Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Thursday, 13. Mar, 20:36:51

Mission Pre-Approval

Mission Type: Solo Self-Modded
Mission Name: The Elemental Faith Fiasco - Part 1: The Grim Reaper
OOC Rank: S
Mission Rank: S
Mission Brief:
Employer: "Good, you have come. I feared that you wouldn't have received my message. The shinobi of Cloud are kind of a stickler when it comes to filtering messages going in and out of the village. They do, however, read every message. So this mission was very difficult to get to you, indeed, with confidence."
Mana: "What do you need? I was quite busy with bathing in the hot springs."
Employer: "Ah, that may have been a sight for these old eyes."
Mana: "... Get to the point."
Employer: "Well then. There is a cult spreading throughout the Port City calling themselves "The Faith". What I want you to do is to locate their hideout. This is strictly a spy mission. I need you to go and find their base and listen in on when their next mass meeting is."
Mana: "What for?"
Employer: "That is really none of your business. But if you want that information, heheheh... "
Mana: "I would rather not. I need half of the payment up-front"
Employer: "Fine." *Sound of money bag hitting the ground*
Mana: *sound of picking up the bag and counting the money* "Alright. I will have the information to you before the morning. You can't come along this time, Kibo."
Kibo: *Sounds of whimpering*
Employer: "I'll give you extra if you..."
Mana: "That's not part of the mission..."

1: Find the location of "The Faith" cult's hideout.
2: Find out when the next meeting is.
3: Get out undetected.
OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: ICly it's a B-Rank, but it's an S-Rank OOCly.
Mission Premise: This is actually a subplot I plan to carry through for four or so missions. The basic premise is that a town is being invaded by their greedy neighbors, and so they've called upon the help of a shinobi to re-claim their lands and exact revenge on the offending village. The mission will be broken up as follows:
  • Mission One: Find the town, and release the citizens of the town who've been arrested without alerting the guards.
  • Mission Two: With the newly freed citizens, find a way to sabotage the soldier's food and supplies in the most detrimental way possible.
  • Mission Three: Kill them all. They've been there for far too long, and the villagers would like their sweet revenge.
  • Mission Four: Time to bring the fight to the offfending city. Storming the gates, the goal is to slay the opposing leader and claim victory.
OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank
Mission Premise: There are three recently released mentally unstable patients that have not fled the Sunaan hospital when the Cabal released them, but instead have been hiding out together. Find them and neutralize them to ensure peace and safety within the hospital's walls is maintained.


OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank
Mission Premise: Word of Kendori Shuu's capability has been spreading throughout Suna after her enormous feat of strength in the battle against Magnetica. Keishiro Ogabe, a local strongman and notorious misogynist, refuses to believe that a woman could outperform him, and challenges her to a duel moving recently broken pieces of rubble and seeing who can clear areas around the tower quicker. Any outside interference must be accounted for by the participant having that area.
OOC: S-rank
Mission: S-rank
Premise: After a rumor about one of these "Iwagakure" shinobi is heard, Karu goes to see what these shinobi "warriors" were really about in the Concrete Jungle.

OOC: S-rank
Mission: S-rank
Premise: One way or another, Karu gets into Maruishi.
OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: B-Rank (Counts as S-rank for Mission rewards)
Mission Premise: A group of travailing caravans have requested the aid a mercenary, and recently due to the high risk of these types of missions, those willing to accept them are few and far in between. Rumor has it that one of the caravans within this group happen to be carrying a rare item, more specifically an odd rock shaped like a pyramid with ancient scriptures written on it. Sairasu has come to the aid of this group, but there's a twist. He was hired to gain their trust, find the rock, and slaughter them all for a third party. Apparently, not only will he have to deal with the people within this group of travailing caravan, but he will have to deal with a couple dozen other mercenary shinobi after this item as well.
(For note all of these counts for S-Rank Rewards)

OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: A-Rank
Mission Premise:
A mysterious wildfire has erupted in a forbidden forest where no man has entered, source of fire is unknown yet rumors says that deep within the forest lies an artifact worshiped by a local tribe isolated from civilization.

OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: B-Rank
Mission Premise:
Constant bolts of lightning were sighted to strike an isolated mountain, unknown causes with no known possible passage of entry to the peaks. Rumors of a treasure buried somewhere in the peaks.
OOC Rank: S
Mission Rank: S
Premise: Karu wakes up in a familiar area. He has to regain his bearings before continuing anything.

OOC Rank: S
Mission Rank: S
Premise: Karu is in a different body, but can't use it yet. Preliminary rehab time!
Err, was meant to say unfamiliar area, so fail on that part. It was the prelude into the second mission, but if you deem it unacceptable, I'll just apply for a different one.

OOC Rank: S
Mission Rank: S
Premise: Now in Maruishi, Kari must make contact with strangers yet again to learn what she can about the country and how to survive.
OOC Rank: S
Mission Rank: S
Premise: With the stranger he met in Maruishi, Sunuke, Kari works to see if/how it is possible for her to join the Stone Academy. (part 1 / 2)
Mission: S
Premise: Kari is visited by a ghost. She has to figure out why its here/what it wants. [Part 1 / 2]

Mission: S
Premise: Kari was visited by a ghost! Now she gets to find the body and puppetify it! [Part 2 / 2]

Then to go with the one above, since I forgot to request the other half, for next week.
Mission: S
Premise: After encountering Sunuke, the mysterious woman, and Hissori in Maruishi, Kari and the woman work together to get Kari enrolled into Stone's academy. [Part 2 / 2]

Current Ninpocho Time: Thursday, 13. Mar, 20:36:51
