from her lustful emotions from a few moments before and he was relieved as he had never felt as tense as he did there. He just hoped the rest of his day and the following days with these people would not be as stressful or awkward as today had been going.

Finally taking a gulf of his sweet water, he was slowly relaxing more and more. The taste of this water was very different and you could see it on his face as he never tasted anything like this before. The taste was amazing to him and he started to drink more and more of his glass before going for a refill and getting himself some food. He decided to pick up a meat pie and rice cake and then sat beside his "future wife", Lady Yanshi. He would then try a piece of each food and look at her and exclaim happily: "This all taste like Heaven. The food is delicious and so is this water. I have never tasted anything as wonderful as this!" He would then continue to eat his food and then go up for another round. He could not believe this taste at all, every single bite and choice of food was so much better than anything he had ever shoved into his mouth before. His home country did not have anything like this and even if they had, he might have tasted their decent food once or twice a month if he was lucky with the pay that the hospital would give him.

Once all his food was ate, he would go up and pour a glass of wine for himself before sitting down beside Lady Yanshi and tasting it. The glass would then go to his lips and he would, for the first time in his life, sip on some wine which did not agree with him. It wasn't that the wine was expired or anything, no, the taste just was too sweet for him which surprised him since all the food tasted amazing to him and the water was great. He would turn to Lady Yanshi and say: "You may have my glass of wine. I don't like the taste, it just doesn't agree with me."

He then would bow his head to Lord Kuro and say: "I am sorry that I didn't like your wine, but I enjoyed and loved everything else that I had. Lord Kuro, I am ready to talk to you if you are ready." He then would look up at Kuro and wait for his response. Everything was going smoothly since he came, which was good, considering he wanted to just talk to him about the state of the village and be filled in on what was going on.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro smiled as Lady Yanshi stood and began picking up the plates at her unusual speed of grace and hand movements her aura had visibly softened with Akujin there. She seemed to have found exactly what she sought despite her enigmatic requests and arranged concubine contract. With a sigh of relief that Kuro did not know he had been holding Kuro nodded to Akujin to begin the conversation as Lady Yanshi began taking their dishes outside her chamber to a washing chamber that carefully and meticulously recycled and purified the water used there. Kuro's breath came out a heavy mist for a brief moment as he settled his elemental chakras. Popping his fingers, his shoulders, back, hips, and toes in a symphony like sequence as he relaxed for a brief moment. "Welcome Akujin, you arrive at a time of change and great hope. What is it you would like to talk about?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
So this was it. Finally, he was going to get to say what had been on his mind for weeks since arriving and had grown after talking to Zashi. He was relieved that everyone had left the room except Kuro and the man was relaxing himself. This was going to be quite an interesting exchange to say the least between the two men and hopefully he would finally have the information he needed to move forward. Obviously, he wouldn't be leaving Wind Country since he was going to be trained and probably wedded unless his nerves gave way to either case. Hopefully, he could do the two aforementioned tasks and not look foolish.

But a wedding and training would need to wait, right now he needed answers. Sighing, he would look the tall, muscular, and battle-hardened(he assumed) individual in his eyes. He didn't want to ruin this special time for his clan, but he needed to know. This village wasn't his home nor should he truly care about it, but he did because he could see the destruction and death looming and it made him sick. Nobody should be burying their children or sweethearts at such a young age, but yet that is what Akujin assumed was happening to their bodies since that is what he had to do for his parents. He just would make this conversation brief and try to not make the atmosphere too dangerous for himself.

Turning his face away from Kuro, he would said sadly: "When I first arrived to your village, I saw the destruction of the Kazekage Tower and the bodies lying motionless with people's loved ones I kept going through the village, I saw more destruction in other areas and corruption in a district that illuminates a bloody red from the streetlights...." He then would trail off momentarily to compose himself and continue. "I know how it feels to bury loved ones, I lost my mother and father tragically years ago....I feel terrible for those people who lost their loved ones..."

He would close his eyes at this point as a reoccurring image of his parents appeared that made him tear up. He would wipe the tears from his face and lower his head for a second. He knew Kuro was probably judging him and his weakness from showing emotions and his lady was probably seeing and/or hearing this happening, but he didn't care. He was only in his twenties and it was his fault, in his mind, that his parents were dead. If he had only been there in the mines when his mom got harmed or been able to heal his dad's illness, it was sickening and heart-aching. He wished every day that he could see them again, but they were in a better place and they were not suffering anymore he prayed.

Turning his attention back to Kuro, he would raise his head wiping away the tears and sorrowfully say: "You will have to excuse my breakdown, Lord Kuro. The death of my parents was heart-wrenching and I just wish I could see them again. That is why I worked so hard in my home country to aid people medically in the hospital. Sure, I lost some people on the operating table. But, damn it, I tried my best to help every single patient I had and studied my heart out on medical procedures." Again, he would turn his head a moment to catch his thoughts and prepare himself for his next words.

"I don't want to see anyone lose their loved ones. I know it is bound to happen, but I want to do everything in my power to aid them in keeping their loved ones alive. However, Kuro...that is not why I came to your home today." At this point, he would look Kuro dead in the eyes as he continued: "I know something terrible happened to the village. Could you tell me who or what caused all this destruction to your home? Also, is there anything I could do to assist the village? I already told you I am a medic, but is there any groups forming or formed that need an additional man? I am not really a fighter unless I need to protect myself, but I can give some assistance at least medically. The other option that I was thinking of if you needed more workers for repairs was I would help rebuild the village." His dead-focused look would continue as he finished up his "speech" to Kuro. "I realize you may seem hesitant to order me, but believe me...I do not want to see anymore people dying or suffering. Whatever is happening needs to be stopped and I will do the best I can to aid the village. I mean considering I said I would train here and potentially marry into your clan, I might as well try to earn my keep."

What had Akujin done? It was not normal for Akujin to be so direct and confident in himself. Did this Kanemoto boy lose his common sense or relying on his pride too much? No, Akujin had seen enough destruction and death. He had seen plenty of destruction and death on the operating tables, but this was on a whole other scale than in a hospital. A village needed help from anyone, it did not matter if the person was an outsider. He knew that he would probably be denied access to the hospital to aid people and denied to a team to help fight, but that was okay. He was going to do his best to prove to this village and himself that he was not a fuck-up and that he had a big, caring heart and plenty of intelligence and sense to aid the village and put a big band-aid on the village until the wound could heal completely and not need a covering anymore. In other words, he was here to stay for the long run.

[MFT: It's over 1000! 1003 words to be exact.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro stood as the man had his emotions torn by memories, Kuro had his own that tore him asunder everytime his mind ventured close to his grandparents and his first child's mother. It was those memories that strengthened him when all else was gone. Had he done everything he could? Had he tried every avenue to save lives, had he defeated every enemy before him or fallen giving his all? Kuro knew these questions all too well.
Between his questions and rhetoric he hit the two nails on the proverbial head as he pushed for answers to Suna and what his purpose could be here. Placing his hands behind his back and pacing in a thoughtful manner Kuro made sure he stayed in Akujin's view so he could hear him and see that he was not threatening him despite his size, presence and lineage.

"Could you tell me who or what caused all this destruction to your home?"

"Also, is there anything I could do to assist the village?"

"First off we have various clues for whom sent the Cabal to attack us, the obvious would be the Merchant Lords of Soon but they actually get a great deal of trade and commerce from us and our mere presence. I personally suspect the actual leaders of Wind Country have a vendetta against us for existing as they have placed heavy levies on resources we normally need in sequence with the Cabal attacks. These theories have evidence on both sides and are being investigated by what allies and means we have available. As far as assisting the villlage we need a leader for our medical personnel someone as strong or stronger than me. Some may remember but I took steps so that many would not, I had a jutsu that allowed me to revive the dead as long as they had only been dead for few hours but the cost of the jutsu was enormous. Luckily I had a massive source of chakra available and more than enough time to prepare. I found out later after the Cabal attacked that I could only perform that jutsu once. It was very disturbing to me to not be able to save lives but my medical capacity lies in sorcery, blood, and souls. A real doctor can perform actual medicine not just transfer energy and mass about. We need doctors, your future wife can teach you the jutsu to augment your surgical capacity. If you complete your training you can then take post of medical sennin with our Steward's approval and a vote from the council. We can see to your training and document your capacity over the coming days but you may experience some changes... My clan is not entirely human, many of us have demon or celestial blood. As you can guess I have demon blood, Lady Yanshi has celestial blood and Byakko heritage so as the bonding ceremony occurs you might notice greater capacity to heal. ((among other things))"

WC: 470


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Akujin looked right at Lord Kuro pacing as the last remaining words came out of his young mouth towards the taller and clearly more mature and strong creature in front of him. He had to admit that this man was a "monster" compared to the other shinobi he had seen around the village and in his home country. It didn't help Kuro that he had a tail that was revealing to Akujin which made the man question just who was in front of him. He wasn't quite sure, but it wasn't time to ask questions and get silly responses that wouldn't help anyone here. No, that would have to wait till he could talk to his future wife and relatives.

His body language simmered down as Kuro began to talk to him and told him everything about the attack on the village and who was believed to be behind it. He was correct on his theory that it was an outside force, but trading partners and the leaders of the country did not seem right at all. He didn't have enough information to disagree with Kuro, nor would he try since he was a guest in his home. However as Kuro continued to speak, he caught the attention of Akujin with the mention of them needing someone to lead the medical personnel and the possible appointment of being the medical sennin of Suna if the Steward and Council would agree. Of course, there was a catch to the whole deal however; he would need to train with his woman and learn as much as he could that he didn't know about the medical profession and be documented the whole time. However, there was also the "side-effect" of possible changes to him going through the training which obviously alarmed his calm composure as his eyes got bigger and a look of concern appeared on his face.

So, the potential of being the Sennin of the village and the husband of a beautiful woman with the possibility of failing to reach those goals or the "side-effects" changing him. It was a big decision to have to make and there was no time to waste. This was a big opportunity for him in either case: if he succeeded he would be the leader of the medical profession in Suna and play a big hand in the future of the branch. If he failed however, he would just be a normal medic again and his future wife could possibly leave him even if she was overly pleased with him. If Kuro looked close enough, he could see Akujin thinking hard about this all and staring off into space. He really had no other options right now; honestly, where would he go if he left Wind Country?

Once Akujin took some time which felt like hours but was only a few minutes or possibly seconds, he wasn't sure, he would return his gaze to Kuro and begin with the Cabal part of Kuro's "speech". "It seems the Cabal and whoever is out to get you are being a real nuisance. I am not truly a fighter unless I need to defend myself so I appreciate the information, Lord Kuro. However...if you would need a medic for a mission to assist some of your shinobi against the alleged opposition, I would not turn down your request." He would say with a smirk appearing on his face as he continued. "I mean I am going to be married to a beautiful woman and going to be trained in your dojo so it is the least I could do for you and your village. Right?"

He then would have his smirk removed as he changed his attitude quickly regarding his training and becoming the Sennin. Solemnly, he would look at Kuro shrugging his shoulders as he began. "The opportunity to be the Sennin of the medical shinobi would be wonderful, but I want to prove to you and my lady that I am worth it before agreeing to the offer. I understand the potential "changes" you are mentioning and although I am anxious, I am willing." He then would crack his knuckles as he would continue with a little more happiness in his voice: "Like I just said, I am anxious, but ready to learn. Let my training and knowledge prove itself to you, Lady Yanshi, and anyone else. I am no baby and I can and will prove myself to you. Let's begin."

[MFT:747 Words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Lady Yanshi returned from washing dishes but it was easy for Kuro to tell she had been eavesdropping from the stains on her kimono where her knees had been pressed against the wall. Pretending not to have noticed Kuro smiled and waved her to sit beside Akujin as he made his decree. " Mistress of House Byakko, Lady Yanshi Shouken, only woman not of my direct bloodline to face my father in unarmed combat and win on multiple occasions, I hereby find this man whom calls himself Mikisugi Kyūji worthy of your training and afterwards should you find him worthy you have my blessing to take him as your own House Toraono will support the Byakko family in all endeavours for the sake of Suna. Do you have anything to add?"<i></i> ((Kuro looked at Akujin for his words on the matter as well.))


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As his "speech" was winding down, his future wife had returned and was waved to sit beside him. Lord Kuro would then go into a quick statement of "offering" Akujin to her for training and if he was found worthy, she was allowed to take him as her own. They were then asked by Kuro if they had anything to add to the conversation which he assumed his lady would have something to say, but she didn't say anything so he assumed she wanted him to say something.

He would rub his head and happily say: "Haha I don't know what to add, except I hope I do not disappoint any of you and I can prove my worth to the village, the clan, and myself. Whenever you two are ready for my training to begin, let me know. I am excited and hopefully have some tricks up my sleeves to add to the already well-known medical practices in this country. You two have no idea how gracious and happy I am. I feel like a little kid opening up presents or in a candy shop." His gaze would go from Kuro to his lady and he would nudge her and then say: "Do you have anything to add? Or have anything I should know before we train or get to really know one another?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Lady Yanshi looked over Akujin once more noting his potential and then his cuteness which really thrilled her. She truly hoped she had at last found the one. As she stretched and reached down casually to hold his hand she genuinely smiled. "I truly believe he will be the one I need and the one I have sought for so long and my only worry is that the blood bonding ceremony might make him more unto the light than other contenders have attempted many failed and their chakras burned away in a blast of blistering light leaving them empowered for combat but no chakra of their own. We called them lanterns because their eyes always glowed after failing the blood bond of Byakko. Your training will make sure you do not fail or attempt more than you are capable of. I have no doubts about your training only your will tell us wether the bond holds true."<i></i>

Kuro nodded in understanding of her assessment before standing to shake Akujin's hand before looking him in the eye as he spoke. "May the heaven's celestial might find you worthy of family Byakko and House Toraono."<i></i> With that Kuro bowed and left Akujin and Lady Yanshi to discuss their preparations.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Moments after saying his last few words, Lady Yanshi would stretch to hold Akujin's hand which he respectfully accepted. She would then look at her man and assess him mentally before she began to put in her two cents. As she was talking, he could hear the excitement in her voice with a tad bit of concern about this blood bonding ceremony. She would also explain, it seemed directly to Akuin, about the failures of the training before and how they appeared with eyes always glowing which termed them "lanterns." Usually, Akujin would have been concerned to hear about this potential side-effect, but he trusted his girl and himself with his training. He could only assume it would not be easy as this clan apparently was well-known in their village and he assumed they probably received a lot of visitors when people decided to visit the Hidden Sand Village. He was impressed however at the respect being given to him and the organization of a clan; he hadn't truly ever felt as respected as he was with this clan and he could not believe how each branch of the line was living with one another but still separately. Typically, families had issues with one another over various reasons being blood, competition, pride, etc.

As he was thinking about things, he heard Kuro talking to him while extending his hand to which Akujin shook. He would genuinely smile at the man and say: "Thank you, Lord Kuro. I appreciate the support and interest." The taller, tanner individual would then bow his head to Akujin and leave the room to his girl and himself. He would turn his head back to her and say excitedly: "So...where will we begin?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: my apologies on the wait...

Lady Yanshi smiled as she put on her robes and rubber reinforced sandals then took Akujin by the hand."First we will go to House Byakko's jutsu reinforcement chambers in our clan home and inside this chamber we will tie your genealogy and spirit to ours and teach you the sacred healing arts of the White Tiger along with enhanced medical techniques developed over the centuries of isolation and fighting of illnesses and ailments from battling, the ancients, the unbent, and those of our families that went rogue. Afterwards you must test your will and being against the great spirit of Byakko or one of its primes and once you have been deemed worthy we will finalize a date for our wedding ceremony." With eager but precise steps Lady Yanshi led Akujin through the dojo into House Byakko's areas. The area went from a desert bronze and gold to a Byakko white, gray, and blue, the air seemed cooler, the area more pristine as if this portion of the dojo were indeed graced and protected by the Western wind guardian. A simple kind of spiritual bliss filled the air the sound of children laughing and adults in quiet contemplation as they read books, scrolls, or meditated. In the distance the sounds of combat could be heard, distinct and crisp but ever so faint yet intense and decisive. The smell of water and ozone wafted by now and then as he approached a majestic yet comfortable structure. This place was not meant to overwhelm or fill one with awe it was meant to soothe, strengthen, and enhance. The near quiet palpable aura that permeated this area felt like a deep relaxing breath filling then releasing the ills of one's spirit. If Akujin wanted to he could tell Lady Yanshi anything here and it would be accepted would he take a leap of faith before he entered the temple and began his training. A sense of foreboding came over Akujin as he felt a presence stir beside him and as he looked to his right a giant white tiger was grooming itself upon the grassy knoll nearby. In his ears he could hear the whispers of the winds call him by his true name (((Akujin you must tell her everything before you enter the temple...)))
As Akujin looked up he would find Lady Yanshi staring at him his hands tightly wrapped around hers. She was blushing and all was quiet, truly quiet. Her eyes were still blue but Akujin could sense her needs welling up within her again. She was literally fighting herself... "What did you hear? You stopped so abruptly and looked away as if someone were calling you; upon sacred ground no less. There hasn't been anyone that has stopped upon this spot without abruptly moving on in decades and yet you stand here unfazed by the wind and you gripped me with such strength I thought you were about to take me right here...

(((She would like that, and I believe you would too.)))

Are you okay, we really must move on from this spot lest we invoke Byakko's wrath, he is playful but can easily get carried away.

(((That can be said of us all, right Akujin?)))

Shortly after the winds calmed down Akujin found he could move again, his steps were lighter, his blood inundated with pure oxygen that cleared his mind and eased his spirit. After a few more moments they were at the entrance to the temple.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
