Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Important Encounter![Private & Req:Toraono Kuro]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Smiling as she prepared herself to leave their current location, Akujin smiled back as he got up with some assistance from Lady Yanshi. She was definitely something special as she articulated her words perfectly to ease Akujin's nerves that were starting to, quite honestly, get shot with all of this excitement today from meeting the leader of the Toraono Dojo to meeting his soon-to-be wife to becoming stronger and more educated in the medical arts. He was still nervous for what was about to happen to him with the potential modifications that could occur to his body or what Lady Yanshi would think when he finally let the truth out about himself and unveiled his true name.

But before he could worry too much or even say anything, he was being yanked from the room that they were in to an area he assumed was associated with Byakko and his "wife" due to the rapid change in appearance of the interior from the typical desert bronze and gold to prettier colors of white, blue and gray. He could hear children playing and combat in the distance, it just seemed like everything around him was easing his nerves and relaxing him as he continued to walk, more like pulled, with his "wife" towards a structure. Within moments however, he could feel a presence near him and he was caught off-guard by a tiger to his right grooming itself and the winds seeming to talk to him. He didn't realize that the winds were actually talking to him, but instead thought it was his own self-conscious acting in a way to make himself feel guilty for lying to Lord Kuro and Lady Yanshi about his identity.

He couldn't believe this sudden rush covering his body as he looked up and he did hear Lady Yanshi talking to him but also could hear the winds speaking too. She had asked if he was okay which he shook his head as they pressed on as the winds died down. He would look at Lady Yanshi with his hand in hers as they got closer to the entrance of the temple. As they were walking, he would sigh heavily and say: "There is something I need to tell you." He would freeze in his tracks there and turn his body completely to hers with his hands both holding onto hers. He would then look her dead in the eyes as he continued: "My real name isn't Mikisugi Kyūji. It is an alias that I have been going by since I entered your country. My real name is Kanemoto Akujin, a former medical shinobi of Iwagakure..."

Embarrassment would fill his face as he would blush in shame as he continued: "I fled Iwagakure once our village was under attack and I could not do anything to save anyone there. That is why I came to save people and to start my life over since I was a failure at home." He would then turn his head and sigh again heavily before turning back to her and saying: "I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier...I was scared and afraid that someone would report me and send me back home. And if it doesn't offend you at all, could we continue to call me by Kyūji since I want to try to forget as much of my past as I can?"

[OOC: No worries, sorry for my lackluster post. MFT-567]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Lady Yanshi turned and grinned at Akujin, "Thank you for being honest with me about your identity, especially on sacred ground, I am certain the great tiger of the winds will continue to watch over us." As she replied a gentle wind blew over Akujin's back it smelled of jasmine, cinnamon and something feline. His hair felt as if it were ruffled and his steps felt lighter, his heart beat stronger. It was as if he were being blessed by the winds themselves. As they walked closer the winds blew in a more steady fashion but with a calming, almost serene manner as if something were taking a deep breath and releasing that pent up air as a relaxing but strong breeze. As they made their way over the bridge the walkway took on more definition and substance as they approached.

A rumbling mirth filled the winds as a strong soothing voice filled Akujin's ears "Must be nice to let go of your burdens, you will make a fine Kyuji if you allow yourself to live with your past settled and look toward the future."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Trying to crack a smile back at her, he felt the winds around him begin to below gently with an aroma of cinnamon and jasmine; of course, the man never had smelled anything as beautiful or enlighten as those scents before so he would never recognize those scents except that they smelled amazing. He would have to digest these scents with his wife once they had some alone time together after his training and hopefully passing into the clan was over. But for now, he just had to push on and prove himself to the Hidden Sand, his new family and most importantly his wife and himself that he was a changed man from the coward that fled the Hidden Stone for a better living and safety. Sometime he would return to his former land and possibly apologize to them as a foreigner or he could ignore that part of his life even though that would be quite difficult. He wasn't really precise or sure of what to do as they kept going on.

The winds would continue to blow elegantly as they continued to walk towards their destination. While walking with his hand in his "wife's", he would take it the scenery which was quite beautiful from the structure they were headed, the walkway approaching them or just the country in general. The Hidden Sand and its country was quite different than the Hidden Stone and Earth Country but it was a nice change for the young taijutsu user as he had adapted to the climate and daily highs and lows temperature wise. While they continued, he would hear someone talking to him about letting his burdens go and being a great Kyuji. He would smirk at the comment and say: "That is what I am hoping to prove today for sure. I hope I can prove it to myself and everyone else."

[MFT: 314 Words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: Sorry about the wait...
The temple inside was pristine, it looked as if it were constantly cleaned but he could tell from the way the floors were too pristine and unmarred it went far beyond that. People didn't walk in this temple just to visit and those that came here followed the same path as if some unseen force literally kept even the sand and dust away. The temperature dropped dramatically as Akujin walked inside as if he had entered a place of recently fallen snow. The walls, the floors, the paths were all white and somehow truly pristine. Akujin could see his own breath but Lady Yanshi moved about without a care in the world as she led him to a statue that looked like a tenchi. There were strange symbols in the ceiling of the chamber that seemed to move. Lady Yanshi sat before Akujin and gently held his hands as she spoke. "You must meditate and collect your energies to answer the great tiger's questions and then it will bless our union. After that we can start your training in Byakko no Medica." Lady Yanshi stepped away and went to grab the crystalline chalk to make the ritual circles of celestial channeling. It was going to be nice to have a man that could keep up with her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Continuing to walk with his mate, they would enter the temple which was pristine and well-kept. The temperature would drop significantly as he could see his own breath as they pressed on, but mere moments later they would stop as his mate sat herself momentarily while holding his hands instructing him what he had to do. Nodding, he would let her go off to do her thing as he would close his eyes and proceed to sit down to begin his mediation that he had learned to do so well back in the old mineshafts of Stone.

His mind would be free and clear of all his doubts and worries surrounding his presence in this country. All his attention would have to be directed towards the spirit that his dear girl wanted him to talk to in order to accept their marriage and his training. Everything would be fine, he would just need to keep reminding himself that. The worst that could happen was the spirit rejected him and he had an awkward journey back to the Toraono Clan with this woman, but obviously he didn't want to have that happen as he had everything he needed right now in this area of the world.

Hopefully sometime he could return to his home and make amends, but his mind wasn't focused on that. No, right now it was all focused on being clear and preparing himself for the challenge of proving himself to the great spirit of his girl's branch. He was ready and he knew he could do it, he just needed to not lose his mind. He should not have any problem with losing his sanity since he had been dealing with a lot of harder issues in his life now and in the past as a medical shinobi. He could handle this.

[MFT: 305 Words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A giant,30 foot long, 10 feet tall at the shoulder, vanilla white on snow white tiger stepped from the very light reflected from the chamber walls and sat beside Akujin as he meditated causing him to wake as a sense of calmness surged through his body and motes of celestial white energy filled the chamber.
"Greetings being who wants to formerly be known as Akujin. If you are to accept yourself as Byakko Kyuji then you must be prepared to give up your soul, retrain your body, and be reborn. It will not be an easy process but for you it will be quite painless. There will be consequences to your actions should you accept this path. First as the Guardian of this temple I am normally unseen by any means except by those whom are earnest, or in touch with the supernatural. As a nin you might believe that your fellow nin are all in touch with the supernatural when in reality you are all simply exceptionally gifted humans or humans whom aspire beyond their basic capabilities. Your path will actually be quicker than most due to the fact that you have already accessed over 20% of your mental capacity, but you turned your mental capacity into a method to transfer or relieve mental anguish. This is a good thing as well, to become head of House Byakko by marriage however you must possess the supernatural gift of healing light. If you are ready to sacrifice all that you are now save your knowledge and your heart then your mind and body can be altered to manifest the power of light. Your soul and heart will be cleansed and touched by the spirits in 3 tests and you will rise again in 3 days. Although it normally requires the sacrifice of 3 to 30 years of intense training to achieve what you are capable of becoming by someone else you have already completed much of the necessary preparation and even many of the advanced techniques. Do you accept my tests and the blessings and changes that come with their challenge or do you wish to stay as you are and endure the pain of your past and the uncertainty of your future? Before you answer let me advise you so your human mind is not pulled by its bonds to the world. Be Selfish in your thoughts on this... Do not think of what others may judge you for. Think only of what you want then answer, for only a truly selfish and righteous man may give up of himself his very soul to pay the cost for his desires."

It was like bargaining with a kind devil, one whom neither needed nor particularly wanted your soul but saw the potential in it nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Mediating with his eyes still closed, he had cleared his mind completely of all thoughts and it was clean and prepared for anything. Within moments, a beautiful snow tiger approached him which caused his eyes to open. Normally, someone would have freaked out over seeing a tiger near them but there was a calming aura surrounding him as the tiger towered over him. It must have been this area he was in that was keeping his nerves calm and his mind clear, because he probably would have been spazzing out over seeing this creature alone anywhere else. He listened intently to the conditions and circumstances that would have to be overcome and how close he apparently was considering his past training in his lifestyle from his dad which made him smile and he looked up thanking his dad in his afterlife.

But there was no time to waste as the tiger kept talking which pretty much sounded like he would be offering his "soul to the devil" to get whatever he wanted to do. He remembered thinking that Suru had given himself to a "demonic entity" for power and here he was about to do the same thing. All he had to do was pass three tests and everything would be better for him. He was so tempted and he had gotten so far within the Toraono Clan already with getting the approval of the leader of the clan and finding himself a lady, but this was a decision just for himself to decide and the tiger said that himself in the form of do not worry how others judge you and do what you think you should do. It was a lot to take in at once, but he kept calm as he thought about it and put up a finger to signal to the tiger.

What to do, what to do? On one hand, he had nothing to go back to in the Hidden Stone after his parents' deaths and the village being in turmoil when he left. On the other hand, was it really worth accepting a deal with his own "devil" to get what he truly wanted and to then marry into the family? It was a tough one, but moments later he would look right at the tiger and nod his head. "I accept the training, your blessings and the changes coming from the challenge both mentally and physically. I know it won't be easy, but I have come so far in my life in the medical field and have made one lady really happy. I cannot leave someone who cares and wants me, but I choose my response because I want to be more skillful, learn more about my trade and self, and see if there will be a true evolution from me, Akujin, to future me, Kyuji. So shall we begin?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The world begin to slip away in a slow yet oddly warm snow of blinding white as the tiger nodded to Akujin in return to his reply. Soon everything changed from white to pitch black and the familiar scent of a cavern came over him as he felt as if he were in a cavern full of bloodied, injured people. All of them were being taken care of by a somewhat familiar man. His hair was grey and his bear well kept, he moved about with a sense of purpose in pristine off white robes. Although his hair was white, his face was still full of youth and his eyes were golden like Akujin's except there was a tint of red to them as he walked through the cavern checking on multiple patients. As he stood near the most injured he would wave his hand over their wounds and a golden glow would wash over them healing the life threatening wounds and speeding up the healing of wounds and cuts. He could see the elder was taking away their most serious pains but leaving them with their general feeling of ache so that they might grow from their injuries despite the forced acceleration of their healing. He then walked right through Akujin whom sought to become Kyuji, allowing him to realize he was insubstantial like a spirit from the books he had read or tales he had been told. The old man stopped and looked back directly where Akujin was sitting with an odd look upon his face before pressing on to look over other wounded.

"You see before you your great great Grandfather, a martial artist whose fists were so special that he discovered he could heal with them as well as fight. Master your sire's ways by walking his path, studying his method and realizing some of the potential within you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It appeared his training would not start quite yet as the tiger entity decided it was time to show Akujin a relative that he never saw before in his life: his great great grandfather. The man was bearing a beard and gray hair obviously showing signs of aging but also experience depending on the way you viewed an individual's wrinkles, scars and everything else. He had similar eyes like his grandson with a slight tint of red to them which was a potentially mutation in his genes or a recessive gene that had not gotten down to Akujin from his parents. It didn't matter at all as he was more focused on the healing and scene in front of him. The tiger had returned him back to a cavern which he assumed was the Abandoned Mineshaft in Stone where he had lived his entire life and saw his parents' lives slip from his grasp. The scene was what made him put his head down momentarily and shake his head as if he was awestruck. There were limbs out of place, blood spilled everywhere and crying, screaming and people aching from their injuries. His grandfather was working as quickly and effectively as he could on the patients and it seemed like he knew what he was doing which Akujin obviously would hope as their abilities and family heritage had gone down the line for ages. Surprisingly, his relative did not seem to be phased by all this work and it would have to be something he himself would have to overcome. Obviously he might face something as serious and depressing as this situation or he could simply aid little kids' boo-boos. Only time would tell.

He would turn to the tiger and nod his head. "I understand. This is going to be a tough path, but I can and will do it for myself, my "wife" and my village. Let's do this."

[MFT: 321. I really am sorry that these posts are lackluster.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The spiritual presence within Akujin began to slowly swell as he meditated but his mind was in another place and another time as he viewed things from his Great Grandfather's eyes. He could trace the injuries within their anatomy by touch and a light pulse of chakra, it was as if he were sending a quick photonic scan through his patient's his energies would instantly latch to any severe injury but strangely enough left normal healing scars and markings alone. He didn't so much as heal them he actually forced their bodies to react to different stimuli while using his own chakra to insure the correct healing took place at a slightly accelerated pace. Things began to get fuzzy as Akujin fluttered in and out of focus, it seemed he would need to use his own strength to see through his ancestor's eyes not just the transport of the Great Tiger Spirit. Would he be able to do it would he be able to trace his Great Grandfather's efforts and discover his own way?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
His mediation would continue as the great tiger spirit was connecting his ancestor and him as they were one. He could feel everything that he was witnessing. The powerful aura from the medical practice flowing through their hands enough to heal severe injuries, but leaving minor ones which were not customary for Akujin. He had control, but he also was losing it as things were being to get fuzzy and he was losing focus with his relative. He didn't realize it, but the link with the tiger's help was not staying steady and he would need to handle this situation or lose it completely. He wanted so bad for everything to work out for himself and his future. He had to remain calm and not go insane over it. If he failed, there was always another day and if he succeeded his life would be quite different he was sure.

With a deep breath, he continued his mediation trying to continue the link between the two bodies. However, it was not easy; the link was hard to keep as he was losing his mediating position slowly and focusing entirely too much on the link. He could feel his heart beat increasing and his sweat glands were starting to go into full swing. He also was clouding his mind which almost broke the link entirely as he felt a sharp pain run up his spine. The pain created a quick moment of lost focus, but simmered him down to go back into his motionless and calm state. His breathing would resume its normal pattern and his connection with his ancestor had returned. He was ashamed overall that he had lost his focus on something so minor that usually he wouldn't have, but maybe his feelings and stomach were affecting him. He really didn't know, but the sharp pain that raced up his spine had gotten him to mellow himself and he wanted to know who did that, but he assumed it was his tiger entity that caused it. It really didn't matter, but he needed to prove himself and not embarrass himself in front of his tiger spirit.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The tiger smiled gently as it motioned to Akujin to resolve his ancestor's studies and read over all the things he had discovered and why he only healed serious wounds and illnesses allowing people to grow from their normal everyday hurts to master themselves. His Great Grandfather had not been a crutch for the mining village where he guarded a king's ransom in gems and gold and healed the truly injured. He was both a master fighter and a healer and sometimes he was forced to do both at the same time. As he grew older he should have been forced to move less but it seemed his movements grew ever more fluid. His body aged but did not wither he became more and more like the light he wielded until one day he sat in the sun meditated and bathing the people in a healing aura only to disappear with the setting of the sun and reappear only on certain days and special holidays having exceeded his mortal energies and becoming one with the holy light of the gods. An eternal healer and fighter, a guardian and a sage. So blinding was the vision and the compressed span of years that when Akujin finally moved from his meditation he found a hot bowl of soup broth and a warm roll of bread with thick spicey butter nearby. His body had changed, his hair had grown and his muscles were thicker but felt far lighter. As he took a deep breath he found he could feel more, sense more, his soul and his physical presence had expanded and grown.

Lady Yanshi sat outside the temple just a little worried. She had brought Kyuji food four times and although he barely breathed at all or moved she could feel his strength. She listened and heard the change in his breathing and walked briskly into the chamber to see how her concubine was. She tried not to run and forced calm upon herself to appear in control but her body hungered for a mate and she dared not force herself to hold out too long.

Ancient Knowledge of Ancestral Potential Gained


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Focusing on his mediation, he would feel the motion from the great tiger spirit upon him, but he maintained the link between him and his ancestor as he saw a barrage of images flash by him of his great great grandpa who seemingly did not age at all and going looked better and better like a nice bottle of wine. The end of his mediation would see his great ancestor ascend from this world and into the world of the gods and spirits of yesteryear. He would however return on special occasions like holidays to this world. It was so breathtaking to see a quick glance of how his life played out being one of the greatest healers where he lived but also a great fighter as well; he didn't use gloves or anything when he was fighting, just bare fists and only used his fists for violence when need be. In many ways, Akujin and his ancestor were very much alike in the way that they had lived on this world and served. He was pleased that the tiger spirit had started this link and he was able to keep it, but his body was getting exhausted from maintaining the link and he had to stop the connection for now.

When he opened his eyes, he would see a nice bowl of soup sitting in front of him along with a roll of bread with butter nearby. This "offering" was either to the spirit or himself and he wanted to eat but his appetite just wasn't there. He would then rub his head and see that his hair had changed color to a snowy white and was much longer than before. He also noticed his muscles appeared to be larger but they felt much lighter than they were when he had originally met his "wifey." He would move out of his mediation position and lean back looking around the temple that he was in. He was amazed at all that had already occurred and then he slipped and said: "I want to know more, I need to know more. I am not satisfied yet." He looked around the temple for the spirit or his wife, but his mind was so attentive on wanting more knowledge that he would not see them even if they were there. He would get back into his position, resuming his mediating pose and say: "Round 2, here we go." His eyes would then close as his hands sat in front of him on his legs which were folded like the traditional meditation pose.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
As Akujin descended into meditation he felt a heavy giant paw on his back, it was both rough and soft, smooth in the creases and solid at the apex. Akujin did not feel any claws but he could feel himself being pushed down as he was given witness to a possible fate. It was him true enough, he wore a white robe, his hears were haunting and long. His fists and arms were marred with scars and a large scar crossed his chest to his hip from right to left. His robe was shredded but his leggings were intact he was barefoot, bare knuckled and he stood before a massive army of armored soldiers. Strange weapons fired at him and he moved so fast, he literally weaved between the strange projectiles of metallic lead till he was in close contact with enemy. His chi spiralled out in a vibrant green as his muscles released their pent up excess heat in a burst of emerald steam that many of the enemies mistook for a chakra burst. He was too close for them to use their strange sidearms safely so many drew shortswords, bayonets, and knives. It was then that the nin known as Akujin could see that they had Lady Yanshi in a crystallized capsule of a cage and were hauling her away into a large armored carriage. Byakko clansmen everywhere were wounded six versions of Toraono Kuro and a large armored giant from the Toraono clan were facing a seriously massive amount of enemies. He could hear a white eyed Kuro yell to him ... "SAVE HER!! KYUJI!!! STOP HOLDING BACK!!!"

Akujin could feel a strange wrath in his hand as instead of his fists claws of light tempered themselves as they emerged from his finger tips. The soldiers wore a odd brown/green camouflage armor with black protective goggles. Weapons of odd design were strapped across their backs. They seemed to be intent on catching every female and murdering every male.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Once his eyes closed and his mind became clear, he kept a gentle tug on his back sending him into a scenario that no shinobi ever wanted to see nor experience: war. He was wearing the bare minimum literally with no gloves, no footwear, and a shredded white robe that resembled the medical robes back during his time in the Hidden Stone. His body was scarred especially his hands, arms and torso. The worst thing of all of it was the scene around him with men fighting, men dying, screaming women, and a shaking of the ground from the war taking place in front of him. Luckily, or maybe unlucky for him, people were aiming and shooting at him but all their projectiles and little weapons were missing him as he began to take steps towards Toraono Kuro and, what he assumed to be, his clones and summoning that towered over him. He was going to speak up but he noticed Lady Yanshi being forcefully taken away and Kuro yelling out to him to stop holding back and to save her.

He nodded his head as his focus turned to the men in front of him who had begun to surround him with shortswords, bayonets, and knives. The opposition clearly was not going to make this easy as they proceeded to surround him and started barking taunts out to him. He smirked at them all and said: "You go from your primary fighting style to close combat with someone who is skilled in close combat. You really want to die don't you?" This taunt would make some of them dash towards him as he would sidestep and hear the sound of bone and steel meeting one another; soldiers falling to their knees as others ran towards him where he would dodge one's weapon yanking it from their grasp and driving it into the back of their skull allowing another body to fall. But they wouldn't stop coming towards him as he had to continually dodge attacks allowing the idiotic imbeciles to hurt one another. But a soldier from afar managed to shoot one of his projectiles accurately enough to pierce skin off of the Kanemoto male's face. This lucky aim evoked anger from the man and with that anger came claws from his hands where his fingernails use to be. His attention had been on fighting and he was going to beat the shit out of his lucky shooter friend, but he noticed the carriage where his wife had been placed was almost out of sight. Turning to Kuro, he said: "I am on it, I will be back to help you clean up if you need it."

He would then dash off at unheard of speed through opening his Gate of Opening and years of training. He was not just angered by himself for trying to assist Kuro in fighting, but he was also pissed that someone would take his wife from him and be abducting other women while slaying all the men. He realized he could not possibly save all of them or fight every last foe that was there, but in his heard he knew he should not be chasing after a woman and leaving his "brother" behind. But, it was already too late as he was dodging strikes, shoving foes out of the way and chasing after that carriage that his wife was in. In reality, it was very unlucky that anyone could keep up with a moving vehicle, but this was his mind and anything was possible. He was not going to lose his chance at power and starting a new life.

Outside of his meditation, his body had not moved an inch but anyone who was watching him could tell he was zoned in and focused. They could also tell he was probably doing something physically as his body was sweating and his heart beat was increasing.

[MFT: 653 Words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The air behind Kyujin began to smell like ozone as a massive electrified attack was unleashed by Kuro disabling some other vehicles and killing a large amount of armored men. The men between Kyujin and Lady Yanshi were thrown, swatted or slashed as they were knocked to the wayside as the beast drawn carriage tried to pick up speed. The sand was relentless as ever and greatly slowed their escape. Several well armored men stepped forth to block Kyujin as 3 teams of soldiers struggled to push the carriage filled to capacity with women from the Toraono Clan with strange devices that seemed to be holding them in some form of stasis. Knowledge of a fighting style that was not his own began to filter through his spiritual link as he literally found his steps kicking up very little dust as the first attacker lashed out with a sword to hit Kyujin only to strike wind as Kyujin ran on the blade's edge kicking the soldier in the face and sending him flying past the second attacker whom swung a massive hammer only to have his arm severed by a clawed flash of light. The final five troops weren't given a chance to do anything as Kyujin unleashed another gate allowing him to leap high above them and land on the carriage. Strength began to fill Kyujin's spirit as he found himself able to slash with each unarmed attack.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The war zone was still massive and bodies were continuing to fall, but the pace of Akujin had sped up considerably from his original pace and he was gaining ground on the abductors and their hostages. His soon-to-be relative had destroyed much behind him and although there were more soldiers rapidly approaching Kuro, he pressed on towards his love. Each step becoming quicker and quicker as his heart and his adrenaline was rushing at a pace that he had never experienced before. Fortunately, maybe, for the soldiers, they managed to get in the way of Akujin momentarily before he ran up the one's sword kicking him in the face and clawing another. He would get by the remaining five and be on the same path as the carriage with his wife in.

At this point, he would pick up even more speed sprinting towards his wife and screaming her name to try to find her from all the beautiful women. His claws still displaying and his gates still opened, he was slowly growing tired from having his gate open but he couldn't give up yet as he was so close to being near his wife and ending this trial in his meditation. He wasn't going to give up on her and she wasn't going to give up on him, he had to fight for her and himself. It also would be wise to show courage and strength of Kuro even if he was simply being imagined in Akujin's subconsciousness. This was all to prove to himself that he was meant for all of this, he couldn't give up on himself.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
ooc: You had already landed upon the carriage but hay if you want to sprint up and down the trailers calling out for her I understand

From a vantage point far away a sniper took aim with a special device devised by the Shogunate to eliminate chakra capacity in ninja, a special bullet that could even the playing field or so the scientists of the empire thought. As Kyujin leapt he cleared the last group of soldiers to land upon the carriage, he began running about frantically to find her amidst the captured women barely noticing the odd collars strapped to their throats inside of the large beaker like capsules. As he finally spotted the chamber holding his wife Kyujin was struck in the chest with some kind of specialized bullet send him head over heels as his gates were cut off. His combat power fell dramatically until all he could feel was his spirit. The carriage grinded to a halt as a massive armored Toraono grappled and held the ten horses pulling it. Shots rang out and soldiers began to yell but his armor was not pierced. Three soldiers managed to climb up atop the containers and closed in on Kyujin. A strange device had pierced his chest, blood fell lightly but all in all Kyujin knew he could draw no more chakra from his body as he stood to face the soldiers. All he could call upon now was his spirit, ancient knowledge began to permeate his mind again as he saw his great-grandfather in his mind's eye yet again. He had moved with and without chakra. His claws of light still graced his hands, he still hand some kind of power outside of chakra to call upon. Time began to slow down for Kyujin as one of the soldiers drew one of their strange weapons ((a gun)) and fired at him. Visions of his Great Grandfather's movements swirled through his mind, his great grandfather had healed without chakra, moved without chakra, fought without chakra, What had he used to keep going? He could see his Great Grandfather's glowing eyes as he looked upon him and saw his spirit that day in the cavern. That knowing gaze as he resumed his duties knowing some one was watching him in spirit. His Great Grandfather has shown him the way, he need only follow through with the lesson. The bullet got closer, the soldiers sword's gleamed with the light emerging from Kyujin's body.

In normal time Lady Yanshi watched over Akujin as he began to bleed from the mouth, and ears, an odd wound appeared on his chest first as a bruise then as a 4 point hole as he began to bleed lightly from his chest. His chakra vanished and Lady Yanshi through herself upon him and called upon her own chakra to heal him but nothing was working. The great tiger spirit placed a calming paw upon her shoulder and she fell asleep holding Akujin in her arms. "Your desires are great Lady Yanshi but this is his trial, and a glimpse of his possible future, he must overcome this trial with his own potential and his own strength.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
My bad, I misread that, but thank you for going through with the post like I wrote mine because I was being silly.

I am assuming normal time is reality and not in his meditation. Correct me if I am wrong or go along with it haha.

"Finally..." he thought as he landed on the carriage and found his wife. He was going to try to get her out of her prison, but would feel a sharp pain in his chest and see blood dripping from him as he fell to his knees clinching his chest. He felt his strength escaping his body and his muscles began to get really heavy as he coughed and blood spilled on the ground beside him as tears from his pain started to run down his cheeks. He could hear and feel the carriage stop as someone had stopped it, probably Kuro or his giant assistance, but Akujin couldn't tell since his head was down. Moments later, there were soldiers standing in front of Akujin and one had pulled out a strange weapon to Akujin and shot it at him sending a metallic projectile towards him in close range to execute him. The bullet whizzing towards him slowly slowed itself as he reflected on his past memory of his grandfather and tried to imagine quickly how he managed to do all of this without any chakra or shinobi knowledge, but those memories had taught him some and when he looked up his body was glistening with a bright light as the bullet closed in. Moving his head ever so slightly, he opened his mouth and bit down on the bullet with the butt end of the bullet being the part he clinched and then spit the bullet out. Shock could be seen on the men's faces as his eyes glowed the same aura as his chest as he slowly got up and looked at them. This would make the three foolish soldiers to lunge at Akujin where the one with the gun approached him first and he sidestepped him grabbing the gun from him by twisting his arm in an awkward way that could fear a snap from it as the soldier lost his footing and fell off the carriage. The other two would charge him with swords where one would miss completely and the other would partially hit him in the side of his chest causing him to fall to his knees again and more blood would leak from his body and mouth as his coughing got worst. The two men would then turn back to him and try to execute him from behind but seemingly miss him somehow as his body did not move, but their strikes passed right at his neck which should have chopped off anyone's head normally. They would stare shocked as he would grab the gun and shoot at them both knocking one of them off the carriage into the wheel slicing his back and appeared he was paralyzed. The other one met an unfortunate fate as well as Akujin had knocked him down with a shot in the face and he was screaming in pain. Akujin himself would collapse then in his meditation from exhaustion and his body in the real world would slump over as Lady Yanshi would rush over to help Akujin as he was bleeding from his mouth and ears, but the great tiger spirit would paw her telling her that he had to overcome this trial himself and the paw put her to sleep with Akujin in her arms.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyujin would find himself afloat in a void of light his body bathed in a variety of glows as his Great Grandfather sat upon a cloud of gold speaking with someone with a halo over their head. He would see Kyujin begin to recognize himself and his surroundings and with a gesture from his right palm he brought Kyujin closer. Still laying prone and enmeshed in swirls of light the gentle yet powerful elder looked upon his descendant with a look of mirth and melancholy, that seemed oddly satisfying to see upon his face. "It has been almost two centuries since I left the mortal world and I left very little trace of what I was or what was possible yet somehow one of my descendants has found a portion of my path, not unusual but I purposefully made it near impossible for my blood to influence our family. I look upon you and see my daughter's blood and the touch of the great tiger spirit Byakko of the Western Winds. Odd that a being of pride would choose one of my ghet. We are a humble yet fierce family and our power made us feared in the ancient times. Yet here you are reaching out and touching that which was sealed off from you. It is amusing for me, I see the points of hard training to push your body beyond the limits of man-kind. Yes that definitely would have brought you to the threshold of the seal. The torments of life brought you to meditation and mental gifts, this was a good path that you had mixing martial arts with mental mastery. Yes, I can see where that would let you slip past my efforts. What I want you to understand is those touched by Tenchi or descended of Tenchi blood are cursed as surely as we are blessed. We are capable of a great many things, we can bless our allies, we can heal without thought and our personal weapons are smiled upon by the ancient gods and powerful spirits alike. However this will bring those whom seek to use or destroy us to your very doorstep. One cannot have this power and simply exist. I found that out long ago and when our family was attacked in order to force me to heal a bastard of great evil and lesser morals.I faked my death after saving them and hid myself in the mountains after ensuring that no one could call upon our blood without breaking the limits naturally inherent in mankind. I made it something all men might find impossible, or at the very least too painful, too hard, too rigorous to do and here you are grasping the powers I sealed away and changing into what I long feared to set free again. Yet, I am still so happy to see you take up this path. Forgive this one sided conversation but I know how impatient and patient some spirits can be. The otherworldly come natural to us and from here on out you will be able to see them quite easily. You have crossed the threshold young man, you have given up your body, and your mind and embraced your spirit. For a normal man this is when a spirit or the gods would grant them enlightenment but for you it will forever be different. You will become as I was, you will move as I moved, and after a certain age you will simply stop aging. Not that we are immortal, we eventually return to the light but that choice is given to us freely from our service to mankind and the heavens. We are the antithesis of demons and their blood. We are the righteous, we are the blessed. Awaken my descendant and wield your nature carefully lest it consume you and cast you to the light before you have chosen to do so on your own. As a final warning beware of the reach of men, for many are terrible, greedy creatures and more loathsome than demons in their hearts and souls. Demons were born with darkness, man chooses to be the way he is."

Tiger Style Claws of Light
Augments: Primal, Special Composition (Kyujin's main elemental chakra - transformed to light by spiritualist CA)* , trick weapon (slashing)
Type: Unique (Unarmed, Slashing)
Unique Mastery Weapon Type: Unarmed
Weight: light
Range: Melee
Damage: -10% dmg canceled by by special composition augment/+5% dmg (b. strength)
Accuracy: +2

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
