Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

No one better to get hugs from than your first teacher [Private]

Without a moment's pause, Kiri watched as the twins got up and began dialing a phone. Nevermind trying to figure out what they were doing since it was becoming clear from Yukiko's words that they were contacting their father. However, what ensued after the brief introduction was simply too fast for him to even react. Without further ado, one was gutted, a cry, a few sentences and then... Kiri was accused. He couldn't even throw himself at them to stop what they were doing before he felt the sudden chill fall onto his back. And a slapping sound made it clear as he looked to the side to find a hand clutched onto the window sill outside. Dread poured into Kiri as the twins left to play, leaving him cemented on the spot. He watched as the veins pumped blood and the movent to sudden form Osu's body. Then, there was a knock.

Kiri was so shocked that it took a second before he could move. Then he went over to the window to slide it open. Before anything else, he jumped back from the window and prostrated on the ground in a dogeza.

"I'm so sorry. I was suddenly cursed by NY friend and even though he only meant well, I was turned back into a child. Then when I came you left me here. Then I was playing with the girls but then my.... my mind is still floating between the consciousness of this childish body and myself and that at one point I couldn't tell the difference and there was the mischief inclination to ask if they wet the bed... Then I... I.... Suddenly confessed that I slept with a man I hardly knew... And so... I don't know anymore. I just want to have a semblance of normalcy. In this body, I can't help but think I want to have this family." He sobbed.
Osu’s glare slowly shifted to an expression that suggested he had a headache though technically that was physically impossible for him.more than anything he just seemed tired from Kiri’s explanation.

He entered through the window and shut it behind him simply telling Kiri, “follow me, I need some tea first,” before heading to the kitchen.

Osu gestured towards the chairs that had the girl’s booster seats for Kiri without turning around to look at him, and began skimming through the cabinets. Before long a heating plate was placed on the table and a clear glass teapot of water was placed on top.

Before Osu sat down though he was digging through what appeared to be prescription bags with various labels on them before grabbing what seemed like bulbs from a few of them.

Osu still didn’t speak as he stared intently at the teapot, waiting for it to reach the perfect temperature before adjusting the knob on the heating plate.

When the water was ready he placed the three small bulbs into the pot that immediately began releasing the scent of matcha as the bulbs began bobbing around in the water. A couple minutes passed and several other scents such as jasmine and chrysanthemums as the bulbs that had settled at the bottom of the clear pot had begun unfolding and ‘blooming’ as the stitched tea flowers began stretching towards the water’s surface.

“When I was young I thought if I couldn’t make it as a shinobi I would like to grow tea and perhaps have my own tea shop. Nothing extravagant, just a greenhouse to play around at breeding tea like the one I rent now and a simple place with simple furnishings where people could quietly enjoy their tea. That of course wasn’t meant to be and now I struggle to make time for the greenhouse and make excuses to go by growing medicinal herbs for work as well. Very few people actually get to taste the tea I grow and roast but that is in part due to it not being as good as it could be if I could devote more of my time. Even this, while it has a lovely scent and is a pleasure to watch bloom, doesn’t taste as good as it should.

Really, I feel that aside from my direct duties as a doctor, the fighting and the killing and the rest of what I have had to do just isn’t in me. The ‘adventures’, the otherworldly experiences, the gods and demons, and the curses… all any of it does is exhaust me. I am so tired Kiri, so very tired, but it all just seems to crowd my doorstep. I have trouble understanding why anyone actually enjoys going out of the village. Normalcy is a concept I can long for but not really understand at this point. Though I do suppose my experiences can be helpful for others.”

Osu stretched his arm across the table and pressed his index finger into Kiri’s forehead. “Your friend may have been powerful enough to curse you in such a fashion but their powers are far from great enough to alter this focus I placed in your head. Have I ever told you what it is made from? I can’t quite remember, but I think I mislead you a little and simply told you it was blood.” Extremely fine threads with thickness that could only be measured in micrometers began leaving Osu’s finger and seeping their way under Kiri’s skin.

“This will sting a bit,” Osu said as his hand glowed green briefly to anesthetize the area before the threads began pushing veins and such to the sides while cutting the flesh between Osu’s finger and the focus.

“Ah it sank a bit into your skull during your transformation… bothersome. I don’t suppose you have been experiencing a bit of a headache lately.” The threads sank further in and began prying the stone from Kiri’s skull.

Taking Kiri’s current age and tolerance into account, Osu moved around the table and picked Kiri up into his free arm much like he would one of the twins, but as he held Kiri close more threads left his body to bind Kiri from moving and just holding his head into Osu’s chest.

“This will be over in a moment, just count my heartbeats,” Osu accidentally cooed out of habit. By lightly scraping the surface of the bone the stone came loose and was pulled forward until it was just slightly sticking out of Kiri’s forehead against Osu’s finger. The threads began sewing up everything left behind tightly and collecting loose bits like the scraped off bone much of the vessels that entered Kiri’s forehead were actually drained of blood and left behind to act as degradable bindings.

Osu removed his finger from Kiri’s forehead and loosened the bindings on Kiri. “Your forehead will be sore for quite a while and you certainly shouldn’t go head butting anything in the near future. Again if you run into anyone a bit more knowledgeable in the arcane don’t let them see this thing, many would kill for it if they were aware of what it is… I suppose I should tell you truth at least. It is made from concentrated ichor, the blood of a god. Don’t ask where it came from, but be aware that it is potent stuff and the rest of you would be destroyed long before it is. As for your curse… hmm… well first I will need a bit more on the condition of your body, such as what happened to your demon?”
Kiri was bracing for the worst. He knew how Osu can be so protective of the girls, and yet, he couldn’t dare to be a snitch at them, either. It wasn’t that he feared them, but more that he cared for them. Perhaps, as a proper guardian, he should actually give them up for proper disciplining, but then again, he also didn’t want them to hate their childhood. It was all so confusing and he preferred to be the one to handle this with Osu rather than them. Thus, he he held his breath as the latter entered the room, closing the window shut.

The only thing was, nothing happened. Instead, he was led out of the room and into the kitchen. Kiri blinked a few times when he was shown the kid’s chair with the boosters on it, and wondered if he should feel offended by this. It’s not like he couldn’t sit properly on proper chairs. Uh, but he didn’t want to offend Osu right now so he swallowed his pride and did as he was told. Funny how he actually fit into it, before he then focused on Osu. The drawling silence of heating the water, of placing the tea, and of brewing was rather soothing, not ominous. How long has it been since he felt this way? Despite the frequent requests, forced readings and bedpan duties, there were times when spending just a moment with Osu allowed him to relax. That hadn’t been the case since… before he left the village with Junko… pretty much before his demon rampaged on that night. He sighed at the thought of it.

Then, he listened as Osu spoke. He almost missed the first words because Osu was speaking in an exhausted tone and but he made sure to pay his utmost attention to the man. He somehow felt sorry that Osu was redirected from the course of what he planned to be. To be honest, it felt such a bummer that he knew what he was asking for was very much selfish. But, Osu had dreams and a future he set out. While he, on the other hand, never once thought much of it. Heck, even that board game could only show a strange examination of his desire, and still it didn’t necessarily reflect his future. So, does that mean that he never had any desire for the future?

Just then, Osu’s hand touched his forehead and he was self-conscious again. A little worried about what’s about to happen, but he trusted Osu… perhaps a little too much, that he jerked when he felt the sting, but he didn’t want to move so he gripped his seat and gritted his teeth as he closed his eyes. But then, soon, he realized that he didn’t feel anything at all, so he opened his eyes again and watched as Osu seemed focused on the work. At the mention of it sinking into his skull, Kiri couldn’t help but feel petrified. Was that a good thing or not? He didn’t want to move so he simply just said, “Yeah… a lot… increasingly frequent. In the beginning, I was told I was knocked out in fact, but lately, it just makes me angry and irritated.”

As he felt something along his head, perhaps some perusing of his skull, he winced but he tried so hard not to move. He knew how medical operations were delicate. But would you consider this as one?

Nevertheless, he was surprised when Osu came over and picked him up so easily like a child. Well, the other must have been experienced with it to begin with. A tint of red blush crawled across Kiri’s cheeks at the act that he ended up closing his eyes because it was just embarrassing to be picked up like that. He was no kid!

And then, the weird thing happened. He felt himself pushed against Osu’s chest and so he could hear the many heartbeats. He felt the weird threads that kept him in place so he didn’t struggle. Wait, was he about to be absorbed into the physical entity of Osu? That would have freaked out another person, but strangely, Kiri thought he wouldn’t mind if that was the end all of this. Really, he ought to be more conscious and assertive of what he should want for a future if he was being this complacent of the matter. And just as he was told, Kiri concentrated on counting the many heart beats. They were rather soothing, having a strange dynamic. Maybe he should tell Osu how they sounded like a nice band, seemingly organized and symphonically harmonious. He could get used to this.

And then, it was over. Just like that, Osu worked his magic. As he was propped on his own now, no longer bound and his head feeling a tad bit itchy and stingy, he listened to Osu’s instructions. He was tempted to scratch as he head, but he didn’t. Instead, he began to process the information inside him before he answered. “He was my brother. I mean, it turned out that he was my brother’s soul alright, but then before all this, I somehow, accidentally, slipped into a different plane within my soulscape. There, I met the origin of my clan’s curse– the beast of ruin. He was, in fact, an ancestor from a thousand years ago– the very first man who was cursed of such, and his soul was long suppressed within the curse. But he told me that because of what I did…” he paused for a moment as he realized he may not have told Osu this bit before, “That is to say… I almost killed myself a few months back due to … uh…. well, anyway, so my brother’s soul somehow triggered a collapse in the soulscape in order to save me, so the demon was killed. But if let be, the curse would swallow me whole, so Hogosha… my ancestor, helped me and somehow, I ended up having to activate the original curse which allowed me to reconnect to the memories and souls of the past, until I found my brother’s soul. So I could literally call upon my brother any time, and his soul would materialize in the physical world, but not as the demon, but as the man he was before. The same goes for the samurais retainers who fought alongside Hogosha, though with their withered souls, I could only call upon their memories and so their resurrection appears rather… ghostlike… like flitting memories. But then, I learned more and then I could summon upon Hogosha as well, and then recently, his own brother, the second of the pair fo cursed beasts– Yakujou. That’s when I learned the real history of the clan’s curse, and how they were continuously trapped in the cycle, so I chose to discard some of my own in order to accommodate them inside my soulscape. This way, they would be freed from the Hasegawa’s curse, I too, would be free for I no longer shun it, but have embraced it to the point that it transformed even my chakra pulse. Though I must admit, the chakra I emitted was rather unkind. But that’s all that, and things changed when I was suddenly brought to this form. Now, I… I feel scared because not too long ago, Hogosha said that I would have to let go of everything as the curse has changed my soul and the current body will only deteriorate. I thought it a dream, really, but the headaches have been much more of a stern warning that I couldn’t ignore any longer. Moreso, memories of my childhood have been prompting my body to limit itself and sometimes, I feel as though my own consciousness is disappearing. But the demon… I don’t know. Will it return because I’m back to my childself? Will the Hasegawa curse take over once more? I have no idea. But for now, I just feel like there’s too many things going on inside me that I can’t help but feel that at any moment, everything will just disappear. And when that happens…. I’m scared to know.”

He paused for a bit as he held back a tear. This was getting ridiculous. He was far too emotional for his own good and he blamed this childish body of his. “Maybe I was never meant to have a future. Remember that night in that cell? Maybe we both altered destiny and fate who forgot to write out what’s next in store for me was at a loss because there was supposed to be no next day for me. I don’t know, Osu. I just don’t know anymore.” Then, Kiri leaned forward to hug Osu and sob. “I told you, I’m a cursed child. Sorry for always being a problem.”
Osu only seemed to become more tired as Kiri’s explanation continued. Osu simply sat down at the end just patting Kiri’s head lightly and pouring two cups of tea. “Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth Kiri. It helps you stay calm when you are stressed. Come on let’s have some tea, and be careful, it is a bit hot.”

Osu himself took a sip before leaning back a bit and running through the details of what Kiri told him while attempting to rub the tiredness out of his eyes. “Kiri I want to make one thing clear to you of all of this, fate is the biggest cosmic joke of all. No one is immune to its pull, even gods are fearful of the pull of fate. But fate is not a conscious thing capable of writing any pages at all and it follows the path of least resistance more like a river, though one that destroys any obstacles that try to directly hinder its path. If you were really meant to die that night none of us would have been able to change a thing about it, but it was only a possibility. We all made our respective decisions and fate followed that path of least resistance.

The one curse shouldn’t return. It sounds as if it were completely dispelled and turning the clock back on your body wouldn’t reform that curse with the presence of the demon because… well that would be a realm of spiritual resurrection that would require a lot more power at work. The demon was destroyed and it sounds like its spirit passed on completely, and unlike the separation of the human soul from its body demons and other outsiders are typically soul and body being the same. It is a whole greater realm of difficulty to raise their souls when killed as not only do you have more that you need to bring back, but the souls themselves are damaged when they are killed… as for your ancestral spirits and returning your body back to normal… hmm…” Osu stopped speaking and seemed to be quite far away if one examined his eyes. That was quite a pickle.

“Drink your tea,” Osu said as he sat Kiri in the booster seat and pulled out an ink stone and a long scroll of parchment. After making his ink Osu sat down and slowly started writing many strange characters. However it was less like he was writing ideas down so much as performing calculations.

“Kiri I don’t suppose that you have observed the cores of your active curses have you? All curses natural or entity formed have a core that looks like… well here are some examples.” Osu tossed a scroll that had different seals recorded in them, some more like the standard curse seal formula of dark sages, others for demon sealing, death curses, and heritage curses. There were circles, pentagrams, pronged, and alchemical diagram shapes, be they solid lines or made from smaller characters or shapes.

“Generally if you have found something on your body or soul that looks like any of these I would really find it helpful to know what they look like. Any and every one you can find or think of you better account for. And if you can’t physically show me what one looks like… we’ll draw it very carefully for me. Extremely carefully. No mistakes at all. I want every dash and nuance of the writing, or things might turn out… unexpectedly.”
As he cried there, he felt soothed by Osu’s tender touch. He did as the other instructed, breathing through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. He did a few cycles as he nodded when they sat for a cup of tea once more. He held the cup and looked at the swirling liquid inside, feeling the heat against his palm. He blew a few times and carefully sipped. He loved drinking the tea that Osu offered. The latter may not have remembered, but last time he was here, he was offered the same way. Of course, Kiri was never cultured enough to care about teas. But one thing was for certain, Osu’s were different. He didn’t know what the taste should be, but he knew it was good enough to calm him. Or maybe it was just the latter’s presence.

He listened to the other’s words, calmly letting all the information enter his mind. He watched closely as Osu got to preparing something. All the while, Kiri wondered if all that deal with fate was true. It had to be, right? He was Osu, after all. He had to be telling the truth. He nodded gently as he decided that it was. Maybe it was foolish of him to fully trust it, but he did feel like that was the case. Osu was the very first one to actually care about him, so why wouldn’t he trust the same person? He smiled at the thought that he really found this Osu both annoying and yet someone he wouldn’t give up for. All the more problematic now that he knew he had to become even better just to protect this man and his family. To evolve, maybe.

Just then, they both got down to business. All the mushy aside, Osu began to show him a series of sketches or formulas or simply just images of what curses were. He smiled weakly at the request though. It was hard enough to keep track of everything, but there were places he couldn’t even see. What if a curse was etched at his back? Or his head? Or his tongue? What if it was on his heart? It was a hard deal.

And then, just as he was about to say such, he suddenly remembered something. There was always a constant runic image that would be seen on the ground he stood before he starts his journey in his white void soulscape. Maybe that was what Osu was asking for? His eyes tried to search along the ones that Osu drew and then pointed on one that looked like the heritage curse. But he stopped shortly as he looked up. He wasn’t necessarily looking at the ceiling, per se, as his eyes seemed to look beyond the space of the ceiling and the lights. He was seeing something else – a broad endless sky of nothing but white. And yet, in that seemingly empty sky, he found something… like a mirror reflecting.

“I see nothing but my soul. That’s why I always think when I’m in there,” said Kiri before he looked back down then and placed a hand on his chest, “But there were wings. Even earlier, I saw a man with wings–“ he paused then shook his head. He shouldn’t dwell too much on the premonition from earlier. It will only complicate things. For now, he had to focus on what was already there, and so he closed his eyes once more and began to will himself into his soulscape.

This time, however, he stepped differently, and while he was standing in the white void, the next step brought him to that azure cavern, where the drifting altar sat peacefully surrounded by the still waters. He took another step and found himself walking on the water, giving him courage to run further until he reached the said altar to find the stones that Hogosha showed him in the past. They were both the burial stones of Hogosha and Yakujou, but they were also the Hasegawa’s relic. But they were all writings in the ancient script as Hogosha explained before.

Then, Kiri turned around to look at the flat altar bed. He never once thought of studying it before because it was always just empty. But now, as he looked across its reflective marble surface, he could somehow find a strange etching. An ordinary glance on it mistaken one for nothing but, he was certain he could see something.

“I found it!” He exclaimed, almost spilling the tea. He carefully set it aside for now as he got down the booster chair and went closer to Osu. Leaning closer, he said, “Don’t worry. I did it once before so I know it’ll just be fast but Kahako said she got to stay longer because she had her own ways. But for you, maybe even if you could see what I see, then it’s okay.” At that pressed his head against Osu and let out a surge of his chakra pulse to engulf them like a light.

It was brief, flitting indeed, but the world turned into a dimly cavern, with small azure lights flickering like wisps and reflecting from the water that surrounded the floating altar. Then, standing before the marble altar bed, Kiri’s hands could be seen tracing something, as he did so, he let his chakra linger, creating a gold light to radiate on the surface as it moved until a crest appeared.

Then, the vision flickered back to the apartment and Kiri leaned away while rubbing his sore head. He hurriedly blew and sipped from the tea as if it would do wonders about chasing the sudden pain away. “I don’t think it’s a normal curse from the way it looks like. But I do remember Hogosha and Yakujou saying that the very first curse to create the Hasegawa Clan’s curse was different in intent and manner. Ishikiri had to sacrifice his two friends to create it, and then it would pass down his line, in hopes to free their souls. But he was the one who had the wings yet his own freedom was taken from him for this purpose. Was he the one I saw earlier?” Kiri rambled near the end but then remembered something else. “But you know, those two birds inside that crest, it looked somehow like Hogosha and Yakujou. Well, the left one was more Hogosha because it looked like it had a paw. And Yakujou would always be there to watch his right side as the flank.”

He suddenly deflated like a defeated frowning kid. “Argh! But this curse from Moro should be different, I think. I really don’t know what it should look like.” He scratched the back of his head in irritation. Strangely enough, as he did so, he unwittingly brushes his white hair aside to reveal a mark on his nape.
Osu merely sat while glancing over his calculations for the most part until Kiri started telling him about the variables he was working with. Uso did complain at one point where her reading was interrupted as Kiri showed them his soulscape for a moment, but otherwise Osu just kept taking note and copying as much as he could of the details. He couldn’t help but think about how almost no one came to him with more medical problems these days.

“Not to say anything bad about your friend or anyone else Kiri but these are all… terribly sloppy. None of these curses really seem to take the existence of the original curses into account when judging their locations or modifications. All these layered curses have introduced flaws in each other, but while it seems to be hindering each curse… it also makes them all harder to sort out without unraveling something much too early… or rather you are quite lucky they haven’t already started doing so on their own. Could you grab me a fresh scroll from my ink chest? You should find some smaller goatskin onesin the second shelf, grab me one of those. Also… hmm… oh I hate magic Kiri, there is practically no mathematical sense to it… under the television cabinet you should find a chest marked momentos. I need you to grab two manila envelopes, one marked something like ‘an elderly woman’s unfinished memoir, the remaining regret of the deceased’ and the other… hrrrm… grab… ‘a proud student’s thesis that was rejected due to jealousy, a shame that led to suicide.’ I was planning on using those to make a deal with a being that is obsessed with items possessing strong emotional attachment but you are in need of a careful mixture of ‘experience beyond your years’ and ‘untapped potential’. Oh also grab me a stick of imperial cinnabar ink, and the light green and rather old looking inkstone with Classical calligraphy at the top. Be careful, it is an irreplaceable antique that I… borrowed from a daimyo’s ancestral tomb that I do plan to return one day… Don’t judge me please, I don’t have any natural affinity for this arcane nonsense so I have to make up for it with the highest quality tools and ingredients.”

Honestly it was a miracle that Osu could do any of this without a natural knack for it. It wasn’t like he could see spirits or anything, he mostly got by using math that would leave even the most notable of scholars sweating in shock. After all, while one could theoretically use calculus to determine where on a tree the next leaves would grow, it was another thing to do so casually like Osu and his sister could with a short examination and a few quick calculations.

But how else was Osu supposed to do any of these crazy things without a ridiculous level of competence? As he turned the two momentos into ash and mixed them into his ink… “Kiri, could you be a dear and bring me a cup of tea over. This might take me a little while, rather you may want to make yourself a bit comfortable.”

And as Osu said it took even him quite some time to prepare everything. It wasn’t so much the calculations though as making a rather beautiful assortment of scrolls. It took about three hours overall, not counting everyone taking a break for dinner, it was curry night, and the twins wouldn’t allow Kiri’s issue to delay curry night of all things. Chiai oddly took things in stride as if this wasn’t anything particularly out of the ordinary, including suggesting keeping Kiri this way until the girls found other playmates around their age but luckily for Kiri, Osu decided that it would be dangerous to leave Kiri in his current predicament for too long. Eventually…

“Kiri please just stand where all the scrolls are overlapping in the middle when you are ready.” Honestly Osu should start doing art exhibits. Beautiful and countless strokes of fine calligraphy decorated four overlapping scrolls forming an eight pointed star in the living room. As soon as Kiri was completely in the middle, the calligraphy marks would suddenly rush from the paper and form an essay on Kiri’s skin.

“Don’t be shocked and don’t smudge the ink. Just meditate, clear yourself of errant thoughts, then push all of your chakra starting from that bead in your head through your curses one by one in order of reception. It… should work. I am about 92% sure of it. 100% sure you will age at least… And whatever pain or thoughts you feel or experience during the process, do NOT hesitate in circulating your chakra for even a fraction of a moment. The curses may try to distract you out of self preservation but you must not lose your focus. This is as much as I can help you. If your life is in danger at any point I can intervene but you will be much worse off than you started if I enter the mix as well.” It was obvious as Osu continued explaining that he was having some paternal hesitation for letting the young looking Kiri attempt this, despite knowing he was in truth an adult who could be held accountable for himself.
As Osu began to give his analysis of the curse marks that he shown, he quickly began enumerating the things he needed. Remembering that one time Kiri had came to this apartment to get that thing on his head– that which he had to gather the said items at Osu’s citation while the latter would be preparing something– he quickly got up and started to collect the materials. Though, to be honest, he had a few moment of thinking twice when he was realizing that these so-called materials are rather… suspicious. Would he have another mysterious thing within his body? He did give Osu a few odd looks when he heard about some daimyo’s ancestral tomb and some student’s remorseful thesis or something. He sighed and nodded the same. He knew better than to doubt Osu’s judgment. Besides, he needed to find a way to stabilize his current predicament.

Upon bringing the materials back, he waited for Osu. There was a moment where they had a brief break for dinner, of which he got a nice serving of family meal. He kept glancing at the twins who were very much having a good time, probably already forgetting about the whole ordeal not too long ago. Then again, they seemed to have a good sense of how to hide these things. But perhaps what made him a little apprehensive were Chiai’s remarks about him staying as is. Luckily, Osu thought best not to agree with it, and soon enough, they were back to work.

When things were finally ready, Kiri couldn’t help but feel a little on the edge. He then followed Osu’s directions and went to the middle, right where all the scrolls overlapped. Last time, he had to endure a surgery-like process. This time, he hoped it would be better and with less aftereffects. Actually, as long as it helped him, he didn’t really mind – he thought. Taking in a couple of deep breaths, he then looked up to Osu and gave the thumbs up. It was now or never.

Instantly, the calligraphy marks on the scroll came alive. Kiri was a little surprised but remained still as he watched them move and etch upon his skin. He was about to move when Osu said not to smudge them, so he fought back the urge to do any unnecessary movements. Still, he must admit that it was a bit ticklish at first, feeling the slight presence of an unknown chakra hovering just above his skin. Hearing the rest of Osu’s instructions, Kiri closed his eyes and slowly began to even out his breathing. He slowly began to clear his thoughts, feeling nothing but the flow of his chakra and seemingly bringing it to a focal point at his head where that mysterious blood beed was. Then, he would let it trail all over his body, letting his chakra flow across like blood in his veins.

As he concentrated on the feeling, he couldn’t help but feel slightly light headed. He was slightly worried that he would suddenly fall backwards, or sidewards, or even forward, but he allowed himself to retain the posture. He focused on the swirling of his chakra just to keep his mind free. But soon enough, he found himself standing in a place he knew all too well.

“What are you doing?” asked a voice all too familiar.

Immediately, Kiri opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of a gray field. Here, he was floating and so he was a bit scared he’d fall. But then, he quickly remembered how to stabilize his footing and glanced around for who spoke. He knew he was in his soulscape. But this was a completely different place altogether. It was neither the white void nor the cold darkness. It was almost as if it was in between, nothing but gray, the light dancing in strange waves that made his eyes hurt and took a while before he could concentrate.

Then, before him, an entity would gradually appear, as if his entire body was made of air that slowly took form. He would have been in shock to see his face looking back at him, but he wasn’t. Somehow, Kiri felt as if he expected it already. Then the world turned upside down, so that their eyes met but they stood from opposite ways. It was a bit nauseating at first until the said presence reached out a hand to poke him on the forehead. Immediately, Kiri felt a resonance as the red bead materialized on the spot where he was touched.

“Somehow, it feels as though I owe you an apology,” said Kiri.

“Oh really? For what? Leaving me here all alone?” the other Kiri smirked. “We both know you had it better when you forgot everything.”

“Did I?” Kiri paused for a moment before he reached for a his head. Then, he remembered his current predicament and looked at his hand. It wasn’t that of a child’s. He was an adult once more. “Did it work?”

“No,” answered the other so briefly. “Moro’s curse was blessing gone wrong. He didn’t mean it, but you, as a Hasegawa, had naturally, if not unconsciously, tampered with it. So even if you try some fancy method with Osu, it won’t work.”

“Then, are you saying I’m lost? Wait… did I die?”

“Don’t be silly. You’re still very much alive. A soulscape collapses when the vessel expires.”

“Then why am I here?”

“I don’t know. You’re the one who came barging in.” The other Kiri crossed his arms and with an accusing stare, looked very much annoyed at Kiri. “Rude as always. Never one to announce his coming and going. Really… you’re nothing but a spoiled brat.”

Kiri wanted to argue but found it in him that he couldn’t. Instead, the more he tried to think on the other’s words, the more he felt certain memories were forming in his head. Like small spheres of visual imagery flashing were gathering and collecting around him. And in each instance they overlapped along his line of sight, he saw a different reflection of the other Kiri. At first, there was a dark entity, almost akin to a creature so large and terrifyingly dark that mist of shadows wrapped around it. But then, it would disappear as the spheres moved away. Like dancing entities of their own, each one revolves around him disappearing upon contact with his skin, giving him a light refreshing prickling sensation.

“I see. I remember,” said Kiri as he looked back at the other Kiri. There was one important difference, the color of his eyes were stark red. As far as Kiri was concerned, his own eyes had already changed into gold the moment he inherited the curse from Hogosha in the past. That only meant that this presence before him was that being that resided in his soul before. “But I thought-”

“You thought right. The beast that dwelled inside your soul was indeed the beast of ruin, your brother’s own soul. But didn’t you ever wonder why I existed still? That beast has since died as you freed your brother’s soul. And yet I’m still here. You simply forgot that I’ve been waiting here, ever since you tried to kill yourself that night.”

Alarmed by this, Kiri got a bit defensive. He didn’t want to talk about that night, seeing as how it reminded him of his weakness, as well as a mistake that had set him on an unchangeable path. “Then, who are you?” But even as he asked, he seemed to know. If there were two entities inside him ever since, what was it? Wasn’t he a defect from the beginning? Wasn’t it the reason why he was exiled and left for dead by his clan? Because he only had the beast of ruin? If so, why and who was this before him?

“I think you know,” said the other Kiri, sighing with great effort as the world turned again and they stood before the other in right order and the other Kiri was reached out to embrace Kiri. “I’ve always been there, ever since the night you came into this world, from your first cry to lowest moments. I was always there to try and make sense of the world for you because you’re oddly stupid and childish.”

That didn’t make sense at all– Kiri thought as he pushed against the other. Frowning, he looked at the red eyes that bore at him, before finally it dawned into him as Hogosha’s voice echoed in his mind: “So far, only one has ever inherited the Hasegawa’s true curse, one that was created by my dear friend Ishikiri. And that is you, Kiri. You, who possessed more than one soul from the beginning.”

Gasping, Kiri took a step back, as the words echoed again and again. “Wait. When Hogosha said that I had more than one soul, he wasn’t talking about my brother’s, was he? He meant you?”

Nodding, the red-eyed Kiri seemed to be in agreement of the revelation. He then placed his hands before his chest as chakra began to gather, forming, shaping itself into crystal-like entity, red in color but also translucent. Kir swore he’d seen something like that before.

“Anyway, I, myself, don’t know much of why I exist, but that doesn’t matter. What matters for me is that all this time I had a very picky, stubborn vessel who doesn’t seem like he can get a break from anything. All the more reason why I can’t ever let you be on your own. Now, more than ever, I need to be here to keep you alive,” said the other Kiri as the crystal compacted further and further until it became a small bead-like object and then shot towards Kiri’s head. “There, just as the original purpose was meant to be. I can now be one with you.”

Kiri raised a hand to touch his head and felt the small bead protruding from his skin, all the while keeping his eyes on this strange entity who claimed to be his second soul. He would surely have to talk with Hogosha and Yakujou about this to learn more, but for now, somehow he felt at ease. “So, how should I call you then? I mean, it sounds as if you were left by Ishikiri and to whoever from the Hasegawa inherited your soul, you’d be there, but still, I’m certain that you did have a name at one time.”

“You already know. You already called me, I think,” the other grinned, confusing Kiri all the more.

“What? But I saw the memory of that day, you weren’t there, and you couldn’t possibly be Ishikiri, so…” Kiri paused as he let his thoughts flow. Judging from what was said just now: a cursed of the Hasegawa clans created by Ishikiri to be inherited and one that would be known to both Hogosha and Yakujou… It was all too much information from different perspectives trying to come together. It was almost as if it was forcing itself just to make sense. And yet, it did makes sense. It felt so. The thing was, it was almost as if there was something that was trying to stop it from making sense.

“You know, Ishikiri was never part of the clan begin with. He had his own, and he was of nobility but also of the omnyouji. That’s why he knew of the ancient curses and the way to protect Hogosha and Yakujou’s soul. But to do so, there’s always a focal point, as with every curse. And in order for that curse to be inherited, this focal point must be one capable of being the origin.” This time, the other Kiri’s tone was serious. At that point, there was a strange pulsating chakra emitting from Kiri’s head, from the bead to be precise. Each pulse sent a wave that made the gray world ripple around them. “It takes a thousand years, precisely that long, to have a perfect reincarnation of body and soul, that transcends realms of the living and the dead. They were all optimistic. I was the skeptical one. But the promise was that when the time came, I would make sure their legacies lived on and I would protect everything that was left behind.”

There was a trembling in his heart as the last words were spoken and Kiri can’t help but grin and clench his fist. The pulsating chakra wasn’t helping at all, making him surge with much energy that he was scared if he suddenly moved, he would let out a ripple unintentionally. And yet, he kept a good long look at the other before him, seemingly burning the image in his mind and soul.

“Yes, I think I remember now, as those memories are forming inside your head. There was never a Hasegawa Clan to begin with, but all things have their origins. And I suppose, we can both conclude that I was the very first one. Right? Oh right, I was. Ahahaha,” he then began to chuckle like an old man would, before regaining his composure and looking back at Kiri. “Yeah, I think I remember now. My name was… well, still is… Hasegawa, and I was their little group– the Tenka Gouken’s confidant. And you… are the me of the present day. The thousand year cycle has bore fruit. Looks like their optimism prevailed.”

As the pulsing chakra grew stronger, a large wave erupted and Kiri felt like he was being flung away. He blinked and when he came to, he was back in Osu’s apartment, still standing, but there was now a strange feeling in him as his chakra suddenly surged, blowing the scrolls aside and making quite a mess, no doubt, of the apartment. When it stopped, he felt falling forward as his body ached, bones seemingly forcing their way to grow, feeling clicks and clacks, that made him cry. It was brief, but it was agonizing. Still, by the time it ended, he was still a child. Evidently more older than he was when he arrived to that apartment for help, but still a child. There was different thought, his chakra may have materialised unknowingly and stuck out from his back in translucent wings before they disappeared at once. It may have looked like mirage to some, but Kiri saw it even briefly before his forced his eyes shut as he felt a sudden wave of heat overcome him. It was like his body was burning and his energy depleted from his muscles as he lay on the ground, panting. The only consolation was the cold floor seemingly wanting to lull him to sleep.

[MFT: 2,556]
Something… didn’t seem right. Osu was observing Kiri through the process but at a certain point to calligraphy started reacting strangely. Still despite the oddity it did seem like he was starting to return to his older self… But…

“I don’t understand, what is wrong with the reaction around here?” Osu asked himself as he looked at a spot where it almost seemed as if the markings were cracking.

“This is why I hate magic, I really should find an actually spiritual being or at least someone who can actually see these things as an assistant for this nonsense.”

Of course at that point the dam broke loose, so to speak. Osu’s face became unamused as his living room was being trashed by the sudden burst of energy and watched impassively while his tendrils rescued a few of the more fragile items in the room. Annoyingly Kiri only aged a couple years. The wings that showed up briefly were odd though.

“Ridiculous, impractical magic… seems there was another spell I wasn’t aware of perhaps? Oh he is passing out,” Osu mumbled as he caught Kiri before he hit the floor and gently lowered him with more tendrils.

“Just go ahead and close your eyes for a few minutes Kiri. You just jumped a couple years of development. We will try and see what has changed when you wake up.” Of course Osu wasn’t going to just leave him there on the floor and he moved Kiri to a couch.

“I suppose I can put him in the guest room for the moment…” Osu mumbled to himself as he checked the time and started putting the girl’s down for bed as well and seeing Chiai off as she left for work.

After a few more minutes Osu warmed some milk on the stove habitually and began moving Kiri from the couch to the spare bedroom.

Osu would sit in the chair beside the bed for a few hours reading over his notes from the spell and seeing if Kiri woke up and was clear headed enough to speak. If not he would eventually head on to bed himself and perhaps they could speak more in the morning, Kiri likely needed his rest after all.

[A good ending point if you want or we can keep going a bit]
His eyes opened weakly. It was a strange comforting cold that swept against his skin. Comforting in the sense that he felt his body was burning yet the soft mattress and pillow against his cheek was everything that could make it all go away. He turned his head to the side and pressed his cheeks into the pillow as he curled into the blankets over him. Strange how their silky fabric radiated the soft chill that soothed his pains. His eyes were partially open but he was seeing nothing in the dark room. He wanted to go back to sleep.

But then he remembered what had happened and grew wide-eyed as he lifted himself to a sit on the bed. Right beside him was Osu who was staring at him and he wanted so much to jump and hug the man because of that strange dream. But then, Kiri felt a little nauseous and raised his hands over his face, hoping to stop the world from spinning.

Too late, though, he felt like suddenly vomiting.
“Kiri you should know better than to sit up so quickly when you aren’t feeling well,” Osu chastised the simultaneously older and younger medical shinobi.

A green glow shone on the end of a tendril poking Kiri in the center of his forehead to control the nausea and another tendril left the room and came back with a waste bin with a fresh bag, placing it in front of the young boy.

“Relax you muscles and calmly follow the flow of chakra in your body. Don’t force it, you just aged a little bit and you need to carefully adapt to your body as is… on that note something wasn’t quite right during the unraveling. For some reason the efficiency of transference declined sharply… no that isn’t quite right. The direction of the glow of transference seemed to be split? A little of it went to aging your own body about two years. The rest… I have no idea to be honest. The ‘experience beyond your years’ and ‘untapped potential’ were completely transferred into you body but the majority of it has basically gone missing in there somewhere. I have been over the calculations many times but the only thing I can think of would be the presence of unknown elements within your body that siphoned the majority of the spell. Either that or magic is a nonsensical system that follows not a bit of the rhyme or reason of science.

… Not even mentioning I don’t have the resources to attempt something remotely similar right now, until we are sure what happened we really can’t risk tinkering with your body further. Did you notice anything off yourself?”

Current Ninpocho Time:
