Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Djinn [EVENT]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Djinn is a character from Wind Country's past. Only those extremely versed in history would have an idea who he is. The follownig passage is for your background into the event. All ranks and branches are welcome and wanted for the event. The more people, the more fun. And remember, for joining and being active, you will be rewarded.

Djinn is stronger than a large combination of capped players put together. This is a scripted event, so no one will lose their character for participating and please remember, the event moderator decides the outcome of battles and interactions.

Also there is no posting order, however you may only post once between the Djinn's posts. And if you do not post in a timely manner, you are likely to be skipped and the Djinn may target damage on your character, effectively knocking you out or hurting your character severely.

The Djinn s a being from the deep desert. He has been sleeping for hundreds of years, having been trapped in an ageless stasis by an old group of desert warriors. Although he has been unaging and held captive all these years, his mind was not paused along with his body. After years of imprisonment, his mind broke. An entire world was born within his mind, including a deity he called Djinn who could give him three wishes if he were to do it's bidding. In his insanity he created two parts of himself. Each part was a brother, named Shunsui and Nansui, who in his imagined world lived lives, married and even had children.

But as his mind deteriorated and it sought a way to kill himself, Djinn turned vengeful, murdering all the people his mind had invented; slaughtering them as lambs. Both brothers watched helplessly as their children were eaten by the beast and their wives were torn to pieces by his vengeance. Death did not find the brothers, or the imprisoned man. Instead the rage of the deity brought him further into madness. The deity told them of a plague of the sand, something deep within the heart of the desert that would reach out and consume everything in it's path. In order to be freed and be granted their wishes, which would be their family, children and lives back, they had to kill the plague.

Hundreds of years ago, Djinn had been known as Jeisui. The best historians of Suna might remember him for his ruthless mass murdering or tales of his battle prowess. He had been known as the Amaranthine. Though he was neither truly immortal nor a demon, his abilities lied in a long lost bloodline. These men had immeasurable healing abilities and the power to multiply the effect of an element by drawing on the energy around them. None had been more frightening than Jeisui, however, who had turned on his own; killing his wife, children and clan before moving onto the people of the desert.

Many died trying to stop him. The number of deaths at his hand were up in the hundreds before he was finally felled. A group of shinobi, strong and determined of will fought the Amaranthine and brought him to a point of weakness, just enough so that their leader, a master of sealing was able to seal him to a golden structure. The seal kept his soul bound to the piece and the trap kept draining him of his chakra. No matter how much he took from the lands around him, it would take it away from Jeisui.

The trap ended by burying the man in a tomb, as punishment for his crimes where he would be cursed with nearly endless life alone. They did not plan on him escaping.

-------------------Earlier that day-----------------------

Perhaps this being would have eventually died, or would never awaken, but the seals that bound him were broken one day by an earthquake. The vicious shaking shattered the golden statue he was bound to and open the tomb where he laid. The old seal was weakened from age and when it gave way as the ground did, Djinn awoke. Crawling out from the ground, reality was a dull haze to him. The man was still broken and forever more so. The golden shackles on his wrists from where he was bound he saw as a sign that he was within the body of Djinn who was giving them the chance to fulfill his wishes and prophecy. Each brother, Shunsui the logical half and Nansui, the creative half (both controlled by either hemisphere of his mind) was ready to find the plague of the sands. They called themselves Djinn and were planning on pursuing the mad justice he had invented. But he was a terrifying creature.

Feeding off the energy of the land and the sun, his body regained its strength and form. He appeared as a ageless man, his face smooth like a marble sculpture with thin lips and heavily slanted eyes. His once bronze skin was ashen white from the years underground, but within days was regaining its usual tone. His wrists were bound with gold cuffs and he wore his very long black hair up in a high ponytail. Djinn moved across the sands as a nomad, looking desperately for the plague that he was foretold to annihilate.

For almost a year he wandered. His abilities keeping him sustained. No plague found his mind, yet after hundreds of years what was time? It was nothing to him.

The night before the winter solstice, he happened over a group of men. They were garbed in robes, masks covering their faces. They appeared to him as spirits, guides to his quest. He approached them as they sat around their fire. Shunsui, the logical brother overtook the body and greeted the men with the manners of a kind wanderer. While standoffish, the spirit-men did not see harm in the strange wanderer. He was welcomed at their fire for the time being where Shunsui asked the beings about themselves. They, as good ANBU, did not reveal much about themselves and referred to themselves by codename.

Nansui, was curious about the spirit men though and with a cunning and sly mind was able to draw out snippets of information. They were beings of the sand, belonging to a hidden place that flourished in the heart of the desert. Could this be his trail? Were these spirits truly guides? Did they know where he could find the plague of the sand? One of the men was speaking to another and not to the nomad, but made the unknowing mistake of mentioning an illness that was traveling around his neighborhood. Shunsui heard this and interpreted it as a sickness in the land, what his mad mind was looking for.

Djinn's attack came so harsh and fierce, all but one of the ANBU were dead at his feet before they could react to what was happening around them. Djinn's power was immense and terrifying, far beyond what it had ever been before. The time in the tomb, while leaving him seemingly weak, had only given him the chance to live longer than any other of his bloodline. He was able to draw on the land's energy much more than ever before, molding it easily like a child with a ball of soft clay but with the skill of the most talented artisan.

In the last man's defense, he did not tell Djinn how to find Suna, no matter the hours of torture he was subjected to. It wasn't until his heart was stopped that Djinn was able to draw out the recent memories of his no longer resisting mind. It was a place full of sin, sickness and fright.

The brothers set a path for the hidden village of sand.


It was nightfall. The crystals were dimmed and most of the people were sound asleep in their beds. There was an overall silence that almost seemed out of place in such a bustling shinobi village. Yet the silence was tinged with a feeling, something dark and foreboding. Many would be oblivious to the sensation; a soft electric feeling on the air. But there were those who could feel it like a chill down their spine; a foreshadow of something evil and deadly coming. Some people would be woken from their dreams by this feeling. It was like the calm before a storm...

The silence was shattered in one act of violence, so suddenly almost no one could have been prepared for it. An enormous explosion of fire and ash, blood and carnage as the great spiraling Caduceus Tower was set upon by a ruthless act of hateful terrorism. The entire Severe Infections Ward was set ablaze first, turning those most ill and injured to dust and pulpy paste, then a second explosion started a moment later, destroying the pediatrics department. The screams of children tore through the air as some were not so quickly killed, but left to torture and die slower by fire and smoke.

But what could have started this grievous wound upon Suna? Amidst the screaming chaos and panic, a single man stood outside. His pulled back, black hair hung like a long black snake from his head, reaching to his calves. His stone-like face was harsh and focused and bronze arms, clasped in broken golden irons were held outstretched toward the building. There was a pulsing pressure surrounding the man like an aura making it physically impossible to come within ten feet of him without suffering intense pain and seizure. He seemed to be the source of the attack. Dark, slanted eyes took in the carnage with pleasure. The Djinn had come and targeted the source of sicknesses, the place where his imagined plague would most likely have started. But would it end there? No, he was here to kill everyone.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012

Kinnaku had recently found herself taking on a little more work than she would have liked to in the form of her mortal enemy: paperwork. She had neglected the white sheets of adversity for too long, and snugly stuffed herself inside her oval office mincing through the voluminousness loads of paper that rested on top of her desk. She had a single light on, which shone over his dark oak desk, leaving the rest of the room in some sort of loose darkness; if ever there was such a thing to exist. Kinnaku dropped her pen and cracked her wrist, the pain from writing to much was causing her wrist to become strained and uncomfortable. It was at that point a young nurse, Yukino, had entered the room with a clasped hands - hiding a steaming mug of hot chocolate. The Sennin would lift her eyes and observe the fellow med-nin with a smile, followed up by a deep laugh: "You are a life saver."

Kinnaku would remove herself from her desk, thankful for the chance to stretch her legs, and approach her colleague with extended arms. She took the mug from the woman with a gracious bow, and after they met with kind words Yukino left and enabled the Sennin to return to her work. However, she didn't. The woman clasped the white, ceramic, mug and moved closer to her large window that overlooked the city. She really got a great view from this far up; it was the perk of being a Sennin after all. Kinnaku would slurp, yes slurp, her hot chocolate down as if she hadn't had a treat like this in some time, well, other than her drink date with Satsumaru. Some would have commented on her mannerisms; she never really came across as a Sennin at all. Why were people all so surprised at her normality?

However, as the woman slurped her liquid delight down, she would feel an awkward knot in her stomach develop. She would shrug off the feeling as nothing but her body reacting to the only substance she had digested all day. Kinnaku would ready herself, mentally, to return back to work, but before then her feet would remain still as she absorbed another few seconds of unimaginable views. But suddenly, the Sennin would freeze up; dropping her white mug from her careful grasp and onto the floor, where it would smash and splash over her heels. Her body would be shaking from the sudden appearance of such a dense, and frantically horrific, sensation that rubbed against her very being; harming every fiber, every tissue and every cell. Kinnaku's body would instinctively run over to her desk, almost frantically, as she felt her parasitic comrades communicate information from their every location (positioned within every ward was a volume of Kikai that would continually monitor patients) back to the Sennin's mind. And what they brought back to her was nothing short of disgusting, shocking and utterly terrifying.

The Kikai she had positioned within the Intensive Care wards and Severe Infection Wards had died, she knew that much. And local parasites conveyed information back to their host like relay points; informing her that both wards were destroyed - set ablaze carelessly, tormentingly. There was also secondary disasters which took place within the pediatrics department; children were in danger and the hospital was noticeable becoming much more unstable. Kinnaku shed a few tears for those who had lost their lives, she teared up for their friends, family and lovers. But she had to act, she had to. Slamming her hands together, Kinnaku would summon an impressive swarm of Kikai from her very being; almost as if they peeled off from her very skin. The tiny bugs, so small that they were harmless but in a swarm they were unstoppable, roared through the office, down corridors and into different wards all over the hospital. Now, this very act of self-sacrifice was very costly, hence the fancy title of sacrifice, as creating so many Kikai and controlling them was using up massive amounts of her chakra.

And in addition, several spores of bugs carried green chakra, healing chakra, into some wards so that they could administer a very basic form of healing. And of course, this green chakra was dispensed from the Sennin herself. "I have to protect them." Kinnaku would stated fiercely as she felt the overwhelming presence of a being outside; surely, by the volume of atmosphere he effected, he was on a whole other level of strength.

Kinnaku would hold her technique so boldly that beats of sweat would tremble from her forehead. She used her Kikai to move, yes move, some patients from the wards to an outside area; which we call the 'Safe Point'. A zone, or area, where patients and staff would be evacuated to during a severe emergency. However, the fires were spreading and not everyone was lucky. Even the Sennin, stuck at the top of the Tower, was stuck and couldn't escape the encroaching blazes. But she was duty bound to protect those under her care, and already she had failed some of them, but she had to continue onward and help the others. Kinnaku fell to her knees, tearing her skirt somewhat as she landed, and remained stationary.

The Tower was lost, she knew that much, but even in her last act: she would save all those that could be saved. Kinnaku was in the processes of evacuating patients by using her Kikai to lift said patients from danger to safety, but it was becoming increasing more difficult with each passing moment. But that wasn't the worst of it, no, by far the worst of this entire situation was hearing the screams of children ululate through her mind as the Kikai conveyed them back to their host. It was... indescribable to hear such things, such things that caused the Sennin to bubble with reddened eyes and salty streams.

Kinnaku had to save as many as she could... But the fires were too overwhelming...


Feb 25, 2013
Satsumaru stood atop the ledge of one of Suna's taller buildings, his crimson eyes watching over the silent streets below. Most of the villagers were asleep, comfortable in their beds and resting for the next day's share of life. He, however, wasn't one for sleep. It was said that all who had taken a life knew nights full of terrible dreams, but Satsumaru's were different. He hadn't taken a single life, but countless scores in the line of work - and elsewhere. The retired ANBU Captain, the ridiculous amount of petty thugs...even the Konoha-nin he had taken his eyes from. They all seemed to come back to him in nightmares, sometimes even while the Uchiha was awake. Obviously, sleep gradually took up less of his nights...

Instead, he watched vigilantly, expecting nothing but prepared for anything. And that's when "anything" happened...

Explosions were felt a block away, causing Satsumaru's long hair to flow in the wind as he shielded his eyes from the force of the blast. Unless explosions were a new form of treatment, this was an emergency. He leapt forward into the night air, catching the next rooftop as he began to make his way toward the Caduceus Tower. There would be patients unable to escape on their own, the gods, the children...and Kinnaku! The Medical Sennin was no doubt in the Tower somewhere!

The Uchiha's heart raced and his muscles tensed, his pace quickening to abnormal speeds. He wasn't a "white knight" by any means, but he knew what needed to be done. Whoever, whatever, was the cause of the explosions, it needed to be dealt with before any more casualties piled on and more damage was done to the village.

As he came near the Tower, he tuned his otherwordly eyes to check for chakra. There were faint dots all throughout the height of the building, and one stronger source at the top. It was the bottom of the Tower, however, that took him by surprise. There was a strong, ever-moving field of chakra that was hard to read. Whatever it was, it wasn't normal...or human, it seemed.

Making a snap decision, Satsumaru concentrated on Kinnaku's chakra signature, clarifying that it was she who was at the top of the tower. He bit his lip. A part of him wanted to face the unnatural force, but another knew that it was a huge, and possible damning risk. His life was easy enough to gamble, but there were countless more waiting to be rescued - including Kinnaku.

Moving chakra to his feet, he began climbing the exterior of the tower to make his way to the top. It was there that Kinnaku was down on her knees, eyes red and wet, seemingly focused on something. Flames surrounded them, but they were a familiar thing to Satsumaru. He felt them like a warm breeze, as even their hottest flames were but candles to Amaterasu's flames.

Gritting his teeth, he used what water jutsu he knew to provide some relief to the straining Kinnaku. Utilizing the force of the Grand Waterfall jutsu, he unleashed a few bursts of water that pummeled the largest pockets of flames, bursting into the air in reflex and covering the fires to extinguish them. For the time being, she would be safe from the blazes that had already destroyed so much of her building.

"Kinnaku!" he roared over the sound of the flames and destruction, "We can't stay here!"

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
What was the sand sculpting Sunaku doing at the silent evening withinh the village hidden under the sand? Just strollin...letting himself let out a soft yawn, munching on a tasty little bundle of meat and veggies wrapped in a pancake like frame. Kind of a fast snack which was never good at night...he remembered his mom catching him on night time snacking, boy did he get a verbal lashing. Why was he doing it now, reminescenting about past days in the middle of the night? Well, quite simply he couldn’t sleep. Which wasn’t all that uncommon for him, he found himself spending the night in his workshop, working on the high of inspiration coursing through his veins...but not today. Not only he couldn’t sleep, he also couldn’t really focus on any work. Well, maybe it was a bad word...he could focus, but he couldn’t really do anything good. His doodles or small sculpting seemed jarred, deformed, in a way scary...he just felt something wasn’t right, and it showed in what he created. Which was an interesting flavor to his art, but something in his spirit was edgy enough without him trying to visualize what he felt.

So there he was, calming himself with some evening munching. It was a silent night, unusually so for the village...perhaps his sentiment was shared by other people. He wasn’t quite sure why it would’s not as if people really learned the truth about what happened in Kuro's engagement party as far as he knew... He probably looked a bit silly. Dressed in his rich looking long robe, his hair moving with the soft wind...probably someone would see it as a pretty badass image if not for the shwarma...or kebab...or whatever you'd like to call what he just finished eating.

And just in time it seemed, as the shockwave of the explosion would knock it out of his hand most likely. It made his take a step back, his long hair getting into his eyes slightly as the wind blowed, and the holler of the explosion was heard. After being able to look, he could see the very clear the orange-ish hue of the fire's that erupted in the far distance. he would stand there in a bit of confusion, chewing the remnants of his meal...and swallowing hard as he realized that the explosion was coming from the Caduceus Area

Running at full speed, literary creating a gust of wind strong enough to knock over semi heavy objects he passed, he sped towards the area. It couldn’t have had to be something close by...even if it was some kind of attack, they wouldn’t have...surely they wouldn’t... "By the Mother you have got to be..." But it was no joke. It was all real, very real. The Tower had a huge chunk of it blown of, the fire was spreading everywhere, and the shouts of panic and pain ringed in his ears agonizingly...someone had blown up the haven of the sick...And judging by the overwhelmingly high amount of Chakra he felt, this was no simple shinobi's doing.

A maryid of feelings wandered through his mind, but he clenched his fists, the sand underneath his feet swirling around him. This was no time to waste...the people inside needed assistance, and he could feel two signatures which were somewhat close to his. Hopefully his allies, or at least an attacker or two he could deal with on his own. He needed to get there fast, while also trying to minimize the damage the fire would generate.

Scaling the side of the tower he would reach as far as he could without endangering himself to the flames, a long trail of sand following him along his way. Finally when he came close to the flames, he would move in through one of the windows, with the sand trailing behind him. He didn’t knew any water based jutsu, but his sand could be used to smother the flames just as well. And so the large clamp of sand moved behind him, and he guided it to the flames he would meet along the way, cutting of the oxygen to them, smoldering them as much as he could. He managed to block of some routes for fleeing people as he climbed upwards towards the two chakra figures above him. On his way he saw people carried away by huge hosts of bugs...including wounded children. And the screams...more people were in agony, dying...some of them so young...the Sunaku climbed through the stairs, smoldering the flames more, an unusual frustrated look on his face. He was sad, confused, shock, but most of all, growing more and more angry at whoever did this horrible thing.

Still, he needed to keep himself focus. Hold your breath, smolder the flames, breath out when the air was somewhat fresh. Of course it was hard with all the flames, his eyes tearing a bit, but he knew how to deal with flames. If he was careful he would do fine. As he came closer to the signatures he felt at the top of the tower , he would focus his sands on the flames on the staircase before him, seeing that some of them were quenched already , as if water was used on them. As he made the passage safe he would call out "Are you two ok there? I made safe passage here if anyone needs to be moved down" hopefully reaching the Senin and the Uchiha shortly after speaking.


Oct 22, 2012
All was quiet and still within Sunagakure this night. A night which Elfin, her ANBU codename, happened to be on patrol. She adorned her regular ANBU attire, her custom designed mask, and wore her long black hair down. Like most nights her patrol begin within the Grand Palais. Other than a few drunkards all was well. Within a few hours she made her way about the roof tops witihn Sietch Zensunna. The night remained quiet and still. It was only now this felt odd. The dimmed chakra crystals and overall silence felt ... wrong. It sent a shiver down her spine. Yet she couldn't pinpoint what about this night un-nerved her. So she would continue with her patrol as she exited the residential area.

It was in that moment the silence within the night was shaken by a tremendous force. The sudden explosion made her jump with a start as she turned towards the source. The entire village was engulfed by the light of such an explosion. The earth and cavernous ceiling shoke from the force as a shockwave rocked the very air and her hair bollowing behind her. As she found the source she couldn't help but stand and stare at what was before her. The Caduceus Tower was ablaze and practically destroyed. All those people...All those sick injured souls... Never in all her years had she ever witnessed a terrorist attack of such magnitude. Instead of silence, screams now filled the air. Screams from the village she swore to protect. What ever shock she was experiencing a sense of duty was washing it away.

Her sharingan would activate from under her mask searching out any foreign signs of chakra. However that wouldn't be needed. The sheer intensity of immense chakra, a chakra that did not feel normal in anyway, could be felt just as much as the explosion. A chakra that radiated power. A chakra Kumiko or Elfin wouldn't be able to defeat alone. But as an ANBU she swore upon her life to serve and protect this village. If doing so meant forfeitting her life than so be it. Immediately she'd spring into action. Leaping from roof top to roof top her gloved hand would come up to her headset, having already set it to the public channel " This is Elfin. Visual confirmation on the explosion. Source is the Caduceus Tower. Enroute as we speak. " She'd leave the com link open. The closer she drew to this chakra the more dead bodies littered the Tower's ruins. The heat from the flames intensity consumed the air about them. A part of her wished to stay and help those who needed aid, but that was the med nins job not hers. Hers was protecting this village. That meant dealing with the threat.

It didn't take her long to find the one responsible for the explosion. He stood out like a sore thumb. Standing amist the flames, black hair trailing down his back, face devoid of emotion. Elfin had never set eyes upon him before and had no clue how he made it past the Maw of Barynx. She made it within 15 feet before being stopped by an invisible force. So she stopped. Letting her sharingan settle upon him. " You. You are the one responsible for this. " It wasn't a question. It was an angered statement.

Anbu Mask:


New Member
Feb 8, 2013
Resonant metallic sounds echoed through out the vicinity as two silhouettes clashed into each other. After a few quick movements, Mugen would find himself leaping back, plunging his kunai into the ground in order to ease his sliding stop. He was training with Darasu once again, two friends living with an eternal promise to hone each other's skills. Eyes that spoke of gold gazed at his sparing partner through an unruly ruft of raven colored hair that hung on his forehead.

As usual, he was in his normal attire. He wore black and tan robes with gold trimmings and an open collar, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his main body and across his chest. "Damn. Your skills are sharp as always, Darasu." his words were laced confidence, as a slight smirk marked his face.

That smirk, however, would fade almost instantly. A deafening explosion would pierce the silent night, forcing his golden orbs to dart towards its location almost instantly. Mugen would not have to say anything, he knew Darasu would follow him. Nodding almost slightly to his friend, he would rush towards the location of the explosion without even the slightest hesitation.


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Nani did something very stupid and foolish yesterday morning. She tried to increase the power of her fire jutsu by converting pretty much all of her life force into chakra and burning it. She was on life support in the pediatric department. By this time her life force was fully recovered and all that was left was to wait for her chakra to come back to her. The heat of the flames was just what she needed it for its warmth replenished her chakra reservoir. As she breathes in deeply the warm dry air, the green flame of her mantle begins to rise off her body. It was a subconscious defense and her mantle of hellfire protects her by warding off the inferior flame. With every breath she inhales in grew bigger and furious.

At last she wakes, opening her eyes and looking around. She is unsure where she is or how she got here. Screams echoes through the burning halls, which sent shivers down her spine. It was at this point she did not care where she was; she just wanted to get out. She separates herself from the machine and runs. She runs through the halls not knowing where she was going. Her heart beats faster and faster as the screams of childern fills with fear. Going down a flight of steps she sees a strange looking bug, which she recognizes as a shinobi tool. She follows the insect and ends up getting drenched by a waterfall jutsu. In an instant her green flames were put out.

She went from nice and warm to cold and wet. She was not happy about it despite the person’s best intentions. She saw the culprit, the person who soaked her and it was Satsu a person she bumped into at the shopping district a few days back. She cries to him “What was that for? Now my clothes are all wet.” She tries to cast her mantle once more, but here damp clothes prevented the spark.


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
The classic sound of metal clashing was chorusing through the training hall that the two shinobi constantly trained in. As his kunai wielding friend drew away from him through the sands, he slid as well from the clash backwards through the sands. A senbon was held in his hand, which was quickly changed from being held in reverse position to a throwing stance between his index and middle finger.

He would have thrown the needle had there not been an extremely loud blast in the distance near the medical part of town. Darasu's emerald eyes moved towards the part of the town where the explosion occurred. His snow colored hair, opposite of his friends eyes and hair.

"Well Mugen, looks like its time to play!" He barked with excitement and anxiousness, darting off with his friend towards the hospital district. Within moments of seeing the ablaze district, he realized that this was no play time. Children were screaming , people were dying, and he had no idea what had started it all.

"Mugen we gotta help those people" He yelled, running to the hospital, dashing into the flames.

Casual Attire:


New Member
Oct 22, 2012
"Plague here. Reading you loud and clear, Elfin. En route to the Caduceus Tower." Kagai would reply, having heard the explosions from his home and had gotten ready as quick as he could. He was wearing his normal ANBU attire and had summoned his mask onto his face. Piece by piece the silvery mask would form on his face, changing the appearance of his hair and eyes just enough so his identity was hidden complete. His hair, normally dark crimson, would become jet black and his eyes would become golden like a lions to match the appearance on his mask. This small cosmetic jutsu also distorted his voice a bit. It wouldn't be too far off to consider Kagai paranoid, to be sure.

The Caduceus Tower wasn't all that far away from his home, which was why Kagai was able to hear the explosion rather clearly. The fact that whomever, or whatever, was doing this was attacking the medical facility meant they were intelligent and calculating, along with having a want to install as much fear as possible. A good number of medical experts would of course be there, getting caught up in the explosion along with trying to rescue and evacuate the survivors, meaning that they wouldn't be out on the field for awhile, allowing this menace to attack the forces without having to worry about medics aiding and healing the wounded out there. A rather brilliant strategy, but would prove to be fruitless against Suna's finest.

Kagai could hear the screams and feel the heat of the flames all around him as he got closer to the tower. It was a hellish sight to say the least, which was to be expected from a terrorist attack. By use of his chakra sensing abilities to lock onto the very....fearsome...chakra signature that wasn't that far away. The feel of this chakra sent a chill down his spine, but also put a smile upon his face behind the mask. Never had he sensed or felt such power, such raw energy, such killing intent in the chakra of anyone. To be honest, Kagai was rather jealous, but that all had to be the furthest from his mind now.

He quickly made his way in the direction of the chakra he sensed. Normally he would only be aware of the general area, but because this thing wasn't even attempting to hide itself, it was like a moth to the flame, which could end with the same outcome if Kagai wasn't careful. When he reached the scene, he could see that a large chunk of the tower was now missing, and fires were erupting all around, and there stood a familiar "face". It was Elfin, one of the people who had been at the meeting with Osiris. He got there in time to hear her make the claim that this...thing...was responsible for this atrocity. Normally such a claim would need evidence, but no evidence was needed right now, it was rather clear. Kagai wouldn't say a word, having made the assumption that Elfin was aware of his presence here.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

Roku sat staring out the window of his apartment. Through this he had a clear view of the residential district, the outskirts which then fed into the Grand Palais, and the rock that made up their sky. Taking a deep drink from his liquor bottle his face would sneer for a moment. What sort of environment is this? No damn night sky, fake glowing rocks give us this impression we live on the outside world but it's a damn lie. Living under the ground... These thoughts filling his head would cause him to take take another long, slow drink from the bottle.

This surreal moment would be interrupted but an even more surreal moment. A thunderous noise seemed to tear through the residential district, rattling windows. Since they were underground it was highly unlikely to be thunder, which meant it was likely an explosion. Picking himself up from his seat he would make his way to his coat hanger as he pulled the head set dangling from the hook close to his face. From this he was able to pick up the message coming in from Plague and Elfin. The terrifying thing was that an explosion from the Caduceus Tower had enough impact to be felt so definitively from the residential district. Tipping up the bottle he would kill off the remainder of the liquid before snatching up his mask and black coak.

After switching into his attire, the gold plated black body suit of an ANBU paired with his white mask and black hooded cloak. Quickly he would dash over the rooftops until finally stopping from a vantage point just on the opposite street of the tower. From here he could see three figures standing before the tower; two were next to one another and in ANBU gear and the third was standing before them next to the tower. He didn't need to utilize his chakra sensing, this individual wanted people to feel its power. It was a disgustingly beautiful power that was oozing from him.

"This is Titan. Possible target in sight. Awaiting word to move on apprehension or eradication." He would continue to maintain his distance.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Toraon Kuro was sensing something powerful for a brief moment before he could literally feel the loss of life energies in the medical ward, and worse still there were even more lives being lost at the medical center. Sharingan Kuro and Demon Kuro arrived in concert and began helping the wounded. Due to his demon blood he was immune to many diseases but there were some out there that could even take on his immune system and stand a decent chance of winning. Still the Akuma Sennin did not care as he rushed about with his sharingan wielding half helping everyone he could. Demon Kuro wore a black and gray kimono with matching hakama. Kuro wore black obi around his waist where he had sheathed his honor blade into his neatly tied sash. Kuro wore his battle pouch atop the sash just above his right hip. Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his hakama just atop his silk gi shorts. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his items without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his royal arm guards and leggings were Kuro’s enhanced the runic terran seal wraps for his hands, forearms, shins and feet. Kuro wrapped his tail around his obi making sure it appeared to be a furry black tiger skin tail with silver stripes added onto his obi. Kuro now wore his normally wild mane of hair braided in ancient ceremonial fashion making his oxen horns much more pronounced but also making him look a little more human. Kuro’s eyes were violet with golden slits, the chakra pulsing around his eyes coud literally be felt. To those close enough even if they weren't chakra sensors like Kuro it felt like pure rage as he homed in on the cause of all this chaos .

He was enraged that someone could harm the innocent and push the innocent to their deaths for whatever reason and even though he sensed the being he was homing in on was far stronger than him that meant nothing. He was Toraono Kuro the second lord of the Toraono Clan, Devil Lord of the Sands and Sennin of Sunagakure. He would stake his life on the defense of Sunagakure. Sharingan Kuro spotted another young lady wielding the Sharingan and that she had already found the cause of the explosion. Impressive, she had managed to find the culprit before even he did. Demon Kuro snuffed all the flames in the immediate area which were endangering patients, or had caught upon the clothing or flesh of any patients with his telekinesis. He then received mental feedback from the general area that all that could be saved had been. Kuro could feel the urge to summon more assistance but that might weaken him for what was to come. Two would have to do for now. He made his way to the epicenter of the explosion to behold a strange monstrosity of a man or what was once one, black hair hung down his back to his calves. His face was etched with a scowl, golden cuffs shattered at their chains clasped his wrists. He was pulsing with a disturbingly high amount of natural chakra. The field pulsing aura made it all but impossible to come within ten feet of him without suffering intense pain. Unfortunately Kuro did not need to close in to return the favor he had brought upon the medical wards.

Demon Kuro began to pulse with dark chakra as he readied an intense telekinetic strike while Sharingan Kuro began to visually analyze the being for any weaknesses.


Oct 23, 2012
The quiet night was the perfect backdrop for Okibi as she sat on the roof of the Kazekage tower, whittling away at a little project. The small block of wood in her hands was slowly starting to look like one of the deer that frequented some parts of Wind Country. They were magnificent creatures really, and although it had been some time since she saw one, the memory of a mighty stag was clear in her mind. With sure claws, she was just about finished with one of the antlers; doing those was definitely the worst part. So thin and intricate... if she wasnt careful, she could just snap it right in h-


Okibi jumped slightly, and with just that little bit of sudden movement, snapped the antler she'd been working on clean in half. She stared at her now marred version of a buck. Her first inclination was to be angry, of course; she'd been working on that damn carving for hours! She couldnt give it to Sousuke now that the stupid thing was missing an antler! With an angry growl, she chucked the ruined piece of wood over the edge of the tower before surging to her feet to find out what it was that made her jump.

When she turned around her canine companion was already at the other side of the towers roof, gazing at something bright in the distance. Okibi casually made her way to his side. "What hell was that!? Made Okibi mess up project!" She exclaimed, flailing her arms. "Come see for yourself..."Her horse of a dog muttered. When she reached the doberman's side, however, she didnt need any more answers from him. She could easily see the blaze coming from the medical tower from where they were. Her pink eyes bugged out of her head. Was that the explosion she'd heard? Her first assumption was that someone was firing off fire works in the Grand Palais again... in a way, what she was looking at was fire works too but... It wasnt the time for jokes!

Jumping onto Seven's back, Okibi pat his side. "Lets go see." He didnt need any more prompting to go sailing from the towers edge, leaping for a nearby building.

They stopped on a building across the way from the blazing medical tower, landing not far from a fellow wearing shiny gold armor. She didnt pay him any mind, but vaguely noted that his scent was familiar. That was hardly cause for attention though. The girl winced as she slipped off Seven's back, raising a hand to shield her face. The flames were so intense that she could feel them from even such a distance. Worse than that though was the sound of screams and pained cries that she could hear from inside. People were dying, most definitely.

And then there was that. She hadnt noticed it initially, though how that was she wasnt even sure. The pressure of his very presence was so intense, it was worse than the heat of the flames. Okibi's eyes homed in on the person responsible, and immediately something rose up within her that she wasnt prone to feeling. It was fear, ice cold and gripping. Her instincts alone were telling her that this person, if he could even be called that, warranted her fear. Okibi didnt like it.

Shaking it off, Okibi ran the edge of the building looking down, searching for something. Seven followed her dutifully. "What are you doing?" He asked. Okibi didnt answer until she found what she was looking for. There at the bottom of the building was a spigot with a hose attached to it. It would never be enough to help put out the flames across the street, but it would be more than enough for what she had in mind. Okibi jumped from the ledge of the building and landed in a crouch. Hurriedly, she turned the hose on and started to douse herself with water as Seven joined her. He was about to reiterate his question when she whirled on him.

"Okibi not just stand here! Have to do something!" By then she was thoroughly drenched from head to toe and her long violet hair was plastered to her head like seaweed. Without any more warning, she was off like a shot, veering off for the side of the burning tower. She made sure to steer very clear of the menace that was situated outside the front of the inferno. When she made it around to the other side she saw that there was a gathering of patients already out on the lawn (in the 'safe point'). She didnt stop to interact with any of them, but she did pause to search the burning windows for anyone who was trapped. She could hear screams coming from the second floor, and that was all the encouragement she needed.

This would have to be done quick. In the heat of such a blaze she wouldnt stay wet for long.

She charged the tower and ignored the way the intense warmth made her eyes sting. She leaped from the ground and sailed towards the second floor, bursting in through a window that had yet to break because of the fire. No sooner had she landed on the shards of glass was she joined by the immensity of her canine cohort. He was drenched from snout to tail, and looked less than pleased with her. "You thought Id let you pull this stunt alone? Dont just stand there gawking! Start searching for survivors!" The intensity in her dogs usually calm voice made Okibi jump slightly before she started doing what she came to do. The duo hunkered down low to the floor, where the smoke was thinnest, and started to sniff and listen. It was nearly impossible to make anything out because of all the acrid poison clouding the air, but their noses were not to be underestimated.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The Steward enjoyed his solitude as he sat upon his steel throne in the room of the Kazekage Tower known as the Seat of Power. He had many things to consider as of late. The concept of marriage, his own personal last living will and testimony, the well being of his ward. Many things were on his worried mind. One thing though that always lingered on the edge of his mind was the people. People served the Sunahoshi, but Sousuke was a Steward. He served the people. He wasn't the Steward because he wanted to be. It fell to him by lineage, it fell to him by the will of the One King who reigned in the elder days. The One King, Primus, casted in gold and fought with the weapon forged from the heart of a dying star. It was all so very hard to beleive for the Steward. A man who was set in science, not in magicks or alchemy.

What happened next was something difficult for the Steward to grasp. It was simpler compared to the concept of the One King and his legendary being. The Caduceus Tower burning? Terrorist attack? Probable. What next came to mind was the dark terror he faced beneath the tower. It wasn't public knowledge, but it was known by those who the Steward confided in. The Steward rose from the steel throne and as he did so his form was being encased in Takahashi fire-forged steel.

Upon being sealed in his suit of steel the Steward listened to incoming and outgoing broadcasts from various Anbu. He knew the names going back and forth, their true identities. As Steward he was a man who could be trusted to keep their names secret. "Titan, this is the Steward. Apprehension is preferable. Should that prove not possible then proceed to terminate the target. My ETA inbound should be no more than two minutes. Protection of wounded is paramount, I want the grounds locked down. Seal it with scrollcraft, evil sealings, or blood seals."<i></i> His orders came calmly and coolly. The Steward spoke mechanically, but he made his orders clear. The Steward approached the window and flipped the switch, causing the windows to open wide. The Steward began his descent towards the ground as he was making the base jump. The Steward had acquired and perfected his 'hobby' of base jumping. The Steward landed soundly on the ground and then proceeded to phase shift his way towards the Caduceus Tower. "I am closing in, keep us posted on any developments. Communications, keep the lines intact and expand readers to detect any unknown frequencies used by the enemy."<i></i> The Steward continued to phase shift his way towards the tower, his form was a silver and white blur as he was constantly. "Elfin, confirm particulars of visual. Natural fire or something more? My eyes aren't my best tools."<i></i> The Steward's eyes narrowed as he tried to get a reading on the fires that were consuming the building. Unfortunately he did not have the gift of the sharinghan.


Oct 23, 2012
Raijin had been attempting to do a better job at keeping up with the Kage. The man may have been elusive but the council had given him, the bodyguard, the duty of making sure he was kept alive. Luckily, at most times, the Kazekage towers were the main location from which Sousuke went about his day. All Raijin had to do was keep an eye on the surrounding area. It let the Steward have his own privacy while he intercepted and investigated any credible threats within the immediate areas. So far, he hadn't much luck in either avenue. Things had been quiet. Unsettling. Perhaps even nauseating. Sleep is also elusive under such circumstances.

When the explosion happened, and boy did it happen, Raijin found himself out of the loop. He had heard explosions like that before in these caves. With the right acoustics even a mild blast could sound like a huge explosion. And from where he had sat, this one didn't seem that large. But then the Kage emerged and began moving at high speeds. This was the exact thing he had been waiting for!

As quickly as he could manage, he used Inner Earth Reflection Lure and followed his charge. The man was obviously going somewhere important, so, he would too. As he moved he clicked on his headset just in time to hear orders and mayhem. What had happened out there?

Upon arrival at the scene, he made himself apparent. The Steward seemed to be assessing the situation. On his own headset, Raijin inquired to his own orders. "Raijin here."

From there he had to observe and assess things for himself. The earth that surrounded all life in Suna held all he needed to know. The warmth, the loss of life and even the dramatic source of power in the center of the chaos, all stood out at him. The source of power was like a negative magnet. But it had such power it was like it was expelling chakra as well. This had to be the reason for all of this. But this was no simple terrorist as the headset would make you believe. A terrorist was a mortal, easily tossed aside by any shinobi of worth. This was, short of having a better word, a god. Raijin found himself unsure of how to really continue. In that moment he knew, there was not a single thing he, himself, could do. No defensive would suffice and no offensive would penetrate.

Despite the stranger's appearance, Raijin could see his held himself in a position perfect to defend from. The fire granted him great illumination, so he could see the defenders of Suna. And above all else, his power was sickening. It nearly made him wretch just being at such a range. Within a few moments he had stifled the feeling. But the faint taste lingered in the back of his throat none-the-less.

For the time being, Raijin remained half emerged from the ground at a distance of at least 100 meters from the stranger. His main priority, keep the Kazekage alive. Even if it meant throwing his own body in the way of any inbound attacks.

WC: 528


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
"The fire is supernatural in origin. I am surprised you cannot feel it, even with your limited perceptions." Remarked the voice of Mikaboshi who appeared beside Sousuke as he flickered from place to place en route to the scene of the attack. He had set out immediately upon feeling the presence of the Djinn in the village but even immediately was too late. He could feel likes winking out like so many candles simply being snuffed by a pair of indifferent fingers. The anguish, pain and hate that swirled together in the maelstrom of power and death made for a cacophonous symphony of to the Ancient who was so sensitive to such things. Dressed in his distinctive leathers along with a Captain's coat and his trademark mask, Mikaboshi raced alongside his master to the scene of the attack.

He had known something was coming for some time. Most spiritually attuned individuals had. But for a time Mikaboshi had simply chalked the dark tidings up to the experiments that he'd been performing with the wall that lead into the deepest part of the Obsidian Palace. He had become fascinated with the place since Sousuke had shared with him it's existence. At the lowest floor of the Obsidian Palace's central column there was a seemingly empty room that served no purpose but to be the bottom of the column but the first time that the footfalls of the Lord of Shadows had passed there Mikaboshi could feel the resonance of the place. It practically hummed with so much dark energy that he was ashamed that he hadn't felt it sooner. Upon further research, he'd found an extremely subtle veil that covered the presence of the dark energy preventing it from being felt on the outside. He supposed that it was only due to his connection with such energy that had allowed him to feel the leaking power of whatever was sealed there in the first place. Since then he had become obsessed with finding his way past whatever barrier it was that kept him out. He'd surmised thus far that the barrier was not wholly physical in nature but was also spiritual. It hid the seal both physically and metaphysically... complicated work for any being.

But the presence of this new being meant that the ripples of power he'd been feeling were not aftershocks of his extended exposure to the hungry influence at the bottom of the Palace. It was something else entirely. Something... angry. It was a feeling that Mikaboshi could sympathize with but just the same... the owner of that power threatened the city to which Mikaboshi had promised his protection. On his word the once Ancient Lord could not let that stand.

"I feel compelled to warn you Lord Takahashi; we are about to face something which defies the scope of human comprehension." Mikaboshi advised, his senses reaching out and attempting to take the measure of the powerful and ancient presence which was causing the devestation. "It is old and powerful. At the height of my power I would have approached such a creature with caution. We must proceed carefully."

Though he did not say it, Mikaboshi silently wondered if they could defeat such a being. For a moment came to an uneasy realization about the trepidation that he felt regarding the pending engagement... was this how humanity felt in the presence of Ancients? The feeling of near powerlessness in the face of a being so power that it barely qualified as a mortal being? Focusing his attentions on the present, Mikaboshi cleared his minds of those doubts. Even in his atrophied state, he was an Ancient that had once been the lord of these depths and some day he would be again. He had no use for such doubts and poisonous thoughts. They would triumph and that was the truth of the matter.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Unlike many of the others, Eiji had been in bed. In fact he had been asleep, pleasant oblivious to the dreaded feelings of impending doom and misery. He had been dreaming about a squirrel, or rather, him as a squirrel. He was busy finding thing to eat and avoiding a nasty, overly skinny wolf when the huge BOOM rocked him from his sleep. Initially he thought he had imagined it and laid blinking in the darkness of his bedroom.

He was tempted to go back to sleep, but for some reason, he didn't think he should. The loud noise didn't seem like a dream, now that he reflected on it more and forced himself to rise. He stalled on the edge of his bed, rubbing his calloused hands against his face. What time was it anyway? A quick peek at the clock let the Jounin know he had only gotten 2 hours of sleep now. Ugh..

As he sat there, voices started to rise outside his window. He could hear people started to yell and panic. Truly he wished he could just say "this is my day off, go fuck yourself Suna" But if people in the Grand Palais were panicking loudly outside, it was probably something serious.

Grinding his teeth, Eiji made his way to the livingroom then out into the front of his house. Immediately he saw the bright blaze to his right and tuned out his own feelings, turning on his professional side. He returned to his house to quickly change into his ANBU gear and pulled his mask on before leaving his house in stealth. He couldn't be seen leaving in his mask, his anonymity required him to not just rush out foolishly.

Now as Osiris, he slipped his headset on as he ran toward the beacon. He was too late to hear Elfin speaking or Plague, but he picked up Titan's voice and his words. Then as he began to near the lit building, which was turning out to be the medical center, he heard the voice of their steward and his orders. Cursing his lateness, he waited for the man's words to be finished before clicking his own on. "Osiris here. I am approaching the source."

After only another half minute, he found himself staring over the scene, perched high on a nearby building. A quick scan of the crowd revealed the wounds upon the building, a few of his own ANBU and presumably the source of the destruction. Without hesitation, the ANBU captain steeled himself and dropped down. His coat fluttered behind him and he landed in a crouch. Elfin and Plague were made a trio with the addition of the single ANBU captain, Titan remained away from the site, keeping a good vantage point.

[Djinn will be posting tomorrow so if you want to be included and you are not yet in the event, do so soon.]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The chaos was spreading. Weak civilians were running away just as the blight soldiers were coming to protect their sickness riddled building. He saw them, some running into the flames as if their actions were heroic, they were fools. It would have been an easy thing to finish off the structure, to incinerate the bodies within and crisp the others coming to help them. The screams that could be heard from the wreckage only served to further his feeling of justice and resolve. The temptation to kill the rest was growing stronger...

But there was something speaking to the Djinn. His body gave a chilled shudder then his stance straightened and heightened slightly. Shunsui, the older brother, was overtaking the body. Slowly as a predator in the brush, the tall man pivoted on the balls of his bared feet. He looked over his shoulder, sharply thin eyes landing on the shape of a small demon. It's body was female with small breasts and wider hips. But it's head was that of a feline. He was not seeing her as a person in a mask, but a creature; a sickness. Her voice was small and angry, it addressed him.

He did not respond to her. His eyes blinked languishly, as if in slow motion. He seemed so old, despite his smoothed, bronze skin. Another figure appeared before him then, another demon with an animal's face. This one was male, as told by his musculature. They stood as if they could defend this horrible place, stand against HIM!? And the great body of Djinn?!

A menacing look washed over his ageless face. His lips parted, the skin cracking and bleeding as if he were entirely dehydrated, or as if they hadn't opened for such a long time and a husky voice spoke to the two ANBU, "It is my lord's hand who commands me and my brother to act. It is this place, the source of the sickness on the desert that must be eradicated. You, demons, would stand between us and our destiny? You are just insects, be gone."

But as the beast turned his face away when two more people appeared. One was another demon, one somewhere between female and male with a dog's face and another... This one was not words, but intent. The Djinn's neck cracked as he tipped his head to the other side, seeking out the vision of Kuro. It was then he was sure this place was surrounded and kept by demons. "You would threaten me?" The last word lingered, as a deep whisper. A terrible trembling began to form from where the man stood, shaking the ground so violently even the surest foot would find it hard to stand strong. Then as if an extension of the man itself, he lifted his right hand and a matching arm made of earth and stone tore from the earth and engulfed Kuro's body like a mouse in a trap. It wasn't as if the man couldn't have evaded the move, but it wasn't a physical force alone that would attack him. It was an unseen force, something unknown, that almost hooked onto Kuro emanating dark chakra and pulled him in. Yet he did not crush him, the hand held him caged and squeezed slowly, as if to crush him from life.

"Why defend this place, woman demon? Why should I not crush you all as worms?" The Djinn addressed Kumiko. She had been the only one to speak to him yet, so it was her he took for their spokesperson. It was possible Kuro's life would be in her hands. The hospital, however, would not be saved. His second hand raised up and another faux arm sprouted from the quaking ground. This one struck the building at it's foundations. Those at the lower levels would be smashed through stone walls, plaster and wood. Blood would splatter the ground and the remainder of the burning building would come falling down. Those still inside risked dying if they did not escape now.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
There was a loud voice outside that struck fear into her heart. She summons her stuffed animals for protection: Tiger, fox, frog, bunny, mouse, bear, snake and squirrel. The ground then begins to shake and Nani starts to think it would be a good time to leave the building. The structure is probably weakened due to the fire and she does not want to be inside when it collapses. Luckily she did for some huge being decides to destroy the whole building. She looked at the being with a loss of words and her knees quaked. The demons within her dolls were not so intimidated. In fact one of them wanted to talk to the being personally. However only she can hear their voice, well in most cases.

Do to the strange nature Nani’s puppeteering works, some of the puppet jutsus become a little modified as well. Nani placed a small demon within each of her dolls, which grants the dolls the ability to move on their own. However in order to move they must feed on the sealer’s chakra and thus Nani and her dolls are connected by a chakra string. She cannot make chakra strings to move an object because she does not know how to control her chakra strings like that. Instead the demons in her dolls can leave the doll and possess the object. When possessing living things the demon can’t control the thing but be a voice to guide it. Also the demon can only possess willing hosts; if the host is unwilling the demon can be thrown out with a thought. This is Nani’s version of Life-Line Manipulation.

Tora, Nani’s plush white tiger, leaves its doll body and attempts to enter into the beings mind. Within the world he created in his mind she would appear as a regular black cat. Tora was curious about this person and wanted to know why he believes this place to be a sickness. Even just a short glimpse of the world might tell her something about this being. She hopes she will not be rejected so she could talk to him.

Some of the other stuffed animals urged her to talk to the being herself, while others just hid behind her. Hugging her teddy tightly and with a nervous voice she speaks as loud as her nerves will allow, “We protect this place because it is our home; our families live here. Don’t you have a place which you call home? A family that cares for you?” As the kid she is she looks at Djinn with puppy dog eyes and tears running down her face begging, “Please don’t destroy our home. Please don’t kill our family.”


Feb 25, 2013
Satsumaru felt the destruction of the tower's base, as they all must've. Whatever the destructive entity was, it was clearly beyond their scope. Normally, Satsumaru would break down the situation and use all the capacity he had in his pretty-haired head to come up with a plan to defeat any targets, but this wasn't your typical battlefield. He and Kinnaku, and now the puppet girl and a Sunaku, were stuck on the rook of the tower. A bad place to be, considering the soon-to-be-catastrophic circumstances.

His hellish eyes, crimson and black, scanned the rooftop, then down at the base of the tower. He was looking for any potential options, but there weren't many. A group of Sunan shinobi were gathering at the source of the calamity, including some of the village's chief agents. Satsumaru's eyes moved from Kinakku, to the Sunaku, to the puppet girl, then to the surface.

Gritting his teeth, he went with the only plan that he could think of to allow Kinnaku to finish whatever she was doing and get the other two to safety.

"You! Sunaku! I'm trusting you to take the puppet girl and get to the rest of our people on the ground before the tower collapses!" he roared, knowing that the man was probably the most capable of getting them to safety with his power over the sands. Whether he did or not was his own decision. Satsumaru wasn't, as far as he knew, the man's captain.

"I'll stay with the Medical Sennin for as long as possible!" he added, voicing his decision to stay with her while she continued whatever jutsu she was focused on. He had a plan. Not a great one, but a plan, at least. The Sunaku could use his sands to return he and the girl to the rest of the group just as he used them to rise to the rooftops. They all needed to face this threat, after all. If he and the puppet girl could join the others, it would be an exponential boost to their chances.

For his part, Satsumaru would be Kinnaku's escape plan. Once the building collapsed, he could use his time/space jutsu through the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan to remove them from reality and return at the base of the tower. It would take incredible timing, given the limits of the jutsu's range, but it was worth the risk if it gave Kinnaku as much time as she needed to evacuate the building.

[Actions: Holding Kinnaku, Satsumaru will allow her to continue her work, concentrating and waiting for the right time to utilize Takamaahara to remove them from reality - away from the collapsing tower - and reappear on the ground safely near the group of Sunans below.]
[spoilername="Jutsu Used"]Takaamahara - C-Rank Ninjutsu

This jutsu is one of the most powerful space/time ninjutsu, if not the most powerful. While not offensive, this ability allows the user to transport themselves nearly instantly to another location, or even allow them to become intangible to avoid techniques. The technique can only be performed by the advanced Doujutsu, and appears as if air collapses upon the user in a swirling matter, their body seeming to implode into the area centering upon their eye's.
Sharingan Implant/Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, C-Rank
Rank 1: User gains +3 Dodge against the next technique aimed at them, and can reappear within 20 feet if they choose. If partially hit, the damage is negated, but the user takes CP damage equal to 50% of the negated damage.
Master Rank: User gains +4 Dodge against one technique, and can reappear within 25 feet. If partially hit, the damage is negated, but the user takes CP damage equal to 40% of the negated damage.

- Modded as if Instantaneous.
- Can be used as a reactionary, and does not use handseals.
- Out of battle, the user can RP warping.
- Increases the user's Eye Trauma by 1 for the remainder of the battle.

Cost: 675 CP to initiate[/spoilername]


Oct 22, 2012
Elfin wasn't the only ANBU within the area with the same thoughts as her own. Apparently the Head of the Toraono clan as well. As Kumiko she hadn't met the clan head face to face but everyone knew who he was. Having arrived first at the scene Elfin knew she stood little chance against such a power as this. Not that she feared death. However reinforcements had arrived, including Titan hidden within the shadows afar. She could hear his voice clear over the ANBU channel upon her headset. Maybe all of them together stood a chance. However it wasn't just Titan's voice over the com link she heard. To her surprise Sousuke's own voice sounded within her ear. He was coming here! If Elfin wasn't, well, Elfin right now she'd lay into this Steward of hers. What was the point in having ANBU protect you if you were putting yourself in harms way! Either way she could say little against his orders. She was his to command as ANBU. " Roger Steward. It isn't the fire which hinders us. It's not his chakra, but there is a strong pressure keeping us roughly ten feet away from him. "

This entire time Elfin pressed upon this unseen barrier. Every step passed that ten foot marker caused intense pain to ripple throughout her body. Just what the hell was it?! Not long after testing this barrier about this strange man, their ANBU captain joined the party. Now facing the cause of such destruction were three ANBU, one being at a distance, and Kuro Toraono.

Her sharingan watched as this monster of a man, if it was a man, turned to face them. He towered over them as his slit like eyes narrowed in on Elfin. She readied herself and her sharingan for however he attacked. Yet instead of attack he spoke. His bronzed skin cracking and bleeding as he did so. Brother? There was another involved in this terrorist attack? Yet her eyes could only see the one before her. As more Suna shinobi gathered before him it appeared to anger him further. Kuro Toraono's attack provoked the man standing before them, causing the ground to shake with such force Elfin had to stumble to find her footing once more to balance herself. As she righted herself the attack against Kuro commenced. A larger earth made hand attempted to capture him within it's grasp. " It appears to be able to manipulate the earth. Repeat, it can manipulate the earth." She'd speak into the com link once more, notifying Titan, Sousuke, Raijin, and Mikaboshi. Yet this being seemed at ease with such multi-tasking for his concentration was now upon her.

" I am no demon. I am a Sunagakure shinobi, sworn to protect this village and its people. You come our home, and destroy it. What gives you the right to come here, where we have lived for so long, and claim this place as a source of sickness. You are the demon here. Not us." As she spoke elfin's sharingan would continue her plan of attack with genjutsu. With her crimson eyes Elfin would cast Expose mind upon him, first trying to see if genjutsu would work against him if her plan of attack was to work at all. This genjutsu would trigger a traumatic past memory, making this being's mind more susceptible to further genjutsu used against him.

Barely after she finished speaking this being went on the offensive. It took no more than a raised hand to send a monstrous earthen arm to strike the very foundations of the tower. There was nothing Elfin could do to save the tower. Unless one of her fellow ANBU could prevent the attack it would be lost. As for the Genin which stumbled upon this strenuous seen Elfin had not the time to pay attention to the girls actions. Any ounce of concentration taken away from performing her genjutsu would elevate the chance of it failing and backfiring upon them.

EDIT :Jutsu Used
Exposed MInd -
chakra used: Expose Mind 280 Cp to initiate, 130 Cp/Rnd.
Mangekyou Sharingan: Rank 3: 900 Cp to initiate, 430 Cp/Rnd
Kumiko total chakra: 27 606 /28 609

* Jutsu Mastery
- - All Jutsu costs are reduced by 10%.
- Mastered Jutsu receive an additional 5% Reduction.
* Elemental Illusion
- Fire: While effected by the Genjutsu, the target takes +10% Damage.
* Shattered Reality
- +10% damage against foes caught in a genjutsu by the user. This added damage is considered Illusionary, and cannot be reduced.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
