Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Important Encounter![Private & Req:Toraono Kuro]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Once he awoke from his slumber, he would surrounded by a bright void of nothing aside from his great, great grandfather in the distant who would bring him closer after his body glowed and bathed in a multitude of colors and hues. His relative displayed mixed emotions on his face which honestly relieved and also concerned Akujin. Every one of these trials and scenarios bringing him closer and closer to his marriage and his acceptance into the clan and the village, but each step could always backfire in his face and ruin his chances. So far, so good thus far and he hoped this encounter would help him be guided into more and more closure. He would listen attentively and each word and sentence came out of his elder's mouth and into his mind.

There was a lot that the elder had to say and he smirked when the elder asked forgiveness for rambling on. However, all the ramble was about good and evil and him going over the threshold in his training. There was a lot of lecturing and warnings towards Akujin. He understood what his elder was trying to get to and he nodded at him. It was most certainly amazing that he managed to break a threshold to advance himself considering he was a mere servant of his god only months ago and now he was more-or-less agnostic but believer in spirits and he had to considering he saw the tiger spirit, was talking to his ancestor, and all of this happening to him since walking into this glorious temple and his wife's clan's dojo. He was going to respond, but his elder was done speaking to him and he just smiled as he closed his eyes and awoke to his wife holding him with the blood from his fighting subduing. He would look down to his hands and notice that his hands now resembled claws of a tiger and his eyes widened at this new addition to him along with his hair growing slightly more and still being as white as snow.

He would nudge his lady and say: "Yanshi, wake up, come on...wake up." If she awoke, he would smile at her and say: "I am fine. I ache a little, but it is not anything that I cannot handle haha." He would then turn to the tiger spirit, if he was still around, and say: "So far, I am enjoying myself. If you will allow it, I would like to meditate some more before having my ultimate and divine judgment. May I?"

[OOC: Kinda busy irl, but I wanted to get one of these out for you. Also MFT-429]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The great tiger spirit sat before them both and took on a substantial amount of mass so that even Lady Yanshi could see him. She almost yelped when she did, smiling in the manner that tigers do would look like hunger or the preparation to attack to many but Kyujin could see it for the genuine smile it was as he spoke in a manner that both Kyujin and Yanshi could hear. "Kyujin, you have already completed the trials deemed necessary by this temple. You have awakened your spirit, you have reached for and grasped the inner light within you. The final judgment was never mine to give. My job was and always has been to simply offer the tests. Your choices alone and your will alone provide the results. You have found 2 gifts within you, whether you accept them or not is up to you, whether you choose to accept your transformation or not is up to you. Your journey ends only when you give up on yourself and fade into the background of time. I am certain Lady Yanshi simply wants to be happy and that you are the best choice. I am certain you could make her happy as well. Your final judgment must come from inside you. You must decide whether to accept that which you could be or stay as you were. I am happy to see the young mistress in the thralls of lust, love, and desire such a combination makes a woman disastrously strong and determined. Its like watching my children growing up all over again. Watching over you pseudo mortals has always been the most interesting job. Once you have made your choice I will return. I will grant you title and mantle and should you accept my decree you can then decide whether to be wed or not. If you choose to be wedded you can decide on a traditional human wedding or take up the wedding of sacred oaths as the elders and ancestors did. Either way I wish you both the best. Till then communicate and let your thoughts be known to each other." The great tiger spirit stood up and stepped away disappearing into the eternal creamy white of the temple.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Mere seconds passed and the tiger spirit had solidified itself again and was looking over the two "humans." He would listen intently as each word escaped the tiger spirit and he felt a rush of emotions fulfilling his body. He had finally done it, he passed all the trials of the spirit and now the ultimate decision was up to him and his wife-to-be. He knew without even speaking to her that she was going to say to him and they would get married as long as he agreed to it. But, they would have to decide on a wedding style and Akujin would have to figure out for himself if he wanted to stay in this transformation that he had currently or if he wanted to accept what he could become. However prior to having any decision with the spirit, he vanished from their sight and he was left with his lady. He knew what he wanted to do, but he needed to be a gentleman and discuss this all with her as well before he, she, they made a decision.

He could feel himself becoming nervous as his attention would turn back to his beautiful woman. How would he be able to ask and tell her how he felt and what he wanted compared to what she wanted? He didn't know; he had transformed which had brought them seemingly closer physically, but there was much work to be done with their intimacy emotionally and mentally. This would have to be handled at a different time as he would try to put a smile on his face again and hide his true feelings of nervousness as he began to talk. "Yanshi, you heard what the great tiger spirit said...I want to marry you as I am attracted to you and because I feel a deep connection even with not knowing one another long. I also would like accept what I could be even if that means my body is altered even more. But, what do you think I, no, we should do? This is not just myself that this would affect, but also you." He would then close his eyes with his breathing pattern slightly altering from the "arenaline" from his meditation taking its toll on his body now. After a few moments, he would start off again with some joy, but clearly still some nerves shaking him: "If we decide to wed, the wedding does not matter to me. If you want a big social gathering with the village, we can do it. Or, we could follow the oaths. Whatever your heart desires. But for now with all that I have said, what do you want us to do?"

His eyes would shut again after the last words left his mouth and his mind would wander. Was he really going to give up his "normal" life and seek power and marriage? He was just a little nobody in the Hidden Stone months earlier and now he was going to play an important part in this village from the words of Elder Kuro as a potential Sennin and a husband to this woman. He had definitely struck gold metaphorically coming to Suna and he couldn't let this opportunity slip away from him, no, he needed to take as much as he could and be as greedy as he could like the great tiger spirit said. It felt wrong to want to seek so much power, but it felt good as well...Akujin was slowly learning that the world did not resolve around everyone else and it resolved around his life for himself. Healing and mending to people were important, but he needed to let go his faults and shortcomings. This was a new day and life for him, he needed to take them both by the reins and go for the ride.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Lady Yanshi awoke ecstatic and it took all of her training not to scream and run around giggling with joy. Kyujin's skin had become olive tone and his hair had a crisp snow like white color. He could manifest some of the power of light in combat it seemed so he was at the very least ready to start the training of mystic medicine to add to what he already knew about surgery, curing ailments, and diseases. "I would be honored if we could exchange sacred vows, but are you certain you don't want to wait a bit or perhaps spend some time just being yourself. I have never been the easiest woman to deal with, I have scared off too many suitors to count. I have little control over my urges during celestial occurrences. I don't even know if my family would be able to deal with me if I had a husband I'd probably become some sort of monster. I don't know if I can stand being happy... I'm rambling aren't I?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
His lady would speak after him and tell him her doubts and what she thought would be the best option for both of them in the long run. She also questioned him if he wanted to just stay himself for a little and wait a little before they did anything. He shrugged his shoulders at her as he would place his hands on her shoulders after shrugging them and looking her eye level with one another. He would put his right hand on her face and tilt his head in a playful matter. He would then sigh with his body as his smile would remain, but his tone in his voice could see the hidden meaning. "We may exchange sacred vows if you would like to, that is fine with me! I am myself and I will be myself regardless of how I change physically, mentally or emotionally...I will not be turning into a monster or anything especially with you around to calm me down if someone or something would anger me."

He would take a breath and run his other hand through her hair as he continued. "You won't be scaring me off and your family will surely accept me as your other half if it makes you happy. Kuro already approves of our arrangement and the ancient tiger spirit approves as well. You are the head of your branch of the Toraono Clan and you are not a little girl, you are a young, mature adult who can make her own decisions. Wedding me and having me as your husband is your choice, I want to wed you but I also want to let my body reach what it can reach. It will alter me, but my love for you won't change."

He would then lean in and attempt to kiss his lady. If she didn't stop him nor knock him away, he would smile at her after the kiss and say: "I promise you with that kiss that I am here to stay and for us."

[Acknowledging the skin change as well. I forgot about that when we did our PM.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
There was a surge of movement as several priests and 9 priestess's came running into the chamber with exasperated looks. "Lady Yanshi we have an emergency, an armored warrior in blue has laid claim to the dojo and demands that he be allowed to take your hand in marriage or he will call forth his family and declare family feud upon the Byakko family and the entire Toraono Clan." Lady Yanshi went pale at the mention of blue armor. Only one man would wear blue armor and challenge the entire Toraono Clan. Shogunate Heir Mitsubishi Jakken a distant relative of Lady Azame. Regaining her composure she stood and bowed the the White Tiger Clergy. "Invite him into the Byakko compound and have him seated in the open arena while I don my own armor and meet him in combat. He is not worthy of me and because of his relation to Lady Azame, Kuro chan cannot beat him senseless without his mother's expressed order. I on the other hand can. Ready the family guard and prepare tea and the ceremonial writ of denial and defiance."

Lady Yanshi couldn't help but let a single tear fall as she stepped away from Kyujin steeling herself for an inevitable battle. Kyujin wasn't allowed to fight her battles without a contract between them, and if Kuro got involved Jakken knew it would be considered an act of war against the lords of Wind Country.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
There was no time to react or respond to Akujin's actions or comments as priests and priestesses rushed into the temple to inform Lady Yanashi and Akujin indirectly that a man was demanding to take Lady Yanshi's hand in marriage or he would declare war on the Byakko family and the entire Toraono Clan. At this point, he wanted to say something but he could see the color disappear from Yanshi's face as she went pale and he monitored her to check for any signs that would signal that she needed medical attention. There were none however as she told everyone that was around what she would be doing and what to do except Akujin.

She would then get up and wipe a tear from her eye as she walked Akujin to get ready it seemed, but he dashed over to her before she left and put a shoulder on her shoulder. He didn't know exactly what he could do, but he looked at her and said: "Why don't I step in for you and handle him? I know I can beat him and save you from wasting your time. Besides, would this not prove myself even more to the Byakko family and the entire Toraono Clan? Just a suggestion. You are more than able to handle yourself in battle and don't need my help, but I just think it would save you time and energy."

He would shrug his shoulders as he would look at the new bodies that had entered the body in the form of the clergy and said with a sigh: "If I have to stay out of this battle, where should I go and position myself and what may I do while Lady Yanshi is fighting this man if you can call him that. I won't interfere at all, but this is not worth her time and I am sure anyone in the village or the Toraono Clan could handle this guy unless he is bringing backup which is very likely. Who knows though..." He would then fold his arms and wait for directions on what to do.


Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Lady Yanshi hugged Akujin briefly, shocking the collected clergy into silence. Lady Yanshi never gave a public display of affection and she never transgressed on holy grounds. They were all slack jawed as she nodded to Akujin in turn leaving a small hidden slip of chakra paper in his hand. It read... "I cannot ask you to face him, only a member of my family or the Toraono Clan can face him in ritual combat. He is gifted in the ways of war and even I will be hard pressed. If you were already my husband or my concubine then this would be simple but he came to force the issue simply because his spies told him I was about to be wedded and he probably way-leighed the original consort himself such is Jakken's way. Know that I would have been happy to have married you..." As she and the clergy rushed away to prepare the white tiger spirit sat beside Akujin and smirked. "The ancient vows of love and eternal bonds do not require her presence, Kyujin. You need only declare yourself hers and she yours in the presence of witnesses on holy ground and your binding will come forth if you are sincere. Mind your words however, for as long as you stand upon the white sands of Byakko your words carry all the weight of your soul and should you be false in ANYTHING you say your soul is forfeit and you could damn yourself for all eternity. Know that if you declare yourself Byakko Kyujin husband of Lady Byakko Yanshi Shouken in the presence of witnesses then as long as both your hearts are pure then you will be bonded as such until either of you can no longer maintain your spirits. Remember there can be no lies or false intent."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Dark Mousy-Dark Angel. Hair would be white like Akujin's and what not.

The two lovers hugged one another in front of the clergy leaving them speechless. The hug felt sincere, warm and comforting; but, he could tell she was worried by how her arms were squeezing tightly around him. She would turn her back to him then but give him a piece of paper telling him that he couldn't do anything since he wasn't a member of her family or the Toraono Clan but she would happily marry him. When he read those last words, a single tear ran down his face as her and her clergy began to leave.

He needed to do something and the great tiger spirit told him exactly what he needed to do like a parent guiding their child. He needed to declare himself hers and she needed to declare herself his in front of witnesses on these holy grounds and the binding will become sincere. He nodded at he spirit and mouthed a thank you to him. He would leave his position and run yelling to the group to stop momentarily. If he could catch even one person, he would look at them and say: "I am hers. She is who I want to marry and I love her. I formerly Kanemoto Akujin from this day forward will go by the name Kyuji and the surname of Byakko if the great tiger spirit will allow it and bless me. I am a Sunan citizen and shinobi, focusing on the medical branch of the village. My past is my past, I am now one with this village and this clan."

If he could catch his wife, he would grab her hands and say the following: "Lady Yanshi, I, Kyuji, want to marry you. I want to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness. As your note says, you would love to marry me. I am ready to take the next step forward, please, allow me to step in your place for our family and our clan. You have nothing to worry about!"

If he could not catch his wife, he would look at any clergy he could get to wait and say: "I want to marry that lady. I want to be by her side through thick and thin no matter what happens till death do us part. I pledge my faithfulness to her. Her note read that she would love to marry me and I would love to marry her. So please stop her, let me fight in her place."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Akujin said:
Dark Mousy-Dark Angel. Hair would be white like Akujin's and what not.

The two lovers hugged one another in front of the clergy leaving them speechless. The hug felt sincere, warm and comforting; but, he could tell she was worried by how her arms were squeezing tightly around him. She would turn her back to him then but give him a piece of paper telling him that he couldn't do anything since he wasn't a member of her family or the Toraono Clan but she would happily marry him. When he read those last words, a single tear ran down his face as her and her clergy began to leave.

He needed to do something and the great tiger spirit told him exactly what he needed to do like a parent guiding their child. He needed to declare himself hers and she needed to declare herself his in front of witnesses on these holy grounds and the binding will become sincere. He nodded at he spirit and mouthed a thank you to him. He would leave his position and run yelling to the group to stop momentarily.

Kyujin moved with the speed born to those able to open the gates and whipped around the group to confront she who would be his wife, he would grab her hands and say the following: "I formerly Kanemoto Akujin from this day forward will go by the name Kyuji and the surname of Byakko if the great tiger spirit will allow it and bless me. I am a Sunan citizen and shinobi, focusing on the medical branch of the village. My past is my past, I am now one with this village and this clan. Lady Yanshi, I, Kyuji, want to marry you. I want to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge to you my faithfulness. As your note says, you would love to marry me. I am ready to take the next step forward, please, allow me to step in your place for our family and our clan. You have nothing to worry about!"

The clergy were once again shocked by another public display of affection on holy ground but even more so it was Kyujin's speed. As he spoke a soft white light encompassed both himself and Lady Yanshi silver white markings formed around his left hand and forearm. A matching somewhat more dominant set of markings formed inside Lady Yanshi's right palm, and around her foream. Her eyes involuntarily took on a shade of gold as did Kyujin as the Byakko Tenshi seal emerged upon Kyujin's back glowing bright gold showing even beneath his clothing. A mirror marking appeared upon Lady Yanshi's back, as she became both feral and regal. A dozen white tigers emerged from the surrounding area to sit regally around the collected group in a perfect circle as a massive 30 foot long, 12 feet tall at the shoulder tiger coalesced from the white light to become visible to all whom now bore witness to Byakko Kyujin's love for Lady Yanshi descendant of Byakko.

Lady Yanshi grasped Kyujin's left hand with her right as energy and heat seemed to flow between them... "With all my heart and soul I reach out to you and take you as my husband... I grant you my name and a place in my house. I take thee as my own and declare no man shall have a place in my heart ahead of you unless we have a son. I love you and need you, please share my burdens."


The wind began to build in response to the spiritual chakra and the energies embedded in the land as the tiger spirit and the sacred white tigers that roamed the Byakko Family Compound released a massive collective roar that awakened the spirits of the other houses in response. The Toraono Clan responded with a massive roar in response followed by House Hyou's distinct screaming roar of challenge and acceptance. Then finally a massive thunder strike shook the northern compound as the Oushi Ouja family collectively stomped their feet as herd beasts would do in response to the presence of a predator.

It was official as it is in the heavens so be it on earth Byakko Kyujin was born and a knight of Seiryuu sat in the challenge yard with his entourage of warriors, priests and magi now painfully aware that he might have pushed the Toraono Clan too far.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The area around them had grown silent, the clergy looked awestruck at Akujin expressing his feelings towards Lady Yanshi. As the last words escaped his mouth, a white light encircled Lady Yanshi and himself which created silvery, white markings around his left hand and forearm while his lady had markings consuming her right forearm. Their eyes had both taken on a shade of gold and had become slits much like the great tiger spirit's which corrected his poor vision and left him with no need for his glasses anymore. The Byakko Tenshi seal also had formed on their backs and was glowing through his clothing while his teeth had shifted slightly to resemble predatory teeth of a great fighter otherwise known as a tiger. As for the scenery around them, well the clergy were still in shock and tigers had formed around the young couple in a perfect circle. The whole scene was truly surreal like out of a movie or story.

The young couple would hold their hands together and Akujin could feel energy and heat transferring from them. It felt like she was giving him some of her energy and chakra while lighting a fire in his soul. She was trying to give him motivation and encouragement more or less probably while also comforting him and preparing herself to speak. Once the heat and energy began to flow steadily, she announced her commitment to him and wanting him as her husband while expressing her love of him and how she would not love anyone else unless they had a son. Then, the tiger spirit announced that Akujin was officially Byakko Kyuji and connected to his wife.

Outside the temple, the spirits of the Toraono clan's respective branches had recognized the commitment of the two lovers and the warrior that had come to take his wife's hand was probably cowering and regretting his decision now. The newly reborn Kyuji looked at his lady and then the clergyman and nodded. He looked down at his left hand and forearm with the markings then his right hand that was bare aside from the transformation from the claws on either hand. His eyes looked calm and peaceful, his body language seemed relax and he smirked. He would look at them all again and say hesitantly: "I suppose I should go out and tell the man and his company to leave. I doubt they would want to interfere with celestial and spiritual beings nor would they want to anger any gods." He would then proceed to start walking out of the temple but would stop at the entrance and look back at his lady with a tilt of the head and a smile: "Don't be worried about me. If I have to fight them, I will fight them. Just let me handle them and if I would run into trouble, I will figure out how to get out of it. No worries! As for you clergy, once I walk out of the door, please shut the door behind me and lock it. I am no fool, I am going into a highly outnumbered situation and they may want to use the numbers game against me to get yous or Lady Yanshi. If you feel threatened or need me, just call my name! Here I go!"

He would then walk out of the entrance of the temple and stand looking down at the warrior and his party. His happy and laidback attitude had changed completely and had been replaced by a serious, deadly look and body language. He had folded his arms as he peered out at them with disgust; he couldn't believe they had come all this way to mess with his lady and this clan. He would begin to speak with no remorse in his voice and the area could hear a pin falling if there was one. " came all the way here for Lady Yanshi. It's too bad that she has already selected me as her husband over you. Why don't you turn around with your party and go back to where you came from? If you choose to struggle, you will leave me with no choice, but to eliminate you. But hey, the choice is yours."

[MFT: 708 words
I take pride in this post. It isn't my best but I enjoyed writing it.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: As you should take pride in it my friend.

The Seiryuuan Knight stood from his seat. He set his tea aside and his eyes said he was undaunted. Jakken's blue armor was bristling with lightning and the power of a massive typhoon held at bay only by his willpower. The very air around him seemed to swirl with the energy of a storm as he gestured with his right hand the clergy, magi, and lawyers of his venture went to the far wall and sat down respectively. Some began writing notations about the entire escapade. With his left hand Jakken signaled his military entourage, in response they formed rank and file ten men deep and ten men wide. One hundred elite soldiers wearing ceremonial colors upon their battle armor and each one bearing a gift. They formed two opposing flanks before facing about to take their places along the courtyard.

Jakken stepped forward and as he walked passed each row of soldiers they meticulously took a knee placing a gift before them atop a blue silk scarf. It was a fascinating display of honor and power in their regalia. The men all had a form of chakra within them but it was pressed into their armor somehow but Kyuji's senses had heightened since he took his new form and rite of passage. The doors behind him closed and locked as he strode forward to meet Jakken the former suitor to his wife.

Jakken removed his right gauntlet and reached out to shake Kyuji's hand... (if taken Kyuji would receive a minor jolt of celestial energy to attest that Kyuji truly was the chosen of Lady Yanshi and blessed of the tiger spirit and not merely a trick to put him off) He would then say in a formal but saddened tone... "With her birthday coming I had intended to shower her with gifts to get her to agree to marry me, I have turned away every suitor she petitioned personally and assured them all they were not worthy of her. I have brought my clan armor and weapons as a symbol of faith so that she might bless them herself, and yet she does not want me. She wanted a doctor, a savior, a shinobi and although I could hire any of those men I am not capable of being any of those, I am a Priest, an Avenger, a Knight. I would have truly loved her beyond all the heavens above if she would have only let me. So now I ask you chosen of Byakko, as a Knight of Seiryuu, as a man scorned should I not call you out and at least contest your skills against my own if only to show I am the better man?"<i></i>

If his hand was not taken a massive draconian seal would encompass the court contesting the Byakko Tenshi seal to recognize him as the chosen of Lady Yanshi and Byakko. Satisfied, Jakken would then address him in a stern but understandably spurned manner... " YOU HAVE TAKEN what is rightfully MINE. I intend to shower her with gifts to get her to agree to marry me. I have turned away every or KILLED every suitor she petitioned personally or simply assured them all they were not worthy of her. I have brought my clan armor and weapons as a symbol of faith so that she might bless them herself, and yet she does not want me. She wants a doctor, a savior, a shinobi and although I could hire any of those men I am not capable of being any of those men. I am a Priest, an Avenger, a Knight. I would have truly loved her beyond all the heavens and I ALWAYS WILL... Since we were children she is the only woman I have ever wanted but could never have. So now I ask you... chosen of Byakko... as a Knight of Seiryuu, as a man scorned... Should. I. NOT. KILL. YOU. where you stand? If only to show her I am the superior man?"<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Standing at the above the steps, he took in the entire scene below him as the brave warrior's companion had backed away from him. The soldiers had formed a flake on either side of the courtyard while the rest of his party had taken a seat on the other side of the courtyard. They had the numbers game against Kyuji that was for sure as he began to walk down the steps of the temple peering at them all with each step. The soldiers had no idea what they were doing as they were mindlessly following this puppet of a leader who wanted to take his wife away from him which was not going to happen without a fight. He was trying his best to remain cool and collected, but he was slowly getting angry step by step. By the time he was facing the man face to face, he wanted to send him to the ground and leave him in agony.

But, that would have to wait as he would see the hand extended to him and being the host, he shook the hand. A small jolt would be felt during the handshake, but he shook it away as dirty tricks would not set him off. Once they exchanged a handshake, he would fold his arms again and listen to the man talk with a sadden tone but being formal to Kyuji. He would hear the reasons for him coming today for his wife and all the previous people being turned away by this man. He then heard the challenge being issued to him about seeing who was the better man and he rolled his eyes at the knight. He closed his eyes momentarily and let out a chuckle at the man. When his eyes opened up, he shrugged at the man as he looked into his eyes that showed fire and passion in them surprisingly. This man really was something else to say the least coming the whole way here and acting the way he had to previous potential mates that his lady wanted. This man would need a lesson in respect from Kyuji and maybe he would leave without any causalities to his party, just maybe.

His arms would unfold as he cracked his knuckles and coldly said: "You had no right to decide who she married. As for testing your skills, sure, if you really want to test yourself. Under one condition and that is you will fight me one on one with respect and honor. If you decide to ambush me or if any of your friends decide to help you, I will be left with no choice but to fight back against them and release everything I have at my disposal here." He then jumped backwards to make room between them and got into his stance for fighting. He would crack his neck and then motion at his opponent. "Go on. You are the guest, make your move."

[MFT: 494 Words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Jakken kneeled out of respect but spoke evenly before incanting his prayer of strength, "Your candor, and acceptance do you great credit, I will accept your offer to begin this match and pray that you do not regret allowing me the first move." Drawing his blade from its sheath he began a prayer, a litany of words spiraled from his mouth as a surge of celestial energy marked him, his armor and the ground beneath his feet encompassing the entire courtyard.

Drink, for the wind blows cold and
Drink for The tiger runs free.
Drink to the ships with the sails like wings and
Drink to the storm-tossed seas.

Drink to the lasting nights
and those who warm our beds.
Drink to the mead that warms our hearts
and the cold that clears our head.

Drink to Sieryuu's Eyes
for Wyrmborn are we.
Drink to the heavens where he protects the East
and shares the Runes of Mastery.

Drink to the truth of steel
and blood that falls like rain.
Drink to Seiryuu's cerelean walls
and to our kinsmen, slain.

Drink to the Glory-field
where a man embraces death, and
thank the gods that we live at all
with our joyous dying breath!

Drink for the wind blows cold and
Drink for the Tiger runs free
Drink to the ships with the sails like wings
for WYRMBORN are WE!!

As his prayers completed the sky went black with the mighty wrath of the dragon storm Jakken summoned. His skin turned midnight blue as his eyes turned gold, horns of wicked bone emerged from his forehead and the bridge of his nose. Runes of power glowed on his flesh and his armor as his sword transformed into a terrible spear. He was truly Seiryuu's chosen and had accepted his faith with all that any living being could so much so that he appeared to be a man sized dragon now. A blade of lightning appeared in his right hand as lightning struck his right palm. The winds were bound by his cape making his cloak appear to be wings. His teeth became dragon fangs as the crest of Seiryuu appeared upon his chest. Swelling with power and seized by chance Jakken launched his spear cutting Kyuji's shoulder ever so lightly drawing blood. Before he rushed in with his sword of lightning .


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
With the last words escaping his lips, the man knelled in front of him probably as a sign of respect and mouthed something to Kyuki. He nodded at the words and the man then brought out his sword and said a long prayer that everyone nearby could hear including Kyuji. Once the long and repetitive prayer finished, the lover could be seen mouthing a few words at the awe that had occurred in front of him and above him. The somewhat beautiful blue sky had suddenly changed to a dark, mournful black and the man in front of him had changed completely from his little armor to a a full-fledged murder mission in appearance alone. He had horns on his forehead and nose now, his skin and eyes had changed color and he was holding a giant spear in his hands with his cape mimicking a mythological creature called a dragon probably looking like the great Ryoma.

The man would make the first move at Kyuji and hit the left shoulder of the lover causing a little stream of blood to run from his shoulder onto his clothing and to the ground. He would wince in pain, but not have a moment to spare as the lightning-powered sword came in towards him and pierced his left arm as he threw up his arms in self-defense. The sword would not slash through the arm, but dig right into the bone and have the man bleeding even more. If his opponent would look up at his eyes, he would see a cold eyes staring back at him as the skin of the chosen had gotten darker and his skin would emit a green hue from his wounds seeming to heal themselves while the ground was shaking under him. He would grab the sword if it was still in his arm and shove it and its bearer back.

He himself would then stare at the man trying to find a weak point and when he did ran at the man trying to fake him out before sending in a strong right hook. He would follow up his punch with a barrage of kicks and punches to try to disorient the man. Kyuji was starting to feel more power and strength radiating throughout his body and his heart was beating for a purpose finally again after so many years. He was not going to go down without a fight and lose his girl to this guy. But, he knew he was fighting an equal powerful man as himself and he had the numbers advantage against Kyuji.

[OOC: To keep myself in check I will have maintains and stuff.
Chakra Gates 1 and 2 open, staying in unarmed style.
Afternoon Tiger and then Ura Renge

Also, this is getting exciting.]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A barrage of blows landed upon Jakken after he lashed out with his spear to draw first blood. His lightning sword (the equivalent of a lightsaber) burnt a heavy wound into the flesh and bone of Kyuji's arm before being struck back after Kyuji realized he could not grab a blade of pure energy unless his limbs became energy as well. A wave of energy in the shape of a tiger crashed into Jakken sending him flying back before he lost sight of Kyuji only to be struck from beneath his guard. Blood flew from Jakken's lips as he was knocked into the sky only to be battered back into the ground with more force. Each time Kyuji struck Jakken his body received a jolt of lightning and even after crashing into the courtyard Jakken stood uninjured, his armor unmarred as he wiped the blood from his lips he retrieved his spear with a magnetic wave of energy taking in Kyuji's blood with an evil grin. He began another litany of prayer, a dark curse as he recreated his seal upon the ground. The crest of Seiryuu appeared beneath his feet as he looked upon Kyuji again... "You have lost chosen of Byakko, with this blood curse I place upon you no weapon you wield shall harm me, no force you conjure can injure me, everything you try to unleash upon me will fall upon you twofold!! DO YOUR WORST!!! AND FALL BY YOUR OWN HAND!!! Your martial arts are strong as that is what Lady Yanshi needs in her chosen but your strength cannot defeat my faith, By Seiryuu's wrath I will claim her by honor and our union will shake the heavens!! You WILL BE CAST ASIDE!!! SHE WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE MINE!!! YOU ARE BUT ANOTHER TEST PLACED BEFORE ME TO PROVE MY LOVE!!!"<i></i>

Kyuji's hands burned despite healing the effects of the storm's powers upon him were quite evident and somewhere in his mind he could feel a type of link or curse had indeed been placed upon him. As if to emphasize this effect a bolt of lightning struck Jakken in the shoulder healing him but causing lightning damage to Kyuji. Releasing his sword of Oblivion, Jakken focused his will upon his crystal blue spear infusing it with storm power until it crackled with lightning and began to hover above his head. The air began to freeze around them both as the storm intensified and snow began to fall chilling Kyuji and causing him to lose some of his ability to dodge attacks. Even as heat and steam flowed off of Kyuji in waves he could feel the cold. His opponent was literally a living storm and one with lightning. He controlled metal with his electromagnetism, and through his blood curse any physical attack would not only shock him due to Jakken's surging presence the damage would be returned to him twofold. What could Kyuji possibly do now?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
His fists and kicks had successful hit their marks, but not without giving him a small jolt to his muscles with each strike he landed. These powerful unarmed moves should have disoriented the man or at the very least phased the man. Unfortunately, the man got up from crashing into the courtyard with practically no wounds or damage to him or his armor. As Kyuji landed back onto the ground, he saw the man give him a sinister look as he digested the blood of the Chosen and gave a little prayer to his apparent god before taunting. Once the talking was subsided, a seal had appeared below the enemy's feet and with timed accuracy, a bolt of lightning had hit the man's shoulder which caused pain to intensify in the same shoulder of Kyuji causing the man to fall to his knee wincing in pain with his eyes fixated on the soldier. He knew things were getting out of his control and the topping on this statement was the change in weather to a colder temperature with snow while the lightning storm continued above them. His muscles felt heavier when he began to get up like all his energy was being swept away from him by this storm and man.

His mind was racing through a bunch of different methods of attacking the man. The guy clearly was harming him through physical means so his taijutsu was not going to benefit him at all unless he could get that guy out of the circle he assumed. That circle was how all this self-inflicting abuse towards himself was harming Kyuji and he needed to figure out what to do. A simple taijutsu barrage would probably knock him out of the circle, but at what cost to both of their bodies? He could use his limited ninjutsu to strike at the guy, but there would be physical whiplash on himself probably. He was cursing at himself for not learning more ninjutsu when he had a whole village around him that was probably more than willing to help him. The last thought that came to his mind was literally mind fighting. It was possible that using mind techniques would protect himself from harm while harming his opponent or at the very least he could use them to get the man out of his comfort zone and have him possibly slip up to land the big blow. Yes, so many decisions, and each one had a lot of risk associated with it, but the mental combat was probably the best choice for now until he could figure out another strategy.

Dropping out of his gates, his body was released of some of the strain being inflicted on it, but he was still damaged from the spear being shoved into his skin and internally he was probably still bleeding. His eyes were still focused on his opponent as a terrible melody was attempting to swirl around the enemy's head trying to disrupt his concentration and put him off his game, while the real fun was a tree was appearing right below his feet where his seal was and trying to entangle him into the branches and leaves pushing him away from his seal to leave him open for an attack from Kyuji. If these two jutsu were successful, Kyuji's eyes would glow bright yellow as he ran up the tree and sit in a branch nearby his "friend" staring into the eyes of the creature in front of him and trying to send him to a fun world called the Illusion World.

If his technique was successful, the two men would be in the dark confines of their minds staring at each other with their appearances bearing the transformations that had already occurred to them in their lives. Kyuji would not wait in this world as his hand would glow a bright aura and resemble a spear as he ran at the man trying to spear him in the heart or at the very least distract him enough to throw a right hook at the man's face. This little descent of god had gotten into a world that he did not want to be in, the illusionary world where the bodies fighting would feel the pain, but in reality were standing in place with the spectators staring at them from below. Kyuji knew he needed to try to end this fight as quickly as possible in this world or risk trying to fight him in reality. At the very least if he was able to get the guy weaker, he could capitalize and end it officially in front of everyone.

[Dropping out of unarmed style and not using Gates
Using in the following order: Death's Anthem, Tree Binding followed by Mental Kombat with special move: Blast: +20% Illusionary Damage. The Genjutsu effects used with this are -1/5% weaker, but can only be used on Genjutsu which have Genjutsu effects.

If in Mental Kombat, Spear Hand and Falcon Punch]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyuji was a man of unusual talents, as a medic he specialized in ending the suffering of others by numbing their pain. Most of the time he could do that by using chakra to heal their wounds and soothe their aches. Through his personal training he was able to find ways to get others to ignore or acknowledge pain. He could literally cause a person to hallucinate by using chakra and pressure points to stimulate nerves in an altered state. Being the chosen of Byakko he could even focus on the spirit if he so choose. Unfortunately for Jakken, Kyuji had ordained himself to accept Byakko’s blessings while limiting himself to his natural talents. Natural abilities that still exceeded that of even the most blessed of men.

Jakken had never faced genjutsu, he had fought his fair share of shinobi and foreign warriors but he had never faced those well versed in attacks on the mind and soul. He began to remember a dark and horrid melody that had scarred him as a child. Why he would remember such a discordant thing in the midst of his battle to claim the woman he truly loved he could not fathom but he was feeling as if death was coming for him and in a sense it was. Kyuji was not falling for his dragon curse, in fact he seemed to be getting stronger as the ground opened up and a sapling emerged. ‘One of the Kyoubaku Clan?!’, Jakken thought to himself he had faced 3 of them before and with his prior experience he lashed out at the tree that began to bind him to no avail. His usage of lightning only seemed to make the tree darker and stronger. Within moments he was bound as almost part of the tree. Bark and branches had intertwined and grown around his limbs crucifying him to the tree. Jakken could feel his powers begin to fade he was no longer in contact with the holy seal of Seiryuu.
Kyuji stalked towards him as he was clasped within the branches and bough of the tree. His entourage could do nothing and many stood agape and amazed at the power of Byakko’s chosen. His eyes glowed golden with feline pupils and his hands appeared to be wreathed in golden chakra claws as he touched Jakken on his forehead and peered directly into the Knight’s eyes. Suddenly Jakken began to scream like a madman caught in the throes of battle but he wasn’t moving and neither was Kyuji, no one understood what was going on as Jakken began to froth at the mouth as his armor began to subside and return to its normal state along with his features. The dragon had been brought low.

Inside his mind and Kyuji’s mind they were on an exact replica of the place of their battle the mindscape of the actual courtyard but for Jakken it was real. Everything was all too real… as Kyuji focused his chakra into his right hand so much it began to glow an eerie aura but this was not the famed chidori attack he had heard about this was the claw of Byakko and like a tiger pinning down its prey. The spear hand technique pierced his armor and his heart and for Jakken he began to bleed out. His mind made the damage real so in reality he began to spit up blood and it dripped down his chin to strike the ground. His entourage looked on in a hushed shock. Kuro and Lady Yanshi arrived as the sounds of fighting had stopped to find Jakken locked in eye to eye contact with Kyuji high in a strange unknown type of tree. Jakken spout curse after curse trying to call upon the favor of Seiryuu but it was no use. Kyuji’s second punch caused Jakken to buckle over until he began to whimper both in the illusionary and the real world. “No mas, I decree you the victor… I have been weighed, I have been measured, and even with the might of the heavens… I have been found wanting. Lady Yanshi was never mine and after facing her chosen I now understand she never will be. Please release me ‘Chosen of Byakko’ and I will leave peacefully without further combat I only wish to leave her with wedding gifts long overdue and my oath of faith and peace.” <i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
This outsider trying to take his woman was something else to say the very least. Never before had Kyuji needed to resort to mind games to fight an opponent since his academy days when it was a mandatory requirement to graduate from the great and old academy of Iwagakure. But, this fight had called for anything to go and if he hadn't bounded his opponent, he would have been in terrible trouble. As he stared at the man, he was a terrible wreck across from him as he was bleeding heavily and cursing to himself. Then a shocker came towards him, the man was giving up on the fight as he knew he was not the one for Lady Yanshi anymore and just wanted to part the couple with gifts. The Chosen of Byakko looked at the man and deep down felt like the man was being sincere about his words, but he wasn't sure if he should trust someone who was going to try to destroy him and potentially kill him for a woman.

He just shrugged his shoulders as he released the pitiful opponent from their Mental Kombat, but kept him in his tree as he sat on a branch and looked at him. He looked around as he could see Kuro and Lady Yanshi peering on from a distance as he was trying to figure out what would be the best response to this man's words without risking his family and this man. A simple yes would be fine, but what if the man lied and kept fighting them. Then again whatever happened in their illusion world had always occurred in the real world so everyone heard him give up and the bleeding was quite bad. If he kept him bounded for too long, he would kill him from blood loss. Yes, the formulation of his plan and response was set moments later after the guy had bled a little more. "As a true fighter, I know you were fighting for what you believed in. However, you were beat by me. But, I will honor your request to end this fight and allow you to give your gifts to us. If your gifts are tricks or if my sincerity is dishonored by you, there will be appropriate repercussions. But for now...RELEASE!"

He would let the man go from the tree and he would look at Kuro and Yanshi. He wasn't playing any games with this guy, he was making sure he had backup in-case this was a trick. He would motion to them to come while saying in a yell: "Kuro and Yanshi, please come down here. Yanshi, you can open the gifts from this gentleman." He would then look at the man again as his claws were still glowing and his eyes were as well. He would say coldly at the man: "Once they get down here, place the gifts at our feet and back up. Lady Yanshi can open them up."

[MFT: 497 Words]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Memories assailed Kuro as he looked upon his defeated distant cousin.

----Kuro's breath was raspy with exertion, and his endurance was waning fast. His arm’s throbbed with the ache of muscles pushed beyond their limits, threatening to collapse when he needed them most. Kuro took a deep breath of air and tried to slow his heartbeat. He couldn't afford to panic now, not with the lives of his comrades all resting on his swordsmanship. Kuro cleared his mind and allowed his inner strength to come to the surface and dim his fatigue. His distant cousin and commander Jakken had pushed him far harder than this battle and he would retrieve his soul from wherever it went in death and beat him anew if he lost a battle that relied on his teachings. Kuro grinned at the thought and forgot he was tired for a moment. Kuro had always known one day his luck would run out. Not that he had ever been a fountain of good luck, but today he was sure his luck was anything but good.

Kuro had never expected to be in charge after being sent to learn of the world outside of Sunagakure during his ANBU days. Somehow warfare still managed to bring out the best and worst in all its participants. For Kuro, war had left him far stronger than any normal man should be but by lineage alone he was anything but normal. Kuro could feel his current strength would not be enough. Kuro concentrated harder and summoned the wellspring of dark chakra that he had trained so many time to master. Kuro's chakra was his ace in the hole, his trump card Kuro's heartbeat stuttered to a slower pace as his martial arts training obliterated his fight or flight response. His breathing slowed after his forced hyperventilation to oxygenate his blood. A sharp bitter wind carried demon scent over Kuro's hide hole in the middle of the hillside road. Kuro could almost laugh at his predicament. Just two days ago Kuro had been in a troop of sixty. Kuro was treated just like any other underling then. He had lost his horse in a skirmish with hellcats and been demoted to Lance Corporal from Corporal. Kuro hadn't minded that too much as he didn't fight well on horseback, only specially conditioned horses could be around him anyway. Kuro was a respectful soldier whom truly believed they could find and destroy the source of the Demon infestation and end the border war in one final decisive battle. Kuro had joined the 2nd Demon Slayer Cavalry after helping defend the settlement of Bladefall just on the border of Iron Country and Wind Country. It was there Kuro had met and been recruited by Captain Vadia "Bloody" Meirri a Paladin of Seiryuu. Kuro had been fighting ever-increasing groups of lesser demons while Captain Meirri fought and slew two demon lords all by herself in the same battle. Bladefall was a mining settlement that had been under siege for a year after its discovery of a huge quantities of star metal which could be easily forged into near living weapons. Now Captain Meirri and her last two Lieutenants were being transported back to safety at a church an hour's ride away. Kuro anguished over the memory of his company's demise. They had begun their journey from Bladefall with five Paladin, two sorcerers, two wizards, twelve clerics of various faiths, four rangers, and thirty fighters of various skills and abilities. Kuro had earned a horse, but fell in with the fighters. A troop of sixty highly skilled men and women had been nearly destroyed in one savage night ambush. Captain Meirri and her holy guardsmen had taken the brunt of the first wave being at the lead. Two of the Paladin's fell to the demon horde while helping the clerics set up a field of protection, and bless weapons. The wizards and sorcerors enhanced all the fighters' battle prowess as best they could with spells, and many potions cast and or passed among all. A wizard and a sorceror were also felled by demonfire... a dark unholy spell that ravaged the mind and soul and left dark burns over one's heart and around one’s eyes where the spell ravaged the spirit. It resembled the jutsu fireball except it was a sickly fluorescent green fireball. Victims of this attack seem unharmed until you look at the burnt out hollows of their eyes and the burn marks on their chest where one's heart resides. A force of fifteen hamatulas emerged from the earth beneath the fighters at the rear of the column and tore through the men with devastating efficiency. Even severely wounded Captain Meirri and her remaining Lieutenants led the survivors up the hillside for a better defense. Kuro and another student from his father's school of fighting fought back to back to secure the passage of the survivors forming a wall of might with a flurry of swords and fists. The hamatulas had been so effective in their ambush that only half the company had escaped. Six Clerics, two Paladins, two magic users and twenty fighters lay dead. The rangers separated and began taking leadership among small groups. Captain Meirri had been struck down by some kind of poison, a poison so insidious that her wounds even from magical healing refused to close. Terrax an eight-foot barbarian with an axe as large as himself called upon his rage and went berserk upon five hamatulas. Striking at one after another randomly. Kuro and Trazan had already taken down six of the pit fiends with Terrax occupying another five when the sky darkened and shimmered with holy lightning and arcane wrath. Before Kuro and Trazan could look to see what was coming a rainfall of lightning magic, blessed, and otherwise fell upon the remaining demons like a giant swarm of mosquitoes, thunder and blades.----

Commander Jakken had been the one to finish their demon enemies Kuro knew all too well how strong Jakken was and Kyuji had taken him down in moments

"Lord Commader Jakken, under the call of my mother Lady Azame you are to be taken to the medical ward, healed, and properly cleared before leaving the dojo. Your armor will be repaired, your staff and entourage properly cared for and given proper travel clothing for desert travel. You will comply with her order despite your equal standing in the Imperial Court or Byakko Kyuji will invoke his rites as winner of your duel. Your threat upon House Toraono and its families, specifically the Family Byakko are now settled and erased. Our fealty to Iron Country and trade will remain and you will also report that former cousin Shounetsuji has fallen into the embrace of Jashin and broken the seals on his elemental flame when you return to the Shogunate."<i></i>

Standing in a regal and easy manner despite his injuries Jakken bowed to Kuro and accepted his decree with a solemn handshake relieved Kuro had not been sent to take his head for his abrupt threat which he had used to try and force Lady Yanshi to marry him. Upon hearing of Shounetsuji his eyes took on a surprised, briefly fearful, then terribly angry look before regaining his composure instantly. For one of their own kin to follow Jashin was the highest sacrilege. Shounetsuji would be brought to justice for that. Luckily Kuro had not mentioned his desecration of a temple or the murder of clergy.

"Byakko Kyuji, WE all thank you for ending this battle without killing, the ways of Kanly are new to you but they will be explained in depth as the new Master of Family Byakko. WE also require you to report to the medical ward of your family and then come to the main hall for talks and meals with your kin."<i></i>

Kuro placed his left hand upon Kyuji's right forearm with a light grip and looked Kyuji in his now feline eyes and sent a small telepathic message as only those of House Toraono could do between oneanother. ((My mother is proud to call you kin, and your efforts in so short a time have not gone unnoticed. We will need to hasten your training and properly inform you of your new roles within Sunagakure... for now heal up quickly and be ready to eat and talk there is much to do.))

WC: 1460

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
