Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Knocking on Heaven's Door [Open]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
”And being young… Makes you my replacement. I am well aware. Suna would argue back. By now, Kazuki felt too tired to continue arguing. She would never cease and it was becoming pointless and worthless to continue. She would never see the other side and she would never change. Shrugging his shoulders, the Senju Overlord simply left her without an answer. ”Such common knowledge… that mine suffer in purgatory. And here we are fighting among ourselves.” And whose fault was that? The White Wolf would wonder. She had starting this brawl here today, she had taken the first step in igniting war between Ancients and Humans. Was the human side blameless? Of course not, blame was, perhaps, evenly distributed between both sides. But while Reaper tried to achieve peace, she and her brother were only interested in extermination every human they could find. A war with no quarter. There could be mercy shown from time to time, but in the end, all of humanity would be exterminated.

”I have more important enemies than Sunagakure.” the Earth Queen would declare. ”Right…” the Sennin would think. She had clearly demonstrated that so far. Even a Deep Court Ancient and their inability to lie, would know she was outright lying to their faces. She hated them more than anything. And the stem of such hated? The fact she had been rejected, that is what stung the most to her. But there was nothing to do about it. She had to let it go. Swallow pride and let it wash away.

”Sora.” she would state as she reached for the door. ”How fortuitous it must be to have a shared enemy with a recently discovered trove of imprisoned Ancients that happen to be the secret source of his power.” Suna would speak, implying they were making that up so they could coerce her into strike a peace deal with them. Which was, of course, ludicrous. But she was blind and was unwilling to listen. ”Convenience would have been to let you die.” Katsuo would retort, demystifying her notion they were creating an advantageous situation to force into a peace agreement. And he was totally correct, they had her life in the balance and he, along with the Senju Overlord, had chosen mercy. ”I saved your life just now. Put you back together when I didn’t have to. In the end that might have been the pragmatic call.” he would further reinforce his idea. The question would be if those words would be listened or not by the Earth Queen. ”But it wouldn’t have been the right one. I understand better than anyone that my kind wronged yours. Your brother Mikaboshi took up residence in my head for a spell and I saw what my family did to him. But I wasn’t born guilty of my forefather’s crime. I am not him. We are not them.” the last Sunahoshi would conclude. The White Wolf nodded. They were not to be blamed for the faults of their ancestors. Especially not him or his kin, since they were not even native to the Wind Country. Deep Court DNA or not.

”We have all lost things in this war between us but right now we stand to lose everything if we don’t stop fighting. I won’t ask you to join us but I ask that you at least take some time to ask some questions. Talk to Mikaboshi. You’ll see that what I’m saying is true.” Katsuo would request. He would end by offering her the broken sword that once housed the essence of Mikaboshi. An odd action but full of significance.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Strength of the Senju[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"Convenience would have been to let you die."

The distrust between mankind and Ancients had been centuries in the making. The actions of a few, the Queen's actions among them, had resulted in an intense hatred and generational paranoia. That was not something that a single act of kindness or mercy could change. But this was true of humanity as she well knew. She had lived in peace among the civilized agrarian men for decades without incident. It was a testament to her will, allowing herself to remain as weakened as she had for those years. Handicapped even by human standard, she knew all she had to do was break her silent oath just one time and she would be cured. Even if she did not crave their essence, she like all things sentient desired power and reviled the parts of her that were weak and incapable but she had hope and what she thought was a friend. in reality she had neither, not really. Sousuke's betrayal, at least as she saw it, cut her deeply in a permanent way.

Humans had no dependable trait and she learned that humans could not be depended upon. Humans were both scoundrels and heroes; adventurers and cowards; lover and spiteful enemies. Humans were at their core chaos in her eyes. They were capable of great things, she had seen it with her own eyes. They could perform magic, alter the energy of the world around them, create, destroy, invent and build and they did such, some for personal gain, others for the betterment of the world. What humanity was was diametrically opposed to itself.

"I saved your life just now. Put you back together when I didn't have to. In the end that might have been the pragmatic call."
Then why did he?

"But it wouldn't have been the right one. I understand better than anyone that my kind wronged yours. Your brother Mikaboshi took up residence in my head for a spell and I saw what my family did to him."

It was what she wanted to hear but also what she did not. Her anger gave her a purpose that she otherwise lacked. She frowned and took a sideways glance at the Kohonan.

"But I wasn't born guilty of my forefather's crimes. I am not him. We are not them."

"You aren't," she conceded. "But I cannot say the same the same of all," she rumbled. There was a deep sense of loathing she felt towards mankind. It was selfish in a way yes, how she desperately wanted companionship but it eluded her. It was a terrible thing knowing that you were alone, it was fearsome and hollow in the same breath. She had learned the hard way that friendships were superficial and that there was no such thing as love. Perhaps they could not feel, at least not with the same intensity she did. "My war no longer involves you, scion of the One King. Fate... or rather, Saisho seems to grace your line still," she concluded. Somehow it did, despite her meddling. In fact, her efforts to diminish their threat only seemed to strengthen them. She was well aware of the irony of her curse turned blessing that hybridized the most famed human hero's descendants.
Saisho said:
In a time before Ancients there were other creatures. Some great and some small, but each had their time and when it passed as a cycle always does a new race would emerge. This of course worked on the premise that Wind Country works in cycles of power and that there were three things that ensured the continuation of this process: Saisho (the first), Shoki (the second) and Sanban (the third). There were not simply sentient weapon, forces or god-slaying entities but rather aspects of an all-powerful presence that was responsible for the end of each generational cycle.

Saisho was this almighty and long-forgotten force that creates life and new generations. It is the beginning of all, and was the first before anything.

Shoki, the Second is balance. When one group of beings tilt the scale too far in one direction, it appears and offers its power to a figure in order to help change that. It usually takes the form of a weapon, but varies. It is reasonable, that a man who suddenly was capable of killing an ancient was granted the power to do so by something that was offering justice and the ability to be free men through combat. Shoki tailors itself to whoever it contacts. It could have either been Primus' armor or weapon but some contend that it was his blade. There is a children's tale that he never believed that claimed that Shojki possessed the ability to negate reality and that was what happened to Primus and Fuujin at Primus' hand.

Sanban, the third is record. It is usually a book and is the knowledge of all past generations that have passed and is the log of the world as it has experienced it. Some believe it knows everything and can see into the future, others have likened it to a parasitic entity. In either case, its academic stores would make the great libraries in the capital dwarf in comparison.

”We have all lost things in this war between us but right now we stand to lose everything if we don’t stop fighting. I won’t ask you to join us but I ask that you at least take some time to ask some questions. Talk to Mikaboshi. You’ll see that what I’m saying is true.”

Talk to Mikaboshi, the betrayer. This war started, not for his sake but he was the breaking point. She considered his fitful alliances a sign of not only deception but also a lack of conviction. He had suffered more than she at their hands, tethered to the now broken sword that Katsuo offered. She recognized the Ebon Blade as the former Steward called it. It was the Kazekage's 'prize' -- he took what he wanted because it was 'his' and Mikaboshi suffered the crime of 'being' so the blade remained intact so that Sousuke could lord over the creature that might betray. Well, Mikaboshi did betray his own kin when he allied himself with the same people that would rather indefinately imprison him rather than give him the oppertunity to show that he was worthy of their trust. Leaving her utterly alone. She hated him... them for Mikaboshi's foolishness. It made her sick to her stomach and it gave her a deep ache she could not relieve. She was jealous and she was angry but a part of her was also relieved. "He is free?" Her voice had the inflection of a query but there was no question, she recognized the weapon and accepted it into her care. She felt the heft of the weapon, it weighed more than she had expected and it had seen better days, Now the dull metal that was finely crafted was broken in twain. Her body was still reforming, dark tresses mingled with the golden threads as she wrapped the broken blade with care. They would not see it, her flesh was not quite there but the blade burned and seared her flesh as it tried to reform but she did not grimace. She was not going to admit weakness or pain.

The bandages would wrap around the weapon, the process was not particularly tedious and rather done in a hasty manner. She also took back her robe that was discarded on the floor before this fray. She donned the heavy robe as her sandy bones shifted. She was changing yet again, a new face and form and life. She did not want to change, she never did. It went deeper than an aesthetic because she would lose everything that she gained and what she had was so little. Her breath rasped, she wanted to hold on but there was nothing to hang onto - she was just dust in the wind. She eyed Kazuki, "you could have been so much more if you were willing to have a little bit less..." an odd statement only Kazuki would be able to understand. There was envy and anger in those blue no green eyes that stared into him as she pulled the hood over her head and shadowed her cracked and broken face. "We cannot be friends... or allies... because I cannot and will not trust you Senju. Nobody should trust you and you know this because you are a deceiver..." the Deep Court members are deceptive by nature, a nature that Kazuki might be incapable of escaping. "But if you knew about what the Diamyo has done to our... no my brethren," he had already chosen a side and it was not that of the Ancients. "Then you should have told me this a long... long time ago." When he learned of this. But he didn't. That was the problem, a vice not only he but his compatriots also shared -- they stockpiled information and did little to nothing with it. It is what drove Fuu away from Roku and Kazuki and into Mikaboshi's claws. It is what finalized Shiori's sentiments on this day. It was what would destroy so many of their treasured relationships. The keeping of secrets is a powerful device that destroyed so much and was continuing to decimate their relationships and resources. "But you chose this day... Why?" What remained of her jaw quivered. "To hurt me further because I have assaulted your sensibilities? Because you wanted to distract or dissuade me? Your 'sister' came and I was forthright with you that she was here. You might not want to hear it but she is also a liar like you. But you can have her and suffer the fate of your misplaced trust or enjoy the fact that I was wrong... but if I was wrong, where was she all these years? She betrayed you and your former people with her absence. I never left you alone and I have never lied. Remember that."

Was she crying. Maybe, but she was not going to admit it and all that could flow was sand, the same sand that was reforming her shadowed by her cowl.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]His offering of the Black Blade's broken hilt seemed to hit home with Suna as Katsuo hoped it would. It was an icon of the way things were changing given that previously the sword represented not only a method for her kind to be chained indefinitely but made it clear that such a method was currently in action to do just that.
Mikaboshi's crime for which he'd been incarcerated was simply for being what he was and to beings which lived in cycles such as ancients, death was surely a kinder fate than imprisonment within a void. Their anger perhaps missed the irony that humankind had been enslaved by ancient-kin for generations previous to Mikaboshi's internment within the sword but ultimately if Katsuo were to believe that the enslavement of the human race were wrong then so too did he have to believe that Mikaboshi's subsequent forced subservience was a crime as well.

Anything less could hardly be called justice.

Suna would ask him if Mikaboshi were free and Katsuo would only offer a solemn nod. He had not seen the Deep Lord since he'd shattered the Black Blade and Mikaboshi had taken his leave from them but he hoped that Mikaboshi was not out there somewhere still planning some kind of revenge. He'd said that he would forswear his vendetta against humankind in return for his freedom but Mikaboshi was ever a creature of deception and Katsuo knew that better than any having shared a headspace with him. He knew very much that his decision to free Mikaboshi could potentially only add to their list of enemies but if he hoped to break the cycle of hatred they were embroiled in then someone would have to be the first to take a leap of faith and he knew it would not be the ancients as such choices had cost them too dearly in the past.

Katsuo stayed quiet as Suna addressed Kazuki. Though he might have had thoughts to express, he knew that he was running on borrowed time. His mind flitted in and out of unconsciousness in micro-moments causing him to lose bits and pieces of what Suna was saying and knew that he had to keep what limited energy he might have to respond to her if she chose to address him in this crucial moment.
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"You aren't. But I cannot say the same the same of all," Suna would finally concede. Agreeing the people of Sunagakure were not to be blamed for the faults of their forefathers. A partial agreement at least. Perhaps she was alluding to Kazuki, but he was not native to the Wind Country. Any mistakes his forefathers had done had zero relation toward the Ancient kind. Of course, it did not mean he was not prone to making his own though. "My war no longer involves you, scion of the One King. Fate... or rather, Saisho seems to grace your line still," she would conclude. The Senju Overlord had no idea of what Saisho was meant to be, but that was a question for another time. Feeling strong, now that he had given time for his body to mend itself, the White Wolf would slowly raise to his feet again. While he was lying on the ground, he had been unable to monitor Katsuo's situation. But,now what he was upright again, he spotted something alarming. At least he thought so. The last Sunahoshi was not well, the fact he could still stand was a miracle on itself, but if unaided, the scion of Primus could very well fell over. With whatever energy he had left and could dispend, Reaper would use his shadow manipulation to ensure Katsuo would allow gravity to take reigns over his frame. With that done, the Sennin would turn his focus back into Mother Suna, only to find out she was gazing him.

"you could have been so much more if you were willing to have a little bit less..." she would state. It was a cryptic statement, but the Hybrid understood it very well. By forsaking his humanity he could have become one of them and, with that, become stronger than he had ever been. Kazuki would gaze her back with his, almost famous, cold stare. "And be more like you?" he would question her. Did he want power? Of course, most, if not all, Senju did. But was he willing to forsake everything that made him human? Given that he had forsaken so much already? There was no definite answer because he was not aware of the implications it would carry. There was no book to read before accepting such change. There were no finer print, no warnings. Once taken, there was not turning back and the Senju Overlord was not ready to forsake his allies for the sake of power. Not yet at least.

"We cannot be friends... or allies... because I cannot and will not trust you Senju. Nobody should trust you and you know this because you are a deceiver..." she would note. The White Wolf would shook his head. "Your past has made you paranoid and you see lies where there aren't any. Do not blame me if your entire life has been one big farce. I have never lied to you Suna, in fact, I have protected you before. I remember you made a pact with Toraono Kuro. Are you certain you never broke it?" Reaper would retort. He remembered well when she agreed to be cease hostilities with Sunagakure and its people. Had she always stay true to it?

"But if you knew about what the Diamyo has done to our... no my brethren. Then you should have told me this a long... long time ago." The Sennin's right eyebrow raise itself. "Do you know for certain for how long I have known this? Are you even easy to be found? Last I checked, you were on the run, declared an enemy of the state. Meetings with enemies of the state is not easily affordable and you know it." he tried to reason with her. Yes, he had been told they were being fed ancient energies, but there was no proof to back it up. Only when he faced them he realized it was true. And that had been a recent event, a very recent event indeed.

"But you chose this day... Why?" she would question, her jaw seemingly quivering with uncontrolled emotions. "To hurt me further because I have assaulted your sensibilities? Because you wanted to distract or dissuade me? Your 'sister' came and I was forthright with you that she was here. You might not want to hear it but she is also a liar like you. But you can have her and suffer the fate of your misplaced trust or enjoy the fact that I was wrong... but if I was wrong, where was she all these years? She betrayed you and your former people with her absence. I never left you alone and I have never lied. Remember that."

"Because that was the best chance I could get in the near future, without destroying yours. Because you deserved to know how your brethren is being used by an enemy that wishes to destroy as all. Because I care about you just like I care about them and I still do. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, that is the truth. You never trusted me, I know that now. Live with the fact that you have done your best in alienating the only person, or one of the few, in this world that cared for you." Kazuki would lower his head and he would close his right hand into a fist. A small amount of chakra would be concentrated there as he used his crystal affinities to build something. As he raised his gaze again, this time no longer bearing such coldness, his fist would open and reveal what he had worked on. A crystal desert, bearing the same color as Suna's skin, with a crimson tree littered with black leaves, on the middle of it. It was a symbolic gesture on his part, the union of Suna with the Senju, the sand and the tree, and the black leaves representing is Deep Court lineage. He would toss it toward the Earth Queen. "Take it. It is a token of what could have been if things went differently. Perhaps in time we may be able to mend our relationship if we survive the incoming storm."

[Trying to anchor Katsuo via a shadow bind.]
[Offering something to Shiori.]
[MFT - 1033]​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Strength of the Senju[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"And be more like you?"

"Would that be so bad?" The question was rhetorical. He already was like her, it was a part of what he was but not a part of who he was.

"Your past has made you paranoid and you see lies where there aren't any. Do not blame me if your entire life has been one big farce. I have never lied to you Suna, in fact, I have protected you before. I remember you made a pact with Toraono Kuro. Are you certain you never broke it?"</B><i></i>

"I still eat,"<i></i> she admitted the obvious. "And I an certain you still..." What would he call it? "Collect." ad she? Oddly enough, yes. She had greater things to worry about since the discovery of her kin. She did not have time to poison the Kazekage's coffee, she understood that there was a small part of her that did not want to succeed. If she did, one of his creations would have simply fell on his head; a knife would be plunged into his back; she would have taken one of the many opportunities she had to suffocate him with a bed-pillow one of the many times he laid in a hospital bed.

"Do you know for certain for how long I have known this? Are you even easy to be found? Last I checked, you were on the run, declared an enemy of the state. Meetings with enemies of the state is not easily affordable and you know it."<i></i>

"Yes," she answered. If it was anybody besides Kazuki he would have made a valid point but he knew who she was and where she was. "You knew I was in Sunagakure. You knew where I was most days."<i></i> Yes, he knew that Shiori was Rioshi. He knew that she was posing as his secretary and the fact that he never ousted her. His willingness to keep her secret always confused her. A part of her hoped that he sympathized with Ancients or with her, that there was something there but another part of her believed that it was because ousting her would not benefit him so he kept quiet. "The Kazekage tower has always been quite the landmark,"<i></i> yes there was sarcasm. Her gaze was also cold but it seemed to falter. She did not want to be angry but they kept on giving her new reasons to hate them. "Are you telling me that this is indeed something you just discovered?"<i></i> There was an minor inflection in her voice, she actually hoped she was wrong. That she could trust Kazuki at his word. In reality she could not and she was actually correct, Kazuki had known about the Daimyo's alleged efforts for years. He was provided with the Oracle's abridged notes on each of the members years ago and she announced a portion of the Daimyo's devious plot to infuse rascals with the essence of Ancients to empower those that could endure the process and the transition thereafter and then brainwash the survivors. There were other who also knew and simply sat on it, Sousuke and Roku were no better but she did not expect anything from the man who wanted her dead and a stranger. Kazuki knew so much more than the average shinobi about what was going on, but he refused to share. She did not have 'proof' that he knew for long, only the assumption that it was unlikely that he has just figured it out now. If she had a more pragmatic and brilliant mind she would know the odds and she would know that it was highly improbable that such as learned so recently. She might have also identified the fact that he gave her a list of 'plausible' excuses, turning the blame onto her. She would not have been wrong but she did not know for certain that she was right. Perhaps luck would be on the Reaper's side and she would never know the truth, but now being misled twice on something so dear to here, soon there would be no going back for him. Hopefully he understood that.

Kazuki was doing something, she had been watching... well more accurately listening to his efforts. She was exhausted but she would fight again if she had to. A crystal desert, bearing the same color as Suna's skin, with a crimson tree littered with black leaves, on the middle of it. It was a symbolic gesture on his part, the union of Suna with the Senju, the sand and the tree, and the black leaves representing is Deep Court lineage. He would toss it toward the Earth Queen.
Perhaps she was sentimental.

Perhaps she was paranoid.

<B>She was in fact both.

A tendril of sand, well her blood which was made of wine colored earth reached up and snatched the bauble before it crashed onto the ground. She did not touch it with her hands, she did not trust him enough. The stream of crimson sand wrapped around the fragile trunk before the stalk of sand stretched to the height of her eyes and she looked at the scarlet tree with the black canopy that covered golden earth. She was admiring it although it was hard to tell on a woman who had a shattered face shadowed by a hood.

"Take it. It is a token of what could have been if things went differently. Perhaps in time we may be able to mend our relationship if we survive the incoming storm."

"Different, yes," She seemed sad. Sad because it not symbiotic, there was no balance, there was no unity among them. The tendril dropped the trinket into the pocket of her robe. She refused to touch it but she was going to keep it. She was not going to admit that she was going to keep it. She might even bother dusting it once in awhile. Of course that was crazy talk. "Time... is funny, it moves fast but the mind is slow. Someday you will remember. You will see something as you would have years ago," she let out a self-depreciating laugh "then reality strikes and you remember how old you have become... how much time has passed. That things have happened that cannot be taken back and that you probably aren't even noting the outcome of what you have done or where you have been but... more like the vigenary."

She reached for the door. "I have a Daimyo to kill." She would of course fail and die, she was a wispy shadow of her former self. How often she forgot how far she had fallen. "Alone."
Attempts to Leave (again)


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]He wanted to chase her and make her understand. To make her see that they were not her enemy. The Daimyo was the enemy of all free life in the Wind Country up to and including what remained of her kind and in Katsuo's mind they all needed to band together if they were going to beat him. Ever since the revelation that Osagawara Nao had been the man who reanimated and puppeted the remains of his uncle into creating the Diamond Maelstrom, Katsuo had come to see that Ishii Shiro had been playing this game of chess with the lives of men and women in the Wind Country for far longer than they'd been aware of them. They'd been at war with him for years and were none the wiser. While Sunagakure retreated beneath the dunes, Shiro had increased his grip on the Wind Country and brought each and every merchant house in the Wind Country into the royal fold according to the information that Michi had.

He'd already won the war and they were only now becoming aware of it.

He wanted to chase her but found that he couldn't. He tried to struggle against the restraint of Kazuki's shadow binding but found his body unresponsive. He was lucky to even be conscious, much less able to stand and if not for Kazuki's binding spell Katsuo would have crumpled to the floor like a rag doll long ago. Still, the exertion of his body caused a reaction which stole his consciousness from him for just long enough for Shiori to flee the scene. Blinking his eyes and realizing she was gone, Katsuo silently cursed at himself before looking to Kazuki.

"Get... Sousuke. Tell him what happened here." He whispered to Kazuki, his voice quiet as he couldn't muster the energy to even speak loudly. "I know you... hate them but... we have to believe that they will... make the right choice. Kazuki, you have to... believe. It's... the only way for us."

And then he was out. His eyelids hovering just above closed, Katsuo succumbed to unconsciousness while still standing-- pinned into the air like a statue by the power of Kazuki's shadow binding. He was still breathing and not apparently in any immediate peril but certainly no longer conscious.
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"Would that be so bad? I still eat. And I an certain you still... Collect. Suna would say to Kazuki. Was he becoming a full Ancient a bad thing? He did not know, nor he had a way to know until he actually became one. But did he want to go through it? It was a one-way door. Once taken, there would be no turning back and no way to return to what he was. There were many doubts and many unknowns. Perhaps he was safer as a hybrid, for now at least. The Senju Overlord would simply shrug his shoulders at Shiori's words. He did not have anything to say to her at this point. "Yes. You knew I was in Sunagakure. You knew where I was most days." the Earth Queen would rebuke him. "Knowing where and being able to contact you are two different things." he would calmly note to her before she continued. "The Kazekage tower has always been quite the landmark. Are you telling me that this is indeed something you just discovered?" she would inquire. Again, Reaper would simply shrug his shoulders. He was tired from the battle, tired from this constant back and forth with her and the rest of her kind. They were unwilling to listen and believe anyone else besides their own words. She would see the truth someday and then she would tell him he had been right all along.

"Different, yes. Time... is funny, it moves fast but the mind is slow. Someday you will remember. You will see something as you would have years ago, then reality strikes and you remember how old you have become... how much time has passed. That things have happened that cannot be taken back and that you probably aren't even noting the outcome of what you have done or where you have been but... more like the vigenary." Suna would declare after accepting the White Wolf's crystal gift. She did not touch it though, she used sandy tendrils to pick up the offer and stored it inside a pocket of her vests. Was she afraid of it? A curious thing for her to do, but appropriate given her paranoid levels. "I have a Daimyo to kill. Alone." the former Takahashi would announce as she reached for the door. "Safe hunting." he would wish her.

Unlike last time, he did not attempted to stop her and neither did Katsuo. In fact, the last Sunahoshi was barely conscious and only held standing thanks to the Sennin's shadowy bind. "Get... Sousuke. Tell him what happened here. I know you... hate them but... we have to believe that they will... make the right choice. Kazuki, you have to... believe. It's... the only way for us." the rightful heir to the throne of Sunagakure would whisper. Kazuki would shook his head. Katsuo was wrong, he did not her or the rest of her kind. He was like her. "You are wrong. I don't hate them. I cannot hate myself." he would tell him. Looking a second time to his savior, the Senju Overlord realized the guy had fallen unconscious. Not certain if he had heard his response or not, Reaper simply approached the last Sunahoshi and picked him up, stopping his bind at the same time. He would drop Katsuo at the hospital for some much needed medical treatment and he would reach Sousuke and tell him what had happened here. A bomb would be dropped on the Kazekage, just one more to be joined with countless others.

[Topic Left as well.]
[Bringing Katsuo to the Hospital if he is willing.]​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Strength of the Senju[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
