The sun is sinking ...
The glancing sound of weaponry and the grunts from breathless lips compose this rondo of battle. There is no trace of a stutter in any step - every hand calls for action, every yell impassioned for the directed assault within it. You are within your element. There is no showing of force these beasts could muster that would have you reconsider this foregone victory. The poise of Chodayu's riposte is unbalancing despite the frenzy the wolves are in, managing effortlessly to lay one low and fend another (our first blood, this empress between the folds of a setting sun); Sakura, within darkness ally nor enemy could perceive, draws a dark force from behind her curtain to call curtain on the fiercest competitor in one fell slice (take a bow, our second blood, the puppetmaster to trump this performance of survival); Izanami's cover fire all but silences the snarls of their aggressors at first warning shot, the second cutting the line of one permanently and setting a fourth for ruin (our third blood, the falcon-eyed shot adapting in step to every attempt at derailing this dance); Ichika, his fight and fury warmth to all behind him and brimstone to those unfortunate before his wake, crowding the current forces to such an extent the coming wave balks from his touch; and Kiseki, drifting above the landscape to deliver the judgment of such pristine lightning to those that threaten his comrades - no longer content taking hits, but crushing attempts of antagonism with divine decree. Break.
You are the moon.
You command the tides of this battle.
Even in this competition, Kiseki Akane manages to throw himself into every stumble until he is no longer falling, but charging. This was not the first threat he'd faced. It wasn't even the greatest number of them. It was, however, the first to find him beset upon so chaotically, locked in seemingly mortal combat with a particular wolf unhappy from his previous egress. "Understood!", was his response in kind to Izanami's chiding, and truth be told he was grateful for the direction - not hurt. His instinct would be to belay his own caution and pin himself between this opponent and its ideal target - currently, their marksman - but he had little in the way of combat tactics. Instinct alone made them no better than these mutated beasts. It was her words and the slyness beneath her gratitude that gave him a release from this gravity: she didn't have to be a ward. She could be a partner. And so, he lept on faith.
It was Chodayu who took their first kill in the piercing, keening, troubling howl of the first wolf - its position at the head of the pack rippled in effect to the remaining wolves, though they didn't have much longer to dwell as the assault continued. The curious point came from their lack of fear. They were not broken by the death of their kin -- they were, if anything, empowered. Their attack renewed. It increased. The malformed animal fell to the ground and blood leaked as ichor across the field, coating the paws of the remaining beasts in tarry liquid that added only churning noises to this cacophony. Sakura's Sadako, a new vision in black and void, sprung from its abyssal place and tore the second wolf in half. It happened in an instant, moments after Kiseki had to fend it with his bloodied limbs and find solace in the skies, but it happened all the same. Assumedly. Sakura was still nowhere to be found, but Kiseki had to trust - and relieve - that this was her manner of support. It was effective.
This signaled the descent of the second pack they had heard from the wheat, burning orange in hue from the fleeing light to ram half-shaded into the fray. The response was immediate. Ichika was forced into combat with the closest of the new three as it lept to his place and Chodayu's - & the students behind - but Izanami's reply was swift and without mercy. The carcass of the last wolf from their first pack sailed to clear and thrum into the wolf Ichika engaged with as final blood was drawn, leaving the battlefield blackened by both coming night and the blood of these mutations. It flowed like a stream, stickying the border the shinobi stood as defense and the unkempt fur of this second pack. They reveled in bloodying themselves. They gnashed and they snarled in gargled tones, dripping with drool and cloying plasma. Kiseki called down a command - "Break to pieces" - and the runt of these cackling vermin stumbled in step, rerouting to safer prey.
It was a scream from Hikari that drew the first chill. On the third side, with all parties positioned around the confused - and weakly supporting - younger students, Mozuki and the Medic had kept stray hits at bay at cost to themselves. Mozuki's left arm was mangled by a row of teeth he had taken for an almost-unfortunate student, and Hikari had taken a blow in her attempt to help him before Izanami dealt with their winning opponent. It had only gotten worse: the new pack was not beholden to the previous position and came at their less fortified rung, taking both Genin-level to critical states from a flurry of falling claws. Mozuki barely stifled moans of pain and showing bone, Hikari trembling as her right leg twisted unnaturally -- and still they fought back these beasts until the others could wrest control back, herding the students behind them and standing in defense with each other.
The fight continues, but it is not lost. You can hear - no, feel - an unsettlement in the distance, but you have no idea if it seeks you next. All you can do is manage what's in front of you. What now?
The fight continues, but it is not lost. You can hear - no, feel - an unsettlement in the distance, but you have no idea if it seeks you next. All you can do is manage what's in front of you. What now?
dead / dead / dead
Scouting Formation 1: The party is not Surprised.
Scouting Formation 2: Wolves will attack Leaders first.
Defense Formation 1: Allies actions resolve first.
Defense Formation 2: Enemies will only have 1 AP this round.
Defense Formation 3: All allies have +1 AP.
Defense Formation MAX: Enemy waves will be staggered. (One wave at a time.)
Scouting Formation 2: Wolves will attack Leaders first.
Defense Formation 1: Allies actions resolve first.
Defense Formation 2: Enemies will only have 1 AP this round.
Defense Formation 3: All allies have +1 AP.
Defense Formation MAX: Enemy waves will be staggered. (One wave at a time.)
Chodayu is defending Ichika.
Mozuki is defending all Academy Students.
Hikari is on standby.
Academy Students do their best.
.5 AP
Ichika enters Fire Style - Flare Touch.
1 AP
Ichika equips Guren no Ken.
Ichika attacks Wolf C with a free basic strike.
(25%) Hit! Wolf C takes 23 damage.
Wolf A tries to attack Sakura!
Blindshot fail.
Wolf B attacks Chodayu.
Wolf C attacks Kiseki.
(25%) Hit! Kiseki takes 80 HP damage & 20 CP damage. (Spirit Link modifying.)
1.25 AP
Izanami uses Venomous Sting on Wolf B. (Grip modifying.)
1.5 AP
Chodayu uses Air Bullet on Wolf A.
(50%) Hits! Wolf A takes 343 damage and dies.
Sakura uses Channel Puppet on Sadako.
Ichika attacks Wolf C with Uncalled-For Shot.
2 AP
Wolf B attacks Academy Student (3).
Hits! Mozuki defends! Mozuki takes damage.
Wolf C attacks Kiseki.
(50%) Hits! Kiseki takes 160 HP & 40 CP damage. (Spirit Link modifying.)
Kiseki uses Chakra Jumping and goes Airborne.
2.5 AP
Izanami uses 7 Hit Combo on Wolf B. (Grip modifying.)
Miss! (50%) Hits! (50%) Hits! Miss! (25%) Hits! Miss! Hits! Wolf B takes 48 damage! 48 damage! 24 damage! 95 damage!
3 AP
Chodayu uses Air Bullet on Wolf B (retargeted).
Sakura uses Executioner through Sadako on Wolf C. (Channel Puppet modifying.)
Hits! Wolf C takes 1688 damage and dies.
Wolf Pack 2 joins the battle under spray of blood!
Wolf D, E & F approach!
Ichika attacks Wolf D (retargeted) with Roaring Combination.
Miss! (25%) Hits! Miss! Miss! Hits! Crits! Miss! Miss! Wolf D takes 30 damage! 120 damage! 240 damage!!
Wolf B attacks Hikari.
Hits! Hikari takes damage.
3.75 AP
Izanami uses Dynamic Charge with its Special Action on Wolf B targeting Wolf D (retargeted).
Hits! Wolf B takes 432 damage and dies. Wolf D takes 432 damage.
4 AP
Kiseki attacks Wolf F with Orbital Strike.
(50%) Hits! Wolf F takes 675 damage. Crush failed.
Wolf D attacks Chodayu.
Hits! Chodayu takes 200 damage.
Wolf E attacks Mozuki.
Hits! Mozuki takes more damage.
Wolf F attacks Hikari.
Hits! Hikari takes more damage.
Turn 1 has passed, so active wolves have full AP and attack on timing.
New wolves obey Defense Formation rules and have 1 AP and attack last.
Attack target rolls are still weighted toward Leaders due to Scouting Formation. (Double the chance.)
I'm sending a strongly worded letter to Dev about super multi-hit moves. (It's fun AND silly.)
Wolves rolled a lot better this round (actually, you guys just rolled poor.)
I won't make you waste your turn if there are still actions when new wolves come in but old wolves are dead - common sense dictates you're attacking the living targets.
Mozuki is badly injured!
Hikari is badly injured!