Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Sincerity [Private/Minako]


Well-Known Ninja
Mar 19, 2016
Kiri flipped another page just as he finished reading the previous case. The new medical journal was filled with updated discoveries concerning treatments as well as newly discovered problems and symptoms of various cases. It would probably need a few weeks worth of cross-examining case studies and researching in the archive in order to find the resemblances of current patients. Needless to say, he hoped that the matter would not require him any more sleepless nights than already has. He wasn’t a full-fledged doctor yet, at least not in the sense of living and breathing the hospital air and environment. But that didn’t mean he can skirt his way into complacency.

Ah… but even as he turned the thirtieth page into the journal, he came to a sudden stop as he lowered the journal flat onto the floor-desk. He placed both hands on his head and gave a long deep sigh before peeking through his fingers to spy on his futon. Just a couple of meters from where he was sat on the tatami flooring, right in the middle of his large room in the Tsuyoshi Estate, was his usual futon laid out. And as the shoji door to the veranda right next to his working desk was slightly ajar, to allow him some natural morning light for his reading, the same light would shine through the room and onto the futon where the bedding outlined an occupant. In fact, it was hard to miss out the golden hair sticking out from the top of the bedding.

She was curled in her sleep, soundless, peaceful, and simply without a care. Kiri found the sight both worth it and a little frightening. He had done it. He knew it the moment he woke up while holding her bare form in his arms, his legs intertwined with hers as they remained under the futon blanket not too long ago. That was before he had decided to diver his attention by getting dressed and reading his newly bought journals. But even then, it would seem his mind would still wander back to her.

Straightening his sit as he leaned back on the floor chair, he watched the futon blanket rise up and down in the rhythm of her breathing. It suddenly made him remember the night before. After their little adventure in the forest, he took her home. They weren’t that talkative. They seemed to be in mutual understanding that silence was not so lonesome when they were with each other. Even if Kiri found himself much more talkative with her than normal, there were still moments when he would rather their touch would resonate and be felt. That felt more sincere. And each kiss was long and sweet.

Kiri looks back at the journal for a bit, the wind blowing a few pages and it so aptly reaches the gynecology part. Immediately, his cheeks grew red as he lowered his head in embarrassment as he remembered their passionate moment, a consummation of a strange attraction from both sides, where at one point was primal and at one point romantic and gentle. He places his hands to his head again as he further remembers that this was Minako’s first time and he was the culprit. Shaking his head in trying to distract his mind for a moment, Kiri would close the journal and stand.

In his yukata, he would approached his bed and come to a sit on top of the head area. From there, he watched Minako who was still asleep. She hid her face under the blanket though he could still see her eyes and he couldn’t help but remember the way her eyes looks so full of life and emotion in their time together that night. The way those blue orbs pierced him, attracting him, defying him, loving him… It was mesmerizing and also wanting. He wanted to protect her dearly.

Kiri runs a hand to brush at her hair gently. The very same hand that held her body, explored her being, and kept her close to him, as if all night long, he was clutching at her in fear of letting go and being left alone. And the sweet kisses that trailed were their way of affirming each other’s presence. It would be a lie to say that he regretted what they did, or that he wanted more of her, or that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her at his side. And yet, he knew he would have to take responsibility over this. It was something he would not run away from. Never.

Just then, a chill ran down his back and he jerked for a moment before glaring at the window, expression rather surprised and paranoid all at once, seemingly as if he was expecting something or someone to find out his secret. Or maybe he suddenly remembered his mentor Osu and what possible lecture he could get from this, or a good smack on the head. Kiri shivered lightly before he laid on the tatami flooring in resignation as he chuckled lightly at his reaction before he fell silent once more. Eyes glanced back at Minako’s form and he reached out a hand to hold her face.

Her still sleeping form somehow worried him. Perhaps he took it too far. She was, after all, a virgin, and he may have let his strength play out too much throughout it all. His memory fails to comprehend every detail but he knew the night had been long. Yet he still yearned for her. And so, he would wait there, lying next to her, eyes locked onto her sleeping face.
First, some shuffling from the blonde haired female. Then next, a slow flutter of eyes opening. The bed didn’t feel like her one, and it smelt so different, it was clear that she was not at home. In fact, she was in someone else’s bed… Ah, she… remembered now… She was taken to Kiri’s for the night after he lead her to his by her own hand. At first, she didn’t know where the hell she was going, but she trusted him because his words that he wanted to take her home sounded so true and so… so right. Even with the silence that ensued throughout the journey, it was a nice one indeed. One that she would like to participate in again sometime in the future.

With her blue hues saying hello to the world, they also said their greetings to the male’s face that was facing hers: Kiri. The one that took her here in the first place, the one that held her and shared a passionate night with her. A warm flush spread throughout her face as she remembered the events of the night before, it was quite embarrassing now that she knew that he didn’t just steal her first kiss… but… he took ‘that’ away from her as well… The most absurd thing though is that she didn’t mind it at all… She didn’t mind anything that happened last night. In fact, she loved every single moment of it.

Yawning softly, she moved her hand over her mouth to prevent the yawn from being spread out before shuffling over to him. Hugging into him and keeping herself close to him as she was unsure what she should do now. She felt some pain, she didn’t know how bad it was exactly but she just knew that it was there for one reason or another.

“Good morning… or afternoon.” She said with a soft smile on her face before nuzzling into him. If she was going to be honest, she wasn’t sure what to do from here… does she leave the bed and get ready to leave the house again? Does she remain in the bed and hug Kiri for as long as she possibly can?? This was all so new to her, yet she done what she could to hide her confusion.

Now, silence ensued her because she didn’t know what to say either… she just knew that she was enjoying what was happening now, and that she hoped nothing would disturb them. At least, for awhile. It would be extremely embarrassing if anything happened that would distract them after all.

“Did… Did you sleep well??” She queried, still nuzzling into him.

Words: 445​
Kiri looked straight into her eyes that slowly fluttered to open. There was a sense of amazement in him as she came to wake and he couldn’t help but smile like a silly child at the sight of her. He embraces her as she nuzzled next to him, placing a light kiss on her head. “I’m fine. Are you? Don’t lie, because I’m a Mednin and I know that what we did wasn’t exactly all fine and dandy for you, considering...” he paused for a bit as he felt his cheeks grew a bit hot, “Considering… it was your first time…”

He squeezed her through the futon blanket in a childish and overly possessive way as briefly as he could as he utters, “And I’m really happy… somehow… so happy that it was me. It’s silly, I know, but my heart can’t help beating like this and I’m… I’m getting talkative again.”

He smiled at her and perhaps after a long while, they shared a moment of brief laughter before he finally slowly would sit up next to her. He arranges his worn black yukata, just to be a bit presentable before glancing Minako. “There’s a shared bath just across the hall outside. For women that is. It’s small onsen type, so you should try it. I’ll prepare some spare yukata for you as well. After that, let’s have a quick meal.” He pressed another gentle kiss on her head before finally getting up and waking out the sliding shoji doors and disappearing from the room for the time being.
Feeling that kiss planted on her forehead made her feel a little energised, but it was when he said that he was completely fine and told her to not lie considering he knew it was her first time, she bit her lower lip nervously. “To be honest, I am not sure how to feel. I… urm… feel strange…” She admitted. “I feel great though at the same time. I’m not sure…”

Feeling the protective squeeze, the female smiled softly and nuzzled into him more. “If it helps, I feel glad myself… And don’t worry, remember, I appreciate your voice.”[/coor] She wasn’t going to lie though… she felt like she went through an excessive workout session and was tired out due to that… She… didn’t mind though.

After a few giggles and some laughter that was shared between them, the male sat up next to her, adjusting his yukata and explaining that there was an onsen bath for women to share. While she understood that it was probably a good idea to, she didn’t really want to at the same time, it meant she had to walk and she had a funny feeling that she may not be able to walk properly.

After that small speech and after another kiss was planted on her head, he walked straight out the sliding doors and wasn’t seen for the time being.

Minako bit her lower lip as she prepared herself to get out of bed, knowing it was a good time to do so. Her aching body trying to cope with the aftereffects of the event. She took herself through the hallway and walked over to the onsen type bath and then had a few moments in there while going through a moment of reflection, the waters relaxing her muscles, all she could do is release a sigh of relief and enjoy her time in the bath.

With that moment over and done with, she exited the onsen and quickly got herself ready once more, wrapping the towel around her after it was placed on her head while she remained in the onsen. She quickly made her way back to the room and walked in on a neatly placed yukata on the futon. It was black and it seemed to be decorated with something pink, although she couldn’t exactly tell… Wait, why was there a feminine yukata around in the first place?? She guessed she could ask Kiri some questions involving that later, for now, it seemed like it was offered to her, and she wanted to take that offer.

Placing the yukata on herself, the female twirled around slowly, she knew she probably shouldn’t of done such a thing, but she couldn’t help it. She was in a new environment, and she wanted to enjoy herself, to say the least.

Words: 468
A gentleness between a man and a woman was something that was secretly shared. Kiri smiled as soon as he stepped out through the sliding door. With his back to the door still, he could sense her form from within. Somehow, he felt like a child who was overjoyed at the thought that he had something that no one did. That stupid, of course. People had their favorite persons. People had their special someone. But perhaps, for him, it was the first time that he could actual relish in that particular feeling. And it made him think back on how his mentor, Osu, and his wife, Chiai, had felt. Despite their oddities, they were meant for each other. And that was what he felt dearly with Minako. Strange as it may seem, he was ready to wrestle through fate if it was taken from him.

Letting out a long deep sigh, Kiri would then proceed to walk along the open balcony that led to the wooden floors that wrapped around the entire estate. From there, the garden in the center of the estate was at its full bloom, and the walk could be a visual treat to anyone. Of course, he knew that Minako would be greeted by a similarly visual and physical treat in the onsen. He hoped it was to her liking.

Coming down the hallway, Kiri would locate the kitchen. He was greeted by the kitchen staff and he bowed to them in return as he made his way towards one counter. Even when he had already transferred to the estate, he had always cooked for himself. There were the few occasions that he was forced not to, especially during family meals, when he was required to sit and wait and talk with the others, and not to cook for once, but to be served. But today was not one of those. In fact, he had a plan. Selecting from vegetables, a few slabs of meat and eggs, the white-haired man would begin to cook for a wonderful brunch. Not too heavy, yet not too light. Just enough for them to partake and be filled enough while enjoying casual conversation.

By the time he was done, and systematically so– a trait he had learned as a mednin, for being efficient was to be systematic in going over the procedures to acquire the desired effect in minimal exertion and time– Kiri was ready. And of course, quality would follow an efficient plan, so he smiled at his work as he placed the covers of the bento boxes before carrying them in a cloth. Another bow to the kitchen staff and Kiri was on his way back to the room. He was hoping that Minako would like it as much as he did, as well as the yukata he left for her.

Sensing the woman inside, Kiri slowly slid the shoji doors along the balcony to find her. In that brief moment, he paused as his eyes laid on the woman in the yukata, spinning like an innocent girl. He smiled at the sight and perhaps stood there long enough until she would notice him. He didn’t want to ruin her moment. It must have been her first time to wear such a thing, but he was happy. Her hair and her eyes were highly pronounced in the black yukata she wore and somehow, he had an urge to want to embrace her.

When she did finally see him, he would smile and greet her, “You look beautiful. Like a goddess.” And so, he would enter the room once more and place the wrapped item on the desk. Normally, he would have opened it but he much rather went up close to her, to touch his goddess. He brushed her hair aside, inspecting her but with a soothing stare before saying, “I’m sorry. I don’t know how to tie a woman’s hair to fit the traditional yukata, but perhaps we can ask later for help. For now, I…” he reached closer and planted a long deep kiss on her lips as he pulled her close. When he let her go, he kept his eyes on her still. “For now, I brought brunch. I hope you’ll like it.” He pecked her once more, on the head this time, before he went to bring the desk over. Sitting on side, he would unwrap the cloth and reveal the two boxes of different sizes. He begins to open the small one to reveal deserts of contrasting color between the leaves and the tofu and the vegetables and the sweets. Opening the larger one, he would reveal a two-tiered one having meat, some shrimps, pickled vegetable, sliced corn, beans and fried small fishes that looked like a cake. Should Minako notice, there was no clear indication of which was whose, for this was a traditional bento shared by a couple. Of course, Kiri would have to explain it should it be asked, but he was intending, that before the day ends, he would make his intention with her clear. As clear as the matching black yukata that they wore.
Minako grinned happily as she twirled, she felt strange while doing so, since she never really worn a yukata before but she didn't mind. She knows the rest of her family has done so before, except probably Yusuke, she wasn't really sure if Yusuke has worn anything traditional. She couldn't really see her brother wearing anything of the sort anyway, and it left a bit of a sour thought in her house, as it then felt like he would argue with her if they both were forced to someday.

Sighing softly, she would then stop twirling around as she heard the doors open slowly. The footsteps may be quiet, but they can be heard. He complimented her, mentioning that she looked like a goddess before placing what appeared to be a box covered in cloth on the nearby desk, before he fiddled around with some of her hair before apologising about her hair not being in the style that it should be.

That was when she felt his lips on hers once more, them very same lips that managed to steal her first kiss away from her. It still felt as exciting as the first time, if she was going to be honest. Yet, while this was all going on, she had no way to react to them. Minako was pretty much speechless, with no way to know how things will go next.

When he broke from the embrace, Minako looked away slowly, she wanted more… but she knew that if she done so, she would see herself as a greedy individual. Besides… Kiri brought something for the both of them to eat and enjoy. Minako then felt his lips on her forehead and smiled softly, he then went off to grab the cloth covered box and the desk at the same time and revealed what the contents were inside. It was a bento box! But… Something wasn't right with it…

“This is lovely! But…” nah, Minako didn't want to say it. She would probably look rather dumb if she asked. Nah, she knew she had to… she may know lots of things, but there's stuff that even she didn't know. “Whose… is who??” She finally questioned. She may not have had a bento box herself, but she most certainly knew that it was usually sectioned for people. She should’ve asked people who have had it before, because she was now most certainly embarrassed.

Words: 404​
As he would begin to share the bento, putting the different tiers around so that they may see each content, Kiri paused and looked at Minako. He regarded her question as if it were a mundane thing to ask, but then a red tint would suddenly wash over his cheeks and he looked away. Putting down his chopsticks, he would place a hand over his face to hide the embarrassment. He didn’t think he would feel so awkward trying to show his love and perhaps trying to appeal to the future he had in mind. And yet, now that it had come to this, he was flabbergasted, so to speak.

He cleared his throat with a feigned cough before looking back at Minako. Taking a deep breath to settle his feelings, Kiri would find the words he would speak. “This is a traditional bento that is usually shared… mostly by husband and wife. I’m sorry if it offended you. I suppose I may have gotten a little bit ahead of myself. But this is, so to speak, my way of saying, I want to be with you.”

Pausing, Kiri allowed his words to linger into her mind a little longer before he reached out a hand to cup her cheeks as gently as he could. “Minako, after what we shared, I couldn’t help but feel as though I want you by my side always. That’s why… after this, I’ve decided to take you home and I want to talk to your family. I want to properly take you as my wife.”

Whether she would answer or not, Kiri quickly sweeps in for a quick kiss before settling back to a seat, one hand reaching to hold hers. “Of course, you may refuse if you want to… but I don’t easily give up, just to let you know.”
Minako was confused before he mentioned that he wanted to take her as his wife. But… it explained the purpose of the bento box, at least. Everything he said though made Minako feel like she was about to explode inside. Her feelings were all over the place, this guy not only swept her off her feet, but he took her first kiss, her first time… pretty much her first proper romantic encounter… Even as he had his hand cupped over her cheek, she was unsure what to say.

“Wife… Family…” Minako mumbled to herself as she looked away, she doesn’t know how her family will treat Kiri. She already stated in her mind not too long ago that she wanted to keep her and Kiri a secret, she didn’t know how her father, Hideaki or even Yusuke would feel about this particular proposition… but… she wanted to take it so bad. She wanted to be his wife, but at the same time, what would be the cons? It would mean that Minako would have to uphold herself more, it would also mean that Minako would be tied down, the cons and pros seemed to be ruthless in conjunction with one another.

With the kiss that he planted on her lips before he sat down on one of the chairs pulling his hand out and then holding hers, Kiri then explained that she could refuse, but he wouldn’t give up so easily…

Slowly, but surely, the female nodded. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen now. But whatever happens, she was sure she was going to pull through it. She had to pull through the hospital issue back when her mother hired the local bullies to jump on her and leave her for the land of the dead. She had to pull through her teachers being too strict with her when she barely passed her academy exam.

“Okay…” Minako bit her lower lip as she spoke them words. “Just… a warning… my… family is weird, oh, and mother doesn’t live with my family, note that… I wouldn’t want us to visit her either.” She admitted as she looked away. “That is a story for another time.”

Words: 366​
Listening to her, Kiri had a feeling that Minako was struggling to comprehend the gravity of his words. It was only natural and he fully understood it. He didn’t want to push her either, but there was this urge inside him that just wanted to. Trying to calm his own mind, he would take the chopsticks and begin to fill an empty side plate with a few of the small things and then reach it out to Minako. “Here. Have some for now. You can think more later,” said Kiri as if hoping to soothe her worried.

It wasn’t long, however, when she would reveal to him that she had her own family issues. He was surprised about what little he heard about the mother, though he wasn’t one to pry too much about it. But that only made him realise that he knew so little about her and she knew little about him too. Perhaps he was moving this far too fast. He was silent as he contemplated it, biting softly to one of the small pieces, eyes long and drawn to somewhere else. And the two seemingly fell into silence as they ate.

It was only when they were almost done that Kiri nodded, seemingly in agreement with himself. He then turned to face Minako. He would wait for her to finish her fill and take the plate and chopsticks back and placed it down. He knew a bit about propriety after all. But he also knew that he was a man of instincts, so as soon as he did so, he quickly grabbed her and pushed her down to the tatami flooring, gently as he lied next to her before propping on his elbow so that he was overlooking at her. Then, he would reach out a hand to brush her hair aside from her side. “I’ve decided. I don’t care so much about what our families might think, but I still want to make sure that you’re treated well. Minako, let’s go meet your family. I want to speak with them soon. I want to tell them that right now, I can’t seem to want to let you go away from me.” Then, he would lower his head and gently place it over her chest. “I feel like I’ll lose something more if you walk away.”
It seemed that Kiri understood all to well about family problems… She wondered why, however, Minako didn’t want to ask more than what she should be asking. This could probably damper the relationship they already had, especially since the both of them hardly knew anything about the other.

With the food that Kiri offered her earlier, Minako finally took the plate a few of the things and she placed it on her lap, before taking the chopsticks herself and started to pick up some of the stuff Kiri placed on her plate. Upon placing one of them pieces of food in her mouth, she covered her mouth in a hesitant reaction. They were so good! Even though she hardly ate, she could probably eat this all day… if, Kiri wouldn’t mind of course.

The moment Minako finished her food, the two lovers were on the flooring of the room thanks to Kiri pushing her down gently. While this surprised her, it also made her excited again. He turned around, placed his elbow upwards before brushing her hair aside. Minako couldn’t help but snuggle into the guy the moment he said that he didn’t care what they thought… which was good, because someone had to not care. She was worried on everyones opinions for him.

“You won’t lose me Kiri… I promise…” Minako smiled softly as she was still cuddled up to him. “I have never fell so hard for someone before… in fact, you’re the first guy I have fallen for, and I know there's a few… things to point out about me, but I still love you all the same. It’s strange… admitting I love someone… Even though I have only met you less than 24 hours ago…”

If Minako was going to be honest… She was prepared for everything now, even if… she was going to be… hesitant about the process.

Words: 313​

Current Ninpocho Time:
