**Terrain is considered to be "little cover" and "dark".
Foxy - Hachi
HP: 3430
[-4000 Bleed IV] [-5078] -1248
Knocked Out
CP: 5647
[-1950] 3697
AP: 10
Inventory: Iron vein (full stack), Heaven's Touch (full stack), Mustard Gas (full stack), Syringe (filled with Heaven's Touch), Ninja Wire (partial stack), weapon (strategist pre-placed poison - Iron vein)
Status: -20% damage and they receive -2 Genjutsu DC [Demonic Aura]; Starts every round in stealth (cursed seal); Iaijutsu Mastery - Bloodline Fighting Style Kensei-ryu Stance; Reaper of Faith (Reiko);
Bleed IV.
[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 27 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 23 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Ranged Accuracy 23 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Gen DC 23 - 1 (Demonic Aura)
Gen Save 23
Signature Weapon Gen Save 18
Evasion 27 + 1 (Cursed Seal)
Awareness 15
Stealth 15 - 1 (Previous Stealth)[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Passives"]1.) Nanjirou: Increased crit range
2.) Nanjirous: A special weapon
3.) Tsukumogami: A signature weapon with an additional augment slot
4.) Hidden Power with Bushido: +0.5 to all Secondary stats each time they lose 15% Hp of their Max Hp, capping at +3 to their secondaries.
5.) Spiritual: Twice per round, the user may perform two Wrath Seal actions to the same attack with this weapon. Both require a focus point.
6.) Weapon has a +1 critical range that is not effected by caps.
7.) Strategist - pre-poisoned weapon with Iron Vein. Additional Slots are free attacks.
8.) Clarity
9.) Called Shot
10.) Sensor
11.) Poison Mastery
12.) Cursed Seal
13.) Bloody Mess[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Actions"]Enter Iaijutsu Mastery - Bloodline Fighting Style Kensei-ryu Stance.
Hachi sheaths his weapon using the dodge attack option to resheath his weapon. Conditional #1: If unable to sheath his weapon in this manner Hachi would use his quickdraw ability to immediately sheath the weapon before he performs his first attack.
1 AP Hachi casts Uncanny Dodge [Mastered].
1 AP Hachi activates his Wrath Seal [Rank 3]
3.25 AP Hachi uses Omniflash with Zantetsuken [Mastered] and Silver Flash [Mastered] using the special action to cause the 'Carving' effect and Sharpen (x3) using Battoujutsu [Mastered] and Wrath Points to cast Dancing Blade so that this attack can target all three targets (Akkuma, Shiori and Reiko) as well as AE special move focus. If one of these targets is KO'd, do not consider them a viable target and use 1 less wrath point. (Conditional #1)
Hachi sheaths his weapon using the dodge attack option to resheath his weapon or resheaths his weapon normally (quickdraw).
2.75 AP Hachi uses Counterstrike against the first taijutsu attack aimed at him using Annihilation [Mastered] with Vorpal Edge.
Hachi sheaths his weapon using the dodge attack option to resheath his weapon or resheaths his weapon normally (quickdraw).
2.25 AP Hachi uses Crescent Arc [Mastered] using the special action twice to add additional targets this attack will target Reiko, Shiori and Akkuma.[/spoilername]|
Resting Bitch Face - Shi
HP: 22951
[-10457][-1000 Bleed I] 11494
CP: 12187
[-5453] 6734
AP: 10
[-10] 0.5
Inventory: Weapons, Puppets, Antitoxin (full stack), Ninja Wire (full stack) x2, Explosive Notes (full stack), Energy Drink (full stack);
Status: -20% damage and they receive -2 Genjutsu DC [Demonic Aura]; Starts every round in stealth (cursed seal); Reaper of Faith (Reiko); 10% Sneak Chance (2 hearts), +2 dodge (2 Hearts); Black Mist: up top 3 rounds with nin checks drains away 5% HP and CP and she has a 36% chance of failing any Hp/cp recovery attempts, regardless of the method used.
Bleed I
[spoilername="Stats"]Ranged Accuracy 27 + 3 (Quickstep) - 1.5 (Shadows) - 2 (Higuma)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 23 + 3 (Quickstep) - 1.5 (Shadows) - 2 (Higuma)
Melee Accuracy 19 + 3 (Quickstep) - 1.5 (Shadows) - 2 (Higuma)
Genjutsu DC 23 + 2 (Slippery Mind) - 2 (Demonic Aura)
Genjutsu Save 23 + 2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion 23 + 2 (Heart) - 1.5 (Shadows) - 2 (Higuma)
Awareness 15
Stealth 15 - 1 (Previous Stealth)[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Passives"]-20% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura)
1.) Kinjutsu: Attacks are resolved using Ranged Accuracy rather than Melee Accuracy. When making a "stretched" attack the user must choose whether to apply their Melee or Ranged bonuses to the attack and only one set may be applied to a single attack. A "stretched" attack which has Ranged bonuses applied counts for all intents and purposes as a "ranged attack" that retains it's original Accuracy Type (a Nanjirou which "stretches" a melee attack and chooses Ranged still applies their Slashing/Piercing or Physical Damage bonuses but no Melee-specific Damage bonuses).
2.) Kinjutsu: "Stretched" attacks have a 25% chance to be a Sneak Attack.
3.) Kinjutsu: After attacking from Stealth with a "stretched" attack the user is automatically given a free attempt to return to Stealth with a +2 bonus.
4.) Called Shot
5.) Cursed Seal
6.) Upkeep Maintenance
7.) Trap Fanatic
8.) Deflection modified by Enhanced Counter: The Deflection ability now applies to Jutsu up to A rank, gains an additional +5% chance of activating, and no longer has an Accuracy penalty when using the special action. Additionally, If the special action is used upon an attack using Ranged accuracy successfully, the user is able to deflect it towards a different target at -3 Accuracy and 70% damage.
9.) Stalker
10.) Puppet Master: +5% Puppet Damage and -10% Puppet CP Cost
11.) Sneak Attack: All the user's attacks have a 10% chance of being a Sneak Attack. All Sneak attacks gain +1 Critical and deal x2.5 damage upon a Critical hit; this does not stack with other critical damage modifiers.
12.) Shadow Step: The user has a 30% chance at remaining in Stealth after performing a Sneak Attack. Once per round, the user may make a Sneak Attack without being dropped out of Stealth; this may only be done three times per battle.
13.) Counterattack: Whenever the opponent misses a melee attack on the user (melee taijutsu included; they may only counter once per jutsu), the user may counterattack with their current equipped weapon dealing Basic Strike Damage at no cost. This has no limit.
14.) Sniper: When making called shots while in Stealth mode, The user suffers no accuracy penalty.
15.) Flash Counter [Mastered]
16.) Quickstep x3
17.) Slippery Mind[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Actions"]0 Maintains puppets
Conditional #1: Use counterattack on any missed melee attacks as called shot arms using it as a stretched attack.
Conditional #2: Use counterattack on any missed melee attacks as called shot legs using it as a stretched attack.
Conditional #3: Use counterattack on any missed melee attacks as called shot arms using it as a stretched attack.
Conditional #4: Use counterattack on any missed melee attacks as called shot legs using it as a stretched attack.
Conditional #5: If attacked by an attack that takes more than 2 seconds to perform Flash Counter [Mastered] and use stretched [Ranged Accuracy] basic strikes x6 with her armed puppet using called shots with each of these attacks. 1 - called shot arms, 2 - called shot legs, 3 - called shot head, 4 - called shot hands, 5 - called shot feet, 6 - called shot heart using her sniper ability if she is in stealth at the time [Reminder as this is not a conditional]. Do not counterattack a corpse attack.
2.5 AP Casts Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] with her Offensive Puppet on Reiko. Using her supportive puppet, Shi applies the Overflow Augment from her supportive puppet (x3 buff) but does not use a special action.
2.5 AP Casts Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] with her Offensive Puppet on Akkuma. Using her supportive puppet, Shi applies the Overflow Augment from her supportive puppet (x3 buff) but does not use a special action.
2.5 AP Casts Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] with her Offensive Puppet on Shiori. Using her supportive puppet, Shi applies the Overflow Augment from her supportive puppet (x3 buff) but does not use a special action.
2.5 AP Casts Malicious Tendrils - B-Rank Ninjutsu [Mastered] targeting Akkuma, Shiori and Reiko dividing the tendrils between each of them using Ranged Accuracy.[/spoilername][/col]
Miroku Akkuma
HP: 9073
(+1080 Healing Factor) [+4597] [+1800 Fevre de Pitch] 16550
[-9437][-1080 Bleed III] 6033
CP: 18068
(+990 Hyperactive) 22378
[-8060] 18068
Corrupted Energy: 26351
[+4597] 30948
AP: 10.5
[-8] 2.5 ==> 1
Inventory: 2x Syringes filled with Botulinum Toxin, 2x Syringes filled with Strainweed, 2x Syringes filled with Serpent's Blood, 2x Syringes filled with Heaven's Touch, 2x Syringes filled with Heaven's Touch , Demon Soul Scythe -- Type: Slashing Sub-Type: Bleeding , Modifier: +2 Accuracy / -10% damage. Razor Strike, Chakra Drain, and Vampiric.
Status: -20% damage and they receive -2 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura); Hasted Steps; Mask Summon; Corpse Soil (500 CP/round); Defensive stance: 10% DR;
Bleed III, Wearing: Fur Coat of the Fallen (+20% Resistance to Ice jutsu damage and a 20% chance to resist debuffs from ice based techniques. The user is not affected by the dodge, accuracy and awareness penalties of Bikou's Arctic Roar Technique).
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy 27 - 4 (Defensive Stance)
-1 (Sprained Arms) - 1 (Wired Arms)
Melee Accuracy 27 - 4 (Defensive Stance)
-1 (Sprained Arms) - 1 (Wired Arms)
Genjutsu Difficulty 23 - 2 (Demonic Aura)
Ranged Accuracy 23 - 4 (Defensive Stance)
-1 (Sprained Arms) - 1 (Wired Arms)
Genjutsu Save 23 + 2 [Fevre de Pitch]
Evasion 23 + 3 (Walk of the Aeons) + 4 (Defensive Stance) + 2 [Fevre de Pitch]
-1 (Ninja Wire Legs)
Awareness 15
Stealth 15[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Skillz"]-10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura)
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Sixth Sense: When making an awareness check, the user has a 25% chance to auto-detect the target. This applies to targets in Stealth, hidden by clones, and under transformations. Sneak Attacks to the user have a 25% chance of being detected and losing their Sneak bonus.
Deflection: Partial hits upon the user are treated as one rank lower, IE a 75% hit becomes a 50%, 50% becomes 25%, and 25% becomes a miss. This does not overwrite effects which state partial hits are treated as full hits. Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (does not stack with the previous note). Deflected attacks that target another victim are chosen at random and use the attacker's accuracy type with the user's accuracy secondary.
Hyperactive: Regain 3% CP/round
Defensive Technique: When in defensive mode, the player receives -1 to accuracy per +1 to dodge instead of the normal +2 dodge -4 Accuracy defense penalty.The maximum amount of dodge for accuracy they may swap is 4. -10% Damage Taken while in Defensive Mode
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Contract Master
Clarity: always know when under the effect of a genjutsu. Able to resist the genjutsu the next round after it is cast.
Healing Factor: Regain 3% HP/round
Ripple Effect
Delayed Action
Danger Sense: +10% Auto-Dodge
Secondary Echo
Hasted Steps
Walk The Aeons
Temporal Strike: All the user's Ninjutsu have a 20% chance to inflict a -.5 accuracy/dodge penalty on those they hit, stacking up to four times on the same target. The effect lasts for two rounds. Does not effect other Temporal Striders.
Kinjutsu: +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%.
Kinjutsu: +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle.
Kinjutsu: Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra.
Kinjutsu: Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Dark and gains +10% Damage. In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
Kinjutsu: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
Kinjutsu - Dark Invitation: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
24.) Youkai Contract[/spoilername]|
Akkuma's Nara IWR Satoshi
HP: 10308
[-7624] 2684
CP: 9580
[-2750] 6830
AP: 3.5
[-3] 0.5
Status: Fine
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy 21
Evasion: 18
Genjutsu Resistance 18
Melee Accuracy 15
Ranged Accuracy 15
Genjutsu Difficulty 15 - 1 (Demonic Aura)
Stealth 12
Awareness 12[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Passives"]Bloodline: Nara
1: Willpower
2: Jutsu Expansion
3: Tracker
4: Stalker
5: Initiative
6: Concentrated Focus
7: Insight
(Free Ability) 8: Strategy
Chakra Blast - B-Rank {R1} -4pts
Underworld Prison - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Rasengan - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Perfected Rasengan - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Infernal Hellfire - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Firestorm - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Sol Fire Tempest - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Stardust Nova - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Gate of Enma - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Stunt Double - C-Rank {R2} -4pts
All 70pts Used~[/spoilername][/col]
Takahashi Shiori - Rioshi
HP: 21300
[+5759][+2100 Fevre de Pitch] [-2750][-2100 Bleed V ==> Bleed III] 24309
CP: 4355
[-2487] 1868
Corrupted Energy: 19693
[+5759] [-6780] 18672
AP: 11 [-9] 2
Inventory: Headset, Antidote (full stack), Ninja Wire (full stack), 2 weapons, Iron Vein (Full Stack), Explosive notes (Full Stack)
Status: -10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC [Demonic Aura], Bleed IV; Summoned a Youkai; Sprained Legs; Medical Clone x2; Earthbound; Zombies, Harmonization
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27 + 2 [Fevre de Pitch] - 1 (Wired Arm)
Genjutsu DC 23 - 2 (Demonic Aura)
Ranged Taijutsu 23 + 2 [Fevre de Pitch] - 1 (Wired Arm)
Melee Taijutsu 23 + 2 [Fevre de Pitch] - 1 (Wired Arm)
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23 + 2 [Fevre de Pitch] - 1 (Sprained legs) - 1 (Wired Legs)
Awareness 15
Stealth 15[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Skillz"]-10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (Demonic Aura)
1.) +5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
2.) Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
3.) Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
4.) Sonar: Not affected by Sight-based Debuffs or Visual Genjutsu.
5.) Sonar: All non-Genjutsu sound related debuffs to be increased by +1 Debuff. They are also able to be affected by a second Audial Genjutsu, although it cannot be the same Genjutsu they are already being affected by.
6.) Enthralling Voice: Genjutsu can be Sung to effect multiple targets at -1 DC per additional target. If used against a single target, the Genjutsu has +2 DC
7.) Elemental Illusion
8.) Mind Overflow
9.) Duelist
10.) Shattered Reality
11.) Willpower
12.) Elementalist
13.) Jutsu Expanionist
14.) Sixth Sense
15.) Tracker
16.) +15% Sound Ninjutsu damage
17.) May convert Wind and Non-Elemental Jutsu into Sound at no additional cost and all Sound Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
18 Kinjutsu: +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%.
19 Kinjutsu: +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle.
20 Kinjutsu: Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra.
21 Kinjutsu: Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Dark and gains +10% Damage. In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
22 Kinjutsu: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
23 Kinjutsu - Dark Invitation: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
24.) Youkai Contract[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Attacks"]0 AP Shiori maintains Corpse Soil and Harmonization.
0 AP Shiori drops Medical Clones and song.
0 AP Shiori uses Dark Invitation
Shiori attempts to enter the barrier/arena jutsu.
3 AP - Shiori casts Rasengan [Mastered] with jutsu expansion on Akkuma using using AE special move focus and turning this attack into a sound jutsu. There will be no modifications to the accuracy or the base damage of this technique with the cost taken from her Corrupted Energy Pool.
3 AP Shiori casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered] on Shi and Akkuma (Akkuma is priority target unless KO'd in which case the priority target is Shi) using AE special move spread, keeping this attack a non-elemental ninjutsu. Using the sound crystallization ability Shiori transforms this jutsu into a Sound ninjutsu with the cost taken from her Corrupted Energy Pool.
3 AP Shiori casts Stardust Nova [Mastered] on Akkuma (Unless Akkuma is KO'd in which case the priority target is Shi) using AE special move overcharge. Using sound crystallization ability Shiori transforms this jutsu into a Sound ninjutsu and the cost is taken from her Corrupted Energy Pool.
3 AP Shiori's Youkai Summon casts Venomous Bite [Mastered] on Akkuma (Akkuma is priority target unless KO'd in which case the priority target is Shi) and Shi.
3 AP Shiori's Youkai Summon casts Venomous Bite [Mastered] on Akkuma (Akkuma is priority target unless KO'd in which case the priority target is Shi) and Shi.
1 AP All of Shiori's zombies attack Akkuma and Shi (divided evenly).
1 AP All of Shiori's zombies attack Akkuma and Shi (divided evenly).
0.5 AP Shiori's steadfast summon uses human shield to protect Shiori from any attacks done by Akkuma or Shi.
3 AP Shiori's steadfast summon casts Reciprocate [Mastered] on Shi.[/spoilername]|Reiko
HP: 16053 [+1170 Healing Factor][+1950 Fevre de Pitch] [-3869][-390 Bleed I] 14914
CP: 7777 [-1580] [+6337] 12534
AP: 11 [-10.5] 0.5
Status: Reaper of Faith (Hachi and Shi); Form of the Demon (+2 to all secondary stats and all jutsu are considered "Dark". This means they deal +10% damage to all damage types that does not apply to damage buff limits, and bypasses half of any damage reduction the victim may have. In addition, all damage dealt upon the user is reduced by 20% and this reduced damage is instead converted into CP for the user.).
[spoilername="Stats"]Genjutsu DC 27 + 2 (Form of the Demon)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 27 - 1 (Wired Arms) + 2 (Form of the Demon)
Genjutsu Save 23 + 2 + 2 [Fevre de Pitch] + 2 (Form of the Demon)
Dodge 23 + 2 [Fevre de Pitch] - 1 (Wired legs) + 2 (Form of the Demon)
Melee Accuracy 19 - 1 (Wired Arms) + 2 (Form of the Demon)
Ranged Accuracy 19 - 1 (Wired Arms) + 2 (Form of the Demon)
Awareness 15 + 2 + 2 (Form of the Demon)
Stealth 15 + 2 (Third Eye) + 2 (Moderate Cover) + 3 (Pitch Black) + 2 (Active Camo) - 1 (Stealth) + 2 (Form of the Demon)
Poison Resistance 25 + 2 (Form of the Demon)[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Skillz"]Class: +5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects
0. Journeyman - Main Branch: Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
0. Shinobi 101: Unarmed Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy
The user gains +10% Damage Reduction
- All Bleeding / Called Shot Penalty chances are reduced by -10%. Bleeding/Called Shot penalties are treated as one rank lower. (Lowest this can go down to is Bleeding Rank 1/Sprained)
- The user cannot be knocked out by Bleeding or Poisons. (This does not include Poison Jutsu)
- If an attack would cause the user to be Ko'd, their Hp remains at 1 Hp and they cannot be Ko'd for the remainder of the round. This may happen once per battle.
- If an attack would bring the user to -100% Max Hp, Damage stops at 1 Hp away from -100%. This may happen once per battle.
1. Healing Factor
2. Duelist
3. Willpower
4. Mind Overflow: Targets effected with the user's Genjutsu take +10% damage from all damage types.
5. Elemental Illusion
6. Heavy Handed
7. Stalker: Once every other round, the user may perform a Sneak Attack without being dropped out of stealth. When making a stealth check, Terrain and Visibility modifiers are treated one level higher in the users favor.
8. Tracker: When making Awareness Checks, the visibility/Terrain effect is treated as two ranks higher in the user's favor.
9. Mechanized Weapon [Fangs of the Red Prince]
10. Demonic Aura (3 Points): Every round, every other person in the battle besides the user must make a Genjutsu Save check. If they fail, all jutsu they use that round do -10% damage and they receive -1 Genjutsu DC (stacks to -2 Genjutsu DC). This stops while under the effects of Evil Sealing.
11. Third Eye (3 Points)
12. Smite Foe (3 Points)
13. Fell Drain (2 Points)
14. Daunting Presence x2 (2 Points): Opponents take a -1 dodge penalty during rounds where they attempt to attack the user.
15. Fell Vengeance (3 Points)
16. Death Touch (2 Points)
17. Form of the Demon (Master Rank) - (2 Points)[/spoilername][/col]
[col]Shiori's Youkai S Rank Summon
HP: 29355 [-5638] 23717
CP: 3090 [-4360] 0
AP: 6 [-6] 0
Inventory: Brief Despair
Status: Fine
[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 23 + 2 (Class) + 2 (Passive)
Evasion 20
Genjutsu Save 20
Genjutsu Difficulty 20 + 1 (Class) - 1 (Demonic Aura)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 17 + 2 (Class) + 2 (Passive)
Ranged Accuracy 17 + 2 (Class) + 2 (Passive)
Awareness 13 + 2 (Passive)
Stealth 13[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Melee Damage (Class)[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Actions"]3 AP - Zangyaku attacks Hachi and Shi using Venomous Bite with melee accuracy.
3 AP - Zangyaku attacks Hachi and Shi using Venomous Bite with melee accuracy.[/spoilername]|Akkuma's Bear Summon Bikou
HP: 20560 [-1644] 18916
CP: 13516 [-4815] 8701
AP: 6 [-5.75] 0.25
Inventory: Claw (Slashing). Damage: -10%. Accuracy: +2
Status: Created with Corrupted Energy (10% modifier)
[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 22 + 3 (Contract Mastery)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 19
Genjutsu Save 18
Evasion 18
Ranged Accuracy 15
Genjutsu DC 15 - 1 (Demonic Aura)
Awareness 13
Stealth 13[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Passives"]Class Bonus: +1 Accuracy, +15% Melee Damage
Brave the Cold: Takes -15% damage from all attacks. This does not apply against Fire-based damage.
Bikou can use any Slashing Taijutsu from the shop at master rank - All Taijutsu used this way have a +10% CP cost.[/spoilername][/col]
[col]Reiko's Youkai S Rank Summon Sesshousuna-Oh
HP: 26126 [-2090] 24036
CP: 21526 [-3025] 18501
AP: 6 [-6] 0
Inventory: Brief Despair
Status: Fine
[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 23 + 2 (Class) + 2 (Passive)
Evasion 20
Genjutsu Save 20
Genjutsu Difficulty 20 + 1 (Class)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 17 + 2 (Class) + 2 (Passive)
Ranged Accuracy 17 + 2 (Class) + 2 (Passive)
Awareness 13 + 2 (Passive)
Stealth 13[/spoilername]
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Melee Damage (Class)[/spoilername]|Shiori's Medical Clone #1
[col]Shiori's Medical Clone #2
Destroyed|Shiori's IWR (Jinsei)
HP: 18340 [Ignores 900 damage per round] [-13570] 4770
CP: 0
AP: 3.5 [-3.5] 0
Body Switch - Mastered [2]
Transformation - Mastered [2]
Cancel - Mastered [3]
Immolation Armor - Mastered [3]
Basic Clone - Mastered [3]
Angelic Blessing - Mastered [8]
Regeneration - Mastered [8]
Resuscitate - Mastered [8]
Medical Assistant - Mastered [7]
Molten Mantle - Mastered [6]
Lava Torrent - Mastered [6]
Molten Cloak - Mastered [6]
Volcanic Sinkhole - Mastered [7]
Points used: 69
Affinities: Lava
Hidden Power
Combat Instinct
Defensive Technique
Healing Factor
Martial Artist
Bludgeoning Style
BL/CA: Steadfast
Standfast [2]
Human Shield [2]
Awesome Power [2]
Second Wind [3]
Undying Warrior [2]
Resilience x3 [3]
Reciprocate - Rank 2 [2]
Free Will [2]
Maximum Defense [2][/spoilername][/col]
What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | Hachi takes Bleed Damage and is KO'd.
0.00 seconds | Shi maintains Ghoulish Shroud and Cursed Seal.
0.00 Seconds | Shi starts the round in stealth due to Cursed Seal.
- Akkuma's 25% auto-detect chance. 34 Failed.
0.00 Seconds | Hachi maintains Cursed Seal and stances/styles.
0.00 Seconds | Hachi starts the round in stealth due to Cursed Seal.
- Akkuma's 25% auto-detect chance. 62 Failed.
0.00 Seconds | Black Mist.
- Reiko (Nin Check) 8 Failed
Shi (Nin Check) 17
0.00 Seconds | Satoshi does not maintain his jutsus/
0.00 Seconds | Shiori maintains Corpse Soil, Fevre de Pitch and Harmonization.
0.00 Seconds | Reiko maintains Active Camo (Rank 1) and Form of the Demon (Master Rank).
0.00 Seconds | Akkuma maintains; Hasted Steps Style, Mask Summon MR, Corpse Soil+IWR (Satoshi) MR, Defensive Stance w/ Defensive Technique, Summoning S-Rank (Bikou) MR, Chakra Sense
0.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Dark Invitation.
- Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 10 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Hachi) 10
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 10 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Shi) 7
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 14 Failure
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 18
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 10 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Satoshi) 14
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 4 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 5
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 16 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Bikou) 17
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 4 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Sesshousuna-Oh) 5
0.00 Seconds | Akkuma uses Dark Invitation.
- Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 17 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Hachi) 14
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 16 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Shi) 15
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 6 Failed
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 6
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 10 Failed
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori's IWR) 20
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 5 Failed
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 13
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 8 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori's Youkai) 6
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 1 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Sesshousuna-Oh) 2
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 17 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori's Medical Clone #2) 10
0.00 Seconds | Reiko's Demonic Aura triggers.
- Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 1 Failure
Ninjutsu Check (Hachi) 5
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 4 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Shi) 2
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 4 Failure
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 6
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 15 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Satoshi) 2
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 17 Failure
Ninjutsu Check (Akkuma) 18
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 14 Success
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori's Youkai) 13
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 2 Failure
Ninjutsu Check (Bikou) 6
Ninjutsu Check (Reiko) 2 Failure
Ninjutsu Check (Shiori's Medical Clone #2) 11
2.38 Seconds | Shi casts Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] with her Offensive Puppet on Reiko. Using her supportive puppet, Shi applies the Overflow Augment from her supportive puppet (x3 buff) but does not use a special action. This would be considered a hidden action due to her being in stealth.
- Attack (Shi) 6 Hit
Evasion (Reiko) 3
2.73 Seconds | Shiori casts Rasengan [Mastered] with jutsu expansion on Shi and Hachi using using AE special move spread turning this attack into a sound jutsu. There will be no modifications to the accuracy or the base damage of this technique with the cost taken from her Corrupted Energy Pool.
- 44% Chance that Shiori will target an unintended target. Roll: 55 Failed
- Awareness (Shiori) 3 Failed
Stealth (Hachi) 17
Awareness (Shiori) 9 Failed
Stealth (Shi)
2.73 Seconds | Reiko cast Energy Transfer (Master Rank) targeting Akkuma. Use Minor Affinity Move "Focus" to increase Accuracy by +2 and Crit Range by +1. Use Demonic Ancestry Special Move "Akuton" to increase damage by 20%. Choosing to take CP.
- 44% chance of being re-directed at a random target, besides the user. Roll: 8
Target: 1 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Shiori's Medical Clone, 9 - Jinsei. Roll: 3 (Shiori)
- Attack (Reiko) 4 25% Hit
Evasion (Shiori) 15
2.86 Seconds | Akkuma cast Sol Fire Tempest[/ur] Mastered cast at Reiko, Shiori, Shi using the Temporal Strider move Delayed Action to cast it one round into the future at + Acc hits in 2 rnds 1 rnd + normal 1 rnd delay.
4.55 Seconds | Reiko cast Energy Transfer (Master Rank) targeting Akkuma. Use Minor Affinity Move "Focus" to increase Accuracy by +2 and Crit Range by +1. Use Demonic Ancestry Special Move "Akuton" to increase damage by 20%. Choosing to take CP.
- 44% chance of being re-directed at a random target, besides the user. Roll: 99 Failed
- Attack (Reiko) 19 Critical Hit!
Evasion (Akkuma) 17
- 32% of activating "Non-elemental". Roll: 99 Failed
4.76 Seconds | Shi casts Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] with her Offensive Puppet on Akkuma. Using her supportive puppet, Shi applies the Overflow Augment from her supportive puppet (x3 buff) but does not use a special action.
- Attack (Shi) 16 Hit
Evasion (Akkuma) 3
4.76 Seconds | Akkuma casts Active Camo [Mastered] on himself.
5.00 Seconds | Shiori's Youkai Summon casts Venomous Bite on Hachi and Shi.
- Attack (Youkai) 10
Evasion (Hachi) 6 Hachi cannot evade
Attack (Youkai) 20 CRITICAL HIT!
Evasion (Shi) 17
- 5.00 Seconds | Shi performs Flash Counter [Mastered] as a hidden action due to being in stealth and uses stretched [Ranged Accuracy] basic strikes x6 with her armed puppet using called shots with each of these attacks. 1 - called shot arms, 2 - called shot legs, 3 - called shot head, 4 - called shot hands, 5 - called shot feet, 6 - called shot heart using her sniper ability.
- Attack (Shi) 14 Hit
Evasion (Summon) 1
- Called Shot Chance. 10 Success! Sprained Arms
Attack (Shi) 1 Miss
Evasion (Summon) 7
Attack (Shi) 16 Hit
Evasion (Summon) 15
- Called Shot Chance. 41 Failed
Attack (Shi) 1 Miss
Evasion (Summon) 10
Attack (Shi) 20 Crit
Evasion (Summon) 14
- Called Shot Chance. 97 Failed
Attack (Shi) 11Hit
Evasion (Summon) 12
- Called Shot Chance. 82 Failed
5.00 Seconds | Sesshousuna-Oh attacks Shi with utter Chaos.
- Attack 17 Miss
Evasion 20
5.00 Seconds | The Corpses attack Shi.
- Corpse 1 18
Evasion (Shi) 9Corpse 2 13 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 8
Corpse 3 17 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 5
Corpse 4 2 Miss
Evasion (Shi) 4
- 5.00 Seconds | Shi counterattacks.
5.00 Seconds | All of Shiori's zombies attack Hachi and Shi (divided evenly).
- Awareness (Corpse) 13 Hit
Stealth (Hachi) 8
Awareness (Corpse) 5 Miss (but hits anyways due to being KO'd)
Stealth (Hachi) 15
Attack (Corpse) 12 Miss
Evasion (Shi) 12
- 5.00 Seconds | Shi counterattacks.
Attack (Corpse) 2 Miss
Evasion (Shi) 12
- 5.00 Seconds | Shi counterattacks.
5.00 Seconds | Bikou casts Arctic Roar targeting everyone.
- Akkuma is overlooked due to 'fur coat of the fallen.'
- Bikou 19 Hit
Hachi 12
Bikou 16 Hit
Shi 2
Bikou 17 Hit
Satoshi 4
Bikou 14 Hit
Shiori 8
Bikou 13 Hit
Youkai 1
Bikou 18 Hit
Youkai 3
Bikou 14 Hit
Jinsei 11
Bikou 10 Miss
Reiko 19
5.45 Seconds | Reiko maintains contact for energy Transfer.
- Reiko (Check) 5 Failed
Akkuma (Check) 11
5.46 Seconds | Shiori casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered] on Shi and Hachi using AE special move spread, keeping this attack a non-elemental ninjutsu. Using the sound crystallization ability Shiori transforms this jutsu into a Sound ninjutsu with the cost taken from her Corrupted Energy Pool.</B>
- 30% chance of being a hidden action. 43 Failed
44% chance to attack an unintended target. Roll: 25 Success
Target: 1 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Shiori's Medical Clone, 9 - Jinsei. Roll: 3 (Shiori). Roll: 8 (Medical Clone)
Target: 2 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Shiori's Medical Clone, 9 - Jinsei. Roll: 3 (Shiori). Roll: 9 (Jinsei)
- Attack (Shiori) 10 Hit
Evasion (Medical Clone) 10 Destroyed
Attack (Shiori) 11 Hit
Evasion (Jinsei) 5
- 50% chance for the 'Non Elemental' effect and suppression. 30 Success.
+5% base damage and gain +7% chance of activating any secondary effects. Due to 'soft ping.'
6.19 Seconds | Akkuma casts Coagulation [Mastered] on himself.
- 44% chance that this will hit an unintended target. Roll: 4 Success.
Target: - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Jinsei. Roll: 3 (Shiori)
- Attack (Akkuma) 18 hit
Evasion (Shiori) 7
- <B>Chance to enter stealth. 23 Failed
6.25 Seconds | Sesshousuna-Oh targets Shi with Basic Strike.
- Attack (Sesshousuna-Oh) 10 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 6
7.50 Seconds | Sesshousuna-Oh targets Shi with Basic Strike.
- Attack (Sesshousuna-Oh) 18 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 20
7.61 Seconds | Akkuma casts Mystical Hand [Mastered] on self use the special action 3 times to continue healing further.
- 44% chance that this will hit an unintended target. 91 Failed
7.72 Seconds | Reiko cast Energy Transfer (Master Rank) and continue taking CP.
- 44% chance that this will hit an unintended target. 19 Success
Target: - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Jinsei. Roll: 1 (Hachi)
8.57 Seconds | Jinsei casts Reciprocate.
- No target listed: Target: 1 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Bikou. Roll: 5 (Satoshi).
- Attack (Jinsei) 4 Hit
Evasion (Satoshi) 3
8.57 Seconds | Shiori casts Gate of Enma [Mastered] on Shi and Hachi using AE special move focus. Using sound crystallization ability Shiori transforms this jutsu into a Sound ninjutsu and the cost is taken from her Corrupted Energy Pool.
- 44% chance that Shiori will attack an unintended target. Roll: 10 Success
Target: 1 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Bikou. Roll: 2 (cannot target Shi due to jutsu Shiori is influenced by)
Target: 1 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Bikou. Roll: 4 (Akkuma)
Target: 2 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Bikou. Roll: 2 (cannot target Shi due to jutsu Shiori is influenced by)
Target: 2 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Bikou. Roll: 2 (cannot target Shi due to jutsu Shiori is influenced by)
Target: 2 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Bikou. Roll: 2 (cannot target Shi due to jutsu Shiori is influenced by)
Target: 2 - Hachi, 2 - Shi, 3 - Shiori, 4 - Akkuma, 5 - Satoshi, 6 - Shiori's Youkai, 7 - Reiko's Youkai, 8 - Bikou. Roll: 6 (Shiori's Youkai)
- Attack (Shiori) 20 Critical Hit!
Evasion (Akkuma) 1
- 50% chance of 'Non Elemental' and binding those hit by this Jutsu at -2 Accuracy. Roll: 74 Failed
40% chance of activating the 'Disruption' effect. 56 Failed
Attack (Shiori) 5 Miss
Evasion (Shiori's Youkai) 18
8.57 Seconds | Satoshi cast Shadow Dimension Mastered to trap self, Hachi, Akkuma & all of his summons, creations & kin creations.
- 30% chance that this will be a hidden action. Roll: 38 Failed
44% chance of attacking an unintended target. 90 Failed
8.75 Seconds | Sesshousuna-Oh targets Shi with Basic Strike.
- Attack (Sesshousuna-Oh) 16 50% Hit
Evasion (Shi) 20
9.52 Seconds | Shi casts Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] with her Offensive Puppet on Shiori. Using her supportive puppet, Shi applies the Overflow Augment from her supportive puppet (x3 buff) but does not use a special action.
- Attack (Shi) 14 Hit
Evasion (Shiori) 17
9.58 Seconds | Bikou attacks Shi with Higuma.
- Attack (Bikou) 14 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 6
Attack (Bikou) 17 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 15
Attack (Bikou) 5 Miss
Evasion (Shi) 14
Attack (Bikou) 3 Miss
Evasion (Shi) 20
Attack (Bikou) 14 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 2
Attack (Bikou) 6 Miss
Evasion (Shi) 20
Attack (Bikou) 19 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 12
10.0 Seconds | Sesshousuna-Oh targets Shi with Basic Strike.
- Attack (Sesshousuna-Oh) 12 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 10
10.0 Seconds | Shiori's Youkai Summon casts Venomous Bite on Hachi and Shi.
- Attack (Youkai) 20 Crit (cannot crit KO'd targets)
Evasion (Hachi) 11 Cannot evade, KO'd
Attack (Youkai) 7 Hit
Evasion (Shi) 1
- Poison Check (Shi) 2 Failure
Poison Check (Youkai) 15
| Due to the tournament in progress. I will have to raincheck this. By all means prep your actions and send them in/post, but I will not be able to mod this until Akkuma is out of his fight. |