Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Important Encounter![Private & Req:Toraono Kuro]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
And like clockwork, mere moments later his relative and wife were beside him and Kuro was addressing the "sinner" in front of them. He assumed the man and his entourage would give their gifts to the couple and then leave the village and family alone until probably the next time they would face off since he didn't seem like the kind that would give up easily on something that he set his mind on. But, who knew that Toraono Kuro was going to allow the man to be taken to the medical ward and then given the proper clothing before they left. Hell, he told the guy that they would fix his armor and his weapons that the guy tried to kill Kyuji with mere moments earlier along with giving forgiveness to him. At this point, Kyuji's eyes were narrowing in a look of questioning Kuro's actions and he wanted to comment on the actions, but Lady Yanshi would nudge him and give a look that told it all.

He would nod at her as Kuro would finish talking to Jakken letting his questioning look escape his face and be replaced with a calm, straightforward look. Little did he know that defeating Lord Commander Jakken had changed his eyes to resemble feline ones as it seemed the more he proved himself, the more he was being given more gifts in alterations on his appearance. Were the changes confusing and unpredictable? At this point, yes, but if he really loved Lady Yanshi and he did, it did not matter if he changed his appearance as long as she was happy and loved him which she did. Besides, he didn't have time to reflect or notice them as the Toraono Clansman had turned to him and directed him to go to the medical ward then come to the main hall along with acknowledging that he would learn the ways of Kanly later. But most importantly, he was thanking him for sparring Lord Commander Jakken's life. He nodded at Kuro and then the stronger and head of the Clan placed his hand on Kyuji's forearm which opened a "wavelength" between the two men where the older and more skillful man told the younger and less experienced that his mother is proud to call him kin and they would need to inform him of his new roles in his new village and home of Sunagakure. All Kyuji could do was nod his head and say respectfully: "Understood, Toraono Kuro."

The hand would then leave his forearm and he would turn to Lady Yanshi and say: "Being that you are the Head of our branch of the Toraono Clan, could you please take me to our medical ward and show me around our branch's areas after we meet the rest of our kin?" If she agreed to lead him, he would follow beside her as they left the area being cautious however with each step as to not be ambushed or surprised by anything out of the ordinary for the Clan of course.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Lady Yanshi smiled and snuggled against Kyuji as his eyes returned to normal, it seemed that only when Kyuji was exerting himself did his eyes assume the golden feline look that his wife's eyes had when she focused on certain things but that was for another day. After the abrupt excitement of the afternoon, things dulled down to a dull roar as people spread around the knowledge of Lady Yanshi's marriage and her husband's duel with Jakken. The medical wards were immaculate and almost as white and pristine as Byakko's temple. After a quick round of healing ministrations from his wife and Sunaku Sashi, a crimson sand wielding doctor. Kyuji found himself dressed in fine white linens to accentuate Lady Yanshi's blue and white kimono. While dining with Azame, Kaibudo, Kuro, Midori, Shiro, and Haizame, they discussed the traditions of the great houses and their necessities along with the history of the Byakko clan which even Lady Yanshi wasn't completely enlightened on but she was now. As Kyuji learned first hand from Kuro the rites of Kanly and the origin of House Byakko.

" Kanly is the enactment of a formal feud or vendetta in a manner that complies with the Imperial records. It often results in an official war of attrition between two opponents, usually Great Houses during the days of the Old Imperium. The act of kanly was originally created as a way of allowing bitter disputes to be resolved without any harm being brought upon innocent bystanders. It was similar in many ways to the ancient duels, although it usually had much broader ramifications. Kanly (kanli) is a nomad word meaning sworn enemy -bloody, from the stem kan, blood-. This animosity continues from father to son, until the last child is dead or the two families make peace. Kanly requires that certain forms of conflict are permitted, while others are not. The use of certain poisons is forbidden. Usage of these poisons usually means a sentence of exile or execution from the Emperor.

As for the Byakko Clan they are as old as the Toraono clan and of soldier stock where the Toraono Clan were once gladiators. The Byakko Clan was originally called the Tiger Speakers. They were an army created during the rule of Ancient Emperor Fuujin. The Tiger Speaker army was entirely composed of women, with men having no roles in the Tiger Speakers' lives other than that of husband. Men were totally shut out of the Tiger Speaker combat forces, with the exception of the Toraono Clan Demon/Celestial Hybrids. They were trained to be fanatical, disciplined, and extremely effective doctors, soldiers, and police. The Tiger Speakers were also used in Ancient human breeding programs, taking advantage of their speed and strength.

The Tiger Speakers were not only an army but also served as bureaucracy: pages, courtiers, archivists and teachers; some were priestesses, serving as judge, jury, executioner in one. Ancients also used them as secret agents and assassins, apart from the official Tiger Speaker Guard and elite units as the Imperial Guard. Errant Tiger Speakers were isolated and served as Death Commandos or Berserkers. Men originally only served as advisory capacity and only later became Tiger speaker auxiliaries, which was generally seen as a sign of the degeneration of the original Tiger Speaker schools. The Tiger Speakers typically wore skintight one-piece uniforms or uniform-robes with the Byakko Seal on the left breast, cloaks or cape-robes, high boots and, for commanders, heavy black armor and face masks. The common color was a rich dark blue, although acolytes and trainees wore short green robes, Special Guards wore Forest Green, and Tiger Speaker Commanders sported black uniforms with gold striping. Tiger Speakers who left the Tiger Speaker Guard or served as Doctors, Priestesses or Executioners wore ceremonial white.

After the realization of freedom under the One King and the awakening of ties with Byakko, the Tiger Speakers became the Byakko Clan, the strongest female run clan in history.

Although traditionally a Matriarchy, they have accepted exceptional men in partnerships and ruled their homes in a 60/40 70/30 split. Their influence rubbed off on the Toraono Clan as a whole allowing my mother Lady Azame to take over the majority of control of the Toraono Clan while my father Kaibudo and I serve as the martial arm and general affairs business facade of the Toraono Clan, everyone knows that the true ruler of the Toraono Clan is Lady Azame because if Mom isn't happy, no one is."



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
After moments passed where his wife snuggled beside him probably relieved her suitor had succeeded in his fight, they proceeded to the medical ward that looked back like the Temple of Byakko in the sense of color, feeling, and overall appearance being spotless and completely white. It seemed anything dealing with him in this Clan was going to be associated with white since it was generally knowledge in the world that most medical shinobi wore white robes to indicate their role in society. It didn't truly matter though as the changes in his appearance had pretty much phased into his new role in the world with his wife and his skills. Once he sat himself down, his wife and another lady who he would discover was named Sunaku Sashi would heal him quickly focusing on the important areas that needed immediate attention; the rest of his body could heal naturally that were not life-threatening. After they did their handiwork, he was clothed in white linens that resembled a kimono and his hair was brushed by his wife briskly before they headed to the main hall to meet the rest of the family.

Eventually when they reached the main hall, he saw everyone was waiting for them and both of them bowed to the rest of the Clan partially because Kyuji told Yanshi when they were walking there to bow with him so he didn't feel like a fool and embarrassing himself. Of course, she would do what he asked since she was full-blown in love with him and she wanted to please him so long as he pleased her. After bowing, he would sit himself at the other end of the table opposing Kuro and place his hands on the table as the older and more knowledgeable Kuro began to talk to him about everything associated with his branch, the whole clan and history.

The first piece of information addressed was about kanly. Intently, Kyuji listened to the explanation of it and nodded occasionally to acknowledge he understood for the most part. It seemed kanly was to mainly protect innocent people not involved in the conflict and to lessen the causalities in general. It was more or less a gentleman's way of fighting someone and did not resort to dirty tactics like much of the world used nowadays with spies, forbidden jutsu, and what not. He understood what the man was saying to him and it was exactly what he was doing with Lord Commader Jakken which he was thankful for ending in record time. If he would have not thought as quickly as he did, the injuries could've been a lot worse and he would probably be dead right now. That fight would be one to tell his children when he had them and tell his buddies if and when he made some.

The conversation quickly changed to the Byakko Clan's history and he finished with his own branch's customs placed in part from the Byakko Clan. It seemed like a rich history while he listened and occasionally looked at his wife seated to his right. The head of the Byakko Clan was his wife and he was partial head in a 60/40 or 70/30 split which seemed quite strange compared to the open sexuality of Stone where they could date the same sex, have multiple partners, and possibly date animals if the rumors were true about that. In any case, the history thrown at him was definitely in-depth and it showed how society had changed over generations as many men and women were equal in their villages and clans nowadays, yet women were ruling a Clan and were the primary fighters for his Clan. It was quite intriguing to say the least how history had changed and evolved quite a lot. Kuro would finish his "lecture" by stating that the influence of the Byakko Clan had ran through the entire Toraono Clan.

Once it was safe to speak, he would try to formulate the correct words and questions to ask the "head" of the Toraono Branch according to everyone. Calmly but a slight shake in his voice since he was still nervous talking to the Sennin of a branch and let alone his new village: "Well, I must say the Byakko Clan has definitely had their influence in their interesting history. You look back and think of how the world use to be and wonder why some things still are not like that. I do have a question though and that would be does the rest of the village practice the same traditions and customs as us? I am sure they don't, but it is quite fascinating that our family has practiced matriarchy for the better part of their history and only made the male population more equal in recent times. Many other places in the world, as I am sure you know since you are a Sennin, practice patriarchy instead of matriarchy."

Lady Yanshi could hear the fear coming from his voice and she would turn to Kyuji. Before Kuro could respond, Lady Yanshi would look at her husband and say calmly to him: "Kyuji, there is no reason to be nervous with Kuro. His mother and him approve of you as the rest of the Clan does as well. You have made your oath to the village and me. Believe in yourself and do not worry. You will make a great husband to me, father to our kids, and will show your worth to the Clan and the village. We believe in you."<i></i>

He would nod at her and respond: "You are right. It is just a lot coming at me all at once. I am sorry."
"No reason to be sorry as you didn't do anything wrong. Isn't that right Kuro?"<i></i>

Even if he was not completely confident in himself, his wife knew his potential and he had won her over fighting for her and wanting to be with her. What more could a guy want?

[MFT: 1003 Words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro sat up and smiled as Lady Yanshi began to release the stress she had built up over the years of thinking she would never find the one, never knowing that Jakken's action would be the filter that would bring her whom she was destined to be with anyway. Kuro nodded intently... "You are absolutely correct, many Sunans practice various religious and familial rites. We of the Toraono clan are largely unchanged over the past seven hundred years or so. We don't fight in pits for Ancients against all kinds of creatures and beings but we do honor the traditions of our origins. The Hyou family still practice the silent shadow hunt, The Oushi-Ouja family still practice chakra focus and titan forms, there are many things we have not changed because it allows us to excel and be who we are but there are a great many things about each house that has changed through time, trial, error, circumstance, and growth. We may honor and promote the ancient ways but we are ever malleable and though are roots are strong we can bend like a reed in the wind to learn from every storm life throws our way. You have been touched by Byakko, now you need only seek its counsel and learn to summon them. There is much you will learn and find open to you but above all else We of the Toraono Clan welcome our Byakko brethren... A toast -To Lady Yanshi and her Husband- Byakko Kyuji..."</COLOR><i></i>

Glasses and mugs were lifted in their honor, as the Byakko shrine filled with gifts.
Elsewhere Jakken fell to his knees while he was being healed in his ceremonial blue robes. The robes he expected to be married in, a matching lighter blue set was in a silk case, they had been hand stitched by his mother whom he would have to tell he had failed to bring her a proper daughter to dote on. He cried in earnest as the pain of loss overwhelmed him. His healer Hyou Yanata lifted his head and rested it on her bossum. She was warm, soft, and oddly supple but he could hear the strong beat of her heart as she hummed an old song he had never heard before.

<COLOR color="#000000">Futari ga kitto deaeruyouna mahou wo kakete
Ryoute wo sotto kasanetehora hohoemukara

Honto no kimochi kitsukanai furishite
Totsuzen futari koi ni ochitano
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You

Imamade zutto ienaimama kakushitetano
Tsuyogatteru soredakenano mitsukedashite

Machiawasemade atogofun mattete
Sonoatofutari koi ni ochitano
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You

Tsunaidate wo sotto hanasutoki
Fuan ni naruno Fuan ni naruno
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You

To make sure the two of us meet, I cast a spell
Our hands are gently touch, and then look at me smile

We pretend not to realize how we really feel
And suddenly, we fell in love
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
I want to hold you tight

Until now, unable to say it, I've just been hiding it
I'm only acting strong, that's all it is, please see through it

Just wait five more minutes until we can meet
And after that we fell in love
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
I just want to cry

When we let go our joined hands
It makes me uneasy It makes me uneasy
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
Let Me Be With You
I just want to hold you
I just want to hold you

"Lord Jakken, you are such a romantic fool, I have sent you every report I could to discourage you from pursuing Lady Yanshi because I love you, I love you more than their are stars in the heavens. I would eat the devils and make the angels weep for you but you never look at me, you only see Lady Yanshi. You lost to one descended from the Tenchi themselves, you lost to a man of heavenly blood. There is no shame in facing the wrath of a Tenshi, don't cry over a woman that could never appreciate you. I am here for you my lord, I will never leave your side unless you order me to."

Overwhelmed with grief Jakken clung to the woman whom proclaimed her love to him, the inadvertant spy that had relayed all the information she could to discourage Lord Jakken pulled his heaving shoulders onto her lap cradling his head like a newborn baby, until he eventually stopped sobbing and accepted her. He had to literally be brought to his knees to see that the one he truly sought had been right beneath his nose the entire time.

He had already sent his entourage back to Iron country with 3 weeks pay and 2 weeks vacation time. They fully expected him to continue the fight but he did no such thing. Taking the dark haired beauty by her hand Lord Commander Jakken quietly eloped to Moon country and sent pictures back to his mother where she laughed and cried that the young lady that had been writing her for over seven years had finally cornered her baby boy. She could finally rest easier at night.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The former Stone shinobi and now descent of Byakko smiled at everyone as the mood in the room was slowly becoming more uplifting and he himself was feeling less stressed out after his wife had spoken to him and told him everything was fine. It was strange that Lady Yanshi was able to sway his emotions and thoughts as simple as a gentle breeze blowing a leaf. This woman was indeed something else to say the least as his body felt warm and he felt more welcomed after her words had escaped her mouth. To make matters even better, Kuro responded to them and proved more information about their Clan and then gave a toast to Lady Yanshi and himself. Smiling, he took his glass and bumped Yanshi's with his own. Everyone seemed relieved after the events that had occurred earlier in the day and Kyuji at the very least was gracious that the fighting and stress were leaving him for now. Of course, he would have to meet people if they had a wedding and try to interact normally with everyone even though that would be quite difficult since he had been a social outcast and hermit his whole life. Oh well, the times they are a-changing and it is time for him to change as well.

There was definitely more for him to learn about his Clan and this village, but for today it seemed he had done a grand job. All that was left to do was to finish this meal with his new family in his new home and then retire for the night. He had a lot to explore and investigate in the village after they were done here. He now would be aiding the hospital as he was officially a Sunan shinobi in the eyes of Kuro and Byakko. All the paperwork and what not could be filled out afterwards along with planning for the wedding. He could tell from Lady Yanshi's actions earlier that she was not going to be able to contain herself for much longer so planning for the wedding would have to start very soon.

But for now, it was time to celebrate with the family and ask some more questions before everyone went their merry ways after the meal. He would look Kuro in the eyes and say quite calmly: "So do you really think that everyone will accept me as the Medical Sennin? I mean I am going to talk to people and show my worth around the village before meeting with anyone about the position. I need to learn about everything that we have here and assess the situation of the Cabel and their impact on the hospital since I wasn't there yet. I was staying away from the village's business until I became a shinobi of our village aside from the occasional patching up of someone if their injury was minor like a scrap. I know for a fact that there are civilians that are supporting this Cabel group as I met some of them near the Academy. There is a lot that we should probably discuss in private, Kuro, when you have an opportunity. But alas, for now, let's celebrate." He would take his glass and put in the air as he continued: "I want to give a toast to the Toraono Clan, Byakko Clan, and Byakko himself for accepting me when I needed somewhere to go. I will show that all of this was not a mistake. I promise!"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro, his father Kaibudo, his mother Azame, his baby sister Haizame, and Lady Yanshi all held up their glasses Kuro and Haizame had juice but Lady Yanshi, Kaibudo, and Azame had wine. Unknown to Kyuji his drink had been spiked by Lady Yanshi with aphrodisiacs that could be triggered by chakra. It seemed there was officially no escape for him now. Kuro agreed they would have things to talk about, "There will be a great many tests and you will find yourself with an endless list of things to do at the medical facilities but Medical Sennin is a goal that can easily be achieved by the most able medic. If you learn to to use your martial arts to heal as some of us have you should find yourself quite capable as a medic and once the rest of Sunagakure knows it then you would present yourself before the steward and the council for a test and a final vote. Again it will be a lot of work but you may find yourself more capable than even your wife imagines."<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
After his toast and everyone following suit, he would drink from his glass containing juice laced with aphrodisiacs which he did not notice as he drank. Kuro would give the proper response to the lower-than-average self-conscious descendant of Byakko which relieved Kyuji as there was a high probability that he would finally realize his dream of being Sennin in his village after having his chance ripped from him along with the title of Tsuchikage in his old home. Maybe, he would finally be recognized for his service as a medical shinobi and not feel hostility for no apparent reason from the leaders of his new village. He sure hoped so as running from a corrupt government and village hit on hard times was something that he did not want to do along with leaving his parents buried in that village. Someday, he would possibly return to where their bodies were buried and relocate them to a more appropriate area in the village or elsewhere.

But, it was not time to reflect on the past. It was time though to think about the future. He had met his girl, he was accepted by Sennin Kuro as a Sand shinobi, and the rest of the story would write itself as it played out. The only other thing to do was to be shown around the Byakko Clan's part of the entire Dojo for today and then explore the village more primarily the medical complex and access the situation at hand. If he was going to achieve anything in the way of a Sand shinobi, he was going to need to do a lot of research, talk with more knowledgeable individuals, and take some risks along the way. It would not be easy at all to accomplish but he would definitely try his hardest and possibly die trying if a specific situation catered to it.

After he finished his last bits of food and drank his last few drips of juice, he would stand and nod to everyone that was there. He would then look at Kuro and say with generosity: "Thank you for the excellent meal. Please give my compliments to the chef and if nobody else has anything to say for now, I would like to excuse Lady Yanshi and myself from the table so that she can give me a proper tour of the Byakko Clan's part of the Dojo. Once the tour is over, I will probably retire to get some rest before heading into the village and re-accessing the situation that the Cabel has given us. No fists will be drawn by me if I see any of them as there are rumors floating around that they are extremely powerful and are not to be messed around with. If I do get into trouble however, is there a way to communicate to you by like headset? I did bring a few headsets along with me from Stone since I wasn't entirely sure what I would be getting into."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro and his family would stand as the new Byakko couple excused themselves Lady Yanshi's eyes were slipping into their golden state which made Kaibudo giggle and nudge Azame as he knew what that rumbling purr from her chest meant as she dragged Kyuji away. Kuro gave Kyuji a slip of paper with his personal headset frequency so that he could access the rebuilt communications network. He wave heartily and as they left he high fived his father and hugged his mother as the Kanly situation had been completely nullified and Lady Yanshi finally had a mate, hopefully he was strong enough to endure her. With shared laughter between father and son and Haizame following behind her mother for her daily swordmanship lessons the day slipped away into a comfortable night for the Toraono Clan although for Kyuji he had to deal with his new duties as husband to the ice tiger of the Byakko and she wasn't letting him get away this time.

She summoned two tigers from the tiger contract to seal her door and guard it. There would be no interruptions for the next 3 days save food and drink which she had already stocked up on. As she placed ice seals on the mirrors in her chamber she sealed a second perimeter around the bed and bath area. She then deliberately froze her door and her windows reinforcing the ice with mirror seals so her high speed movement would be unstoppable. It began to snow in her chambers as she disrobed, Kyuji found it odd that not only was it snowing but he was not getting cold at all. Her eyes had turned fully gold with a faint blue ring. She was at the height of her powers and the height of her needs. A deep rumbling purr consumed the chamber as she stalked Kyuji, her initial 3 gates opened giving her skin a golden glow instead of its classic pale white. "Kyuji-saiai (Kyuji my love), I have waited so long for you. YOU will give me strong kits (children). DO not defy my love for you, Run if you must but there is no escape. YOU ARE MINE and I AM YOURS. Sate my hunger..." With explosive high speed movement Lady Yanshi stepped through her ice mirror to reappear above Kyuji tackling him with all the power at her disposal as she ripped his clothes away. Shreds of cotton and silk floated through the air as she locked her lips on Kyuji's throat without biting him but the strength behind it said she was going to dominate him unless he equaled her strength. She was not going to take any answer but yes. She looked at his face with a feral love in her eyes as she began to give him a monstrous hickey. YEP Kyuji was definitely in trouble unless he could match her current strength she was going to do whatever she wanted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
[OOC: I had a strong feeling this was going to happen haha. Let the bedroom fun commence! Also, I had to be careful with my word selection due to the site rating haha xD]

As the last word escaped his mouth, he was dragged away from the rest of the family from a feral looking Yanshi but not before being given a frequency of Kuro's headset which he tucked deeply in his pants. At least if anything else was to happen today, he had contact with Toraono Kuro whenever he needed him and he was determined to get the other frequencies of the village as soon as he had a moment since he did not have any right now as a strong grip from his lady was dragging erm pulling him down the halls. The day was winding down quickly as he was dragged and by the time they got to what he assumed was her room, night had taken over the world.

But it appeared his tour of his new home was going to have to officially wait as Lady Yanshi had thrown him on the bed and seemed she was going to get her way. Kyuji looked around the chamber at the beautiful architecture of the building as tigers were summoned and they were sealed into the room by Lady Yanshi's ice. The combination of the lighting with the ice made a beautiful scene if anyone was able to see it, but what made the man's heart begin to radiate was all the mirrors and the sign of what appeared to be snow falling from the top of the chamber yet he wasn't fazed by it at all. It appeared to him that this was all a show to step the tone of the night and his assumptions would prove right as she would undress again in front of him again. Her eyes when she turned around looked exactly the same as they had when they first met with lust in them, but they now had a slight hue of blue which just brought out their beauty even more.

He continued to lie where he was as she would vanish into one of her mirrors and he could not keep up with her no matter how fast his eyes could follow. If he would've been born a Hyuuga or an Uchiha then maybe he would been able to pick her movements up, but alas he could not which would prove eventful in his case as he now just had to wait for her to show herself again and she would since he could hear her purrs radiating throughout the chamber just like he had heard those same purrs before. His nerves in a situation like this would've usually been shot, but he was relaxed and his eyes would droop waiting for her. For some odd reason, he was quite ecstatic and anxious for what would happen next but would not have to wait too long as her voice would be heard again before she reappeared above him tackling him and ripping all of his clothes off.

Within moments of their bodies touching each other, her lips were on his neck giving his a strange sensation that had his eyes shut as he let out a little moan every now and then from the excitement that she was giving to him. His right hand was petting her like a feline while his left hand was wrapped around her bringing her closer to him as his face blushed. It would not take long however for him to react completely to her kissing as he rolled her onto her back as he nibbled on her ear before kissing her neck to return the flavor. His eyes would open at this point and his own eyes were glowing gold again with lust in them as he took his hands and pinned her arms down roughly letting his lips leave her neck and smirking at her with a devilish look.

"This is's like....our bodies are in sync....but I am still just a mere feeble child. going to punish me and make me a man? COME ON! Take me as I believe it is said or have you been a bad little girl!"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
After a few nights of dining and other things Lady Yanshi finally gave in to slumber, it seemed her honeymoon had started off quite well. As Akujin got used to his new abode there was a knock at the door delivering breakfast and a stack of papers that required his signature along with schedules for shifts at the Byakko Infirmary before heading to the main hospital. There were some congratulatory cards, a Thank you letter from Lord Jakken, some threats from past suitors whom felt they should be the chosen one. Life was good again and as she slept the sleep of the content and all of Akujin's claw marks began to heal he could see that he would be busy but not overwhelmed. Lady Yanshi had been a very bad little girl but hopefully with her hunger sated and after her efforts perhaps a child on the way she would calm down. Even the ice had faded away into vapor swept up by the air recyclers and conditioners without letting a single drop stain the floors or the drapes, although the bedsheets torn and tattered as they were; those were another matter some still has small icicles clinging to them but the staff assured him they would change them without waking Lady Yanshi at all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
After quite a honeymoon thus, the couple had finally shimmered down into slumber with the male of the unit waking up every now and then to look over at his beautiful wife sleeping her little heart away. Occasionally, he would rub his hand on her back or play with her air in a playful matter while she slept. Most of the time awake however was getting informed on his role in the Clan and the village along with the proper paperwork for Kuro and the village. Finally, it felt like he was going to actually do something with his life and get the recognition that he sought greatly in the Hidden Stone here in Suna. He knew he was going to have to move up the ranks and prove to the villagers and the shinobi of the village that he was a good fit for their home and prove that he was not a deadbeat that married into a prestigious family for the title and to get easy access to better roles in the village. In all honesty, he wasn't ready to fill in the Sennin role in the village and wanted to get the proper training and experience before he threw himself into the fray of the Council and the Kazekage-Stewart's "interrogation and trials". Yes, he would get to know the village better and try to make some allies that he could count on and possibly teach the youth in the Academy before he tried to fill in such big shoes.

The paperwork and information that was given to him flooded him like a terrible tsunami crashing into a poverty-ridden small town. Mainly, it was easy things to fill out like his name, his birth, gender, and what not along with a blood sample and fingerprints to be identified in the village's "database" for the ANBU probably, The information was somewhat simple as he would start his day in the Byakko Infirmary mid-morning and then stroll over to the hospital to assist the village. It seemed like a double duty and quite honestly it would probably feel like a double duty, but if he wanted to achieve great things in this village he could not outright complain about it. This also could be seen as a trial to weed out the strong and weak in the branch much like Stone use to do. However, he was apparently the equal rank as every other medic from the information provided to him via word or paper. There was no Hissori's or Uka's in this village to order him around and so far nobody was trying to jeopardize his chances of success like the Hidden Stone did when he was running for Tsuchikage with a popularity election after their tournament had fallen through and the overseer was playing the cards in her favor. Yes, this village was going to be grand for him, he could feel it.

Also between his slumber, he had read the cards, letters, and threats directed at him. He was relieved that Lord Jakken had buried his hatchet and moved on in his life, but he was also happy that there were so many people outside of the Toraono Clan sending their congratulations to Yanshi and him. It felt good for people to actually be happy for him aside from his parents who were always proud of him and bless their souls in the Heavens above that they believed in. One thing was for certain, his parents had died for terrible reasons and those memories would haunt him, but he had to be strong for them and himself and keep living every day like it was his last.

The staff would finally come in again and let him know that they were going to change the sheets and wouldn't wake his wife. He would obviously nod as he could see throughout his time in the room that the ice barriers that were put up to allow them to have their fun times were slowly melting and evaporating into air recyclers and conditioners. Still however, Kyuji's body was not freezing at all; no, in fact, it was quite warm probably from the intensity that the two lovers had between them. One thing was for sure, he was definitely sore as he sat in a chair near the bed as the staff would change the sheets and what not seemingly like a magician as his wife continued to sleep and only occasionally stirred probably from a dream. He wondered what was in store for him next in his life as he sat there. Would he be promoted to Medical Sennin? Would his wife conceive a child to them? Would he actually become a sensei in the Academy? Would he lead a team? There was so much still open for him to do and it was quite exciting to say the very least for him!

[814 words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
After 3 weeks of instruction in Byakko medical techniques Akujin mastered the skills necessary to be a licensed Sunagakure chakra surgeon. He could with the aid of a Byakko nurse to pinpoint the exact location of the obstruction remedy a chakra block caused by excessive training or by battle injury. He could manifest healing strikes using focused spiritual light in the form of spirit claws, through his martial training he could actually now use the very same strikes he would use to incapacitate an opponent to heal an obstinate patient. It had been quite the sight when he had to force Kaibudo to take his morning medication for his migraines and when he refused following Lady Yanshi's instruction he activated three gates and struck him with a healing blow before he could protest any further actually earning high remarks from Lady Azame and a request for a sparring session from Kaibudo.
Akujin was appointed a medical class to establish his own standards of medicine. All of this was to establish a legitimate claim to ask to be medical sennin. He would also need to find a way to gain the Tiger contract as a scion of Byakko seeking to be a Sage he could not be without it.

He was also to train his own team of combat medics to function as the Byakko Emergency Medical Team.
The names he was recommended to check on for training were a young prodigy by the name of Samejima and an earnest hard working albeit mysterious nin by the name of Tsuchimikado Susumu. Once he had these two nin in tow he was to give them both examinations via pen and paper and via actual demonstration to ascertain their readiness to become full fledged medical nin and possibly his first two combat medics. He could find a train a third once he identified another.

Rumors spread like wildfire as Lady Yanshi's hunger had at last been sated and the stirrings of new life were detected within her. Joy blossomed upon her face whenever she was near Akujin, she finally felt complete. A child was growing within and soon that would consume what little sleep both master medics were afforded.

Topic Left

Topic Complete

Welcome to the ball game Akujin...

editted to correct time stamp


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
After training with close supervision from the elders of the whole clan, he was finally prepared to fully utilize his medical techniques along with his prior fighting abilities to heal instead of harm people like he had to Kuro's dad when he refused to take his medicine which apparently earned him respect from Lady Azame and a sparring match with Kaibudo. He would have to take that offer from him and postpone it for now as his fiancee was pregnant with his first child and they still had a wedding to plan for the villagers and possibly extend invitations to the other villages if they felt up to it. First thing was first, they needed to get their wedding planned first and perfected to his girl's taste or else~

With the training over, Kuro had given him two younger villagers' names to investigate and eventually give examinations to. Once they passed if they chose to continue in the branch, he would have his first group of combat medics and they would be the Byakko Emergency Medical Team alongside him and his wife if she was needed and able to. Eventually, he would need to seek out other people to fill in the gaps needed in the branch for the medics. It seemed at the very least that Kuro was trying his best to help out Kyuji in receiving the position that he rightfully deserved.

For now with the day dying down into the night, he would eat dinner with his family and then retire to his branch's chambers with his wife to plan their wedding and to talk about baby names and what not. There was much on his plate now with a wedding, his medic duties, a kid on the way, and other little things here and there that needed to be done. Wasn't going to be easy, but it would be quite fulfilling once it all came to fruition. He was being asked already to teach a class at the academy in a few days for the first time in his life and that was going to be nerve-wrecking since it was allegedly a lot of prosperous students that needed a few classes here and there to graduate from the Academy and become Genin and from there discover themselves in this crazy world filled with mystery, love, lust, wealth and everything else.

He definitely wanted to learn the ancient language that Sunans were known for and do everything to improve himself for his village and his family. He was already feel more welcomed and successful in this village than in the Hidden Stone. Yet, he still wondered how those guys were doing in his old village. Was there still a Hidden Stone? He would need to explore this at a later date once he had made a name for himself in the Hidden Sand and was seen as reliable and loyal to his village since he was sure people were still taking him with a grain of salt.

[Topic left and Lady Yanshi is now an independent NPC of mine as per Kuro. We will roleplay again very soon!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
