Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Shishi Odoshi and Sake [Semi-Private PM to Enter]

She allowed her tears to fall silently upon his chest. She didn’t mean to become this emotional, but she had been having an emotional day. A sob escaped her against her will. Why did she have to cry when she was angry? She had made him cry as well which was definitely not what she intended. But what he said in response settles the anger in her belly.

‘I won’t abandon you.’ His words reverberated through her mind and her chest. It was as if the one sentence calmed her down without her realizing that was the sentence she needed. Slowly, she hugged him back, illuminated to the truth. She needed him as much as he needed her. For who was Higa Kahako without her demonic companion Ketsueki Satou?

And in that moment of realization, she came to terms with her worries from before. Love stretched its branches in many ways and took many routes. It twisted, turned, and not one branch was like the other. Some were gnarled, and it what quite confusing as to how they grew, but they grew none the less. She loved her country as a soldier should. She loved her family as best she could as an estranged daughter should. She loved Ayumu as a lover should. Hikari, Daisuke, Kitsune, even Keiji… she loved them all as a friend and sister in arms should. And she loved this man as he was her closest companion. Her guardian.

As he chuckled, she couldn’t help but laugh with him. “At least we had alcohol,” she mused. When he thanked her, she only smiled up to him. The tears had ceased, but her look remained watery. How far would she go for the ones she loved? The answer: to death, hell, and back. He held up his sleeve to wipe the tears from her eyes. "If we face it together, don't be afraid, stay strong.” “I promise,” she replied, “and don’t forget that I am there.” She reached her hand and caressed his cheek in return. As a sister would to her older brother. When he let her go, she stepped only a short distance away.

A yawn overtook her then. The cloudy sensation of exhaustion making its presence known. "We should get you to bed, it’s late. You'll need the rest for whats ahead." He spoke softer… She looked up to him, seeing his eyes glazed over. “You look tired as well. Stay here for the night. There is an extra futon where one is meant to sleep on the tatami. Here…” She walked into her home and to shoji door that opened to the closet. She had a little trouble, but she pulled out what seemed to be one oversized pillow. It’s folds nearly engulfed her face. She stumbled a bit before setting it down beside her. “I insist.” She said should he protest. She then grabbed the sheets and blankets meant for the traditional bed and somehow through her drunken stupor made the bed for him on the tatami in the living room. “It’s surprising comfortable to sleep on, I promise. You can leave the shoji door open or closed if you wish.”

Once again, she yawned. Her eyes finally half-lidded and her body begging to no longer be awake. “Have a good night.” She mumbled before walking towards her bedroom door. Once it was shut, she slowly walked to her bed and collapsed, the blanket still strewn across the floor, but her body too tired to care about covering up. and like that, she was out.

Maybe he would be gone in the morning. Hopefully, he would be there, and she would greet him when she came out of her room. Regardless, she knew that he wouldn’t face his demon without her. He didn’t promise her, but she would never forgive him if he did.
[spoilername="ooc"]Tatami+Japanese futon= most comfortable bed in the world. Trust me, I've slept on one once. XD[/spoilername]

The tall dark clothed man was at the whims of his young Master, as he took her inside. The world was fading in and out, like a soft dream he did'nt wish to wake up from. To sleep in reality, to be drunk with her appearance, to be intoxicated by her will and drive. He wondered if she was the only reason he kept pushing himself so much. This soft innocence he got experience. His heart warmed by her kindness, He did'nt say much about the bed making. Making sure she did'nt bang her head if she fell over. Giggling a little bit at her display. "Best not make it a habit eh? HAH!" The sudden laugh shot his head back. The world spun and the next he knew he as laying into the blanket with his face into the pillow.

His face rolled up to see Kahako's door close, and then. Nothing. Quiet. Solace. Nothing but the Odoshi tapping in the background. His ember eyes slowly closing. Rolled up deeply into the blanket, the drunk toxicity was pleasantly warming his body. Just numb enough to pass out anywhere really. As he let his heavy eyes shut, he shutter. A chill at his spine, someone was stepping on his grave.

As time passed, he tossed and turned in his sleep. His mind wasn't at ease, in the early morning he will be found laying by her bedroom door off to the side bundled up and cover in blankets. A warm breakfast and black coffee with a note waiting for Kahako in the kitchen.

Enjoy. :)
A cute little chibi octopus lunch kit filled with fresh food behind the note.

(Topic Left)

Current Ninpocho Time:
