Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Knocking on Heaven's Door [Open]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Natsuru would silently comply to Kazuki's decision. Given his recent record of having his orders, either disobeyed or challenged, it was quite a novel feeling to be had. Still he was happy to see she was seeing the savyness on his decision. It was not that he distrusted her completely, but her sudden appearance would upset a balance that had been created since she was gone. He was not ready to accept that his little sister was back, especially now that was so much at stake. Freed from the yoke of the Fire Daimyo, it would seem there was another one plotting to do the same. The discovery he was a Ancient Hybrid also gave him much to think about. Having is long, lost Sister to show up like that, it was both a blessing and a curse. He deeply missed her, but what if this was all a ruse? He needed more proof and only time would tell him if he was wrong in believing in her, or he was wrong and should have sided with Neophyte. He would have to talk with Sousuke soon, perhaps to have him enlist Natsuru's aid in the Medical Branch, something he had shown to be good, her combat skills notwithstanding.

Speaking of the Ait. Seeing the young Senju woman leave the room, escorted by the two Jounin, it was time to tackle the other big elephant in the room. Turning to face the disguised Mother Suna, the Senju Overlord silently studied the woman. She had revealed to be privy to knowledge few people in Sunagakure had in their possession. Namely his lack of immediate family. Only two were aware of the status of his family. And, although he considered the Senju clan as family, they were not exactly the same as Natsuru, Tadao, Minoru and Nagato are. Still precious, but not as so. Neophyte was also, apparently, quite possessive of him, not wiling to let him go to the Fire Country, dreading the fact that he could return home and not come back. A weird notion given their record of having met once before. And she had called him kin. All in all, he could only conclude one thing. The AiT was someone in disguised, someone from Sunagakure's legend. Mother Suna most likely. "Who are you beneath that mask?" Reaper would inquire after creating a globe of shadows that would shield from any ears in the vicinities.
[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]
Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin[lb][/lb]




Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013


He was going to fall for it, for the long-lost sister act this dame was putting on. She never pegged Kazuki as the sentimental type. Now Kazuki would have to contend with that woman living in his household, a woman that might very well want him dead. And what would she do then? He was a hybrid, he would die a human's death. The thread of Ancient lineage she found in him was remote, she fed into it and she was letting that portion of his nature grow and germinate into something better than he was before. It would slowly devour his humanity, at least she hoped, because if he stayed a man who ate other men after long enough he would start to unravel. They followed the law and subjected themselves to the aversion of what was taboo for a reason. A reason Kazuki could never understand, even if he heard the tales of the Wild Hunt the actual effects are so far removed from even the annals of history that it would seem more like a parable than a historical account. "You are making a mistake Kazuki..." she would mutter as a pair of Jounin arrived to take the Sennin's sister away. She let out a sigh.

That left just the Sennin and her. She would the legs of the chair tap the ground and slide back the metal seat as she rose to her full height. He already warned her that she would be dealt with for her insubordination as well as potentially her 'mistreatment' of his sister. Darkness would envelope the space they shared. She would look up and watch the gloom enclose her in this room with the Sennin. She considered him dangerous in their tense alliance, she had no reason to trust him beyond the fact that he has not revealed her true identity to Sousuke yet. She expected that to occur any day. Still, he was family and family was indeed rare. She would not try to flee, she understood that it would prove to be a futile effort, the shadows were like the bars on a cage and even if she were to run past the shadow's furthest border that would only mean a fight between the two of them. A fight where she would have to hurt him. This did not need to devolve into combat so she stood there, her arms at her side.

"Who are you beneath that mask?"

"I cannot answer, Sir," Neophyte would answer. There was a reason they wore the mask and that was to obfuscate their true identity from the world. To separate their identity from their deeds. In fact, compliance would be a punishable offense although non-compliance would prove to be similarly punishable. "Kaza has already explained to me that our identities are not something we can share, but I am sure that you are well aware of that, Sennin." This was true, one of Roku's many faces had briefly explained the anonymity of their vocation on their first meeting [well, first time meeting Kaza].

She would approach Kazuki, "but I will warn you again that she, whoever she is, is a mistake." She hoped that he realized that she was dangerous, not the capacity to be powerful but dangerous for him. When she moved close enough to him she would make a single request before she was held responsible for her actions. "May I have back my snapshot before I suffer the consequences of my insubordination?" She would hold out her hand, behind the mask she was frowning. She needed that memory for something. She would prove the validity of her fears one way or another to the Deep Court hybrid. Well, more than likely not. She needed that memory to track the girl down now that they were separated, track her and then eat her.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
”You are making a mistake Kazuki…” Neophyte would mutter as she saw the duo Jounin escorting Natsuru out of their site and right into the Senju Compound. ”The only mistake I am making, is allowing your mouth to run wildly as it did. Rest assure it was my last.” Kazuki retorted. After englobing them inside an orb of shadows, the Senju Overlord would ask the AiT to reveal her identity. For the first time, though, he was almost glad with her answer, even though it would do her no good. ”I cannot answer, Sir. Kaza has already explained to me that our identities are not something we can share, but I am sure that you are well aware of that, Sennin.” For the first time ever, she seemed to remember protocol, but if that was the game she wanted to play, the White Wolf would oblige. ”It seems you have finally decided to properly follow protocol, but it is rather too late now. From this moment henceforth, you are striped from your AiT rank and removed from the ANBU branch.” the silvery haired man would dictate. He had the power to do so, and she had proven time, and time again, she could not be trusted. Was he capable of undoing what he had just done? Of course. But was he willing? She would have to prove him wrong first. ”But I will warn again that she, whoever she is, is a mistake. the former AiT would persist. She was insistent, he had to give her that at least. But she was wrong. That was Natsuru or a perfect clone of her. Either way, he was not so ready to fully believe in that woman just yet. The questions he had just posed to her, were just the beginning of a series of tests. Exams that would allow him to conclude if she really was his sister or not. The shadowy environment did not encumber Reaper’s eyesight at all, but apparently it did for her as the former AiT drew closer. ”May I have back my snapshot before I suffer the consequences of my insubordination? she would question.

Part of her punishment had already been delivered. She was no longer part of the ANBU Branch. She would certainly not get back that snapshot as well. ”No, you won’t be getting this snapshot anytime soon. You have to earn it first. Remove your mask, now.” the Deep Court Hybrid would order her. ”Your punishment will continue after you have removed it. I am waiting Suna. And I will not wait forever.” the Occult Sennin would warn. All clues indicated Neophyte to be her. But was she really the Earth Court Queen? If so, she had a terrific job of infiltrating the ANBU Branch without anyone knowing he true identity. Were the village's eyes so blind? To allow one declared enemy to infiltrate the worst branch of all? Where she was able to inflict more harm? Perhaps Sunagakure was in dire need of a purge. But if the woman was not who he think she was? This was about to get interesting, one way or another though.

[MFT - 525]​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Altercations and ultimatums, it was so human. The darkness of the Deep Court hybrid ensconced them, leaving only silhouettes in the false nocturne. She was angry --- angry at him for being so foolish and so blind, for letting his emotions override his logic but that is what she was doing also. Why should she care if he allows a wolf into his den? She told herself that she did not care but she was lying to herself. It all came from fear, she was afraid. She did not fear Kazuki, she feared for him. It was a loss of breath and an ache in her chest she did not fully comprehend. This pain was foreign to her, humans feared for their family, friends and loved ones because their lives were finite and they were delicate creatures but until recently there was no such concern for one of her kind. She did not even know how to convey the sentiment, what to name it, how to say that she did not want Kazuki to die.

He would not listen to her.

He stripped her of her rank and she could feel her cheeks burn. Pride ran deep in most Ancients, she was no different. In the end, it did not matter. "So be it," she exhaled. There was no use debating him, he had the authority to do so and further argument from her would not change that fact. He demanded her mask again. Her bandaged fingers would reach behind her head and would unfasten the buckles that held her mask in place. The leather straps would go slack and the porcelain visage would fall into her waiting palms. Beneath the mask was a bandaged face. She was paranoid enough to wear these bandages when she donned the mask. She protected her face, as temporary as it might have been because with it came an identity she was unwilling to disclose. "The mask belongs to you, nothing else since I was relived of duty." She would relinquish the simple, featureless mask she had wore into Kazuki's possibly waiting hands.

She was no longer an ANBU in training, meaning she had no rank and was not subject to his demands but he had every right to his property. She was not his property and she would not respond to his either lucky guess or brilliant deduction because he was either uncertain or attempting to demonstrate his authority and dominance over her. His position and his authority ended at the disparity in their rank, something that no longer existed when he removed her rank. She was unwilling to submit or give him the answers he could use to destroy her. While she might have cared for him with a deep intensity, she was pragmatic and no fool. She knew her sentiments were not requited, she appreciated his silence regarding her position in Sousuke's office but her rank in the ANBU was in part a backup plan in case Kazuki betrayed her or Sousuke got wise so she would have a place to hide. That safety net was now gone, meaning that she would have to leave. She could not risk being revealed at an unfavorable time. How unfortunate.

She mulled her options, it did not take long for her to come to a conclusion. "I won't remove the bandages, those are mine." she warned. Her eyes looked towards the door Kazuki's sister left through with the Jounin pair. She was still thinking about her. She slid her foot back as she prepared to defend herself. "Is this where we fight Sir? Where I flee? I feel compelled to remind you that you lost your authority over me when you removed my rank, meaning I am no longer a shinobi. You cannot force my compliance with words or threats and a physical assault against a civilian is not in your best interest because I am still a capable combatant." She warned, speaking with the awkward cadence Neophyte commonly employed to conceal her trademark expressions and vernacular. Her continued 'polite' insubordination.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
”So be it.” Suna would acquiesce after hearing she had been relieved of her ANBU rank. Kazuki knew of Suna's pride. All Ancients had it, deeply rooted within their genes. It came with their race. How did he knew? Because he also suffered from that curse. He was prideful, and he knew it. The Senju Ovelord would silently watch as she removed her mask. "The mask belongs to you, nothing else since I was relived of duty." Neophyte, or better yet, the woman that once answered by such codename, would note as she gave the mask to the silvery haired man. The White Wolf mused a bit as he held that item. She seemed to be taking this relieve of ANBU duty in a totally different way than expected. Reaper had only removed her from that branch, not from the village's military system altogether. "I won't remove the bandages, those are mine. Is this where we fight Sir? Where I flee? I feel compelled to remind you that you lost your authority over me when you removed my rank, meaning I am no longer a shinobi. You cannot force my compliance with words or threats and a physical assault against a civilian is not in your best interest because I am still a capable combatant.

The Occult Sennin would chuckle upon hearing her tirade. She was delusional. He also did not fail to notice how she had gazed the door used by Natsuru and her escorts to leave the premises. Still focused on her, right? "Fight? Flee? Civilian?" he would question, having his voice carry out an offended tone."No. That is your answer. I have no desire to fight you Mother Suna. Never had and I don't have it now. And you are still a shinobi. I removed you from the ANBU branch, but you are not free from the military service. You are now a Chuunin of Sunagakure. Under my direct authority." the Deep Court Hybrid would clarify. She wanted to flee, but she couldn't. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, they said. He knew she was posing as Sousuke's secretary, and he had yet to reveal that. He was waiting for the right opportunity. It was coming, soon.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"Fight? Flee? Civilian?"

From the tone of his voice she took it that he considered her point of view absurd. She raised a bandaged brow at him.

"No. That is your answer. I have no desire to fight you Mother Suna. Never had and I don't have it now. And you are still a shinobi. I removed you from the ANBU branch, but you are not free from the military service. You are now a Chuunin of Sunagakure. Under my direct authority."</B><i></i>

Stubbornness. A trait they shared. <B>"Not interested," she would reply with a cold tone. She was getting impatient and irritated, it was likely that he was feeling the same. She wanted to leave and sulk, then stalk and kill the girl but she was stuck here with the hybrid debating semantics. "Neophyte was a recognized member of the Sunan militia, not the woman beneath. As far as the world is concerned, she is a civilian and you... a power-mad Sennin." Was she wrong, not really. It was a flaw in the ANBU system. The point of those masks and robes was to obfuscate the identity of the shinobi beneath, something the upper echelon took rather seriously as not even superior officers knew the true name and face of the shinobi beneath. Of course, that was the point -- confidentiality to protect those who serve. Every man has a breaking point and every man has a price, just some are greater than others. Without these protections, a single betrayal would rock the entire branch but with these protections things such as Suna can infiltrate the branch and climb the ranks. It was a terrifying consideration.

She let out a breath of air, considering her position. Actually, that worked. With an apparent change of heart she would announce, "actually, Chuunin is acceptable."

Her fingers sought the distal point on her bandages. With a firm tug she would start to unravel the bandages and they were numerous. There was one thing that could be said of her efforts, she took care in ensuring her true form was fully concealed. One would have to wonder how many hours she spent wrapping those pristine bandages in the manner that she did. It looked like it took longer than it actually had, with her nimble practiced fingers she had done this process many times. As the ream would unravel, she left the discarded bandage on the floor as she resumed with the strip of cloth that lay beneath. He would know her face, the sharp jawline and peachy skin and her long, blonde tresses but he did not need to see her face to know it was her because he was previously certain enough to call her by name twice. She understood that this was a part of the process. This was something Fuujin was quite fond of: Playing Games with pride -- to prove a hunch and to lord what authority one had. Some considered it his strength, but it was actually Fuujin's greatest weakness since he lacked for nothing else. In fact, she smiled.

Let's see where he takes this.

She did not think he had thought this out, not really. It was like 'demoting' a brick layer to become an sales associate at a local store. She was not 'trained' as a shinobi, there was no record of a Rioshi at the Academy and she was known, at least by the present world as Sousuke's secretary. She what, suddenly took a second job? Her previous identity as a former ANBU hopeful revealed -- if you want to destroy the trust and morale of your men that would be how you did it. Would there be conflicts in expectations, in time management? Maybe he just felt he needed a secretary as well. It was sick in a way that she was truly curious. "Are you satisfied..." One of her hands planted on her hip, "boss?"

This was fun, she was smiling and for a moment she forgot about his bitchy fake sister. She pushed it to the back of her mind again, only a flash of that unpleasantness would cross her face. Back to his 'victory' lap,"Chuunin -- eh?" How is this supposed to work?

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
”Not interested.” Suna would coldly reply after hearing she was still conscripted into Suna’s military service as a Chuunin of the Main Branch. Kazuki almost smirked. He had expected such a reaction from her. With this cover blown, she would have to flee the village anytime soon. Since, being forced to remain there, with full visibility to her actual form, would be, even for her, a very hard blow to handle. Neophyte was a recognized member of the Sunan militia, not the woman beneath. As far as the world is concerned, she is a civilian and you… a power-mad Sennin.” she would further add. ”Your interests are the least of my concerns. Just like you will do anything to achieve your goals, including posing as Sousuke’s secretary and infiltrating the ANBU Branch, I will do the same to reach mine. And everybody that counts knows I crave power, the same is true for my clan. That is old news now.” the Senju Overlord would reply, using a hard tone. What goals he had, though, he did not clarify. To most, he was an enigma. His true allegiances hidden, and no one was certain which side he would strike first. It was a position that benefited him the most and he would work to ensure it stayed like that. It meant, everyone was on their toes around him.

”Actually, Chuunin is acceptable.” the shinobi formerly known as Neophyte would suddenly announce. It was odd. She seemed rather adamant in removing herself from the shinobi ranks. But apparently something had provoked a change of heart. And the motives were far from benign, that the White Wolf was certain. The silvery haired man silently watched as Mother Suna began removing those many layers of bandages that concealed who she really was. Slowly, but steadily, she revealed herself in all of her glory. Peachy skin, blond tresses. Indeed she was quite a sight for a male gaze. There was no doubt about it. Most would utilize such appearance for their benefit, but even if she actually thought of using it, Reaper was not interested in it. There was no space for love in his heart. Something he actually lacked after a, not so much, tragic encounter with the Youkai kind.

Now, what was the Sennin’s angle there? For once, he had removed a very tricky thorn from the ANBU branch. That was the primary goal, but why had he insisted for her to remain? Sousuke knew her as a simple secretary, but in reality, she was Mother Suna, the Queen of Ancients, and his dire enemy. ”Are you satisfied…boss?” she would question, one of her hands planted on the hip. Kazuki noticed her stance, but opted to ignore it. He had thought this through, even if the plan was far from perfect. ”Remove the trainee Neophyte from the ANBU records.” the Senju Overlord would order via his headset. From that moment on, she no longer existed, and who she was beneath was not important. ”Neophyte no longer exists. The woman beneath that mask is not important, since no one knew about it, and it will stay that way.” the silvery haired man would note, leaving an implied threat in his sentence. If she were to share anything about this event, something would happen that would make her regret. Perhaps her cover blown up. Or her children killed. Who knew.

”Chuunin – eh?” The White Wolf would nod. ”To the world you are known as Rioshi, Sousuke’s personal secretary. But in times of war, civilians sometimes must pick up weapons and fight for their leaders. This is what has happened to you. Your story is that you have decided to learn the shinobi arts so you could protect your employer. You sought a teacher and, ended up, being trained by me. You showed to be an apt learner and quickly grown in skill and I have made you a Chuunin in light of your accomplishments. You will stay as the Kazekage’s secretary. You will no longer have the benefit of anonymity as you had before. And I will blow your cover if you undermine Sousuke’s work.” he warned her. But the real question was why had he not done that before? Why was he insisting that she should stay inside those walls? The worst enemy one can have, is one you cannot perceive his motives. Reaper was this to the Ancient race. He was one of them, even if partially. He had, unlike them, infiltrated each chain of command in Sunagakure and he was firmly established in their hierarchy. He had power and real authority over the people of Sand. Unlike their enemies, he was in a position that allowed him to bring Sunagakure’s downfall from within. But they were not aware of he was with them or not. ”What happened to those Ancients we have discovered together? Those that were slumbering.” he would innocently inquire.

[MFT - 821]​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013


”Remove the trainee Neophyte from the ANBU records... Neophyte no longer exists. The woman beneath that mask is not important, since no one knew about it, and it will stay that way.”

Kazuki made the call. She was to be stricken from the records, a dangerous call to make without explanation. She reached down to the floor and took a bit of the discarded bandage in her hand. She ripped off a short length and combed her blonde hair back with her fingers before she bound her locks in a low ponytail to keep her hair out of her face. She wondered how the ANBU Captains and Kazekage would feel about that. She was of course not aware that Reaper and the hybrid were one in the same. Nor was she aware that the -other- Captain was the consumer she met in the desert, a new sort of monstrosity she had never seen before but would soon enough learn that he was less a novelty than she presumed. He might have a plan of some sort, but he was playing a dangerous game with her if he thought that the threat of revealing her identity would be enough to keep her on a leash. With each passing hour it would be harder for him to explain why he did not tell the Kazekage. Kazuki would be a fool if he were to believe that Sousuke was his friend, that Sousuke would trust his judgement and defer his wrath. She was like family to him and he ripped her apart. What would he do to a foreigner that shook his confidence and pride?

”To the world you are known as Rioshi, Sousuke’s personal secretary. But in times of war, civilians sometimes must pick up weapons and fight for their leaders. This is what has happened to you. Your story is that you have decided to learn the shinobi arts so you could protect your employer. You sought a teacher and, ended up, being trained by me. You showed to be an apt learner and quickly grown in skill and I have made you a Chuunin in light of your accomplishments. You will stay as the Kazekage’s secretary. You will no longer have the benefit of anonymity as you had before. And I will blow your cover if you undermine Sousuke’s work.”

So those were his terms. A rather long leash and proximity still to the man she wanted to see suffer. Fascinating. Did he trust her to abide?

He thought he could use what he knew about her to keep her in line. Did the hybrid think he could? She could not help but smile, she had been undermining Sousuke's efforts for months. From tainting the drinks of dignitaries with a potent drug that made their burgeoning paranoia bubble over to sending children to their deaths in Sora promising them a promotion for their success in kidnapping the Daimyo's daughter. She had already started to turn the gears of war between the Wind Country government and this hidden village. "Too late," she would ominously warn him. Surely he already knew that, taking the position she had she would be a fool to remain inert. "But you are so very scary," she shook her head side to side "and I fear you wrath." She raised her right hand, "so... I promise to not cause further disturbances as Rioshi." She was not bound to her word but perhaps she did not need to be, she had already done so much damage. If those kids return with the heiress, it will be the start of a war. If they are captured, it will be the start of a war because they would break. Success was irrelevant for them. Of course she had played into the Daimyo's hands when she sent those kids. The Daimyo was merely waiting for an 'excuse' to attack, sending dangerous mercenary groups into the village to wreck havoc that could only peripherally be traced back to him so that they would react. So he could tell the other nations about the dangerous and terrible Sunans that they shared a country with. About the dangerous and terrible shinobi that needed to be destroyed.

”What happened to those Ancients we have discovered together? Those that were slumbering.”

"Gone," she claimed as she fixed her eyes on the Sennin and her head shook side to side. "And I know not where."

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
After explain what kind of leash she was in now, Suna would openly smile. Was she thinking he had no way to enforce his will on her? He actually had his ways to ensure she would stay in a virtuous path from now on. And he was willing to use any of them. "Too late. But you are so very scary and I fear you wrath. So... I promise to not cause further disturbances as Rioshi." Kazuki would snort upon hearing those words. He was not a fool. "Oh, I know you have caused enough mischief for centuries to come. In fact, I am pretty certain of that. And I doubt you will stop doing it, because I have commanded you. You were not born as the obeying type and you will never be one. Earth Queen, we have a common enemy, even you have not realized it yet. Undermining Sunagakure will hasten our defeat and will ensure your own. Your future is bleak. You will either die permanently, or you will become a slave." the Senju Overlord would reply, alluding to the war with the Daimyo. And how he had enslaved Ancients to fuel his army. A terrible fate to any sentient creature.

His change of direction into asking where those ancients were, had been an intentional one. Her answer, expected. "Gone. And I know not where." Why had he inquired Suna about their whereabouts? He did not doubt the veracity of her claim. She feared the safety of their kind and would not risk losing them. She would rather send them away instead. The White Wolf was about to embark on a journey that could lead to his potential demise, but perhaps she needed to be shocked. She needed to be shown she was not as superior as she thought to be. Like she had done before to him, before Natsuru's departure. The silvery haired man would place his right index finger on his right temple. A tiny, shiny, marble-like orb would accompany his finger as he removed it from the side of his head. A memory he had to share with her. "Here, it is yours." Considering she was expecting to have her snapshot returned, she shouldn't suspect anything.

If she were to retrieve that memory and place it back, she would see something that would make her horrified. She would see images of her precious ancients, the ones that she had just discovered, chained to black pillars. Their bodies pierced by many rods made of the same material as the pillars they seemed to be bound to. All of them had were completely immobile and a little emaciated. They were being controlled, somehow, and their essences were being drained in a constant manner. For someone like her, this would be hell.

"I have a question for you. Did you ever seen something like what happened in the Obsidian Palace before? I am speaking about the souls that flocked toward me, without my direct intervention. I thought we had to exert some sort of control to absorb them, but I did not need any back then. I wonder why." he would inquire, suddenly changing the subject of their conversation into something radically different. Yes, all part of his game still.

Snapshot taken.
Fake snapshot offered.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013


"Oh, I know you have caused enough mischief for centuries to come. In fact, I am pretty certain of that. And I doubt you will stop doing it, because I have commanded you. You were not born as the obeying type and you will never be one. Earth Queen, we have a common enemy, even you have not realized it yet. Undermining Sunagakure will hasten our defeat and will ensure your own. Your future is bleak. You will either die permanently, or you will become a slave."

"More than I am now, brother," she would reply grimly. "You do not command peers or friends. And by your assertion I would be trading one master for another," she reminded him. He was the one making demands, to remove her mask and bandage. The one who was fabricating who she was now. For some, the nakedness would be a mark against their pride but she was proud of her body, she chose it herself. The demotion and the lies as well as the threat of revelation. She did not know anything about the Daimyo's diabolical plans. Anything about the Ancients being used to fuel his terrible war machine. "I face death each day I remain. The ever looming threat of being subjugated by a Journeyman's blade... and I am not a fool, I know he seeks a method to ensure I meet my final death." She did not forget the last time she died, screaming while Kazuki watched. Sousuke had cut into her, filled her open wounds as he dissected her while she was still alive with stone and bound her in a shell of crystal before he choked the air from her.

What did he suffer for his inaction? She had barely touched a silver hair on his head.

He asked where her brothers had gone, she told him that she did not know. She lied. She sent them to a place far from the human sentries, as loyal as they were she could not trust that their compliance and fidelity would be eternal. She did not know exactly where they had gone, she did not trust that she could maintain their secret if she endured enough pain. If some insidious creature ever infiltrated the sanctity of her mind. She could not risk that. She would not risk that. She loved them, each and every one of them even if she could not even remember their names. She could barely even remember their faces before she sent them away, but she did not need to. That was not important, their survival was.

Kazuki would place his right index finger on his right temple. A tiny, shiny, marble-like orb would accompany his finger as he removed it from the side of his head. He was finally giving it back to her, a means to hunt that madwoman before she did something they would both regret.

"Here, it is yours."

She readily accepted the glowing orb and pushed it inside of her head. Images would flash before her eyes. The edges of her mouth would tug downward and her lower lip would quiver. A cold sweat would mist her body as her eyes stared forward, through Kazuki and into the darkness beyond as she let the scene play out. Muddy tears would streak her face before she fixed her mournful gaze onto Kazuki and her visage contorted into a terrible, vengeful, snarling expression. He saw this! HE ALLOWED THIS! She did not expect anything from him in regards to herself and he never once disappointed her, he was not her ally and he was not her friend. She took a shuddering breath, and it burned as if she was inhaling burning ash. She could taste the sulfur on her tongue and the bitter bile as it climbed the back of her throat. "I-- I--" She shook her head. "N-no, you..." Through gritted teeth and thoughts of hate and spite. "Have betrayed what infinitesimal confidence I had in you," she felt numb on the surface but her core ached as if she had been kicked in the ribs.

She was not going to say anything more as she widened her stance and started to sing...

0.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
0.00 Seconds | Shiori declares Duelist against Kazuki granting herself +2 to her Genjutsu DC, +10% damage and +10% chance to auto-dodge Kazuki's attacks.
2.50 Seconds | Shiori using her Enthralling Voice cast Prolong [Mastered] <Audial> using Sensory Knowledge Special Move Overload and Elemental Illusion [Fire].
2.50 Seconds | Shiori using her Enthralling Voice cast Slowed Perception [Mastered] <Will> using Sensory Knowledge Special Move Deja-Vu and Elemental Illusion [Fire].
2.50 Seconds | Shiori using her Enthralling Voice cast Lingering Spark [Mastered] <Kinetic> using Sensory Knowledge Special Move Mental Focus and Elemental Illusion [Fire].
2.50 Seconds | Shiori using her Enthralling Voice cast Wither [Mastered] <Audial> Sensory Mastery Special Move Sensory Switch to make this a <Visual Slot Genjutsu> unless Prolong Failed, in which case use Sensory Knowledge Special Move Lock (Conditional) and Elemental Illusion [Fire].
0.00 Seconds | Shiori cast Cancel [Mastered] automatically as a free-action using her ability Willpower.

If at any point Shiori becomes bound or unable to use handseals, her immediate next genjutsu if she has sensory mastery would use Sensory Mastery Move Cerebral Control so that she did not have to use handseals and she could continue her attacks.
If Kazuki casts a Clone jutsu where she is not able to identify her desired target, attack all clones with Thunderclap [Mastered] divided evenly between all targets using Elemental Affinity moves Feint and Overcharge using the ability Elementalist.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"More than I am now, brother. You do not command peers or friends. And by your assertion I would be trading one master for another. I face death each day I remain. The ever looming threat of being subjugated by a Journeyman's blade... and I am not a fool, I know he seeks a method to ensure I meet my final death." Suna would state. Indeed she was a fool. "Your actions are just helping the Wind Daimyo win his war with Sunagakure. Every effort you take to undermine Sand's foundations and hasten its downfall, will only speed up that madman's conquering. If Sand falls, there will be no future for you or the Ancient race. The Daimyo uses our kind as batteries to fuel his war machine." he would tell her. "Yes, Sousuke does want to wipe our race, but at least he offers you the mercy of death, unlike his enemy which will enslave you for all eternity. There will be no freedom for you, either way. I would rather save you from that fate." he would quickly declare. He would rather absorb her essence than allow the Queen to become just another tool in the Daimyo's hands.

With that in mind, he offered her a fake memory. One that would demonstrate what would happen to her precious sons if the Diamyo were to, either find them, or plain win the war. Of course, he expected her to take it badly. And badly she took it. Tears would drop, only to be replaced by an angry expression. A visceral, animal like expression, that disfigured her fairness. "I-- I-- N-no, you... Have betrayed what infinitesimal confidence I had in you," she would claim through gritted teeth. The Senju Overlord would shook his head. "I merely showed you what will happen if you persist in undermining Sousuke. That is not real, but if you wish to go down that path. Lets fight Mother Suna, but let me warn you. You will regret this decision for the rest of your life."

Activate Duelist on Shiori
Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori
Cast Elemental Clone - Mastered (Special Action: 3 clones) (Special Action: Fire) (2 AP)
Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3 (1AP)
Followed by Shadow Neck Bind - Shadow Strangulation Jutsu - R3 (2 AP) (But modded at the same time of Shadow Possession)
Cast Corpse Soil - B-Rank Ninjutsu - Mastered (2.5 AP)
Cast Ebony Nightmare - Mastered (2.5 AP)

If I am aware I'm under a genjutsu Clarity, cast Cancel Mastered.
Reapply Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3 (1AP) if Shiori escapes the bind.
If Shiori creates clones I'm not aware of who the real Shiori is, cast Thunderclap - Mastered, divided evenly among all targets, using Elementalist's property to use Affinity moves Focus and Feint.
If she enters Stealth, cast Thunderclap - Mastered, divided evenly among all targets, using Elementalist's property to use Affinity moves Focus and Feint.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[col]Senju Kazuki
HP: 39,000 [+1170 Healing Factor] [+1560] [-1230] 37770
Cannot heal genjutsu damages.
CP: 30,000 [-2571] 27429
Corrupted Energy: 10,000 [+1560]
AP: 10 [-9.5] 0.5
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 39,000 [-1560] 37440
CP: 27,000 [-1290] 25710
Corrupted Energy: 8100
AP: 10 [-10] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23

0.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
  • Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 8 Failed
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 16
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Dark Invitation on Shiori.
  • Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 20 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 14
0.00 Seconds | Shiori declares Duelist against Kazuki granting herself +2 to her Genjutsu DC, +10% damage and +10% chance to auto-dodge Kazuki's attacks.
0.00 Seconds | Activate Duelist on Shiori.
Do not forget to define what sort of bonus your character gets with Duelist. you activated it at the start of the battle, so RAW states you can still define it.
2.00 seconds | Kazuki cast Elemental Clone - Mastered (Special Action: 3 clones) (Special Action: Fire).
  • Awareness Check (Shiori) 11 Success, Shiori knows which one is the real Kazuki.
    Stealth Check (Kazuki for Clones) 9
2.50 Seconds | Shiori using her Enthralling Voice cast Prolong [Mastered] <Audial> using Sensory Knowledge Special Move Overload and Elemental Illusion [Fire].
  • Attack (Shiori) 16 + 23 + 2 + 2 HIT
    Evasion (Kazuki) 14 + 25
    -15% Chance for Ninjutsu Secondary effect to take place. Ninjutsu are modded as costing +1 additional AP.
    Kazuki would be aware that he is under the effect of a Genjutsu due to Clarity.
3.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 4 MISS
    Evasion (Shiori) 11
    Kazuki would not have been able to use Cancel because at Mastered it only goes as high as C Rank.
    Since she never "broke out of the bind, but rather avoided it. The conditional where you re-cast the bind would not transpire. Consider wording this differently: If Shiori is unbound at any time for any reason recast X for example.
    The AP cost of this attack is not increased due to the Genjutsu in use because of the Conservative Motion ability.
5.00 Seconds | Shiori using her Enthralling Voice cast Slowed Perception [Mastered] <Will> using Sensory Knowledge Special Move Deja-Vu and Elemental Illusion [Fire].
  • Attack (Shiori) 11 + 23 + 2 + 2 MISS
    Evasion (Kazuki) 16 + 25
    Deja Vu:
    Attack (Shiori) 7 + 2 + 2 Still MISS
    Evasion (Kazuki) 15
5.50 Seconds | Kazuki cast Corpse Soil - B-Rank Ninjutsu - Mastered
  • Attack me with these, every little bit helps.
7.50 Seconds | Shiori using her Enthralling Voice cast Lingering Spark [Mastered] <Kinetic> using Sensory Knowledge Special Move Mental Focus and Elemental Illusion [Fire].
  • Attack (Shiori) 4 + 2 + 2 - 3 + 23 Failed
    Evasion (Kazuki) 12 + 25
    This would be the exception to your immunity with your ability. This reduces your AP pool, rather than increase AP costs. Therefore this is not negated.
8.00 Seconds | Cast Ebony Nightmare - Mastered.
10.0 Seconds | Shiori using her Enthralling Voice cast Wither [Mastered] <Audial> Sensory Mastery Special Move Sensory Switch to make this a <Visual Slot Genjutsu> and Elemental Illusion [Fire].
  • Attack (Shiori) 14 + 23 + 2 + 2 HIT
    Evasion (Kazuki) 13 + 25
    +10% Chance to be auto-hit by Ninjutsu, +15% Ninjutsu Damage taken.
10.0 Seconds | Shiori cast Cancel [Mastered] automatically as a free-action using her ability Willpower.
  • Even if unaware that she is under the influence of a genjutsu she can attempt to cancel the Genjutsu and her Cancel ability can cancel higher level genjutsus.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
She would have to change her tactics. Her genjutsus were taking hold but it was not enough to slow him down, he seemed resistant to her lyrical charms. That was fine, she did not need him to be slow. She would overwhelm him.

"Your actions are just helping the Wind Daimyo win his war with Sunagakure. Every effort you take to undermine Sand's foundations and hasten its downfall, will only speed up that madman's conquering. If Sand falls, there will be no future for you or the Ancient race. The Daimyo uses our kind as batteries to fuel his war machine."

"Ridiculous!" She screamed at him. She was aware of the mounting tensions between the Diamyo and Sunagakure, but this is the first time she had ever heard this mentioned. "Stop making excuses!" If he knew something like that, it anyone knew something like that, someone would have told her. HE would have told her when he learned it, not when he finally stepped over the line to confuse her. To detract from her wrath. If what he said was true, his silence was acceptance. Assistance in the atrocities he had already done. "I am done kowtowing to hybrids, hiding in the shadows and taking your abuse!" The venom seemed to drip from her lips as she rebuked and condemned him.

He had no reason to show her that image -- if it was true he simply idly watched as someone did something awful to her family and then delayed sharing this with her. If it was a forgery -- then why. Why would he do that to her unless it was to hurt her, to torment her. If it was the later, it was effective. She would not forgive him be it the work of a cruel prankster, a sadist or both.

"Yes, Sousuke does want to wipe our race, but at least he offers you the mercy of death, unlike his enemy which will enslave you for all eternity. There will be no freedom for you, either way. I would rather save you from that fate."

"Mercy! MERCY!" The shadows shuddered as she screamed at him. Her voice echoing back her incensed cry. "I will show you the Earth's Mercy!"

"I merely showed you what will happen if you persist in undermining Sousuke. That is not real, but if you wish to go down that path. Lets fight Mother Suna, but let me warn you. You will regret this decision for the rest of your life."

"And you what little is left of yours."

0 Seconds - Shatter Reality Prolong
0 Seconds - Dark Invitation on Kazuki
3.0 Seconds - Shiori casts Graveyard Amalgamation [Mastered] .
  • Graveyard Amalgamation will attack Kazuki upon availability with Grave Stomp [Mastered]
2.5 Seconds - Shiori casts Corpse Soil [Mastered] using Grasp of the Unliving with all but 1 zombie until one of the zombies effectively binds Kazuki. Reserve all other zombies to attack with their next action
2.5 Seconds - Shiori attempts to again use Lingering Spark [Mastered] <Kinetic> with her Enthralling Voice using Focus to increase her chances of success and elemental illusion FIRE.
2.0 Seconds - Shiori casts Impure World Resurrection.
0 Seconds - Cast Cancel as a free action using Willpower.

  1. If Kazuki attempts to Shadow Bind Shiori (since he has already used this attack against her), Shiori will use Stunt Double [Mastered] with Elemental Clone with Element Earth[/url].
    [*]If Kazuki casts a Clone jutsu where she is not able to identify her desired target, attack all clones with Thunderclap [Mastered] divided evenly between all targets using Elemental Affinity moves Feint and Overcharge using the ability Elementalist.
    [*]If Shiori is stealthed at time she is casting Corpse Soil, do not cast Corpse Soil and instead cast Fevre De Pitch [Mastered] on herself.
    [*]If Shiori uses any Conditional, is bound, or suffers AP loss for any reason skip Lingering Spark and go straight to Impure World Resurrection.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Ridiculous!” Suna would scream. Her reaction was not unwarranted, but the fact the refused to listen to reason also indicated how much she had snapped. Kazuki was not lying to her, but like Mikaboshi, she refused to believe. Ancients so full of themselves, thinking they knew it all just because they predated humanity. They were so wrong and it was why they had lost the previous war to begin with. They had all been blind by sheer arrogance. All might and safe in their thrones. Blind to see how a revolution was being formed right under their eyes. How they had given man, the necessary tools for their freedom. ”Stop making excuses.” she would add, further denying the veracity of Reaper’s words. ”Excuses? Toraono Kuro told you this. Mikaboshi is aware of the war with the Daimyo and has even faced one of those ancient-fueled beings. The choice of believing in me, or not, is entirely yours. But regardless. I am still speaking the truth.” he would calmly reply. He did not care if she chose to believe in him or not, he was going to make her see the light. ”I am done kowtowing to hybrids, hiding in the shadows and taking your abuse!” she would condemn him one more time. The Senju Overlord would simply shake his head and not reply.

He would attempt to show her she was doomed either way. But she refused to listen again. ”Mercy!MERCY!” the Earth Queen would shout again. ”I will show you the Earth’s Mercy!” ”Ancients have no mercy.” the silvery haired man would rebuke. ”The old world is dead. This is mankind’s age now. You cannot win and return to a time our race ruled the world. The sooner you realize this, the better. Leave the rest of your life in peace. Do not waste yourself in a pointless war that will only lead to more suffering.”

Maintain everything.
Activate Duelist on Shiori (+2 to Ninjutsu accuracy, +10% damage and +10% chance to auto-dodge Kazuki's attacks.)
Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori
Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3 (1AP)
Cast Graveyard Amalgamation - A-Rank Ninjutsu - Mastered (3 AP)
Cast Corpse Soil - B-Rank Ninjutsu - Mastered (Special Action - Impure World Resurrection) (2.5 AP) (To summon Toraono Reizo)
Cast Dragon Flame Bomb - Mastered (3AP) (Shadow Bend to turn it into a Shadow Jutsu) (Minor Affinity Move: Focus)

Zombies Actions:
Basic Attacks with the Zombie costs 1 AP, deals 200 damage and uses Ninjutsu Accuracy.

Clones Actions:
All use Infernal Ember - R1 (1AP)
And then use Fireball - R1 (Special Action: Mythical Phoenix Fire) (1.5 AP)

Behemoth Actions:
Grave Stomp x2 - For 2 AP, the Bone Behemoth deals 1930 damage to up to 3 targets at -2 Accuracy.

Ebony Actions:
3x Basic attacks cost 1 Ap and use melee accuracy. Basic attacks made by this creation deal 480 damage at +2 Accuracy with a 9% chance of causing bleeding.

If I am bound, corpses will attack me with basic strikes until I am free.
Reapply Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3 (1AP) if Shiori is unbound at any time by any means.
If she enters Stealth, cast Thunderclap - Mastered, using Elementalist's property to use Affinity moves Focus and Feint.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[col3]Senju Kazuki
HP: 37,770 [+1170 Healing Factor] [-5010] 34,320
Cannot heal genjutsu damages.
CP: 27,429 [-3077] 24352
Corrupted Energy: 11,560 [-3025] 8535
AP: 10.5 [-10] 0.5
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 37,440 [-5660] 31780
CP: 25,710 [-935] 24775
Corrupted Energy: 8100 [+1560] 9660
AP: 10 [-10] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23
Stealth[/spoilername]|Shiori's Elemental Clone
HP: 4590
CP: 4590[/col3]

[col3]Kazuki Clone #1
HP: 1700
CP: 1700 [-340] 1360
AP: 2.5|Kazuki Clone #2
HP: 1700
CP: 1700 [-340] 1360
AP: 2.5|Kazuki Clone #3
HP: 1700
CP: 1700 [-340] 1360
AP: 2.5[/col3]

[col3]Kazuki's ebony Nightmare</COLOR><i></i>
HP: 3900
AP: 3||[/col3]

<COLOR color="maroon">0.00 Seconds | Kazuki rolls for Genjutsu resistance against Prolong.</STRIKE>
  • <STRIKE>Shiori 16 Failed to overcome the genjutsu
    Kazuki 12

  • Error here: there is a full round before resistance is rolled unless a crit where there would be 2 rounds.
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki maintains Elemental Clone and Ebony Nightmare.
0.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
  • Shiori 15 4% of max HP has been moved to Shiori's corrupted energy
    Kazuki 5
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki uses Dark Invitation on Shiori.
  • Kazuki 7 Failed
    Shiori 13
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Duelist on Shiori (+2 to Ninjutsu accuracy, +10% damage and +10% chance to auto-dodge.)
0.50 Seconds | Shiori uses Shatter Reality on Prolong..
  • Shiori 14 Shattered Kazuki's reality
    Kazuki 9
1.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3.
  • 1.00 Seconds | Shiori performs a prepared reactionary to cast Stunt Double [Mastered] and Elemental Clone (Earth).
    Note how I phrased the action in my requested action. This is a common misstep in battles (one I used to miss) when it comes to this jutsu it is not an activated auto-dodge, it is a stealth bonus or an evasion buff (when used as a reactionary) so she will NOT be entering stealth with this move but will have an evasion bonus to this attack.
    • Awareness Kazuki 20 Kazuki knows who the real Shiori is.
      Stealth Shiori 3
      Kazuki 5 MISS! If this was a damaging attack a portion of the attack would harm the clones, this attack did not damage and does not move the effects over to the clones.
      Shiori 8
2.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3.
  • Attack 19 - 4 + 2 + 27 Shiori is BOUND.
    Evasion 15 + 23
    10% Chance to autododge. Roll: 88 Failed
3.33 Seconds | Kazuki's Ebony Nightmare does a basic strike attack against Shiori.
  • Ebony Nightmare + 2 + 20 CRIT
    Shiori -3 + 2
    • 24% chance to bleed. 35 Failed
      10% chance to autododge. Roll: 34 Failed
      Shiori is no longer bound
3.33 Seconds |[/b] Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3.
  • Kazuki 8 + 2 - 4 + 27 Shiori is BOUND
    Shiori 9 + 23
    • 10% chance to autododge. Roll: 40 Failed
4.00 Seconds | Kazuki's clones cast Infernal Ember [Rank 1] on Shiori.
  • Clone #1 27 - 1 - 5 + 5 MISS
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 10
    Clones #1 27 - 1 - 5 MISS
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 7
    Clones #1 27 - 1 - 5 + 6 MISS
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 16
    Clone #2 27 - 1 - 5 + 9 MISS
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 19
    Clones #2 27 - 1 - 5 + 11 75% HIT
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 8
    • 10% chance to autododge. Roll: 11 Success, she auto-dodged this attack!
    Clones #2 27 - 1 - 7 + 8 MISS
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 18
    Clone #3 27 - 1 - 7 + 16 HIT
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 2
    • 10% chance to autododge. Roll: 54 Failed
    Clones #3 27 - 1 - 7 + 2 MISS
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 3
    Clones #3 27 - 1 - 5 + 19 HIT
    Shiori 23 - 3 + 2
    • 10% chance to autododge. Roll: 45 Failed
    • Shiori is burned (take +5% damage for a full round)
      Shiori is no longer bound!
4.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3.
  • Kazuki 5 MISS
    Shiori 16
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3.
  • Kazuki 9 + 27 - 4 + 2 HIT Shiori is BOUND
    Shiori 8 + 23
    • 10% chance to autododge. Roll: 57 Failed
5.50 Seconds | Shiori attempts to escape Kazuki's bind. Roll: 4 SUCCESS! Shiori is no longer bound.
6.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3.
  • Kazuki 27 - 4 + 2 + 2 HIT Shiori is BOUND
    Shiori 23 + 5
    • 10% chance to autododge. Roll: 57 Failed
6.66 Seconds | Kazuki's Ebony Nightmare does a basic strike attack against Shiori.
  • Ebony Nightmare + 2 + 14 HIT!
    Shiori 12 - 3
    • 9% chance to bleed. 76 Failed
      10% chance to autododge. Roll: 77 Failed
      Shiori is no longer bound
7.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3.
  • Kazuki 27 - 4 + 2 + 15 HIT Shiori is BOUND
    Shiori 23 + 4
    • 10% chance to autododge. 76 Failed
8.11 Seconds |Shiori attempts to escape Kazuki's bind.
  • Roll: 18 Failed.
9.61 Seconds |Shiori attempts to escape Kazuki's bind.
  • Roll: 72 Failed
10.00 Seconds | Kazuki casts Graveyard Amalgamation [Mastered] .
10.0 Seconds | Shiori cast Cancel as a free action using Willpower.
And then use Fireball - R1 (Special Action: Mythical Phoenix Fire) (1.5 AP)
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's Ebony Nightmare attacks Shiori with a basic attack.
  • Ebony Nightmare + 2 + 7 HIT
    Shiori - 3 + 5
    • 10% chance to autododge. 90 Failed
      9% chance to bleed 72 Failed
      Shiori is no longer bound.
      Kazuki lacks the AP to re-bind
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's elemental clones attack Shiori with Fireball [Rank 1].
  • Clone 15 HIT
    Shiori 5
    • 10% chance to autododge. 26 Failed
      12% chance of causing the 'sear' effect. 100 Failed
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's elemental clones attack Shiori with Fireball [Rank 1].
  • Clone 16 HIT
    Shiori 4
    • 10% chance to autododge. 34 Failed
      12% chance of causing the 'sear' effect. 54 Failed
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's elemental clones attack Shiori with Fireball [Rank 1].
  • Clone 2 MISS
    Shiori 9


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: Good job. Ratcheting this up another level.

Kazuki seemed to know a lot about these 'ancient-fueled' monstrosities that the Daimyō is allegedly collecting to destroy Sunagakure. The sad thing was, this is information that he should not have kept to himself. In a world where 'power' is not the only source of power, but rather information and relationships, there are times when one must and should jealously guard the things that they know even if it is an insult upon the trust others might have for them but this was not one of those times. Not to Shiori in any case. She had no reason to believe him, "you are a liar, the one thing a Deep Court is not." This much was true, he was deceiving her. If the images he shown her were a lie or if the words he gave her now were the untruth. That is the problem when you lie, when you say things only for the purpose of hurting someone. For controlling them. You lose their trust. The silver-tongued scoundrel was a liar and she would make him pay.

She did not expect Kazuki to be as fast as he was or for his shadows to grip her as firmly as they had. She released her aura, the antithesis to the Deep Court hybrid's. Where his was cold, hers was warm. Where his was insidious and silent, her was loud and grating. It sounded like a disturbed hive of bees rallying, the discordant sound crescendoing as her movements ceased. She avoided his first attempt, she saw his gloomy tendrils reach for her and she leaped away, leaving an image in her likeness in her wake but it was not good enough. He saw through the fallacy and his darkness came for her once more. They gripped her -- frozen in space, her bare feet planted on the floor, the noise from her presence had reached a terrible plateau. She could not move her body, she had lost control over herself and she could feel her heart pound. Everyone had something that they feared, something they would spend their life crusading to avoid. And this was hers, at least for a brief moment where she felt herself frozen in time. This was what death was to her, a state of limbo where she could not interact, where she had no control, a state where she was subject to another. She fought against these invisible fetters, her eyes fixed on the hybrid she nearly considered her brother. At this moment she hated him. She did not care if he felt it, her indignation, pain and fear were all she really had anymore as everything else had been stripped away over the years.

Kazuki's creation came for her and she could not flee. She could not avoid it's dangerous descent or its adumbral bite or claw, but it broke the Senju's chimerical hold, albeit liberty would be brief as Kazuki's shadows sought her out once more. Again, stiffly held in place she endured a hailstorm of fire as Kazuki's minion swarm of doppelgangers set her ablaze. As the fire erupted over her pallid flesh, searing her. The pain of the insult released her once more. But again, as quickly as she found movement and she saw his slithering gloom approach early enough to avoid it it would come back around and reach for her again. Kazuki's shadows also gripped her tight. Her frustrations mounting, she breathed through her nose as she tried to calm herself.

The cycle of bondage and pain would persist -- but like all things, even her kind, things do not last forever.

"And go where when my brothers are in chains? Unlike you, I will not be complicit... I will stop you all... someday." It might take years, but she had all the time in the world and nothing left to lose but her autonomy. She had lived a long time, a very very long time. She had fought and seen a great many things. She simply needed to remember. Remember how to fight. She closed her eyes, "liar..."

Take my eyes -- let the colors run dry. I do not need them.

Take my arms -- I do not want to feel you. I can perform my works without them. I do not need them.

Take my legs -- I won't run.

Maintain IWR
Shiori casts using her corrupted energy Reaper's Gaze using her Enthralling Voice to sing the jutsu to increase the accuracy and cast without handseals as well as Genjutsu Special Move Deja-Vu and Shinobi 101 to cast this attack using my Ninjutsu Accuracy. Complete this jutsu even if bound. Repeat this jutsu with the same modifications except Genjutsu Special Move "Focus" if her prior attempt fails. This is done with Elemental Genjutsu FIRE.
Shiori casts Corpse Soil if she is not bound creating zombies that will perform Special Action - Grasp of the Unliving on Kazuki if he is free, otherwise 4 of these zombies will attempt to latch onto Kazuki's creations in the following order: Kazuki's Ebony Nightmare, then Graveyard Amalgamation, then Kazuki's Clones 2, 3 then 1.
Shiori performs Special Action - Impure World Resurrection on her final Corpse.
Shiori's Clone cast Sinkhole Fist [Mastered] on Kazuki's Clone #1.
Shiori's Clone cast Stone Bullet [Mastered] on Kazuki's Clone #1.
Shiori casts Willpower as a free action
If she is unable to cast Corpse Soil or Impure World Resurrection, Shiori shatters Reaper's Gaze and immediately after she casts After Image [Mastered] using her corrupted energy to do so with her Enthralling Voice to sing the jutsu to increase the accuracy and cast without handseals as well as Genjutsu Special Move Blast and Shinobi 101 to cast this attack using my Ninjutsu Accuracy. Complete this jutsu even if bound. This is done with Elemental Genjutsu FIRE.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
”You are a liar, the one thing a Deep Court is not.” Suna would retort upon being told he was speaking the truth. Liar? And what proof do you have I am being less than truthful with you? Show me proof Suna.” Kazuki would lash out, his eyes showing a hint of red. The memories had been fake, no doubt. But everything else he had said to her, had been nothing but the absolute truth. She was too blind with rage and prejudice to see it. Yes, he had taken a major part in her current state of mind. It was far easy to take down an opponent when it can’t think straight. The Senju Overlord was an adept of the Tranquil Fury state of mind. The Earth Queen, apparently, was not. Luckily for him and, unluckily for her.

The last neutral Ancient would release her aura. While the White Wolf’s was cold and deathly, Suna’s was warm and loud. A perfect antithesis of each other. The former AiT had lived for centuries, but she was never ready to face a foe like the silvery haired man was showing to be. They had faced each other before, but last time, he had been frozen inside an icy shell the entire time. Unable to take any action and help Sousuke versus two bitter enemies of humanity. This time, it was an one on one struggle, she had never expected this kind of skillset he possessed. His shadow play was relentless and unforgiving. Reaper captured Shiori under his shadow, despite the Ancient’s attempt of dodging the attack. Taking advantage of her inability to move, the Hybrid’s minions would begin their assault upon the trapped Earth Queen. Because she could not move freely, Suna found it very hard to dodge the incoming strikes from such lowly creatures. She repeatedly got hit by them. But each attack freed her from Kazuki’s shadowy grip. Only for the Queen to have her newfound liberty robbed, almost instantly. A cycle of bondage and pain that repeated itself and repeated itself. Frustration began to rise on her side. The Senju Overlord clearly understood how painful it was to fight against him, when he resorted to what he was better at. A man of a thousand binds. A man that would slowly kill his foe or make him surrender. Not that he was not capable of unleashing a big amount of punishment in a quick way, but that was not his forte.

”And go where when my brothers are in chains? Unlike you, I will not be complicit… I will stop you all… someday.” Suna would claim. Poor creature. She was too bound to the past to see the present and grasp the future. ”Your brothers have been enslaved for decades now. Not by our hands, but by the hands of our enemies. And if you persist in undoing us, you will accomplish what I have been trying to deter. Your extinction.” Reaper would declare. Couldn't she not understand that? "Yield Suna. You cannot win against me. Last time you only won because I was blocked the entire time. You don't such luxury this time. Your time is up and our time is now." The silvery haired man would not slay her, no. But he was not going to extend a red carpet for her either. She was going to learn how nasty a hybrid's bite really could be.

[MFT - 570]

Maintain everything.
Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori.
Cast Corpse Soil - B-Rank Ninjutsu - Mastered to activate Special Action - Impure World Resurrection to summon the Shield of Sand. - 2AP
Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3 (1AP) on Shiori. Reapply Shadow Possession if Shiori is unbound at any time by any means.
Cast Shadow Neck Bind - Shadow Strangulation Jutsu - R3 (2AP) on Shiori. (Modded at the same time as Shadow Possession)

Zombies Actions:
Basic Attacks with the Zombie costs 1 AP, deals 200 damage and uses Ninjutsu Accuracy.

Clones Actions:
All use Infernal Ember - R1 (1AP)
And then use Fireball - R1 (Special Action: Mythical Phoenix Fire) (1.5 AP)

Behemoth Actions:
Grave Stomp x2 - For 2 AP, the Bone Behemoth deals 1930 damage to up to 3 targets at -2 Accuracy.

Ebony Actions:
3x Basic attacks cost 1 Ap and use melee accuracy. Basic attacks made by this creation deal 480 damage at +2 Accuracy with a 9% chance of causing bleeding.

Anytime I am bound, corpses will attack me with basic strikes until I am free.
If any clone is destroyed, cast Elemental Clone - Mastered (Special Action: 3 clones) (Special Action: Earth) using Corrupted Energy as source for its cost.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[col3]Senju Kazuki
HP: 34,320 [+1170 Healing Factor] [-330] 33,990
Cannot heal genjutsu damages.
CP: 27,429 [-3077] 24352
Corrupted Energy: 11,560 [-3025] 8535
AP: 10.5 [-10] 0.5
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 31,780 [-1250] 30530
CP: 24,775 [-320] 24455
Corrupted Energy: 9660 [+4200] 5460
AP: 10 [-7.5] 2.5 => 1 (roll-over)
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23
Stealth[/spoilername]|Shiori's Elemental Clone
HP: 4590
CP: 4590[/col3]

[col3]Kazuki Clone #1
*Poof*|Kazuki Clone #2
*Poof*|Kazuki Clone #3

[col3]Kazuki's Ebony Nightmare
*Poof*|Kazuki's Zombies
*Poof*|Kazuki's IWR

[col3]Shiori's IWR
HP: 18,900
CP: 14,400
AP: 3.5|Shiori's Zombies (x4)
HP: 1122 (each)
AP: 2|[/col3]

0.00 Seconds | Shiori maintains Elemental Clone.
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki maintains Elemental Clone, Graveyard Amalgamation, Corpse Soil and Ebony Nightmare.
0.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
  • Shiori 13 Failed[/color]
    Kazuki 17
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki uses Dark Invitation on Shiori.
  • Kazuki 12
    Shiori 11
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki's corpses attack Shiori (forgot to mod last round) x2 each.
  • Zombie 15 MISS
    Shiori 19
    Zombie 15 HIT
    Shiori 9
    Zombie 4 MISS
    Shiori 13
    Zombie 10 75% HIT
    Shiori 10
    Zombie 13 HIT
    Shiori 9
    Zombie 15 HIT
    Shiori 3
    Zombie 10 HIT
    Shiori 7
    Zombie 3 MISS
    Shiori 15
    Zombie 18 HIT
    Shiori 7
    Zombie 16 50% Hit
    Shiori 17
1.90 Seconds | Kazuki cast Corpse Soil - B-Rank Ninjutsu - Mastered to activate Special Action - Impure World Resurrection to summon the Shield of Sand.
2.86 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3 on Shiori.
  • Kazuki 5 MISS
    Shiori 12
3.00 Seconds | Shiori casts using her corrupted energy Reaper's Gaze using her Enthralling Voice to sing the jutsu to increase the accuracy and cast without handseals as well as Genjutsu Special Move Deja-Vu and Shinobi 101 to cast this attack using my Ninjutsu Accuracy. Complete this jutsu even if bound. Repeat this jutsu with the same modifications except Genjutsu Special Move "Focus" if her prior attempt fails. This is done with Elemental Genjutsu FIRE.
  • Shiori 15 - 1 + 2 + 27 = 43 HIT
    Kazuki 16 + 25 = 41
    Kazuki is chakra-bound.
    Any techniques that require chakra to maintain are stopped: Graveyard Amalgamation, Corpse Soil, Impure World Resurrection, Elemental Clone and Ebony Nightmare all leave the battlefield.
5.24 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to break free of Shiori's genjutsu bind.
  • Kazuki: 28 FAILED
5.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Corpse Soil if she is not bound creating zombies that will perform Special Action - Grasp of the Unliving on Kazuki if he is free, otherwise 4 of these zombies will attempt to latch onto Kazuki's creations in the following order: Kazuki's Ebony Nightmare, then Graveyard Amalgamation, then Kazuki's Clones 2, 3 then 1.
  • Unable to use grasp of the Unliving as there is no unbound Kazuki and there are no creations, summons or clones on the field for her to target.
7.50 Seconds | Shiori performs Special Action - Impure World Resurrection on her final Corpse.
7.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Willpower as a free action.
7.62 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to break free of the genjutsu bind.
  • Kazuki 64 FAILED
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to break free of the genjutsu bind.
  • Kazuki 63 FAILED


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Seeking proof, the man who lied was questioning her veracity. The irony. The left edge of her lip curled upward as she set her cruel gaze upon him. "Proof... That you are a liar?" The cadence of her speech seemed to slow. "Proof... that you are a deceiver?" She circled him, defending herself against his abominations as she did so. "Naked, in the middle of enemy territory I can beat you. Make you submit." A zombie struck her and she blocked another. "I could break you and make you think you wanted it..." Another pair of zombies claw at her as she arced around him. "And I will Kazuki dearest because I cannot endure another moment knowing that a hybrid from a Minor Court is the closest relation I have," she announced as she faced him eye to eye. She was not calling him 'brother' any longer. She hated what Kazuki was, the last vestiges of her kind diluted into such an arrogant man. A man, not even an Ancient who thought himself a Lord. A man who knew of her kind's plight and remained idle -- he was complicit in their suffering if his words rang true.

Her eyes, blue as they were burned into the pallid hybrid as she gave him a single word, her demand. "Submit." Her tone was sharp and unforgiving as she willed him to cease fighting for now. His indomitable spirit would eventually overcome her command, but not before she had her say. One by one his creatures would disperse, into smoke, shadow or back to the void from whence they came. Her handseals would bring to life zombies, or in her case not necessarily the undead as much as it were golems made of what she was -- earth and wind and sound. Wretched still in the creeping gait and outstretched arms. She bound one to the earth, much like Kazuki had. She could do, for the most part, everything that he could. The true difference between them was time, experience and court from which their authority was derived. He would never beat her because he was too young and he would always be too hung, thousands of years younger than her.

"Bondage, dear Kazuki... is a good look for you, what can I say." She would fix the collar of his robe as she said that. "Blocked or not, you never had a fair chance. Thousands of years, hundreds of souls and a heritage that is worthwhile separates us. There is a power-gap between us that you will never fully diminish." She stopped fighting, perhaps she was tired. Perhaps she was gloating. "You are a liar, Kazuki because you have done nothing but hurt me. You have either known of my brother's plight and have done nothing for their suffering or you have made a false claim against the Diamyō." No, she just wanted to speak frankly. If he started to protest she would lay a finger over his mouth and tell him to be quiet, she did not care if he struggled but he was going to listen. "If it was true, you would have sought me. Told me what you knew, but you did not. I called you here when I saw someone potentially threaten you. I do not care what that Jezebel has to say, she is probably your true sister... I see that now, but she is a liar just like you." His crime against her was either a lie of omission or a misrepresentation of reality itself if her brothers were not in the Daimyō's grasp. Both terrible in her eyes because both were not only a breech of her trust but the information was also given to her in the way it was to torment her.

"I am going to hurt you, Kazuki. You will fall down. I will hold you down against the ground and I will make sure you hear my brother's cries. I will rip your humanity from you and it will hurt. But do not worry Kazuki, you will survive," because she loved him. Not in a romantic sense, she did not understand that in the same way humans did because she loved him in her own way. She also hated him on this day. "You will outlive everything you ever cared about and you will see it fall to ash, and it will hurt. And you will have to live with the fact that you killed them." What was she talking about? He had not killed anybody yet. That was true, he had not, but he soon would. She was done waiting for him.

0 AP - Shiori maintains Elemental Clone, Corpse Soil, and Reaper's Gaze.
0 AP - Shiori uses Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
3 AP - Shiori cast Lightning Beast [Mastered] on Kazuki delaying this technique if Kazuki was not free until his is free of his bind. [Conditional #1] also using AE Special Move Overcharge to increase the damage of this jutsu and Jutsu Expansion to again increase the damage of this jutsu.
3 AP - Shiori casts Raijin's Vengeance [Mastered] on Kazuki using AE Special Move Focus to increase the critical range and accuracy of this attack. If Kazuki is still bound, delay this technique until Kazuki is free of his bind and if he is already free then use the special action to reduce the AP of this attack to 1 AP. [Conditional #2]
0 AP - Shiori shatters Reaper's Gaze immediately before she casts Requiem of Death or one of her clones/summons attacks Kazuki [Conditional #5]
2 AP - Shiori casts Requiem of Death [Mastered] on Kazuki using her Enthralling Voice to do so with Elemental Illusion Fire.
3 AP - Shiori cast Graveyard Amalgamation [Mastered], the creation will immediately for 0 AP utilize Collapse on Kazuki in an attempt to bind him again and to cause him damages.
0 AP - Shiori casts Cancel as a free action due to Willpower at the end of the round.

1.5 AP - Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Sinkhole Fist [Mastered] on Kazuki, unless they have the AP still to use a reactionary against Kazuki if he is casting Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique (which has been seen cast several times by this point) in which case the Clone will cast Earth Flow River [Mastered] in an attempt to force the jutsu to fail [Conditional #3]
1 AP - Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Stone Bullet [Mastered] using the Special Action to make this into a called shot [Arms].

0.0 AP - Shiori's IWR fpcuses their Combat Instinct on Kazuki.
0.5 AP - Shiori's IWR enters Defensive Stance using Maximum Defense for an improved ratio where the IWR trades 1 point of Accuracy in order to reduce oncoming damage by 5% for a total of 6 points for 30% DR and -6 accuracy.
0.5 AP - Shiori's IWR enters the Iron Wall Style, designating Shiori as their ally.
1.5 AP - Shiori's IWR casts Immolation Armor [Mastered].
0.5 AP - Every time Shiori is targeted with Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique (which has been seen cast several times by this point) this IWR will attempt to block the attack using Human Shield and upon being bound he will use the special action of Immolation Armor in an attempt to free self if this jutsu is active. [Conditional #4]

Conditional #5: If Shiori somehow becomes bound, she makes no attempt to escape and instead cast Mime Box with Genjutsu Special Move Deja Vu to give me a second chance at success and using my enthralling voice for no handseals and better accuracy as well as my shinobi 101 to cast this using my ninjutsu accuracy. Then proceed as normal.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Proof… That you are a liar? Proof… That you are a deceiver?” Suna would questioning him. The Earth Queen circled him as she was pursuit by hordes of zombies. Kazuki would simply nod back. ”Naked, in the middle of enemy territory I can beat you. Make you submit.” She would block a zombie’s attack only to further reinforce her notion that he was entirely outclassed despite what had been happening so far. ”I could break you and make you think you wanted it… And I will Kazuki dearest because I cannot endure another moment knowing that a hybrid from a Minor Court is the closest relation I have.” By now she was eye to eye with him. Her icy blue eyes burned with the intensity of the hatred she felt toward him. A single word would forth from her lips. A simple demand that the Senju Overlord had no way but to compel. ”Submit.”. The effects would be immediate. Everything the White Wolf had brought forth into the battlefield would vanish. As if an external source would block his access to his spiritual energy. The silvery haired man would also become unable to move voluntarily. Eyes and mouth was the only thing he could move on his own. Ironic. To fell prey to his own game. He was helpless until he could free himself. To make things worse, the former AiT began summoning a small army of her own. The odds had been turned around. ”This is not good.” Reaper would muse. Perhaps he had gloated a bit too soon. Nevertheless, if he could survive this, he would only come out stronger. In the end, they would all suffer his wrath.

”Bondage, dear Kazuki… is a good look for you, what can I say.” Suna would note as he fixed his collar. Unable to move, the Sennin could not prevent her touch. ”Blocked or not, you never had a fair chance. Thousands of years, hundreds of souls and a heritage that is worthwhile separates us. There is a power-gap between us that you will never fully diminish.” the Earth Queen would continue. Curiously, she had stopped fighting him. Was she so certain victory was secured? Yes, he was bound. But she should not discard him just yet. After all, had he not proven to be extremely resistant to her illusionary techniques before? Maybe she had decided to stop fighting him, although Kazuki doubted it. She had been so fierce before, and little time had passed since the start of their struggle. She was still not cooling down. He could only wait and learn what she was trying to do here. ”You are a liar, Kazuki because you have done nothing but hurt me. You have either known of my brother’s plight and have done nothing for their suffering or you have made a false claim against the Daimyō.” she would claim. The Senju Overlord wanted to rebuke her words, but he found himself unable to defend his stance. Not because he could not move his mouth, but because she stopped him. ”If it was true, you would have sought me. Told me what you knew, but you did not. I called you here when I saw someone potentially threaten you. I do not care what that Jezebel has to say, she is probably your true sister… I see that now, but she is a liar just like you.”

Anyone else in his situation would have been boiling by now. But not Kazuki. The more she talked, the cooler he would get. His aura would further intensify the coldness in the area. Sure, since she had unleashed her own, the effects would probably not be felt, but it was still something to take note. ”I am going to hurt you, Kazuki. You will fall down. I will hold you down against the ground and I will make sure you hear my brother’s cries. I will rip your humanity from you and it will hurt. But do not worry Kazuki, you will survive.” the Queen of Ancient race would declare. ”You will outlive everything you ever cared about and you will see it fall to ash, and it will hurt you. And you will have to live with the fact that you killed them.”

Even though he could speak, assuming she was not prevent it again, the Senju Overlord remained silent, staring at her. That was her goal then. To corrupt him and turn him against his family, friends and allies. ”Good luck.” he would think, challenging her. His will was his own, and no one would rob it from him. His normally pitch black eyes would slowly gain a different coloration. Darkness would shift into crimson red. Words were not needed. She would learn the hard way.

Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori.
Cast Cocoon Sheets - Mastered on Shiori (2.5AP) with Major move: Feint - and Minor move: Focus
Cast Shadow Dimension - Shadow Void Jutsu (3AP)
Cast Volcanic Sinkhole - Mastered on Shiori (2.5 AP)

Once unbound, if I am attacked, cast Flock of Shadows - Mastered (3 AP)​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
