Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Of Largesse and Lasagna. [Private, see post for details]

”Why don’t we let bygones be bygones, and enjoy the fact that we might have actual peace between our countries, Hoshikage-chan~” Kitsune’s voice had a lilt to match her no-doubt bubbly spirits. After all, she had just gotten away with almost assassinating a foreign military commander with her breasts. What kunoichi in the history of the world could claim to have done that? Meanwhile, Ai felt a blush rise to her cheeks that had nothing to do with oxygen deprivation.

-chan?! But that’s…that’s…so… she thought, swallowing down a lump in her throat. Then again, this was an opportunity to make amends for an act she still felt wholly rotten about. Someone like Takaki Masao would of course carry the resentment he bore against her and the Serene Kingdom to the grave, but Kitsune seemed different – more forgiving and more accepting of the fluidity of life’s relationships.

“My name is Nanasaki Ai, Shinrya-sensei…” she said, clearing her throat. “You can call me…Ai-chan, if I can call you Kitsune-chan,” she said, wavering slightly but keeping her resolve.

"The pleasure is mine, Hoshikage-sama," said Ayumu with smoothness and class that rivaled even Hikari's public face. He may be a blood-stained berserker in battle, but he comports himself like a nobleman here, thought Masao wryly as he regarded his former trainee. That was right - Ayumu had once been a member of Rin's Training Squad, but now it seemed like such an eternity ago. It had been a more innocent time, with a clearly-defined villain that the village had united to fight. Before Enishi, in any case.

"Sennin Kogami, I have heard much about the ANBU you lead. They are truly a fighting force that rivals any army known to man, and...any waitstaff known to man as well," said Ai to Ayumu as she winked subtly at him. "I have been considering taking a similar approach with select members of my own forces - to create an elite force within the elite. I would appreciate it if you could give our village some guidance in the future."

At this moment, Isaki Kushin headed for his goal, glass of orange juice in hand. During the short-lived tenure of the Torre Celeste Non-Alcoholic Juice Bar, Kushin had ironically been one of the only regular customers to grace the establishment. Thanks to a wayward aRPG shot from one of Hayata Makoro’s henchmen, the bar was no more, however. Rumor had it that Kushin had the place moved next to his estate.

The rudeness! The absolute gall! thought Tachibana Ami at the sheer disinterest shown by Kushin as he strode past both her as well as Hikari, not to mention Kitsune. Don't delude yourself, Ami-chan, that's exactly your type, sad as it is, thought the Chancellor however, shaking her head imperceptibly and biting her lip. You like a man who ignores's why you pine after that gutless Hayata, after all...

Masao, if he noticed the preceding events at all, did not comment when he saw Kushin approach. Perhaps it was still the buzzing in his head after being glomped by Kitsune's assets, or perhaps it was amazement at the fact that nearly all of Cloud's leadership, not to mention the de-facto heads of state for three countries, were all assembled under one roof without the slightest hint of bloodshed (for now).

Ai, of course, had still not forgiven Kushin for his attack on her countrymen. Although there was very little to prove that he had been the one to commit wholesale murder (as opposed to the late Tanaka Daishi), she still viewed him as less than a step removed from an enemy. A glass found its way into her hand as if on cue, courtesy of the Ambassador.

“I apologize in advance for any insults you experience, Hoshikage-sama. Please know that the arrogance and offensive manners of certain peoples do not reflect the sentiment of the Kumogakure and her people,” interjected Hikari quickly. Ai nodded back at her.

"Sennin Kogami, Sennin Takaki, I look forward to rejoining you at the dinner table," she said, bowing politely to the two men and withdrawing to join the Chancellor and the Marsh General as the medical sennin came to join the group.
* * *

"What have you two been doing?" asked Kushin to Masao and Ayumu without preamble.

"I should ask the same of you, Isaki-hakase," replied Masao drily. The new physical features adorning Kushin's body were quite obvious, but knowing the medical sennin's personality, definitely not for frivolous ornamentation.

"I haven't done anything, and you can't prove anything," chuckled Ayumu. Well, there goes the refined nobleman image, Masao sighed internally. "But anyway... I'm just getting used to talking to Sennins and Hoshikages."

"You'd better get used to it fast, Sennin Kogami - you have every right to be here along with Isaki-sensei and myself. Taguishi trusted you, as did...Rin. You've even made Haruka into less of a walking sexual harassment charge, and you're the one man Eru thinks of as her aniki-sama, as opposed to nii-chan. If that doesn't make you worthy of your position then all the rest of us should go back to the academy," said Masao, squeezing Ayumu on the shoulder before addressing Kushin.

"Welcome back, in any case. While you've been away, though, a lot has happened - most of it bad. Kirigakure has experienced some sort of politcal cataclysm recently and one of your relatives, a certain Isaki Hoshikata, recently visited us claiming to lead a group of up to ten thousand missing shinobi with the aim of establishing a tyranny of their own over our neighbor Moon Country to the south. While they stayed here under the flag of peace, they ended up murdering a Kirigakure jounin sent by the Mizukage - we just found the remains - as well as apparently seducing Ishikawa Zaku and another shinobi whose name escapes me, to turn traitor and abandon their posts. I am sorry to say, but your relative has disgraced himself forever in the eyes of respectable politicians," sighed Masao. His expression turned a shade darker now as he drew closer to Ayumu and Kushin. "Actually, while we're all here, I'd like to come to a gentlemen's agreement between us regarding the penultimate issue. We all know our liege lord the Raikage is a living saint and prone to bouts of irrational forgiveness. But our job as sennin is to dirty our hands so that he does not have to. If any of us or our subordinates should encounter and overpower Ishikawa-taichou, I have no interest in permitting my former Gate Captain to ever join the Raikage for Lobster Dinner."

A glimmer of restrained fury passed over his eyes, and then vanished, replaced with his trademark, neutral gaze. A moment later, he graciously accepted a glass of sparkling wine from the disguised ANBU operative distributing refreshments. He could tell the man was slightly annoyed at the sudden role forced on him, but playing waiter seemed to be a part of every ANBU's career.

“Oh, Kogami-san, I thought I should mention, I had the chance to talk with one of my subordinates earlier,” he said softly. “Ketsueki Satou is his name. He is a registered demon-vessel if I am not mistaken, and I’m a bit concerned for the integrity of the seals keeping him…sane. My wife wanted him dead but I’ve asked for the kill order to be released. He mentioned to me that the most important source of his strength to keep the creature at bay seemed to be Higa Kahako. He seems to trust her with his life, although I cannot determine if he is romantically interested in her. Well, this is probably boring you, but I thought I should mention it since you also seem to be close to Higa-sensei as well,” Masao shrugged, as if ignorant of the import of what he had just said. “Anyway, gentlemen, now I believe I will take up Kit- Shinrya-sensei’s offer and slide off for a drink. I hope dinner is something other than Lobster,” he said, bowing out.
* * *

“Thank you for earlier, Tanaka-dono. I learn something new every time I come here – the fact that your three Sennin can embrace completely different agendas at once is still a shock to me, but I guess that is the key to your village’s way of doing things,” remarked Ai to Hikari, who was living up to her title of “The Un-Fucker” as she led the Hoshikage away from the man she would have gladly tried to kill in other circumstances.

“Do not worry overly much about me, though. I did not get to be Hoshikage because I was easily intimidated by the likes of him. Individuals like that, who rule through fear and talent, do not last long because they are not allowed to make mistakes. Individuals like your Raikage, however, who rule through love last for as long as they do because their followers forgive easily,” she smiled wistfully. “Speaking of your Raikage… I will have a gift of ginseng sent to him. Please see that he gets it,” she winked.

Whatever sense of accomplishment Hikari might have gotten from hearing this, however, was soon undone by the sight of the Chancellor of Lightning, the General of the People’s Liberation Army, and of course Kitsune getting into yet another confrontation.

”It might be big, but it’s always been big. Even after the fire that ruined the original mansion. Only addition was an extra basement floor. The planning committee didn’t allow any further floors up…”Besides, what happens at night in my bedroom is my business alone~” replied Kitsune snarkily to Sumihara Kaede, who merely began to chuckle condescendingly.

“You can build as high as you wish, Baroness Shinrya, but even the highest skyscrapers come tumbling down eventually. And then what do you have to show for it? Just meaningless possessions and rampant lesbianism. We in the People’s Republic concentrate our energies on becoming better humans in general. Every citizen has a mansion constructed in his or her soul, and those never crumble or burn,” sneered Kaede back at her.

“So it was that upstanding morality of the People’s Republic that led to the development of a weapon outlawed by the Hayata Convention, which then reduced your most sacred site to radioactive ash?” asked Ai triumphantly, causing Kaede’s eyes to flash daggers at her Bear counterpart. “Is that not why you are finally here? Because your people starve and your armies sicken under a cloud of your own toxic fallout?”

Hikari cleared her throat. It was time to un-fuck something else.

“General Sumihara, Chancellor Ami, It is a pleasure to finally meet the both of you in person. You have my gratitude for your attendance,” she began in a measured, official tone. “Please forgive our hostess, Shinrya san. Please do not create tension,” she admonished sternly. “General. Each person here is here of their own volition. None are enslaved. Capitalism does necessitate that some work while others play, however. I do expect that everyone will behave respectfully toward each other, especially our hostess, as she has kindly agreed to entertain so many guests, as a personal favor to me.

Kaede’s lip quivered as she fought to suppress a retort to the Hoshikage, who also looked like she was fighting the same battle. But if both women only had one thing in common, it was that they both respected (and likely in a small way, feared) the likes of Tanaka Hikari, Ginger of the Blood God.

“Of course. My apologies, General Sumihara,” said Ai, bowing her head slightly.

Kaede exhaled, and did the same. “And mine too, Hoshikage…and Baroness Shinrya.”

“Thank you for having us, Tanaka-dono. I am convinced that you were the right person to coordinate this,” said Ami, allowing a measure of relief to show through her eyes, which now showed the first signs of crows’ feet. Hikari had trod on thin ice, but she had won the day by banking on the mortification anyone would feel while being lectured on behavior by a redhead.

”Ami-san, it’s good to see you again. How is our dear Shogun?” asked Kitsune, resuming her previous liveliness.

“Ah, and you too, Kitsune-chan. How are your lands? Are your people happy and well-fed?” asked the Chancellor, who took Kitsune’s arm in her own and started to walk around the party. “Thank you for inquiring after His Majesty’s health. I am happy to report that he’s in perfect shape, however I must say he’s being a rebellious little brat at the moment, and it’s because of this one little whore named Tama…”

“I will excuse myself to get some refreshments for now, thank you both,” said Ai, backing away. And find that cute fluffy maid to snuggle! I really need some stress relief after that! she thought, hungrily searching the premises for Shashu.

“Is there anyone you do not know, and would wish an introduction to, General?” asked Hikari, now left with Kaede. “If so, please allow me.”

“Actually, Ambassador, there is one,” the General ventured, allowing a smile to trace her porcelain features. “Kogami, who is apparently your ANBU Sennin. He catches my eye like no other man in this village so far,” she said, placing her hands on her hips and casting a predatory leer in Ayumu’s direction before turning her gaze back to Hikari. “Actually, have you had him yet? Is he decent in bed or will he need education?”
* * *

To Masao’s relief, dinner smelled more like Lasagna and less like Lobster. It wasn’t that he disliked the meaty, sweetly-succulent flesh of the creature, especially with butter, but it was that all this talk of Shin had him worried. The Raikage was virtually alone in Port Cirrus at the moment. Masao had begged him to take more protection than Kaoru, but the man had not relented. Kaoru was a sweet, earnest, and shy girl. But she could not protect the Raikage against the likes of Enishi. The only saving grace for this entire situation was that Shin as well as his guardian were the type to travel incognito and be good at it, so at least their locations and identities were well-hidden, for now.

He stopped to pour himself a drink of the Shinrya Red. It was a young vintage, only made last year from grapes grown on her hereditary lands, but what it lacked in age it made up for with vibrance, not to mention a high alcohol content relative to most wines. He had spent his youth and most of his ANBU career soaked in booze – most of his riskiest missions were only a faint memory thanks to the effects of being absolutely hammered while on them. But now, smaller and smaller amounts seemed to affect him more heavily. It was something to watch for, especially when the stakes were as high as this.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed movement. His reflexes were as fast as ever, though, and his hand immediately went for the grip of his bolter. He stopped, however, when he saw that it was simply the maid from earlier, preparing the food for the dinner.

“Pardon me,” he said, about to head back into the common room. He stopped, however. “Just so I’m not wrong about earlier, you are a student, right? Tsuirakuya is your family’s name? I overheard what Tanaka-dono said to you. She is harsh, even to me, but her words are true. Part of becoming a true member of this village is knowing who to watch out for, after all. I remember that when I was a student, those in power seemed to be uniformly insane – perverse madmen, the lot of them. I still remember Nara Ryuujin, who was the scariest clown you will have the pleasure of never meeting. And yet when compared to true monsters like Kazama Ringo, or cowardly traitors like Santaru Ryuuto, Ryuujin was actually an honorable sort, compared to the latter two who were usually polite.

“In any case, it’s not your fault you didn’t know who runs our neighbors to the south, or that you were unaware of what the Chancellor of Lightning looked like, or even that we had a Chancellor. For a long time, this village purposefully kept its members ignorant of those things. After all, a bolter does not need to know who fires it and why. But we need to start taking part in the world around us, or shinobi will continue to only hold humanity back, and eventually be discarded with all the other obsolete tools on the junk heap of history,” he sighed, pouring himself another glass of the wine.

“By the way, I notice you have a slightly…arachnid quality. That is a very rare, and very powerful bloodline that is almost extinct in this part of the world. I hope you make something of it,” he said, finally leaving the kitchen.
* * *

Masao caught a tired-looking Hikari in a nearby corner. If she were the smoking type, she would probably be on her second pack of the day, is what he figured. It almost felt wrong to interrupt her break, but there was still work to be done.

“It looks like everything’s under control. Good job, Tanaka Hikari-dono,” he said softly. “Dinner will be the hard part, though. The Hoshikage and the General are still at each others’ throats and the Chancellor is liable to start trying to extort concessions out of both of them as a pretext for peace. Much of her power base has actually profited by the war, and she doesn’t have a lot of motivation to end it. We need to get all three parties to agree to even go to a conference. Have the Tenouzans given you their written agreement to host the peace talks yet? And are they still being little fucks about allowing weapons on the grounds of Saint Isamu’s?”
[OOC: I'm gonna be gone for a while, I'll try and post once every now and then though as I will still have access till the 23rd in NZ, then till the 27th in Fiji. Otherwise just have Kushin silently taking part in the festivities.]

Ayumu answered in a way which at first made Kushin suspicious... but then he questioned hiss own suspicioun. Perhaps that was a joke being made. Though none laughed Kushin instead chose to effectively ignore it. Masao gave the man a compliment, or at least that was how Kushin assumed it was meant to be received, and Kushin simply stood and listened, drinking his juice.

Finally Masao decided to let him know about what had been happening while he'd been away. Mist had undergone trouble as well, though political. Hoshikata had been up to no good, Kushin interrupting Masao to correct the link My wife's relative. before letting the man continue with his story. How troublesome, though this did explain why she was so happy to see him. As the story continued that reason became more and more prevailent. The Isaki name would not be one to be proud of, where Kushin always had his ties to the Chigokai to fall back on and his position as Sennin tripled with the reputation he'd allowed to circulate so that people would think twice before crossing him, she only had him.

Masao however then moved closer, his voice quietened as he spoke to the two sennin and clearly not meant for outside ears. Zaku had clearly ended his time in Kumogakure under negative circumstances. Though it was understandable. The man was one of Masao's commanders, equal in rank to Daisuke in many respects, and he'd betrayed this trust. A gate guard who went missing. Indeed, worse, the head of the gate guard.

Kushin's responce was clear in his agreement though could also question what else he decided to hide There are things that Shin need never know.

Masao then recovered his neutrality and addressed Ayumu once more, speaking of a man that Kushin was well aware of. So Satou had been wanted dead. Perhaps someone should have informed Kushin of this, then perhaps it would have happened. Still, Rin was gone now and it seemed that Masao didn't want that end to result. The man was strong, and Kushin wouldn't have attacked him in a one on one, the odds wouldn't have been in hiss favour enough to warrant such a thing, however he still had the man's mental records in his office in case he ever needed to use them to imprison him again. Imprison with or without ANBU authority.

Ayumu asked Kushin if he'd found what he'd been searching for in Konoha. Whether Ayumu knew what it had been or not didn't bother him so much, but still there was information that he had that both the other Sennin would need to know about.

Yes. I have gained everything I sought for in Leaf, though other things happened as well. The village was attacked by their Shogun and his army. They had devised a way to create rain which could drain chakra and had it pour on the village prior to the attack, sent out hunting squads of well trained soldiers the match for any Taijutsu user and were culling the villagers. I barely escaped with my life. He paused, a hand moving to hiss thigh where a huge wound sat, still healing and wrapped in bandage under his clothing. He could do so faster, but he'd not had time to activate the healing capabilities that he had gained in Leaf. Little time for rest. He wasn't limping though as he'd used his jutsu to alleviate the pain, he wouldn't bleed out, that he could control.

It seems likely that Leaf will have been destroyed.
Kitsune grinned at the Hoshikage ”Sounds like a fair deal to me~” she said and gave the woman another hug, though this one wasn’t for teasing her, like the other one. ”I hope you enjoy the party Ai-chan, if there’s anything you need, let me know~” Kitsune said, and added a wink for good measure, this time for teasing. After all, the Hoshikage was not just an easy target, she was also cute when blushing. Smiling, Kitsune patted Masao on the head, and wandered off.

After what she had told the General, Kitsune grinned when hearing the response. ”Well General-chan, as opposed to many other nobles in the country, I actually help others. I’m not sure if you were told, but I’m actually not just a Baroness. I’m also a doctor of medicine, as well as a PhD in chemistry. And while your people may have a mansion in their soul, they can still crumble. If the person is mentally broken down, if they suffer a severe depression, it’ll crumble alright. I’ve seen it before. I do my best to help alleviate such disorders, but usually it’s up to the person to fight it off.” she said, taking short pauses here and there ”However, I won’t deny that moral integrity is important for a people.” was all Kitsune managed to add before the Hoshikage started talking about some weapon, and then Hikari came over.

”Hikari-chan, you’ve got a frightening ability to make people realize when they’re acting against their best interests. Good job” Kitsune would whisper to the redhead after she made both the General and the Hoshikage shush up. ”Don’t worry about it General-chan.” Kitsune said with a smile and turned to Ami. ”The messages I’ve been receiving indicates that morale is up, except in a little village where a chimera has been keeping people from the local well. It’s a minor disturbance really, but it’ll be handled shortly. I already dispatched a team to take care of it. So all in all, things are good. You know, most of the wine being served here today is actually from my lands.” she said, and paused for a second. ”Wait. Did you say Tama? That must’ve been… Huh. I gave her counselling after a botched ‘date’ between her and a certain Shogun. Looks like I have two out of three sides of the pyramid.” she added and smirked.

”If you’ll excuse me Ami-san, I need to have a word with someone~” Kitsune said, and vanished from sight, only to re-appear by Masao and Hikari. ”Hey you two. Ah, I see you found the wine Masao-san. What do you think of it?” she said as she then placed a hand on Hikari’s shoulder ”You’re doing great Hikari-chan. I can see why you’re the Chief Ambassador. Not many would be able to make two arguing foreign dignitaries shush up merely by glaring at them. Good job~”
As Hikari corrected the maid, the Sennin interrupted kindly on her behalf. "It was an honest mistake, I am new to my position after all. I should have corrected her earlier, but... something came up. Regardless, it's good to meet you as well, Tanaka-san,"

"Regardless of your newness to position, students should recognize power and position. I learned that very early, though I was trained by a man I could hardly respect, I did learn well. Perhaps our students do not realize how easily the mood of a noble can turn. Or how seriously some take insults- like not being recognized a a party they were invited to personally by the hand of the Ambassador." Speaking of recognition. Hikari wondered if she should be more clear about her rank, as she's only said something about organizing the party. "In any case, I do not think chastisement is such a harsh punishment, do you? The only blow is to her ego, rather than a true punishment." She smiled, "In any case, it is very good to finally meet you Kogami sama. And congratulations on earning your position. It is my hope that you will serve many successful years." She bowed.

Moments later Kushin would come to join, and so, Hikari put forth her little disclaimer about the behavior of the man. She hadn't actually expected that he would come, though she hadn't received a response to her invitation- no big surprise there, the man had the social skills of a fish. Unfortunately, Hikari's social skills were very well developed, and she hadn't seen a way to exclude him without it coming back to bite her in the ass. The Hoshikage responded to her disclaimer with a pert nod. At this point, she bowed to the assembled sennin and asked Ai to follow her away from the group.

“Thank you for earlier, Tanaka-dono. I learn something new every time I come here – the fact that your three Sennin can embrace completely different agendas at once is still a shock to me, but I guess that is the key to your village’s way of doing things,”

"Yes, it is. You see, each sennin represents an entirely different group pr people. Not only that, their branches of government are very dissimilar- else who would need them? While this is true, This does not excuse behavior such as Sennin Isaki's."

“Do not worry overly much about me, though. I did not get to be Hoshikage because I was easily intimidated by the likes of him. Individuals like that, who rule through fear and talent, do not last long because they are not allowed to make mistakes. Individuals like your Raikage, however, who rule through love last for as long as they do because their followers forgive easily," She said smiling strangely. Hikari sipped her drink, “Speaking of your Raikage… I will have a gift of ginseng sent to him. Please see that he gets it,” Hikari almost choked on the liquid.

"Ginseng? Are you certain you wish..." She remembered back to when this Kage had first met Shin. "You do remember that Shin is simply a gentle and silly man, not a sex crazed fiend? Of course I'll be sure to pass the gift, but..." The ambassador realized she was blushing. "I thought I should remind you that your Sennin's impressions of him were incorrect." She coughed awkwardly. At this moment the ladies had begun to snap at each other.

Hikari cleared her throat, glaring fiercely, and admonished the four arguing women. Sometimes she felt like a mother with naughty children, at functions like these. She had not expected it to work so well. The women even apologized to each other. I've got a better scowl than I thought. She smiled, nodding to them.

“Thank you for having us, Tanaka-dono. I am convinced that you were the right person to coordinate this,

"Thank you for coming Chancellor. I am overjoyed to have so many great people in the same place. Perhaps we could take this moment to address the reason we've gathered." She was now speaking to the chancellor, the general, and the Hoshikage. "When I wrote you, General sama, you were reluctant to join this party because of the ongoing conflicts, correct? I appreciate the gesture of good faith you showed by joining us here. You are each justifiably reluctant about any potential peace we could work out, considering compromise is not a win, and everyone loses a little bit in order to regain peace." She looked to Ami this time. "But I have always believed tis a noble goal." She paused. "I have found us a place to talk peace, that is neutral. The Tenouzan Pontiff has given his permission to host the peace talks on the grounds of the Holy See. This permission comes with two stipulations. Aside from those who will negotiate, each party is allowed to bring only a small personal guard- no more than is necessary to protect your person while on the road. Those not necessary to the talks will not be present in the meeting." She held up a finger to signify that was the end of the first stipulation. "Weapons are allowed, but there will be a zero tolerance policy on all fighting. There will be heavy sanctions placed on the party which participates in said conflict, to be determined at the discretion of the Pontiff." She held up the second finger. "I assume these conditions are reasonably agreeable to everyone?" She had spent many hours negotiating with the Pontiff, as he would not have agreed to weapons on any normal occasion. Frankly the man hadn't wanted to allow such a meeting on his holy ground, but Hikari had been clever, and once he'd agreed, and she'd accepted, there was little he could do to back out of the deal.

the Hoshikage and the Chancellor excused themselves, and she was left with the general. "Actually, Ambassador," She said after Hikari offered an introduction, "There is one. Kogami, who is apparently your ANBU Sennin. He catches my eye like no other in this village so far." She said, hands o her hips, looking at the poor man with a predatory glint. “Actually, have you had him yet? Is he decent in bed or will he need education?”

Hikari had unfortunately taken another sip as the general spoke, and very nearly choked again. "Apologies, General, no I have not 'had him'. I'm quite young, and have perused my career rather than romance, or, eh... lusts. If you'll follow me, I can introduce you, and perhaps you can ask him." She lead the general to the Sennin, effectively throwing the man under the bus, and hoping he had the grace to catch himself... or if he'd rather, use the bus. "General Sumihara, may I introduce Kogami Ayumu, Sennin of ANBU. Kogami sama, This is General Sumihara of the People's Republic." She clapped him on the shoulder. Be polite, I'd like to end the war in the near future, and she's a key player." Then she bowed, "I'll leave the two of you to become better acquainted. Beg your pardon." She bowed and trotted off intent on sitting in a corner and finishing her drink before dealing with any more politics.

Just as she finished the cup, and set it down for a moment, Masao joined her. “It looks like everything’s under control. Good job, Tanaka Hikari-dono,” he said softly.

"Indeed. Tis a good thing no one likes to be lectured by a ginger, else my temper may have worsened things earlier." She said. "Not for the fist time I am thankful for my hair color."

"Dinner will be the hard part, though. The Hoshikage and the General are still at each others’ throats and the Chancellor is liable to start trying to extort concessions out of both of them as a pretext for peace. Much of her power base has actually profited by the war, and she doesn’t have a lot of motivation to end it. We need to get all three parties to agree to even go to a conference. Have the Tenouzans given you their written agreement to host the peace talks yet? And are they still being little fucks about allowing weapons on the grounds of Saint Isamu’s?”

"Yes, I recieved word earlier today." She handed Masao a copy of the scroll the Pontiff had sent her. "I meant to give this to you earlier, but it did not seem appropriate... The gist is, only a hand-full of soldiers, yes weapons, no conflict and no one unnecessary in the conference, or else the Pontiff gets to decide what happens, and he's not likely to be kind."

At this time Kitsune appeared from thin air beside Masao. The Ginger didn't even blink. . Hikari nodded to the Baroness. "You’re doing great Hikari-chan. I can see why you’re the Chief Ambassador. Not many would be able to make two arguing foreign dignitaries shush up merely by glaring at them. Good job~”

"Thanks. Feels a bit like I'm baby sitting sometimes." She chuckled.

[MFT 1450+]
The ambassador known as Hikari introduced herself, and argued that the girl who had misidentified Ayumu should have known his face. He might have argued that until a short time ago it was in his best interest to keep his face unknown, but it didn't seem worth it. She wasn't intending to truly punish the girl, whom had already left, and she now knew his face. Hikari indicated that she was happy to meet Ayumu, and Ayumu returned the sentiment before she departed. His focused turned to the Sennin once more.

Despite the jovial nature of Ayumu's comment, it was true that he still had to get used to playing in the big leagues, so to speak. It had only been a few years since his trainee days, and here he was speaking with two of the most powerful men in the country whom he was supposedly equal to now. Masao's words of encouragement meant a lot, especially his reassurement that Ayumu's two predecessors trusted him to take the reins. The conversation between the Sennins quickly took a turn for the serious. Masao filled in Kushin on the happenings within Kumo's corner of the world, as well as Kiri's. They had all heard talk of what was happening in Mist, it was enough to make one fear what sudden calamity could one day claim your own village without warning. Refugees had already been arriving looking for warmth from their frozen hell in the worst possible place for warmth. Shockingly, Lightning Country was now a far warmer place than the once tropical Water Country.

Masao also mentioned Hoshikata, the man none of them had trusted from the start, and his short visit to Kumogakure. He had not repaid Kumogakure's hospitality very well, having stolen two shinobi away. Sure, they had met them in force at the gates, but at no point had the foreigners ever been in danger. They could have been turned away, but they were welcomed into the village and allowed to speak with the Raikage despite their dubious intentions. Despite that, they had no doubt gone away feeling that they were somehow a victim of Kumogakure. 'Ridiculous...' Ayumu thought, shaking his head at the notion. Masao's expression darkened as he lowered his voice to express his opinion of what should become of the former captain, should they encounter him again. Naturally, it was the Raikage's inclination that Missing-nin could be rehabilitated, but how could they ever trust Zaku again? He trotted off after a man he had just met like a loyal dog, betraying the village he had been a part of his entire life.

"I have no quarrel with that... if Hoshikata were to meet the same fate, I wouldn't be devastated either," Ayumu said in agreement with the other two Sennin, also expressing his opinion of Zaku's new master. Now the Medical Sennin recounted his findings in Leaf. Apparently Leaf had met a terrible fate at the same time Mist had. What were the odds? "Shit... two villages in quick succession. What's going on in the world? At least you made it out. We'd best keep an eye on that army, lest they turn their attentions here, though I believe we'd be ready," Ayumu said in response, shaking his head. It was somewhat disturbing that the world had lost two of it's largest shinobi villages in such a short time, especially when you lived in a shinobi village. He wouldn't speak it aloud here, but he hoped the army of Lightning Country wouldn't get any ideas from Fire Country's Shogun. Their relationship with Kumogakure wasn't perfect, but it was beneficial to both of them.

Masao turned the conversation away from politics, to something of a more personal nature. Satou was a person whom Ayumu had not thought of in a while, When Rin was in charge, they had been warned of him and his connection with Kahako had come up. It concerned him back then, but he hadn't thought about it in some time. His concern was renewed now, and doubled with the mention of the possibility of some romance there. It shouldn't have bothered him as much as it did. He wasn't completely ignorant to why it bothered him that way, he couldn't claim that forever. If he continued screwing around like a clueless anime boy, his opportunity could pass. He sighed quietly. "...thank you for informing me," was all he would say to Masao on that matter. With that, Masao went off in search of his own potential love interest. Ayumu turned to Kushin, who remained still.

"Back to our earlier conversation, that Hoshikata could become a very serious headache for us. I wish he had given us a reason to attack him at the gates, before he had the opportunity to go inside the village and drag away some weak-minded followers behind him. And while we're on the topic of threats, we have some in our own village. Recently, some facilities were bombed by a blue-haired woman who unfortunately escaped. All we've got as far as a name is "47" which I got from a boy name Asuchi. She apparently ambushed his group during an escort mission to Konoha. Apparently the one they were escorting recognized 47, but wouldn't say anything. The mission was financed by a group called "Titan" that I've been hearing about lately, another group to keep an eye on," Ayumu explained, simply trying to fill Kushin in on some of the things he had missed while he was gone. It was up to him if he wanted to do anything with the information. Ayumu was trying to gather more information on it currently.

Unfortunately, there was no more time to talk about such things as Hikari led the foreign general up to Ayumu for an introduction. Ayumu was introduced to General Sumihara from either Marsh of Bear, Ayumu sometimes forgot the difference. Hikari quickly darted away, leaving Ayumu to realize that the General had been dumped on him to deal with, though he didn't know why him specifically. He bowed as he had for the Hoshikage. "Pleasure to meet you, General," he said before raising once more. "Would you care for a drink?" he asked, catching the eye of his agent with the serving dish of wine, whom began making his way over.
Fortunately, Shashu made it to the kitchen without incident. None of the sketchy wait-staff had pulled anything and neither the Hoshikage nor Kitsune-sensei had managed to snag her before she got to the kitchen...everything was good, for the moment. After stealthily peering around she was relieved to discover that none of the impostor waiters were hiding out in the kitchen area, which meant she could cook in peace.

Alrighty, down to business. I'd rather be in here than out there anyways. High society is not my forte, it seems. Shashu thought as she grabbed an apron from the rack and tied it on over her outfit. A quick rummaging around found her the pots and pans she would need for the lasagna, while the actual ingredients were all already laid out near an open cooking space. Without further ado she set the meat to cooking in a pot to the side while she started making the pasta layers from scratch. Apparently you could buy pre-shaped pasta here in the city, but in villages like the one Shashu hailed from such a luxury was more than a little impractical. As a result, Shashu had learned to cook everything from scratch like most everyone else back home.

Just after she had finished enough pasta for the first serving she saw caught something moving out of the corner of her eye. Thinking it might be one of the suspicious wait-staff making a move she surreptitiously moved her hand over to one of the smaller kitchen knives that were better suited for throwing. She didn't actually need any knives for what she was doing, but one never knew when a knife might come in handy. Case in point, here.

"Pardon me." The figure said, causing Shashu to relax a bit. The voice belonged to Masao-sama, who she at least trusted to not be up to anything too nefarious. As rumor would have it, he limited his antics to the heinous act of brushing, so he wasn't a threat here. Yet.

She nodded politely to him and was about to continue shaping the pasta when he suddenly addressed her. “Just so I’m not wrong about earlier, you are a student, right? Tsuirakuya is your family’s name?" She nodded again, as if to invite him to continue.

"I overheard what Tanaka-dono said to you. She is harsh, even to me, but her words are true. Part of becoming a true member of this village is knowing who to watch out for, after all. I remember that when I was a student, those in power seemed to be uniformly insane – perverse madmen, the lot of them. I still remember Nara Ryuujin, who was the scariest clown you will have the pleasure of never meeting. And yet when compared to true monsters like Kazama Ringo, or cowardly traitors like Santaru Ryuuto, Ryuujin was actually an honorable sort, compared to the latter two who were usually polite."

Shashu turned back to kneading and shaping the pasta as she listened to Masao, her movements slow and deliberate as she contemplated his words. "It's not that I fault the logic behind her words, Masao-sama, but that I didn't particularly care for the delivery. I understand she meant well, it's just that I dislike people talking down to me." Shashu replied after he finished, grabbing another chunk of dough for the pasta. "I'm of the opinion that everyone is equal, all things considered. Respect, and the lack thereof, should be earned, not forced upon you by others." She paused and cocked her head, smiling. "I suppose that me and General Sumihara probably see eye to eye on that, if nothing else." Shashu went back to rolling out the pasta as she waited for Masao to continue.

Masao took his time replying, finishing off his glass of wine before he spoke.“In any case, it’s not your fault you didn’t know who runs our neighbors to the south, or that you were unaware of what the Chancellor of Lightning looked like, or even that we had a Chancellor. For a long time, this village purposefully kept its members ignorant of those things. After all, a bolter does not need to know who fires it and why. But we need to start taking part in the world around us, or shinobi will continue to only hold humanity back, and eventually be discarded with all the other obsolete tools on the junk heap of history.” With a sigh he poured another glass of wine.

A frown crossed Shashu's face at the mention of shinobi being kept in the dark, used only as tools for assassination or worse. That sounds a bit too much like how mother spoke of the Tsuirakuya...I haven't seen anything that would tie them here, but then again I'm just a student. It's not like they would let me see their dirty secrets. She thought before replying, "I couldn't agree more with you Masao-sama. My mother, Yuki, she told me alot of stories about her old clan. Alot of them sound like what you're saying, and I don't want to see Kumo become like that at all." She sighed and added, "But I should get back to cooking. The food won't make itself." She finished with a smile and a small laugh to alleviate some of the heavy atmosphere.

Masao, for his part, nodded and changed the subject. “By the way, I notice you have a slightly…arachnid quality. That is a very rare, and very powerful bloodline that is almost extinct in this part of the world. I hope you make something of it.

Shashu froze, dropping the rolling pin, and spun around. "Wha-wha...what did you say?" She stammered, but Masao had already left the kitchen. Shashu wanted to chase him down and make him explain what he said in detail, but like he and Hikari had said, there were certain ways one should act in these sorts of situations, so she restrained herself. Not to mention she still had to finish the food too.

Grumbling to herself she went back and finished shaping the rest of the pasta, then laid it out in layers with the recently finished meat, along with the sauce she had whipped up beforehand to save time. After all three trays were finished she topped it off with cheese and herbs, then popped them in the oven. "Well that's that," She thought, wiping her hands off on her apron. "Now, to find Taro and give him a piece of my mi-Taro?!? About damn time you showed up!" Shashu exclaimed as Taro walked over holding a sack. "Where have you been?! I'll have you know I got chewed out because of you! You better go apologize to Saya-sama, and to me while you're at it, or she's going to fire you for good!"

"Ehe...sorry Shashu-chan, I overslept," Taro replied, scratching his head sheepishly. "I already talked to Kiritani-san about it, so it's fine." He held up the sack he had carried in. "Someone said we might be running low on Parmesan, so I brought extra in case you needed it."

Shashu sighed and shook her head. "No, I'm fine, there was more than enough to finish the lasagna." She untied her apron and hung it back up before turning back to Taro, asking him, "Seeing as how you owe me, could you put all this away? No one else is going to need any of it, and it'll just be in the way here. I'm going to head back out to the floor and see what all I can do out there. Wish me luck!" With that she headed back out into the main area, closing the door to the kitchens behind her.

As soon as Shashu left Taro let out a relieved sigh and immediately set about putting all the ingredients back where they belonged. When he got to the Parmesan, however, he looked around furtively before putting the fresh bag he had brought into the storage container and pouring the half empty bag that Shashu had used slowly down the drain set in the middle of the floor. "Sorry about this Shashu-chan, you're a nice kid, but it's best if you don't know what's going on," He muttered to himself, then cracked a distinctly evil looking grin. "'Specially since you're going to be taking the fall. Can't have this getting back to the Boss, now can we?"

Taro finished up by mopping up any excess 'Parmesan' that had spilled around the drain, then silently slipped out the service entrance that the catering company had used to enter the mansion. In but a few minutes, he had disappeared completely, with no one but Shashu having even seen him at the mansion.


Sumihara Kaede’s right eyelid twitched involuntarily. It was only because of the presence of Tanaka Hikari as well as the Lightning Chancellor that she did not immediately attempt to bisect Kitsune’s trachea and spill the voluptuous bitch’s lifeblood all over the floor. Dear brother, it is only because I love you above all others that I restrain myself, she thought, shaking away the violent crimson mists that veiled her thoughts. One day, she would definitely have her way with the irritating woman…in the torture chamber.

She had not wanted to be here in the first place, but the Dear Leader had begged her, and thus she had no choice. Mount Baekdu’s explosion had not only been a stunningly public disaster visible to the rest of the world, but it had also spread a rain of toxic dust across most of the country. Crops had failed, supply lines were broken, and the soldiers on the front line were now resorting to cannibalism. The only victory possible was a pyrrhic one, and although she would have been more than satisfied with that, her tender brother had a gentle soul and wanted the fighting to stop. Still, it was a lot to ask of her – to willingly enter this lion’s den of foppish decadence and sip wine with the hated enemies of the People’s Republic. She was almost completely sure that one of the shinobi in the room had a direct hand in the Baekdu debacle, and only the fear of disappointing her Dear Leader - her precious little Hotaka-kun - kept her from stabbing Sennin Takaki Masao in the throat multiple times over.

Hikari’s hand came to rest on Kaede’s forearm, as if sensing the inner turmoil that wracked the General’s thoughts. Despite her anger, she found the redhead to be a calming influence, and one of the few non-Marsh citizens in the world she could actually trust.

At first, Kaede had of course regarded Tanaka Hikari as a target – one of the many shinobi of Kumogakure and thus an evil being bent on destroying the foundation of the People’s Republic that had worked so long and hard to rise from the ashes of the first Joseon war. And yet during the first meeting with the Ambassador, Kaede found herself unexpectedly impressed at the Ginger’s gall and persistence – especially after the woman had smashed Commissar Jong’s left kneecap to a pulp for trying to grope her in the Grand Hall of the Revolution. Hikari had helped Kaede get rid of yet another corrupt member of the Politburo and thus earned her initially grudging, but now genuine, respect. It also helped that the Dear Leader trusted her as well.

It was still fun to occasionally troll Hikari though – being so forward about wanting to ravish Kogami Ayumu was deliberate, after all. Kaede allowed herself to chuckle upon seeing the Ambassador nearly inhale her drink. A lot of her interest toward Ayumu was genuine, though. Being a warrior was a lonely path and there were few others in the world who truly could understand what it was like to live every day for battle. It would be an interesting conversation with him, and would hopefully lead to more. Sex was, after all, one of the best forms of stress relief granted to humans, even if he was technically an enemy.

"Pleasure to meet you, General," Ayumu greeted her, bowing with the same courtly diffidence as he had demonstrated for the Hoshikage. "Would you care for a drink?"

Kaede’s piercing blue eyes narrowed as she looked his body over without attempting to hide the fact that she was doing so. He cut an impressive figure – lean but clearly muscular, with the long arms and legs that characterized career swordfighters. The face was a bit boyish for her tastes, but perhaps if the glasses came off, he might look more rugged.

“Sennin Kogami…” She fixed a vixen-ish stare at his eyes. “We’re both killers and only find true happiness on the battlefield, so let’s skip the bullshit. I’ve completed my mission here and have no desire to dine at the same table as that shinobi bitch from Bear, nor can I tolerate being around Shinrya Kitsune for much longer. Why don’t we both leave the politics to the talking heads and go somewhere else?” She leaned in closer, and her lips brushed the lobe of one of his ears. “Basically, I want to fuck. Are you game?” she snarled gently.
* * *

Masao unrolled the gilded roll of parchment and quickly skimmed over the embellished penmanship, finally digging the tip of one of his fingernails into the wax seal affixed next to the Pontiff’s signature to verify its authenticity. The Tenouzans were nothing if not litigious people, and he would have to have Do Natsu look over every section, each one with multiple clauses and subclauses of subclauses. It was that anal-retentive attention to detail that had allowed them to survive over a thousand years of conflict, not to mention produce bolters that still functioned hundreds of years later.

“Like a godrotting watch’s insides, this thing is,” he shook his head. “Good job – I’m sure they’ve snuck in something annoying like requiring us to print a million Bibles or something as payment, but at least we’re not disarmed. Make sure to practice your genuflection,” he snorted. He assumed a more serious expression now. “We’ve disagreed with a lot of things, Tanaka-dono. But I’m glad you’re handling this. Do not worry about the Kingslayers. I will hold them back even at the cost of my life."

He could feel Kitsune’s arrival the instant it happened – more from the displacement of air around her particular assets than anything else. It was strange – despite Kitsune being pure sexuality in human form, he thought of her more as a close relative than as a potential lover. Feeling lust for any woman was harder and harder to accomplish the longer Rin stayed deceased. In fact, feeling connected to this world, even to Kumogakure, was becoming more difficult as well. Only the remains of the day were left to him, as it were.

“Oh, Kitsune-chan, it looks like your maid is ready with the lasagna. Shall we herd these grumpy cats to dinner? Because the sooner we have everyone full and happy and drunk, the less chance of anyone doing something they’ll regret in the morning,” said Masao.
* * *


“You,” sniffed Tachibana Ami indignantly at Isaki Kushin as she found herself standing next to him, holding a tumbler of Shinrya Estate vodka. And as Kushin was probably not in a talkative mood (his mind was probably somewhere in the Fiji Islands in the southern Sea of Kirigakure, after all), he did not respond. Ami rolled her eyes.

“My people heard about your antics in Konoha as well. And knowing your history, I have no doubt that you were likely involved in that whole Chinese-style debacle from the start,” she sighed, referring to a prehistoric empire whose conflict with the rest of the world, and subsequent collapse, had resulted in a hundreds-of-years-long dark ages for humanity until the last few hundred years. “You’d better hope the chaos over there doesn’t spread to our shores, or I’m holding you personally responsible,” she glared at him.

It was already enough that Kitsune had likely played a role in the whole Mochizuki Tama issue and that Takaki Masao seemed disinterested in punishing his subordinate for essentially preventing Lightning Country from becoming an empire, but for Isaki Kushin to have stuck his member in fire Country politics... It was as if the shinobi of Cloud were trying to screw her senseless. All of them of course, except for Hayata Shin, who was the only one she actually wished for that treatment from.

Gutless homosexual Jesus knockoff… she cursed to herself, downing the rest of her drink in one gulp.

“Say, ‘Doctor,’ and I use that term very loosely… After dinner…” she sneered at Kushin.
* * *


“Um…maid-chan…” said Nanasaki Ai, Hoshikage of Star tentatively to Shashu as the young girl exited the kitchen. “Forgive me for earlier!” she said, bowing to the girl. “It’s just that I find you to be super-cute, and I’ve just been extremely nervous about being here. After all, I did kind of send your Sennin and Kitsune-chan to a frozen hell to die… Mind you, I thought they killed my former liege lord, and also I believe that your Sennin Isaki is actually a craven mass-murderer who killed a bunch of my subordinates, but in any case, it’s not just that, it’s also that there are actually a lot of people in my Kingdom who actually want this war to continue because they turn a ridiculous profit from it, and I’m sure there are a fair share of fanatics in Marsh as well as greedy corporate interests in Lightning who’d love nothing better to see this whole thing fail, and the bottom line is I really need stress relief, so could I please just hug you a bit? Only a few seconds…how you say in your language…onegai-shimasu!

“Kage Nanasaki-sama, I believe it’s time for dinner,” interjected Masao, nodding his head toward the dining room where the rest of the guests, come hell or high water, were gathering.

Once seated, he nudged Hikari gently. “Perhaps you should say a few words? And our hostess as well?”
Kushin had been addressed, and he ignored it. The address was of a female voice, one he wasn't overly familiar with, and so he doubted he needed to care about whatever she had to say to him. Besides, he was right next to Ayumu as Ayumu was addressed by a General from some neighboring country, and watching how that conversation went was FAR more entertaining. Ayumu bowed as he was introduced, Kushin ignored as he was equally ignored by those being introduced. Instead he simply listened, and as she leaned in he turned away from their conversation with a wide grin which told anyone that he knew exactly what was going on, and was amused by it.

Unfortunately the smile wasn't to last long as the girl beside him began to speak to him and accuse him of things to do with Leaf. The smile dissipated almost instantly, his frown replacing it quickly and he unblinkingly stared at this woman before him. Wasn't this the woman from Lightning Country who continually threw herself at the Raikage? An eyebrow raised and what small resemblance of nicety which resided in Kushin's mind stopped him from asking that question using those words.

Then she confused him, a single eyebrow raised as she sneered her next words at him and he could not understand what she was talking about.

What would you like after dinner? He asked, his words angry and uncaring of her opinion of him. He knew what was said about him, who did the village think allowed for those rumors to spread? It was hilarious. If anyone actually cared to do any research on him there would be less deaths caused by Kushin than 90% of the Jounin population. The difference was that he wanted people to think these things of him, it usually meant that people kept their distance and as he was poor in a social environment that suited him. Of course what would be found would only be official records of the numbers of dead... the unofficial was on a whole 'nother scale

His eyes moving to the Hoshikage, he liked that she knew but could do nothing about it, because she didn't know she only had a strong assumption, a womans intuition to go by. Otherwise he'd have been punished by now, perhaps Shin would place him as Raikage so that he could know what it was to lead a village and care for the inhabitants. He couldn't wait to have a word with Shin about the genetic donation that has been made to Kushin's family and why it had been made.

Still he looked back to Ami as he waited for his answer while dinner was being served.
Sure, she had already shown herself to be quite forward with her comments toward Kitsune and the village, but who knew the general was this straightforward. Ayumu's usual oblivious tactics weren't going to work on this woman. She had said straight out what she wanted, and there was really no way of feigning ignorance at this point without it being obvious he was faking it. His best bet seemed to be delaying her for now, and finding a way out of this later. If he escaped the situation for now, he might be able to slip away when she wasn't looking. Fortunately, it seemed that dinner was ready and everyone was gathering to be served. Ayumu took a half step back from the general to get some breathing room. "Well, the experience just wouldn't be the same on an empty stomach... and besides that, I am required to be at this dinner," Ayumu responded, lying through his teeth. It was an invitation he had been sent, not a mandate. The Raikage wasn't even here, so who would truly care if he wasn't?

"Buuut, why don't we see what happens after dinner?" he offered. He intended to have disappeared by the time she tried to serve him dessert. Somebody else was on his mind, somebody that wasn't a foreign general, as attractive as she might be. Fortunately, the dinner was the perfect distraction that was unfolding just now. Everyone seemed to be expecting the ambassador of Cloud and the hostess to say something before dinner. It was only natural, as they had gathered everyone there, that they lead the ceremonies, so to speak.
”Sounds like a perfect idea Masao-kun. I call dibs on the seat next to the Hoshikage~” Kitsune said with a grin. Sure, this was a serious occasion, and required the utmost seriousness to make sure everything didn’t fall to bits and would require serious unfucking by Hikari. ”You can sit next to me Masao-kun.” she added and smiled. Hopefully this dinner will be able to lift his spirits some. He seems so down lately. Which is perfectly understandable. But still… she thought to herself before looking to Hikari as she replied. ”Heh. I can see what you mean. Y’know. With the general and all. Anywho, Hikari-chan, woud you mind herding your sheep into the dining room? It’s just through those double doors over at the end of the hall.”

Kitsune grabbed Masao’s hand and dragged him along towards the dining room. It was lavishly decorated, and suitable for fancy parties. Of course, it wasn’t a ballroom as no dancing was involved. Besides, if dancing had been involved, Kitsune would’ve pulled them into the ballroom instead. But no. Dining room it was, and it seemed that Masao was right about the maid being ready with the food. It smelled heavenly, and Kitsune couldn’t wait to dig in. Though she’d have to limit herself for once. She was nobility, the hostess, and there was a bunch of foreign dignitaries here.

Once they had taken their places, Kitsune would wait for Hikari to speak first, before standing up and giving her own little speech about how it was lovely they could all be here, and that she hoped they’d enjoy the food being served, and if they required more food or drinks, they should just signal the staff on hand for a refill on either thing. Phew. I hope that takes care of my speech obligations as a hostess.

[WC: 306; MFT]
Hikari handed him the scroll, a copy of which she’d read over numerous times to make certain everything was in order. She was nervous, well, had been before her second drink. “Like a godrotting watch’s insides, this thing is,” he shook his head. “Good job – I’m sure they’ve snuck in something annoying like requiring us to print a million Bibles or something as payment, but at least we’re not disarmed. Make sure to practice your genuflection,” he snorted.

Hikari coughed, “I hope not, that’s a lot of paper.” She said, grinning about the ‘good job’. “The weapons were a huge sticking point. Lots of ‘you’d better not use them’. You know the drill. I convinced them that they were for ceremonial purposes, and that we needed them to feel like Shinobi. There was lots of foreboding about Holy righteous anger, and blood; and I thought I was the one who worshiped the blood god.” She chuckled.

After a moment, his expression turned serious, “We’ve disagreed with a lot of things, Tanaka-dono. But I’m glad you’re handling this. Do not worry about the Kingslayers. I will hold them back even at the cost of my life."

Hikari returned his expression with equal seriousness, “Yes, we have… And thank you… I’m glad to have the opportunity, but boss man, you must remember…” She said teasingly, “A shinobi cannot do his duty if he is dead. If the cost is your life, we should not pay.” She paused, arranging her words carefully, hoping not to step on any nerves, “Rin was my aunt, Masao. That makes you my uncle. I would not want to lose another family member.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “The first rule of being a ninja, is probably something gratuitously violent. The second rule is definitely ‘Don’t die.’ So don’t die, Uncle.”

Hikari signaled for another drink, and began sipping it, after a few drinks, she caught sight of Shashu exiting th e kitchen, as Masao said, “Oh, Kitsune-chan, it looks like your maid is ready with the lasagna. Shall we herd these grumpy cats to dinner? Because the sooner we have everyone full and happy and drunk, the less chance of anyone doing something they’ll regret in the morning,” said Masao.

”Sounds like a perfect idea Masao-kun. I call dibs on the seat next to the Hoshikage~” Kitsune said with a grin.

Hikari sighed, “Kitsune, please remember Some semblance of propriety. Don’t jump her bones or anything… that’d be incredibly awkward.” She said without thinking, then stopped and covered her mouth and set the drink down. “I think I’ve had enough.”

”You can sit next to me Masao-kun.” she added and smiled.

Hikari thought, Honestly, no jumping of bones. None. Well, maybe later. But not at the table and was instantly glad she had kept her hand over her mouth so that she didn’t say it aloud.

”Heh. I can see what you mean. Y’know. With the general and all. Anywho, Hikari-chan, woud you mind herding your sheep into the dining room? It’s just through those double doors over at the end of the hall.”

“Yeah, but as long as I’m here, I should probably tell you, you’ve made some of my guests uncomfortable with your liberal use of sweety terms. Remember that there are people here who don’t like Kumo, or the way we live, and by offending them with such informalities, you disrespect them, and you may make enemies for us. Be on your best behavior, Kitsune San, and also, Sorry for being so blunt, but it’s true.” She then cleared her throat, and announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is being served momentarily. Choose your seats carefully, whomever you seat yourself beside, you’ll have to get along with for the whole dinner. Remember once more, that you are each guests in the Baroness’ home, so let’s all try to have a pleasant dinner.” She nodded at Masao and Kitsune, as she began walking toward the dining room. “This way, please. It’ll be Lasagna prepared in house, tonight. Kogami san, will you assist me with something?” She asked, figuring that he’d suffered in her place enough.

When he’d responded, Hikari would whisper, “Sorry about throwing you under the wagon, but I needed a moment to myself. Thanks for keeping her out of trouble “ She continued, “That is, unless you were enjoying her attentions, and I’m out of line?”

Hikari escorted the General, taking her arm, remembering the times they’d met before, and thanking her once again for coming. She then seated herself between the General and the Chancellor, across from Masao, so that she could keep, and keep the three ladies from attacking each other at the table, while keeping them close enough to chat about the conference. As everyone seated themselves, Masao nudged Hikari gently. “Perhaps you should say a few words? And our hostess as well?”

Hikari looked at Kitsune who was apparently not interested in going first, then she stood, and tapped a glass, “Thank you all for being here. It’s my great pleasure to have planned this event along with Baroness Shinrya san. I’m happy that although many of us hold different ideologies, and come from far off places, we can still gather around a table and break bread together, in honor of the peace to which most of us aspire and strive. It is my pleasure to serve as Ambassador to Kumogakure, and as such I’m perfectly willing to assist in any way, so please know, you need only ask.” She bowed to them all, then sat, and awaited the beginning of dinner.

[935 MFT]
A familiar voice greeted Shashu as she exited the kitchen. “Um…maid-chan…” said Ai, a bit of nervousness in her voice. “Forgive me for earlier!” she said, bowing to the girl. “It’s just that I find you to be super-cute, and I’ve just been extremely nervous about being here. After all, I did kind of send your Sennin and Kitsune-chan to a frozen hell to die… Mind you, I thought they killed my former liege lord, and also I believe that your Sennin Isaki is actually a craven mass-murderer who killed a bunch of my subordinates, but in any case, it’s not just that, it’s also that there are actually a lot of people in my Kingdom who actually want this war to continue because they turn a ridiculous profit from it, and I’m sure there are a fair share of fanatics in Marsh as well as greedy corporate interests in Lightning who’d love nothing better to see this whole thing fail, and the bottom line is I really need stress relief, so could I please just hug you a bit? Only a few seconds…how you say in your language…onegai-shimasu!

After that rant Shashu couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for Ai. It probably wasn't easy being a Kage in the first place, but with all that extra baggage tacked on...well, it had to be overwhelming. "I-I suppose it would be alright...for a few seconds..." She said in typical tsundere fashion. Not that she was your typical tsundere character, but when it came to older women...well, she was as tsundere as they got.

I hope she doesn't use this as an excuse to grope me...Whether or not she would even be able to finish the thought before being glomped was debatable, but she had said yes....which was probably more than enough for Ai.

At any rate, once Ai had finished with her stress-hug (or more likely been dragged away), Shashu would finish her original task of setting out trays and hot pads for the food. By the time that was done the trays of lasagna were finished, so she went back to the kitchens to bring those out and set them in their places. Thank Yevon for these Kumo ovens...they cook in a third of the time as the ones back home. She thought as she pulled them out of the oven. As she did she thought she smelled a something slightly off, but she chalked it up to the mixing smells of food and ignored it. It was a big kitchen after all, nothing smelled exactly like it should until it was being eaten.

Now, with all the places set and food ready to eat, the only job Shashu had left was to effectively act as a server, getting food and drink for the guests should they need it and be unwilling to get it themselves. As an afterthought, she positioned herself across the room from the Hoshikage and gave her a thumbs up for moral support. Funny that a student should be encouraging a Kage in a situation like this... She chuckled to herself. Well, let's hope this goes well!
[OOC: As some of you may know, the Parmesan isn't actually Parmesan! The lasagna is laced with a potent toxin that will lower your inhibitions to zero! Effectively, it temporarily turns off the part of your brain that lets you say 'no' to yourself. This doesn't mean your character would do something out of character for them, just that they're 100% more likely to act on their impulses, whether it be wrath, greed, envy, pride, gluttony, sloth, or lust. Especially lust! Let the shenanigans begin!]

[Also OOC: You don't have to have your character affected, ninja do build resistances to poison after all. But it's no fun if you don't :p]​

Ai smiled brilliantly at Shashu’s mumbled assent to being used as a stress-relief-woobie, and immediately wrapped her arms around the young girl’s torso. She buried her face in the girl’s thick, dark hair that smelled sweetly like cloves kissed with fennel and breathed deeply, savoring the deeply soothing scent and the sheer softness of the maid, (even if Shashu herself was stiff as a board). It was pure heaven for the older woman – an oasis of innocence and youth in a sea of blood and conspiracy.

“Gwi-yeo-wun!*” mumbled Ai in her native tongue, closing her eyes in sheer contentment as one might do when petting an especially fluffy cat. Only at the appearance of the Main Branch’s Sennin did she reluctantly tear herself away from Shashu’s trembling form, and only with much internal resistance. There are so many cute outfits I have in mind for you, Maid-chan! Just you wait! I will make sure that you are sent to Tenouza for the conference, and then we’ll have some real fun! she thought adoringly, before bowing in thanks.

”Sounds like a perfect idea Masao-kun. I call dibs on the seat next to the Hoshikage~” trilled Kitsune soon after, grabbing Ai’s hand as well as that of the Sennin’s and whisking them to the dinner table.

“But…muh maid…” murmured Ai as she watched Shashu duck back into the kitchen…
*How cute you are!

* * *


Kaede’s eyes narrowed in disappointment as the ANBU Sennin (predictably for him) drew back and obfuscated, pleading hunger and duty. She inhaled, resisting the urge to facepalm. Why could nothing go right in this damnable Imperialist hellhole? Why did the men of Kumogakure seem so damnably 2D (except for Masao, who was a legitimate alpha male with a wife and kids who didn’t give a damn about killing his enemies and didn’t faint like an idiot when confronted with tits and ass, but the only problem was that he just wasn’t Kaede’s type).

"Buuut, why don't we see what happens after dinner?" Ayumu offered, lamely. Ordinarily, she would have decked him across the face for being such a spineless worm, but he was a man who came from Kumogakure, where the odds were good, but the goods were odd. She sighed, shaking her head.

“In the People’s Republic, homosexuality does not exist. It is a Western Problem*. I will cure you of this illness and make you into a decent man,” she said, caressing his face with surprisingly icy fingers that seemed to match the cold cobalt of her eyes. With that, she allowed Ayumu to slink away, but kept him in her sight.
*This is probably an apocryphal tale, but apparently there was a Chinese diplomat who pretty much said the same thing, completely unironically of course. Many luls were had.

* * *


Ami merely stared coldly at Kushin in response. Truly, were all men in Kumo so vulgar and obtuse? Without any capacity to read the subtle hints cast by refined and cultured women to indicate what they truly desired? Shin was the worst of all, of course. Attempting to communicate with him in courtly fashion, or standard Common for that matter, was akin to lobbing pebbles at the gates of Kumogakure in an attempt to break them down.

“Nothing, after all,” she said, shaking her head and crossing her arms. Perhaps she was being too uncharitable to the Medical Sennin, she reasoned. After all, the senior leadership of the village was directly commanded by the Raikage, and of course his implacable denseness would reflect on his subordinates. The Shinrya Estate vodka was stronger stuff than she had anticipated. “Excuse my words earlier… Will you accompany me to the table?” she asked. Kushin raised an eyebrow in response, but offered her his arm in gentlemanly fashion, and the two made their way to the oblong table to sit with the others.
* * *

“So don’t die, Uncle...”

As he took his seat next to Kitsune, Masao could not help but think of Hikari’s words to him during their exchange before dinner. Technically, she was indeed a niece, if for no other reason than convoluted clan ties further muddied by marriage. Of course, just as one might expect from family, their relationship was mostly strained, and full of liberal amounts of snark. Yet since her appointment to her post, she had matured greatly, and worked hard and long to make the events of today happen.

Kitsune and Ai were busily conversing with each other, and this allowed him to focus his attention on the Ambassador. He watched as Hikari expertly herded the attendees into their places at the dinner table with practiced ease. She had made it seem random, but in reality, she was traversing an incredibly dangerous minefield. Seating the wrong individuals next to each other would be disastrous. The Hoshikage and the Marsh General were likely to stab each other at the table, and leaving Chancellor Ami isolated could be taken as a personal slight and make her less inclined to bless the peace process in the face of opposition from her nobles. The Medical and ANBU Sennin were vital at the flanks to preserve order, whereas the Main Branch Sennin acted as a calming influence to the Hostess, whose desires seemed to fluctuate between bedding and insulting everyone else present. It was akin to conducting the world’s most frustrating symphony, but she was proving capable of handling it. She truly was of Rin’s blood. And for the first time, he was proud to think of her not as an employee or a subordinate, but as family…

“Thank you all for being here. It’s my great pleasure to have planned this event along with Baroness Shinrya san…” Hikari started to speak, delivering a short and succinct address to the table. After her, Kitsune delivered a few words of her own, which he admittedly did not pay as much attention to, as he was busy scanning the table for signs of impending conflict.

A soft and fluffy presence nearby attracted his attention and he moved slightly to allow the student-maid from earlier to place his plate on the table. It was a generous portion of S-class Danger Beast-meat lasagna garnished with a side of steamed vegetables tossed in lemon butter, and drizzled with truffle oil. All in all, the scent was intoxicating. Clearly, the others found it to be so as well, as they started to dig in with gusto. As he chewed, Masao allowed himself a small smile – Kitsune knew her lasagna like she knew her medicine. Looking across the table, he observed how the others ate.

Kitsune of course, was used to eating large portions of rich food, as it was necessary for her metabolism, so she dug in with her usual gusto. The Hoshikage and Chancellor Tachibana, however, were doing their best to appear dainty, and not smear any sauce on their lips. Interestingly enough, the Marsh General, Kaede, ate with the same gusto and disregard for appearances as Kitsune – one imagined it was because she was used to eating like a soldier in the trenches. Murmurs of polite conversation occasionally filtered across, but the predominant sound was of clinking silverware against ceramic plates.

No sooner had he gotten to the vegetables however, than did he feel an unusual heaviness creep over his consciousness, as if he were quite drunk. The lights seemed unusually bright, and he noticed his grip on his silverware becoming…clumsier.

Strange…I didn’t think I’d drank that much wine, he thought, shaking his head to clear his senses.

“General Sumihara…” he heard Ami say from across the table, across from Kitsune. “Does your government have any plans to release our countryman Gennesu Bae, who was abducted ten years ago?”

“The one thing about politics…” Kaede began, but stopped, as if her train of thought had suddenly halted. “Gennesu Bae did one thing. If you understand — if you understand what Gennessu Bae did…” responded Kaede, although her speech seemed uncharacteristically slurred and nonsensical.

“And what did he do?” Ami pressed, her tone also strained.

“No, no no no no no! You tell me! Why is he held captive?” countered Kaede, visibly irritated.

“Your government has released no charges! You have released no reason!” retorted Ami.

“Listen to her, General...” interrupted Ai, carelessly waving a fork at Kaede.

“Let me do this… I would love to speak on this… Bae did one thing. If you understand ... if you understand what Bae did. Do you understand what he did? In my country?” growled the General in response.

“You know, Sumihara, you have all these shinobi here -- ten guys here that have left their families, left their families to help your country in a peace treaty. Ten guys, all these guys here. Does anyone understand that?!” interjected Ai now, her speech also rambling and making little to no sense.

“No, no! I'm saying – I don’t give a shit! I don't give a rat’s ass what the hell you think, Nanasaki! I'm saying to you, look at these guys. Look at them! “ Kaede roared, angrily gesturing at Hikari.

“No, YOU let me do this. Let me -- let me. I'm going to tell you one thing,” snarled Ai, slamming the tines of her fork into the table. “People around the world -- around the world -- I'm going to do one thing. You’re the guy behind the mic right now. The guys here do one thing,” she said, a hand now finding its way onto Kitsune’s chest.

“I have to go back to Marsh and take the abuse -- do you have any clue about the abuse I’m going to take,” retorted Kaede. “Do you, damn Imperialist, let me know -- we're going to get it. But guess what though? One day, one day this dude is going to open because these ten guys here, all of us, everybody here, if we could just open the door just a little bit for people to come here and do one thing –“ she said, shoving a hand into Ayumu’s pants.

Meanwhile, Ami’s attention drifted back to Kushin as she giggled uncharacteristically at the angry exchange between the General and the Hoshikage.

“Actually, I give no shits about that guy Bae,” she said conspiratorially to him, as if sharing a deep dark secret. “No…what I really care about… What I was going to ask you, Kushin, was… Why is your Raikage such a eunuch, huh? He’s a godrotting forty-year-old virgin! Tell me something, does being around him unman you, Doctor? Is that why the men of Cloud all have a fatal allergy to vagina?! Take the Shogun, for example. He’s your former student, so he counts too. He could have been an Emperor, you know. He had ONE job. ONE JOB! And that was to stick it in that Bear Queen Ekaterina. She clearly wanted him, you know. As a woman, I can tell these things. But noooo, he’s all like: I love that flat bitch Mochizuki Tama and I won’t even stick it in her, either! Is there something in your village’s water, Kushin? Are you all infertile and impotent? You’re not living your life correctly! Why don’t you prove to me that you’re a man, hmm?”

Something is terribly wrong here. The General…I didn’t see her drinking a single thing…Why can’t I concentrate? wondered Masao, placing his face in his hands. This is pissing me off. Fuck. Poison? Masao rose unsteadily to his feet now, knocking his chair back. His eyes darted suspiciously around the room. It was the Kingslayers, it had to be… Enishi was messing with the banquet in an attempt to take everything they had worked for. Everything he and Kitsune and Hikari and Ayumu and even Kushin had worked for. He focused his gaze on the Maid, Shashu, who stood stock still with a dumbfounded expression on her face, clutching her serving tray and trembling.

“QUIET IN THE ROOM!” roared Masao, a vein bulging from his forehead. He fixed a gaze on Shashu. “We’ve been poisoned… Stop eating the food! You, student…are you the cause of this? Who is paying you to murder us? Is it Yukimura Enishi?!” he demanded, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out the silvery weapon of ultimate discipline . “Pursuant to section…10.95 of the Kumogakure Penal Code, I subject you immediate trial by Brushing…”
The content of the nonsensical argument between the Hoshikage, Chancellor Ami, and General Kaede is heavily plagiarized from a similarly hilariously nonsensical interview between CNN’s Chris Cuomo and former NBA star Dennis Rodman which can be found in this link:
They had been seated and Kushin had escorted Ami to the table as he knew he should. He was here as a representative of Cloud, and at this dinner he was effectively Masao's subordinate for that was Masao's position in this village. They walked through to their seats, Kushin opposite Ayumu, a deliberate seating arrangement for if things broke out they would each be close enough to stop whatever was happening quickly.

Food was brought out before them and Kushin stared at it for a moment while everyone dug in. Lifting the knife and fork he knew it smelled nice, he was just contemplating how he'd never been to one of these things before. Reality setting in on his lack of social life and how he'd always been ostracized from society as a whole, from a young child through to today. He had taken ownership over peoples disdain for him and instead of fumbling like a fool attempting to make friends as he had done in his youth, he instead stood tall and lived life as the man he is, no longer caring for others opinions of him.

Eating the lasagne he didn't feel any immediate problems. He continued to eat and conversation flowed across the table. Words sounded a touch blurry, and yet crisp at the same time. He'd never been drunk so was confused a bit as to what this feeling was and had nothing to compare it with, the logic centers of his brain began working and piecing together what might be the issue. While his mind worked slower than usual he looked from Ami who sat at his side to the general who were having a discussion to do with something which was clearly something of importance to the two of them.

As the drug worked its way into Kushin's control center it loosened his grip on himself. There was a feeling like a lifting of weight from his shoulders as suddenly the large amount of training into controlling his own primal urges became unstuck. The Hoshikage spoke, joining into the argument and Kushin's further rose. How dare she speak about shinobi as though they were naught but men, equal to non-shinobi. There was no equality. The general then shoved her hand into Ayumu's pants and Kushin went to speak.

His mouth open and words were about to spew out, words which would have probably instigated war in an instant... and yet he didn't care in that moment. For also in that moment he had judged everyone. There was no-one here he could not kill. No-one in this room was at his level. The Sennin would be a problem for certain, but neither would try and kill him so he simply had to block their attempts at binding him while he killed everyone else. His only true concern would be his chakra levels, but he could reduce that toll on his body if he desired anyway.

Thankfully, probably for everyone, Ami moved closer to him and caught his attention. The words which were about to come were halted and he blinked for a moment, his mind suddenly realizing a very serious issue. He was about to start a war. His disdain for the Hoshikage and his annoyance at the politics and pathetic nature of the nobels and people of the lowlands had been about to take shape in the form of words. His hand lifted before his face and before anyone would notice, though maybe Masao and Ayumu might have seen, the long sharp deadly blade which sat in it disappeared. Why was he holding Maitami? That moment just gone he had had an urge and desire to kill, he was going to say words which would bring combat and he was ready to kill, that was Maitami's purpose...

He heard what Ami said while he stared at the table trying to regain control over himself. His hand dropped below his chair and he formed one handed seals before raising his hand and placing it on his leg. Immediately the cloud of confusion vanished, the weight placed once more on his shoulders. He was in control again.

Turning to Ami he replied I see. I do not know the Raikage or Shiranai's problem, but I am married and have a child... two children. I prove my manhood by declining your offer. His wife cheated on him, and it was only a matter of time till she did so again, but he refused to do so. Looking at Masao it seemed that he was becoming aware to the situation as well. It was definitely poison, he'd used system shock on himself which was something of a cure, but not much of one for these weaklings. It relied on the humans own resistance, giving it a boost but not one which could simply cure everything.

He yelled, asking for quiet and then accused Shashu of being the perpetrator. Kushin didn't rightly care about whether the kid was or wasn't, what needed to be said was about to be said while he stood, performed the handseal and performed a system shock on Masao Masao, medical ninjutsu works based on a persons natural ability to heal. If these non-shinobi have no resistance to the kind of drug which has been used then I'm going to have to perform surgery. I don't know if it's life threatening or if it's simply something which removes inhibitions for a period of time, I don't know what a lethal dose would be depending on the strength of the individual.

Forming the seals again he wandered towards where Ayumu sat and cleared his mind as well, missing out the Hoshikage, for he didn't care to cure her unless he was given an order to do so. What do you request I do Masao? Masao was the one Kushin deemed the 'leader of the mission' at this place. It was Masao's order which was needed. He performed the seal again and placed it on Hikari's head in an attempt to cleanse her of the drug as well. He assumed Kitsune could handle herself, and Shashu had been accused of poisoning everyone so was unlikely to have ingested it. This left only the visitors and he wasn't sure on one hand what effect medical ninjutsu would have on them, and on the other hand if it'd even help if it worked the way it had been designed.
Ayumu's excuses for getting away from the strong-willed general weren't working as well as he had hoped. She seemed annoyed that he wasn't taking the bait. Fortunately, the same girl who had kicked him off the pier was now dragging him up on a life preserver. She asked for his assistance with something, and he would go to her but not before the general called him gay and promised to reverse that. He was not gay, but now that he thought about it, perhaps that was a better excuse to use next time. Apparently not for her, though. Hikari thanked him for keeping the general out of trouble and he chuckled and shook his head.

"Glad I could be a distraction. I think I'm going to have to skip town after dinner now," Ayumu said before wandering off to pretend to do a favor for Hikari. He ended up finding himself next to the "servant" also known as his second in command, the ANBU Captain whom he'd had disguise himself as the help. "Enjoying the party, sir?" Touma asked, keeping up his act in case anybody nearby might hear, though a sneer on his face was unmistakable. He had witnessed Ayumu's troubles with the general, up to the part where she questioned his manhood. "Why yes, Jeeves, you've done a wonderful job," Ayumu stabbed back, knowing Touma was less than thrilled to be playing a butler of sorts.

Ayumu didn't have anything to actual do for Hikari, so he'd have to return to the public momentarily. Fortunately dinner was ready, so he headed to the sprawling table filled with foreign and local dignitaries. The spread on the table was quite impressive, even more so than he expected after having seen the mansion itself. By the look of the lasagna, he really would be enjoying himself. Unfortunately, as he scanned the seats surrounding the table he came to realize that only one remained empty. That seat was next to the general whom had earlier promised to make a man out of him. While others would be excited at this prospect, Ayumu just wanted a reprieve from women trying to get him in bed.

Ayumu looked, or rather glared at Hikari, whom wasn't paying attention to him. If anybody, she had likely orchestrated the seating arrangements. The general was hot blooded and likely to start verbally sparring if she didn't have a distraction. Naturally, Ayumu was to be the distraction. It had to be this way, however, as he and Kushin had been placed to react quickly should anything go awry with the numerous fiery personalities at the table. Sighing, he took his seat and greeted the general and those sitting nearby. Now that all were seated, the ambassador made a commendable speech, and then the meal began.

Ayumu immediately began with the meal, trying to drown his troubles in lasagna. Some light conversation occurred around him, conversation he only minimally participated in. He was mostly concerned with the meal. It was good, though something seemed slightly off with the taste. It didn't bother him terribly, so he continued eating and using a full mouth as an excuse not to talk more than necessary. As he continued a general haze seemed to set over his mind. He was quite familiar with this feeling, it felt unmistakably like he was enjoying a night of drinking. He had enjoyed a small glass of wine a short while ago, but there was no way that had been the cause. Unless the wine was prepared by Kitsune, in which case it seemed entirely likely that she had created a drink which went down like wine but hit you like something far stronger.

As Ayumu pondered asking Kitsune for more of said wine for his office, conversation broke out across the table. Apparently Ayumu had not properly distracted the general as she was now debating something almost nonsensical with Ami about a man being held captive. Ayumu groaned audibly at the talk of politics, shaking his head. "Why did I come to this?" he wondered aloud, which was strange because he would normally complain internally if only to seem respectable as Sennin in front of important people. The conversation became increasingly belligerent as it went on, and both parties sounded heavily intoxicated or otherwise mentally impaired. At the climax of the conversation, Kaede randomly thrust her hand towards Ayumu's crotch.

Faster than anybody had probably seen a man move, Ayumu's hand shot to catch her arm just short of his pants. "For FUCK'S sake, I'm not a piece of goddamn meat, will you keep your hands to yourself, woman?" Ayumu said angrily without thinking. It took him a moment to realize what he had said and shook his head. "Wait... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me... Something's wrong..." Ayumu said, shaking his head trying to free himself of the haze over his mind. He was usually more composed than that, even when facing an enemy. 'What's wrong with me? Was the wine really...' Ayumu thought, staring blankly at Kaede before realization sunk in.

'Wait a minute, she never..' Ayumu began to think with a slightly alarmed look before his thought process was interrupted by a loud yell. Masao stood pointedly and announced that they had been poisoned just as Ayumu made the mental connection, staring at his partially eaten plate of lasagna. As he heard the name Yukimura Enishi, he instinctively stood and placed a hand on the hilt of his saber, but recalled that there was no immediate threat save for the poison. Kushin was quick to react, explaining what he could do about the poison. Masao seemed interested in interrogating Shashu, whom had prepared the food. Ayumu moved next to the two of them and his mind was cleared as Kushin used his medical jutsu on the two Sennin.

"Hold on, Masao. Why would she remain here if she was the one who poisoned our food?" Ayumu asked. Although it was still possible she was the culprit and has stuck around to see her handywork, it seemed too obvious. Ayumu had also witnessed Shashu assist him in attempting to take in a criminal recently with no obvious reward for doing so, so he had some belief in her. He turned to Shashu, leaving Kushin to take care of the guests as only a Med-nin could. Kitsune was sure to aid him, he had faith in their abilities. "Would anybody else have had access to the food while or after it was being prepared? Even if it's somebody you wouldn't suspect," Ayumu questioned, hoping to get closer to the truth. Most likely everybody at the table had somebody who could account for their not being in the kitchen, so it was unlikely any of them were suspect in Ayumu's mind- but not ruled out.
After Kitsune had given her few words and the food had been brought in, she began eating with her usual appetite. She did try to hold back a little, but unfortunately, her body demanded food, and lots of it. It was that, or to shrivel up and become a husk of a person with no curves to speak of. As she ate, the poison slowly crept into her systems and as Kitsune ate more than any of the others at the table she would be more heavily affected. Though because of her metabolism, she’d be affected in a much shorter amount of time.

Kitsune kept an ear out for the conversations going on around the table and picked up the strange exchange between the Chancellor, the Hoshikage and the General. It seemed to Kitsune that they were all drunk, or at the very least well on their way to be drunk. That’s odd… I didn’t see the general drink anything… How would she…? Kitsunes thoughts were a mess and then out of nowhere, she felt a hand on her chest. It belonged to the Hoshikage who, once again, had groped Kitsune’s breasts. This is getting to be a habit. Kitsune thought with a smirk.

As the general tried to shove her hand down Ayumu’s pants Kitsune turned the Hoshikage’s head, and kisses her deeply, right there in front of everybody, not even caring who saw it and who didn’t. Then, she turned to face Masao and gave him a light kiss on the lips, both to test his reaction to it, and to get his attention. ”Ne, Masao-kun… Ai-chan and I are both feeling rather hot in here… What about you..?” she asked him in a slightly slurred voice as she ran a hand up his chest to try and feel if he was hot too.

At the same time, Kitsune didn’t notice what Kushin was doing, waving a weapon of his around inside her dining room, but she did look over once, and saw him talk with the Chancellor. That’s nice.. They get along.. About time too… she thought and smiled a bit as she turned her attention back to the Hoshikage who still had her hands on Kitsune’s chest. ”Y’know.. Ai-chan.. If you really want to grope them that badly, we can always sneak away from the dinner table and upstairs~” Kitsune said in a low tone to the blushing kunoichi sitting next to her.

Then suddenly Masao yelled out that they had all been poisoned and Kitsune blinked a few times. That’d explain a lot… I think… Ah well, it’ll be over soon. Kitsune thought to herself and formed a few seals before placing her glowing hand on her head and then sighing as she felt her body coming to its senses almost instantly thanks to the jutsu increasing her body’s self-healing potential. Then, she turned to the Hoshikage that was still clearly under the influence of the poison. With a swift motion, Kitsune brought a vial out of her sleeve, it was a drug she carried with her at all times as it could cure general poisons, and with a few additives, could be made to cure more intricate ones.

She poured the contents of the vial down Ai-chan’s throat, and made sure that she’d swallow the liquid. It was foul tasting, and generally not a very pleasant experience, but if it could clear her head, it’d be for the better. Kitsune ran her hand gently through Ai’s hair as the drug began working on her. Soon, she’d be out of the uninhibited world her brain was swimming around in, and back into the real world. While that happened, Kitsune stood up and did the same to the General, sides from the hand through the hair that is, and then went over to Masao.

”Easy now Masao-kun. Stay the trial. She’s just a student. She wouldn’t have had access to this kind of poison on her own. Even so, I doubt that it’s actually her that’s done this. Look into her eyes. She’s genuinely terrified of you, and she’s got no clue as to what’s going on.” Kitsune said. Then Ayumu was the voice of reason and asked the student why she’d have remained present if she was indeed the culprit. Then, he asked her if she knew if anyone else could’ve had access to the food while or after it was being prepared. ”Excellent question Kogami-san. Tsuirakuya-chan, please tell us the names of everyone that’s had access to the kitchen during and after the preparation of the food. Don’t leave any names out.” she said and knelt down next to Shashu. Hopefully the student would answer her teacher truthfully.

[WC: 784; MFT]
With that, she braced herself, her stomach complaining loudly that all it’d gotten all day was booze and fruit juice- or whatever else was in Hikari’s little mixed drink. Blushing, she put a hand to her stomach to perhaps stifle the sound. Luckily she did not need to wait long before a plate the size of Kitsune’s bust was placed before her. “Awkward thought, that one.” She muttered, as she took her first bite. It was heavenly. The noodles cooked to perfection, the sauces just right, There was only one thing which might have made Hikari pause. The presence of so much parmasean. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the cheese, but that it threw off the texture and taste of the dish. As of now, however, she was just tipsy enough not to give more than one shit.

Her fingers were clumsy, but not so much that she fumbled a single bite. Before long, her stomach was making sounds of a completely different sort. Angry queasy sounds. “By all the gods, why would you put so much of that Shit cheese on the top?” She groaned . “S’pecially on top of such a lovely pile of meaty cheesy goodness?” She took her napkin and wiped her mouth, “I mean it’s shit cheese!” Her stomach snarled unpleasantly, “I mean cooks should know how bad-“ Her gut clenched, and she rolled her eyes back, “ Ungh.” She said, taking a drink of... she blinked at it, a moment before identifying it, “Water?” She nodded then guzzled it. “Better.” She gasped, “Gods. The hell is wrong with me?” She put a hand to her face, trying to rub the intoxication out. “I only had two… maybe three glasses of Wine, probably.” She said, embarrassed, “Should not be this bad.”

There was a conversation going on she didn’t quite understand. Something about a man from the General’s homeland, who was captured by Ai’s people. He did one thing, and it was well understood that he did it. Well, mostly understood. It didn’t quite make sense, but Hikari chalked it up to the alcohol. “Ladies, please.” She said, thanking the gods silently that she wasn’t slurring yet. “Please remember that we’re here because peace is what we want. Remember?” She cursed her unsteady speech. “The drink was stronger than I realized. I’m a bit tipsy, but the thing to remember, is why you all came.” She rubbed her face again. “I’m usually better at this. “The thing to remember is that our countries will do better if we’re not… we shouldn’t…” She slammed her hand on the table, hoping the shock would wake herself up. It didn’t.

Masao rose from his seat, kicking his chair back in the process. She watched him, words leaving her for a moment. “QUIET IN THE ROOM!” He roared, his face all rage and pulsing veins. “We’ve been poisoned… Stop eating the food! You, student…are you the cause of this? Who is paying you to murder us? Is it Yukimura Enishi?!” he demanded, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out the silvery weapon of ultimate discipline . “Pursuant to section…10.95 of the Kumogakure Penal Code, I subject you immediate trial by Brushing…”

Hikari stood as well, Poison explained it. She looked down at her nearly empty plate and shivered. “Shit.” She said loudly.

She became aware of Kushin standing. She watched him suspiciously, as he walked over to Masao. She moved abruptly, pushing back the chair, glaring at Kushin as he performed the handseal on Masao “Masao, medical ninjutsu works based on a persons natural ability to heal. If these non-shinobi have no resistance to the kind of drug which has been used then I'm going to have to perform surgery. I don't know if it's life threatening or if it's simply something which removes inhibitions for a period of time, I don't know what a lethal dose would be depending on the strength of the individual. What do you request I do, Masao?”

Her mind was still fogged, as she watched, him go around the table healing most of them. When the ‘good doctor’ got to her, she still had reservations, but he performed the seal before she could say aught about it. Immediately her mind cleared. The poison was in the food,. Remove the food and the poison is weakened. “Beg pardon.” She muttered, getting up and stumbling to the nearest potted plant. “Sorry ‘bout this Kitsy.” She murmured, “But I dunno if you even have bathrooms.” She then proceeded to puke up a mess of meaty cheesy gloop. She came back to the table and wiped her mouth, hands shaking slightly as she reached for another glass of water. Her head felt clearer, and her stomach happily empty.

“Thank you, Isaki sama.” She said, remembering her manners. She tapped Kitsune, and nodded at the chancellor. “Your cure, for Ami sama, please.” She said, noting that the woman had ingested a vial of something, then force fed it to both the Hoshikage and the general.

Hikari looked to Masao, her intent clear. “I’m with you, boss.” She said, in case there was doubt.

”Easy now Masao-kun. Stay the trial. She’s just a student. She wouldn’t have had access to this kind of poison on her own. Even so, I doubt that it’s actually her that’s done this. Look into her eyes. She’s genuinely terrified of you, and she’s got no clue as to what’s going on.” Kitsune said.

"Hold on, Masao. Why would she remain here if she was the one who poisoned our food? Would anybody else have had access to the food while or after it was being prepared? Even if it's somebody you wouldn't suspect," Ayumu questioned,

They had both made good points, but even if she was only an accomplice, she was guilty. Even so, Hikari could see the fear Kitsune pointed out, The girl was, now that she thought of it, not too much younger than Hikari was, herself. I remember how attractive revolutionaries seem to be. I also remember a time when I considered, however briefly, that I might become one. Hopefully she will cooperate, and we can forestall death by brushing. ”Excellent question Kogami-san. Tsuirakuya-chan, please tell us the names of everyone that’s had access to the kitchen during and after the preparation of the food. Don’t leave any names out.” Kitsune said and knelt down next to Shashu. Hopefully the student would answer her teacher truthfully.

Hikari was content to let Kitsune deal with Shashu, but after she finished speaking, Hikari added, “Or perhaps you would prefer a trial by brushing…?”

[mft 1104]
The party had, in short, become a disaster. Shashu had no clue what was going on, but whatever it was had turned a (somewhat) peaceful and civilized political dinner into the very expression of a drunken frat party. The Marsh General and the Hoshikage were fighting like cats over...something...Shashu didn't really get what. The scary-faced doctor guy was waving around a scalpel with an expression of bloody murder on his face. Ayumu flew off the handle when the General tried to stick her hand down his pants. Kitsune was apparently trying to start an orgy, beginning with Masao and the Hoshikage. Masao himself was simply hunched over with his head in his hands, while Ambassador Hikari raved about how the Parmesan was ruining the lasagna and in general acted like she was drunk off her was a mess.

Wait, too much Parmesan? But I never...wait. Taro, he was the only one in the kitchen after I...shit. Shit shit shi-

QUIET IN THE ROOM!” roared Masao, breaking her train of though. His eyes had a frenzied look to them as they darted around the room before zeroing in on her. “We’ve been poisoned… Stop eating the food! You, student…are you the cause of this? Who is paying you to murder us? Is it Yukimura Enishi?!” He reached into his coat to pull out...a brush. The apprehension that had gathered when she thought he had been reaching for a weapon disappeared at the sight of the innocuous grooming accesory. “Pursuant to section…10.95 of the Kumogakure Penal Code, I subject you immediate trial by Brushing…

Immediately following Masao's outburst Kitsune and Kushin promptly set about curing themselves and the rest of the guests of the poison, while Hikari decided on a approach, lurching over to vomit straight into one of Kitsune's potted plants, nearly killing it right off. With most of the poison neutralized and no one eating the tainted food, the attention shifted onto Shashu.

Easy now Masao-kun. Stay the trial. She’s just a student. She wouldn’t have had access to this kind of poison on her own. Even so, I doubt that it’s actually her that’s done this. Look into her eyes. She’s genuinely terrified of you, and she’s got no clue as to what’s going on.” Said Kitsune, and it was at least partly true. She wasn't scared of Masao per-say, what with a brush in his hand and all, but she was definitely scared and not a little bit confused by the whole situation. Who was Yukimura Enishi anyway, and why would he be paying Shashu to do anything?

Before she could utter a word, Ayumu put his two cents in. "Hold on, Masao. Why would she remain here if she was the one who poisoned our food?" He asked, before turning to her as well. "Would anybody else have had access to the food while or after it was being prepared? Even if it's somebody you wouldn't suspect."

Excellent question Kogami-san." Kitsune added, cutting her off before she could even open her mouth yet again. "Tsuirakuya-chan, please tell us the names of everyone that’s had access to the kitchen during and after the preparation of the food. Don’t leave any names out.

This time Shashu did manage to open her mouth before she was cut off by Hikari, who added. “Or perhaps you would prefer a trial by brushing…?

And with that last bit her fear and confusion was thrust to the backburner, only to be replaced by stubbornness of the first degree. Who does she think she is? First she's gotta lecture me on door answering protocol, of all things, and now she's adding in needlessly redundant threats? Screw this. "You know what? Fine. Do your little trial by brushing, I don't have anything to hide." As if her words weren't enough to convey her defiance, she crossed her arms under her meager chest and planted her feet in a wide stance, both physically and metaphorically digging her heels in. She shot a dirty look at Hikari before somehow turning up her nose to stare down Masao, a feat considering how much taller he was than her, before stating, "Go on then, do your worst. I ain't scared o' no brush!"

"For FUCK'S sake, I'm not a piece of goddamn meat, will you keep your hands to yourself, woman?” bellowed Ayumu. He was different now, the tact and grace from earlier completely vanished and replaced with the lizard-like primal urges of his amygdala. The ANBU Sennin’s most basic instinct: protect himself from women at all cost. Kaede’s eyes widened and she started to sob uncharacteristically at Ayumu’s sudden retort.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you Hotaka-chan…I mean D-Dear Leader! I’ll be a good onee-chan from now on! I’ll even stop smelling your underwear when you’re away…” she whined, inhaling back a glob of snot that started to creep out of a nostril. She looked up at Ayumu tearily, but as she focused on his visage, a look of realization crept across her face. “Oh shit…Jesus H Stalin, you’re not my otouto…you’re that Cloud ANBU…” she growled, turning away and crossing her arms.

No…no, this isn’t right. Why am I acting like a drunken, washed-out basketball star?! wondered Ai to herself, as she continued to slur expletives and obscenities at her counterpart, Kaede. It was almost as if her ego had been exiled from her own consciousness, and was forced to watch her id make a fool of herself in front of everyone. Stop it…stop it…we need to have the treaty go forward… She grasped the nearest support she could, noting how soft it was, before realizing what she had grabbed. Oh shit! Instead of a slap or an indignant reaction from Kitsune, however, the woman responded by placing her lips up to Ai’s, and…rewarding her with a deep, sultry kiss. The Hoshikage closed her eyes as their tongues slid over each other, and as Kitsune pulled away, Ai found herself wanting more. Well, if Shin won’t deliver… She blushed and draped her arms around Kitsune’s neck, giggling as she started to kiss the mednin’s décolletage.

“Ne, Masao-kun… Ai-chan and I are both feeling rather hot in here… What about you..?” Kitsune asked the Main Branch Sennin in a slightly slurred voice as she kissed him and wormed her hand under his shirt.

“Are you proposing something indecent, Kitsune-chan?” Masao asked, feeling rather inflamed himself. There was no reason for him to say “no” at this point. The peace conference, the fact that they were obviously all under some sort of influence, the fact that Kushin was about to skewer the Chancellor of Lightning Country with his real sword…those were irrelevant compared to the fact that two highly attractive women were practically begging him to ravish them at once. Yes, he would take them both…
”I’m gonna drop a toilet on you…”

He had not heard that voice for a long time, and yet it had been whispered in his ear as clearly as a blade planted in his midsection. He whipped his head around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, only to be rewarded with nothing. Rin… he mouthed silently, standing up and knocking his chair back. Kitsune’s advances forgotten, he put all of the pieces together…

“QUIET IN THE ROOM!” he bellowed…

And thank you, my love, he thought to her, wherever she was.
And now…

Kushin’s palm caught him right between the shoulderblades at the level of the fourth thoracic vertrebra, and discharged a hundred-joule shock into his central nervous system. Masao’s eyes bulged as the current passed through his body and emptied into the floor, and he dropped to one knee. He was about to indignantly curse at his colleague when he realized what had happened. Although the aftereffects of the defibrillation lingered in his body and made his muscles twitch involuntarily, his mind was now cleared. There was a definite difference now, although as Kushin explained subsequently, there was no way to tell if the others, especially the non-shinobi, would tolerate the same rapid purge he had experienced.

“What do you request I do Masao?” asked Kushin warily. Masao straightened his posture, keeping a wary eye on the student, Shashu.

“Much obliged, Kushin. I will attempt to interrogate the suspect to find out if this is something that needs to be dealt with using drastic measures like surgery, or whether it will wear off in time,” he said, noticing Hikari’s own attempts at a further purge (which was for the record, the epitome of class and the ultimate in style, Gangnam or otherwise). Evacuating the contents of her stomach into Kitsune’s plants seemed to have worked a positive change in the redhead, which was reassuring. The truly virulent poisons out there typically did not respond so quickly.

“Easy now Masao-kun. Stay the trial. She’s just a student. She wouldn’t have had access to this kind of poison on her own. Even so, I doubt that it’s actually her that’s done this. Look into her eyes. She’s genuinely terrified of you, and she’s got no clue as to what’s going on,” said Kitsune, who was at the same time holding her hand over the mouths of the two foreign dignitaries, who struggled against her ministrations to no avail.

“You have always been too compassionate for your own good, Kitsune-chan,” said Masao, shaking his head. Kitsune, for all her playful sadism sometimes, still had a gentle soul. It was probably why Kushin had delayed her promotion for so long – the man needed mednin like himself, and Kitsune was nothing like him.

"Hold on, Masao. Why would she remain here if she was the one who poisoned our food?” asked Ayumu.

“Excellent question Kogami-san. Tsuirakuya-chan, please tell us the names of everyone that’s had access to the kitchen during and after the preparation of the food. Don’t leave any names out,” interjected Kitsune, now more or less completely recovered.

“Or perhaps you would prefer a trial by brushing…?” asked Hikari, flashing her fangs. Masao nodded in approval at her. For all the things they said about redheads, she was at the very least completely reliable in a pinch. He could count on her to be ruthless as necessary.

Usually at this point, 99.9% of the village would have broken down in tears and would be offering shameful dogeza while dropping spaghetti all over the floor. But Shashu on the other hand… He saw the flare of defiance spark in her eyes before she opened her mouth.

"You know what? Fine. Do your little trial by brushing, I don't have anything to hide,’ she snapped. It was all Masao needed to hear. Now Shashu had dun goofed, and now he would have to engage in some extreme violence for the sake of peace.

“Tsuirakuya Shashu! Your independence is hereby revoked! Where do you get off, anyway, modifying your student uniform into that provocative maid outfit!? How utterly depraved! How utterly deviant! It is provoking the foreigners into spouting gibberish! It is turning Shinrya Kitsune into a lesbian!”

"Go on then, do your worst. I ain't scared o' no brush!" Shashu scoffed, standing her ground. Masao’s expression turned truly scary as he now rounded on her, casting a shadow that seemed to suck all of the light out of the room.

“I do not brush students out of a desire to inflict pain, or to establish dominance over their lives! Rather, my brushings are entirely performed to turn my shinobi into better people! I WILL turn you into a capable shinobi! You WILL learn obediently! And now, with my brush of love, I will mold you into the perfect academy student!”

Shashu opened her mouth as if to say something more, but Masao cut her off.

“ASK NOT THE SPARROW HOW THE EAGLE SOARS!” he roared, as an almost incomprehensible amount of chakra energy now suffused his body, bathing it in searingly brilliant light and causing him to literally grow in size to three times that of his original form. The brush held overhead in his hands also swelled to a size that could engulf three of Shashu, its burnished silver surface turning to darkest ebony riddled with ancient runes. On its surface was the perfectly engraved form of a clean-cut girl wearing a regulation main branch uniform and sporting a proper, shoulder-length haircut. It swung open into halves, much like a sarcophagus, and on the inside, one could see thousands of glistening spikes. The true and most terrible form of The Brush was this: The Iron Maiden of Perfection. With a final roar, he brought it down on her head.

The four-story Kitsune Manor bulged incomprehensibly and exploded into slivers as a lance of pure, destructive energy from the heavens arced down from Raiden Himself to contact the Brush. The ANBU-turned-waitstaff were blasted into the air, flailing. A blast wave of destructive energy shot out at ground level, tearing sod from the ground. A flowerpot filled with sloshing Ginger-vomit flew into the sky…only to be immediately sucked back into its original location as the fragments of the Manor were pulled backwards by implosion and reassembled on the molecular level due to the vagaries of quantum mechanics.

As the smoke and dust cleared, Masao grimaced and exhaled as he let the Brush hang from his tired arms. Shashu lay on her side, in the middle of a smoking, smoldering crater of smashed wooden flooring and pulverized plaster wall. She was covered in soot, and most of her clothing had been destroyed except for her smallclothes. Her hair, previously fluffy, was now straight, ordered, and glistened very healthily.

“Madam Chancellor, General Sumihara, Hoshikage Nanasaki…we apologize for the interference of this one. Know that she has been tried accordingly.” he said, holstering his brush. It was the modern day equivalent of a witch trial: if she were guilty, she would not survive the molding process, and if she were innocent, then such would be proven by her demise anyway.

“A horrifying sentence, but no less severe than one the Bakufuu would have given her had she attempted treason against the Shogun,” said Tachibana Ami, shaking her head. “I had my doubts about your willingness to prosecute those who would oppose our mutual goals, but now those doubts have been settled. And, Isaki-hakase, I trust you will remain discreet about our dealings today. I am generous to those who respect privacy,” she said, turning to leave.

“The sentence was excellently carried out. I would have prolonged her torture a bit more, but I realize that our cultures are different, after all,” said Kaede, regarding the Cloud delegation with grudging respect now. “I shall meet you all in Tenouza with the Dear Leader for the treaty. Oh, and Kogami-san, you do not become a wizard after age thirty,” she said with a note of disdain as she flipped her hair and also left.

“Kitsune-chan, that was horrific to behold! My poor cute maid,” sighed Ai, whose arm was still slung around Kitsune’s shoulders. A trail of the viscous, off-white liquid antidote still ran from a corner of her mouth to the end of her chin, and her skin was still flushed. By the nature of her bloodline, she was still affected by the aftereffects of the poison, although in time she would recover. She looked up into Kitsune’s eyes, flushing a bit. “I will need some recovery still… Can I stay here for a little bit?”

As the dignitaries exited, Masao dropped to one knee, spent. Hikari rushed over to him, her expression uncharacteristically concerned.

“Uncle! Are you okay?!” she asked, placing her hands on his shoulders. “I mean, Bossman…” she murmured.

“Let’s get one thing straight... I may be your uncle by marriage, but I’m still your superior officer and I’m still going to be a wretched hardass, because I want you to be the best shinobi you can be. This entire dinner turned into a godrotting disaster and we have no credibility left with the government. But still…you dealt with the crisis and we accomplished our mission. Congratulations, Chuunin Tanaka,” he said, gently brushing a strand of curly red hair from her face. “Remember always, that you must protect the weak, obey the Raikage, and above all else, be just in your actions,” he said, before suddenly giving her a light slap across the face. “And that’s so you remember it…”
Status report:
Shashu: Brushed
Hikari: Promoted
Kushin watched as a "cure-all" antidote was brought around. Well that was awfully convenient. Obviously something that people just carried around with them casually, a poison antidote which was an antidote to ALL poisons. Nice.

Baring witness to something he couldn't really understand he wondered about the sanity of this village and its methods. Yet at the same time the result seemed to have been worth the effort.

With everyone cared for with this mystery medicine Kushin nodded to Ami as she requested his discretion. He would, he didn't care about it enough to think of it past the evening, it also had nothing which could gain him anything within the village anyway. Discretion might well be the only way to make that information useful, sometimes silence was power.

And with the authorities around who dealt with issues like this here and dealing with the issues there was very little reason for him to remain. Silently he put his coat back on and took his leave. He would return to his home and likely forget this whole incident.

[topic left - unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Time:
