Ah… but even as he turned the thirtieth page into the journal, he came to a sudden stop as he lowered the journal flat onto the floor-desk. He placed both hands on his head and gave a long deep sigh before peeking through his fingers to spy on his futon. Just a couple of meters from where he was sat on the tatami flooring, right in the middle of his large room in the Tsuyoshi Estate, was his usual futon laid out. And as the shoji door to the veranda right next to his working desk was slightly ajar, to allow him some natural morning light for his reading, the same light would shine through the room and onto the futon where the bedding outlined an occupant. In fact, it was hard to miss out the golden hair sticking out from the top of the bedding.
She was curled in her sleep, soundless, peaceful, and simply without a care. Kiri found the sight both worth it and a little frightening. He had done it. He knew it the moment he woke up while holding her bare form in his arms, his legs intertwined with hers as they remained under the futon blanket not too long ago. That was before he had decided to diver his attention by getting dressed and reading his newly bought journals. But even then, it would seem his mind would still wander back to her.
Straightening his sit as he leaned back on the floor chair, he watched the futon blanket rise up and down in the rhythm of her breathing. It suddenly made him remember the night before. After their little adventure in the forest, he took her home. They weren’t that talkative. They seemed to be in mutual understanding that silence was not so lonesome when they were with each other. Even if Kiri found himself much more talkative with her than normal, there were still moments when he would rather their touch would resonate and be felt. That felt more sincere. And each kiss was long and sweet.
Kiri looks back at the journal for a bit, the wind blowing a few pages and it so aptly reaches the gynecology part. Immediately, his cheeks grew red as he lowered his head in embarrassment as he remembered their passionate moment, a consummation of a strange attraction from both sides, where at one point was primal and at one point romantic and gentle. He places his hands to his head again as he further remembers that this was Minako’s first time and he was the culprit. Shaking his head in trying to distract his mind for a moment, Kiri would close the journal and stand.
In his yukata, he would approached his bed and come to a sit on top of the head area. From there, he watched Minako who was still asleep. She hid her face under the blanket though he could still see her eyes and he couldn’t help but remember the way her eyes looks so full of life and emotion in their time together that night. The way those blue orbs pierced him, attracting him, defying him, loving him… It was mesmerizing and also wanting. He wanted to protect her dearly.
Kiri runs a hand to brush at her hair gently. The very same hand that held her body, explored her being, and kept her close to him, as if all night long, he was clutching at her in fear of letting go and being left alone. And the sweet kisses that trailed were their way of affirming each other’s presence. It would be a lie to say that he regretted what they did, or that he wanted more of her, or that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her at his side. And yet, he knew he would have to take responsibility over this. It was something he would not run away from. Never.
Just then, a chill ran down his back and he jerked for a moment before glaring at the window, expression rather surprised and paranoid all at once, seemingly as if he was expecting something or someone to find out his secret. Or maybe he suddenly remembered his mentor Osu and what possible lecture he could get from this, or a good smack on the head. Kiri shivered lightly before he laid on the tatami flooring in resignation as he chuckled lightly at his reaction before he fell silent once more. Eyes glanced back at Minako’s form and he reached out a hand to hold her face.
Her still sleeping form somehow worried him. Perhaps he took it too far. She was, after all, a virgin, and he may have let his strength play out too much throughout it all. His memory fails to comprehend every detail but he knew the night had been long. Yet he still yearned for her. And so, he would wait there, lying next to her, eyes locked onto her sleeping face.