Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event Howling in a New Year [Closed]

Akane Kiseki

Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank

The sun remains.

There is toiling in the fields stretching acres to no imagination - warmth spills over this vision like a candied coating, hues of orange and yellow and the slyest whisper of blue (like a promise; "soon, soon") to draw the workers home. There is a gathering. It beckons a throng to peer out over this expanse, armed or curious, on a new expedition that promises you a stroke in its colors. There is nothing to be concerned about. You have your friends and your fellows, your wits and your virtues, your futures and the ambitions they're built on: and the sun remains. Your mission will be a simple one. A project. A projection, even, of your abilities to work in tandem and the trust you place in not your just nation but the faces that make its sum.

You are called to arms - the students by their betters, the betters by their teachers - to lead a patrol excursion through the fields and farmlands. There is a growing wolf population threatening this gentle, tired scape, and under this great sun: you are amassing. It's nothing you can't handle. Not as long as you stay together.

Are you a leader or a follower? Are you ready or not? Here the day comes - it doesn't have your patience.

Welcome to a New Year.

[ Welcome to Kumogakure's first Event of 2024 for our treasured youth: Howling in a New Year with the Academy Students & Genin Equivalents of Cloud!
Please feel free to make your entrance posts over the next week! This Event starts in earnest FEBRUARY 24TH - one week from this post - and order will be set based on post order in introductions!
There will be a 72 Hour expectation for replies after this first week! Please let me know on Discord (@Kise | Nana | Sachi) if you can't meet that and I'll work around you!

Let's have fun! )​


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
Sun-kissed lands are welcoming; preferred for today's mission and its appointed shinobi. Perhaps on purpose. Perhaps to allow for the young and the inexperienced to practice patrolling grounds which are still lit to the eye. Counting the numbers present you get a similar idea. That today's mission is especially tailored for someone like Chodayu to lap experience from. It is a mission involving hounds, alas, but mainly the lookout for them. For their kind. And, ultimately for Chodayu's own, too.

She does find her gaze traveling over her shoulder more often than not. Not to catch fang or fur, but to count the faces she's familiarized herself with for the better part of her day. Little expressions sewn onto new faces, little glances here and there. Upcurled lips, gentle coals for eyes. Refocusing her chin towards the horizon when she registers the reminder she's prepared for her own mind. And although her shoulder poises tall, her head even taller, she keeps this little timer, ticking away in her mind for when and where she should redirect her attention. As to avoid error. As to protect her comrades. As per the responsibility hammered into her from a long history demanding it.

For the umpteenth time that day, Chodayu tosses a smile to the students or whoevers that trail by her side / or those that drag behind. If she hasn't introduced herself yet, she peppers her introduction — "I'm Chodayu," — with a careful warmth. If she has, she moves on to ask: "think we'll find any wolves today?"

wc 250+

Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
A routine mission. Simple enough that students would be allowed to partake. Despite this, Ichika couldn't help but recall how al of his mission led to disaster. The blazing infero that blinked him away, or the piercing chill that impaled his body. Everything he'd seen in Kumogakure led him to believe that it was nothing but a cursed land, plagued with death and misfortune, just waiting to swallow you into the soil. But , even so... He couldn't say it was all bad. He was here and so no matter what, he'd use this body - this life, to protect his home. To protect his smile, if only only so he could greedily covet it, growling at any threat like the loyal guard dog he is. And that's what the mission was. A threat that needed to be eliminated. A pack of very bad dogs have been causing trouble in the plains outside the village.

Ichika wraps his hand around his beloved Kiseki, joining along with the patrol. This time it would be different. An excursion with comrades, new and familiar, who shared the same ideals. With a spring in his step Ichika followa along with the group, shyly introducing him to anyone he hasn't met before. "Hi! I-I'm Ichika! It's a pleasure to meet you!" He'd loudly bluster out, overcompensating for the lingering anxiety of being in a mostly unfamiliar group. His body wasn't flaring up so much as fluttering in optimistic anticipation and being with his boyfriend allowed his courage to bloom so vibrantly. A very tall, mysterious woman posits a question. Her voice is the first drop of spring rain. An ephemeral moment that washes away the last remaining worry. "I'm sure we will. We have quite the pack ourselves, yeah?" He grins wide, like an innocent fool, sparkling like a newly born star.

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆

Once again, I found myself torn away from my beloved studies and precious research by yet another tiresome task. It appears that the path of a shinobi is fraught with as much trouble as it is with rewards. While the promise of unrestricted access to the village’s ninjutsu arts is enticing, it comes with its own set of obligations. Today, Kumogaure demanded that I deal with the nuisance of vermin, and in a squad no less. Perhaps this assignment is an attempt to assess my leadership abilities or even force me into socializing with my fellow shinobi. Having been in training as an Anbu for quite some time, it’s possible that my superiors have taken notice of my exceptional combat skills and test scores, leading to this task. The intentional lack of fieldwork was a deliberate choice, allowing me more time to dedicate to my research.

Regardless of the reasons behind it, I must complete this task in order to return to the grand library, my sanctuary of dusty tomes and empty halls. As I arrived at the designated meeting spot, I observed a motley crew of ninja; a collection of misfits, degenerates, and hobgoblins. Perhaps I will find my place among them. One introduced herself as Chodayu, while another nervously shouted out Ichika; a mix of genin and academy students. How utterly tiresome.

Approaching silently from behind, I allowed the suffocating atmosphere of dread to linger, casting a metaphorical dark cloud over the scene. Crossing my arms and meeting their gazes with my own, I said nothing, reveling in the discomfort I inflicted upon them.

However, amidst the annoyance and discomfort, a flicker of curiosity ignited within me. Despite my disdain for social interactions, I couldn’t help but wonder about the stories and secrets each of these fellow shinobi held. What led them to this path? What fears and ambitions lurked beneath their facades? It was a morbid fascination, akin to studying the behaviors of insects pinned to a display board. “Wolves. They're quite the carnivorous socialites, always ready for a feast. You see, they are just as eager to meet you. They have an insatiable appetite for company, especially when it comes with a side of flesh. You’re not just an arrival to them; you’re a menu item, and they’re dying for the main course. Orochi Sakura. The pleasure is all mine.”


Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The weapon inspection is something to be taken very seriously because in a life-or-death situation your weapon is all that you'll have left to either turn the tide or be swept underneath. Izanami had also made sure that her handgun had enough ammo for today's mission. Apparently they would have to deal with wolves. She wondered if they would have to deal with the Lycans, a creation from the dark past of the revolution that she sided with. Whilst she doesn't see eye to eye with the Cloud shinobi, there is one thing that she can't deny. What happened, with those inhumane experiments... Her skin would crawl.

She would take note of the people who were present all of which had introduced themselves. Normally, she would have her headphones in listening to music, but since this was a team mission, she would need to rely on the others and be wary in case things start to go sideways. "Yume Izanami." She would only introduce herself. She would leave out the information about her thoughts on a possible lycan appearance. Such knowledge would more so bring in questions, mainly who she is and how would she know such things more than the average shinobi? Drama is not something she is looking forward to being an ex-revolutionist that is now trying to do good. "I suggest we take out the Leader of the pack as soon as we are able to discern which that is. Doing so might pacify the rest of the pack."

Akane Kiseki

Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank

The sun remains.

You are gathered. Chodayu, Ichika, Kiseki, Sakura & Izanami are joined by a small gathering of other young Shinobi - not as vibrant in shade or voice, but their fellows all the same. The group will total ten; to our current squad, there is additionally a Genin, a Medic and three other Students. They can be recognized from various classes or not, but their contribution to discussion is less necessary than their bodies in your throng.

The Genin - Mozuki - comes off as nervous and unsure of himself, defaulting his role as leader just under what Chodayu, Sakura and Izanami can offer. While turning a stern eye to the students - Ichika included - who seem poorly prepared for this excursion, he won't speak over the other branched Shinobi. "Really now... "

The Medic - Hikari - is a quiet but kindly sort, eager to prove herself on this first expedition. She hovers around the younger academy flock in an attempt to levy support and soothed nerves, though they still seem to gravitate closer to Chodayu for the serenity she exhibits. "I'm sure we won't have too much trouble!"

A student steers closer to Sakura, seeming to both anticipate and respect the aura of indifference and power exuding from her slight frame. They linger without intruding, as if they'll be safer around her than the others. The rest chatter.

A shock of white peeks from Ichika Kazanari's side as Kiseki is the last to speak up, if one of the firsts to arrive with his boyfriend - embarrassed, almost, though rosy cheeks do little to dissuade him. A hand coils around one of Ichika's before it frees itself, raising to stall then push on and wave in full at the faces he recognizes - a few of the other students and Chodayu, most namely. "Ch-Chodayu-senpai!" His voice is soft despite the tenor of excitement, pushing up onto his toes to be sure he'd properly greet her. He inclines his head just as respectfully, unable to stop the smile parting just over his teeth. "It's really nice to see you again. I feel ... it feels, uhm -- it's really nice to have you here. For this. I'll look out for you too, okay?" A not so silent promise.

"Eheheh, I'm not sure I really want to find the wolves ... but we have to, right?" He tries to pump his arm, keeping the heart to make light of their assignment. After all, this was pretty much a class, wasn't it? They were more than prepared. A melody drifts soft from his lips at Ichika's boundless enthusiasm in turn. "I won't let us down, either." He had to try and match that tempo, at least.

For those he didn't recognize, he lingers particularly on Sakura and Izanami both. Chodayu had granted him a sense of relief - of knowing, without doubt, that they could do this with her here - but these two had their own particular auras. Sakura's mere presence needled a cold feeling up his spine until it spread through his chest, the whisper of an early winter at an ear he tries to hide under his scarf. Yes, she reminded him too much of the girl in white. He'd have to take extra precaution: not to avoid her, but to make sure she wasn't left to the wayside like the ache that couldn't quite leave him.

Still ... her perspective was almost overwhelming. He couldn't help but to laugh, nervous in chitter and evaporating as it hits the warm sunnied air. "Th ... that's probably true, Orochi-senpai. Thank you for accompanying us, then. You seem to know a bit more about what we'll be facing than I do ... we'll be relying on your expertise, okay? I'm Akane Kiseki. Th-the pleasure is mine!" He didn't know whether to bow or salute, so he attempted both, small limbs disappearing into the mess of themselves before straightening again. His eyes glittered.

After Sakura's withering ambience, Izanami presented reliably. She seemed, perhaps, the most prepared and focused on the mission at hand, and the sigh Kiseki kept from frosting his breath was one of further solace. They didn't only bring resilience and knowledge, they had a battle plan. All he had to do was follow orders. "That, uhm - that sounds like an excellent plan, Yume-senpai. We're in really good hands today, it seems. P-please rely on me if you need to! Akane Kiseki, ma'am." A glance stolen back to the rambunctious redhead. "Icchan -- K-Kazanari Ichika is also very excited to listen to and execute any directions precisely." Loaded words for such a bellsong voice.

The group is set. Introductions are finished. Every body is accounted for, and only the future remains inconclusive. Chodayu, Izanami and Sakura must do their part in carving this path forward, while Ichika and Kiseki will have to focus on supporting whatever actions are taken. There are two ways to go down into the farmlands. The leaders must choose to either cut through this field, circle around it, or leave the field entirely and investigate the nearby forest. The students must choose to focus on either scouting or defending while the group moves. There is only so much time for each member to choose their role. Find your footing soon.​

Leaders: Chodayu, Orochi Sakura & Yume Izanami
Students: Kazanari Ichika & Akane Kiseki

For this round, Leaders need to vote on starting Straight Through, Going Around or Leaving the Path. Each Leader gets 1 vote. The route with the most votes is the one expected to be taken by the next event post. You don't know what can happen on a 3 way tie.

For this round, each Student needs to choose to Scout or Defend individually. Scouting students offer bonuses to various pre-combat checks. Defending students offer bonuses to various (upcoming) combat checks.

Each NPC Student offers a small bonus to both Scouting and Defending while still alive.
Mozuki offers a bonus to Scouting while still alive.
Hikari offers a bonus to Defending while still alive.

Kiseki is Defending this round.


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
The first duo are of a sun & its moon; the first a-something eccentric that has Chodayu thinking back to a girl she'd worked with not long ago. The second is a familiar crown of gardenias. "Kiseki-kun." She wants to add: So this is the brighest, biggest flower you spoke of. Her lips settle at a quiet curve instead. Then, mid-nod (at the words from both of the flowers), a third voice comes to them from behind. A girl in dress — (a spider comes to mind) — unspooling information that — after a moment's quiet — Chodayu responds to with a "my," and a soundless laugh that she hides behind a long, black sleeve. "I suppose we're like a buffet, then."

Yume Izanami is the first to toss out strategy. Chodayu steadies her shoulders, offers something familiar to a smile and nods; "yes. Good idea." But her her thoughts wander, her eyes with. In her peripheral, she counts the rest of the units that make up their little pack.. and wonders.

Finally; approaching a field and a decision, the young woman pauses in her steps. She spares a generous two seconds before turning to meet the others. Another second, then she begins: "as ms. Orochi said: wolves are rather social, so I see no point in crossing through the field. If they're skulking about, hiding somewhere, I imagine it'd be in the safety of their numbers. In the woods, where they know better. As such, I say we circle the field. We stay close to it — and in the open — " she shoots Ichika and Kiseki a quick look — "and poise a barrier of sorts between the field and the forest. Should they come out of hiding, we'll have an easier time figuring out the leader."

wc 250+
[Chodayu votes to Go Around]

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
As more members trickled in, my opinion of the group remained steadfast, unchanged by their presence. The motley crew consisted mostly of academy students, well-meaning but woefully unprepared for the task at hand. Hunting wolves required skill and precision, qualities sorely lacking in these fledgling shinobi. I knew I would have to adjust my expectations accordingly; the goal wasn’t just to eliminate the threat, but to ensure our own survival in the process.

Despite my initial dry remark, one member, Chodayu, seemed to share my dark sense of humor. She proposed a plan to circle the fields, denying the wolves their advantage of ambush. While her reasoning was sound, it overlooked crucial factors, such as what to do once we encountered the wolves and the impending darkness that would cloak their movements. I couldn’t help but observe these oversights, folding my arms as I pondered our predicament before addressing the group.

“Chodayu, your plan has merit, but it also has its flaws. By circling the fields, we sacrifice the element of surprise, our greatest asset as shinobi. We can’t assume we’re superior to the wolves in number or skill. Underestimating them would be a fatal error. Instead, I propose we focus our efforts on tracking their den in the forest. Wolves often use established pathways, so if we can locate their den, we can set a trap and eliminate them at dawn.”

I spoke with the certainty of someone who understood the gravity of our situation. In our line of work, death was an ever-present companion, and I was determined to outsmart it. By directing our attention to the forest, we could turn the tables on our elusive adversaries and emerge victorious. Our perhaps it was I who overestimated our own capabilities. The forest held many things that went bump in the night. Wolves may not be our only concern…

wc 250+
[Orochi Sakura votes to Visit the Forest]

Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
The rest of the patrol trickles in and Ichika finds himself a bit more relaxed. There's an air of confidence and competency among his peers and superiors alike. Today he would simply be a dog of war - a soldier following orders and protecting his comrades from being hurt. He'll ensure that the mission would have no casualties this time. The image of that wall of flames and the cold reality that sometimes you have to leave a friend or comrade behind haunted him. Ichika refused to allow such a beautiful world be brushed over in dreadful strokes. Ichika squeezes his beloved's hand, heeding the macabre words of the maiden clad in black and in a staunch rebellion of that potential scenario, he lets slips a defiant bark. "Like hell any of us are gonna be dog food! I won't allow it..." He blinks and remembers his manners, bowing to the rest of the new arrivals and introducing himself properly. "Ah! Excuse me! Nice to meet you Sakura, Ms. Chodayu and Izanami! I'm Kazanari Ichika!" An awkward giggle to accompany his warm smile.

Ichika's blood slowly simmers, warming him up to get his mind and body ready for combat. He's alert, watching and waiting at heel for orders as he holds onto Kiseki. The group leaders are discussing their route and Ichika doesn't have a mind one way or another regardless of his say in the matter. It's just simpler to do as he's told and follow along like the good dog he is if it means the group remains safe he'll remain on standby until told otherwise. Ichika scan's the tree line and surrounding field for any sign of movement. Still, he'd act like a barrier for the team, burning away any lesser mongrel before their fangs ever found purchase. An ember ready to ignite and scorch any threat to cinders.

wc. 250+
[Ichika is Defending]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami would listen to the two other leaders talking about tactics on how to deal with moving forward. Chodayu's plan sounded rather sound, as for Sakura's... The blacksmith would bite the inside of her lip. Does she not know how wolves work? She would shake her head and then say, "Dogs overall have better hearing and sense of smell over humans, even that of shinobi training. Wolves are more in tune with their senses than a household dog. While the idea to go to their den and set traps, I think it is more likely that they will be aware of us as soon as we set foot into their territory." She would pause before going on, "If I were to take a guess, it is possible that they already have our scent and are watching our every move. Going into heavily wooded area would only prove beneficial to them rather than us."

Sighing, the Genin would go on to say, "I agree with Chodayu. But along with that, if anyone here has any tracking abilities, whether they be by pure skill or through a bloodline or such, like the Byakugan or the Sharingan, I think it would be wise to use in such situation so that we will be less caught unawares. Staying out in the open would also mean that the wolves would have to come to us rather than us going to them."

She would check her handgun, making sure that it was in good shape for a fight. That is something all people who appreciate the work of art put into their tools. It only just happens that Izanami's tools are meant for killing, and keeping her safe from unwanted wolf bites.

(Going with the Go around option)

Akane Kiseki

Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank

The sun remains...?

There's a tense air that hits or settles over each individual in this mottled circle - and it comes not from discussion, for any disagreements they might have pales compared to the upcoming trial. It is an aura of action. The Leaders of this patrol squad have settled on going around the plainscape, careful and alert to follow it edges and watch for threats both inside and out its fringe. Mozuki waits for the three defaulted superiors of the group before putting his lot in with the majority vote - Chodayu and Izanami's - with a solemn, studious tone. Hikari laughs off the stifled feeling in her chest as if the sound could dissipate all friction. Sakura's little fan - the academy student shadowing her - seemed disappointed that her new idol was outruled, but time would tell which choice was their best. What matters: there is now a plan. It will be followed.

[ Chodayu & Izanami receive Initiative. (Act first in battle.)
Sakura receives Defiance. (+10% damage against enemies.)
Ichika & Kiseki have Defended. (Defense Formation MAXED.) ]​

Kiseki wavers for a moment before they set off, finding Ichika again just to brush the boy's shoulder before, ultimately, breaking off and lingering closer to the back of the group - following directive to form a well-kempt barrier for the expedition. He leaves Ichika in Chodayu's care with a lingering, soft smile her way, the twitch of his fingers a muted wave so as not to overstay its welcome in the seriousness of their duty. It was Izanami's suggestion that stalls him the next moment - a request for any requisite dojutsu, and his hand lifting to the side of his face only to play at his temple. His eyes ached. The Sharingan, she said, like Tobias-sensei & Misaki-chan? The look of himself in a mirror. His lips falling. Unnecessary concerns right now.

"I ... I'm more of a Genjutsu fighter, and Icchan -- Ichika's suited for close range combat, so I'm not sure we can offer much sensory wise ..." He wouldn't hold them to explaining their various roles in battle, but this was their chance if they wanted to define themselves for the group. Hikari restates that she'll handle their Medical attention. Mozuki is strapped to the gills with various ninja tools. Sakura's tagalog Academy Student has a knife. The other two, chatting amongst themselves and in small talk with Chodayu and Ichika, offer little before they see Izanami's firearm and babble in awe. They'll contribute little, but their role is to follow orders. "... I don't think we'll have to worry about ourselves too much offensively, then ... haha." Was that too deadpan? His grin is shy. "I've never seen a weapon like that, Yume-senpai."

He had a brief thought to try and apply a wide-spread illusion around them during the course of their walking, but he realized the complexity of the idea on his first handseal - opting to drop it in and keep a close eye on their surroundings instead. A consideration for future training - too many people, too much movement, too nondescript in what its targets could be. "You made a really good point, earlier, Yume-senpai. The wolves will have to come for us ..." A shift to his lips, narrowed eyes on the horizon. "And Orochi-senpai's idea to cut them off at the source ... we actually don't know how many there are, do we...?" It was starting to get colder. The sun had not yet begun to set - but time has passed. It remained. Only for now. "At least it's still bright enough out that --"

A movement in the brush that many of the Shinobi likely respond to at once. A directed sight, but: it was found to be only a rabbit regardless of your actions. Pinned or slaughtered at that point, likely. That wasn't the curious note. It had been fast - scampering from something. Something ...

An opposite scouting party finds yours. You hear the growl before you see its sources. It was too early in the afternoon for this interaction - but they are riled, and by what? You have little time to consider the peculiarity. Fangs and teeth and bright yellow eyes derive from the shadowed boughs, and you have but moments before they descend. Tense paws that dig at earth and pry from the darkness. They're bigger than expected. More sounds from the other direction - and within the field, a third symphony. Wheat out of your sightline parts. What now?​


???/??? ???/??? ???/???
Pack 1 is Approaching!
Scouting Formation 1: The party is not Surprised.
Scouting Formation 2:
Wolves will attack Leaders first.
Defense Formation 1: Allies actions resolve first.
Defense Formation 2: Enemies will only have 1 AP this round.
Defense Formation 3: All allies have +1 AP.
Defense Formation MAX: Enemy waves will be staggered. (One wave at a time.)

Chodayu & Izanami will act first due to their Initiative.
Sakura has a +10% Damage bonus due to Defiance.
Academy Students will not act.
Mozuki will defend Academy Students.
Hikari is on reserve.​

All party members have 4 AP this round. AP can be spent in any actions you use equivalent to their AP cost. No AP will carry over. 1 AP can be spent to defend another target. 1 AP can be spent to rest and recover 10%HP/CP. Event runner will handle all necessary rolls.
Please post your actions at the end of your response!​


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
A tilt of her head misplaces a few ink-like strands. Her eyes dance over to Sakura, and she paints over herself a smile before the girl can finish her proposition. As is tradition. And tradition demands she contain the little thoughts that bubble beneath the surface. Izanami voices her opinions, Chodayu offers an agreeing nod, and the same thoughts happily sink back down. They start on their path.

Chodayu catches Kiseki's look with a smile of her own. Her next step shifts an inch out of place to bring her closer to the boy's lover. "Close-range combat, is it?" she ponders. "I'll need to stick close then." She runs her gaze over Ichika & the other two academy students. "In turn, try to stick close to me, yes?" Here, she tightens the corners of her lips as to break any attempts of growing dread. Her current role in battle was unspecified. In place of a certain range, stance, or what have you, Chodayu takes on a flexible position. Should something be in the distance, she'll cover long-range. Should something come close, she'll adapt. Her priorities (a set of students) huddle close by, and she — in return — sticks close to them.

And so when the airs thicken, and the cold carefully begins to pick up, her eyes flicker to the sudden sound as though her life depends on it. A frightened creature — she pauses, whispers out a sharp: "wait," and holds up a long sleeve. A growl. A cold-turned-chill.

They're large. Nothing else rings as loud of an alarm. Tradition & care is tossed aside, Chodayu acts before she knows it: a flurry of hand seals. Then — WHOOSH

Three consecutive bullets of air shoot towards the animals. Two for the wolves in sight, one for the third hidden out of-.

wc 250+
Rookie Class
HP: (38+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (38+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: None
High: None
Average: All
Low: None

Agility: 50
Stamina: 50
Taijutsu: 20
Ninjutsu: 50
Genjutsu: 50
Chakra Control: 50%
PL: 270
CL: 2
[1ap]: Air Bullet [215cp]
A jutsu that creates a condensed sphere of air, that when shot is capable of blowing the target off their feet, leaving them defenseless and open for a quick moment while they regain balance.
- (Rank 1) Blows a gust of wind doing 685 damage at +1 Accuracy. This has a 12% chance of causing the 'Gaspless' effect.
- The 'Gaspless' effect inflicts suppression and causes the victim to pay +10% Ap to their next Action. This may only happen once per use.

1ap: target Wolf A with Rank 1 Air Bullet
1ap: target Wolf B with Rank 1 Air Bullet
1ap: target Wolf C with Rank 1 Air Bullet
1ap: defend Ichika
Last edited:

Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
A spark of anxiety that's smothered out with the unspoken command of: "Stay" from his partner and left in the care of Chodayu and the other students. Her aura radiates an unmistakable dedication to protect her charges. And it's an odd feeling for Ichika. The urge to bark out and proudly exclaim that he can take care of himself perfectly well is kept locked away in the confines of his throat. He wanted to be the one to protect others. To ensure that nobody would have the burden of seeing their comrades die, fertilizer for flowers that will bloom in their passing. Or even for the ones that must pass on their will, their legacy, far too early with nothing but memories and regrets left behind. Death is unacceptable. It's ugly. An inevitability in their line of work especially and even so... He would fight to preserve the beauty that's woven so clearly in between the lines of such vile fate. But he understands that the burden is shared by all and so he remains silent, allowing himself the kindness of being sheltered. He nods to Chodayu with a little smile betraying his attempt at reservation. "I'll be in your care, ma'am."

Ichika follows along staying close, keeping a wary eye on their surroundings. His arms are raised, hands behind his head, humming a little tune as he listens in on the group finalizing their decision. There's a calm in the air, deafening silence in a way that screams out - Danger! The discordant stillness that signifies the hunt. Ichika has felt this sensation before in that nightmarish jungle, his hair bristles before the first rustling of leaves. A rabbit fleeing from the beasts that lurk in the shadows in spite of the lingering sun.

Ichika growls and barks a command for the other students in his periphery, putting himself between them and the wolves. "Stick close behind us and stay together no matter what!" It was instinctual and second nature at this point. Ichika wrings his chakra out, burning a hole in his stomach as his blood bubbles in scalding eruptions. Legs planted into the ground with a whirlwind of seals that channels chakra into his palm, harnessing fire that flickers, and then rages, pumping more chakra into a grander display. The giant flame takes flight, soaring through the air at his targets, howling loud on its explosive impact. He otherwise prepares himself, ready to fight tooth and nail to defend the party.

Blooming Courage
: (60+Level) * Stamina
CP: (30+Level) * Chakra Control
Class Bonus: +1 Free Basic Attack, +1 Accuracy (4 Points total)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC

Level: 3
Agility: 100
Stamina: 120
Ninjutsu: 100
Genjutsu: 50
Taijutsu: 100
Chakra Control: 100
Power level: 570

1. Combat Instinct
2. Hyperactive
3. Fire - Chakra Style
4. Hidden Power

1.5 AP Fireball - 300 Cp
Master: Shoots a fireball that explodes dealing 900 damage with a 16% chance of causing the 'sear' effect.
Special Action - Grand Fireball: By paying +20% Cp, the user may increase the radius of the explosion to effect +1 target. However, this technique only deals 80% of the damage.

1 AP Defend Kiseki

1 AP Defend Mozuki

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
As my cold, calculating eyes flickered towards the genin who dared challenge my flawless judgment with her reasoning, a subtle smirk tugged at the corner of my lips. How amusing it was to be lectured on wolf behavior and prowess, as if I weren't the most astute among us. The audacity… Their inability to fathom the depth of my knowledge on all matters rendered any response futile. With arms crossed in a gesture of silent dismissal, I reminded myself that they were mere genin, after all. How blissful it must be to afford such ignorance and nativity.

Despite their inadequacies, I reluctantly proceeded with their plan. Yet, as we advanced, my attention was drawn to one student who persisted in shadowing my every move, undeterred by my somber demeanor. They appeared ill-prepared for the task ahead, but I remained silent, studying them intently, my mind calculating their every action.

However, my observation was abruptly interrupted by a disturbance in the bushes, revealing the consequences of our companions' flawed tactics. From the depths emerged mutant-sized wolves, their size akin to that of horses, their feral eyes gleaming with hunger. The realization of our dire situation forced us to confront the harsh reality of our mission.

While my comrades braced themselves for the impending danger, I couldn't help but notice the determined grip of the student who had clung to my side. With a fleeting exchange of glances, I offered a faint, almost imperceptible nod before vanishing from their view, disappearing into the shadows to fulfill my duty.

My focus shifted solely to the task at hand: eradicating the wolf infestation. Assessing the enemy's strength, numbers, and den location became paramount, requiring me to disregard the distractions of my companions. Amidst the chaos, I seized the opportunity to gather crucial intelligence, my mind sharp and focused, unmoved by the fate of my fellow operatives.


Agility: ???
Stamina: ???
Taijutsu: ???
Ninjutsu: ???
Genjutsu: ???
Chakra Ctl: ???
PL: ???

  • Using Initiative ability: Independent special move - Vanish [-1ap]
Effect: The user enters stealth. This stealth check does not occur immediately, the AP timing is 3 seconds after the user enters stealth. Requires a 15 second cooldown after use.


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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami would let out a small sigh. So it doesn't seem that they have any sensory type ninja. It would be a whole lot better if they did. They'll just have to depend on their own ninja instincts for this mission. On the comment about her weapon, she lifted it up. "This? It's just a normal handgun, but capable of channeling my chakra through so that it can withstand some attacks. Still honing my weapon making with using chakra.'

But otherwise, she would be quiet as she looked around for the wolves. And oh boy, she would immediately recognize that these aren't the normal type of wolves. Not if you count one being the size of a car normal sized. She wondered... Was this a result of the draconian faction of the revolution? She pushed the thought out of her mind. No way this is connected. What that faction made was humanoid monstrosities. Unless...

Shaking her head, Izanami forced herself to look at the problem ahead of her. She had to steel her focus, gripping her gun and aiming it at the unnaturally large wolves. Her eyes would be full of resolve as she would say "I'll need clear line of sight, so don't get in my way." No time for pleasantries to say things like please. She knows how she works, and as long as nobody is stupid enough to walk in front of her while she is shooting, they should be fine. Focusing her chakra to her gun, she would fire it at the wolves.

OOC Rank: E
Agility: 50/50
Stamina: 50/50
Ninjutsu: 5/50
Genjutsu: 5/50
Taijutsu: 500/50
Chakra Control: 5/50
Power level: 165

Battlesmith's masterwork ability 1/3= +1 acc

Rookie Class
HP: (38+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (38+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: None
High: None
Average: All
Low: None

Hand gun
+1 acc, -5% damage
augment 1: rough divide (purchase link)
augment 2: locked
augment 3: locked

I'm assuming Izanami already has her handgun equipped since had talked about it in previous post
but if not equipping handgun 0.5 ap

Using grip (mastered) for the next projectile type attack 0.75 ap
Using charge (mastered) for next attack 0.75 ap
Using unforseen strike (mastered) on wolf A and wolf B 0.75 ap
Using curve shot (mastered) on Wolf C 0.75 ap

Akane Kiseki

Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank

The sun is sinking ...

The unexpected arrival of rival forces wasn't nearly enough to stall the young leaders and fervent followers in their response. Action was taken immediately by every party save the more undoctrinated students and the team's only medical shinobi - as she restrains herself in the back to be prepared for a situation that necessitates her. The reply was swift and justified. Chodayu swung into action afront her fledgeling charges with the winds of war at her back; Izanami shifted into immediate preparation for a ruthless rain upon their aggressors; Sakura blent into the shadows themselves to wrest them back from the predators that thought themselves at her level; Ichika lunged into the fray as a hound out of hell, clearing their path with fire and virtue; and Kiseki, positioning himself between his marksman ally and the beasts engrossing, stumbled through the wielding of a blade but righted with lightning divine for justice delivered.

The wolves were pushed back in the instance of their arrival, bullets both elemental and very real piercing their hides and disquieting their footing even as fire follows to scorch the plain they still dared to walk. The aggression from all parties managed to turn the tide of the battle before it had its chance to start. The scattered students, hidden by the throng of those that took their defensive position around the party, managed little more than preparing themselves with Kunai and alarmed yelps, grimacing behind Mozuki's place at their front and the core of their turtled strategy. Even he managed to bark orders at the trainees in this time of stress, huddling them in formation and tensing to take what comes their way. The wolves circle, growling and groaning in equal amounts. They do not seem dissuaded from combat: if anything, the counter attack seemed to urge them to fight more desperately. They would not run to lick their wounds.​

Kiseki's hands gripped unsteadily around a sword he hadn't mastered use of, but the act of holding the weapon helped center his breathing; it sparked with electricity on every exhalation, frost flowing through thin ionization until it was left to wisp behind him as he moved. He merely lashed at the closest target - the third wolf, primed near him, Izanami and Sakura - while trusting Ichika, Chodayu and the other faces to manage against their side. They were winning. Already! They could handle this! He could handle this. One hit was enough to keep the momentum going, swinging like he'd seen Ichika with his bat, to spin a full circle off the glance of his blade and watch the aria of gale and brimstone as his friends proved their capability. He couldn't fight himself from adding to their symphony in a bolt of lightning from the part of his lips, a soundless scream to rip through the haunch of a wolf advancing on them both. That's all he could give in support: it left him with just enough time, still in rotation, to plant steady feet in the way of a wolf's attack on Izanami. It was basic ninja etiquette. You didn't let your ranged party members suffer under a melee combatant.

The little mage used his body and the course of static chakra through it to catch the wolf's teeth against his arm and sword, hissing through his own until the energy glanced from white fangs and set them apart again. "Y-Yume-senpai!" It was just an exclamation. He needed no further action on her part; but he couldn't turn to look at her as they paced, ignoring the thrum of blood that welled at his wrist. Breathe out. Breathe in. She had her own position more than managed as he heard the rapidbeat of fire to force the monstrosities back, and he knew his choice was right. God, that was cool.

Orange was in hue around them all, the sun beginning its slow - unwelcome - descent.

Chodayu, while positioned to keep her appointed ally in Ichika safe, couldn't manage to stop him from taking gnashing teeth and sweeping claws for Mozuki; startling the other Genin, unprepared for one of the louder students to risk his own body in place of the one meant to be protecting them. "What do you think you're doing?! I've got our defensive line! Shit! Focus on pressuring the targets!" His agitation bled with a tincture of regret and appreciation, a notion he couldn't find in his nerves to voice.

They would have to take up stance again. Rather, they weren't given the chance to slip from it at all. Sakura had the best vantage to note the ailing of the current pack, but another would soon join them, and as clean as their initial response was - they'd have to keep this up. There was no room for fault. This wasn't just a real fight - it was with beasts, mutated and snarling, that cared nothing for honor or politics, standing or their futures. This was to the death or to nothing at all. The party could run: but they wouldn't, would they? Not against their duty. This was assumedly the force terrorizing the locals, if not just an aspect of it. They had a job to do.

Yellow burns a darker shade from the drifting sky, apathetic. What now?​


???/??? ???/??? ???/???
Scouting Formation 1: The party is not Surprised.
Scouting Formation 2:
Wolves will attack Leaders first.
Defense Formation 1: Allies actions resolve first.
Defense Formation 2: Enemies will only have 1 AP this round.
Defense Formation 3: All allies have +1 AP.
Defense Formation MAX: Enemy waves will be staggered. (One wave at a time.)

Izanami is equipped with Handgun.
Chodayu is defending Ichika.
Ichika is defending Kiseki.
Ichika is defending Mozuki.
Kiseki is defending Izanami.
Kiseki is defending Sakura.
Mozuki is defending all Academy Students.
Hikari is on standby.
Academy Students do their best.

.5 AP
Kiseki equips Sincerity.

.75 AP
Izanami prepares Grip for her next Projectile Taijutsu.
Sakura uses Vanish and goes into Stealth. Wolf Pack 1 has lost her!

1 AP
Kiseki enters Lightning Chakra Style - Volt Jump.
Kiseki attacks Wolf C with a free Basic Strike.
(Full Hit) Hits! Wolf C takes 90 damage.

1.25 AP
Ichika uses Fireball Jutsu with Special Action - Grand Fireball targeting Wolf A and Wolf B.
(Full Hit) Hits! Wolf A takes 720 damage. Sear success. Wolf A is Seared. (+10% damage from next crit/attack.)
(Full Hit)
Hits! Wolf B takes 720 damage. Sear fails.

1.5 AP
Chodayu attacks Wolf A with Air Bullet.
(Full Hit) Hits! Wolf A takes 754 damage. Sear removed. Gaspless failed.
Izanami prepares Charge for her next attack.

1.75 AP
Kiseki attacks Wolf B with Storm Bolt.
(Full Hit) Hits! Wolf B takes 355 damage. Stun fails.

2.25 AP
Izanami uses Unforeseen Strike on Wolf A and Wolf B. (Grip & Charge modifying.)

2.5 AP
Sakura uses Inner Earth Reflection Lure.
Sakura is already in stealth! Elemental Barrier + 1350 HP.

3 AP
Chodayu attacks Wolf B with Air Bullet.
(Full Hit) Hits! Wolf B takes 685 damage. Gaspless failed.
Izanami attacks Wolf C with Curve Shot. (Grip modifying.)
(Unique Full Hit) Hits! Wolf C takes 250 damage.

3.75 AP
Sakura's Vanish is sniffed out by the wolves.
Wolf A Awareness failed.
Wolf B Awareness failed.
Wolf C Awareness failed.
Sakura has the upper hand!

Wolf Pack 1 only has 1 AP this turn!
Wolf A attacks Izanami. Kiseki defends!
(Full Hit) Hits! Kiseki receives the attack in place of Izanami! Kiseki takes 320 HP damage & 80 CP damage. (Spirit Link modifying.)
Wolf B attacks Chodayu.
Wolf C attacks Mozuki. Ichika defends!
(Full Hit) Hits! Ichika receives the attack in place of Mozuki! Ichika takes 750 damage.

Izanami's Unforeseen Strike comes back with a vengeance at Wolf A and Wolf B! (Grip & Charge modifying.)
Crits! Hits! Crits! Wolf A takes 166 damage! 83 damage! 166 damage!
Miss! Hits! Hits!
Wolf B takes 83 damage! 83 damage!

Sakura gathers information:
Wolf A is barely standing.
Wolf B is weathered.
Wolf C is spirited.
Pack 2 is assessing before approach! It will join once 2 wolves die!


Air Bullet has a 1.5 AP cost, so Chodayu was unable to fulfill her attack on Wolf C.
Sakura can't go into double turbo ultra stealth with IERL but the wolves can't find her anyway.
Jesus Christ Izanami on 2 natural 20s.
Ichika, Sakura & Kiseki all have No Armor: making mod timings really silly.
This party is safety netting each other aggressively.
The wolves never rolled higher than single digit for any dodges.
Wolf attack targets are decided randomly (prioritizing Leaders for round 1.)
Wolves will have full AP next round!


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
Everybody takes action. An exchange of blows; chaos unravels before them under a setting sun. Like a moonflower that only blooms with the night. Sounds explode one way, the wolves another. Before her, Chodayu witnesses one hound be beaten into impotence. When she runs her gaze over the pack, over to her side, her — "oh my," — lips wither into a line. "Ichika-kun!" The failure was on her part, and she'd wished for Mozuki to redirect his words towards her.

But there's no time, and if there is, it only chips away at her consciousness. Regrettably, she turns her back. The day grows darker by the minute. Light was abandoning them, with it: the advantage. She'd need to eliminate the enemies before anything else.

"This one is nearly out!" she calls out just as her hands finish the sequence from before. Another elemental bullet zips through the air, meant to both gesture towards and (hopefully) finish the first wolf. "Focus the rest!"

But a successful hit is merely what Chodayu covets. Who's to say her prayers will be heard?

wc 170+
Rookie Class
HP: (38+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (38+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: None
High: None
Average: All
Low: None

Agility: 50
Stamina: 50
Taijutsu: 20
Ninjutsu: 50
Genjutsu: 50
Chakra Control: 50%
PL: 270
CL: 2
[1.5ap]: Air Bullet [215cp]
A jutsu that creates a condensed sphere of air, that when shot is capable of blowing the target off their feet, leaving them defenseless and open for a quick moment while they regain balance.
- (Rank 1) Blows a gust of wind doing 685 damage at +1 Accuracy. This has a 12% chance of causing the 'Gaspless' effect.
- The 'Gaspless' effect inflicts suppression and causes the victim to pay +10% Ap to their next Action. This may only happen once per use.

1.5ap: target Wolf A with Rank 1 Air Bullet
1.5ap: target Wolf A with Rank 1 Air Bullet
1ap: defend Ichika

Conditional: if Wolf A dies from first Air Bullet, redirect the second one towards Wolf B.

Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
The chaos and frenzy of battle if you could even call it that. The beasts descend with gnashing teeth and serrated claws with the sun submerging to the shadows if by their will. The party is holding their own, whittling away at their staggered number with their stalwart defensive line. Ichika catches a glance a wolf priming its claws to strike at Mozuki, throwing himself in the way. A wailing hiss of pain and throbbing sting and trickling of blood. It wasn't a deep scratch, his durability and tolerance for pain an afterthought to the safety of his comrades. He notices Kiseki doing the same thing for the gunslinger and the very idea of his beloved being hurt makes his blood boil, and despite it all - Ichika feels immensely proud.

There can be no distractions beyond that in this struggle of life and death. Chodayu calls out to focus on the others and Ichika acknowledges. Besides, he's got a bone to pick with the mutt that gave him this wound. "I'll keep this fresh one busy! Don't let them break our formation!" Harness that fire and unleash it, leaving even the sun in your shadow. That somber golden hue of the slumbering sun ignited in a second daybreak. Ichika's body glows, wringing his charka through scorched veins until a tranquil aura of fire envelops him. Burn bright and reduce your enemies to ash. Let them throw themselves into the pyre if they wish to do so, before the hound of hell consumes them in infernal flames.

Ichika lunges forward to the wolf he's designated as prey, twisting his body to launch his foot into its head. Kicking off the ground with kindled fists, sparks and cinders splashing with every motion of his attempted onslaught on the beast, bearing down on the creature with tooth and claw of his own and growls just as ferocious. Chodayu was covering for him so he'd position himself to retreat and protect Kiseki should the wolves decide to skulk around and get any stupid ideas.

Blooming Courage
: (60+Level) * Stamina
CP: (30+Level) * Chakra Control
Class Bonus: +1 Free Basic Attack, +1 Accuracy (4 Points total)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC

Level: 3
Agility: 100
Stamina: 120
Ninjutsu: 100
Genjutsu: 50
Taijutsu: 100
Chakra Control: 100
Power level: 570

1. Combat Instinct
2. Hyperactive
3. Fire - Chakra Style
4. Hidden Power

Name: Guren no Ken [Fists]
Damage Type: Unarmed [Handseals]
Damage Modifiers: -10% Bonus Damage
Accuracy Modifiers: +2 Accuracy
Augment 1: Dual Weapon
Augment 2: Special Composition (Fire)

(.5 AP) Entered Fire - Chakra Style
Flare Touch: Melee contact with the user will result in extra damage being done to the attacker, dealing (25 / 75 / 125 / 250 / 300 / 400) Fire Damage. This damage can be Buffed up to 30%.
  • Melee contact is when the user attacks with melee accuracy or is attacked with melee accuracy.
  • Damage done by Flare Touch is based on the user's OOC Rank, being (E / D / C / B / A / S) respectively.
  • Multi-Hits counts as one contact.
(.5 AP) Equipped Guren no Ken

Free Basic Attack - Class Action - Wolf C Targeted

(.75 AP) Uncalled-For Shot - 55 CP - Wolf C Targeted
Rank 1: 1 Strike at +3 Accuracy dealing 170 Damage. Upon a Full Hit, this has a 8% chance to inflict a -1 Dodge to the next Offensive Action targeting the target.

(1.75 AP) Roaring Combination - 320 CP - Wolf C Targeted
Rank 1: 8 Strikes at +1 Accuracy dealing 120 Damage each.
Last edited:

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Fast as her hands were, she is still a novice in the whole fighting sense of things. Whilst in the Revolution, she stayed behind the lines, focusing on making weapons made for war rather than using said weapons on the frontline. In the end, a child younger than her threw themselves in front of her to protect her. She grimaced. She isn't one to depend on others. In a quick look around, she hasn't seen Sakura-san, but there's a chance that she might be up to some secret stuff to get the upper hand on the enemy. For right now, she has to focus on laying cover fire on the mutated wolves.

In this instance, she had an idea. Maybe this is what she really needed in order to further her own skills. The thought of death, the threat of an enemy, is something that she needed all along. Bringing out some trinkets from her pocket, she fiddled with them and her handgun real quick before using chakra to meld them together.

"Don't worry about me. If you needlessly throw yourself in danger you're only going to end up being a liability." It was rather cold to say, but it needed to be said. While she may be an ex-enemy of the Cloud Shinobi, it doesn't mean that she's heartless. And besides, she doubts that this is all of the wolves in the area. "Fix yourself up. I should be good for both long and close range combat now. And thanks for the inspiration." If anyone looked at Izanami's handgun, they would realize that it looks a tad bit bulkier, with some rather rare but strong metals fused into it.

Since Kiseki said its fine to use updated stats and dojos

+2 taijutsu acc from Battlesmith's masterwork

OOC Rank: D
Agility: 50/100
Stamina: 90/100
Ninjutsu: 50/100
Genjutsu: 50/100
Taijutsu: 100/100
Chakra Control: 100/100
Power level: 440

The blacksmith prodigy
HP: (40+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class bonus: +2 dodge
High: Melee acc, ranged acc
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu save
Low: Ninjutsu acc, Genjutsu DC

Hand gun
Projectile/bludgeoning (eternal arms mastery)
bleeding, +3% chance to bleed
+1 acc, +0% damage
augment 0: blood rack (purchase link)
augment 1: rough divide (purchase link)
augment 2: free flow (purchase link)
augment 3: locked

1.25 ap: venomous sting (mastered) on Wolf B
Rank 2: The user strikes at a single target dealing 675 Damage. Upon a full hit the target suffers a -2 Dodge to the next offensive based action performed against them by the user.
Rank 2 Cost: 225 Cp
1.25 ap: 7 hit combo (mastered) on wolf B
Rank 2: 7 strikes at normal Accuracy dealing 95 Damage each.
Rank 2 Cost: 245 Cp
1.25 ap: dynamic charge (mastered) on wolf B (using special action to launch wolf B at wolf C)
Rank 2: 1 Strike at normal Accuracy dealing 675 Damage. Target has a 16% chance to take 10% more damage for ten seconds.
Special Action: By lowering the base damage of this technique by 20% the user may choose to attempt to send the initial target into a secondary target dealing 80% of the damage to that target.
Rank 2 Cost: 225 Cp
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Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
In the realm of operations, chaos reigned, a disarray I abhorred, favoring instead the elegance of order and efficiency. Nonetheless, credit must be accorded where warranted. The wolves, with audacity, confronted us unabashedly. Yet, cunning pervaded their actions, a trait expected of apex predators. Rather than launching into mindless assaults akin to ravenous beasts, the mutant wolves deployed a strategic trio to engage us, while the remainder observed, meticulously evaluating our capabilities. It became apparent that these three wolves represented the weakest links within their pack, a calculated move reminiscent of my own predatory nature - observing, waiting for the opportune moment to pounce.

Amidst the confrontation, my attention oscillated between the adversaries and my comrades, meticulously scrutinizing their decision-making, tactical acumen, skills, and strengths. Who among them displayed the potential to ascend to elite status? Was it the valiant student who intercepted the wolf’s charge, or perhaps the natural leader, Chodayu? Others too exhibited promise, igniting a devious smile within me as darkness enveloped my thoughts. The time was ripe for my intervention.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, a scheme unfurled in my mind, a plan to lure out the alpha of the wolf pack with a new challenger. Swiftly, I retrieved a ninja scroll from my side, its kanji inscription, even in darkness, legible: “Void.”

With the summoning complete, a mournful wail resonated from the depths below, intensifying until the earth split asunder, revealing a spectral figure - Sadako, the Void Walker - emerging from the depths, her pallid visage veiled by cascading ebony locks. A new challenger had emerged, poised to test the mettle of both wolf and warrior alike.



Name: Sadako
Type: Hito Puppet - Void Walker
Effect: Suppression
Modifier: +2 acc/ -10% dmg
Additional Subtype: Slashing Tai

  • Blitz
  • Eclipse Blade - Dependent Special Move
  • Chain Link

- Use Channel Puppet r2 on Sadako. (-1.75ap)
- Use Executioner r2 with Sadako on the healthiest wolf. No armor and Blitz reduce timing by 0.75sec. (-2.25)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
