Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Knocking on Heaven's Door [Open]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[col3]Senju Kazuki
HP: 33,990 [+1170 Healing Factor] [-6039] 29121
Cannot heal genjutsu damages.
CP: 24,352 [-2540] 21812
Corrupted Energy: 8535
AP: 10.5 [-10.5] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27 - 3 (Requiem)
Genjutsu DC: 23 - 3 (Requiem)
Melee Accuracy: 23 - 3 (Requiem)
Ranged Accuracy: 19 - 3 (Requiem)
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind) - 3 (Requiem)
Evasion: 23 - 3 (Requiem)
Awareness: +2 - 3 (Requiem)[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 30530
CP: 24,455 [-5446] 19009
Corrupted Energy: 5460 [+3002] [-3345] 5117
AP: 11 [-11] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23
Stealth[/spoilername]|Shiori's Elemental Clone
HP: 4590
CP: 4590 [-410] 4180[/col3]

[col3]Shiori's IWR
HP: 18,900
CP: 14,400 [-170] 14,230
AP: 3.5
[spoilername="Buffs"]10% backlash damage to the attacker. Additionally, all melee contact with the user has a 12% chance of causing the Burn effect.[/spoilername]|Shiori's Zombies (x4)
HP: 1122 (each)
AP: 2|[/col3]

0.00 Seconds - Shiori maintains Elemental Clone, Corpse Soil, and Reaper's Gaze.
  • Genjutsu Check
    Shiori 7 + 27
    Kazuki 10 + 23
    Kazuki is aware that he is under a genjutsu.
    0.00 Seconds - Shiori uses Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
    • Ninjutsu Check
      Shiori 9 Success
      Kazuki 12
    0.00 Seconds - Kazuki uses Dark Invitation on Shiori.
    • Ninjutsu Check
      Shiori 3 Failure
      Kazuki 5
    0.0 AP - Shiori's IWR focuses their Combat Instinct on Kazuki.
    1.43 Seconds - Shiori's IWR enters Defensive Stance using Maximum Defense for an improved ratio where the IWR trades 1 point of Accuracy in order to reduce oncoming damage by 5% for a total of 6 points for 30% DR and -6 accuracy.
    2.38 Seconds - Kazuki attempts to break free of Reaper's Gaze (45%).
    • Roll: 48
    2.86 Seconds - Shiori's IWR enters the Iron Wall Style, designating Shiori as their ally.
    3.00 Seconds - Shiori cast Lightning Beast [Mastered] on Kazuki delaying this technique if Kazuki was not free until his is free of his bind. [Conditional #1] also using AE Special Move Overcharge to increase the damage of this jutsu and Jutsu Expansion to again increase the damage of this jutsu.
    3.00 Seconds - Shiori casts Raijin's Vengeance [Mastered] on Kazuki using AE Special Move Focus to increase the critical range and accuracy of this attack. If Kazuki is still bound, delay this technique until Kazuki is free of his bind and if he is already free then use the special action to reduce the AP of this attack to 1 AP. [Conditional #2]
    4.76 Seconds - Kazuki attempts to break free of Reaper's Gaze (55%).
    • Roll: 69 Failed
    5.00 Seconds - Shiori shatters Reaper's Gaze immediately before she casts Requiem of Death or one of her clones/summons attacks Kazuki [Conditional #5]
    • Genjutsu Check
      Shiori 11 Success
      Kazuki 7
      Kazuki is now free
    5.00 Seconds - Shiori casts Requiem of Death [Mastered] on Kazuki using her Enthralling Voice to do so with Elemental Illusion Fire.
    • Shiori 7 Success
      Kazuki 3
      Kazuki is aware that he is under the influence of a Genjutsu.
    5.00 Seconds - Shiori's delayed Lightning Beast [Mastered] attacks Kazuki using AE Special Move Overcharge to increase the damage of this jutsu and Jutsu Expansion to again increase the damage of this jutsu.
    • 5.00 Seconds - Kazuki casts Flock of Shadows [Mastered] to avoid this attack.
      No clone check, she will not know who the real Kazuki is.
      28% chance of being rerolled. 15 Success.
      Reroll, but roll for target first 1d3. 1 targets Kazuki. 3 (Clone)
      Shiori 1 MISS
      Kazuki 19
    5.00 Seconds - Shiori delayed Raijin's Vengeance [Mastered] attacks Kazuki using AE Special Move Focus to increase the critical range and accuracy of this attack.
    • Check for target. 1d3 - 1 will target Kazuki. Roll: 2 (Clone)
      Shiori 17 Hit
      Kazuki 19
      Clone is dispersed
    6.00 Seconds - Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Sinkhole Fist [Mastered] on Kazuki.
    • Check for target. 1d2 - 1 will target Kazuki. 1 (Kazuki)
      Clone 18 - 5 HIT
      Kazuki 4
      5% chance of crush 42 Failed
      Clone 19 - 5 50% hit
      Kazuki 17
      Clone 13 - 5 HIT
      Kazuki 9
      5% chance of crush 24 Failed
    7.14 Seconds - Shiori's IWR casts Immolation Armor [Mastered].
    8.00 Seconds - Shiori cast Graveyard Amalgamation [Mastered], the creation will immediately for 0 AP utilize Collapse on Kazuki in an attempt to bind him again and to cause him damages.
    • Check for target. 1d2 - 1 will target Kazuki. 2 (Clone)
      Graveyard Amalgamation 3 - 3 - 2 + 27 (25)
      Kazuki 5 + 24 (29)
    10.0 Seconds - Shiori casts Cancel as a free action due to Willpower at the end of the round.
    10.0 Seconds - Kazuki casts Cocoon Sheets [Mastered].
    • Chance to target Shiori's IWR (due to style). Roll: 85 Failed
      Kazuki 9 MISS
      Shiori 9
    10.0 Seconds - Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Stone Bullet [Mastered] using the Special Action to make this into a called shot [Arms].
    • Check for target. 1d2 - 1 will target Kazuki. 1 (Kazuki)
      Clone 18 HIT
      Kazuki 3
      24% chance of raising the victim's called shot level. 81 Failed


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
She wanted to finish him off quickly, but she gave him far too little credit. For a hybrid he was exceptionally nimble. She would have been impressed if she was not as angry as she was. Her creations, more like lumbering hunks of earth summoned from their 'graves' did not attack Kazuki. She was sending them away. Yes, she was confident in her ultimate success, but that might be her undoing. They were seeking victims for his final meal as a man. It might be a terrible thing to say, but she knew where she could get a quantity sufficient mass of Deep Court energy -- his own kin. She had been hoarding some away herself as well, perhaps for a rainy day or perhaps because she knew that one day it would come to this. She also understood the Wild Hunt's madness better with each passing day and with each meal, bolstering her strength but now tainted just faintly with a taste of her brethren's descendants. The gains were addictive, the power she stole and how her command expanded. It was a fearsome fact indeed that she saw in herself but would never admit.

Madness would not consume her, not like it did them. At least that is what she told herself but even she did not believe that.

The sandy horrors would stomp away, but they would not be alone. She had summoned a protector of sorts. Kazuki would not recognize him, in fact nobody would. He died decades ago, he was her first when she reformed. She did not even mean to kill him. He just stepped into her grave and from there instinct took over. Would she have done the same if she was in her right mind, yes. In a world where it would have been him or her, he would have lost every time. Takahashi Jinsei was what they called him when he was alive, but to her he was her adoptive father. At least that was the role she made him play as she pulled the metaphorical puppet strings. She made him out to be a cruel, selfish and angry man. Less people to account for in his presence because of this. Sometimes she felt guilty tainting his memory the way she did, but this was a game of survival.

She would shatter that which bound him, not because she wanted him to be free but because she needed to hurt him. In a burst of shadow and darkness he would be gone. In his place, a trio just like him. She was familiar with such shinobi trickery, but it was still enough to disorient her. She would try to strike him down but she would hit smoke and nothing more. Her abomination would heave its massive form upon Kazuki, or try but also miss its mark. However, some of her attempts seemed to scratch the surface.

Perhaps she was already mad because she was smiling as a barrage of loose-leaf paper reached out for her and missed. He was strong and he was enduring. She was glad that he was one of theirs, well -- soon to be one of theirs. That choice was taken from him when he betrayed her confidence. She would have let him life his likely short life as a hybrid out of benevolence if that was the foolish existence he coveted but she could not if he was going to sit in that grey area between humanity and Ancient and then side with the tribes of man. She was overstepping her court in doing this but she did not care. She would deal with the fallout against Mikaboshi later.

Good Luck

He challenged as he transformed, her eyes brightened. "No need," she smiled.
  • Zombies
    • Zombies are searching for NPC civilian fodder to feed Kazuki
  • Shiori'S Clone
    • 1.5 AP - Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Sinkhole Fist [Mastered] on Kazuki, unless they have the AP still to use a reactionary against Kazuki if he is casting Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique (which has been seen cast several times by this point) in which case the Clone will cast Earth Flow River [Mastered] in an attempt to force the jutsu to fail [Conditional #3]
    • 1 AP - Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Stone Bullet [Mastered] using the Special Action to make this into a called shot [legs].
  • Shiori's IWR
    • 0 AP - Maintain stance and armor and all active jutsus.
    • 2.5 AP - Shiori's IWR casts Volcanic Sinkhole [Mastered] using AE special move focus to increase the chance that this attack will hit and increase the critical range of the attack.
    • 1 AP - Shiori's IWR casts Transformation [Mastered] to look like Shiori.
    • 0.5 AP - If any attacks are directed at Shiori, protect her with Human Shield, this is a priority move above all others [Conditional #3].
    • If the IWR lacks the AP to perform Volcanic Sinkhole but does transformation, then cast transformation and drop volcanic sinkhole.
  • Shiori
    • 0 AP - Maintain Corpse Soil, IWR, Elemental Clone, and Requiem of Death.
    • 3 AP - Shiori casts Gate of Enma [Mastered] using Sound Crystallization to change this into the Sound Element and AE special move Focus to increase the accuracy and the critical range as well as Feint in case Kazuki attempts to auto-dodge this attack. The cost of this jutsu will be taken from her Corrupted Energy Pool .
    • 3 AP - Shiori casts Ambiance of the Forbidden [Mastered] using Sound Crystallization to change this into the Sound Element and AE special move Overcharge to increase the damage as well as Combo so that she can strike him immediately thereafter. The cost of this jutsu will NOT be taken from her Corrupted Energy Pool and have the Special Action Northern Winds.
    • 3 AP - Shiori casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered] using Sound Crystallization to change this into the Sound Element and AE special move Overcharge to increase the damage as well as Combo. The cost of this jutsu will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool and have the Rasen-Shuriken (Wind) effect attached to it (allowing it to be still considered Wind and suitable for crystallization).
    • 1 AP - Shiori casts Stone Bullet [Mastered] using the Special Action to make this into a called shot [legs] with AE special move Debilitate and Control.
  • Additional Conditionals:
    • If Shiori becomes bound at any time, do not bother trying to escape unless it is a chakra bind [Conditional #4]
    • If Shiori becomes bound and cannot attack with her aforementioned jutsus, spam Ocular Trauma [Mastered] using Gen move Cortex Control and enthralling voice until able to cast normal planned again.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Kazuki may have been a master of binds, but Suna was no slouch either. Maybe she had fewer methods of ensuring paralysis on the opponent, but they were still terribly effective, once applied. The Senju Overlord was forced to remain stationary and unable to react until she allowed him to. Despite his natural resistances, he was still hopelessly unable to free himself. Ergo, he waited there until the time to spring into action came to him. The chance finally came to be when she freed him. She was not foolish though. As soon as her opponent was free to take action, she initiated a barrage of assaults that seemed to go forever. Her mouth would begin to sing, a melody that carried the stench of death and sorrow. A tune aiming to decrease his morale. Even a man with Indomitable Will, like the White Wolf, would feel its effects. He felt sluggish. He shook his head to shake the feeling off, but it was for naught. For as long as she sang, he would feel this stupor. But singing was not the only thing she had prepared for the silvery haired man. Two jutsus, a duo of damaging lightning techniques, waited his newfound freedom, to strike him down.

Still, he was not unprepared, regardless if he had been unable to move just a mere second ago. His body would vanish, once the first technique hit him, a shadow dispersing was all that was left. Moments later, three Reapers would emerge on the battlefield. They all looked alike. Perfect replicas of each other. And the Earth Queen did not have a way to figure out who the real one was. The second technique aimed at the Occult Sennin only hit a clone. With one less clone to divert the attacks, Suna had double the chances of hitting the real one. Unfortunately, he did not have enough replicas to keep avoiding attacks. And she had a small army to topple him. Attack after attack, the final clone fell and the Ranger Lord suffered multiple hits. A growl would escape from Kazuki's mouth. He was getting hurt and the odds were no longer in his favor. Still, the fight was far from over. There was still time to turn it around, just like the Queen had done.

Luck was potentially on his side still. She had summoned earth elementals, but she was not using them, she was sending them away. To fetch something, quite probably. Although problematic in the long run, the Senju Overlord had to worry about the enemies near him, for now.

[MFT - 431]

Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori.
Cast Corpse Soil - Mastered (Special Action - Grasp of the Unliving - to be repeated until she is bound or all zombies are destroyed) (2.5AP)
Cast Summoning Jutsu - Mastered (4.5AP) to summon S Rank Youkai from my Corrupted Energy Pool.
Cast Abysmal Harbinger - Mastered using Nara's Shadow Bend to turn the jutsu into a Shadow jutsu, from my Corrupted Energy pool.

If Shiori is bound the cast of Corpse Soil, cast Body Bind - Mastered (3 AP) with Major move: Feint - and Minor move: Focus.
Cast Burst of Confetti - Mastered (2AP) at the first attack Shiori does against me.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[col3]Senju Kazuki
HP: 29,121 [+1170 Healing Factor][+1221][+756] [-4768] 25623
Gen damage cannot be healed
CP: 24,352 [-2576] 21776
Corrupted Energy: 8535 [+1221][+756] [-4000] 6512
AP: 10 [-10] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 30530 [+][-1221] 29309
CP: 19009 [-3058] 15951
Corrupted Energy: 5117 [+0] 5117
AP: 10 [-10] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23
Stealth[/spoilername]|Shiori's Elemental Clone
HP: 4590
CP: 4180 [-410] 3770[/col3]

[col3]Shiori's IWR
HP: 18,900 [-756] 18144
CP: 14,230 [-1370] 12860
AP: 3.5 [-3.5] 0
[spoilername="Buffs"]10% backlash damage to the attacker. Additionally, all melee contact with the user has a 12% chance of causing the Burn effect.[/spoilername]|Shiori's Zombies (x4)
HP: 1122 (each)
AP: 2|[/col3]

0.00 Seconds - Shiori maintains Elemental Clone, Corpse Soil, and Requiem of Death.
  • Genjutsu Check
    Shiori 7 + 27 Failed, Kazuki is free of this genjutsu
    Kazuki 16 + 20
0.00 Seconds - Shiori uses Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
  • Ninjutsu Check
    Shiori 11 Failure
    Kazuki 12
0.00 Seconds - Kazuki uses Dark Invitation on Shiori.
  • Ninjutsu Check
    Kazuki 20 Success (This is not a crit because it is a check not an attack)
    Shiori 3
    Kazuki 14 Success
    IWR 15
    Kazuki 2 Failure
    Elemental Clone 9
0.00 Seconds | Shiori's zombies are searching through the Toraono Dojo for members of the Senju clan to kidnap.
0.00 Seconds | Jinsei (IWR) maintains stance and immolation armor.
2.38 Seconds | Kazuki casts Corpse Soil with the special action: Grasp of the Unliving.
  • Corpse 1 18 Success
    Shiori 5
    10% chance to auto-dodge. Roll: 33 Failed
    15% chance of hitting Jinsei (IWR) instead. Roll: 19 Failed
    Corpse 2
    Corpse 3
    Corpse 4
    Corpse 5
2.38 Seconds | Shiori casts Ocular Trauma [Mastered] using Genjutsu Special move Cortex Control and using her enthralling voice to make it possible.
  • Shiori 6 + 29 HIT
    Kazuki 10 + 23
3.64 Seconds | Shiori casts Ocular Trauma [Mastered] using Genjutsu Special move Cortex Control and using her enthralling voice to make it possible.
  • Shiori 7 + 29 50% HIT
    Kazuki 13 + 23
4.28 Seconds | Kazuki casts Body Bind on Shiori.
  • Shiori is bound in a prison bind. The attacks that attack would be an auto-hit on the bind but the binding force needs to be destroyed before she is free.
5.45 Seconds | Shiori casts Ocular Trauma [Mastered] using Genjutsu Special move Cortex Control and using her enthralling voice to make it possible.
  • Shiori 20 CRIT!
    Kazuki 8
6.00 Seconds | Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Sinkhole Fist [Mastered] on Kazuki
  • Shiori's Clone 12 HIT
    Kazuki 3
    • 10% chance of crush 40 Failed
      10% chance to auto-dodge 87 Failed
    Shiori's Clone 6 HIT
    Kazuki 5
    • 5% chance of crush 62 Failed
      10% chance to auto-dodge 71 Failed
    Shiori's Clone 19 HIT
    Kazuki 3
    • 5% chance of crush 5 Success
      Random limb: Arms (1), Legs (2), Head (3), Hands (4), Feet (5), Neck (6), Heart (7). Roll: 6 Sprained Neck Increases all Chakra Cost by +10%.
      Suppressed x1
      10% chance to auto-dodge 18
    7.14 Seconds | Shiori's IWR Jinsei casts Volcanic Sinkhole [Mastered] using AE special move focus to increase the chance that this attack will hit and increase the critical range of the attack.
    • Jinsei 4 MISS
      Kazuki 6
      • 20% chance for this to be a sneak attack. Roll: 91 Failed
    7.27 Seconds | Shiori casts Ocular Trauma [Mastered] using Genjutsu Special move Cortex Control and using her enthralling voice to make it possible.
    • Shiori 16 HIT
      Kazuki 19
    9.09 Seconds | Shiori casts Ocular Trauma [Mastered] using Genjutsu Special move Cortex Control and using her enthralling voice to make it possible.
    • Shiori 5 Failure
      Kazuki 16
    10.0 Seconds | Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Stone Bullet [Mastered] using the Special Action to make this into a called shot [legs].
    • Shiori's Clone 8 MISS
      Kazuki 10
    10.0 Seconds | Shiori's IWR Jinsei casts Transformation [Mastered] to look like Shiori.
    • Jinsei 11 Failed, Kazuki can tell the difference.
      Kazuki 11
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki cast Summoning Jutsu - Mastered (4.5AP) to summon S Rank Youkai from his Corrupted Energy Pool. ((I will pick a pic if you do not give me one))


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
They took her by surprise, those reaching, grasping hands that gripped her legs. Instinctively she tried to kick the corpse back with her heel but it only grabbed hold and with a tug she was knocked off her feet and pinned to the floor. The stench was overpowering and while it might have been her greatest want to relieve herself of this putrid shell, she did not. She did not fight as it pressed against her, she did not need to be able to move to fight on. She simply sang a bitter melody that would occasionally reach a terrible crescendo that would cause his eyes to burn. He would try to hold her with something even more dangerous than the beast that was already upon her, there was a moment of trepidation. She feared the loss of control, something she still had even pinned but if that ANBU technique had her then there would be nothing she could do against him. It lashed out at his zombie, freezing it in place upon her. Still she made no effort to break free. Her creations would win the battle for her if need be.

Meanwhile her zombies meandered throughout the Toraono Dojo, their shuffling gait and reaching hands would break into rooms and if someone dwelt within that shared the features of Kazuki, they would attempt to steal them. It was a cruel scenario, this forced feeding she would impose of Kazuki. He would hate her for it and she knew that but she had all the time in the world to make him forgive her. He would gorge himself on fragments of Ancient souls housed within his kin, the only reliable source of unrecognized hybrid souls. She hoped that he was feeding but she was never certain, he appeared more a collector than a consumer. She felt that he was changing, perhaps it was wistful thinking. Perhaps she saw in him what she wanted to see and nothing more. He was allying with the tribes of man, choosing his human side over his Ancient heritage but expecting the boons of both. She would no longer allow him to toe the line between two worlds.

She was starting to tire, that much was true but she had far too much pride to admit that. She simply sang, as mad as it would seem, all the time telling him something in a language too old for him to understand. "You're a remnant of something greater than you are, act like it!"</B><i></i> She snapped. <B>"The first in unknown generations to awaken a powerful heritage and you reject us!" Yes, she felt rejected. She felt slighted, abandoned and alone. She always felt the latter, even in a room full of people because they were people and they did not... could not understand what she was, this hunger she felt and the loss she experienced. Many shinobi try to lay claim to the greatest losses, that they lost a home, a friend, a lover but they could not comprehend what she lost. People refer to her kind in the past tense, the truth is obscured with fables they are so long departed. Isolated and alone, she would be forever hunted until she finally crumbled exhausted in a hole someplace. But she refused to die and she would not lose again. "You will not reject me again," she growled as her song went to work, seeding her intentions in his mind. Her words, not an idle threat but merely a warning of the things to come. In time she might regret what she was about to do to him, he was the closest thing she had to a friend even if her sentiments were unrequited.
0.5 AP Shiori's IWR will attempt to use Human Shield to protect Shiori from any attacks that target her. (Priority, Conditional #1)
0 AP Shiori's IWR will maintain his stance and his chakra armor.
2.5 AP - Shiori's IWR casts Volcanic Sinkhole [Mastered] on Kazuki using AE special move focus to increase the chance that this attack will hit and increase the critical range of the attack, dropping his defensive stance a moment before (0AP).
0.5 AP - Shiori's IWR returns to his previous defensive stance.

Attempt to kidnaps Kazuki's family.

Shiori Clone:
1.5 AP - Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Sinkhole Fist [Mastered] on Kazuki, unless they have the AP still to use a reactionary against Kazuki if he is casting Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique (which has been seen cast several times by this point) or Body Bind (ANBU Technique) in which case the Clone will cast Earth Flow River [Mastered] in an attempt to force the jutsu to fail [Conditional #2]
1 AP - Shiori's Elemental Clone casts Stone Bullet [Mastered] using the Special Action to make this into a called shot [legs].

Do not break out of binds and continue all maintains and passives.
2.5 AP Shiori casts Depth Barrier [Mastered] on Kazuki using her enthralling voice to cast this without handseals and using Sensory Mastery Move Mental Chain to chain this with a second jutsu to immediately follow-up and Elemental Illusion Fire.Remember her shinobi 101.
2.5 AP Shiori casts Lingering Spark [Mastered] on Kazuki using her enthralling voice to cast this without handseals and this would be the second half of the combo from Mental Chain.
3 AP Shiori casts Ocular Assault [Mastered] on Kazuki using her enthralling voice to cast this without handseals [remember that her Shinobi 101 allows her to cast this genjutsu with her Nin DC] as well as Mentral Spread to affect Kazuki's summon as well as the second target if their Visual Genjutsu Slot is free. If it is not free, instead Shiori will use shatter (0.5 AP) on her barrier immediately before she casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered](because it does not require handseals) adding onto it the Odama Rasengan (NE) effect using Ninjutsu Accuracy to cast with the option to use +1 Accuracy and -10% Cp cost, but deal -5% base damage stacked twice and Affinity moves minor and major due to elementalist Spread adding his contract summon as my secondary target and feint to allow this attack to be re-rolled if kazuki auto-dodges it. This jutsu will also be converted into a Sound jutsu via Shiori's Hashigaki skill Sound crystallization. [Conditional #3]
1 AP Shiori uses Body Switch [Mastered] if Kazuki casts Body Bind on Shiori again, switching with her clone [Conditional #4]
2 AP Shiori casts Hyperclap [Mastered] on Kazuki and his summon using the Overcharge AE move as well as Feint.
If Shiori is somehow freed early enough to do so, Shiori will summon her contract Summon from the Yokai Contract (A Rank) for 4.5 AP [Conditional #5]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Suna had proven to be a formidable opponent. With a single technique she had thwarted Kazuki’s master plan and had turned the tide of the battle. The way things went before, victory seemed to be secure, but she had changed everything in a blink. Her skills seemed to primary fall on illusions. Something the Senju Overlord was naturally resistant to. She had seen it, first hand, time and time again. The latest time being when he outright resisted her song of despair. But why was the White Wolf so inclined to resist illusions as he did? It was mainly to one characteristic of his personality. He had what people liked to label as Indomitable Will. With it, he had greater chances of preventing anyone from messing with his head, and for those that could pull it off, he had greater chances of dispelling such tricks. It was why the Earth Queen had started to fall upon using ninjutsu. A ninja art she was equally adept. The silvery haired man’s main offensive skill was ninjutsu, but the former AiT had shown to be of equal skill, if not even greater than him. The game was changing from a contest of wills into a contest of skills. Nonetheless, she still had the upper hand, something Reaper needed, and wanted, to change.

To counter her smaller earth elementals, the Occult Sennin summoned his own zombie army and used them as construction materials to create a prison. One of them would latch on her and make it impossible for her to move. Did this mean he was scot-free to do as he pleased? No. Bound as she was, there was still a matter of her small army in the field and the fact that she could still harm him. He had not been unable to replicate what she had done to him before. Although a master of binds, he did not have that potent technique she had used on him. Still, he had gained a moment to breath and he would have to use it to its fullest.

”You’re a remnant of something greater than you are. act like it!” she would snap, upon discovering she was still bound. ”The first in unknown generations to awaken a powerful heritage and you [i}reject[/i] us!” Despite the army of underlings she had, the Ranger Lord would slowly approach her. Reject?” he would question her. An incredulous tone on his voice. ”By the words of your beloved brother Mikaboshi, I am a mutt.” Kazuki would state as he knelt near her. ”I cannot reject what I am not. And I have rejected nothing. I am only partly Ancient, I am not bound to any rules because I do not belong to any of your worlds. Why did I side with humanity? Because they will win, and as much as I love the power your side gives me, I will rather survive first.” His head would draw near her. ”I have been doing nothing but protect you so far. I did not reveal your true nature to Sousuke. I did not strike your barely awaken brothers. I simply removed you from the ANBU Corps. And this is the thanks I get from you? I attempted to shed light upon your eyes about what is coming to us if you don’t stop, but you decided to attack me. You may win this fight against me, but you will never win the war.” he would assure her.

”You will not reject me again.” she would growl as he got up. The Senju Overlord would shake his head. ”I never did.” he would simply say. Once distance had been created again, the White Wolf would summon the strongest of the Youkai’s. Their own lord, a being whose body could never be fully understood by lower humans. Things were starting to get better for him. He was not aware of her plan to feed him Deep Court essence and finish turning him into a full Ancient. But if she thought she could force-feed him his own kin, then she was sorely mistaken. He would never do that, no matter what. She had to found another way to fully turn him.

[MFT - 698]

Maintain Corpse Soil.
Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori.
Cast Abysmal Harbinger - Mastered (3 AP) using Nara's Shadow Bend to turn the jutsu into a Shadow jutsu, from my Corrupted Energy pool.
Cast Mystical Pond - Mastered (2.5) on Shiori and Shiori's IWR using Shadow Bend to turn it into Shadow.
Cast Ebony Nightmare - Mastered (2.5 AP)
Cast Elemental Clone - Mastered (2AP) (Special Action: Earth)

Zombies (2 AP total)
Use basic strikes on Shiori's clone until AP is depleted. 2x times each (200 damage), using Nin Acc. (1 AP) If the clone disperses before their AP is spent, target Shiori instead.

Youkai S Rank Summon (6 AP total)
Use Venomous Bite – A-Rank Ninjutsu (3 AP) (using Melee acc) targeting Shiori's clone and Shiori's IWR
Use Sudden Cruelty – A-Rank Buffing Taijutsu (2.75 AP) on Shiori, Shiori's IWR and Shiori's clone

Abysmal Harbinger (4 AP total)
Basic strikes (1100 damage per each) on Shiori. (1 AP) x2

Ebony Nightmare (3 AP total)
Basic strikes (600 damage per each) on Shiori (1 AP) x1

Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori, if she is unbound at any time by any means.
Cast Shadow Neck Bind - Shadow Strangulation Jutsu - Mastered (2 AP) the first time she is affected by Shadow Possession.
Cast Burst of Confetti - Mastered (2AP) at the first non-illusionary attack Shiori does against me.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[col3]Senju Kazuki
HP: 25623 [+1170 Healing Factor][+1221][+756] [-1575] 24048
Gen damage cannot be healed
CP: 21,776 [-1343] 20433
Corrupted Energy: 6512 [+1945] [-3030] 5427
AP: 10 [-10] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 29309 [+][-2382] 26927
CP: 15951 [-4230] 11621
Corrupted Energy: 5117 [+] 5117
AP: 10 [-10] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23
Stealth[/spoilername]|Shiori's Elemental Clone
HP: 4590 [-4650] -60 Destroyed
CP: 3770[/col3]

[col3]Shiori's IWR
HP: 18144 [-3216] 14928
CP: 12860 [-1260] 11600
AP: 3.5 [-3] 0.5
[spoilername="Buffs"]10% backlash damage to the attacker. Additionally, all melee contact with the user has a 12% chance of causing the Burn effect.[/spoilername]|Shiori's Zombies (x4)
HP: 1122 (each)
AP: 2|Kazuki's Zombies
HP: 1171
AP: 2[/col3]

[col3]Kazuki's Youkai Contract
HP: 34,500 [-8504] 25996
CP: 25,000 [-2030] 22970
AP: 6

Melee Accuracy = 10 + 14 + 2
Ranged Accuracy = 8 + 14 + 2
Ninjutsu Accuracy = 8 + 14 + 2
Melee Dodge = 8 + 14
Ranged Dodge = 4 + 14
Ninjutsu Dodge = 4 + 14
Genjutsu Difficulty = 8 + 14
Genjutsu Save = 8 + 14
Awareness + 2|Abyssal Harbinger
HP: 9420
AP: 4|[/col3]

0.00 Seconds | Kazuki maintains Corpse Soil.
0.00 Seconds | Shiori maintains Corpse Soil (with IWR) and Clone.
0.00 Seconds | Shiori's IWR maintains his stance and his chakra armor.
0.00 Seconds | Shiori's zombies attempt to kidnap Kazuki's family.
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Dark Invitation.
  • Nin Check (Kazuki) 12 Success, some of Shiori's HP has been drained.
    Nin Check (Shiori) 6
    Nin Check (Kazuki) 3 Success, some of Shiori's IWR has been drained.
    Nin Check (Shiori's IWR) 5
    Nin Check (Kazuki) 6 Failure, he gained nothing from Shiori's Clone.
    Nin Check (Shiori's Clone) 19
0.00 Seconds | Shiori activates Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
  • Nin Check (Shiori) 4 Failure
    Nin Check (Kazuki) 5
    Nin Check (Shiori) 3 Success, some of the Youkai's Hp has been drained by Shiori
    Nin Check (Kazuki's Youkai Summon) 6
2.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Depth Barrier [Mastered] on Kazuki using her enthralling voice to cast this without handseals and using Sensory Mastery Move Mental Chain to chain this with a second jutsu to immediately follow-up and Elemental Illusion Fire.
  • Genjutsu DC 11 Success, Kazuki is behind a 'physical barrier.'
    Genjutsu Resist 12
2.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Lingering Spark [Mastered] on Kazuki using her enthralling voice to cast this without handseals and this would be the second half of the combo from Mental Chain.
  • Genjutsu DC 4 Success, Kazuki is now fighting with a reduced overall AP pool. This is the exception to your resistance to increased AP costs protective measures as this reduces your AP pool rather than increases costs. This means you only have 8 AP for this round now.
    Genjutsu Resist 6
3.00 Seconds | Shiori shatters Depth Barrier.
  • Genjutsu DC (Shiori) 15 25% Hit
    Genjutsu Resist (Kazuki) 20
3.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Abysmal Harbinger - Mastered using Nara's Shadow Bend to turn the jutsu into a Shadow jutsu, from his Corrupted Energy pool.
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's zombies use basic strikes on Shiori's clone using Nin Acc.
  • Zombie 1 3 HIT
    Shiori's Clone 3
    Zombie 2 4 HIT
    Shiori's Clone 5 5
    Zombie 3 10 HIT
    Shiori's Clone 10
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's Youkai Summon uses Venomous Bite – A-Rank Ninjutsu (using Melee acc) to target Shiori's clone and Shiori's IWR.
  • Attack (Youkai) 14 HIT
    Evasion (Shiori's Clone) 19
    • Clone has been destroyed.
      29% chance of activating 'Crush' Effect. Roll: 38 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 11
    Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 3
    • 17% Chance to 'Burn'. Roll: 36 Failed.
5.50 Seconds | Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger performs a basic strikes on Shiori.
  • Attack (Harbinger) 15 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 8
    • 10% chance to autododge. Roll: 44 Failed
      This destroys the zombie that is holding onto Shiori. The roll-over damage affects Shiori.
5.50 Seconds | Kazuki casts Mystical Pond - Mastered on Shiori and Shiori's IWR using Shadow Bend to turn it into Shadow.
  • Attack Roll (Kazuki) 12 Success
    Evasion Roll (Shiori) 3
    • 10% chance to autotdodge. Roll: 86 Failed.
      21% chance to lose 1 Ap each round. Roll: 13 Failure
    Attack Roll (Kazuki) 17 Success
    Evasion Roll (Shiori's IWR) 3
  • 21% chance to lose 1 Ap each round. Roll: 38 Failure
    Shiori is no longer bound.
6.00 Seconds | Shiori casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered]: Odama Rasengan (NE) using Ninjutsu Accuracy to cast with the option to use +1 Accuracy and -10% Cp cost, but deal -5% base damage stacked twice and Affinity Moves Spread (Cannot use both so only gained effect of first mentioned because A Rank -- oops) adding his contract summon as her secondary target. This jutsu will also be converted into a Sound jutsu via Shiori's Hashigaki skill Sound crystallization.
  • 6.00 Seconds | Kazuki casts Burst of Confetti [Mastered] to avoid Shiori's attack.
    18% chance of bleeding. Roll: 80 Failed
Attack (Shiori) 18 HIT
Evasion (Youkai) 19
  • Suppression/NE Chance. Roll: 9 Suppressed and NE Effect takes place.
    14% chance of suffering from suffocation. Roll: 54 Failed.
7.91 Seconds | Shiori's IWR casts Volcanic Sinkhole [Mastered] using AE special move focus to increase the chance that this attack will hit and increase the critical range of the attack, dropping his defensive stance a moment before.
  • Attack (IWR) 6 Miss
    Evasion (Kazuki) 14
    • Suffocation chance. Roll: 64 Failed
8.00 Seconds | Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger performs a basic strikes on Shiori.
  • Attack (Harbinger) 6 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 10
    • Chance to redirect. Roll: 45 Failed
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's zombies use basic strikes on Shiori using Nin Acc.
  • Attack (Zombie 1) 2 75% hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 2
    Attack (Zombie 2) 5 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 9
    Attack (Zombie 3) 14 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 16
    Attack (Zombie 4) 16 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 20

Both shiori and Kazuki ran out of time or suffered suppression or other AP reducing effects so all intended actions did not happen. Shiori is presently unbound but Kazuki lacked the AP to satisfy the conditional to rebind her because his activated auto-dodge as a reactionary went off before he would have been able to shadow bind her and he lacked the AP to attempt to do so afterwards.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Kazuki was once again creating a small army under his command. Shiori's forces were diminishing as were her chakra stores. She was starting to slow down, while her vitality was still there she had exerted much of herself to make a show of things. She could feel the sands moving beneath her shell, the dull tingle in her fingers that traveled up her arms making her feel heavy and worn. She enjoyed it when the odds were against her, it was a part of her portfolio -- that if nothing else she could endure. The ground would give way beneath her feet and she would splashdown into the pond that formed in the massive indoor space. The water was frigid but that was of no surprise. Her feet kicked at the water and attempted to keep her bobbing head afloat. The corpse would also come tumbling on in after. She would allow herself to sink beneath the waters, her eyes never leaving her brother as she did so. His form a wavy, hazy impression she would stare at with icy blue eyes as she prepared a counterattack.

The noise that came from her attack was deafening, that was why she hid beneath the water. The crystal-like surface of the glassy pond seemed to boil before a blast of sound more like a fog horn and a scream shook the now dilapidated room. She would break the surface and gulp the air as her long blonde hair stuck to her back and the sides of her face. She missed. Somehow. Colored bits of paper floated on the pond's surface all around her, the greatest concentration being the site where he previously stood. She scowled, frustrated and soggy. The things she does out of sisterly love. "I am going to outlast you brother," she huffed. "You are making this harder than you have to," she warned him.

0.00 Seconds | Shiori maintains all maintains.
2.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Advanced Clone [Mastered] on Kazuki using her enthralling voice making bondage irrelevant and increasing her genjutsu DC spreading this attack using her enthralling voice to a secondary target (Kazuki's Youkai Summon). Shiori will also be using her Genjutsu Sensory Knowledge Special Move: Mental Focus to increase her Gen DC by two more. This will also gain the benefit of Elemental Illusion: Fire. Also take note of her shinobi 101. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
2.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Rasengan [Mastered] on Kazuki and his Youkai summon using AE Special Moves Feint (Major) and Spread (Minor) due to Elementalist on this B Rank jutsu and the Special Action - Shape Transformation so that this attack uses melee accuracy and also still does not use handseals again making bondage irrelevant to Shiori where her attack does +1 Accuracy for -10% Cp cost, but deals -5% base damage stacked twice. I will not use Special Action - Nature Transformation so that I can keep this attack Non-Elemental so that I can use my Hashigaki move Sound Crystalization to convert this jutsu to a Sound Ninjutsu for additional bonuses and effects. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
2.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Defiled Touch [Mastered] on Kazuki using Ninjutsu Accuracy. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
2.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Incapacitate [Mastered] on Kazuki using AE Special Move Feint and Focus as well as the Special Action for the chance of causing the Crush Effect. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
0.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Cancel [Mastered] as a free action due to her Willpower at 5.5 Seconds in the round or when she becomes aware that she is under the affect of a Genjutsu. Conditional #1
1.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Body Switch [Mastered] as a reactionary against the first attack done by Kazuki or his Youkai Contract Summon that takes more than 2 seconds to cast. Conditional #2.
2.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Barrier [Mastered] - Energy Wall as a reactionary against the second attack done by Kazuki or his Youkai Contract Summon that takes more than 2 seconds to cast using AE Special Move Overcharge and Control due to Elementalist. Conditional #3. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
2.00 Seconds | If Shiori was suppressed during the round or had to use a conditional so she no longer has the time to perform all of her planned or assigned actions but she has 2 seconds remaining in the round Shori casts Barrier [Mastered] - Energy Sphere to be a maintained barrier to protect Shiori using overcharge and control due to Elementalist. Conditional #4. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
Do not attempt to break free of Kazuki's Binds.

Shiori's IWR
0.5 AP Shiori's IWR will attempt to use Human Shield to protect Shiori from any attacks that target her except for the zombie attacks. (Priority, Conditional #5)
0 AP Shiori's IWR will maintain his stance and his chakra armor.
2.5 AP - Shiori's IWR casts Volcanic Sinkhole [Mastered] on Kazuki using AE special move overcharge, dropping his defensive stance a moment before (0AP).
0.5 AP - Shiori's IWR returns to his previous defensive stance.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Their fight had started a while now. Techniques had been thrown left and right. Kazuki's outward appearance was virtually the same since the beginning, but since Shiori was keen on using illusionary techniques, he was the most damaged of the two. Although there was no visible signs, the Senju Overlord felt pain everywhere. He knew he was in a poorer shape than Mother Suna, even though she had more signs to show the damage she had sustained so far. That was the key trait about illusionary jutsus, their effects could not be seen at the naked eye, but they were certainly felt by those affected. On the other hand, she was the most tired of the duo. Constant usage of techniques was taxing to everyone, and she had not stopped a moment since the inception of their struggle. Even an Ancient such as she, now mighty as it could be, would feel the effects of such constant drain on their physical frames. Since the White Wolf had spent a few moments fully bound and unable to access his chakra, he was less tired than her. In a twisted way, they were in equal shape. The question now was, who could endure the most? The Silvery Haired Man's life or the Earth Queen's stamina?

Ancients had the uncanny ability of warping reality. They had the skill of bending the reality to their own will. Reaper, being a halfbreed, shared such traits, albeit in a smaller scale. As such, despite being inside a room, the Occult Sennin still managed to created a massive pond that submerged both Shiori and her undead minion. While underwater, she would have a hard time fighting back. Things were turning for him again, but while last time he had gloated, a terrible mistake to make on his part, something he would not repeat again, this time he was just focused on winning."I am going to outlast you brother" she huffed "I am going to outlast you brother" she warned him. Both sentences being spoken after failing to hit with with a masterful Rasengan. "We will see." Kazuki would ominously note. It did not matter who won this fight, things would not be the same for anyone.

Maintain Corpse Soil, Abysmal Harbinger and Mystical Pond
Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori.
Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori.
Cast Body Bind - Mastered (3 AP) on Shiori.
Cast Ebony Nightmare - Mastered (2.5 AP)
Cast Elemental Clone - Mastered (2AP) (Special Action: Earth)

Zombies (2 AP total)
Use basic strikes on Shiori. 2x times each (200 damage), using Nin Acc. (1 AP)

Youkai S Rank Summon (6 AP total)
Use Venomous Bite – A-Rank Ninjutsu (3 AP) (using Melee acc) targeting Shiori and Shiori's IWR
Use Sudden Cruelty – A-Rank Buffing Taijutsu (2.75 AP) on Shiori and Shiori's IWR

Abysmal Harbinger (4 AP total)
Basic strikes (1100 damage per each) on Shiori. (1 AP) x4

Ebony Nightmare (3 AP total)
Basic strikes (600 damage per each) on Shiori (1 AP) x3

Divert any attack toward Shiori's IWR if Shiori is affected by Body Bind.
Cast Cancel - Mastered (1.5 AP) to dispel Requiem of Death if I don't resist it first.
Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori, if she is unbound at any time by any means.
Cast Body Switch - Mastered (1AP) (Kawirimi) at the first non-illusionary attack Shiori does against me.
Cast Thunderclap - Mastered (1.5 AP) if I cannot discern who the real Shiori is.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[col3]Senju Kazuki
HP: 24048 [+1170 Healing Factor] [-4602] 20616
Gen damage cannot be healed
CP: 20433 [-2788] 17645
Corrupted Energy: 5427 [-1520] 3907
AP: 10 [-9.5] 0.5
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 26927 [+][-2922] 24005
CP: 11621 [-1375] 10246
Corrupted Energy: 5117 [+] [-2070] 3047
AP: 10 [-8.5] 1.5 => 1 to roll over
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23
Stealth[/spoilername]|Abyssal Harbinger
HP: 9420
AP: 4[/col3]

[col3]Shiori's IWR
HP: 14928 [4441] 11237
750 is ignored
CP: 12860 [-170] 11600
AP: 3.5 [-1.5] 2
[spoilername="Buffs"]10% backlash damage to the attacker. Additionally, all melee contact with the user has a 12% chance of causing the Burn effect.[/spoilername]|Shiori's Zombies (x4)
HP: 1122 (each)
AP: 2|Kazuki's Zombies
HP: 1171
AP: 2[/col3]

[col3]Kazuki's Youkai Contract
HP: 25996 [-555] 25441
CP: 22970 [-4360] 18610
AP: 6 [-5.75] 0.25

Melee Accuracy = 10 + 14 + 2
Ranged Accuracy = 8 + 14 + 2
Ninjutsu Accuracy = 8 + 14 + 2
Melee Dodge = 8 + 14
Ranged Dodge = 4 + 14
Ninjutsu Dodge = 4 + 14
Genjutsu Difficulty = 8 + 14
Genjutsu Save = 8 + 14
Awareness + 2||[/col3]


0.00 Seconds | Shiori maintains all maintains: Lingering Spark, Corpse Soil (with IWR).
Lingering Spark Gen Check (Shiori) 11 Failure
Lingering Spark (Kazuki) 13[/list]
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki maintains Corpse Soil, Abysmal Harbinger and Mystical Pond.
  • Mystical Pond Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 4 Failed, Shiori is free
    Mystical Pond Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 4
    Mystical Pond Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 20 Success, Shiori's IWR is still under the effects of Mystical Pond.
    Mystical Pond Ninjutsu Check (Shiori's IWR) 16
    21% chance for Shiori's IWR to lose 1 Ap each round. Roll: 93 Failed
0.00 Seconds | Shiori's IWR maintains his stance and his chakra armor.
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Dark Invitation on Shiori.
  • Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 2 Failed
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 11
0.00 Seconds | Shiori activates Dark Invitation on Kazuki.
  • Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 11 Failure
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 13
1.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on Shiori.
  • % chance that this would be diverted to Shiori's IWR (due to stance). Roll: 95 Failed
    1.00 Seconds | Shiori's IWR protects Shiori using Human Shield.
    Shiori's IWR is bound
    Chance of suffocation. Roll: 75 Failed
2.00 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on Shiori.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 18 Failed
    Evasion (Shiori) 19
2.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Advanced Clone [Mastered] on Kazuki using her enthralling voice making bondage irrelevant and increasing her genjutsu DC spreading this attack using her enthralling voice to a secondary target (Kazuki's Youkai Summon). Shiori will also be using her Genjutsu Sensory Knowledge Special Move: Mental Focus to increase her Gen DC by two more. This will also gain the benefit of Elemental Illusion: Fire. Also take note of her shinobi 101. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
  • Gen DC (Shiori) 2 Success, Kazuki is now under the influence of this Visual Slot Genjutsu.
    Gen Save (Kazuki) 3
    Gen DC (Shiori) 8 Failed, the Youkai summon resisted Shiori's illusion
    Gen Save (Kazuki's Youkai Summon) 19
2.50 Seconds | Kazuki's Abysmal Harbinger attacks Shiori with a Basic Strike.
  • Random Target, 1 is Shiori. Roll: 1 (Shiori)
    % chance to redirect this attack to Shiori's IWR. Roll: 9
    • Attack (Kazuki's Abysmal Harbinger) 1 Miss
      Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 20
4.50 Seconds | Kazuki casts as a prepared Conditional Thunderclap [Mastered] at the Shiori(s).
  • Note: Using evasion stat of the caster as it is not defined as otherwise. Upon being hit, the clone would be recognized as a clone.
    Bolt #1 1 Hit
    Shiori Clone #1 2
    Bolt #2 3 Hit
    Shiori Clone #2 3
    Bolt #3 5 50% hit
    Shiori Clone #3 8
    Bolt #4 11 Hit
    Shiori Clone #4 11
    Bolt #5 13 Hit
    Shiori Clone #5 13
    Bolt #6 13 Hit
    Shiori 14
    Bolt #7 16 25% hit
    • Chance that attack is diverted to Shiori's IWR (stance). Roll: 95 Failed.
      Shiori 20
    Roll for random target, 6 would be Shiori. Roll: 1
    Shiori Clone #1 20
    • Kazuki now knows who the real Shiori is.
5.00 Seconds | Shiori casts Rasengan [Mastered] on Kazuki and his Youkai summon using AE Special Moves Feint (Major) and Spread (Minor) due to Elementalist on this B Rank jutsu and the Special Action - Shape Transformation so that this attack uses melee accuracy and also still does not use handseals again making bondage irrelevant to Shiori where her attack does +1 Accuracy for -10% Cp cost, but deals -5% base damage stacked twice. I will not use Special Action - Nature Transformation so that I can keep this attack Non-Elemental so that I can use my Hashigaki move Sound Crystallization to convert this jutsu to a Sound Ninjutsu for additional bonuses and effects. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
  • Kazuki uses Body Switch with a Kawirimi. However Shiori cast this attack using Feint as a major move. So re-roll is as follows below:
    • Attack (Shiori) 7 Hit
      Evasion (Kazuki) 7
      • 33% chance of activating the 'Non-Elemental' effect (bonus from Class). Roll: 32. Success.
    Attack (Shiori) 1 MISS
    Evasion (Kazuki's Summon) 16
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's zombies use basic strikes on Shiori. 2x times each (200 damage), using Nin Acc.
  • Zombie #1 2 Miss
    Shiori 3
    Zombie #2 3 Miss
    Shiori 6
    Zombie #3 8 Miss
    Shiori 12
    Zombie #4 12 Miss
    Shiori 18
    Zombie #5 18 Miss
    Shiori 19
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's Abysmal Harbinger attacks Shiori with a Basic Strike.
  • 5.00 Seconds | Shiori uses Body Switch [Mastered] as a reactionary to avoid this attack.
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's Youkai summon uses Venomous Bite – A-Rank Ninjutsu (3 AP) (using Melee acc) targeting Shiori and Shiori's IWR.
  • Attack (Youkai) 1 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 10
    Attack (Youkai) 14 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 14
    • 12% chance of causing the Burn effect. Roll: 32 Failed
      Shiori's IWR is free.
      Poison Check Roll: 17 The IWR failed the Poison Check
      Poison Resist: 6
5.50 Seconds | Shiori uses Cancel [Mastered] as a free action due to her Willpower.
5.50 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on Shiori.
  • 5.63 Seconds | Shiori's IWR uses Human shield to protect Shiori.
    Shiori's IWR is bound.
    Chance of suffocation. Roll: 94 Failed
6.50 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on Shiori.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 9 Failed
    Evasion (Shiori) 20
7.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Defiled Touch [Mastered] on Kazuki using Ninjutsu Accuracy. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
  • Attack (Shiori) 5 Miss
    Evasion (Kazuki) 18
7.50 Seconds | Kazuki's Abysmal Harbinger attacks Shiori with a Basic Strike.
  • Attack (Harbinger) 7 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 11
7.50 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on Shiori.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 6 Failed
    Evasion (Shiori) 15
8.50 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on Shiori.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 14 Failed
    Evasion (Shiori) 15
9.50 Seconds | Kazuki cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on Shiori.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 11 Success, Shiori is bound
    Evasion (Shiori) 2
9.58 Seconds | Kazuki's Youkai contract summon uses Sudden Cruelty – A-Rank Buffing Taijutsu (2.75 AP) on Shiori and Shiori's IWR.
  • Attack (Youkai) 20 Crit
    Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 20
    • 12% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression due to crit. Roll: 34 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 1 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 3
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 44 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 4 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 6
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 8 Success
    Attack (Youkai) 7 50% hit
    Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 7
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 10 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 8 25% hit
    Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 9
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 16 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 10 50% hit
    Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 10
    • 12% chance of causing the Burn effect. 91 Failed
      8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 18 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 11 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 11
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 43 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 12 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 13
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 53 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 13 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 13
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 73 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 15 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 15
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 78 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 15 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 18
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 90 Failed
    Attack (Youkai) 18 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 20
    • 8% chance to cause .5 AP's worth of suppression. Roll: 92 Failed
      Shiori is no longer bound.
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's zombies use basic strikes on Shiori. 2x times each (200 damage), using Nin Acc.
  • Zombie #1 3 Miss
    Shiori 9
    Zombie #2 11 50% Hit
    Shiori 12
    Zombie #3 16 25% Hit
    Shiori 18
    Zombie #4 18 50% hit
    Shiori 19
    Zombie #5 19 50% hit
    Shiori 20
10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's Abysmal Harbinger attacks Shiori with a Basic Strike.
  • Attack (Abysmal Harbinger) 5 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 10

Due to the reduced AP, chosen conditionals or suppression all of the intended actions for all parties could not be completed fully.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Shiori's corpses would continue to venture deeper into the Toraono Dojo, disrupting life as they went as they attempted to tear Senju clansmen from their living spaces.

Shiori was whittling away at the hybrid, it was a tiresome, irksome process due to his love of bondage and his portfolio that was uncanny in how similar it was to her own. He was starting to play more defensively , attempting to perhaps outlast her but the truth be told the darkness could never outlast the desert. His summon was more dangerous than his creations, his zombies or his clones. It was something that worked independent of its 'master' but it was weak, at least in comparison to them. It would get the occasional lucky strike in, but for the most part it was a distraction and she knew it. His entire horde was a distraction at this point. Yes, over time they would wear her down, but that would only be the case if she failed to bring their master down first.

In the distance she could hear a scream, a cry for help. Good, they got one, she thought to herself. She did not want to kill the Senju refugees, that was going to be brother Kazuki's responsibility.

"I thank you brother dearest, this battle with you has been enlightening. When you try to fight me again I will need to know how you think... how you fight, because I might have lost against you in your realized form," Shiori announced. Strange, going on about a realized form that is. To her that would be a full Ancient, rather than some discarded and forgotten half-breed. Her stance would change as she said this and she was breathing heavily. "You have, however, disappointed me twice, she would admit as she avoided most of his assaults but sadly not all. "First in your alliance with man, making you a traitor," her Rasengan crashed into Kazuki. "And then in your lack of appetites," she moved out of the way of his attack leaving a log in her wake. "Where I have waited patiently for your coming of age," she reached out to grab him but missed. "You remain no more than a child in the eyes of the Courts so long as you stubbornly maintain your humanity. The shadows would reach out for her but never reach as she backed away only to be flanked by a fiery Harbinger and a hungry demonic summon.

She would grab her arm where the Youkai struck her, she was tired but she was far from done. "Thankfully I am well aware of a surplus of Deep Court Energy so that we might make our gains in a single day." Yes, she was planning on feeding him his own kin. It was a cruel act even for her, a woman who so desperate missed everything that she had lost. Of course that was what she was doing here, making gains in what she had lost. Forcing the change if necessary.

Do not attempt to escape Kazuki's binds once bound.
Maintain: Corpse Soil (with IWR) and Advanced Clone.
Conditional #1: If any of these Genjutsus fail to be maintained re-cast the Genjutsu using Genjutsu Special Move Focus to increase the chance that it will hit the intended target as well as her Enthralling Voice to make handseals and movement irrelevant as well as to spread it to a secondary target: Kazuki's Youkai Summon and tertiary Katsuo.
3.00 Seconds | Shiori casts Black Blockade [Mastered]
3.00 Seconds | Shiori casts Final Chime [Mastered] on Kazuki using AE Special Move Feint (Major).
If Shiori is not able to cast the jutsus that require handseals, skip them jutsu. Conditional #2
2.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Rasengan [Mastered] on Kazuki and any enemy inside Black Blockade using AE Special Moves Feint (Major) and Spread (Minor) due to Elementalist on this B Rank jutsu and the Special Action - Shape Transformation so that this attack does not use melee accuracy and also still does not use handseals again making bondage irrelevant to Shiori where her attack does +1 Accuracy for -10% Cp cost, but deals -5% base damage stacked twice. I will not use Special Action - Nature Transformation so that I can keep this attack Non-Elemental so that I can use my Hashigaki move Sound Crystallization to convert this jutsu to a Sound Ninjutsu for additional bonuses and effects. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
1.50 Seconds | Shiori casts Critical Exposure [Mastered] on Kazuki using AE special moves Feint and Debilitate.
3.00 Seconds | Shiori casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered] on Kazuki as a single target attack unless there is an additional target within the Black Blockade (Conditional #4) in which case it will become an AOE that will attack Kazuki and any other enemt target within the Black Blockade. I will make no alterations to the damage output and accuracy otherwise in the Special Action: Shapeshift. Through Nature Infusion I will be casting Odama Rasengan (NE) for its NE effect as well as its suppression potential. Using Hashigaki;s Sound Crystallization I will convert this to a Sound Ninjutsu for the sake of getting better buffs and damage output. This jutsu does not require handseals so I will not need to worry about Kazuki's bondage here. This will also use Feint to counter Kazuki's inevitable auto-dodge attempt. She will cast this using her Corrupted Energy.
1.00 Seconds Left Over AP? Let's just spam 1000 Years of Pain Kai [Mastered] because it does not overwrite Kinetic Gens already in a slot using enthralling voice and Sensory Move Mental Spread to effect Kazuki and any other enemy target within Black Blockade.

Shiori's IWR:
Makes no attempt to avoid Black Blockade
0 AP IWR drops Defensive Stance
3 AP IWR attempts to attack Kazuki with Reciprocate [Mastered]
Makes no attempt to escape binds
0.5 AP When Shiori is targeted by an attack from Kazuki or Katsuo, use Human Shield to Block the attack. (Conditional #5)


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col][I was given special permission from participants to join.]

Long before he arrived at the scene of the battle the clouds overhead gathered like a crowd waiting with baited breath. What began as small fluffy gatherings of cloud cover rapidly expanded into angry black thunderheads that rumbled with the impending threat of heavy rain and dangerous thunder-- a rare natural occurrence in the Wind Country to say the least. Lightning flashed and boomed in the sky above heralding the arrival of it's champion who appeared on the battlefield with a flash of his own electrical charge, streaks of fused sand about his feet where he crouched in a three-point landing. When the word had come down only half a minute before that there was a battle going down at the gates of the Toraono Dojo between the ANBU Sennin Senju Kazuki and an unidentified woman who seemed to be holding her own, Katsuo had dropped everything and hurried to the gates to provide reinforcements for him. If this unidentified person was able to fight on an equal or greater skill level to Kazuki that implied only one thing to Katsuo: a Sovereign agent.

He had no idea that he'd be in for the meeting of a lifetime.

As the last scion of the lineage of Primus, Katsuo was the last living vestige of the family line that had brought down the Old World with a swing of his sword and the only living person to bear the name of the family line that Suna had attempted to curse for their connection to that One King all those years ago. In that curse she had passed a vestige of herself to Sunahoshi Nori and thus given the Sunahoshi Clan the dominion over the desert winds and with no living Lord of the Solar Court to dispute their claim to the power of the sky and weather patterns they had eventually taken those as well through honing of the mantle of power that Suna had given them. It was too late for her to revoke that gift that she'd given but this would be perhaps the first time she'd ever seen it wielded at the extent of it's potential that Katsuo possessed. Combined with a sliver of power from the blade that Primus once wielded, Katsuo had transformed that blood curse of Suna's into a powerful weapon which could wield the heavens themselves.

Rising up from his crouch, Katsuo took in the scene before him and for a moment was awed. This wasn't simply a battle between two individuals-- this was a war on a minuscule scale. Chakra constructs leaped from place to place locked in combat with each other, some swooped through the air like gigantic mythological creatures and still others looked like soldiers which had been brought with them by the commanders of the forces which were clashing. Still... it wasn't hard to pick out Kazuki and Shiori for they ]were at the heart of the chaos that was raging. In that moment Katsuo realized that this conflict had the potential to cause serious damage to the city if it escalated any further or changed location and was even more resolved than before to lend his aid.


Still on the fringe of the battlefield, Katsuo raised his hand to the sky and with a strike of golden lightning felt the rush of both power and physical pain that accompanied the process of Exaltation that allowed him to take on the visage of the One King and become an avatar for the power that slumbered in his heart. Golden spikes replaced the floppy green mop atop his head and a raiment of jewels and golden-colored silks replaced the more common modern-day clothing that he wore upon his person as he blinked and the color of his eyes transformed to a deep, blood red.

"Okay. Game on."
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi
  • Activate Lightning Style - Surge. [0.5 AP / 0 CP]
  • Cast Chakra Gates (Master Rank) and activate Gate #4 (2% CP per round recovered), Gate #6 (+2 Acc/Dodge and Instant Clone Recognition) and Gate #7 (+1 AP and +2 Genjutsu Save) [1.5 AP / 600 CP]
  • Cast Sword of Oblivion (Master Rank). [2 AP / 1,200 CP]
    • Damage Type: Unarmed
    • Accuracy/Damage Modifiers: +2 Accuracy / -10% Damage
    • Augments: Special Composition: Storm (Free), Dual Weapon (Free), Bandage Wraps, Re-Energize and Overflow
  • Cast Polarity Storm (Master Rank) targeting Shiori and Shiori's IWR [3 AP / 2750 CP]
    • Using Affinity Move Focus to add +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical Range.
  • Conditional #1: If Shiori's IWR is still on the field following Polarity Storm (Master Rank) then cast Chidori Control (Master Rank) as soon as possible targeting Shiori and Shiori's IWR (3 AP / 3,150 CP)
    • Using Chidori Senbon Special Action to split jutsu into 5 attacks each with a 9% chance to activate Disruption.
    • Using Santaru passive Storm Manipulation to change from Lightning to Storm Ninjutsu.
    • Using Affinity Move Spread to add +1 target and include Shiori's IWR.
    • Using Sword of Oblivion's Special Action to channel jutsu through my weapon (no handseals) and change Accuracy Type to Melee Accuracy.
  • Conditional #2: If Shiori's IWR is not still on the field following Polarity Storm (Master Rank) then activate Duelist on Shiori. [0 AP / 0 CP]
  • Conditional #3: If Shiori's IWR is not still on the field following Polarity Storm (Master Rank) then cast Gate of Babylon (Master Rank) targeting Shiori. [3 AP / 3,700 CP]
    • Using Affinity Move Debilitate to increase Gates of Babylon's Impale chance from 10% to 15%.
    • Using Sword of Oblivion's Special Action to channel jutsu through my weapon (no handseals) and change Accuracy Type to Melee Accuracy.
    • Conditional #4: If any of Gates of Babylon's attacks miss then use it's Special Action for 1 AP to re-roll them targeting Shiori.
  • Hold remaining AP for hold-over to next round.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Kazuki’s small army was firmly established by now, but perhaps it was too late to overcome the potential fate of their struggle. Despite having number’s advantage, Suna’s magics had essentially nullified them. In fact, she even escaped from the mystical pond the Senju Overlord had created to trap her. Things were no longer going well for him. Army or not, they were senseless if no hits landed his enemies. ”Damn.” the White Wolf curse. Was he going to lose? Focused on the battle as he was, the silvery haired man still did not fail to listen to a cry for help in the distance. Was the product of the Earth Queen’s abducting zombies? Indeed it was, not that he was aware of what was going on. And there was more pressing matters at hand, like surviving this battle.

”I thank you brother dearest, this battle with you has been enlightening. When you try to fight me again I will need to know how you think… how you fight, because I might have lost against you in your realized form.” Shiori would suddenly announce. It was a weird thing to say given how the fight was going on, though it was not over yet. There was still some fight inside of the Occult Sennin. ”This is not over yet.” he would growl back. It was surprising though, how long this fight had been so far. Ancients had claimed, time and time again, how so much more superior they were compared to mankind. Yet, here he was, facing one of them all alone, and he was still standing. Was he winning? No, Kazuki knew it. He was on the path that would lead to a loss, one that could cost him dearly. But he was still fighting. Something no one could ever predict. She was very tired now, notion explicit by her heavy breathing. There was still some sliver of hope there.

”You have, however, disappointed me twice.” Suna would state as he avoided most attacks that targeted her. ”Forgive me.” the Ranger Lord would say. His frame would be substituted by a log the Earth Queen attempted to land a Rasengan on his body. As Kazuki reappeared, he would find himself being hit by her attack nonetheless. He would be pushed backwards, crashing against a wall. As he stepped forward, the silvery haired man would cough blood. Not reddish blood, but pitch black one. ”First in your alliance with man, making you a traitor.” she would state immediately after. ”And then in your lack of appetites.” she would note as the Senju Overlord’s attack only hit a log. Was she not aware how much souls he had captured since the discovery he was a halfbreed? The White Wolf had entered Sunagakure already possessing thousands of souls under his belt. But ever since that day, he had tripled or quadrupled that amount. His hunger was never sated, something she should have realized by now. Since she had the same one. ”Where I have waited patiently for your coming of age.” Shiori tried to grab him, only to have Reaper dodge in the nick of time. Damaged as he was, his reflexes were still fast enough to evade such attacks. ”You remain no more than a child in the eyes of the Courts so long as your stubbornly maintain your humanity.”

She would be flanked by his minions. The Youkai Lord would strike her, making her grab her arm in reflex. ”Thankfully I am well aware of a surplus of Deep Court Energy so that we might make our gains in a single day.” Suna would declare. All those words together carried a very ominous message. Her plan revealed in total. She would feed him Deep Court energy and fully transform the Occult Sennin into one of her kind. And she was going to use his own clan as the main source. ”Don’t you dare doing that. I will destroy you for that.” the halfbreed would lash out. She would find out how tenacious he could be. Feeding on his clan was something he would never do. And she was going to learn that.

Fortunately for him, aid was coming in the form of the last Sunahoshi. A man that once housed the essence of Mikaboshi. Lord of the Deep Court and potential progenitor of Kazuki. What the Senju Overlord did not know was that the Elder Shadow had been freed. His focus was solely on the battle and, specifically, on Shiori. Ergo, he would have not noticed how the sky above them would darken as clouds congregated. Pitch black clouds accompanied by thunder and lightning. The Lord of the Storm landed near the field, scanning his surroundings and the battle itself. The White Wolf would only notice there was someone else there when lightning stroke the ground near them. He would momentarily turn his head toward his left, spotting an individual sporting golden armor and golden hair. That was man was Katsuo, an individual the silvery haired man had never seen before. Therefore, he became uncertain if this new guy was there to help or not. Of course, he knew this was no Ancient, but it was still an unknown factor.

Maintain Corpse Soil and Abysmal Harbinger.
Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori.
Cast Dark Displacement - Mastered (2.5 AP) (Special Action: Stealth)
Cast Barrier - Mastered (2AP)
Cast Ebony Nightmare - Mastered (2.5 AP)
Cast Elemental Clone - Mastered (2AP) (Special Action: Earth)

Zombies (2 AP total)
Use basic strikes on Shiori. 2x times each (200 damage), using Nin Acc. (1 AP)

Youkai S Rank Summon (6 AP total)
Use Venomous Bite – A-Rank Ninjutsu (3 AP) (using Melee acc) targeting Shiori
Use Sudden Cruelty – A-Rank Buffing Taijutsu (2.75 AP) targeting Shiori

Abysmal Harbinger (4 AP total)
Basic strikes (1100 damage per each) on Shiori. (1 AP) x4

Ebony Nightmare (3 AP total)
Basic strikes (600 damage per each) on Shiori (1 AP) x3

Earth Clone (2.5 AP total)
Use Stone Bullet - Mastered (Special Action: Called Shot - Arms) (1 AP)
Use Earth Flow River - Mastered (1.5 AP)

Divert any attack toward Shiori's IWR if Shiori is bound.
Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori, if she is unbound at any time by any means.
Cast Body Bind - Mastered (3 AP) on Shiori if she becomes bound.
Cast Thunderclap - Mastered (1.5 AP) if I cannot discern who the real Shiori is.
If in stealth and inside the black blockade, attempt to exit from it before anything else.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
[col3]Senju Kazuki
HP: 20616 [+1170 Healing Factor][+1409] [-2992] 18794
Gen damage cannot be healed
CP: 17645 [-6491] 11154
Corrupted Energy: 3907 [+1170] 5077
AP: 10 [-9.5] 0.5
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 24005 [+1395][-12601] 12799
CP: 10246 [-1160] 9086
Corrupted Energy: 3047 [+1395] [-3550] 892
AP: 11 [-10] 1
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23
Stealth[/spoilername]|Abyssal Harbinger
HP: 9420 [-587] 8843
AP: 4[/col3]

[col3]Shiori's IWR
HP: 11237 [-6109] 5128
750 is ignored
CP: 11600 [-170] 11430
AP: 3.5 [-1] 2.5
[spoilername="Buffs"]10% backlash damage to the attacker. Additionally, all melee contact with the user has a 12% chance of causing the Burn effect.[/spoilername]|Shiori's Zombies (x4)
HP: 1122 (each)
AP: 2|Kazuki's Zombies
HP: 1171
AP: 2[/col3]

[col3]Kazuki's Youkai Contract
HP: 25441 [-1018] 24423
CP: 18610 [-2300] 16310
AP: 6.25 [-5.75] 0.50
[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy = 10 + 14 + 2
Ranged Accuracy = 8 + 14 + 2
Ninjutsu Accuracy = 8 + 14 + 2
Melee Dodge = 8 + 14
Ranged Dodge = 4 + 14
Ninjutsu Dodge = 4 + 14
Genjutsu Difficulty = 8 + 14
Genjutsu Save = 8 + 14
Awareness + 2[/spoilername]|Sunahoshi Katsuo
Spawn of the Villain Primus

HP: 42000 [-6600] 35400
CP: 33000 [-7700] 25300
AP: 10 [-10] 0|[/col3]

What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki maintains Corpse Soil and Abysmal Harbinger.
0.00 Seconds | Shiori maintains Corpse Soil with IWR,
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Dark Invitation.
  • This is a passive and effects everyone.
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 6 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 3
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 8 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori's IWR) 2
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 15 Failed
    Ninjutsu Check (Katsuo) 18
0.00 Seconds | Shiori activates Dark Invitation.
  • Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 3
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 18
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 15 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Abyssal Harbinger) 17
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 19 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki's Youkai Summon) 20
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 6 Failed
    Ninjutsu Check (Katsuo) 14
0.00 Seconds | Shiori's IWR drops defensive stance.
0.50 Seconds | Katsuo activates Lightning Style - Surge.
  • Surge: The user gains +0.5 Dodge per Lightning-based Action done by the user the previous round, stacking up to +3. If the Dodge Bonus exceeds the +3, per 0.5 surpassing the caps grants the user +3% Auto-Dodge instead.
0.95 Seconds | Kazuki casts Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori.
  • 0.95 Seconds | Shiori's IWR blocks Kazuki's attack using Human Shield and is bound.
    • Attack (Kazuki) 8 Hit, IWR is bound
      Evasion (Shiori's IWR) 4
1.00 Seconds | Katsuo casts Chakra Gates (Master Rank) and activates Gate #4 (2% CP per round recovered).
2.50 Seconds | Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger performs a basic strike on Shiori's IWR
  • Attack (Abyssal Harbinger) 9 Hit
    Evasion (IWR) 13
    IWR is no longer bound.
2.25 Seconds | Shiori casts Rasengan [Mastered] on Kazuki and any enemy inside Black Blockade using AE Special Moves Feint (Major) and Spread (Minor) due to Elementalist on this B Rank jutsu and the Special Action - Shape Transformation so that this attack does not use melee accuracy and also still does not use handseals again making bondage irrelevant to Shiori where her attack does +1 Accuracy for -10% Cp cost, but deals -5% base damage stacked twice. I will not use Special Action - Nature Transformation so that I can keep this attack Non-Elemental so that I can use my Hashigaki move Sound Crystallization to convert this jutsu to a Sound Ninjutsu for additional bonuses and effects. This will be taken from her Corrupted Energy pool.
  • Black Blockade is a non-factor so she would be picking a random target beyond Kazuki.
    Roll for random target: Katsuo (1), Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger (2), Kazuki's Youkai Contract (3), Kazuki's Zombies #1 (4), Kazuki's Zombies #2 (5), Kazuki's Zombies #3 (6), Kazuki's Zombies #4 (7). Roll: 1 (Katsuo).
    • Attack (Shiori) 4 Miss
      Evasion (Kazuki) 18
      Attack (Shiori) 20 CRIT
      Evasion (Katsuo) 16
      • 'Non Elemental' effects has a 46% chance of activating. Roll: 57 Failed
3.00 Seconds | Katsuo casts Sword of Oblivion (Master Rank).
  • Damage Type: Unarmed. Accuracy/Damage Modifiers: +2 Accuracy / -10% Damage. Augments: Special Composition: Storm (Free), Dual Weapon (Free), Bandage Wraps, Re-Energize and Overflow.
3.70 Seconds | Kazuki casts Body Bind - Mastered (3 AP) on Shiori.
  • Shiori's IWR blocks the attack with Human Shield.
    Shiori is unbound
3.60 Seconds | Shiori casts Critical Exposure [Mastered] on Kazuki using AE special moves Feint and Debilitate.
  • Attack (Shiori) 3 Miss
    Evasion (Kazuki) 19
4.00 Seconds | Katsuo drops his Sword of Oblivion.
  • This is because the next jutsu cast requires full handseals.
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's Youkai S Rank Summon uses Venomous Bite – A-Rank Ninjutsu (3 AP) (using Melee acc) targeting Shiori.
  • Attack (Youkai) 2 HIT
    Evasion (IWR) 3
    • IWR is no longer bound.
      Poison Check (Youkai) 12 Success
      Poison Check (IWR) 7
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger performs a basic strike on Shiori.
  • Attack (Harbinger) 17 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 7
    • 12% chance of 'searing' the target. Roll: 56 Failed.
4.95 Seconds | Shiori casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered] on Kazuki as a single target attack unless there is an additional target within the Black Blockade (Conditional #4) in which case it will become an AOE that will attack Kazuki and any other enemy target within the Black Blockade. I will make no alterations to the damage output and accuracy otherwise in the Special Action: Shapeshift. Through Nature Infusion I will be casting Odama Rasengan (NE) for its NE effect as well as its suppression potential. Using Hashigaki's Sound Crystallization I will convert this to a Sound Ninjutsu for the sake of getting better buffs and damage output. This jutsu does not require handseals so I will not need to worry about Kazuki's bondage here. This will also use Feint to counter Kazuki's inevitable auto-dodge attempt. She will cast this using her Corrupted Energy.
  • As there is no Black Blockade, again the roll for second target besides Kazuki will be determined randomly.[/i]
    Roll for random target: Katsuo (1), Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger (2), Kazuki's Youkai Contract (3), Kazuki's Zombies #1 (4), Kazuki's Zombies #2 (5), Kazuki's Zombies #3 (6), Kazuki's Zombies #4 (7). Roll: 3 (Youkai)
    Roll for random target: Katsuo (1), Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger (2), Kazuki's Youkai Contract (3), Kazuki's Zombies #1 (4), Kazuki's Zombies #2 (5), Kazuki's Zombies #3 (6), Kazuki's Zombies #4 (7). Roll: 6 (Kazuki's Zombie #3)
    • Attack (Shiori) 13 50% Hit
      Evasion (Kazuki) 15
      Attack (Shiori) 6 Miss
      Evasion (Youkai) 18
      Attack (Shiori) 10
      Evasion (Zombie #3) 11 *poofed*
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's corpses attempt to attack Shiori.
  • Attack (Corpse) 4 Miss
    Evasion (IWR) 19
    Attack (Corpse) 15 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 6
    Attack (Corpse) 2 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 17
5.60 Seconds | Kazuki casts Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 1 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 14
6.30 Seconds | Shiori casts 1000 Years of Pain Kai [Mastered] with Sensory Move Mental Spread to effect Kazuki and any other enemy target within Black Blockade.
  • As there is no Black Blockade so the attack will target a random target.
    Roll for random target: Katsuo (1), Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger (2), Kazuki's Youkai Contract (3), Kazuki's Zombies #1 (4), Kazuki's Zombies #2 (5), Kazuki's Zombies #3 (6), Kazuki's Zombies #4 (7). Roll: 7 (Zombie #4)
    • Attack (Shiori) 10 Miss
      Resist (Kazuki) 13
      Attack (Shiori) 6 Hit
      Resist (Zombie #4) 2
      • 9% chance the target is suppressed for 0.5 AP. Roll: 33 Failed
6.55 Seconds | Kazuki casts Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 1 Hit, Shiori is bound.
    Evasion (Shiori) 2
7.00 Seconds | Kastuo casts Polarity Storm (Master Rank) targeting Shiori and Shiori's IWR using Affinity Move Focus to add +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical Range.
  • Attack (Katsuo) 4 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 8
    • 41% chance of activating the 'Disruption' effect. Roll: 62, 35, 11
      Shiori is no longer bound
    Attack (Katsuo) 18 Hit
    Evasion (IWR) 6
    • 41% chance of activating the 'Disruption' effect. Roll: 52, 8, 29
      Shiori's IWR is no longer bound
      Shiori's IWR *poofed* due to the Disruption effect on Shiori as the IWR inherently uses corrupted energy so attacks on the creation itself will not cause it to go *poof*.
7.00 Seconds | Katsuo activates Duelist on Shiori.
7.20 Seconds | Shiori casts 1000 Years of Pain Kai [Mastered] with Sensory Move Mental Spread to effect Kazuki and any other enemy target within Black Blockade.
  • As there is no Black Blockade so the attack will target a random target.
    Roll for random target: Katsuo (1), Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger (2), Kazuki's Youkai Contract (3), Kazuki's Zombies #1 (4), Kazuki's Zombies #2 (5), Kazuki's Zombies #3 (6), Kazuki's Zombies #4 (7). Roll: 1 (Katsuo)
    • Attack (Shiori) 7 Miss
      Resist (Kazuki) 17
      Attack (Shiori) 9 Hit
      Resist (Katsuo) 3
      • 9% chance the target is suppressed for 0.5 AP. Roll: 94 Failed
7.50 Seconds | Kazuki casts Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori.
  • Attack (Kazuki) 3 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 7
7.50 Seconds | Kazuki's Abysmal Harbinger makes no attack because Shiori is bound and there is no IWR to attack.
8.10 Seconds | Shiori casts 1000 Years of Pain Kai [Mastered] with Sensory Move Mental Spread to effect Kazuki and any other enemy target within Black Blockade.
  • As there is no Black Blockade so the attack will target a random target.
    Roll for random target: Katsuo (1), Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger (2), Kazuki's Youkai Contract (3), Kazuki's Zombies #1 (4), Kazuki's Zombies #2 (5), Kazuki's Zombies #3 (6), Kazuki's Zombies #4 (7). Roll: 2 (Harbinger)
    • Attack (Shiori) 17 Hit
      Resist (Kazuki) 13
      • 14% chance the target is suppressed for 0.5 AP. Roll: 24 Failed
      Attack (Shiori) 5 Hit
      Resist (Harbinger) 8
      • 9% chance the target is suppressed for 0.5 AP. Roll: 97 Failed
9.10 Seconds | Shiori casts 1000 Years of Pain Kai [Mastered] with Sensory Move Mental Spread to effect Kazuki and any other enemy target within Black Blockade.
  • As there is no Black Blockade so the attack will target a random target.
    Roll for random target: Katsuo (1), Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger (2), Kazuki's Youkai Contract (3), Kazuki's Zombies #1 (4), Kazuki's Zombies #2 (5), Kazuki's Zombies #3 (6), Kazuki's Zombies #4 (7). Roll: 3 (Youkai)
    • Attack (Shiori) 4 Hit
      Resist (Kazuki) 2
      • 14% chance the target is suppressed for 0.5 AP. Roll: 33
      Attack (Shiori) 2 Miss
      Resist (Harbinger) 20
      • 9% chance the target is suppressed for 0.5 AP. Roll: 56
9.58 Seconds | Kazuki's Youkai summon does not attack as it has no target because Shiori is bound and the IWR is gone.
9.88 Seconds | Kazuki casts Dark Displacement - Mastered (2.5 AP) (Special Action: Stealth).
10.0 Seconds | Katsuo casts Gate of Babylon (Master Rank) targeting Shiori using Affinity Move Debilitate to increase Gates of Babylon's Impale chance from 10% to 15% and using Sword of Oblivion's Special Action to channel jutsu through my weapon (no handseals) and change Accuracy Type to Melee Accuracy.
  • Attack (Katso) 2 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 1
    • 20% chance to Impale Shiori. Roll: 45 Failed
    Attack (Katsuo) 10 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 16
    Attack (Katsuo) 1 Miss
    Evasion (Shiori) 19
    Attack (Katsuo) 14 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 15
    • 20% chance to Impale Shiori. Roll: 26 Failed
    Attack (Katsuo) 7 Hit
    Evasion (Shiori) 9
    • 20% chance to Impale Shiori. Roll: 93 Failed
    35% chance of dealing critical damage. Roll: 4 success (Critical Damage)
    Shiori is no longer bound


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
”Don’t you dare doing that. I will destroy you for that.”

Kazuki threatened but she knew better, "you will be thanking me!" She knew what he wanted even if he failed to realize. "The power you have always sought!" She shouted back at him, "and the time to realize it! I am offering you the world, all you have to do is join me!" He was stubborn and he would never accept. That would be how he slept at night, he would be able to tell himself he was blameless in their death. She knew he had to resist, he had to. She huffed, it was beginning to hurt. She was starting to tire. She was going to have to end this soon before others came to his aide but Kazuki was better at delaying her assaults than she had anticipated. His binds limited her actions. Limited her ability to hold him down. To force her desired outcome. To force the outcome he too wanted but failed to realize or was unwilling to admit.

The sky grew dark, but there were no celestial spaces within the Toraono Dojo. The light simply no longer filtered daylight into the foyer that had become their battleground. They, well at the very least she, did not notice this loss of light. A crack of thunder followed a sudden flash of light as lightning stuck not far from the dojo. That she saw, how could she miss it. She had not seen such an unnatural phenomena in years. She turned her head, she would not recognize the man. He seemed rather mundane, unrecognizable because they had never met before. That was until he transformed, his visage changed into one she knew well. His face and gilded frame was one that was seared onto her memory, the anamnesis of that terrible day when the oxen rose against their masters. He looked just like him, just like the man (he was just a man after all) her brothers killed during Godsfall but suffered mortal wounds as well.

He was dead.

He was dead!

Like a wave Shiori and Kazuki's dark energies washed over the battlefield. She took back more than she lost during the exchange.

Kazuki's shadows tried to grip her but Shiori's steadfast minion stepped into harm's way. Her eyes widened as she looked past Kazuki. She did not say anything, but her once pretty face contorted into something ugly and pained. "Primus..." She muttered loud enough to be heard, she was not keeping any secrets from her brother and only a fool would fail to identify the 'One King' as the people would posthumously call him. When? How? She could feel what resembled a heart for her kind pound beneath her breast. There was a sense of panic mingled with her ire. She had centuries to replay the events of that day in her mind, how a single human felled two of the greatest warriors that had ever lived in a singular witnessed fray that sealed the fate for her kind. "Perhaps you are not a man after all," she observed. She was of course wrong, what stood before her was merely a legacy of the apotheosis of human strength and fighting dynamism.

She did not think she could win, not against them both in her present state but pride would never allow her to admit that, "You should have stayed dead gladiator slave of Homura's Court." She could feel her energy converge into her hand despite Kazuki's shadows that had by now wrapped themselves around her bare form. She released the energy in a burst of deafening noise that would leave bones rattling. She would miss Kazuki, but for a moment she had forgotten who she was actually targeting. Her aim was true against the legacy and ironically the only Earth Hybrid in existence. Her act against the Sunahoshi Clan was an act of resentment, she considered herself far above humanity and took pride in the fact that her Court never laid with the demons and beasts of burden that existed in Wind Country. The scions of Primus were like her bastard, unwanted children and brethren even now with so many generations removing them, the Sunahoshi were her one exception to personal views on familial fidelity and malfeasance. But she knew how to fight a man that only knew how to fight with his hands and blade. She would not make the same mistake her brothers had.

Kazuki's binds would hold her and then the creations would descend. Primus' storms would also prove overwhelming but also unmistakable. Primus was not a ninjutuist and yet he had a weapon made of pure energy and light. That was hers. The storms were unrelenting and electrical energy surged through her form. Primus was acting in excess to his portfolio. That was impossible. Primus was a MAN. Primus was a pathetic brawler. A gladiator that knew fortune through his strength and speed and nothing more! She crossed her arms over her body as she took the brunt of his devastating attack, leaving her body numb. Jinsei left her, the energies that sustained him were interrupted. She took a staggering step back before the shadows gripped her once more. "Impossible!" She shouted, "that is my portfolio!" Well, it was until she forfeited it to curse the Sunahoshi line. She gritted her teeth as she continued to try and combat the duo whom appeared to be working in cadence. The storm would strike her again and it would prove to be enough to take her breath away.

She was going to lose and she was going to die again. Perhaps for the last time. She might lose and she might die but she was not going to run.

Do not bother attempting to escape Kazuki's binds.
3 Seconds | Shiori casts Body Double [Mastered] on Katsuo using her enthralling voice to cast this without handseals and at increased acc. Using her 101 to cast this with her Nin accuracy and she is making it so that Katsuo sees Kazuki as Shiori also. She is using Gen Knowledge Focus to increase the accuracy of her attack.
1 Second | Shiori attempts to enter stealth. This also uses Elemental Illusion: Fire.
  • If unable to attempt to enter stealth for any reason skip to the next action. Conditional #1)
3 Seconds | Shiori casts Gate of Enma [Mastered] on Kazuki, Katsuo and Kazuki's Youkai Summon using special move debilitate if Shiori is in stealth (Conditional #2) or feint if she is not.
  • Because it is impossible to know if I am in stealth, for this conditional I am defining it as if Kazuki is able to target me with his attacks because his are the most frequent.
    If Shiori is unable to cast this (as it requires full handseals) then I skip to the next action. Conditional #3.
3 Seconds | Shiori casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered] on Kazuki, Kazuki's Youkai Contract summon and Katsuo using Ninjutsu Accuracy, as an AOE for 80% damage, at neutral accuracy, cast as an Odama Rasengan (NE). This attack does not require handseals. She will also be using Hashigaki's sound Crystallization to turn this into a Sound ninjutsu for additional benefit. This will be cast with Special move Focus to increase the critical range and accuracy of this attack.
3 Seconds | Shiori casts Rasengan [Mastered] using jutsu expansion to increase the jutsu rank to A rank. This is going to use shape transformation to transform this jutsu into 'Wind' with her ninjutsu accuracy without handseals. She will then use AE special move spread so she can target 2 targets being Kazuki and Katsuo. Using Hashigaki's Sound crystallization Shiori will convert this into a Sound jutsu for additional benefit.
If Shiori has an odd amount of AP left over sue to suppression or other means such as a chakra bind Shiori will cast if she has 2.5 Ap remaining the Rasengan previously mentioned without the jutsu expansion. (Conditional #4)
1 Second | If Shiori has the AP remaining at the end of the round, attempt to enter stealth again. (Conditional #5)
At 7.5 Seconds into the round, cast free action Cancel using my Willpower.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]"You should have stayed dead gladiator slave of Homura's Court."

"I don't know who you are but take my advice and pack it in." Called Katsuo over the howling of the incandescence surrounding his body. "If you know my face then you know this fight was over before it started."

Shiori's response to his call to surrender was not verbal but it sent a clear message to him; she had no intention of giving up even though she knew what she was facing.
From her fingertips she hurled a twisting sphere of unaligned elemental chakra at him that raced forward with all the speed of a bullet towards Katsuo. Raising his arms in response, gilded lightning pooled about his forearm for a moment before coalescing into a glimmering aspis-style shield that caught the swirling mass of chakra as it crashed against it like the wash of a rushing wave. The dense energy of the attack slammed into his newly formed shield and quickly bit through it, much to Katsuo's surprise, and caught him solidly in the chest as it blew through his defense. With a smoking patch of raw flesh burned into the right side of his chest from the vicious bite of Shiori's attack, Katsuo skidded backwards in the sand a few paces before stopping and fixing his gaze defiantly on her. Her attack had been sudden and much more dangerous than he'd anticipated but the pain in his breast served only as fuel on the fire of his urge to fight.

If she thought he was Primus then he'd give her a performance worthy of that golden king. Curling his fingers into a fist, Katsuo tucked his right hand in close to his side and opened his mouth to intone a single note of his voice as the air around him crackled and burned with his released aura. All around him grains of sand pooled into small bodies of unstable magnetic chakra that floated into the air for a few feet before popping under the strain of their own instability and falling harmlessly to the ground before repeating the process again. After a few moments of gathering energy, Katsuo charged forward at Shiori with sand swirling in his wake before skidding to a stop near where she stood before slamming his fist into the grit of the desert before her. Her minion jumped into close proximity as he charged and was caught in the resulting malestrom of shredding magnetic chakra before being torn into pieces and rendered back into the soil from whence it had been created.

As Jinsei disappeared in a cloud of dust, Katsuo recovered his stance and gave Shiori a confident smirk before he raised his right hand with fingers extended towards her.
As soon as his arm extended to it's full length he rapidly closed his fingers in a grasping motion as if he were crushing something in his grasp which signaled the onset of his next attack. Lightning flew from the sky and from his body and within a moment's notice Shiori was surrounded by a number of golden sword-like constructs which hung in the air for only a heartbeat before crashing together with Shiori the intended target for each of them.

"I won't say it again. Surrender."
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi
  • Maintain Chakra Gates (Master Rank). [300 HP/rnd]
    • Gates #4, #6 and #7 active.
  • Conditional #1: If targeted by an A-Rank jutsu then use Body Flicker (Master Rank) to auto-dodge it. [1.75 AP / 420 CP]
  • Cast Sword of Oblivion (Master Rank). [2 AP / 1,200 CP]
    • Damage Type: Unarmed
    • Accuracy/Damage Modifiers: +2 Accuracy / -10% Damage
    • Augments: Special Composition: Storm (Free), Dual Weapon (Free), Bandage Wraps, Vampiric and Overflow
  • Cast Afternoon Tiger targeting Shiori [2.75 AP / 2,376 CP]
    • Activate Overflow augment to increase damage by 15% and CP cost by 30%.
  • Conditional #2: If Afternoon Tiger (Master Rank is at least a Partial Hit then activate Bandage Wraps augment to combo into next Taijutsu and grant it +1 Critical Range. [0.5 AP / 0 CP]
  • Conditional #3: If Bandage Wraps is activated then cast Fist of Sin (Master Rank) targeting Shiori [3.75 AP / 1,545 CP + 1,236 HP]
    • Use Special Action Wrath to add a second hit and increase AP cost by 1 and HP/CP cost by 20%.
    • Activate Overflow augment to increase damage by 15% and CP cost by 30%.
  • Cast Storm Call (Master Rank) [2 AP / 600 CP]
  • Conditional #4: Only if Afternoon Tiger (Master Rank) did not hit or partial hit - cast Chakra Gates (Master Rank) to activate remaining gates (Gate #1, Gate #2, Gate #3 and Gate #5) [2 AP / 800 CP]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
”You will be thanking me!” Shiori replied back after being threatened by Kazuki ”The power you have always sought!” she would continue ”And the time to realize it!” I am offering you the world, all you have to do is join me!” Unfortunately for the Senju Overlord, her words were true. Like any Senju, the White Wolf desired power, untold power. And he knew he would never satiate his hunger and for two reasons. There would never be enough power for him and, as a mortal, he did not have the necessary time to conquer it all. She was correct, because an living shadow entity, would represent everything this Senju dreamed off. But he would still refuse her offer, because he would never feed off from his own kin. He would rather never fulfill his dream than doing that.

The stranger’s arrival represented a total shift. The tide of battle was turning in the silvery haired man’s favor and Suna’s focus moved from him to the golden man. ”Primus…” she would mutter, apparently recognizing who the guy was, or what he represented. ”Perhaps you are not a man after all.“ she would note. ”You should have stayed dead gladiator slave of Homura’s court.“ the Earth Queen would add before hitting the new guy with a Rasengan right on his chest. A powerful attack she had laid on him, proving that the wounded beast could still bite powerfully so, but that would be the best she could muster. Reaper’s shadowy binds and this Primus storm attacks proved too great for her. Jinsei, Suna’s IWR was obliterated and she was all alone now. Badly damaged, outmaneuvered and outnumbered.

”I won’t say it again. Surrender.” the Sunahoshi would suggest to her, a second time. Sound advice on the man’s part, because she no longer had any chance. The Occult Sennin knew she would follow it. She was too stubborn and too prideful. He knew it, because he was too. Perhaps it was a recurrent trait for the Ancient race.

Maintain Corpse Soil and Abysmal Harbinger.
Activate Dark Invitation on Shiori.
Cast Sand Stars - Mastered (2 AP) on Shiori from my Corrupted Energy pool. Use Affinity move debilitate and Feint
Cast Cluster Attack - Mastered (2 AP) (Special Action: Bludgeoning) on Shiori from my Corrupted Energy pool. Use Affinity move debilitate and Feint
Cast Water Dragon Bullet - Mastered (3 AP) on Shiori. Turning it into Shadow via Nara's Shadow bend and use my corrupted energy pool. Use Affinity move debilitate and Feint
Cast Scorn of Aquarius - Mastered (3 AP) on Shiori. Turning it into Shadow via Nara's Shadow bend. This will be considered the follow up jutsu if Water Dragon Bullet cascade effect takes place. Use Affinity move debilitate and Feint

Zombies (2 AP total)
Use basic strikes on Shiori. 2x times each (200 damage), using Nin Acc. (1 AP)

Youkai S Rank Summon (6 AP total)
Use Venomous Bite – A-Rank Ninjutsu (3 AP) (using Melee acc) targeting Shiori
Use Sudden Cruelty – A-Rank Buffing Taijutsu (2.75 AP) targeting Shiori

Abysmal Harbinger (4 AP total)
Basic strikes (1100 damage per each) on Shiori. (1 AP) x4

Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered (1 AP) on Shiori, if she is unbound at any time by any means.
Cast Body Bind - Mastered (3 AP) on Shiori if she becomes bound.
Cast Thunderclap - Mastered (1.5 AP) if Shiori becomes stealthed.
After Dark Displacement is used, cast Burst of Confetti - Mastered (1.5 AP) at the first successful attack from Shiori on me.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Kazuki's Approach[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
[col3]Senju Kazuki
HP: 18794 [+1170 Healing Factor][+1928] 21892 [-7292][-390 Bleed I] 14210
Gen damage cannot be healed
CP: 11154 [-5984] 5170
Corrupted Energy: 5077 [+1928] 7005
AP: 10.5 [-10.5] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername]|Takahashi Shiori/Formerly Neophyte
HP: 12799 [+3145] 15944 [-6515] 9399
CP: 9086 [-7125] 1961
Corrupted Energy: 892 [+3145] 4037
AP: 11 [-11] 0
[spoilername="Passives"]+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects (from Class Card ASP purchase)
Dark Sage
Sentinel (ANBU Branch)
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu are cast using Ninjutsu Accuracy
Elemental Illusion
Mind Overflow
Shattered Reality
Jutsu Expanionist
Sixth Sense
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Taijutsu 23
Melee Taijutsu 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Evasion 23
Stealth[/spoilername]|Abyssal Harbinger
HP: 8843 [-587] 8256
AP: 4[/col3]

[col3]Kazuki's Zombies
HP: 1171
AP: 2|Kazuki's Youkai Contract
HP: 24423 [-11097] 13326
CP: 18610 [-2300] 16310
AP: 6 [-3] 3

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy = 10 + 14 + 2
Ranged Accuracy = 8 + 14 + 2
Ninjutsu Accuracy = 8 + 14 + 2
Melee Dodge = 8 + 14
Ranged Dodge = 4 + 14
Ninjutsu Dodge = 4 + 14
Genjutsu Difficulty = 8 + 14
Genjutsu Save = 8 + 14
Awareness + 2[/spoilername]|Sunahoshi Katsuo
Spawn of the Villain Primus

HP: 35400 [-10927][-420 Bleed I (ignored)] 24473 [+840] 25313
CP: 25300 [+660] [-5196] 20764
AP: 11 [-10.5] 0.5[/col3]

What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki maintains Corpse Soil and Abysmal Harbinger.
0.00 Seconds | Matsuo maintains Chakra Gates (Master Rank). Gates #4, #6 and #7 active.
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Dark Invitation.
  • Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 18 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 1
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 20 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Katsuo) 5
    0.00 Seconds | Shiori activates Dark Invitation.
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 11 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 8
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 7 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Katsuo) 4
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 5 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Abyssal) 12
    Ninjutsu Check (Shiori) 10 Success
    Ninjutsu Check (Youkai) 10
    0.95 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shiori with Shadow Possession - Shadow Binding Technique.
    • Attack (Kazuki) 11 Miss
      Evasion (Shiori) 14
    1.80 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shiori with Shadow Possession - shadow Binding Technique.
    • Attack (Kazuki) 13 Hit, Shiori is bound.
      Evasion (Shiori) 11
    1.80 Seconds | Katsuo casts Sword of Oblivion (Master Rank).
    • Damage Type: Unarmed. Accuracy/Damage Modifiers: +2 Accuracy / -10% Damage
      Augments: Special Composition: Storm (Free), Dual Weapon (Free), Bandage Wraps, Vampiric and Overflow
    2.50 Seconds | Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger attacks Shiori.
    • Attack (Harbinger) 1 Miss
      Evasion (Shiori) 18
      Shiori is no longer bound.
    2.70 Seconds | Shiori casts Body Double [Mastered] on Katsuo using her enthralling voice to cast this without handseals and at increased acc. Using her 101 to cast this with her Nin accuracy and she is making it so that Katsuo sees Kazuki as Shiori also. She is using Gen Knowledge Focus to increase the accuracy of her attack. This also uses Elemental Illusion: Fire.
    • Gen Strength (Shiori) 20 CRIT
      Gen Resistance (Katsuo) 19
    2.85 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shiori with Shadow Possession - Shadow Binding Technique.
    • Attack (Kazuki) 8 Miss
      Evasion (Shiori) 17
    3.60 Seconds | Shiori attempts to enter stealth.
    • Stealth (Shiori) 11 Success
      Awareness (Kazuki) 4
      Stealth (Shiori) 16 Success
      Awareness (Katsuo) 5
      Stealth (Shiori) 15 Success
      Awareness (Youkai) 6
    4.28 Seconds | Kazuki uses Thunderclap to attack Shiori.
    • Awareness (Kazuki) 19
      Stealth (Shiori) 8
      Attack (Kazuki) 10 50% hit
      Evasion (Shiori) 16
      Attack (Kazuki) 11 75% hit
      Evasion (Shiori) 16
      Attack (Kazuki) 4 Hit
      May only be hit by 3 bolts.
    4.31 Seconds | Katsuo casts Afternoon Tiger targeting Shiori and he is activating the Overflow augment to increase damage by 15% and CP cost by 30%.
    • Your conditional for Burst of Confetti is only for if Shiori attacks you and for after Dark Displacement goes off.
      Afternoon Tiger expels the Activated Auto-Dodge that Kazuki has prepared for himself.
      Attack (Katsuo) 2 Miss
      Evasion (Kazuki) 16
    5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's zombies attack Shiori.
    • Attack (Zombies) 1 Miss
      Dodge (Shiori) 15
      Attack (Zombies) 6 Miss
      Dodge (Shiori) 9
      Attack (Zombies) 17 Hit
      Dodge (Shiori) 2
      Attack (Zombies) 10 Miss
      Dodge (Shiori) 20
    5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger attempts to strike Shiori.
    • Attack (Harbinger) 9 Hit
      Evasion (Shiori) 3
      • 12% chance of 'searing'. Roll: 99 Failed
      5.00 Seconds | Kazuki's Youkai attempts to use Venomous Bite on Shiori.
      • Attack (Youkai) 16 Hit
        Evasion (Shiori) 3
        • Poison DC (Youkai) 7 Success
          Poison Resist (Shiori) 4
        5.23 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shiori with Shadow Possession - Shadow Binding Technique.
        • Attack (Kazuki) 8 Miss
          Evasion (Shiori) 16
        6.12 Seconds | Katsuo casts Storm Call [Mastered].
        6.18 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shiori with Shadow Possession - Shadow Binding Technique.
        • Attack (Kazuki) 18 Hit, Shiori is bound
          Evasion (Shiori) 5
        6.57 Seconds | Katsuo activates Chakra Gates (Master Rank): Gate #1.
        6.30 Seconds | Shiori casts Perfected Rasengan [Mastered] on Kazuki, Kazuki's Youkai Contract summon and Katsuo using Ninjutsu Accuracy, as an AOE for 80% damage, at neutral accuracy, cast as an Odama Rasengan (NE). This attack does not require handseals. She will also be using Hashigaki's sound Crystallization to turn this into a Sound ninjutsu for additional benefit. This will be cast with Special move Focus to increase the critical range and accuracy of this attack.
        • Attack (Shiori) 11 Hit
          Evasion (Kazuki) 15
          • 6.30 Seconds | Kazuki uses Burst of Confetti to avoid the attack.
            Attack (Kazuki) 9 Miss
            Evasion (Shiori) 16
            Shiori is no longer bound.

        Attack (Shiori) 20 Crit
        Evasion (Youkai) 20
        • 50% chance of activating 'Non Elemental' effect and suppression. Roll: 17 Success
          This means that the Youkai will lack the AP to complete its next move.
        Attack (Shiori) 15 Hit
        Evasion (Katsuo) 7
        • Katsuo uses Body Flicker to avoid this attack.
        7.50 Seconds | Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger attempts to attack Shiori.
        • Attack (Harbinger) 1 Miss
          Evasion (Shiori) 19
        8.08 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shiori with Shadow Possession - Shadow Binding Technique.
        • Attack (Kazuki) 8 Hit, Shiori is bound
          Evasion (Shiori) 11
        8.84 Seconds | Katsuo activates Chakra Gates (Master Rank): Gate #2.
        9.10 Seconds | Shiori casts Rasengan [Mastered] using jutsu expansion to increase the jutsu rank to A rank. This is going to use shape transformation to transform this jutsu into 'Wind' with her ninjutsu accuracy without handseals. She will then use AE special move spread so she can target 2 targets being Kazuki and Katsuo. Using Hashigaki's Sound crystallization Shiori will convert this into a Sound jutsu for additional benefit.
        • Attack (Shiori) 3 Hit
          Evasion (Kazuki) 5
          • 50% chance of causing the Wind Slice' effect. Roll: 36 Success Bleed I
          Attack (Shiori) 14 Hit
          Evasion (Katsuo) 7
          • Chance to auto-dodge. Roll: 90. Failed
            50% chance of causing the Wind Slice' effect. Roll: 46 Success Bleed I
        9.29 Seconds | Katsuo activates Chakra Gates (Master Rank): Gate #3.
        9.74 Seconds | Katsuo activates Chakra Gates (Master Rank): Gate #5.
        10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's Abyssal Harbinger attacks Shiori.
        • Attack (Harbinger) 1 Miss
          Evasion (Shiori) 7
          Shiori is no longer bound
        10.0 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shiori with Shadow Possession - Shadow Binding Technique.
        • Attack (Kazuki) 4 Miss
          Evasion (Shiori) 10
        10.0 Seconds | Kazuki's zombies attack Shiori.
        • Attack (Zombie) 8 Hit
          Evasion (Shiori) 5
          Attack (Zombie) 3 75% hit
          Evasion (Shiori) 2
          Attack (Zombie) 17 25% hit
          Evasion (Shiori) 18
          Attack (Zombie) 19 Hit
          Evasion (Shiori) 6
        10.0 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shiori with Shadow Possession - Shadow Binding Technique.
        • Attack (Kazuki) 11 Miss
          Evasion (Shiori) 20
        10.0 Seconds | Shiori attempts to enter stealth.
        • Stealth (Shiori) 16 Success
          Awareness (Kazuki) 12
          Stealth (Shiori) 4 Failure
          Awareness (Katsuo) 11
          Stealth (Shiori) 20 Success
          Awareness (Youkai) 7


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
This battle was wearing on. She was tiring but she was too stubborn and prideful to give up. Her bruised and stiff fingers would continue to complete the arrays she needed. The shadows would reach and grab but she would eventually break away. In time she always got away. She swallowed hard as she considered her options. There was two threats and then several distractions. Katsuo, or in this form at the very least 'Primus' was her priority. The ground rattled as she unleashed whatever fury was left and afterwards she felt hollow. Her arms heavy and tired, her breathing raspy and ragged. Beads of sweat would roll down the side of her face as she disappeared into the shadows without another word.

2 AP Shiori casts Stunt Double [Mastered] with Elemental Clone (Lightning) [Mastered] using the special action to create 3 clones and the special action to place her into stealth using AE special move control.
  • - Clones all cast Thunderclap [Rank 1] as much as their AP allows. Their attacks will target Kazuki.
    - Conditional #1: If Shiori is successfully targeted, use this as a reactionary activated auto-dodge in hopes that she is successful and gets to remain in stealth due to this evasion attempt.
- Condition #2 if Shiori is still in stealth by 2 Seconds in the round (as defined as Kazuki or his summons not being able to successfully target her), cast Hyper Clap [Mastered] for 2 AP before she cast Rasengan before Stunt Double.
3 AP Shiori casts Rasengan: Sound Element (NE and Wind) [Mastered] using jutsu expansion to increase this to an A Rank jutsu. The chakra cost for this will be taken from my Corrupted Energy Pool. Consider my Hashigaki bonus' because this is a Sound Element. This attack will use AE special move Debilitate.
2.5 AP Shiori casts Leech Seal [Mastered] using AE special move focus to increase the accuracy and control for CP costs. This is converted into Sound Element due to my Hashigaki skill Sound crystallization. Targeting Kazuki. This will use the special action to increase the chakra that is taken. Additionally this will be taken from my Corrupted Energy Pool.
2.5 AP Shiori casts Chakra Blast [Mastered] on Kazuki and Katsuo using AE special move Spread and Control taking this from her health pool for the special move Psychotic Fury. In addition she will be using her Hashigaki skill to turn this into a sound ninjutsu for additional benefit.
Conditional #3: If Kazuki binds me, cast Reaper's Gaze on him using my enthralling voice and my 101 to do this with my nin accuracy with corrupted energy.
If bound make no attempt to escape.
At 7.5 Seconds casts cancel as a free action with Willpower.
1.5 AP - cast Thunderclap [Mastered] at Kazuki and Katsuo using AE special move control to reduce the AP costs.
0.5 AP draw item from inventory (energy drink)
0.5 AP drink energy drink


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]Once more Shiori said nothing to Katsuo's last demand for her to surrender causing the last son of Primus to shake his head with disappointment. While a martial artist at heart which enjoyed the thrill of a good fight, he did not enjoy these sorts of brutal death matches. Raising his hand to the sky, Katsuo focused the magnetic currents around his form and once more reclaimed the energy that had been momentarily destabilized by Shiori's first attack but as he felt the familiar feeling wrap around his form a sudden blurriness overtook his vision for a moment causing him to stagger slightly. It was an indescribable feeling that shared some light similarities with a hang over save that it was there in one moment and entirely gone in the next. As his vision cleared Katsuo narrowed his eyes and quickly reacquired his opponent before closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye and launching his attack. The first wave of his assault crashed into Shiori's form and triggered some kind of strange fail safe technique that she'd had set up revealing the form that he'd attacked to be naught but a shadowy simulacrum of her physical body. Something nagged at the back of his mind as entirely wrong about that. It was too familiar and in a lot of ways it reminded him of his battles with Mikaboshi. Distracted by that sobering thought, Katsuo missed the follow-up strike that he launched at the now re-appearing form of Shiori.

What... is this?

Katsuo had little time to ponder the bizarre-ness of his situation as he felt the air beginning to shift around him and his instinct as a fighter screaming at him to dodge an incoming blow. On reflex, Katsuo disappeared in a flicker of motion throwing sand into the air around him where it was held in suspended animation for a moment by the magnetic currents swirling around his body before falling back to the ground as he appeared paces away in the span of a single heartbeat and a tremendous sphere of chakra sailed through the space where he'd previously been standing. With his confused eyes drawn to where the attack had come from, his intuition was not enough to spare him the secondary blast that had been launched at him by... Kazuki?

The chakra attack slammed into Katsuo's body and knocked him from his feet sending him flying through the air and then bouncing across the hot sand before skidding to a stop several feet away from where he'd been standing previously. Coughing blood and spit into the sand in front of him, Katsuo's mind raced and reeled. Every time he tried to reason through the muddiness that fouled his thoughts his brain experienced a splitting spike of pain causing him to lose track of that line of thinking and be sent back to it's start. Kazuki was attacking him now. Shiori seemed entirely focused on attacking Kazuki, completely ignoring him and that last hit he'd taken had been significant. Though the power of the spark was preventing it from doing any further damage to his body, Katsuo could feel that under normal circumstances he'd be seeing considerably more of his blood than was healthy. Lifting himself painfully out of the sand, Katsuo looked up and watched for a moment as the battle between Shiori and Kazuki progressed and after a moment of heavy breathing and splitting head pain, he finally understood. He couldn't force his eyes to un-see what they were seeing but he understood it now. When his vision had blurred out somehow Shiori had messed with his head and was forcing him to see her and Kazuki in switched positions. That explained why the bursts of compressed sound were erupting from the previously shadowy Kazuki's form now and Shiori seemed to have resorted to flame and shadow techniques. They'd entirely reversed their tactics.

Focusing for a moment, Katsuo found he couldn't shake what was happening to his head-- likely because he couldn't even begin to grasp how to undo the web of Genjutsu that was woven around his brain --but he could mitigate the damage it was doing. Balling his fingers into a fist, Katsuo pounded it into the sand and dug deep into his heart. Shiori had gotten the best of him so far to her credit but this had to be brought to a close. He couldn't allow it to go any further. It was time to put the extent of the spark to it's test. The very idea was extremely dangerous but so far Shiori had proved herself to be even more so than that.


Getting to his feet, Katsuo smashed both of his fists together and held that channeling stance as he called forth every ounce of the Spark of Primus' power that he could muster to come to his fingertips. Waves of magnetic chakra fell from his body like a torrent of rushing water violently pushing the loose sand at his feet away from him causing a good-sized crater of desert to appear under his feet even though he hovered in the air while the process was going on. The storm overhead reached a crescendo and crackled now almost constantly with bolts of barely restrained lightning as the winds picked up to severe speeds, lashing in every direction at once. Even the ground itself shook from the force of the sphere of galvanic power radiating from Katsuo's body as he arrived at the pinnacle of what his body could produce.

It was time to draw this to a close one way or another.
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi
  • Maintain Chakra Gates (Master Rank), Sword of Oblivion, and Storm Call (Master Rank). [285 CP/rnd + 600 HP/rnd]
    • Gates #1 through #7 are active.
    • 3 lightning bolts from Storm Call strike at the beginning of the round targeting myself to heal for half the damage they deal.
  • Cast Cancel (Master Rank) [0 AP / 0 CP]
  • Activate Defensive Mode to trade -4 Accuracy for +4 Dodge [+0.5 AP / 0 CP]
  • Cast Gate of Death (Master Rank) [2.5 AP / 2,800 CP]
  • Cast Fist of Sin (Master Rank) targeting the real Shiori. [2.75 AP / 1,545 CP and 1,236 HP]
    • Conditional #1: If the real Shiori appears as anything (or anyone) other than herself and I am aware of it then re-target my attack to the real Shiori.
    • Using Special Action - Envy to use as reactionary to first attack I am targeted with from the real Shiori.
    • Activate Overflow augment to increase damage by 15% and CP cost by 30%
    • Activate Bandage Wraps augment to combo into next Taijutsu and grant it +1 Critical Range. [0.5 AP / 0 CP]
  • Cast Fist of Virtue (Master Rank) targeting the real Shiori [2.75 AP / 1,545 CP and 1,236 HP]
    • Conditional #2: If the real Shiori appears as anything (or anyone) other than herself and I am aware of it then re-target my attack to the real Shiori.
    • Use Special Action - Patience to charge Fist of Virtue twice increasing AP cost by +0.5 AP and it's base damage by 10%.
    • Conditional #3: If Gate Backlash inflicted it's called shot penalties to me at the beginning of the round then use Special Action - Envy to increase Fist of Virtue's base damage by 20% instead of the above Special Action.
    • Activate Overflow augment to increase damage by 15% and CP cost by 30%
  • Conditional #4: If targeted by an attack after Fist of Sin has reflexively been used against Shiori then use Body Flicker (Master Rank) to auto-dodge it. [1.75 AP / 420 CP]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
