Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:



Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

The chatter was mostly mundane, she needed to talk because it gave her the advantage. Few truly understood the importance of sound, in a world where the eyes lie so much she could always hear the echoes of ones heart. The march of feet against gravel and hardened earth and the clamor of weapons and artifacts traced an image of him in the back of her mind. She was watching him because she did not trust him but she did not trust the 'heroes' of Wind Country either. Villains are rarely villains for the sake of arbitrary evil, those that were happened to also be mad and would never get far. Most villains were loyal to themselves, that was what made them 'bad' because they were not 'good' for anyone but themselves.

What would she talk about? She would ask questions, odd questions. Are there clans in Kohona that are inhuman? She knew of at least one clan, she wondered if there were more. Are souls for purchase or a victor's spoil? She was seeking evidence that others like her existed beyond the Senju clan. Do you have blood? She did not but she was not going to say that. Does everyone in Kohona have blood? Yes, she was digging but she likely sounded more like a madwoman than a shinobi. She was both. Why did you come back to Sunagakure? She knew he was not going to answer, she was just filling the air with noise so that it could reverberate off the ground and walls of the cavern as they entered the depths of Sunagakure. The village was located both above and below ground, partially destroyed several times over within the last decade. How long until you try to kill me? Yes, she assumed that there would be an eventual betrayal -- there was no such thing as a 'Wanderer,' just traitors and mercenaries.

They were traveling through medieval Sunagakure, not quite the oldest parts but also not part of the new. They were underground, the tunnels lit by phosphorescent stones that speckled the ceiling overhead. Little known fact, these stones were actually carmot, or sandworm shit. Thankfully the petrified excrement did not smell like crap. If asked, she would tell him what those strange glowing lights overhead were since there was no obvious light fixtures in these long, wide tunnels with high ceilings. The tunnels would bisect and twist into unknown depths, the walls smoother, the median path a deep rut from decades of travel. They were headed towards a more antiquated portion of Sunagakure, a structure that predated not only the village of Sand but humanity itself, not that the present residents realized this. Known as the Obsidian Palace, a prison for the dangerous. Home to the ANBU forces. Site where interrogation procedures are not only practiced but also honed and mastered.

Most arrive at this structure unconscious or in chains, Anatsu would arrive free but escorted. The intimidating structure beneath the ground was bizarre. Almost a negation of light, the stones were abnormally dark and the structure itself had only one visible entryway with no windows, not that on would be necessary because what would be the view but darkness and earth. It was disheartening but the dark forbearance of the Obsidian had one additional, fearsome feature. There were two ANBU that flanked the front door and perhaps it was them that exuded this power but it was not. Whatever it was, it was draining, granting one almost an anemic presence. It was not coming from them, the ANBU that is. Surely it was something Anatsu could identify. It was the building itself that seemed to drain and it was something that even Shiori was not immune to, nor were the ANBU that guarded this structure. Shiori's gait would slow, her breath would change and become labored as if she had been running. She could endure, most could but none could escape the draining aura.

She would stop when she reached the ANBU duo. She would wait for them to address her or she would let Anatsu have the first word if he was impatient. Thy did not say anything, they just made a gesture with their hands as if to indicate 'what' or 'gimme' but she had nothing to give only something to say. "I am looking for Captain Kaza," she would announce. She knew they would not allow her entry even if she was looking to enter hell without proof that she knew him beyond reputation -- his was like most ANBU, violent. She would pull out her headset and turn the dial to Kaza's personal frequency before she handed it over, "call him if you like." If he is anything like Reaper they would likely prefer to avoid dealing with him at all, her last interaction with Reaper involved torture for 'insubordination' where her hand was frozen and then burned in what was intended to be a cyclical event that would leave her with a useless limb that would eventually be replaced. Perhaps she got off easy or perhaps she had a talent for suffering the ire of angered 'superiors.'

She took a step forward but the ANBU duo would step in her way. "I am breaking INTO prison, not out," she would announce with her headset left in the hands of on of the two masked men. The left hand of the fox-masked ANBU lowered towards what she could only assume was a weapon. She would take another step forward, she was not daring him to attack but she was not flinching. Flinching indicates that you do not belong. She did not belong, she had not in some time but she did not have to act like she was out of place. "I am wearing a leather minidress, what do you think I am going to carry in?" She complained with a sharp, annoyed tone at the sentinel's continued interference. She was a woman that was used to getting her way even if as of late that was not working out for her, pride was a dangerous thing. Truth be told, one would be amazed at how much useless (and useful) crap she had on her person.

"I caught this one," she pointed at Anatsu "breaking out of our village. He is not one of ours so there is no crime in leaving but it also means that he broke in." She implied that was the crime he was 'guilty' of. Was the crime something that could have fearsome consequences, yes with the wild west mentality some shinobis possessed and with a legal structure that not only protected this way of thought but facilitated it. "I assume he was up to no good but nothing is on fire, nothing has blown up and nobody is dead... yet. He is skilled to have entered the village undetected and to have remained within our gates until he deemed it time to depart meaning Kaza could use him." she was referring to the Captain in particular because he was always surrounded by a unique brand of shinobi that never sat right. She had long assumed that her previous mentor was dipping into the inmates or something similar considering the madman with a strange sense of loyalty to him in particular that he surrounded himself with.

They were not budging but they were not actively stopping her as she reached for the door and pulled it open. A burst of cold air would escape the prison with a howl. Inside, the prison was lit with the same carmot found in the tunnels but there was something different. Every stone had a marked etched into it. Every carmot stone, every door-handle and every hinge... all marked with bizarre symbols. These symbols were a mixture of languages, some Runic Terran and some another language that predated the First Men. She would let Anatsu enter first but if he did not enter first then she would. Upon crossing the threshold, he... they would feel an intense, ominous pressure as if a fifty pound weight was sitting on their chest making it hard to breathe. It was not something one ever got immune to in the Obsidian, rather those whom had been in there long enough had just gotten used to the pain and therefore became numb to the fact that they were being eaten alive albeit slowly and not nearly as dramatically as other more conventional methods. "Don't touch anything," she warned him. She was not trying to stop him from stealing their secrets but rather allowing him the dignity of arriving at the ANBU office intact. If he ignored her warning and brushed his hand against the walls, a bolt of lightning would zap him in the ass. He would be lucky of course, the seal of the mighty cockpunch or rod of posterior impalement were much more unpleasant and embarrassing. (By all means touch all the things if you want to, I am sure everything will be fine.) Some of these seals were security measures, some were wards, some had meanings that were entirely forgotten because this prison was a prison even before it was a prison because it held a terror long forgotten but perpetually feared in its lowest depths. None of the seals caused this aura of suppression and exhaustion, that was simply the latent power of the beast far below.

Eventually they would find their way to the ANBU office. She was not going to barge in, ANBU were never the friendly type. So she would knock and wait for an answer.
  • Not looking to lock him up (unless he wants some horrible prison arc) or to gank him. Looking to set him up with some awful 'suicide mission' or something terrible. You know, the usual blow up an orphanage or target someone way too high level for him to actually target, etc. Something he can build a story off of if he is into it.
  • I will never remember this 'other name' =(
  • I am flexible with adventures that let you play a range of good and bad roles, I just tend to play the opposite for the sake of story. If you see a neat hook (since I am purposefully throwing multiple at you), let us know.
  • Since you have never RP'd with me before I should mention, if my RP'd get uncomfortable, too mature or in some way make you feel uncomfortable (despite what your PC might or might not want) let me know. I am good at finding alternatives or a compromise.
  • I only kill players that are killing other players, this is a personal policy of mine. NPCs are fair game tho.

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
Long walks were gruesome enough as is and Anatsu somehow managed to make them worse. Despite Shihakata's best efforts to keep somewhat of a dialogue going, Anatsu remained silent. There were several instances which he could have attempted an escape, yet he remained on the path with her. This was a great oppurtunity for him to roam freely throughout Sunagakure and study their terrain, quickest public routes to get from one place to another, with a tourist he didn't have to pay.

Shihakata was a shinobi unlike any other Anatsu had ever seen before. She wore a leather dress and heels. Anatsu began to wonder if all Sungakure shinobi dressed so provocatively or if she was some sort of royalty once more. Her behaviors confused the former ANBU Captain who up until this point had thought that he had seen it all. She had shown signs of advanced shinobi and ANBU training, yet acted very unorthodox at the same time. There was a lot to her that Anatsu didn't quite understand at the time.

The initial path of their travel included Sunagakure's weather treated the former Konohagakure genius as poorly as it always had. His traveling cloak helped him deal with the winds, but the heat still got to him. A black traveling cloak wasn't the best idea for dealing with Sunagakure's heat. That being said, Anatsu's attire was primarily designed to handle the rain, snow, and wind. Anatsu was also not looking forward to reaching shelter either. Wherever Shihakata was taking him, ANatsu was ready to deal with some variation of torture. That was what he was accustomed to in situations like these. In the end, they always lead to the same thing; Anatsu was given the opportunity to be in the same room with people he needed to kill to satisfy a feudal lord. This situation was no different. Shihakata was leading him straight to an ANBU Captain. His body and the secrets within his brain were worth a lot of money on the underground and Anatsu had already promised to land one. There was one thing in his way,

He pledged his life to Shihakata. Anatsu's morals were being challenged for the first time since the night he turned his back to the Hidden Leaf village. Would his Mangekyou Sharingan make an appearance today?

The tunnels were confusing to the likes of a man who grew up in Konohagakure. The whole concept didn't even make sense, yet he followed his guide without asking any questions. He began to wonder why he wasn't in handcuffs or why she didn't call for back up. Then again, what was she anyways?

The deeper they and further they traveled, the most Anatsu began to fatigue. As they began to approach their destination, Anatsu lost focus of Shihakata and the present ANBU. For a brief instant, he wanted to activate his sharingan and attack her. What was this suffocating aura? Anatsu hadn't felt so fatigued and overworked in his entire life. Was Shihakata immune to this? Anatsu was too busy trying to collect his strength and focus to pay any mind to her or where she was leading them at this point. Each step felt like he had bricks glued to his feet. Anatsu needed to focus and preserve his energy, which was less likely to happen than him escaping this place all together. Anatsu had been near death many times before, but this was hell.

Anatsu's face was turning pale. He was silent, but he was obviously beginning to panic. Luckily, Shihakata knew what to say and where to go. However, he was too rattled to pay attention to what was going on. He completely missed Shihakata requesting the ANBU Captain and her entire conversation with the two ANBU present. Anatsu's focus didn't return until Shihakata pointed at him. Surely, Shihakata noticed by now that he was weak and struggling in this climate. The emotionless ninja was now showing emotion. Whatever this place was, it brought out the truth in everyone. Shihakata and the rest of the Sunagakure military force were not aware up to this point of the many crimes he had committed in the past. She was right about one thing, however, Anatsu was very skilled. This wasn't the first or the last time that Anatsu would enter Sunagakure undetected. Yet, of the many times he had done so, Shihakata was the only one to catch him.

Not once, but twice.

The deeper they proceeded , the harder it was for him to breathe. He hands remained by his sides at all times. The thought of attacking her faded from his mind. He was in no position to attack her. As they reached the door which lead to their destination, Anatsu fell to one knee just as Shihakata was knocking on the door. Anatsu was breaking so easily. This was unusual for him. He gathered his strength to get back up as he began...

"Shihakata-sama.. What is this place?" Anatsu asked her respectfully while breathing heavily.

Was Anatsu faking it all to throw the Chunin off? Was he manipulating her and the situation? Was he truly suffering? Were flash backs playing a part in his misery? There are a few hidden details to his tale. What was certain for now was that he remained quiet for the most part, his hands to his sides, and his Mangekyou Sharingan remained hidden. In addition to all that, Shihakata was still alive,
So was Anatsu.



Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

She knocked on the door but there was no answer. The sound of her hand rapping echoed through these desolate halls. It gave her a vision of the distant, empty halls, the also had a snapshot view of the headquarters. There was no ANBU within the immediate proximity. She let out a sigh and banged on the door again with the side of her hand rather than her knuckles making a harder pounding sound. The air was heavy but also somehow thin in the Obsidian, existing in this structure was always a trial of endurance especially for the residents and that was why restraints were not necessary. It was hard to run when you could not breathe, when the burden of your body's own weight was overwhelming.

"Shihakata-sama.. What is this place?"

"Hell..." she replied without looking down. "You are being devoured by the Obsidian," she further explained without going into detail. In reality the Obsidian Palace far out dates humanity and is the site of the final resting place of Orochi. Orochi, also known as formerly the Ancient of the Wild Hunt, Tarasque was the patron of predators and hunters in the Wind Country. Within his dominion fell the stewardship of beasts that were born with the need to hunt and kill others in order to survive and he was good at what he did. With his honed predatory skills, frightening size and supernatural physical power, Tarasque was without a doubt the single most dangerous of the Ancient Lords and was greatly feared by many of the lesser Court Lords-- and for good reason for it was Tarasque that first realized the power to consume the spiritual power of another being and to this day was the only Ancient to ever consume another but his vile acts have been a source of inspiration for other devious works. No being ever found out what it was that drove Tarasque to his madness, only the resultant losses. Perhaps it was simply years of leading hunts in the wild that drove him to insanity. Or perhaps he became bored with mortal fare and decided at last to move on to eternal. Whatever the reason was, the mind of Tarasque snapped in two leaving behind what could only be described as a rapacious eating machine fully capable of consuming the entirety of the mortal world if left to his devices.

To prevent this, the three lords of the Great Courts-- Fuujin, Homura and herself at her prime --cast their power together and smote Orochi. Singularly he was the strongest of any Ancients but even he could not stand against their combined might. Slain, the threat presented by Orochi to the natural world seemed abated... that is until Orochi reappeared. Word passed from court to court that the Mad Ancient as he had begun to be called had resurrected and was once more set upon his path of endless consumption. Once more, just as they had before, the Great Lords cast their power together and destroyed Orochi though it seemed that the cannibalistic Ancient had somehow increased it's power as well as having resurrected itself. This cycle of death and rebirth continued for Orochi for some time, each time the period between his resurrections changing. At times Orochi would re-appear within days of being defeated. Other occasions it would take years. By the final time they destroyed Orochi, it seemed as if they could not keep him dead for more than a few minutes until finally Homura cut the heart of the beast from it's chest in a fit of anger... and suddenly Orochi ceased to be reborn. It seemed as if whatever unhallowed power it was that gave unto the twisted monstrosity which had once been their kin a cycle of eternal rebirth was contained entirely within it's heart. Fearing what might happen to the sanity of any Ancient which dared to try and use the power of Orochi's heart to achieve a similar power, the Three agreed to hide the heart deep underground where it might never be uncovered. So it was that by their agreement the building which would come to be known as the Obsidian Palace would be constructed and the Heart of Orochi hidden deep underneath it behind a series of elemental locking seals which were never meant to be unsealed. Eventually the ravenous hunger and hatred of the Orochi, it's very spiritual presence, began to leak out and corrupt the shadows of the Palace creating the ominous dread that permeates the air in the prison. To be present in the Obsidian Palace is to feel the pull of Orochi's mindless and all-consuming gluttony and eventually be consumed by it.

That was what Anatsu felt.

"He will drive you to madness..." she warned "the darkness haunts the thoughts and the dreams of the prisoners and sentinels whom stay here causing physical and mental trauma." The prison devours the chakra of any creature introduced to the structure, but he was far from being brought to his knees. She knew that much. "It hurts... I am aware but I am certain you can endure 'Wanderer.'" She did not trust his honor as a foreign interloper, her hand extended she would offer him the means to rise if he wanted to continue this charade. "But this structure is also why we abide" by the rule of law. "One's will and courage eroded by his hunger, echoed in their hearts and bellies... most in the areas below go mad within weeks. Do not seek the below," she warned, her good deed of the day. The spaces below were where the prisoners were held and that level like those below were truly the circles of hell, this merely a limbo space.

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
"You are being devoured by the Obsidian,"

Anatsu didn't need Shihakata to inform him that he was in hell. Whatever Obsidian was, it was not only consuming his chakra. It was consuming his life force and will to live in general. Anatsu knew that he needed to get out of this place as soon as possible. He had hoped that if he concentrated, that he would be able to block the effects of whatever was going on, or at least ignore them like he had trained himself to ignore heat and cold in the past. After a brief moment, which felt like a decade, Anatsu realized that there was no getting used to this place.

Shihakata brought him here for a couple purposes. The first of which only she knew. The second is one Anatsu had come to realize. This was a warning and a threat. This prison was unlike a Konoha or Kumo prison. Anatsu would never leave here alive if he was to be captivated. At that instant of realization, he pulled his hands up, and inserted into his pockets. It was only until he lifted his hands that he realized that if Shihakata wanted him in prison, he would be there by now. What was she? If only he could activate his sharingan and study her, but he chose not to reveal his secret just yet.

His eyes possessed ocular power unlike any other. They were valuable assets to each village. The Uchiha clan, and the sharingan, originated in the Village Hidden In The Leaves. While the war had spread out these powers, Anatsu's were still pure and the strongest of their kind. Should Sunagakure discover his secret, they would attempt to cease his eyes immediately. This was a risk that Anatsu would not take. He needed to remain calm and avoid making any sudden movements.

"But this structure is also why we abide" she began as Anatsu chose to rise to his feet on his own. "One's will and courage eroded by his hunger, echoed in their hearts and bellies... most in the areas below go mad within weeks. Do not seek the below,"

The warning was made clear by the Sunagakure Chunin. Taking her on in the heart of the ANBU was not a bright idea if he wanted to avoid the risk of ending up below. The pain only got worse the longer they were below. The thought of being a prisoner of this place for weeks was enough to drive a cold chill down Anatsu's spine. When pressed, the former genius of the Hidden Leaf was always able to come up with the plan. His plan was beginning to form inside his head as he kept his silence. He needed to summon Zangyaku, and have him find a way for Anatsu to escape before making his move. However, in order to do that, he would need to place the Sunagakure Chunin under a genjutsu. After devising his plan, he realized that the risk was too severe. "Am I ever able to mold chakra in this place?" began to wonder Anatsu. Summoning the demon Zangyaku to a place like this wasn't an option right now. He needed to devise a second place.

"If you take a moment to look past her looks and provocative dress, her frame is strong. She is a valuable asset to the Hidden Sand, that is why we're allowed to be here. That is why she walks with me with her back turned. If I strike her, will she see it coming?"were among the many thoughts which Anatsu had. He understand very well that a shinobi never revealed his true intent. However, this place was maddening, and he was a mad man.

"Shihakata-sama..." began Anatsu. His words were emotionless. He tilted his head up, so that he could look her in the eyes. Although his sharingan was not activated, his black eyes pierced the soul of the average shinobi. Tales of pain, sorrow, and death were told within a second of looking into them. It was at that moment that even Shihakata, who had just met Anatsu, would realize just how experienced Anatsu was in the way of the shinobi.

"Why do you not fear me?" asked Anatsu. His question was very unusual and indicative of the fact that he was used to people fleeing the scene upon his arrival. It wasn't that she didn't know who he was nor exactly what he had done. His aura was typically enough to frighten the likes of many. Why not her?


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013


He looked at her and he seemed sad. Sunagakure was a melancholy place with more losses than gains, he would fit in here just fine even if the burrowing gaze was dispiriting in its own way. She would not know he was an Uchiha so she had no reason to look away. And even if she had, the actual powerset of most clans was jealously guarded much like her personal portfolio. She had a number of secrets of her own, including the fact that she did not need to see him with her eyes but she would never tell him that. For her vision was a novelty. She could see him just as well, perhaps even better with her eyes closed or her back turned. Much like his eyes were inhuman, so was her sense of sound and song. She was watching him even with her back turned much like she was watching the hall and listening for signs of life beyond this doorway. In both cases there was nothing of import.

"Why do you not fear me?"

"Aren't we always afraid?" She answered with a raw honestly. "Afraid of failure, afraid of pain or rejection. Everything living is always afraid. It is why we work, we fear the pangs of hunger and the spiteful gaze of our contemporaries. It is why we fight. It is why we endure. We fear being alone and we fear being hated, of course not by everyone, but by someone. Even the people we love, we fear." She replied but she did not answer his question but that was because he did not ask the right question. She feared him, she feared everyone but fear was not something that should never control her although it occasionally did. She could give no reason why she did not fear him because that would be a lie. In fact she was in love with the man she hated and feared the most, the irony left a bitter taste on her tongue. That was her truth, not his. She was full of spite and terror, fear that she would be discovered. Fear that she would not be strong enough. Fear that she would always be the last. But it was not all about her fear.

"You fear me," she observed although she could be wrong "because you do not know me." It might have sounded like hubris coming from her and perhaps it was. "Why else would you make the promises to me that you have," promises that he was unlikely to keep but she left that part out of her statement although with the tone she used it was certainly implied. "I could be a powerful combatant or at the very least scream loud enough to summon someone that might be a threat to you, so you have become... for now... compliant." She knew that he would flee at his first given oppertunity, a word is nothing more than a word and it only has the weight the speaker chooses to give it. She had found during her long span that humans rarely abided by their word. She also understood the fact that fear was a powerful motivator. That was why they were here, in this hellish place. This place was the most terrible place she knew, the power and the mystery wrought by this venerable structure often proved to be enough for most to maintain a keen interest in their community. She would give him no assurance that she was not a threat, in fact she was not sure if she was. She was confident in her skills as a combatant but she was not nearly as foolhardy as her war-hungry compatriots. She had actual enemies she preferred to risk life and limb to slay. She had actual men who wished to do her harm. Whom had. She would save her strength and test her mettle against them.

She blinked.

Her hand knocking on the door once again with a sense of urgency. Was it fear? Perhaps. Fear was a healthy. It was what kept her alive this long. It was that trepidation she felt that sometimes allowed her to realize that something might be wrong. Nobody was answering the door. She had recalled Strange's mention of a silent invasion among the ANBU corps. She took it as a lie, yellow journalism at best but what if there was truth in their warning. "Where the hell were they?" She muttered. Still no answer.

"Why should I be afraid?" She finally asked. Shiori asked the most obvious question last. It did not make any difference knowing that she was in present peril. Could she run, perhaps. She knew this structure better than he did but she was not the type to try and run. Could she fight, probably. She knew how much the Obsidian took and how long she had. They both had some chakra but not much and whatever they did use would not be enduring. That was the point of the Obsidian, it placed everyone on an equal playing field after a very short time. What allowed the guards to keep control was the bars and the chains. She wondered how foreign prisons even held their criminals, even a child could sink into the floor and saunter away.

She did not know him. She did not know anything about his alleged moniker as the 'Red Flash' or the fearsome reputation the purportedly cultivated. There was a difference in asking if she should be and why, the query was purposeful in that way because it could not be answered with a yes or a no and it was build on the premise that he was not an 'upstanding' or honor-bound rambler that happened to stumble upon their hidden community not once but twice. But he did not know her either.

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
Anatsu's question was met without a fitting answer. Her answers danced around his question, yet didn't fulfill it. She mentioned every type of fear but what Anatsu did not hear her get into was the fear of death at his hands. Perhaps she did not fear death. Anatsu was certain that she did not fear him. Were Sunagakure shinobi weak? Was she not tested? Was she strong? Many questions were brewing in his mind, none of which were as complicated as the one that the Suna Chunin would ask, ""Why should I be afraid?"

If this was the tale of the white sage with blond hair of Konohagakure, he would have smirked, laughed, or introduced her to a rasengan jutsu. However, this wasn't the tale of the confident sage with a track record. This was the tale of an emotionless assassin, a former genius, a mercenary, a hired gun, and a demon in the human form. He would not smirk, laugh, or respond to her in any shape or form for a few moments. Every question she asked would be met with a brief silence which made her wonder if he'd even respond. If she was the impatient type, she would find this attribute of his annoying rather quickly.

Had he made up his mind to attack, this would have been the perfect opportunity to catch her off guard with the activation of his Mangekyou Sharingan. Since that was not the case, his response was something that he would actually need to think about. Wasn't it obvious what Anatsu meant with his question? Was she oblivious or bored? There was much more to this girl than Anatsu initially realized. That being said, there was a whole lot more to Anatsu that she didn't know just yet as well.

"I have killed one hundred and seventy nine human beings." began Anatsu as he felt the environment continue to take a toll on him. This wasn't a place that he could forget about, even for a brief moment. His chakra was depleted. His strength was minimized. It wasn't fear that he was experiencing, it was intelligence. Anatsu knew very well that he could not fight in these conditions. He wasn't afraid of death, but he wasn't going to allow himself to ever go down easily as well.

"I hate odd numbers" continued Anatsu. He didn't need to reveal that information to her. To be quite honest, if he wasn't slowly suffocating in the Obsidian, the words he just spoke would never have been uttered. It was only after Anatsu spoke that he realized why this place served as an interrogation facility, at least he assumed. He confessed what could be a crime to the Chunin without her laying a finger on him. What could these walls make Anatsu say if he were to be tortured? he continued to remind himself that he needed to refocus, and contain his emotions. His first experience in this place was not going so smoothly to say the least.

Anatsu would then turn his attention away from her and focus on the door itself. "When is this idiot going to answer?" thought Anatsu to himself.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: Looks like Roku is busy. He wants to find out what happens in another thread before he participates. To those looking in here, space for 1 more. Set-up for a moderated group mission involving the Soverign and their evil plans. S Rank Mission/Event Offer for 1 more. This is not a MISSION yet and will not be taking up a MISSION RP slot but will in a few posts (we need to IC know we are on a mission). We just need to break into the ANBU Office and 'borrow' something.


If she had anything in excess, it would be time. Time is a precious commodity for most, the limited span of their lives would pass them by in the blink of an eye. The entirety of a man's existence was like that of a mayfly in comparison to her own protracted existence. She had watched many humans grow and become strong, full of hubris and then watch as they withered and deteriorated. Nature was a cruel mistress to mankind, giving them so much promise and potential only to slowly pull it away. But mortality was experienced differently by each because of this -- they knew loss in ways she did not. She could not. Time was recognized differently also, time seemed to always move fast to her. Slower for them. She was the desert and if the desert was anything, it was enduring. So would the wait between answers would not feel delayed, she would not even notice.

"I have killed one hundred and seventy nine human beings."

He finally admitted. And that would be a good reason to fear him. Did it make her fear him? No, it actually made her curious -- he kept count. She never did. Actually that was not true, at first she did. She did not always eat humans, in the beginning they subsisted off their element until the arrival of men and the appetite of the Wild Hunt changed everything. It was normal to mourn those whose lives were lost. To count your losses and your victories but after a short time, yes indeed it was short, before the number would leave the double digits, one would stop counting because it became too numerous. It became an accepted routine. For her it never left the teens before she stopped counting. She stopped counting because it did not change what happened. She stopped counting because those that died did not matter to her in any way besides the gains she would experience in their consumption. "A sentimentalist," or a liar with a fictional number. But still, in counting one assigned them value. Their death or at least their loss of life had value to him or he had remorse for what he had done. "You poor dear," she sympathized verbally "so much blood on your hands." It was like hearing that he was a vegetarian at a barbecue.

"I hate odd numbers"

Followed by an implied threat. Interesting choice. At least she knew she was not wrong but it would have been preferable if she was. Some victories were not worth celebrating. "Problematic," she replied to the potential OCD sociopath.

She would have preferred if Kaza took the foreigner off her hands, he was an unpredictable liability and he was unsettling. She needed to get back to the Toraono Dojo before it was too late. She would have handed him off to Fox-face even if she could. Sure Fox-face had another name more than likely but she did not remember it, she knew him as the crazy guy in the fox mask that made overly dramatic speeches while in a fight. Still nobody came and she strained her ears, she could not hear footsteps or movement on the other side of the door. There was nobody there she decided as queer as that might be. There was nobody there and there was no alarms blaring, in fact the Obsidian itself was deathly quiet. The pair of guards at the door seemed indifferent, as if there was nothing out of the ordinary. This was not normal, even in the off-hours which it was not. A cold chill ran through her 'blood.' Her first instinct was to head for the door, to leave this god-forsaken place and never look back. "He is not coming," she concluded. "In fact, nobody seems to be coming," she added as she reached for the handle of the office door and turned it to the right. It did not turn. Why would it? It was not like they let just anyone into the ANBU headquarters.

"Someone has got to be in there," she muttered as she slapped the door with her palm and shouted "I know that someone has to be in there! OPEN UP!"

This time she would hear something. It sounded like a groan from the other side of the door.

Her first instinct was to break something. The door in particular. It was not an elaborate or a good plan. Without saying anything else she would lift her leg and attempt to kick the door down. Sadly as she lifted her leg and thrust it with all of her might into the door it would simply get stuck in the wood. The heel of her white stiletto deeply embedded into the wood she had pierced, she slipped her foot out of the shoe with a hop. The door did not open despite the fact that it took her shoe. She considered kicking it in again with her other foot. Plans turned to action as she repeated the act with the other foot. It was a less than glamorous side-kick that caused the door to bow but the door would not give. Apparently the office door for the ANBU branch located in a prison filled with madmen and criminals has a secure lock. Who would have thunk?

She lost both her shoes. Yes, they were both embedded in the door.
  • The Obsidian gets more dangerous the deeper you go. On this upper level resting does not regain HP or CP, passive gains such as Healing Factor still apply but would disappear the level below. And below that things get even more dangerous. Etc. and so on...
  • The door is not super powerful, it has 1000 HP or some basic thinking can get it open.

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
‎Shihakata remained indifferent to Anatsu's resume and threat. The more he got to know her, the further away from understanding her he got. There wasn't much that rattled her, at least nothing he could find just yet. Anatsu almost cracked a smirk at her indifference, but would then turn his attention to the door as Shihakata attempted to kick it down. It would appear as though something was not right inside. As much as Anatsu enjoyed watching her struggle with the door, he decided that he should probably lend a hand. Her shoes however, seemed valuable. Anatsu wanted to help her, without demonstrating any of his abilities, especially his Kekkei Genkei. Anatsu would then begin his hand seals after pricking his finger., standing behind the Suna Chunin.

Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram

"Ninpo- Kuchiyose no Jutsu " said Anatsu as he slammed the floor with the palm of his hand. He fully intended to summon Zangyaku, the demon among demons. However, the conditions he was in did not permit him to mold his chakra correctly. Needless to say Zangyaku would not appear.

Hasshou would appear instead.

Hasshou is a Hakutaku, a being of great power. It possesses a white lions body with a long tail and a massive mane, but its feet are hooves like that of a horse. It has two black horns on its head, and two more sets along it's back. Hasshou stands seven feet tall and twelve feet long, and possesses nine eyes, two where they would normally be with one in the center, and three more along each side. Where he walks, the ground becomes scorched by his power. Hasshou cares for nothing but power, and constantly seeks out those who are strong enough to pose a challenge to it. Frequently, those seeking to impress Zangyaku will be made to fight Hasshou.

Although there wasn't much space in the room, Hasshou managed to fit in, not that he was happy to be here.

"Anatsu you fool! What is this place? Where have you brought me?" He'd start as he turned towards Shiori after coughing. "Finally find yourself a girlfriend?"

Anatsu remained emotionless, despite the demon's insult. He knew how tough it was to be here. What Anatsu did want to react to, was the presence of the Hasshou and not the demon he had intended. Anatsu would not address Hasshou. Instead, he would merely point towards the door.

The demon would turn his attention towards the door, and engage it his unique taijutsu, "Dash of Devastation": Hasshou charges at an opponent head on, dealing a huge amount of damage. Not only does he hurt his enemy, he also knocks them back a few feet. Due to the fact that he scorches the land when he walks, he kills the surrounding environment.

The walls may have needed a new paint job, the room was a whole lot colder, but the door was now slammed to the floor, leaving a very loud thump behind. "Have you grown so weak, you can't even break down a simple door anymore?" he asked Anatsu.

Anatsu ignored these insults. All demons were alike, they acted up but commanded him... until Anatsu's eyes appeared that is. Anatsu would then turn towards the Sand Chunin, waiting for her instructions.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

She did not know the words he used but she knew the summon, it was ironic that they shared the same bond with demons. Hers was more the product of unfortunate circumstance and the fact that her hatred of the vile creatures could not arrive her desire for more power. At least for now. She had never summoned Hasshou, simply put he was not strong enough to be worth her while and considering the cumbersome task of summoning a worthwhile coadjutor she rarely called on the Youkai contract. His summon was too large for the hallway. As he appeared from the ether, his mass would displace the Ancient and she would find herself pushed into a wall. She would wiggle free with a grunt, her bare feet slapping against the floor as she did so. There would be a brief period of banter between them. The demon was an asshole, what a surprise.

"Yeah, it is like we are already married, utterly sexless." She went to recover her shoe from the door, the needle like tips of the heels deeply embedded into the door. As she reached for the heel strap the reckless demon rushed the door much like a linebacker would. The door buckled and then broke, parts splintering in a shower that rained on the office. The room was not that impressive, simple really, It looked like some sort of break room, there was a calendar pinned to the wall for the wrong month that displayed a scantly clad young woman in a string bikini. There was a couch that sagged more on the sides than in the middle in some sort of olive color that had faded from years of wear and use. There was a mismatched brown leather armchair on an angle from the couch that had seen better days. The arms were cracked and a tear on the seat revealed the off-white cushion stuffing within. The carpet had seen better days, even before it was sprinkled with wood chips, you see the deep plum near threadbare carpet was soaked with blood. Yes, the room was in shambled beyond the normal sense of disarray an apparent breakroom would have. Tables overturned, the spindly metal legs snapped on a pair. They had been used to further injure these unfortunate victims. There was one... two... three... five. Five ANBU, all bound and beaten. All five... dead.

She knew they were dead at least because they made no sound. She could not hear them breathe. She could not hear their hearts beat. She did not enter the office immediately, she stood there and listened. Listened for any movement. Any sign of life from them or from someone hidden. It looked like they put up a fight, some of the furniture was overturned and the plaster on the walls of this room was dented in several places. Due to the difficulty one has in manipulating chakra in this structure it should not come as a surprise that there was little evidence of chakra use. As for the men, they were in limited dress. Most of them mutilated. Where? - Let's not describe.

How long had they been dead? There was no stink of death. There were no alarms. The blood was still wet and they had not passed another living soul all the way down here.

"Crap," Shiori muttered as she backed away from the gory site. She did not want anything to do with this mess. Her first instinct was to leave the building immediately. Her second was to grab her shoes first. "This was the sort of thing that you got hung over just because people wanted someone to blame," she griped as she tip-toed into the room and recovered her shoes from the broken halves of door. She yanked the shoes free, the fragments of door fell into the blood and splattered. Some sprayed her ankle and she let out a huff. Get off evidence. Get off! She was going to have a hard time explaining why she brought a foreigner to the ANBU office only to find a room full of dead bodies. Such a hard time doing so she felt her best option was not doing so at all.

There was minimal deliberation in her mind. It was time to get out of Dodge. Not only because she did not want the weight of the blame to fall on her shoulders for this mess but also because whomever did this was still at large. The Obsidian was a madhouse and she was not

"I am getting out of here," she decided. "You should do the same," she warned him. "Headsets are not the most reliable things in here, I need to call someone in before blame falls on me," she was in self-preservation mode at the moment. Did she sound nervous, yes. She did not know any of the men who were found dead except perhaps in passing and while a normal person might have been troubled with the gory sight her first instinct was to determine how it would effect her. It was one of the reasons she had survived this hell as long as she had. "There are no prisoners on this level and all the entrances are guarded," as he saw. "This should not happen but it has before," she added. Yes, it has happened once before but not in the same way. A group known as the Cabal broke into the Obsidian and released the prisoners in a display of reckless might that plunged the community into anarchy. It cost Shiori her humanity. That time was of course different, they released the prisoners and assaulted their way into the Obsidian. This incident was different, whoever this was took their time.
What Happened?
  • Five dead men. Bound. Signs of torture and sexual assault.
  • The blood is still wet.
  • The room is in disarray.
  • No evidence of extreme chakra useage.
  • We passed nobody inside the Obsidian.
  • Shiori is recommending that they get out of there.

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
Chaos, chaos everywhere. Anatsu had traveled the world and caused a lot of chaos. He was notorious as the Red Flash. From the shadows, bodies would fall and their red blood would paint the ugliest of portraits on the walls. Chaos was something Anatsu caused. His many years as an ANBU of the Hidden Leaf had granted him the opportunity to be raised in it, molded by it. His decade as an assasin, had given him the opportunity to cause it. Shihakata appearing a bit flustered did not diminish from her ability as a shinobi in Anatsu's eyes. He had seen that face on many shinobi, included the Kage of each and every village. Being in tight corners surrounded by blood was a scary thing to even the finest of shinobi; Not Anatsu thought, not with his ocular abilities.

Up until this point, Anatsu had difficulties breathing, molding chakra, and focusing. In the midst of all the chaos, Anatsu had found his focus for the first time since entering the Obsidian. Anatsu's countless hours of training and hiding underwater did not directly translate to the pressure of the Obsidian, but the training was relevant. Anatsu's time training in the lands of the Youkai had prepared him for the darkness. The powers of Shihakata were unknown, but his advantage in years of experience was evident and they both knew it.

Should he run with her? His immediate instinct as an ANBU was to erase the bodies so that the enemy could not collect information from there. Considering he did not know the ins and outs of Sunagakure, this was not an option. The blood was fresh, judging from their color. Anatsu had came to the conclusion that the enemy that Shihakata had described as, "The Cabal", were still in the building. Anatsu found it hard to believe that anyone would willingly attempt to break into this place. Hasshou's services where no longer needed as he disappeared using the reverse teleportation jutsu back to his land. Anatsu needed to make a decision.

"Going any deeper into this place is only going to be more dangerous. Shihakata cleaning her ankle tells me this place has no cameras. We will be in deep trouble unless I catch whoever did this. What if Shihakata tells the Hidden Sand of my abilities? Fuck." Anatsu would then turn to Shihakata. He hoped that she would leave this place and leave him behind, but he doubted it. In the end, he needed to trust that she wouldn't report his Kekkei Genkei if he were able to help out. It was his only opportunity to prove himself to Shihakata, and potentially save his life. The last place he wanted to be was the Obsidian, and it wasn't looking good for him at the moment.

Anatsu would proceed to lift two fingers, facing the sky, while his hand touched his nose. The outer three fingers faced Shihakata as he called out to her. "Shihakata-sama." he began with a term of respect...


Anatsu's sharingan was revealed as his unzipped his black traveler's cloak, allowing it to fall to the floor. His body was muscular, but also very lean. Standing at about 5'11, he probably weighed around 170 lbs. Anatsu was not the type who would or could over power an Akimichi, but his physique and endurance allowed him to be very quick and elusive, almost like a medical shinobi. he wore a gray sleeveless shirt. It appeared thick, almost as if he had shruiken protection underneath it. His black pants and black shoes were designed for performance. Upon taking off his Kasa, not only was his black hair visible, but also the scratch across his forehead protector. What little was visible of his skin was full of burn marks, scars, and evidence of combat.

It was now clear as day to Shihakata. She had seen what no other shinobi had seen in over a decade, the real Anatsu.

Uchiha Anatsu, a former ANBU and missing ninja of Konohagakure.

"We're both going to be in trouble when your superiors see this mess." began Anatsu. His tone was serious and confident. It was almost like he had done this a thousand times and knew exactly what to do. His piercing red eyes looked Shihakata straight in the eyes as he finished. "The blood is fresh. They could still be here. I don't need your help in combat, but I do need your guidance."

Anatsu was a little over confident in his fighting abilities, mostly due to experience. He also recognized that Shihakata was his one chance at finding the enemy if they truly were deeper within the Obsidian. Anatsu needed her if he was going to prove himself to her, and make it out of here without being captured by another Sunagakure Jounin. Would she lead the way, or would she continue to leave? The conditions were tough, and Anatsu wanted to be out of there as soon as possible.

Youkai Contract Unsummoned
Sharingan activated
Anatsu is asking Shiori to lead him deeper into the Obsidian so they can catch any potential intruders into the building
Anatsu has analyzed that there are no cameras in the Obsidian


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: Sorry this has taken so long, my four wisdom teeth with some bone were removed the day you posted. Been catching up slowly. Also, you can post in multiple threads. I will give you something interesting but feel free to also get drunk with Akkuma, pal around with Shoma or do something else as well. Sometimes you have to make the first interactions when you are the new face (yes, you are new to us).


This would not be the first time someone had broken into the Obsidian. Evidence of the previous break-in was for the most part covered. Where the walls had been broken, new walls were erected. Yes, they lacked the distinctive antediluvian markings of their predecessor but they had fresh seals written in Runic in their place. Without knowing one it was impossible to identify the other, or at the very least that there was words in a language that was still unknown. The Obsidian was in reality a patchwork palace, broken parts being rebuilt with a jailer's intent without realizing exactly what they were attempting to confine.

The blood was still wet, a deep wine color. Anatsu was correct, the fallen here were fresh kills. The sallow pallor and their dead, terrified and pained gaze was enough for even a casual observer to determine that they were dead. If they were to touch the bodies, They would know that they were still warm, but neither of them dared touch the dead. In Shiori's case it was not out of disgust or reverence but rather because she knew better than to get herself tangled up in matters that were not her business. Rigormortis had also not yet set in, meaning that again the bodies were fairly fresh. Yes, to those of a medical mindset they would be aware that the stiffness that occurs after death is only temporary before other processes of decay set in. Death was not a beautiful thing, the bodies would swell and stink and burst. Nails would not continue to grow after death, that was a myth. Rather the skin would pull back revealing longer nailbeds. None of these things had happened, yet.

Shiori, or Shihakata strained to hear something, anything. A hidden killer around the corner or an approaching sentinel that would wrongly level the blame on them. She would prefer to deal with the former than the later the truth be told. She urged him to leave. She had made up her mind, she was going to depart the Obsidian before she got wrapped up in something she wanted no part of. Her mind recalled the trip back, it was not far. They passed nobody less the two guards at the front door that seemed hesitant to let them in but did so with minimal encouragement. She could tell them of the bodies. They saw them enter and they knew that neither she nor the mercenary had the time to do this. That they had been dead since shortly before they entered or just as they entered. Still, would they suspect it was her? That it was them? She had heard rumors of shinobis that could move exceptionally fast, of shinobis that could potentially alter the passage of time. Even if they did not suspect them, would they level them with the blame? Yes, she knew they would. It was easier to detain a suspect at the first possible moment than to find them later. People like the Kazekage also liked open and shut cases where everything is tied up with a neat little bow. It made them feel 'smart' and 'capable' with one less open case on the table. With the illusion of 'justice' being served.

She started to walk down the hall, her footsteps reverberated off the walls giving her a clear picture of the passageway that was ahead. Nobody was there, yet.


She shook her head, she was used to the assumed name because she had been using it for years but in Sunagakure people rarely used surname formality so it sounded foreign being heard. "You should get out of here as well," she repeated.


A cold chill would run through her as she stopped in her tracks. What did he say? The sharingan was the dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan but she would not know anything about that. In fact the Uchiha were somewhat rare in Wind Country, that was a genetic trait that was more common among those in fire Country. Shiori had never, in her long years, come into contact with this dōjutsu. Like most clans, the secrets of their genetic legacy were closely guarded, there were only a few tidbits the general public was aware of. One was the distinctive tomoe and crimson hue. The second being the fact that the sharingan is regarded as one of the "Three Great Dōjutsu", the others being the Byakugan and the Rinnegan. The third being the fact that those eyes can see -something- that normal eyes cannot. Exactly what they saw she would not know. It would be impossible for her to know. It was the Hyuuga that could see through her false shell, not the Uchiha, not that she would know that.

She would slowly turn around, expecting to be attacked. She was not going to make the first move but if she had to she would make the last move. She would see the trademark scarlet iris glowing in the darkness of the obsidian. She would tense. It was almost a relief when she saw the headband, the gash through the kohona symbol -- he was a nukenin. She would exhale, her shoulders would relax. She was more concerned about the Soverign, another group such as the Cabal and of course her own people. Foreigners with an ax to grind with a foreign power were a non-concern to her on the merit of what they were. Sunagakure has historically been a haven for ne'er do wells due to the open door policies of the upper political echelon. He could still be a viable threat, but no more than anyone else in this village potentially posed.

"We're both going to be in trouble when your superiors see this mess."

He warned. He was right but she did not want to hear it. She wanted to avoid the fall-out, play dumb because there was no reason for them to believe that she was in this sort of place. Anatsu was correct, there were no cameras here. That would be conflict with the Warden's interests. "They have no reason to think we were here," she replied. It was a cold, callous and self-preserving sentiment. She might have known those men, but if so not well. They meant nothing to her as people or as tools. Her intervention would only place herself at risk, something she was not particularly keen to do it would seem.

"The blood is fresh. They could still be here. I don't need your help in combat, but I do need your guidance."

"And get killed again," she replied cryptically. She was referring to herself of course. The last time she involved herself in matters of the state it resulted in her painful demise. If she had any love for her country perhaps she would be happy that she had more than one life to give, but there was no love lost between herself and the Kazekage or his Sennins. She did not consider this country to be worthwhile. "We can get out of here," she insisted.

But then she heard something. Her eyes darted to the left unconsciously.

She had a change of heart. The depths of the building that slowly tries to eat you alive, sanity in all is a great plan. She let out a sigh, "the Obsidian is like a maze. Even when walking in a straight line." Her statement was odd, but there was nothing even remotely normal about this place. She would look behind her but she would only see darkness, but she could hear something moving in the distant dark. Approaching. If there was one thing that she learned during her tenure: don't make waves unless you want to lose a hand. That was a literal lesson. "Do you know how to avoid being turned around?" Her voice was hurried, she could hear robes and the profile of a simple mask. "The hand never leaves." She planted her left hand on the wall to demonstrate. It was how one got through a maze when they had no other sense beyond what they could see and hear. When there was no hunk of cheese to follow the scent of. The hand would follow the perimeter of the hall, around the corner, always turning to the left, following the walls even around dead ends. This way one is never turned around. One is never confused. One is never lost. "You can keep count but you will not remember for long what numbers are," she added quickly.

The depths await.

What of the sound she heard? If Anatsu stayed, dallied or recognized the change he would see a pair of ANBU arrive. They were the same ANBU they passed entering the building, wearing the same cloak and the same masks they donned. There was also something, or rather someone behind them. The image was faded, distorted and seemed to some into focus only barely before leaving focus once again.
Option A said:
If Anatsu stays behind:

The ANBU will immediately attack both Shiori and Anatsu. Prep your stats. If you do not know how to fight, this will be a crash course in ass kicking.
Option B said:
If Anatsu goes into the deep:

It will be rather mundane, Shiori's apparent panic would seem groundless until they entered the core and the traversed down the center spire. The pressure would become greater and there would be several puzzle-like situations to solve. yes, stereotypical dungeon.

S Rank Mission Offer:

Find out what happened to the ANBU that died in the ANBU break room and submit your findings to an ANBU. There will be combat and violence. S Rank Offering.
Do you accept?​

Edit: Added a third silhouette because Akkuma is joining us.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage looked upon the entrance of the Ancient building with surprise he could've sworn there was meant to be Anbu stationed there. "Curious..." he wondered if this visit would be as interesting as his last one. Akkuma had come here with the intent of seeking out the beings that had been mentioned by the shadows when he had last been hear. Akkuma had figured he would need to use force to enter the building, but this would prove not to be the case as he pushed the doors open. Still there were no Anbu, perhaps they had been drawn away by some last minute emergency? Various seals both Ancient & covered the interior of the structure, the Dark Sage knew better then to go messing about with seals that he didn't recognize...well at least for now.

Walking through the halls he carefully analyzed the seals as he walked through, occasionally stopping to take notes to study at a later date. He could feel the life force draining effects of the Obsidian taking hold of his body. Fortunately for the Dark Sage he possessed a similar ability, draining chakra & life from the things around him. One would hear the rustle of his fine red overcoat against his combat leathers, the metallic clink of its links. The soft thud of his combat boots against sandstone as he approached. Akkuma was not trying to hide his movements as he progressed deeper into the depths of the Prison. Akkuma stopped mid-stride as he felt multiple chakra's ahead of him. Curious perhaps he was about to learn why he had been able to enter the building so easily.

Upon the sages belt one could see various syringes full of toxic substances, dangling off his back was a dangerous looking scythe. It's edge giving off an aura of hunger, as if the blade sought to devour his foes. Standing there at a height of 6'2ft & weighing just over a 150lbs he was far slimmer in frame then he had once been. Each movement wasted nothing as he walked forward, there was an unearthly grace about the being. In fact the only familiar feature of the newcomer was a mismatched set of eyes. One a crimson red with a serpentine pupil, while the other was a transplanted Tsuchimikado eye with the lesser known Onmyouji crystalline eye.

Unlike the two figures who had proceeded him Akkuma was unmasked, stepping passed the threshold of the destroyed door he stopped behind the two Anbu. His gaze sliding from the two masked figures to 'Rioshi' & the shinobi beside her. Then to the fresh corpses in the center if the room, raising a curious eyebrow. A calm yet curious smile appeared on his face as he gazed up at those before him. "Oh my...what do we have here?" he would ask with surprise. That familiar voice of his would no doubt send a shiver down the former AiT's spine, fortunately for her he had no idea that she was the woman he'd hoped to run into during his little monster hunt. That snow white hair a stark contrast to the midnight black hair he had once possessed.

[OOC: Whoop looking forward to rping! -throws shuriken cookies-]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
The more Shihakata spoke, the more she weirded out Anatsu. He was beginning to put the pieces together that she was some form of species that wasn't human. He hadn't met a demon in the shape of a human besides those within the realm of the Youkai. Whatever Shihakata was confused Anatsu, and perhaps made him a bit nervous. She was insisting on leaving, despite Anatsu's wishes to proceed deeper into the Obsidian. Despite his inability to concentrate to the fullest, his shinobi senses remained keen as they always did in times of chaos. The former ANBU Captain was trained to perform with excellence in these scenarios and he would deliver. However, just as he was about to penetrate deeper into the Obsidian on his own, his other senses kicked in. Anatsu was beginning to feel the presence of chakra, a very cold and strong chakra, coming their way. Anatsu couldn't tell if it was an individual, or several. If he had to guess, several Suna ANBU were on their way.

His instincts would kick in. He didn't want Shihakata to get in trouble. He needed to protect her.

Bird --> Dragon--> Dog--> Ram began Anatsu's handseals. "Eidorei no Seiki no Jutsu " said Anatsu, rather quietly but firmly. Immediately, a shadow servant would appear and it aimed for Shihakata. The shadow clone would attempt to push Shihakata aside and hold her, making it appear as though she was captured.

"Move aside Shihakata-sama." whispered Anatsu with an urge.

The most fascinating thing about Anatsu's excellence and inherited Uchiha brilliance was his ability to perform hand seals almost at an instant to the naked eye. His mastery of ninjutsu was a result of years of constant practice. Yes, there were many talented and quick ninjutsu users. However, there were very few shinobi on the planet who were as masterful in the art of ninjutsu like Anatsu was. Combine his skill with his experience in battle, and you had a lethal shinobi, capable of detecting, tracking, and assassinating the finest of opponents. These actions were being performed at an instant. Anatsu immediately detected an intruder, and would engage; All while hoping Shihakata stayed out of his way of course.

Snake--> Ram--> Monkey--> Boar--> Horse--> Tiger The handseals were performed almost at an instant,

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu". Once again, the Uchiha Clan's favorite technique, the Fire Ball Jutsu made an appearance, launching towards the new comer, almost before he even made an appearance. Anatsu was not about to go down without a fight, and certainly was not about to surrender to Sunagakure ANBU. After experiencing the Obsidian, he had no intentions of remaining stuck in them. He hoped his shadow servant would act as a back up plan for the Sunagakure Chunin, should she choose to use it. If not, it was them two versus whomever came there way at this point. Anatsu wanted to catch whoever committed the murders.

However, it was too late. It was time to get the hell out of there.

The fireball jutsu launched at the newcomer. This was Anatsu's favorite technique because of it's size, it forced opponents to dodge it, instead of blocking it. Anatsu would often take this opportunity to either disappear himself, or attempt to launch a dojutsu at the user. In this case, Anatsu had several motives. For starters, if his opponent ran, Anatsu would be able to follow him out of the Obsidian. If his opponent engaged, Anatsu would attempt to catch him in a genjutsu. If his opponent was caught off guard, another opponent could assist him in blocking the jutsu with a jutsu of his own, thus revealing his location. Anatsu understood the benefits of launching a large jutsu in such a tight space. The question was, how would it play out?

OOC: Akkuma's entrance kinda makes me have to choose Option A I believe
A. Giving Shiori an IC means of acting innocent and captured and staying out of the fight if she chooses
B. Attempting an attack at Akkuma. Feel free to RP dodging it or taking the hit lmao


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

The halls were dark and long, the oppressive sense seemed to linger and weigh down their shoulders but it did not break their purposeful stride. "I think they went this way." The voice sounded young and male but there was little else that could be discerned.

"Not a chance, idiot," a woman's voice replied with an acerbic tone. Just because they were in a super awesome, fun place like a prison did not mean she was going to be any less of a bitch.

"Fuck off cunt, don't mistaken me for Kyū. I'm not anybody's bitch," the sound of their approach momentarily stagnated. All was not well between those ANBU.

"Oh Hachi-poo" her laughter seemed almost cruel because it was. "You'll... do... exactly what I tell you to do..." The party waiting in the bowels of the Obsidian or at the entryway would not see the moment between them but there was a posturing between them.

Akkuma would discover that those two -were- the only guardians at the door, the same door that Shiori and Anatsu had entered only a short time earlier. With the duo gone, he was able to enter the Obsidian unhindered. The halls would be dark and bleak but vaguely familiar. His senses would be keen enough still at these upper levels. He never found his way to the darkest depths of the Sunan dungeons, to the feared and often threatened 'pit.' He would pass the basic holding cells, several offices and empty rooms -- all devoid of life as odd as that might be. He would not pass another soul in the halls. Not a one. The runic symbols, some an antediluvian language spoken and used by the first men but long ago discarded and some a language that predated even Terran.

Would he hear the bickering couple of ANBU that traveled before him. It was likely as he was not far behind.


"Eidorei no Seiki no Jutsu "

They needed to get out of there. They needed to go deeper into the Obsidian. She was a pragmatic woman and was well aware that blame, even if it was nonsensical would be placed on them. She knew how humans thought because she had lived among them for so long. How they hated and betrayed. She was willing to venture deeper into this hellish complex to avoid them because she knew what sort of viscous beasts humans were. Often when one thinks of a monster they identify an obvious apex predator such as the mighty sandworm or carnasaur but that is only because they do not understand the true terror that is man. She had no reason to trust the mercenary but she also did not think he would turn so unexpectedly fast on her. She saw his hands move through an array and immediately thereafter someone would push her from behind causing her to stumble forward before it tried to grab hold of her. Her forearm hit the stone wall as she instinctively tried to pull herself free. She would turn her head and look back, the sonar image confused her as did what her eyes saw. "What are you doing!" She exclaimed in a voice that was hardly more than a harsh whisper, confused (5) as to which one was the real Anatsu (15). [Shiori failed her awareness roll and does not know which one is the real Anatsu]. Her first instinct was to kick him or rather the clone, not that she knew that, in the groin and make a break for it. She could hear someone coming, she did not have the time to take a stand here and she knew it. She was not a close-quarters fighter and she felt her arm lock behind her (8 evasion, 16 attack) [Treating this like a successful grapple] as she was pushed into the wall.

"Move aside Shihakata-sama." the real Anatsu demanded.

"We need to get out of her," she reminded him. Staying was madness. They were going to take the blame for whatever happened here, their actual guilt irrelevant. She did not know his plan, his plan was even more madness and was going to get them killed. She struggled against the doppelganger's grip (51, failed) but its grip tightened and twisted her arm further as more pressure was applied. "These are not reasonable people," she added. "Innocence is irrelevant"

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu".

Or... you can launch a fireball into the darkness and hope it hits something.

A massive ball of burning gas was hurled down the corridor, lighting a path as it traversed the open expanse. It revealed a trio. A pair of ANBU, the same pair that they had passed upon entering this structure. They were cloaked and masked as all ANBU were and their movements seemed to have purpose. One of the two, this one was wearing the fox mask took a step forward and pulled his weapon. He was apparently a... daggerman? One would have expected a rapier or a longblade, but in his case no... it was a small dagger about the length of one's palm that has an unnatural sheen. Still he moved like a swordsman, the weapon draw was instantaneous (Battoujutsu). He barreled down the hall with his unimpressive weapon drawn, a venom seeming to drip from its silvered surface (poisoned). He ducked beneath the fireblast, demonstrating the agility of a youth doing so without breaking stride. "Looks like they are already losing it Shi," he called back, humor in his voice as he made this assessment.

"Don't be an idiot, don't you recognize them," the woman snapped as she too avoided the attack. She seemed to bend and writhe unnaturally as she leaned out of the way. Surely there were no joints there... Her finger pointed at Anatsu, the famed Mercenary. "A wanted man... murder or kidnapping or something..." she did not care about the details, he was having fun and his fun made him famous. 'Nuff said. Her arm then pointed out the woman, "and the Kazekage's secretary? Heh--" Yeah, it was weird.

"Wrong place... Worst time." The man added.

The fireball would immolate a newcomer in the distance. Their heads would turn and in unison they would sigh. "Visitors--" They would unfasten their masks, exposing youthful visages. That of a young woman with long white hair and a stern expression. Yes, it was more a resting bitch face and in this case you could tell the contents of a book by its cover. The other, a younger but taller ginger that had features reminiscent of Shouki but they were certainly not one in the same. If only the Sennins shared what little they knew of the Soverign Shiori would have known exactly who they were, but they did not. Secrets were being jealousy guarded until it was too late. Perhaps this would be one of those times.

If only she... they knew that Hachi was Naganisa's son and member of the Soverign. That he specialized in poisons and he grew up under the tutelage of masters of pain such as Shouki. While not hardly the genius of his elders, he was a force to be reckoned with. Then there was Shi, Soverign who kidnapped, raped, tortured and attempted to brainwash foreign Sennins for an undisclosed purpose. She seemed to enjoy her work but worst of all. She could not die. She was immortal and she used that to her advantage.

"Oh my...what do we have here?"

The stranger announced. Yes, stranger. To her, for the most part demons looked all alike. She might have recognized his uninspiring genitalia but in all honesty they did not really deserve mention in her memory. She saw him as a white-headed fool that had walked into the wrong place at the worst of times. Unmasked and seemingly indifferent to the deaths of the ANBU he was likely not among their ranks, meaning he did not belong here either. That made him one of two things in her mind -- the perpetrator or an escapee.

Yes, Akkuma has stumbled onto something. WHAT that something was, well he/they just might not live long enough to find out. [For the sake of fairness, my PC does not recognize you Akkuma.]
[col]Foxy - Hachi
HP: 100,000
CP: 50,000
AP: 10

Inventory: Iron vein (full stack), Heaven's Touch (full stack), Mustard Gas (full stack), Syringe (filled with Heaven's Touch), Ninja Wire (full stack), weapon (strategist pre-placed poison - Iron vein).


[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 27 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 23 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Ranged Accuracy 23 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Gen DC 23
Gen Save 23
Signature Weapon Gen Save 18
Evasion 27 + 1 (Cursed Seal)[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Passives"]1.) Nanjirou: Increased crit range
2.) Nanjirous: A special weapon
3.) Tsukumogami: A signature weapon with an additional augment slot
4.) Hidden Power with Bushido: +0.5 to all Secondary stats each time they lose 15% Hp of their Max Hp, capping at +3 to their secondaries.
5.) Spiritual: Twice per round, the user may perform two Wrath Seal actions to the same attack with this weapon. Both require a focus point.
6.) Weapon has a +1 critical range that is not effected by caps.
7.) Strategist - pre-poisoned weapon with Iron Vein. Additional Slots are free attacks.
8.) Clarity
9.) Called Shot
10.) Sensor
11.) Poison Mastery
12.) Cursed Seal
13.) Bloody Mess[/spoilername]

  • 0.00 Seconds (0 AP) Focuses on (pick a random target between Shiori, Anatsu and Akkuma) for Sensor Ability.
    0.00 Seconds (0 AP) Hachi activates his cursed seal. Starts each round in stealth (would start next round) and +1 accuracy.
    1.00 Seconds (1 AP) Hachi activates his Wrath Seal.
    1.50 Seconds (0.5 AP) Hachi enters Iaijutsu Mastery - Bloodline Fighting Style Kensei-ryu Stance. The user takes +15% Damage from all sources, however their class Evasion stat is considered High.
    Conditional #1: If at any point Hachi becomes aware that he is under the influence of a genjutsu his sword will attempt to dispel the genjutsu.
    4.25 Seconds (2.75 AP) Hachi uses Battoujutsu to draws his Ancestral (Spiritual) Signature (Tsukumogami) Weapon. Slashing Weapon (Bleed) +0 acc 0% damage modifier; augments -- pressure (can inflict suppression also), primal (basic strikes cost 0.5 AP), blood rack (suffer bleed damages instantly upon having their bleed level increased), vengeance (+10% damage against a target that has struck them that round) and attacks Shiori, Anatsu and Akkuma with Tsubame Gaeshi [Mastered] using 2 wrath points to extend this attack.
    4.25 Seconds (0 AP) Using Quickdraw Hachi resheaths his weapon.
    6.50 Seconds (2.75 AP) Hachi uses Battoujutsu to draws his Ancestral (Spiritual) Signature (Tsukumogami) Weapon. Slashing Weapon (Bleed) +0 acc 0% damage modifier; augments -- pressure (can inflict suppression also), primal (basic strikes cost 0.5 AP), blood rack (suffer bleed damages instantly upon having their bleed level increased), vengeance (+10% damage against a target that has struck them that round) and attacks [random roll for 2 targets between Anatsu, Shiori and Akkuma] with Higuma [Mastered] using a Wrath point to increase the number of targets by 1.
    7.00 Seconds (0.5 AP) Hachi sheaths his weapon.
    9.25 Seconds (2.75 AP) Hachi uses Battoujutsu to draws his Ancestral (Spiritual) Signature (Tsukumogami) Weapon. Slashing Weapon (Bleed) +0 acc 0% damage modifier; augments -- pressure (can inflict suppression also), primal (basic strikes cost 0.5 AP), blood rack (suffer bleed damages instantly upon having their bleed level increased), vengeance (+10% damage against a target that has struck them that round) and attacks the target he did not attack with the previous Higuma (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu).
    9.25 Seconds (0.00 AP) Hachi uses his free basic strike from his strategist slot to perform a called shot attack on a random target (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu) aiming for their legs.
    9.25 Seconds (0.00 AP) Hachi uses his free basic strike from his strategist slot to perform a called shot attack on a random target (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu) aiming for their legs.
    9.25 Seconds (0.00 AP) Hachi uses his free basic strike from his strategist slot to perform a called shot attack on a random target (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu) aiming for their legs.
    9.25 Seconds (0.00 AP) Hachi uses his free basic strike from his strategist slot to perform a called shot attack on a random target (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu) aiming for their arms.
[/spoilername]|Resting Bitch Face - Shi
HP: 100,000
CP: 50,000
AP: 10

Inventory: Weapons, Puppets, Antitoxin (full stack), Ninja Wire (full stack) x2, Explosive Notes (full stack), Energy Drink (full stack)


[spoilername="Stats"]Ranged Accuracy 27 + 3 (Quickstep)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 23 + 3 (Quickstep)
Melee Accuracy 19 + 3 (Quickstep)
Genjutsu DC 23 + 2 (Slippery Mind)
Genjutsu Save 23 + 2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion 23[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Passives"]1.) Kinjutsu: Attacks are resolved using Ranged Accuracy rather than Melee Accuracy. When making a "stretched" attack the user must choose whether to apply their Melee or Ranged bonuses to the attack and only one set may be applied to a single attack. A "stretched" attack which has Ranged bonuses applied counts for all intents and purposes as a "ranged attack" that retains it's original Accuracy Type (a Nanjirou which "stretches" a melee attack and chooses Ranged still applies their Slashing/Piercing or Physical Damage bonuses but no Melee-specific Damage bonuses).
2.) Kinjutsu: "Stretched" attacks have a 25% chance to be a Sneak Attack.
3.) Kinjutsu: After attacking from Stealth with a "stretched" attack the user is automatically given a free attempt to return to Stealth with a +2 bonus.
4.) Called Shot
5.) Cursed Seal
6.) Upkeep Maintenance
7.) Trap Fanatic
8.) Deflection modified by Enhanced Counter: The Deflection ability now applies to Jutsu up to A rank, gains an additional +5% chance of activating, and no longer has an Accuracy penalty when using the special action. Additionally, If the special action is used upon an attack using Ranged accuracy successfully, the user is able to deflect it towards a different target at -3 Accuracy and 70% damage.
9.) Stalker
10.) Puppet Master: +5% Puppet Damage and -10% Puppet CP Cost
11.) Sneak Attack: All the user's attacks have a 10% chance of being a Sneak Attack. All Sneak attacks gain +1 Critical and deal x2.5 damage upon a Critical hit; this does not stack with other critical damage modifiers.
12.) Shadow Step: The user has a 30% chance at remaining in Stealth after performing a Sneak Attack. Once per round, the user may make a Sneak Attack without being dropped out of Stealth; this may only be done three times per battle.
13.) Counterattack: Whenever the opponent misses a melee attack on the user (melee taijutsu included; they may only counter once per jutsu), the user may counterattack with their current equipped weapon dealing Basic Strike Damage at no cost. This has no limit.
14.) Sniper: When making called shots while in Stealth mode, The user suffers no accuracy penalty.
15.) Flash Counter [Mastered]
16.) Quickstep x3
17.) Slippery Mind[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Actions"]0.00 Seconds (0 AP) Shi activates her cursed seal. Starts each round in stealth (would start next round) and +1 accuracy. +5% [Offensive Puppet] Damage.
0.5 Seconds (0.5 AP) Shi equips an Offensive [Suppression] puppet. +2 accuracy, -10% damage. Augments: Vengeance (When successfully struck by an attack the user becomes "Vengeful" until the remainder of the round. While "Vengeful" they deal 10% increased damage against the target which hit them), Wired (The user may entangle an opponent with a hidden wire from the weapon using Melee or Ranged Accuracy at -2 Accuracy for 0.5 AP. This inflicts a -3 Dodge penalty on victims. An entangled opponent may un-entangle themselves for 1 AP), and Silencer (The first Sneak Attack that the user makes with the equipped weapon each round does not remove them from Stealth Mode). Traps: Tornado Duster [B Rank], Cylinder of Magic [B Rank], Compulsory Evacuation Machine [B Rank].
2.5 Seconds (2 AP) Shi casts Active Camo [Mastered]
3.5 Seconds (1 AP) Shi attempts to enter stealth.
4.5 Seconds (1 AP) Shi arms Compulsory Evacuation Machine.
5.5 Seconds (1 AP) Shi arms Cylinder of Magic to redirect an attack aimed at her to be aimed at (roll for random target between Shiori, Akkuma and Anatsu).
Conditional #1: If attacked by an attack that takes more than 2 seconds to perform Flash Counter [Mastered] and use stretched [Ranged Accuracy] basic strikes x6 with her armed puppet using called shots with each of these attacks. 1 - called shot arms, 2 - called shot legs, 3 - called shot head, 4 - called shot hands, 5 - called shot feet, 6 - called shot heart using her sniper ability if she is in stealth at the time [Reminder as this is not a conditional].
6.0 Seconds (0.5 AP) Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +5% Sneak Attack Chance.
6.5 Seconds (0.5 AP) Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +5% Sneak Attack Chance.
7.0 Seconds (0.5 AP) Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +5% Sneak Attack Chance.
7.5 Seconds (0.5 AP) Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +1 dodge.
8.0 Seconds (0.5 AP) Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +1 dodge.
10.0 Seconds (2 AP) Shi casts (stretched) Atomic Core [Mastered] at Shiori, Anatsu, and Akkuma.
Conditional #2: If she is knocked out of stealth, she will use her Shadow Step Ability to remain in stealth if it is applicable.

[col]Miroku Akkuma
HP: 36,000 (+1080 Healing Factor)
CP: 33,000 (+990 Hyperactive)
Corrupted Energy: 9900
AP: 10



[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy 27
Melee Accuracy 27
Genjutsu Difficulty 23
Ranged Accuracy 23
Genjutsu Save 23
Evasion 23 + 3 (Walk of the Aeons)[/list][/spoilername]

[spoilername="Skillz"]0:) Instructor
1:) Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
2:) Sixth Sense: When making an awareness check, the user has a 25% chance to auto-detect the target. This applies to targets in Stealth, hidden by clones, and under transformations. Sneak Attacks to the user have a 25% chance of being detected and losing their Sneak bonus.
3:) Deflection: Partial hits upon the user are treated as one rank lower, IE a 75% hit becomes a 50%, 50% becomes 25%, and 25% becomes a miss. This does not overwrite effects which state partial hits are treated as full hits. Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (does not stack with the previous note). Deflected attacks that target another victim are chosen at random and use the attacker's accuracy type with the user's accuracy secondary.
4:) Hyperactive: Regain 3% CP/round
5:) Defensive Technique: When in defensive mode, the player receives -1 to accuracy per +1 to dodge instead of the normal +2 dodge -4 Accuracy defense penalty.The maximum amount of dodge for accuracy they may swap is 4. -10% Damage Taken while in Defensive Mode
6:) Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
7:) Contract Master
8:) Clarity: always know when under the effect of a genjutsu. Able to resist the genjutsu the next round after it is cast.
9:) Healing Factor: Regain 3% HP/round
10:) Ripple Effect
11:) Delayed Action
12:) Danger Sense: +10% Auto-Dodge
13:) Fatetwisting
14:) Secondary Echo
15:) Hasted Steps
16:) Walk The Aeons
17:) Renewal
18:) Temporal Strike: All the user's Ninjutsu have a 20% chance to inflict a -.5 accuracy/dodge penalty on those they hit, stacking up to four times on the same target. The effect lasts for two rounds. Does not effect other Temporal Striders.
19:) Kinjutsu: +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%.
20:) Kinjutsu: +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle.
21:) Kinjutsu: Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra.
22:) Kinjutsu: Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Dark and gains +10% Damage. In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
23:) Kinjutsu: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
23:) Kinjutsu - Dark Invitation: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
24.) Youkai Contract[/spoilername]|Uchiha Anatsu
HP: 31800 (+954 Healing Factor)
CP: 37200

Inventory: Oil Flask x 2, Kawarimi Target, Health Pill, Energy Drink, Smoke Bomb.


[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy 27 + 1.5 (Kinjutsu Sharingan)
Genjutsu Difficulty 27 + 2 (Insidious Gaze)
Dodge 23 + 1.5 (Kinjutsu Sharingan)
Gen Save 23
Melee Accuracy 23 + 1.5 (Kinjutsu Sharingan)
Ranged Accuracy 19 + 1.5 (Kinjutsu Sharingan)[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Skillz"]1. Healing Factor
2. Sentinel 5% DR (non-illusion)
3. Onyx Guard
4. Supercharge When the user is hit with a Ninjutsu attack, any damage taken by it is reduced by 5%. This reduced damage is then added to their next Ninjutsu attack as bonus damage that cannot be buffed through any source (it can still be reduced). The user can be charged with the bonus damage of up to three attacks at a time. If this ability activates any further, then the newest damage will overwrite the oldest bonus damage. Effects which cut through, bypass, or otherwise negate Damage Reduction do not apply to this ability.
5. Acrobatics capable of performing one additional Activated Auto-Dodge per round.
6. Release Restraint All Bind-escape chances are increased by +5%. Additionally, escape attempts cost -0.5 AP than usual. Once per round, the user's first escape attempt costs no AP.
7. Barrier Mastery May use Barrier jutsu without handseals. Barrier HP is 10% stronger.
8. Jutsu Expansion
9. Youkai Contract
10. Will of Fire: Fire Jutsu damage is increased by 15%.
11. Precognition: +10% Auto Hit to all attacks.
12. All Sharingan Implant Techniques used by an Uchiha cost -10% Chakra.
13. Sharingan is constantly active (due to kinjutsu).
14. Insidious Gaze: Genjutsu may be cast through the Sharingan, requiring no handseals and gaining +2 DC[/spoilername][/col]

[col]Takahashi Shiori - Rioshi
HP: 42000
CP: 30000
Corrupted Energy: 9000
AP: 10

Inventory: Headset, Antidote (full stack), Ninja Wire (full stack), 2 weapons, Iron Vein (Full Stack), Explosive notes (Full Stack)

[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Skillz"]1.) +5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
2.) Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
3.) Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
4.) Sonar: Not affected by Sight-based Debuffs or Visual Genjutsu.
5.) Sonar: All non-Genjutsu sound related debuffs to be increased by +1 Debuff. They are also able to be affected by a second Audial Genjutsu, although it cannot be the same Genjutsu they are already being affected by.
6.) Enthralling Voice: Genjutsu can be Sung to effect multiple targets at -1 DC per additional target. If used against a single target, the Genjutsu has +2 DC
7.) Elemental Illusion
8.) Mind Overflow
9.) Duelist
10.) Shattered Reality
11.) Willpower
12.) Elementalist
13.) Jutsu Expanionist
14.) Sixth Sense
15.) Tracker
16.) +15% Sound Ninjutsu damage
17.) May convert Wind and Non-Elemental Jutsu into Sound at no additional cost and all Sound Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
18:) Kinjutsu: +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%.
19:) Kinjutsu: +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle.
20:) Kinjutsu: Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra.
21:) Kinjutsu: Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Dark and gains +10% Damage. In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
22:) Kinjutsu: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
23:) Kinjutsu - Dark Invitation: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
24.) Youkai Contract[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Attacks"]0.00 Seconds (0 AP) Shiori uses Dark Invitation.
3.00 Seconds (3 AP) Shiori casts Graveyard Amalgamation [Mastered] to create a Bone Behemoth.

  • 8.00 Seconds (2 AP) Bone Behemoth uses Grave Stomp on Shi and Hachi as well as a clone/creation created by Shi or Hachi.
5.00 Seconds (2 AP) Shiori casts Corpse Soil, using the special action Grasp of the Unliving with two of the corpses. These two corpses attempt to bind both Shi and Hachi.
9.50 Seconds (4.5 AP) Shiori uses contract summoning to summon the S Rank Youkai Contract Summon.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The faint words of those ahead could be heard, perhaps he had finally found the reason to the Obsidian Palace's lack of Anbu. For he doubted those under Reaper's command would so openly use the name's of their comrades. In an instance ahead of the two figures a flame erupted into life launching itself at the two masked figures & in turn him. He entered a stance known only to those with the power to manipulate Fate itself. Watching with surprise as the two figures stepped out of the jutsu's path with ease. Stepping aside with an unearthly grace he realized the jutsu was still going to partially hit. With a small burst of chakra outward from his body he altered the air-current bending the flame away from him. (Using Deflection because might need my other skills)

Those two figures continued to openly converse between one another as they moved, he found it uncomfortably unprofessional. They possessed the arrogance carried by those who have known power for too long. 'A wanted man & Rioshi...what have I walked into.' he thought to himself. It seemed they had finally realized he was there. Now all parties new he was present & aware of him he would announce himself. However it seemed they had no intention of conversing with him as the parties each prepared themselves for a fight.

"You cannot fight Fate..." he would say with an unimpressed look upon his face. Those before him would soon learn that this shinobi was not to be taken lightly. Upon his belt those syringes held dangerous toxins. Each filled with nasty concoctions that were the bane of most shinobi. That scythe crafted by a Shinigami for the Sage to hunt with hung loosely upon his back. Akkuma was had come here prepared to fight but he had not expected to be the hero today. An Oni mask would appear in his hand as he slid the old relic from his days in Mist upon his face. The scars of battle were prominent upon the mask as he tilted his head much like a bird of prey.

Known for his unethical & immoral experimentation on most who crossed his path. Code named Youkai or better known as the Demon of Mist. A shinobi who had committed crimes against most of the Great Shinobi villages. Scores of shinobi carried Curse Seals as reminders of their encounters with him & even more were irreversibly changed from his attempts to replicate other Forbidden techniques. A demon who had a penchant for eating souls. Although he no longer was a demon he couldn't deny that his hunger for souls had yet to subside, if it ever would. Because of those before him he would be unable to complete his intended objective. That was an insult he would not let go unpunished.

(OOC: Figured I'd save my stuff an just skill dodge it xD I'm ready to rumble! All are free to know Akkuma by reputation at least, since he looks different)

1: Enter Hasted Step Chakra Style - Effect: While in this style up to two actions per round may be "accelerated" for no additional cost. An "accelerated" attack is modded as being 1 AP faster than it's base AP cost. All jutsu cast by the user cost 5% additional CP.
Note: "Acceleration" may be applied twice to a single attack to cause it to be modded as being 2 AP faster but this spends both of the user's "accelerated" actions for the round.

2: Mask Summon D-Rank Anbu - Master: The user may summon their mask to conceal their identify. The mask may block 2 Called Shots to their Head before breaking. Master Cost: 1 Ap, 300 Cp

3: Corpse Soil B-Rank - Mastered: Raises up to 5 Zombies, each possessing 650 + (8% of their current Corrupted Energy) Health and 2 AP. Grants access to Impure World Resurrection. Master Rank Cost: 2.5 AP, 1000 Chakra and 500 Chakra per round.
Special Action Used - Grasp of the Unliving: Must be perform at the time of casting Corpse Soil. The user may choose to target a number of participants in battle equal to the number of Zombies to be created. A Stealth Check is made against this target and if successful, binds the target with a Zombie, preventing them from moving. Failed checks against the target or if a target breaks free from a Zombie immediately destroys the Zombie. 1 Zombie may only be assigned to a target at the time of casting Grasp of the Unliving.
Grasp of the Unliving Targets = Shi, Hachi & Anatsu (3 zombies used)
^~ Cast Using; Corrupted Energy & Hasted Steps

4: Ring of Fire - Master: Creates Ring of flames that can encircle two targets at -3 Accuracy. Failed escape/enter attempts deal 800 Damage. Master Cost: 1000 Cp to initiate, 500 CP/rnd
Attempting to trap Shi & Hachi

5: Cyclone Movement - Master: Non-melee attacks against the user have a 21% chance of being 'Deflected'. Master Cost: 1200 CP to initiate, 580 per round maintained.

6: Enter Defensive Stance (w/ Defensive Technique) -- When in defensive mode, the player receives -1 to accuracy per +1 to dodge instead of the normal +2 dodge -4 Accuracy defense penalty.
-The maximum amount of dodge for accuracy they may swap is 4.
- -10% Damage Taken while in Defensive Mode
Note: -This is not a style/stance, and may be used simultaneously with another style.
-4acc for +4 dodge

Item Slot 1: 2x Syringes filled with Botulinum Toxin
Item Slot 2: 2x Syringes filled with Strainweed
Item Slot 3: 2x Syringes filled with Serpant's Blood
Item Slot 4: 2x Syringes filled with Heaven's Touch
Item Slot 5: 2x Syringes filled with Heaven's Touch
Free Slot - Weapon Sheathe - Demon Soul Scythe;
Type: Slashing Sub-Type: Bleeding
Modifier: +2 Accuracy / -10% damage
Razor Strike
Chakra Drain

Maintain; Hasted Steps Style, Mask Summon, Corpse Soil, Ring of Fire, Cyclone Movement, Defensive Stance/Technique
Edited to fix to change actions & a second time to fix grammar xD 4th time for links & fixes for poison. Didn't realize Syringes could only use consumed


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]He had felt this way only one other time in his life. As Reiko walked silently through the still halls of the Obsidian Palace, he recalled the first time he'd felt this calling in his heart. It reminded him of the moment years ago when he came face to face with the underground spring which had made him what he was today. It was an impossible feeling to describe-- he wasn't being forced to do anything. He wanted to be here. To explore this place.

Or rather... always knew that he would. The closest way that Reiko could find to describe it when Katsuo had asked him about it was an extreme sense of deja vu. He felt almost like a spectator in a scene that had already happened even though he was fully in control of his facilities. He was here and knew that he needed to explore this place because it was special to him in some way.

Reiko didn't consider himself superstitious necessarily but if he were a more spiritual man he might be tempted to describe the feeling as experiencing the hand of fate guiding him. He'd come to this place at this time because his future self had already made the decision to come here.

Such were the mad thoughts that raced through the Red Prince's mind as he ran the fingers of his prosthetic hand against the wall and continued into the halls. He was told that the Obsidian Palace felt like a freezer to most people. That it was a place where the shadows were came to life and the darkness of the place would threaten to take his very breath away but so far Reiko found none of those things to be true. Perhaps thanks to his abnormally high internal body temperature, the cold of the Obsidian Palace did not bother him in any way and he certainly did not feel the sensation of being "preyed upon" by the darkness of the Palace. Was what Katsuo had told him about this place
nothing more than urban legends? The Hunger pounded in Reiko's head as he meandered through the empty halls of the Palace. He wasn't sure what he had expected to find here... or even if he'd expected to find anything at all.

Somehow that seemed remarkably disappointing.

Finally after what seemed like nearly hours of exploring the massive complex, Reiko finally found something worth note. The dead silence of the Palace was broken by the sound of voices in the distant halls. Katsuo had led him to believe that nobody else came here which made the presence of others-- several others from the sound of the voices which echoed off of the stone walls --something worth at least investigating.

Perhaps this expedition to the depths of the former prison would not prove to be disappointing after all.

Coming closer to the voices, Reiko rounded the corner and watched from the edge of the hall as the group squared up for battle. His first instinct was to avoid getting involved at all but as one of them-- the man with a similar color of hair to Reiko's own but a little darker --reached to his belt and began to draw his blade, Reiko's heart jumped and his breathing quickened as the urge to tear into the man with claws that he did not possess and sink fangs which were not his own into the man's throat gripped his mind.

Bracing himself against the wall with his synthetic hand as he brought his other hand up to his head, Reiko struggled against the urge to leap into the fray as long as he could before bringing his eyes up and setting them upon Hachi. Something about this place was augmenting the Hunger... making it stronger and harder to resist but it had a point, didn't it? He had to find strong prey to hunt. Worthy prey. What other meaning to life was there? Heat pulsing through the fingertips of his synthetic hand, Reiko pulled his digits away from the black stone of the wall leaving behind a hand-print of burning, angry red molten stone that dripped from where he'd been touching it and fully rounded the corner, the crimson of his eyes illuminating the dark inside his mask.
Hunt and kill.
Win or lose, the hunt was on.
Drink and be complete.

[Permission granted to enter due to one of the participants dropping out of activity. Entering ASAP. I think I missed the cut-off for the battle so if I have to wait 3 rounds, that's acceptable to me. Joining on Round 1 due to taking the place of someone who stopped posting.]|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [[url=]BGM[/url]]"]
  • Demonic Aura triggers. [0 AP / 0 CP]
  • Use Stunt Double (Master Rank) to cast Basic Clone (Master Rank) targeting Hachi [2.5 AP / 301 CP + 110 CP/rnd]
    • Use Sensory Knowledge: Mental Spread to target Shi as well at -2 Gen DC.
  • Use Reaper of Faith to ingest the blood of Hachi and Shi. [1 AP / 0 CP]
  • Cast Divine Judgement (Master Rank) [3 AP / 2,500 CP and 830 HP + 1,200 CP/rnd and 400 HP/rnd]
  • Cast Drain Claw (Master Rank) targeting Hachi [3 AP / 2,750 CP]
    • Using Affinity Move: Spread to make Drain Claw into a 2 target AOE allowing me to target Shi and also by-pass Ring of Fire.
    • Conditional #1: If I am in Stealth Mode and Drain Claw is a Sneak Attack then use Stalker to remain in Stealth Mode afterwards automatically.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
**Terrain is considered to be "little cover" and "dark".
[col]Foxy - Hachi
HP: 100,000 [-4000] 96000
CP: 50,000 [6860] 43140
AP: 10 [-9.25] 0.75

Inventory: Iron vein (full stack), Heaven's Touch (full stack), Mustard Gas (full stack), Syringe (filled with Heaven's Touch), Ninja Wire (full stack), weapon (strategist pre-placed poison - Iron vein).

Status: Starts every round in stealth (cursed seal); Wrath Seal activated; Iaijutsu Mastery - Bloodline Fighting Style Kensei-ryu Stance; Reaper of Faith (Reiko)

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 27 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 23 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Ranged Accuracy 23 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Gen DC 23
Gen Save 23
Signature Weapon Gen Save 18
Evasion 27 + 1 (Cursed Seal)[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Passives"]1.) Nanjirou: Increased crit range
2.) Nanjirous: A special weapon
3.) Tsukumogami: A signature weapon with an additional augment slot
4.) Hidden Power with Bushido: +0.5 to all Secondary stats each time they lose 15% Hp of their Max Hp, capping at +3 to their secondaries.
5.) Spiritual: Twice per round, the user may perform two Wrath Seal actions to the same attack with this weapon. Both require a focus point.
6.) Weapon has a +1 critical range that is not effected by caps.
7.) Strategist - pre-poisoned weapon with Iron Vein. Additional Slots are free attacks.
8.) Clarity
9.) Called Shot
10.) Sensor
11.) Poison Mastery
12.) Cursed Seal
13.) Bloody Mess[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Actions"]Starting round in stealth due to cursed seal.
Maintain: Wrath Seal and Iaijutsu Mastery - Bloodline Fighting Style Kensei-ryu Stance
0 AP Hachi uses quickdraw to sheath his weapon
1 AP attempts to leave Ring of Fire if Ring of Fire is still up.
Conditional #1, repeat attempt to leave if Hachi fails to leave Ring of Fire.
Conditional #2, repeat attempt to leave if Hachi fails to leave Ring of Fire.
2.5 AP Cast Toxic Curse [Mastered] on Reiko using AE special move spread to include an additional target to include Akkuma using melee accuracy. This would be considered a Hidden Action if done from stealth.
0 AP using quickdraw Hachi draws a stack of ninja wire.
0 AP using quickdraw Hachi draws a vial of Iron Vein
1 AP Hachi applies Iron Vein to his weapon.
3 AP Cast Touch of the Accursed [Mastered] on Shiori using AE special move Debilitate (uses melee accuracy).
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on Reiko's legs using the ninja wire.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on Akkuma's legs using the ninja wire.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on Shiori's legs using the ninja wire.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on random target that called shot was not effective on (Reiko, Akkuma or Shiori) legs using the ninja wire. Conditional #3 if the called shot was effective on all three, then skip this attack.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on Reiko's arms using the ninja wire.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on Akkuma's arms using the ninja wire.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on Shiori's arms using the ninja wire.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on random target that called shot was not effective on (Reiko, Akkuma or Shiori) arms using the ninja wire. Conditional #4 if the called shot was effective on all three, then skip this attack.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on random target's (Reiko, Akkuma or Shiori) feet using the ninja wire.
0.5 AP using his Primal Augment for a faster basic strike Hachi uses his last ninja wire to assist with his called strike attack. Hachi attempts a called strike attack on random target's (Reiko, Akkuma or Shiori) feet using the ninja wire.
Condition #5: drop Touch of the Accursed if suppressed/bound.[/spoilername]|Resting Bitch Face - Shi
HP: 100,000
CP: 50,000 [1860] 48140
AP: 10 [-9.5] 0.5

Inventory: Weapons, Puppets, Antitoxin (full stack), Ninja Wire (full stack) x2, Explosive Notes (full stack), Energy Drink (full stack)

Status: -10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC [Demonic Aura]; Starts every round in stealth (cursed seal); Reaper of Faith (Reiko); 10% Sneak Chance (2 hearts), +2 dodge (2 Hearts)

[spoilername="Stats"]Ranged Accuracy 27 + 3 (Quickstep)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 23 + 3 (Quickstep)
Melee Accuracy 19 + 3 (Quickstep)
Genjutsu DC 23 + 2 (Slippery Mind) - 1
Genjutsu Save 23 + 2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion 23 + 2 (Heart)[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Passives"]-10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura)
1.) Kinjutsu: Attacks are resolved using Ranged Accuracy rather than Melee Accuracy. When making a "stretched" attack the user must choose whether to apply their Melee or Ranged bonuses to the attack and only one set may be applied to a single attack. A "stretched" attack which has Ranged bonuses applied counts for all intents and purposes as a "ranged attack" that retains it's original Accuracy Type (a Nanjirou which "stretches" a melee attack and chooses Ranged still applies their Slashing/Piercing or Physical Damage bonuses but no Melee-specific Damage bonuses).
2.) Kinjutsu: "Stretched" attacks have a 25% chance to be a Sneak Attack.
3.) Kinjutsu: After attacking from Stealth with a "stretched" attack the user is automatically given a free attempt to return to Stealth with a +2 bonus.
4.) Called Shot
5.) Cursed Seal
6.) Upkeep Maintenance
7.) Trap Fanatic
8.) Deflection modified by Enhanced Counter: The Deflection ability now applies to Jutsu up to A rank, gains an additional +5% chance of activating, and no longer has an Accuracy penalty when using the special action. Additionally, If the special action is used upon an attack using Ranged accuracy successfully, the user is able to deflect it towards a different target at -3 Accuracy and 70% damage.
9.) Stalker
10.) Puppet Master: +5% Puppet Damage and -10% Puppet CP Cost
11.) Sneak Attack: All the user's attacks have a 10% chance of being a Sneak Attack. All Sneak attacks gain +1 Critical and deal x2.5 damage upon a Critical hit; this does not stack with other critical damage modifiers.
12.) Shadow Step: The user has a 30% chance at remaining in Stealth after performing a Sneak Attack. Once per round, the user may make a Sneak Attack without being dropped out of Stealth; this may only be done three times per battle.
13.) Counterattack: Whenever the opponent misses a melee attack on the user (melee taijutsu included; they may only counter once per jutsu), the user may counterattack with their current equipped weapon dealing Basic Strike Damage at no cost. This has no limit.
14.) Sniper: When making called shots while in Stealth mode, The user suffers no accuracy penalty.
15.) Flash Counter [Mastered]
16.) Quickstep x3
17.) Slippery Mind[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Actions"]0 Maintains puppets, cursed seal, activated hearts
Conditional #1: Use counterattack Akkuma any missed melee attacks as called shot arms using it as a stretched attack.
Conditional #2: Use counterattack Akkuma any missed melee attacks as called shot legs using it as a stretched attack.
Using her opportunist skill feint (to make an attack into a sneak attack possibly)
Conditional #3: If attacked by an attack that takes more than 2 seconds to perform Flash Counter [Mastered] and use stretched [Ranged Accuracy] basic strikes x6 with her armed puppet using called shots with each of these attacks. 1 - called shot arms, 2 - called shot legs, 3 - called shot head, 4 - called shot hands, 5 - called shot feet, 6 - called shot heart using her sniper ability if she is in stealth at the time [Reminder as this is not a conditional].
0.5 Draws a supportive puppet. -10% damage, +2 accuracy. Overflow, Primal, and Chakra Drain
2.5 AP using her support puppet Shi casts Puppet String Seal [Mastered] on a random target (Reiko, Akkuma or Shiori).
2.5 AP Casts Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] with her Offensive Puppet on a random target (Reiko, Akkuma or Shiori). Using her supportive puppet, Shi applies the Overflow Augment from her supportive puppet (x3 buff) but does not use a special action.
2.5 AP Casts Flame Thrower Stream [Mastered] targeting Shiori, Akkuma and Reiko with her Offensive Puppet. She is also using her supportive puppet to apply her Overflow Augment from her supportive puppet (x3 buff) as well as the special action Scorching Hellfire. Shi will use her opportunist skill feint for this.
1.5 AP Using her upkeep maintenance Shi repairs Magic Cylinder.[/spoilername]
0.5 AP Using her support puppet Shi attacks a random target (Akkuma, Shiori or Reiko) in the head with a basic strike called shot head using feint from her opportunist skill set.[/col]

[col]Miroku Akkuma
HP: 36,000 (+1080 Healing Factor) [+6952 => 4950 (15% max)] 36,000 [max] [-8868] 27132
CP: 33,000 (+990 Hyperactive) 33,000 [max] [-3675] 32325
Corrupted Energy: 9900 [+6952 => 4950 (15% max)] 14850
AP: 10 [-9.5] 0.5

Inventory: 2x Syringes filled with Botulinum Toxin, 2x Syringes filled with Strainweed, 2x Syringes filled with Serpant's Blood, 2x Syringes filled with Heaven's Touch, 2x Syringes filled with Heaven's Touch , Demon Soul Scythe -- Type: Slashing Sub-Type: Bleeding , Modifier: +2 Accuracy / -10% damage. Razor Strike, Chakra Drain, and Vampiric.

Status: -10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura); Hasted Steps; Mask Summon; Corpse Soil (500 CP/round); Cyclone Movement: Non-melee attacks against the user have a 21% chance of being 'Deflected'; Defensive stance: 10% DR

[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy 27 - 4 (Defensive Stance)
Melee Accuracy 27 - 4 (Defensive Stance)
Genjutsu Difficulty 23 - 1
Ranged Accuracy 23 - 4 (Defensive Stance)
Genjutsu Save 23 - 4 (Defensive Stance)
Evasion 23 + 3 (Walk of the Aeons) + 4 (Defensive Stance)[/list][/spoilername]

[spoilername="Skillz"]-10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura)
0:) Instructor
1:) Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
2:) Sixth Sense: When making an awareness check, the user has a 25% chance to auto-detect the target. This applies to targets in Stealth, hidden by clones, and under transformations. Sneak Attacks to the user have a 25% chance of being detected and losing their Sneak bonus.
3:) Deflection: Partial hits upon the user are treated as one rank lower, IE a 75% hit becomes a 50%, 50% becomes 25%, and 25% becomes a miss. This does not overwrite effects which state partial hits are treated as full hits. Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (does not stack with the previous note). Deflected attacks that target another victim are chosen at random and use the attacker's accuracy type with the user's accuracy secondary.
4:) Hyperactive: Regain 3% CP/round
5:) Defensive Technique: When in defensive mode, the player receives -1 to accuracy per +1 to dodge instead of the normal +2 dodge -4 Accuracy defense penalty.The maximum amount of dodge for accuracy they may swap is 4. -10% Damage Taken while in Defensive Mode
6:) Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
7:) Contract Master
8:) Clarity: always know when under the effect of a genjutsu. Able to resist the genjutsu the next round after it is cast.
9:) Healing Factor: Regain 3% HP/round
10:) Ripple Effect
11:) Delayed Action
12:) Danger Sense: +10% Auto-Dodge
13:) Fatetwisting
14:) Secondary Echo
15:) Hasted Steps
16:) Walk The Aeons
17:) Renewal
18:) Temporal Strike: All the user's Ninjutsu have a 20% chance to inflict a -.5 accuracy/dodge penalty on those they hit, stacking up to four times on the same target. The effect lasts for two rounds. Does not effect other Temporal Striders.
19:) Kinjutsu: +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%.
20:) Kinjutsu: +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle.
21:) Kinjutsu: Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra.
22:) Kinjutsu: Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Dark and gains +10% Damage. In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
23:) Kinjutsu: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
23:) Kinjutsu - Dark Invitation: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
24.) Youkai Contract[/spoilername]|Uchiha Anatsu
HP: 31800 (+954 Healing Factor) 31800 [max] [-5128] 26672
CP: 37200

Inventory: Oil Flask x 2, Kawarimi Target, Health Pill, Energy Drink, Smoke Bomb.

Status: -10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC [Demonic Aura]; Hachi has Sensor trained on him; Removing Anatsu from battle

[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy 27 + 1.5 (Kinjutsu Sharingan)
Genjutsu Difficulty 27 + 2 (Insidious Gaze)
Dodge 23 + 1.5 (Kinjutsu Sharingan)
Gen Save 23
Melee Accuracy 23 + 1.5 (Kinjutsu Sharingan)
Ranged Accuracy 19 + 1.5 (Kinjutsu Sharingan)[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Skillz"]-10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura)
1. Healing Factor

2. Sentinel 5% DR (non-illusion)
3. Onyx Guard
4. Supercharge When the user is hit with a Ninjutsu attack, any damage taken by it is reduced by 5%. This reduced damage is then added to their next Ninjutsu attack as bonus damage that cannot be buffed through any source (it can still be reduced). The user can be charged with the bonus damage of up to three attacks at a time. If this ability activates any further, then the newest damage will overwrite the oldest bonus damage. Effects which cut through, bypass, or otherwise negate Damage Reduction do not apply to this ability.
5. Acrobatics capable of performing one additional Activated Auto-Dodge per round.
6. Release Restraint All Bind-escape chances are increased by +5%. Additionally, escape attempts cost -0.5 AP than usual. Once per round, the user's first escape attempt costs no AP.
7. Barrier Mastery May use Barrier jutsu without handseals. Barrier HP is 10% stronger.
8. Jutsu Expansion
9. Youkai Contract
10. Will of Fire: Fire Jutsu damage is increased by 15%.
11. Precognition: +10% Auto Hit to all attacks.
12. All Sharingan Implant Techniques used by an Uchiha cost -10% Chakra.
13. Sharingan is constantly active (due to kinjutsu).
14. Insidious Gaze: Genjutsu may be cast through the Sharingan, requiring no handseals and gaining +2 DC[/spoilername][/col]

[col]Takahashi Shiori - Rioshi
HP: 42000 [-13714] 28286
CP: 30000 [-4000] 26000
Corrupted Energy: 9000 [-4025] 4075
AP: 10 [-10 due to suppression] 0

Inventory: Headset, Antidote (full stack), Ninja Wire (full stack), 2 weapons, Iron Vein (Full Stack), Explosive notes (Full Stack)

Status: -10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC [Demonic Aura], Bleed I, Iron Vein (Poisoning) -2 Accuracy; Summoned a Youkai

[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27 - 2 (Iron Vein) - 2 (Higuma)
Genjutsu DC 23 - 1 (Demonic Aura)
Ranged Taijutsu 23 - 2 (Iron Vein) - 2 (Higuma)
Melee Taijutsu 23 - 2 (Iron Vein) - 2 (Higuma)
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23 - 2 (Higuma)[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Skillz"]-10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura)
1.) +5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
2.) Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
3.) Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
4.) Sonar: Not affected by Sight-based Debuffs or Visual Genjutsu.
5.) Sonar: All non-Genjutsu sound related debuffs to be increased by +1 Debuff. They are also able to be affected by a second Audial Genjutsu, although it cannot be the same Genjutsu they are already being affected by.
6.) Enthralling Voice: Genjutsu can be Sung to effect multiple targets at -1 DC per additional target. If used against a single target, the Genjutsu has +2 DC
7.) Elemental Illusion
8.) Mind Overflow
9.) Duelist
10.) Shattered Reality
11.) Willpower
12.) Elementalist
13.) Jutsu Expanionist
14.) Sixth Sense
15.) Tracker
16.) +15% Sound Ninjutsu damage
17.) May convert Wind and Non-Elemental Jutsu into Sound at no additional cost and all Sound Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
18:) Kinjutsu: +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%.
19:) Kinjutsu: +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle.
20:) Kinjutsu: Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra.
21:) Kinjutsu: Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Dark and gains +10% Damage. In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
22:) Kinjutsu: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
23:) Kinjutsu - Dark Invitation: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
24.) Youkai Contract[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Attacks"]0 AP Shiori maintains Corpse Soil to bring back 2 of her lost zombies.
0 AP Shiori uses Dark Invitation
3 AP Shiori uses her Enthralling voice to cast Fevre De Pitch - Song Genjutsu [Mastered] on herself, Reiko and Akkuma.
3 AP Shiori uses her Enthralling voice and shinobi 101 to cast Night [Mastered] on Shi and Hachi using Gen Knowledge Move De'ja Vu. Use Elemental Illusion Fire.
3 AP Shiori uses her Enthralling voice and shinobi 101 to cast Invisibility [Mastered] on Shi and Hachi (due to Hashigaki skill both targets) and Gen Mastry Skill Sensory Switch to switch the sense slot of this genjutsu to Kinetic. Use Elemental Illusion Fire.
Zombies all attack for all AP with nin accuracy Shi.
Contract summon performs Utter Chaos on Shi, then on Hachi.[/spoilername]|Reiko
HP: 39000 [+1170 Healing Factor] 39000 [max] [-830] 38170
CP: 33000 [-38170] 30199
AP: 10 [7.5] 2.5


Status: Reaper of Faith (Hachi and Shi)

[spoilername="Stats"]Genjutsu DC 27
Ninjutsu Accuracy 27
Genjutsu Save 23 + 2
Dodge 23
Melee Accuracy 19
Ranged Accuracy 19
Awareness 15 + 2
Stealth 15 + 2
Poison Resistance 25[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Skillz"]Class: +5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects
0. Journeyman - Main Branch: Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
0. Shinobi 101: Unarmed Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy
The user gains +10% Damage Reduction
- All Bleeding / Called Shot Penalty chances are reduced by -10%. Bleeding/Called Shot penalties are treated as one rank lower. (Lowest this can go down to is Bleeding Rank 1/Sprained)
- The user cannot be knocked out by Bleeding or Poisons. (This does not include Poison Jutsu)
- If an attack would cause the user to be Ko'd, their Hp remains at 1 Hp and they cannot be Ko'd for the remainder of the round. This may happen once per battle.
- If an attack would bring the user to -100% Max Hp, Damage stops at 1 Hp away from -100%. This may happen once per battle.
1. Healing Factor
2. Duelist
3. Willpower
4. Mind Overflow: Targets effected with the user's Genjutsu take +10% damage from all damage types.
5. Elemental Illusion
6. Heavy Handed
7. Stalker: Once every other round, the user may perform a Sneak Attack without being dropped out of stealth. When making a stealth check, Terrain and Visibility modifiers are treated one level higher in the users favor.
8. Tracker: When making Awareness Checks, the visibility/Terrain effect is treated as two ranks higher in the user's favor.
9. Mechanized Weapon [Fangs of the Red Prince]
10. Demonic Aura (3 Points): Every round, every other person in the battle besides the user must make a Genjutsu Save check. If they fail, all jutsu they use that round do -10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (stacks to -2 Genjutsu DC). This stops while under the effects of Evil Sealing.
11. Third Eye (3 Points)
12. Smite Foe (3 Points)
13. Fell Drain (2 Points)
14. Daunting Presence x2 (2 Points): Opponents take a -1 dodge penalty during rounds where they attempt to attack the user.
15. Fell Vengeance (3 Points)
16. Death Touch (2 Points)
17. Form of the Demon (Master Rank) - (2 Points)[/spoilername][/col]

What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | Reiko releases his Demonic Aura.
  • Gen Check (Reiko) 3 Failed
    Gen Check (Hachi) 19
    Gen Check (Reiko) 19 Success
    Gen Check (Shi) 6
    Gen Check (Reiko) 17 Success
    Gen Check (Akkuma) 3
    Gen Check (Reiko) 18 Success
    Gen Check (Anatsu) 18
    Gen Check (Reiko) 17 Success
    Gen Check (Shiori) 5
    -10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC
0.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Dark Invitation.
  • Nin Check (Shiori) 4 Failed
    Nin Check (Hachi) 9
    Nin Check (Shiori) 5 Failed
    Nin Check (Shi) 16
    Nin Check (Shiori) 2 Failed
    Nin Check (Akkuma) 5
    Nin Check (Shiori) 2 Failed
    Nin Check (Anatsu) 2
    Nin Check (Shiori) 7 Failed
    Nin Check (Reiko) 13
0.00 Seconds | Akkuma uses Dark Invitation.
  • Nin Check (Akkuma) 7 Success
    Nin Check (Hachi) 3
    Nin Check (Akkuma) 6 Failure
    Nin Check (Shi) 20
    Nin Check (Akkuma) 9 Success
    Nin Check (Shiori) 8
    Nin Check (Akkuma) 12 Success
    Nin Check (Anatsu) 1
    Nin Check (Akkuma) 6 Failure
    Nin Check (Reiko) 19
0.00 Seconds | Shi activates her cursed seal. Starts each round in stealth and +1 accuracy. +5% [Offensive Puppet] Damage.
  • This is the start of the round and this is declaration of use. This does not take effect for 2 more AP.
    Akkuma 25% chance to auto-detect. 93 Failed
0.00 Seconds | Hachi focuses on (pick a random target between Shiori, Anatsu and Akkuma) for Sensor Ability.
  • Focus is on Anatsu.
0.00 Seconds | Hachi activates his cursed seal. Starts each round in stealth (would start next round) and +1 accuracy.
  • This is the start of the round and this is declaration of use. This does not take effect for 2 more AP.
    Akkuma 15% chance to auto-detect. 59 Failed
0.50 Seconds | Akkuma enters Hasted Step Chakra Style.
  • - Effect: While in this style up to two actions per round may be "accelerated" for no additional cost. An "accelerated" attack is modded as being 1 AP faster than it's base AP cost. All jutsu cast by the user cost 5% additional CP.
    Note: "Acceleration" may be applied twice to a single attack to cause it to be modded as being 2 AP faster but this spends both of the user's "accelerated" actions for the round.
0.50 Seconds | Shi equips an Offensive [Suppression] puppet.
  • +2 accuracy, -10% damage. Augments: Vengeance (When successfully struck by an attack the user becomes "Vengeful" until the remainder of the round. While "Vengeful" they deal 10% increased damage against the target which hit them), Wired (The user may entangle an opponent with a hidden wire from the weapon using Melee or Ranged Accuracy at -2 Accuracy for 0.5 AP. This inflicts a -3 Dodge penalty on victims. An entangled opponent may un-entangle themselves for 1 AP), and Silencer (The first Sneak Attack that the user makes with the equipped weapon each round does not remove them from Stealth Mode). Traps: Tornado Duster [B Rank], Cylinder of Magic [B Rank], Compulsory Evacuation Machine [B Rank].</B></B></B>
0.50 Seconds | Anatsu enters Defensive Stance.
1.00 Seconds | Hachi activates his Wrath Seal.
  • Grants the user 3 Focus points upon activation and each round active. The user may now perform the Lethality option.
1.50 Seconds | Hachi enters Iaijutsu Mastery - Bloodline Fighting Style Kensei-ryu Stance. The user takes +15% Damage from all sources, however their class Evasion stat is considered High.
1.50 Seconds | Akkuma casts Mask Summon D-Rank Anbu - Master: The user may summon their mask to conceal their identify. The mask may block 2 Called Shots to their Head before breaking.
2.5 Seconds | Shi casts Active Camo [Mastered].
2.50 Seconds | Reiko uses Stunt Double (Master Rank) to cast Basic Clone (Master Rank) targeting Hachi and using Sensory Knowledge: Mental Spread to target Shi as well at -2 Gen DC.
  • Stealth
    • Stealth Check (Reiko) 4 Success, Reiko has entered stealth
      Awareness Check (Hachi) 3
      Stealth Check (Reiko) 11 Success, Reiko has entered stealth
      Awareness Check (Shi) 4
      Stealth Check (Reiko) 18 Success, Reiko has entered stealth
      Awareness Check (Shiori) 20
      Stealth Check (Reiko) 12 Success, Reiko has entered stealth
      Awareness Check (Akkuma) 16
      • 25% chance to be auto-aware. 25 Success. Reiko can be seen by Akkuma
      Clone Awareness
      • Gen DC (Reiko) 5 Failed
        Gen Save (Hachi) 17
        Gen DC (Reiko) 3 Failed
        Gen Save (Shi) 6
      3.00 Seconds | Akkuma casts Corpse Soil B-Rank - Mastered with the Special Action "Grasp of the Unliving" targeting Shi, Hachi & Anatsu (3 zombies used) cast using Corrupted Energy and Hasted Steps.
      • Awareness (Akkuma) 9 Failed, unable to target Shi
        Stealth (Shi) 8
        Stealth Check (Akkuma) 15 Failed
        Awareness Check (Hachi) 20
        Stealth Check (Akkuma) 6 Success
        Awareness Check (Anatsu) 4
        • Anatsu is bound
          25% chance to break free from the Zombie for every 1.5 AP spent. Each failed attempt causes the target to receive 200 damage. Roll: 5 Success
          Anatsu is no longer bound.
        • With Hasted Steps you would need to state if you are using multiple instances of Acceleration, otherwise it would default to 1.
      3.00 Seconds | Shiori casts Graveyard Amalgamation [Mastered] to create a Bone Behemoth.
      3.50 Seconds | Reiko uses Reaper of Faith to ingest the blood of Hachi.
      3.75 Seconds | Shi arms Compulsory Evacuation Machine.
        • Trigger condition: Any target using a Clone, Creation, or Summoning jutsu.
        • Trigger condition for Compulsory Evacuation Machine has been met.
          Random Roll to determine creation to be removed. 1 - Shiori's Graveyard Amalgamation, 2 - Akkuma's Corpse Soil. Roll: 1
          Ranged Accuracy 15 Success
          Ninjutsu Dodge 8
          The Graveyard Amalgamation have been removed from the battle.
          4.25 Seconds | Hachi uses Battoujutsu to draw his Ancestral (Spiritual) Signature (Tsukumogami) Weapon. Slashing Weapon (Bleed) +0 acc 0% damage modifier; augments -- pressure (can inflict suppression also), primal (basic strikes cost 0.5 AP), blood rack (suffer bleed damages instantly upon having their bleed level increased), vengeance (+10% damage against a target that has struck them that round) and attacks Shiori, Anatsu and Akkuma with Tsubame Gaeshi [Mastered] using 2 wrath points to extend this attack.[/b]
          • <B>Attack (Hachi) 9 Hit
            Evasion (Shiori) 9
            • <B>Suppression Chance. 99 Failed
              Bleed Chance. 30 Success
              Poison Roll (Iron Vein): 1 Failed
              Poison Resistance Roll: 18
            Attack (Hachi) 11 Hit
            Evasion (Anatsu) 9
            • Sneak Attacks to the user have a 25% chance of being detected and losing their Sneak bonus. 80 Failed
              Suppression Chance. 87 Failed
              Bleed Chance. 91 Failed
              Poison Roll (Iron Vein): 1 Failed
              Poison Resistance Roll: 14
            Attack (Hachi) 18 Hit CRIT
            Evasion (Akkuma) 5
            • Suppression Chance. 98 Failed
              Bleed Chance. 61 Failed
              Poison Roll (Iron Vein): 9 Failed
              Poison Resistance Roll: 15
          4.25 Seconds | Using Quickdraw Hachi resheaths his weapon.
          4.50 Seconds | Reiko uses Reaper of Faith to ingest the blood of Hachi.
          4.75 Seconds | Shi arms Cylinder of Magic to redirect an attack aimed at her to be aimed at (roll for random target between Shiori, Akkuma and Anatsu).
          • Trigger Condition: Having been attacked by a target at least once during the current round prior to this trap being set.
          5.00 Seconds | Shiori casts Corpse Soil, using the special action Grasp of the Unliving with two of the corpses. These two corpses attempt to bind both Shi and Hachi.
          • Awareness (Shiori) 20 Success, may target Shi
            Stealth (Shi) 1
            Stealth (Shiori) 8 Failure
            Awareness (Shi) 11
            Stealth (Shiori) 15 Failure
            Awareness (Hachi) 17
            Two zombies have been destroyed
            This is a sneak attack so it does not trip the Cylinder of Magic.
          5.25 Seconds | Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +5% Sneak Attack Chance.
          5.50 Seconds | Akkuma casts Ring of Fire - Mastered attempting to trap Shi & Hachi.
          • Shi's Cylinder of Magic Trigger Condition has been met.
            • Random target 1- Shiori, 2 - Akkuma, 3 - Anatsu. Roll: 3 (Anatsu)
              28% chance of being treated as a Sneak Attack. Roll: 1 Success, sneak attack
              Attack (Ring of Fire) 7 Partial Hit, success
              Evasion (Anatsu) 10
            Attack (Akkuma) 20 Critical Success
            Evasion (Hachi) 9
          5.75 Seconds | Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +5% Sneak Attack Chance.
          6.25 Seconds | Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +5% Sneak Attack Chance.
          6.50 Seconds | Hachi uses Battoujutsu to draws his Ancestral (Spiritual) Signature (Tsukumogami) Weapon. Slashing Weapon (Bleed) +0 acc 0% damage modifier; augments -- pressure (can inflict suppression also), primal (basic strikes cost 0.5 AP), blood rack (suffer bleed damages instantly upon having their bleed level increased), vengeance (+10% damage against a target that has struck them that round) and attacks [random roll for 2 targets between Anatsu, Shiori and Akkuma] with Higuma [Mastered] using a Wrath point to increase the number of targets by 1.
          • Roll: 2, 3. Shiori and Akkuma
            Blind Shot due to Ring of Fire
            • Awareness (Hachi) 15 Success, may target
              Stealth (Shiori) 10
            Attack (Hachi) 12 Hit
            Evasion (Shiori) 9
            Attack (Hachi) 20 Crit
            Evasion (Shiori) 20
            Attack (Hachi) 20 Crit
            Evasion (Shiori) 7
            • Poison (Iron Vein) DC 13 Success
              Poison Resistance (Shiori) 13
              • <B>Roll for effect: (1) Inflicts -3% max HP damage. (2) Inflicts -3% max CP damage. (3) Inflicts -2 Accuracy. (4) Inflicts -2 Dodge. Roll: 3 [Inflicts -2 Accuracy]
                Suppression Chance. 24 Success
                Bleed Chance. 19 Success Bleed I
              • Awareness (Hachi) 4 + 4 + 2 Failure, unable to target Akkuma
                Stealth (Akkuma) 16
              Attack (Hachi) 20 Crit
              Evasion (Akkuma) 15
          6.75 Seconds | Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +1 dodge.
          7.00 Seconds | Hachi sheaths his weapon.
          7.25 Seconds | Shi activates one of her stored hearts. +1 dodge.
          7.50 Seconds | Reiko casts Divine Judgement (Master Rank).
          8.00 Seconds | Akkuma casts Cyclone Movement - Mastered.
          • Non-melee attacks against the user have a 21% chance of being 'Deflected'.
          8.50 Seconds | Akkuma enters Defensive Stance (w/ Defensive Technique) [-4acc for +4 dodge]
          9.25 Seconds | Hachi uses Battoujutsu to draws his Ancestral (Spiritual) Signature (Tsukumogami) Weapon. Slashing Weapon (Bleed) +0 acc 0% damage modifier; augments -- pressure (can inflict suppression also), primal (basic strikes cost 0.5 AP), blood rack (suffer bleed damages instantly upon having their bleed level increased), vengeance (+10% damage against a target that has struck them that round) and attacks the target he did not attack with the previous Higuma (Akkuma or Anatsu).
          • Roll for target. 1 - Akkuma, 2 - Anatsu. Roll: 2 (Anatsu)
            Attack (Hachi) 5 Miss
            Evasion (Anatsu) 12
          9.25 Seconds | Hachi uses his free basic strike from his strategist slot to perform a called shot attack on a random target (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu) aiming for their legs.
          • Roll for random target. 1 - Shiori, 2 - Akkuma, 3 - Anatsu. Roll: 2 (Akkuma)
            Blind Shot due to Ring of Fire:
            • Awareness (Hachi) 19 Success, may target Akkuma
              Stealth (Akkuma) 14
              Attack (Hachi) 3 Miss
              Evasion (Akkuma) 15
              • Sneak Attacks to the user have a 25% chance of being detected and losing their Sneak bonus. 65 Failed
                10% Chance to redirect. 24 failed
          9.25 Seconds | Hachi uses his free basic strike from his strategist slot to perform a called shot attack on a random target (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu) aiming for their legs.
          • Roll for random target. 1 - Shiori, 2 - Akkuma, 3 - Anatsu. Roll: 2 (Akkuma)
            Blind Shot due to Ring of Fire:
            • Awareness (Hachi) 7 Failure, unable to target
              Stealth (Akkuma) 10
          9.25 Seconds | Hachi uses his free basic strike from his strategist slot to perform a called shot attack on a random target (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu) aiming for their legs.
          • Roll for random target. 1 - Shiori, 2 - Akkuma, 3 - Anatsu. Roll: 3 (Anatsu)
            • Attack (Hachi) 7 Miss
              Evasion (Anatsu) 18
          9.25 Seconds | Hachi uses his free basic strike from his strategist slot to perform a called shot attack on a random target (Shiori, Akkuma or Anatsu) aiming for their arms.
          • Roll for random target. 1 - Shiori, 2 - Akkuma, 3 - Anatsu. Roll: 3 (Anatsu)
            • Attack (Hachi) 2 Hit
              Evasion (Anatsu) 1
              • Poison (Iron Vein) DC 9 Failure
                Poison Resistance 19
                Bleed Chance 37 Failure
                Suppression Chance 57 Failure
          9.50 Seconds | Shiori uses contract summoning to summon the S Rank Youkai Contract Summon.
          9.50 Seconds | Shi casts (stretched) Atomic Core [Mastered] at Shiori, Anatsu, and Akkuma.
          • Attack (Shi) 3 Hit
            Evasion (Shiori) 6
            • 28% chance to suffer -3% Max HP per round, for three rounds. 44 Failed
            Attack (Shi) 3 25% Hit
            Evasion (Anatsu) 6
            Attack (Shi) 8 Miss
            Evasion (Akkuma) 14
            • 10% chance to redirect. 33 failed
              21% chance to redirect. 65 Failed

            • Reiko lacked the AP for Drain Claw - each Reaper of Faith costs 1 AP.
            • had to update this mod due to the mismodding of stealth for Shi and Hachi with the cursed seal.
            • Shiori was suppressed for 0.5 AP
            • Anatsu will be removed from the battle this round as he is not participating and it is rude to kill someone or beat them senseless because they are not around, so he fell through the floor.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma prepared himself for battle & as if sensing the impending battle yet another newcomer could be sensed approaching the group. The beings aura would proceed his arrival, the Sage could feel that unnatural hunger seeping into his will. This sensation reminiscent to his days as a demon, the sensation was...unwelcome. In a situation where he needed to keep his wits about him, with his mind busy trying to fight of this intrusive hunger his mental aptitude wouldn't be at full capacity. Deathly energy lashed out from the Sage as if in response to the newfound Hunger that burrowed into his will. Those within the battle would feel their very life force being drained by the dark energies.

In an instant his foes prepared themselves demonstrating they had no intentions of holding back against the rallying number of shinobi. Disappearing into the shadows, of all the places he had to get in a battle it had to be this place. He didn't like it the risk was to high for further intervention from other shinobi, this situation needed to be dealt with. How he would do that he was still working out, for now he needed to establish a strategy against his foes. To do that he would need to test their capabilities.

The Sages hands performed a quick set of handseals summoning his Anbu Mask from his days in Mist. A relic he hadn't adorned for years, but with the current situation taking place & the rising odds of more interlopers he couldn't risk revealing his identity. He felt something akin to comfort as it clicked into place, an unconscious exhilaration. For when he wore this Mask he didn't have to hide his skills or his actions. This Mask reminded him that he existed for something greater then himself. It was perhaps this that caused him to decide he needed to ensure that Rioshi survived. No doubt Sousuke would be pleased if she had died in his presence.

One could only wonder if he'd have been so inclined knowing she was the same AiT who had decided to demonstrate a unique interrogation method utilizing a pen & a badly written romance novel. The demons hands flew into a series of handseals & rotting hands would claw from the earth grasping onto the shinobi who had hurled a fireball at him. Those two who had proceeded him still remained hidden from his view, although he knew they must be around here somewhere. Rioshi summoned an undead construct surprising the demon a great deal, it seemed the woman was more then just a pretty face.

Soon after he could've sworn he'd seen the newcomer ingesting the blood of the knife wielding maniac. Unfortunately for Rioshi her construct was destroyed from what he could only assume was the kunoichi. Akkuma felt the familiar sting of steel slicing through flesh as the shinobi known as Hachi lashed out at the fighters. Although the man's blade seemed to be coated in poison he could not feel any symptoms & could only hope he'd managed to resist whatever toxin was laced on the shinobi's blade. Those around him went through their movements in the battle, for a true battle among powerful shinobi involved blinding speeds & techniques that could alter landscapes.

Onwards the battle ensued with a series of handseals fire would erupt around his foes, however the flame quickly encircled the shinobi who had been holding Rioshi hostage. It was a surprising shift in the jutsu, wondering who had been responsible for such an action. Once more a flurry of strikes was made by Hachi, once more landing a blow that was delivered with either extreme precision or infallible luck. The group once more continued the battle in a flurry it was as if everyone was preparing at once. After completing another set of handseals a violent wind would erupt around the Sage, a technique known to be quite bothersome to Ranged fighters.

Moving into a more Defensive Stance now his preparations were almost complete, his Defensive Technique was superb. No sooner had he entered the stance did Hachi make another series of strikes at him. With each strike that missed those mismatched eyes of his seemed alive with joy. As if mocking the shinobi who could no longer land a blow upon him. Having no success his foe turned his attention to another combatant. Rioshi summoned a demon he was all too familiar with while the the puppeteer finally decided to strike at him. With finesse he dodged the eruption of energy, he felt alive in this moment.

'These two certainly aren't your everyday maniacs..' he thought to himself a sinister smile formed beneath his Mask. They had his full attention now whether they would come to regret that would be revealed soon enough. His gaze would slide to Rioshi assessing her injuries,
if something wasn't done soon she would fall to her wounds. "Rioshi, you must leave here immediately. Inform the Kazekage of what is taking place." he would call to her in that sinister voice that would seem to pierce the noise of battle. Not waiting to hear an argument he would turn his gaze to the newcomer who possessed an aura few beings should have. "I don't know who you are Sunan nor why you're here. But these shinobi cannot be allowed to proceed any further." he would say to the newcomer who had joined the fray without a single word.


Round 2:
1: Use Transformation Mastered to transform into Hachi
2: Cast IWR to summon my S-Rank Nara - Using Corrupted Energy & 2x Hasted Steps (Hasted Steps reduces modded timing by 1ap can be done twice) so modded as Instant
3: Cast Earth Flow River Mastered at Hachi (16% chance of reflexive & melee actions to fail) - Affinity Move Debilitate (increases secondary effect chance by half)
4: Cast Physical Seal of Imprisonment Mastered into the next round using TS move Delayed Action (+3 acc to move)
5: Draw Syringe of Heaven Touch (Conditional; only if there is enough ap to attempt to strike with it & re-sheath/drop it after performing a strike)
6: Attempt to Inject Hachi with Heaven's Touch (Only if previous action has been done)
7: Whether Successful or not re-sheath/belt the syringe
(Conditional 1: Drop/Dispel Ring of Fire if Hachi escapes it)
(Conditional 2: Use Renewal on an attack that would result in a successful Called Shot, Poison, Bind or Disruption effects/secondaries on Akkuma)
(Maintains; Hasted Steps Style, Mask Summon, Corpse Soil, Ring of Fire, Cyclone Movement, Defensive Stance w/ Defensive Technique, Transformation, IWR, Earth Flow River, Physical Seal of Imprisonment)
Oh plus 4 Zombies doing 2x basic attacks each (Half Targeting Hachi the rest Shi)
Not sure if I have to maintain Physical Seal of Imprisonment when casting it
Edited for links


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
The air around Reiko bubbled and pulsed as his chakra leaked out from his form in the form of an angry red haze of energy that surrounded his body and boiled ominously. At times the mass of heated air and spiritual power seemed to take on a momentary structure, taking the terrifying visage of a great dragon-like entity that bared it's fangs hungrily for only a moment before melting away back into formless sanguine vapor. From his mouth and nose trailed occasional streams of poisonous black vapor that swirled up into the tempest around his body creating a tumult of sanguine chakra and ominous black smoke making it increasingly difficult to track his movements though the mixing of the mists and the shadows that plagued the Obsidian Palace.

With the sweet taste of their blood on his tongue, Reiko was experiencing a rush of emotion which was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before in his life. He'd tasted blood and given over to the Hunger before during fights but this was so much different than any other time before it. For it's part the Hunger seemed energized like never before as though it was awake for the first time in many, many years. Still, Reiko couldn't argue with the results. Power surged through his muscles and instinct raced through his nervous system like lightning bolts. Every moment he stood still was a moment he spent anticipating the pounce and awaiting the moment when he could sink his teeth and claws into another attack. There was something about this place... something important. Reiko couldn't put his finger on it but it felt like coming home.

Flexing his metal arm, Reiko caused the plates on it to shift and the steel claws which were normally stowed to slide into place over his fingertips transforming his normally tactile digits into a set of wicked-looking rending talons. His teacher and friend Shen had been concerned the first time Reiko had shown him the schemata for the way he intended to modify his prosthetic arm but Reiko had convinced him by remind him how common it was for travelers to be beset by raiders and pirates on the dunes of the Wind Country desert.

He hadn't told him that the real reason he needed claws is because he felt incomplete without them. Night after night of dreaming about having claws had set an inescapable notion in his mind that he was somehow diminished without them. Now he felt vindicated in that decision. After all, what was a hunter without claws? With the power of the Obsidian Palace surging over his shoulders and into his presence, the crimson designs upon Reiko's mask glowed bright as a sinister grin fell across his countenance.
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [[url=]BGM[/url]]"]

  • Demonic Aura triggers. [0 AP / 0 CP]
  • Make no attempt to avoid or resist beneficial actions from Shiori or Akkuma. [0 AP / 0 CP]
  • Maintain Divine Judgement (Master Rank) [1,200 CP + 400 HP]
  • Equip Fangs of the Red Prince. [0.5 AP / 0 CP]
  • Cast Dance of the Crescent Moon (Master Rank) targeting Hachi. [2.75 AP / 2,891 CP + 867 HP]
    • Conditional #1: If my attack is redirected to Akkuma (who has transformed into Hachi) and I am aware that he is not actually Hachi then redirect attack back to the actual Hachi.
    • Use Shinobi 101 to change accuracy type to Ninjutsu Accuracy.
    • Use Heavy Handed ability's Special Action "Cleave" to target Shi as well.
    • Use Blood Magic ability to increase damage by 15%.
    • Activate Mirage augment to re-roll with Genjutsu DC if I miss.
    • Being an AoE A-Rank Taijutsu that targets 2 people grants this attack a +3.5 Awareness bonus for Blind Shots. Together with Reaper of Faith and Third Eye my total Awareness bonus should be +7.5 for this attack if it is a Blind Shot. [Stealth Rules]
    • Tracker causes me to treat Terrain and Visibility modifiers as two steps in my favor when making Blind Shots so the Terrain Modifier is Open (-3 Stealth) and Lighting is Average (+0 Stealth) against Hachi (-3 Stealth total). Terrain Modifier is Light Cover (-1 Stealth) and Lighting Modifier is Dim (+1 Stealth) against Shi (+1 Stealth total) due to her Stalker ability. [Stealth Rules]
  • Enter Stealth Mode [1 AP / 0 CP]
    • Stalker allows me to count Terrain and Visibility modifiers as one step in my favor making the terrain Moderate Cover (+2 Stealth) and Pitch Black (+3 Stealth) for me. With Third Eye that gives me a total Stealth Bonus of +7.
  • Cast Active Camo (Master Rank) [2 AP / 560 CP + 280 CP/rnd]
    • Total Stealth Bonus: +9
  • Conditional #2: If I was hit by an attack since the last time I attempted to enter Stealth Mode then attempt to enter Stealth Mode [1 AP / 0 CP]
  • Cast Drain Claw (Master Rank) targeting Hachi. [3 AP / 2,750 CP]
    • Conditional #3: If my attack is redirected to Akkuma (who has transformed into Hachi) and I am aware that he is not actually Hachi then redirect attack back to the actual Hachi.
    • Use Affinity Move Spread to also target Shi.
    • Use Stalker ability to remain in Stealth Mode after using a Sneak Attack once every other round.
  • Conditional #4: If I was hit by an attack since the last time I attempted to enter Stealth Mode then attempt to enter Stealth Mode [1 AP / 0 CP]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
