”Why don’t we let bygones be bygones, and enjoy the fact that we might have actual peace between our countries, Hoshikage-chan~” Kitsune’s voice had a lilt to match her no-doubt bubbly spirits. After all, she had just gotten away with almost assassinating a foreign military commander with her breasts. What kunoichi in the history of the world could claim to have done that? Meanwhile, Ai felt a blush rise to her cheeks that had nothing to do with oxygen deprivation.
-chan?! But that’s…that’s…so… she thought, swallowing down a lump in her throat. Then again, this was an opportunity to make amends for an act she still felt wholly rotten about. Someone like Takaki Masao would of course carry the resentment he bore against her and the Serene Kingdom to the grave, but Kitsune seemed different – more forgiving and more accepting of the fluidity of life’s relationships.
“My name is Nanasaki Ai, Shinrya-sensei…” she said, clearing her throat. “You can call me…Ai-chan, if I can call you Kitsune-chan,” she said, wavering slightly but keeping her resolve.
"The pleasure is mine, Hoshikage-sama," said Ayumu with smoothness and class that rivaled even Hikari's public face. He may be a blood-stained berserker in battle, but he comports himself like a nobleman here, thought Masao wryly as he regarded his former trainee. That was right - Ayumu had once been a member of Rin's Training Squad, but now it seemed like such an eternity ago. It had been a more innocent time, with a clearly-defined villain that the village had united to fight. Before Enishi, in any case.
"Sennin Kogami, I have heard much about the ANBU you lead. They are truly a fighting force that rivals any army known to man, and...any waitstaff known to man as well," said Ai to Ayumu as she winked subtly at him. "I have been considering taking a similar approach with select members of my own forces - to create an elite force within the elite. I would appreciate it if you could give our village some guidance in the future."
At this moment, Isaki Kushin headed for his goal, glass of orange juice in hand. During the short-lived tenure of the Torre Celeste Non-Alcoholic Juice Bar, Kushin had ironically been one of the only regular customers to grace the establishment. Thanks to a wayward aRPG shot from one of Hayata Makoro’s henchmen, the bar was no more, however. Rumor had it that Kushin had the place moved next to his estate.
The rudeness! The absolute gall! thought Tachibana Ami at the sheer disinterest shown by Kushin as he strode past both her as well as Hikari, not to mention Kitsune. Don't delude yourself, Ami-chan, that's exactly your type, sad as it is, thought the Chancellor however, shaking her head imperceptibly and biting her lip. You like a man who ignores you...it's why you pine after that gutless Hayata, after all...
Masao, if he noticed the preceding events at all, did not comment when he saw Kushin approach. Perhaps it was still the buzzing in his head after being glomped by Kitsune's assets, or perhaps it was amazement at the fact that nearly all of Cloud's leadership, not to mention the de-facto heads of state for three countries, were all assembled under one roof without the slightest hint of bloodshed (for now).
Ai, of course, had still not forgiven Kushin for his attack on her countrymen. Although there was very little to prove that he had been the one to commit wholesale murder (as opposed to the late Tanaka Daishi), she still viewed him as less than a step removed from an enemy. A glass found its way into her hand as if on cue, courtesy of the Ambassador.
“I apologize in advance for any insults you experience, Hoshikage-sama. Please know that the arrogance and offensive manners of certain peoples do not reflect the sentiment of the Kumogakure and her people,” interjected Hikari quickly. Ai nodded back at her.
"Sennin Kogami, Sennin Takaki, I look forward to rejoining you at the dinner table," she said, bowing politely to the two men and withdrawing to join the Chancellor and the Marsh General as the medical sennin came to join the group.
"What have you two been doing?" asked Kushin to Masao and Ayumu without preamble.
"I should ask the same of you, Isaki-hakase," replied Masao drily. The new physical features adorning Kushin's body were quite obvious, but knowing the medical sennin's personality, definitely not for frivolous ornamentation.
"I haven't done anything, and you can't prove anything," chuckled Ayumu. Well, there goes the refined nobleman image, Masao sighed internally. "But anyway... I'm just getting used to talking to Sennins and Hoshikages."
"You'd better get used to it fast, Sennin Kogami - you have every right to be here along with Isaki-sensei and myself. Taguishi trusted you, as did...Rin. You've even made Haruka into less of a walking sexual harassment charge, and you're the one man Eru thinks of as her aniki-sama, as opposed to nii-chan. If that doesn't make you worthy of your position then all the rest of us should go back to the academy," said Masao, squeezing Ayumu on the shoulder before addressing Kushin.
"Welcome back, in any case. While you've been away, though, a lot has happened - most of it bad. Kirigakure has experienced some sort of politcal cataclysm recently and one of your relatives, a certain Isaki Hoshikata, recently visited us claiming to lead a group of up to ten thousand missing shinobi with the aim of establishing a tyranny of their own over our neighbor Moon Country to the south. While they stayed here under the flag of peace, they ended up murdering a Kirigakure jounin sent by the Mizukage - we just found the remains - as well as apparently seducing Ishikawa Zaku and another shinobi whose name escapes me, to turn traitor and abandon their posts. I am sorry to say, but your relative has disgraced himself forever in the eyes of respectable politicians," sighed Masao. His expression turned a shade darker now as he drew closer to Ayumu and Kushin. "Actually, while we're all here, I'd like to come to a gentlemen's agreement between us regarding the penultimate issue. We all know our liege lord the Raikage is a living saint and prone to bouts of irrational forgiveness. But our job as sennin is to dirty our hands so that he does not have to. If any of us or our subordinates should encounter and overpower Ishikawa-taichou, I have no interest in permitting my former Gate Captain to ever join the Raikage for Lobster Dinner."
A glimmer of restrained fury passed over his eyes, and then vanished, replaced with his trademark, neutral gaze. A moment later, he graciously accepted a glass of sparkling wine from the disguised ANBU operative distributing refreshments. He could tell the man was slightly annoyed at the sudden role forced on him, but playing waiter seemed to be a part of every ANBU's career.
“Oh, Kogami-san, I thought I should mention, I had the chance to talk with one of my subordinates earlier,” he said softly. “Ketsueki Satou is his name. He is a registered demon-vessel if I am not mistaken, and I’m a bit concerned for the integrity of the seals keeping him…sane. My wife wanted him dead but I’ve asked for the kill order to be released. He mentioned to me that the most important source of his strength to keep the creature at bay seemed to be Higa Kahako. He seems to trust her with his life, although I cannot determine if he is romantically interested in her. Well, this is probably boring you, but I thought I should mention it since you also seem to be close to Higa-sensei as well,” Masao shrugged, as if ignorant of the import of what he had just said. “Anyway, gentlemen, now I believe I will take up Kit- Shinrya-sensei’s offer and slide off for a drink. I hope dinner is something other than Lobster,” he said, bowing out.
“Thank you for earlier, Tanaka-dono. I learn something new every time I come here – the fact that your three Sennin can embrace completely different agendas at once is still a shock to me, but I guess that is the key to your village’s way of doing things,” remarked Ai to Hikari, who was living up to her title of “The Un-Fucker” as she led the Hoshikage away from the man she would have gladly tried to kill in other circumstances.
“Do not worry overly much about me, though. I did not get to be Hoshikage because I was easily intimidated by the likes of him. Individuals like that, who rule through fear and talent, do not last long because they are not allowed to make mistakes. Individuals like your Raikage, however, who rule through love last for as long as they do because their followers forgive easily,” she smiled wistfully. “Speaking of your Raikage… I will have a gift of ginseng sent to him. Please see that he gets it,” she winked.
Whatever sense of accomplishment Hikari might have gotten from hearing this, however, was soon undone by the sight of the Chancellor of Lightning, the General of the People’s Liberation Army, and of course Kitsune getting into yet another confrontation.
”It might be big, but it’s always been big. Even after the fire that ruined the original mansion. Only addition was an extra basement floor. The planning committee didn’t allow any further floors up…”Besides, what happens at night in my bedroom is my business alone~” replied Kitsune snarkily to Sumihara Kaede, who merely began to chuckle condescendingly.
“You can build as high as you wish, Baroness Shinrya, but even the highest skyscrapers come tumbling down eventually. And then what do you have to show for it? Just meaningless possessions and rampant lesbianism. We in the People’s Republic concentrate our energies on becoming better humans in general. Every citizen has a mansion constructed in his or her soul, and those never crumble or burn,” sneered Kaede back at her.
“So it was that upstanding morality of the People’s Republic that led to the development of a weapon outlawed by the Hayata Convention, which then reduced your most sacred site to radioactive ash?” asked Ai triumphantly, causing Kaede’s eyes to flash daggers at her Bear counterpart. “Is that not why you are finally here? Because your people starve and your armies sicken under a cloud of your own toxic fallout?”
Hikari cleared her throat. It was time to un-fuck something else.
“General Sumihara, Chancellor Ami, It is a pleasure to finally meet the both of you in person. You have my gratitude for your attendance,” she began in a measured, official tone. “Please forgive our hostess, Shinrya san. Please do not create tension,” she admonished sternly. “General. Each person here is here of their own volition. None are enslaved. Capitalism does necessitate that some work while others play, however. I do expect that everyone will behave respectfully toward each other, especially our hostess, as she has kindly agreed to entertain so many guests, as a personal favor to me.”
Kaede’s lip quivered as she fought to suppress a retort to the Hoshikage, who also looked like she was fighting the same battle. But if both women only had one thing in common, it was that they both respected (and likely in a small way, feared) the likes of Tanaka Hikari, Ginger of the Blood God.
“Of course. My apologies, General Sumihara,” said Ai, bowing her head slightly.
Kaede exhaled, and did the same. “And mine too, Hoshikage…and Baroness Shinrya.”
“Thank you for having us, Tanaka-dono. I am convinced that you were the right person to coordinate this,” said Ami, allowing a measure of relief to show through her eyes, which now showed the first signs of crows’ feet. Hikari had trod on thin ice, but she had won the day by banking on the mortification anyone would feel while being lectured on behavior by a redhead.
”Ami-san, it’s good to see you again. How is our dear Shogun?” asked Kitsune, resuming her previous liveliness.
“Ah, and you too, Kitsune-chan. How are your lands? Are your people happy and well-fed?” asked the Chancellor, who took Kitsune’s arm in her own and started to walk around the party. “Thank you for inquiring after His Majesty’s health. I am happy to report that he’s in perfect shape, however I must say he’s being a rebellious little brat at the moment, and it’s because of this one little whore named Tama…”
“I will excuse myself to get some refreshments for now, thank you both,” said Ai, backing away. And find that cute fluffy maid to snuggle! I really need some stress relief after that! she thought, hungrily searching the premises for Shashu.
“Is there anyone you do not know, and would wish an introduction to, General?” asked Hikari, now left with Kaede. “If so, please allow me.”
“Actually, Ambassador, there is one,” the General ventured, allowing a smile to trace her porcelain features. “Kogami, who is apparently your ANBU Sennin. He catches my eye like no other man in this village so far,” she said, placing her hands on her hips and casting a predatory leer in Ayumu’s direction before turning her gaze back to Hikari. “Actually, have you had him yet? Is he decent in bed or will he need education?”
To Masao’s relief, dinner smelled more like Lasagna and less like Lobster. It wasn’t that he disliked the meaty, sweetly-succulent flesh of the creature, especially with butter, but it was that all this talk of Shin had him worried. The Raikage was virtually alone in Port Cirrus at the moment. Masao had begged him to take more protection than Kaoru, but the man had not relented. Kaoru was a sweet, earnest, and shy girl. But she could not protect the Raikage against the likes of Enishi. The only saving grace for this entire situation was that Shin as well as his guardian were the type to travel incognito and be good at it, so at least their locations and identities were well-hidden, for now.
He stopped to pour himself a drink of the Shinrya Red. It was a young vintage, only made last year from grapes grown on her hereditary lands, but what it lacked in age it made up for with vibrance, not to mention a high alcohol content relative to most wines. He had spent his youth and most of his ANBU career soaked in booze – most of his riskiest missions were only a faint memory thanks to the effects of being absolutely hammered while on them. But now, smaller and smaller amounts seemed to affect him more heavily. It was something to watch for, especially when the stakes were as high as this.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed movement. His reflexes were as fast as ever, though, and his hand immediately went for the grip of his bolter. He stopped, however, when he saw that it was simply the maid from earlier, preparing the food for the dinner.
“Pardon me,” he said, about to head back into the common room. He stopped, however. “Just so I’m not wrong about earlier, you are a student, right? Tsuirakuya is your family’s name? I overheard what Tanaka-dono said to you. She is harsh, even to me, but her words are true. Part of becoming a true member of this village is knowing who to watch out for, after all. I remember that when I was a student, those in power seemed to be uniformly insane – perverse madmen, the lot of them. I still remember Nara Ryuujin, who was the scariest clown you will have the pleasure of never meeting. And yet when compared to true monsters like Kazama Ringo, or cowardly traitors like Santaru Ryuuto, Ryuujin was actually an honorable sort, compared to the latter two who were usually polite.
“In any case, it’s not your fault you didn’t know who runs our neighbors to the south, or that you were unaware of what the Chancellor of Lightning looked like, or even that we had a Chancellor. For a long time, this village purposefully kept its members ignorant of those things. After all, a bolter does not need to know who fires it and why. But we need to start taking part in the world around us, or shinobi will continue to only hold humanity back, and eventually be discarded with all the other obsolete tools on the junk heap of history,” he sighed, pouring himself another glass of the wine.
“By the way, I notice you have a slightly…arachnid quality. That is a very rare, and very powerful bloodline that is almost extinct in this part of the world. I hope you make something of it,” he said, finally leaving the kitchen.
Masao caught a tired-looking Hikari in a nearby corner. If she were the smoking type, she would probably be on her second pack of the day, is what he figured. It almost felt wrong to interrupt her break, but there was still work to be done.
“It looks like everything’s under control. Good job, Tanaka Hikari-dono,” he said softly. “Dinner will be the hard part, though. The Hoshikage and the General are still at each others’ throats and the Chancellor is liable to start trying to extort concessions out of both of them as a pretext for peace. Much of her power base has actually profited by the war, and she doesn’t have a lot of motivation to end it. We need to get all three parties to agree to even go to a conference. Have the Tenouzans given you their written agreement to host the peace talks yet? And are they still being little fucks about allowing weapons on the grounds of Saint Isamu’s?”

“My name is Nanasaki Ai, Shinrya-sensei…” she said, clearing her throat. “You can call me…Ai-chan, if I can call you Kitsune-chan,” she said, wavering slightly but keeping her resolve.
"The pleasure is mine, Hoshikage-sama," said Ayumu with smoothness and class that rivaled even Hikari's public face. He may be a blood-stained berserker in battle, but he comports himself like a nobleman here, thought Masao wryly as he regarded his former trainee. That was right - Ayumu had once been a member of Rin's Training Squad, but now it seemed like such an eternity ago. It had been a more innocent time, with a clearly-defined villain that the village had united to fight. Before Enishi, in any case.
"Sennin Kogami, I have heard much about the ANBU you lead. They are truly a fighting force that rivals any army known to man, and...any waitstaff known to man as well," said Ai to Ayumu as she winked subtly at him. "I have been considering taking a similar approach with select members of my own forces - to create an elite force within the elite. I would appreciate it if you could give our village some guidance in the future."
At this moment, Isaki Kushin headed for his goal, glass of orange juice in hand. During the short-lived tenure of the Torre Celeste Non-Alcoholic Juice Bar, Kushin had ironically been one of the only regular customers to grace the establishment. Thanks to a wayward aRPG shot from one of Hayata Makoro’s henchmen, the bar was no more, however. Rumor had it that Kushin had the place moved next to his estate.
The rudeness! The absolute gall! thought Tachibana Ami at the sheer disinterest shown by Kushin as he strode past both her as well as Hikari, not to mention Kitsune. Don't delude yourself, Ami-chan, that's exactly your type, sad as it is, thought the Chancellor however, shaking her head imperceptibly and biting her lip. You like a man who ignores you...it's why you pine after that gutless Hayata, after all...
Masao, if he noticed the preceding events at all, did not comment when he saw Kushin approach. Perhaps it was still the buzzing in his head after being glomped by Kitsune's assets, or perhaps it was amazement at the fact that nearly all of Cloud's leadership, not to mention the de-facto heads of state for three countries, were all assembled under one roof without the slightest hint of bloodshed (for now).
Ai, of course, had still not forgiven Kushin for his attack on her countrymen. Although there was very little to prove that he had been the one to commit wholesale murder (as opposed to the late Tanaka Daishi), she still viewed him as less than a step removed from an enemy. A glass found its way into her hand as if on cue, courtesy of the Ambassador.
“I apologize in advance for any insults you experience, Hoshikage-sama. Please know that the arrogance and offensive manners of certain peoples do not reflect the sentiment of the Kumogakure and her people,” interjected Hikari quickly. Ai nodded back at her.
"Sennin Kogami, Sennin Takaki, I look forward to rejoining you at the dinner table," she said, bowing politely to the two men and withdrawing to join the Chancellor and the Marsh General as the medical sennin came to join the group.
* * *
"What have you two been doing?" asked Kushin to Masao and Ayumu without preamble.

"I haven't done anything, and you can't prove anything," chuckled Ayumu. Well, there goes the refined nobleman image, Masao sighed internally. "But anyway... I'm just getting used to talking to Sennins and Hoshikages."
"You'd better get used to it fast, Sennin Kogami - you have every right to be here along with Isaki-sensei and myself. Taguishi trusted you, as did...Rin. You've even made Haruka into less of a walking sexual harassment charge, and you're the one man Eru thinks of as her aniki-sama, as opposed to nii-chan. If that doesn't make you worthy of your position then all the rest of us should go back to the academy," said Masao, squeezing Ayumu on the shoulder before addressing Kushin.
"Welcome back, in any case. While you've been away, though, a lot has happened - most of it bad. Kirigakure has experienced some sort of politcal cataclysm recently and one of your relatives, a certain Isaki Hoshikata, recently visited us claiming to lead a group of up to ten thousand missing shinobi with the aim of establishing a tyranny of their own over our neighbor Moon Country to the south. While they stayed here under the flag of peace, they ended up murdering a Kirigakure jounin sent by the Mizukage - we just found the remains - as well as apparently seducing Ishikawa Zaku and another shinobi whose name escapes me, to turn traitor and abandon their posts. I am sorry to say, but your relative has disgraced himself forever in the eyes of respectable politicians," sighed Masao. His expression turned a shade darker now as he drew closer to Ayumu and Kushin. "Actually, while we're all here, I'd like to come to a gentlemen's agreement between us regarding the penultimate issue. We all know our liege lord the Raikage is a living saint and prone to bouts of irrational forgiveness. But our job as sennin is to dirty our hands so that he does not have to. If any of us or our subordinates should encounter and overpower Ishikawa-taichou, I have no interest in permitting my former Gate Captain to ever join the Raikage for Lobster Dinner."
A glimmer of restrained fury passed over his eyes, and then vanished, replaced with his trademark, neutral gaze. A moment later, he graciously accepted a glass of sparkling wine from the disguised ANBU operative distributing refreshments. He could tell the man was slightly annoyed at the sudden role forced on him, but playing waiter seemed to be a part of every ANBU's career.
“Oh, Kogami-san, I thought I should mention, I had the chance to talk with one of my subordinates earlier,” he said softly. “Ketsueki Satou is his name. He is a registered demon-vessel if I am not mistaken, and I’m a bit concerned for the integrity of the seals keeping him…sane. My wife wanted him dead but I’ve asked for the kill order to be released. He mentioned to me that the most important source of his strength to keep the creature at bay seemed to be Higa Kahako. He seems to trust her with his life, although I cannot determine if he is romantically interested in her. Well, this is probably boring you, but I thought I should mention it since you also seem to be close to Higa-sensei as well,” Masao shrugged, as if ignorant of the import of what he had just said. “Anyway, gentlemen, now I believe I will take up Kit- Shinrya-sensei’s offer and slide off for a drink. I hope dinner is something other than Lobster,” he said, bowing out.
* * *
“Thank you for earlier, Tanaka-dono. I learn something new every time I come here – the fact that your three Sennin can embrace completely different agendas at once is still a shock to me, but I guess that is the key to your village’s way of doing things,” remarked Ai to Hikari, who was living up to her title of “The Un-Fucker” as she led the Hoshikage away from the man she would have gladly tried to kill in other circumstances.
“Do not worry overly much about me, though. I did not get to be Hoshikage because I was easily intimidated by the likes of him. Individuals like that, who rule through fear and talent, do not last long because they are not allowed to make mistakes. Individuals like your Raikage, however, who rule through love last for as long as they do because their followers forgive easily,” she smiled wistfully. “Speaking of your Raikage… I will have a gift of ginseng sent to him. Please see that he gets it,” she winked.
Whatever sense of accomplishment Hikari might have gotten from hearing this, however, was soon undone by the sight of the Chancellor of Lightning, the General of the People’s Liberation Army, and of course Kitsune getting into yet another confrontation.
”It might be big, but it’s always been big. Even after the fire that ruined the original mansion. Only addition was an extra basement floor. The planning committee didn’t allow any further floors up…”Besides, what happens at night in my bedroom is my business alone~” replied Kitsune snarkily to Sumihara Kaede, who merely began to chuckle condescendingly.

“So it was that upstanding morality of the People’s Republic that led to the development of a weapon outlawed by the Hayata Convention, which then reduced your most sacred site to radioactive ash?” asked Ai triumphantly, causing Kaede’s eyes to flash daggers at her Bear counterpart. “Is that not why you are finally here? Because your people starve and your armies sicken under a cloud of your own toxic fallout?”
Hikari cleared her throat. It was time to un-fuck something else.
“General Sumihara, Chancellor Ami, It is a pleasure to finally meet the both of you in person. You have my gratitude for your attendance,” she began in a measured, official tone. “Please forgive our hostess, Shinrya san. Please do not create tension,” she admonished sternly. “General. Each person here is here of their own volition. None are enslaved. Capitalism does necessitate that some work while others play, however. I do expect that everyone will behave respectfully toward each other, especially our hostess, as she has kindly agreed to entertain so many guests, as a personal favor to me.”
Kaede’s lip quivered as she fought to suppress a retort to the Hoshikage, who also looked like she was fighting the same battle. But if both women only had one thing in common, it was that they both respected (and likely in a small way, feared) the likes of Tanaka Hikari, Ginger of the Blood God.
“Of course. My apologies, General Sumihara,” said Ai, bowing her head slightly.
Kaede exhaled, and did the same. “And mine too, Hoshikage…and Baroness Shinrya.”

”Ami-san, it’s good to see you again. How is our dear Shogun?” asked Kitsune, resuming her previous liveliness.
“Ah, and you too, Kitsune-chan. How are your lands? Are your people happy and well-fed?” asked the Chancellor, who took Kitsune’s arm in her own and started to walk around the party. “Thank you for inquiring after His Majesty’s health. I am happy to report that he’s in perfect shape, however I must say he’s being a rebellious little brat at the moment, and it’s because of this one little whore named Tama…”
“I will excuse myself to get some refreshments for now, thank you both,” said Ai, backing away. And find that cute fluffy maid to snuggle! I really need some stress relief after that! she thought, hungrily searching the premises for Shashu.
“Is there anyone you do not know, and would wish an introduction to, General?” asked Hikari, now left with Kaede. “If so, please allow me.”
“Actually, Ambassador, there is one,” the General ventured, allowing a smile to trace her porcelain features. “Kogami, who is apparently your ANBU Sennin. He catches my eye like no other man in this village so far,” she said, placing her hands on her hips and casting a predatory leer in Ayumu’s direction before turning her gaze back to Hikari. “Actually, have you had him yet? Is he decent in bed or will he need education?”
* * *
To Masao’s relief, dinner smelled more like Lasagna and less like Lobster. It wasn’t that he disliked the meaty, sweetly-succulent flesh of the creature, especially with butter, but it was that all this talk of Shin had him worried. The Raikage was virtually alone in Port Cirrus at the moment. Masao had begged him to take more protection than Kaoru, but the man had not relented. Kaoru was a sweet, earnest, and shy girl. But she could not protect the Raikage against the likes of Enishi. The only saving grace for this entire situation was that Shin as well as his guardian were the type to travel incognito and be good at it, so at least their locations and identities were well-hidden, for now.
He stopped to pour himself a drink of the Shinrya Red. It was a young vintage, only made last year from grapes grown on her hereditary lands, but what it lacked in age it made up for with vibrance, not to mention a high alcohol content relative to most wines. He had spent his youth and most of his ANBU career soaked in booze – most of his riskiest missions were only a faint memory thanks to the effects of being absolutely hammered while on them. But now, smaller and smaller amounts seemed to affect him more heavily. It was something to watch for, especially when the stakes were as high as this.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed movement. His reflexes were as fast as ever, though, and his hand immediately went for the grip of his bolter. He stopped, however, when he saw that it was simply the maid from earlier, preparing the food for the dinner.
“Pardon me,” he said, about to head back into the common room. He stopped, however. “Just so I’m not wrong about earlier, you are a student, right? Tsuirakuya is your family’s name? I overheard what Tanaka-dono said to you. She is harsh, even to me, but her words are true. Part of becoming a true member of this village is knowing who to watch out for, after all. I remember that when I was a student, those in power seemed to be uniformly insane – perverse madmen, the lot of them. I still remember Nara Ryuujin, who was the scariest clown you will have the pleasure of never meeting. And yet when compared to true monsters like Kazama Ringo, or cowardly traitors like Santaru Ryuuto, Ryuujin was actually an honorable sort, compared to the latter two who were usually polite.
“In any case, it’s not your fault you didn’t know who runs our neighbors to the south, or that you were unaware of what the Chancellor of Lightning looked like, or even that we had a Chancellor. For a long time, this village purposefully kept its members ignorant of those things. After all, a bolter does not need to know who fires it and why. But we need to start taking part in the world around us, or shinobi will continue to only hold humanity back, and eventually be discarded with all the other obsolete tools on the junk heap of history,” he sighed, pouring himself another glass of the wine.
“By the way, I notice you have a slightly…arachnid quality. That is a very rare, and very powerful bloodline that is almost extinct in this part of the world. I hope you make something of it,” he said, finally leaving the kitchen.
* * *
Masao caught a tired-looking Hikari in a nearby corner. If she were the smoking type, she would probably be on her second pack of the day, is what he figured. It almost felt wrong to interrupt her break, but there was still work to be done.
“It looks like everything’s under control. Good job, Tanaka Hikari-dono,” he said softly. “Dinner will be the hard part, though. The Hoshikage and the General are still at each others’ throats and the Chancellor is liable to start trying to extort concessions out of both of them as a pretext for peace. Much of her power base has actually profited by the war, and she doesn’t have a lot of motivation to end it. We need to get all three parties to agree to even go to a conference. Have the Tenouzans given you their written agreement to host the peace talks yet? And are they still being little fucks about allowing weapons on the grounds of Saint Isamu’s?”