Amaya let out a scream as the two men started to fight. She could not keep up with their movements, they were too fast for her eyes to follow. She looked over the side of the building, it was a terribly long way down. What were her other choices, stay and watch these two lunatics slaughter each other? Probably die as a result of collateral damage? She wondered how long the roof would even hold them. She was not able to sense strength or chakra, unlike an actual shinobi but she knew when she was utterly outclassed. She yelled for help in the seediest district in Sunagakure, knowing full well that nobody was going to come for them... for her. Even if someone witnessed one slaughter the other, who would bother to tell the tale. Begging them to stop would be a futile effort, pride and annoyance got them to this point - in this death defying combat. They were willing to risk everything for something so menial. It was a good thing she was not a shinobi.
She gripped the edge of the roof and dangled her legs off the edge. She wiggled as far as she could without dropping off. Unbeknownst to her, someone had her in their sights. But he would not be the only one, he was just the closest. She help her breath and closed her eyes as she tried to drop to the ground.
- Amaya is an NPC, unstatted.
- Amaya attempts to depart topic following ROE/departure of modded combat rules (round 2).
- Author is not seeking consent from the party for departure and is rather using ROE/departure of modded combat rules.