Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Finale]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The genjutsu that the Djinn had left behind him was fueled by him even as he moved farther and farther away. The limit of his abilities was unmeasurable, or at least it hadn't been tested to it's limit yet. The beast strode slowly at first from the ruins of the medical complex and toward his new destination. He took in the sights of those transfixed by his genjutsu, the terror on their faces and watched as some of the weakest minds started to claw the skin of their own arms and legs to escape the rot they envisioned spreading over their being.

His anger was slowly replaced with a sick glee. They were in terror of the sickness he showed them, only through experience would they be able to understand it. He walked with purpose, his pace quickening until he was sprinting. His speed was akin to a blur. Those he passed were toppled by the wind his body created, but to his eyes all was easily seen. Each face, each child. He breathed in the fear, drew on the minimal chakra signatures. It was harder now, something he would deal with soon enough. For now he wasn't hampered so badly he couldn't do all that was required. The body his god had given him was strong, stronger than what a plague bringer could do to it.

He opened himself up to the sensation and chakra signatures around him. He could use it to find a single person or seek out a group of powerful people. It allowed him to also feel attacks as they came, react accordingly and draw on the strongest around him. They were the weakest link in the chain here; the strong fighters. They would destroy themselves. He hardly noticed the weaklings he passed, fixing his focus upon the next target. Something that would strike at the hearts of them, something old and loved.

The Djinn drew in on the feeling of the old chakra signatures, the old and the new together. He passed a schooling building but moved on. At this hour and with the current trouble he'd caused, the academy was empty. The library was the same, but there... there was his calling.

His arrival was sudden and as the first time, terrible. But the monster did not come and burn it from the outside as before. No this time he would defile this with his own hands. The structure was old and full of lingering history. It was as a newborn compared to the Djinn, but still it held importance for the plague bringers.

Shunsui was logical. He knew it was important to bring chaos, like Nansui, but to bring his enemies to a state of rage and recklessness. He couldn't accept he could be defeated, not truly, but the left half of the brain was more mindful of plotters and thinkers. He had seen those gathering, noting what they thought to be his weaknesses. He wouldn't allow it.

The Djinn's appearance at the Throne of Bone was like a surprise tornado; he touched down violently and without remorse. Tearing into the building, shattering old bones and stone to dust, he appeared inside of one of the great training halls. He had come here because several chakra sources told him this was where the concentration was. He pulled in their power, tasted their fear then unleashed it back upon them. "Let's see now." he said. Startled, confused and concerned faces stared back at the Djinn. Those here did now know him, had not seen him from the battle over at the medical center; they did not run.

But they should have. As he turned the power back on them, the first to be hit was an elderly female and a teen, a mentor and student. The woman would attempt to shield the boy but the technique he used was one of combination jutsu. Razor winds laced with scalding ash slashed the woman and then the boy to pieces, lopping off limbs and chunks of meat. His hands shifted and the wind moved like a serpent, attacking another man and two more teens before anyone could attempt to flee, rendering them to the same pulpy state as the others. He tried not to be too upset that his serpent was working weaker than he wanted it to. That damned seal...

Terrified cries rang out. Some ran away, others ran toward Djinn. They were brave fools, brave dead fools. He laced chakra into his lungs and throat, breathed in, then let loose a banshee-like scream. The chakra laced through the waves of his voice and tore through the oncomers, turning them to a wet rain. The sound technique was so powerful it caused all in the way to implode from the vibrations. Several others not in the path would be rendered deaf. The banshee technique tore through the back wall and caused the building's foundations to become unsound and quiver.

Several onlookers outside peered over from the streets. They could not see what was happening within the dojo, only heard the noise and looked about from their houses. It's a sick curiosity, one the Djinn turned on the civilians near by as he appeared slowly from the hole he'd made in the dojo wall. Again he used the harrowing banshee technique, this time creating paste out of over 20 civilians down the street and shattering all the windows in a 500 foot radius to dust. The people nearby couldn't escape the affects of the attack, reeling in the pain of being so nearby. This technique would make his location very obvious to those who would hunt him down.

A smile blossomed over his face as he struggled to maintain control over the brain. "Come to me now..." He was going to attack them now, they had better be prepared.

[topic entered]
As before: Djinn is stronger than a large combination of capped players put together. This is a scripted event, so no one will lose their character for participating and please remember, the event moderator decides the outcome of ALL battles and ALL interactions, do not assume your attack will make contact. If you plan accordingly and use the information given, you may be able to harm the Djinn and find his downfall. There is a way, be diligent!

There is still no posting order, however you may only post once between the Djinn's posts. And if you do not post in a timely manner, you are likely to be skipped and the Djinn may target damage on your character, effectively knocking you out or hurting your character severely. Djinn has been posting once every 3 days, so you should be able to get in there before it's his turn again.

Also, if you have NOT yet joined the event and would like to, you are still welcome to enter.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

It was terrible the Throne of bone was under attack and all the history and records the Toraono Clan held sealed inside were in danger. The scent of blood reached him and the screams of young children. THE STUDENTS!!! Kuro's speed picked up dramatically after the first banshee scream. He arrived just as twenty civilians were crushed by the sonic shockwave of Djinn'ds banshee scream. Kuro would have attacked him relentlessly just as the men and women guarding the tower of bone did but he had experienced Djinn's nearly unyielding power before so instead both parts of Kuro flanked Djinn at a distance as Demon Kuro readied his 5 element seal as he prepared to challenge Djinn yet again. This time he had a plan even as his heart swelled up with vengeance. Kuro could feel the sealing energies pulsing within his finger tips.

Sharingan Kuro and Demon Kuro summoned clones of earth to distract Djinn and make sure the children escaped.

OOC: Kuro manages to track Djinn,
Djinn is killing students, teachers and staff and destroying the throne of bone.
Kuro & Sharingan Kuro made their duet apparent to Djinn but not their intention
Kuro believes either one or both of him should be able to slow Djinn down for everyone else.
They make an attempt to double 5 element seal Djinn.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

It was quite obvious the evil being was not trying to hide his location for someone could probably hear the heart wrenching scream from the hospital site. She followed the sound to the Throne of Bones. This place was a place of training. There were training halls and storage room for anything you can possible this of training with. Djinn made his entrance into a training hall thank Suna. After the beating she got at the hospital, she did not want to go into the same room as him. She runs down a hall, takes a left, a right and another left to a storage room full of puppets for those who wish to train in puppeteering. The walls were decorated with puppets of every tier and chests full of traps littered the floor. Nani was not sure which to pick. She wanted something strong, but she wanted something human looking. She wanted Djinn to believe it was a real person and not a puppet. If he found out he might go looking for her.

She found one perfect for the job; an assassin doll completely dressed in the Anbu’s black robes and an owl looking mask. By looks alone he should think that it is nothing but another Anbu. She takes the doll down and places it on the table. She then begins installing traps into its body. She opens a nearby chest digging for traps that would fit this tier of puppet. It’s too bad she could not give it a coat of blades it might come in handy against the Djinns punches.

It would be probably be better to install traps it can do at a distance. Getting close to Djinn would be a death sentence. She installs the basics, Flamethrower, Vaporous Torrent, Electro-Infusion, Silver Coil and a Railgun. She also puts in a modified sonic compressor that with allow the puppet to talk. She then infuses it with a demons soul and it was ready to go. “Are you ready for this Mimi.” The doll gives her a thumb up “I’m ready to hog tie that hound dog. Let’s put him down.” She sounded like a woman speaking through a radio, but it worked. Mimi the runs down the halls to where Djinn stood. “I reckon you’re the snake is the grass that hurt my little… Sweat Mother Suna! You’re whiter than a pile of freshly clean lindens. Boy you need to get out there and get some sun.”

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

The Djinn had been expecting some to come after him; to attempt to stop him from killing their 'innocent' and he wasn't let down. The furious demonic bull man was raging toward him. Or rather.. copies of him. There were two of him, which made sense seeing as he'd felt his presence in multiple places at once before. And then there were even more of him; more copies. Directing his focus on the beasts, he pulled on his chakra and could feel which were false and which were real.

This proved more tricky. Yet it gave him an opportunity to show up his brother, in all due time that was. Nansui had such a flare for the dramatic. Smiling broadly, the blue and bronze skinned man lifted his arms, making each hand into the shape of a gun. He focused on the clones first and puled the 'trigger'. The shot was at the speed of sound and would tear through the clones with ease, dispersing them. He then pulled his arms up. His left arm was out from his body, at a right angle with his tricep parallel with the ground and the hand palm up to the ceiling. It was curved as if he were holding something heavy and the other end of that heavy item were resting on his right shoulder. With his right hand he readied his middle finger against his thumb, as if he were ready to click his fingers.

"Bull demon, some of those people in there felt like you. Are you related to some of them?.. They're dead you know." he said, and just then clicked his fingers, 'igniting the cannon in his hands'. It was the same idea of an attack like Nansui's small guns, but his was a much stronger, flashier thing. The chakra he released suddenly and violently flashed with a blinding bright light and shot toward Kuro's Sharingan body. He was making a guess which one was the real one, but got it wrong. The shot was faster than the body could really anticipate and one body was going to be blown straight back, become mangled and crash through several dozen houses before finally ending up in a dust pile. The body wouldn't be usable to him much more this day.

This left real Kuro to deal with him, if he so chose to, because the Djinn was ready to face him one on one. It actually intrigued him. Letting the cannon hands down, he readied to speak once more to the demon sennin, but a sound came behind him. It was a woman's voice, but she had no chakra signal.. he had seen this sort of trick before, but it was of no use against him. That which had no chakra could confuse him as being real. He readied another 'gun' shot over his shoulder at the puppet, whose strings he COULD feel and pulled the trigger. This time, however, it shot chakra at the puppet. When it hit it wouldn't harm the puppet, but rather it caught onto the strings attached to the thing and shot back through the trail to the puppet user. The chakra was electric and upon making a connection with the user a fraction of a second later, would fry the child, rendering her useless once more.

"Petty creature." A second shot obliterated the puppet to dust. This didn't leave the Djinn much time to deal with Kuro, if he were still pursuing him, so he decided to act quickly. "Halt, fool." he stepped out toward the dirty road, his hand raised at the horned man. "Let's strike a bargain and don't cheat or I'll kill you where you stand infant." His grin split his face once more. "The Djinn believes in granting those who come to him before all others a wish. So... I will give you a wish. Your wish, I know, is to defeat me and so I will close my eyes and you may strike me with any one attack you want. Anything. If you cannot harm me, I will break you. How's that sound?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Demon Kuro took a deep steadying breath as he and his Sharingan side slowly closed in on Djinn. The rise of anger drowned out the cold pit of fear in his belly. He noted that his other bodies never felt fear but then again he realized they weren’t wired for it either. The sealing energies in his body pulsed with his every breath as he drew in closer. As the screams of his elders and their students’ deaths drove him to rush in and attack but he knew he could not, there was no way he could rush in knowing the kind of power this being still possessed. He had to be methodical, rational, even as his people, his kin were slaughtered and it was that rage of knowing and being unable to this monster that drove Kuro to greater heights. His spirit was enduring, and growing, his rage was reaching out on its own. Soon he would take revenge on this monster for everything it had done. Blood tears fell from both Kuro’s eyes as their powers synched and rose in response to the terrible power they were faced with. Even alone Kuro would not let this being simply ‘do as he pleased’. There was nothing to say, no speech to be made; only the resolution to seal this bastard’s power away and then only when they were on even playing field, beat this being into a pulp for all the horror it had unleashed. Dark Chakra and celestial chakra swelled against Kuro’s Heaven seal begging for release. The power within Kuro to absorb chakra also began to swell up… YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE ME MONSTER!!! was Kuro’s only thought as he closed in.

Djinn sensed Kuro's approach immediately, that Kuro had anticipated but the onslaught of attacks by doing nothing more than pointing his fingers Kuro had not expected. Sharingan Kuro was blasted away into the living district, his spirit energy remained but the body was badly in need of repair he would need to have his Sanryoukyogan body heal that one before it could move again but first he had to try and stall Djinn.
"Bull demon, some of those people in there felt like you. Are you related to some of them?.. They're dead you know."

Djinn then lashed out at the puppeteer through the puppet itself. Even Kuro had been too focused on getting close to Djinn to make use of his seals to notice her use of a war puppet. Kuro desperately wanted to protect everyone but this feeling of being unable to do nothing more than what he was planning all the same won out against his actual thoughts.
"Halt, fool... Let's strike a bargain and don't cheat or I'll kill you where you stand infant."

The monster actually stepped out from the dojo to greet Kuro monster to monster, he had his hand raised and pointed at Demon Kuro, an odd grin sat upon his face. Kuro approached him slowly even as the pressure began to become harsh and nearly unbearable, what Djinn did not understand was that in his act of sending his secondary form away he had made the original form that much stronger and with that he now had a true chance.
"The Djinn believes in granting those who come to him before all others a wish. So... I will give you a wish. Your wish, I know, is to defeat me and so I will close my eyes and you may strike me with any one attack you want. Anything. If you cannot harm me, I will break you. How's that sound?"

Kuro smiled evilly at the bargain this bakemono had actually struck with him. Kuro knew another thing this monster did not, his body could be broken but not his spirit. "That sounds interesting Djinn, if that is your real name, before you close your eyes, may I ask you a question, I promise I will not act upon the wish you have granted me until we have conversed. I am a being of honor, if you can understand anything about me then you know I will keep my word. I seek the honest answer to one question and one question only, after that I will accept the WISH you have granted me."

WC: 360

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Chakra strings: the basics behind the art of Puppeteering, this skill allows the user to create thin lines of chakra that connect to multiple things, mainly puppets, and allow the user to manipulate and control them to their own ends. These strings are invisible to the common eye, only able to be seen by those with advanced doujutsu, and pass through all materials and substances without harm to the flow of chakra. A flow that only travels in one direction: from the master to the puppet. The Djinn was foolish with his attack against the puppeteer. He was trying to send chakra against the flow, which would greatly affect its stability. The strings will snap almost instantaneously and once they are no longer attached to an object, they disintegrate rapidly. Even if the electoral attack did manage to travel through the strings successfully, the walls it went through would insulate her.

So after the first shot the puppet would fall lifeless, thus become easy prey for the second shot. The demonic spirit within it travels back to Nani and tells her what happened. Nani back in the storage room notices the strings disappearing. “Crap he can tell they are puppets.” Then Mimi comes. What she tells her is bad news for Nani. Djinn had a perfect way of handling puppets. He would sever the strings then destroy the puppet. It was ingenious for not even a puppet with regenerative properties can come back from that. Neither one of them had any idea the Djinn was actually trying to attack Nani through the chakra strings for if they did, Nani would be rolling on the floor laughing.

This leaves Nani in an odd position. What can she do? Puppets don’t work and fire ninjutsu seem to ave no effect of him. Truthfully there is on one thing she can do. Leave and get help. The anbu from before was not here yet. She runs out the dojo heading to the infirmary to find them. She will guide them to the throne of bone to help Kuro.

[left topic]
wc: 345

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

The heavily muscled beast-shinobi stopped in his tracks, as the great Djinn had commanded. The brother Shunsui was still in command of the body... for now and felt the first twinges that his brother, Nansui would be coming out soon and grit his teeth. Apparently they had noticed their weakness when they transferred and held his brother back for their safety.

So he turned his mind on what was ahead of him, on the man... thing who was speaking back to him as if he even wanted to hear what he had to say. This frustrated him beyond belief. See? Give them a chance and they spit in your face. Annoyed and quickly losing control, Shunsui pointed his finger at the horned man. His hand quivered. When he spoke, his voice had dropped an octave, "You see? I make you an offer, grant you a wish and you offer us nothing but ultimatums. Do you think you are my equal? Or worse, are you my superior?"

The ancient being didn't stand still nor quiet for long. A strange flicker came over his frame as he walked closer. It was like watching a movie and someone left out the character for a single frame. "You can ask your question, but your wish is forfeit." The reason for the flicker became all too suddenly a reality. He had moved so quickly, he was able move behind Kuro while leaving a single clone in his place, still speaking and walking. But the real self had no interest in Kuro's questions, only his lack of respect for that which was so far above him.

Moderately sized hands gripped onto Kuro's strong upper arms, clamping down like a vice. The pressure his body gave off as an aura, felt by those within the 10 paces of him, increased almost 3 fold on the sennin. The physical pain could drive a lesser man to insanity, resistance would be near impossible. It would pound down not only on flesh but through the body, down to his organs and core. "Then let me tell you. I am Shunsui. Djinn is god, he has told us to rid the desert of its plague. This place, those people... it is a sickness. You protect the sickness, but why? Why?" When he spoke the word why a second time, he pulled. Hard.

Kuro's arms, strong as they were, could not withstand the chakra infused strength if the Djinn. He didn't pull quickly though, he wanted the sennin to feel the muscles give and the tendons stretch until finally each shoulder was pulled from their sockets. But did the Djinn had any interest in stopping there? Certainly not. "How about I make a wish, demon? I could wish to make you tell me your secrets. Who do you love the most maybe? I should like to kill that person before you. You are powerless against me, aren't you?" And to emphasize it, the monster jerks quickly downward while increasing the grip and would snap both bones under his tri and biceps.

"Or should I wish to leave you barely alive, just leave you helpless, make you watch as I pull your family and people apart."

"And what you fail to understand is; I shall be victorious, for the strong... like you... the strong are the weakness. Do you hear me? You are the weakness here. I feed off your power. I can taste your strength and it fuels me. The stronger you are, the stronger I am. You are a drug and as life to me, all of you."
The old, half blue monster was growing unstable, his hold over the body faltering. With the unsettling mindset of a psychopath, he leaned forward and dragged his coarse tongue against the side of his undoubtedly sweaty, thick neck.

"But." He said breathing against his ear. "Should you all want to kill me, prove yourself smarter than me. Prove yourselves worthy of life. If you cannot and you will not, Djinn will eat you up." The Djinn would finish his assault on Kuro by twisting the man, throwing him down to the ground and gripping his right hand with both of his own pulled back behind him. The Djinn's eyes rolled up to the back of his head as began drawing out Kuro's chakra, draining him of his power while powering himself. All it would take would be a few moments to drain the man to the point of weakness and feed himself enough chakra to reveal the true strength of Djinn.

But how long before Nansui took over...?

Nani, you cannot dictate the actions that do and do not hit in the event. There are ways to defeat the Djinn, however, no one has discovered it yet. That being said, the user cannot feel the attack being sent back up the strings, as seen by the episode with the puppet user fighting Neji who sends chakra back through the strings at the user to debilitate it. Also, you did not dictate the puppet had the ability to ground electric attacks and therefore the addition to your post would be void. ALSO, you have not been given permission to have your demon creature/spirits move from body to body. You were permitted to have sealed weak demons into a few stuffed animals, nothing more.

Ultimately, since you decided to nullify the attack from the Djinn and therefore the mission mod, you are henceforth removed from the event. If your character returns to the mission, she will be put out of commission. And you are to cease roleplaying the ability to have demons who can move in and out of objects at will.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Kuro's ploy to stall was quickly disrupted as Djinn instead voided his 'WISH' as it were and decided to pull his arms from his sockets instead. Physical contact caused all manner of disruption and pain but what Djinn had failed to realize was physical contact with a demon blooded although no-where near as powerful as a full demon was folly even for one as mad and powerful as him.

His nose bleeding and his original body beginning to black out left Kuro few options left as Djinn actually decided to take his chakra. Now who was the fool... His question was impossible to ask now that he was literally fighting for his life so instead he gave an answer of his own. Two can play at this game Bakemono it doesn't matter that you are stronger than me as long as my kin survive Kuro instead began to draw upon Shunsui instead in a ever losing battle of chakra tug of war as his weakening grips grabbed the monster's wrists... Kuro invoked a double 5 element seal upon each of Djinn's arms in return using his jutsu mastery and combination jutsu. After the seals were placed Kuro fought with all his will to keep his original body from becoming a crushed bug. He held on like an ant would hold onto an elephant, and released his miniscule sting. Soon he would have to transfer his full consciousness to one his remaining healthy bodies but he would not simply sacrifice himself he would fight till he could not stand any longer. As the moments began to collapse upon one another from Djinn's pressure Kuro's desperate need to protect would overpower him. With the last of his demonic strength he overcharged his body and transformed into a full demon. Having no choice in the matter as he could see his resistance wasn't fazing Djinn. Kuro began building up his spiritual energy, dark chakra, and normal chakra to unleash his second form as he released his heaven seal. He hadn't transformed into his demon form since his inner demon had awakened explosively seven years ago. Another shockwave rumbled across the Sietch as massive amount of pressurized chakra force encased Kuro before it surged into Kuro's defiant stance compressing all the natural chakra, devil sage chakra, and demon chakra into Kuro's last ditch effort. His natural body faded into wisps that were immediately absorbed by his full demon form. Kuro was roaring his challenge to his foe yet he could not hear himself. His demon eyes opened fully the dark black eyes with no pupils alit with violet flames eyes with a feline iris of gold and crimson. His black twin oxen horns enlarged and shimmered with lightning. The horns were two feet each in length, onyx in color and resembled that of an ox but with sharper jagged edges. A slit appeared as his flesh split to open up to his third eye. He roared like a lion as his bicuspids doubled in size. His body reforged itself in dark chakra as it forced itself to be a little larger, his height increased by two feet and although humanoid in build his massive black claws glinted from each finger and toe with a metallic sheen. His left hand, forearm, and shoulder all darkened as the chakra inside them became incredibly dense. Pulsing in its released state the chakra now acted as a type of reinforced subdermal armor. Kuro's right arm matched the left in size but his right hand and forearm up to his elbow were wreathed in a flaming chakra, resembling the look of an ancient battle gauntlet. From the ends of both elbows and knees the chakra formed and pulsed around intricate jagged bone spurs. His tail developed multi faceted chakra link armor as well as the tail's end took on the look of a flaming spiked mace's head flanges and all.

"YOU... SHALL... NOT... PASS!!!"

Kuro gave his all before his main body winked out as he used a Dark chakra enhanced Almighty Push to destroy the ground beneath them; sending them both falling into the catacombs beneath the main grounds of the Throne of bone where the dead of the Toraono Clan were interred. Kuro's body desynchronized as it had no chakra left sending his main consciousness to Sanryoukyogan Kuro. It would take him some time to reach the throne of bone from Kazekage Tower where he had been observing the fiery explosions and was making his way to the remains of the medical facility where Hyakujuuonouu the demon statue was healing as many people as possible. He would collect Sharingan Kuro's body along the way to deposit before the statue of Hyakujuuonouu where it could be healed and reborn for battle.

edited to not leave Topic: Sharingan Kuro & Demon Kuro are down, will make next post of awakening his 3rd body and making his way back to aid everyone and recover his bodies.
(Topic *Not* Left unless Djinn stops Kuro from desynchronizing with his original body)
WC: 790

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Kinnaku, having regained some of her energy, made her way to the location of the Djinn. She could tell where he was, or where 'it' was, because of the notable pressure that he excreted from his body. The Sennin didn't even need her Kikai to fight locate the monster, no, he was just too complex for their bodies to handle: they would be thrown off course and dislodged from their little lives if they attempted to scurry around, frantically locating the Djinn. The noise that came from the Throne of Bone was just too obvious, it was so painful to image that more souls were being mutilated and destroyed at the scene. She couldn't stop the Djinn, nor deter him, but she had to distract him until reinforcements came. "Kuro..." Kinnaku would ululate from her dry, parched lips as she could feel the relinquishing sensation of life leaving a body for good.

By the time the woman made it to the Throne, it was already too late. The Sennin could only but shake in the presence of such a monster. The dead lay carelessly around the complex as coulombs of fire, smo ke and tears filled the atmosphere. She would approach the crater with haste, peering forth and witnessing a scene of confusion: what was this creature, a horrid amalgamation of flesh and chakra, that stood with the Monster, Djinn. Kinnaku held her hand over her mouth and shook her head, a frantic mind not focusing on the specific presence of chakra; it was Kuro, but it would take her a few moments to realize that.

It would appear that Kuro, in such a form, was struggling to cope. He was trying to escape Djinn's grasp. The Sennin's heart throbbed at the situation, her head felt as if it was on fire, burning and smoldering just like her very own Tower. Just like those children, men and women that were all killed in a second. Why did Kuro engage the creature to recklessly by himself? Surely it was wise to wait for backup... But then again, why did Kinnaku come here unguarded too? Perhaps she had already signed the signature that Death wanted from her, and this was an act of finality: a subconscious thing. But she had to act, but that meant her own death! Kuro was attempting to escape, and possibly inform the others...

Concentrating, the Sennin would hold a cluster of Kikai in her hand, their bodies moving like live, black flames. "Tell Satsu... I... I'm quite taken with him." She would smile, deliberately being difficult in order to not seem so 'easy' to fall for another. The Kikai would buzz away, only to appear on arrival on Satsumaru so that they could transmit the message into his own mind. Well, that was the idea. Kinnaku, leaping from the embankment of height, would fall from grace and open her arms - now holding several paper shuriken in-between her fingers. She would perform an acrobatic twirl in the air, using some falling rubble as a platform, and launching the shuriken upon instruction. There was about ten, perhaps of which only 6 would have even made it towards the Djinn.

Hopefully, just hopefully, would distract the creature enough to let Kuro escape. And of course, they weren't just ordinary shuriken. No, Kinnaku sneakily infused her own Kikai into the body of the weapons, so upon contact with the Djinn, or close proximity, they would 'pop' open and snuff the man. Again: they would be easily dismissed but it was only a distraction. "I..." She would say, standing among the tombs of the Toraono elders and whosoever, "I've never met a creature with such strength as you..." Hopefully Kuro would have left by now, leaving the two alone for just a moment, at least before reinforcements arrived. "You snubbed lives in an instant, I suppose I should commend you for having such a vastness of power. But..." Kinnaku would hold back the tears, those painful salty streams that caused her to act wildly against her own intuition. "Like that man there, I am a Sennin... I know what you're thinking," She would smile, wiping her face, and placing both hands into her duffle coat pocket, "I'm too weak to be one. And you would be right..."

Her fists would clench, raising them from their pocketed homes, and her body would shake feverishly. "But I'm a Sennin of Suna! And you don't understand what that means! And not just that, but every man and woman that you have faced against today: they are Suna! A Sennin is only a title, of which I don't deserve, but just you wait... They'll come, those who are not titled, but deserve the glory of the name... They will come and they will seal all of your hatred and sadness." Kinnaku's chakra would begin to escalate wildly, churning and changing into something different and unusual, but not demonic or evil. "I'm cannon fodder in comparison... But even cannon fodder has a duty." Kagai, Roku, Kumiko, Satsumaru, Muzai, Haru, Raijin... But a few who deserved to be crowned Sennin.

She was but a weak contribution to society, and nothing would change that, not even her next, and final, action. Ever since the day she was reunited with her siblings, their ingratiation with her own being, she has always held a force deep inside of her being. It's wild chakra would cause her to become unstable and unreliable, but there was nobody around: it might be the perfect time to release the chains that hold down this monster. In a matter of moments, Kinnaku's body would tears apart and dissolve, her flesh would burn like cinder and blacken like the night. Cutting it short, and leaving the dramatics; she would dissolve her humanity for a last ditch attempt so Suna could regain their strength. A shockwave would blow dust into the area, covering a field of vision until it made its appearance: the hidden Kinnaku.

As soon as the dust settled, the red skinned beast drew back its katanta and pushed off from the ground thrusting the sword upon the Djinn at the right moment, hopefully making contact. After all, this attack was something out of the ordinary, the transformed Kinnaku was now a tall-standing creature of chakra that had emerged from a cocoon of hidden power. A beast that was tied away from her reality, so that it couldn't harm anyone or anything she cared about. The katana, so simply in design, was channeled, and infused, with a large volume of the energy. Hopefully the attack could do some damage, perhaps allow the troops to, yes as before stated, regain their strength and hurry to defeat the monster, Djinn.

[So, I had to shorten it down... It feels yuck to me now, but hey-ho, that's how it goes~! But yes, apologies to skipping description and a proper way of attacking, like now it seems anti-climatic, but I was in a rush towards the end of the post! Additionally, I'll add in her a ruins later too. But she's a Jink, so I've just activated her Omega Cloak, which I've RPd as a transformation.]

Tenrai Indou

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Deep in the recesses of the Throne of Bone sat a boy with an over sized sword sitting across his lap. The small framed boy sat closed off from the world, even with the Armageddon like occurrences happening outside, he still sat motionless except for his breathing which came at an unnaturally slow pace, only one breath per four minutes. The room he sat in was quiet and and almost dark except for the light given off by a word written in runic terran that ebbed a dark crimson. He had been here before, indeed he had nearly taken up residence within the great halls of the Throne of Bone because Kuro sennin had allowed him to stay and learn from his ancient ancestors about the Black Sands.

(in his meditations)

Indou was training with Gesshoku again, as he had hundreds of times before and just like those previous times he was losing, in every possible definition of the word he was losing. Today however the sting of the continued losses hurt his pride more than normal because today for the first time Tsukira was here, his great great great great grandmother, and he felt like he was failing her not because she had said so, truthfully she had not said much of anything, she simply sat and watched with her jet black eyes dotted by the red of her reversed sharingan tomoes.

That's still not right boy, your using your blade like its a weapon it must become a part of you! Have you ever thought when punching something that you must close your fist by contracting the muscles in your and and winding back your arm? No of course not so why are you thinking about how you have to use your sword in such a base manner!?

Gesshoku scolded the boy mercilessly not out of hatred or contempt but because he knew of the potential locked away in the fledgling.

Yes Gesshoku sama I wi.....

Indou's words faltered, something was wrong and for him to feel it here of all places perhaps something was going on in the dojo that he did not know about. He was about to ask Tsukira before he saw the look on her face, simply put it was a deep though somehow subtle rage, but when she noticed him looking at her she immediately went back to normal.

Tsukira sama what was that? Something is going on isn't it? What is it?

Indou asked rapidly not waiting for a response until he reached the end of his line of query.

You are neither old enough to comprehend the magnitude of the answer, nor strong enough to have any effect upon the outcome put the matter out of your head and go back to your training boy, the mentat chamber should seal away all of your signatures of life you will survive....

Indou's eyes opened wide at her dismissal of his questions

If somethings wrong then I have to go to Kuro sennin how could i just sit by and hide what kind of shinobi runs from his master when he is in need of help?


And for the first time since Indou had met the goddess he stood up and turned his back to her

Tsukira sama, would I have any right to bear your inheritence if I stayed?

he asked quietly and not waiting for an answer his spiritual body began to fade before she could grab and take hold of him.

(chambers of the mentat)

The small boys eyes opened and he stood silently placing the sword of Gesshoku upon his back and stretching feeling the stiffness in his limbs slowly abate as he pressed his hand on the wall that slid open slowly.

I'm coming.... Kuro sennin

[topic entered][mft]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

The Steward was on his way. Over the course of a few minutes a plan was in motion. One of many. the Steward would attempt his first course of action: a binding. The devastation of the dojo was a bit much to grasp at first, but the Steward pushed onward beneath his mark two armour. "Communications proceed to hack the PA. Authorization Code is Vector Seven Two-Nine."<i></i> The PA in the system was then compromised as the Steward ordered. "Apologies in advance should I offend anyone with this ... but this will if anything get some form of attention."<i></i> The Steward patched again through communications. "Play the record that I had informed you to get earlier. This thing has the ego the size of Barnyx, I think it's time to assert our own."<i></i>

The PA system through the Toraono Dojo boomed with music. The Steward himself was a man for classical music. His mother had subjected him to rock and over rolled from time to time. The Steward had come to have some tolerance of such music. At its absolute worst it was loud and annoying, just like the Djinn and his monologues. The Steward's metallic form would phase in with it was the spider-puppet that has transported his new armour. "Lock it down."<i></i> His order would come as the automaton began to shift and change gears. The Steward while not a puppeteer, he was a master of metal, and from said spider automaton would spring the trap to attempt to bind his foe. The gears shifted and the entity became to reconstruct itself into a binding automaton that would try and encase the Djinn in an iron coffin of sorts. The form while clunky was reinforced. The Steward knew full well that the binding wouldn't hold, and that is why he had a follow up. "Harupia, try to encase it further. Use your sands accordingly. Anbu employ your binds as well."<i></i> The formal order came. Containment and Termination. That was the plan, for the moment. "Beware of countering elements when using your binds."<i></i>

-Proceed to reference a particular super hero actor specialty
-Iron Coffin being used (the metal spider is the coffin itself, just for sake of flavour)

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

They all sped through the village, some of them obscured from view, other in plain sight. Haru himself was trying to garner as much as possible, warning people to steer clear of the Toranao Dojo. One thing they didn’t consider was giving the entire village some kind of warning...a raving beast was ramping through it without any rhyme or reason, the people should run of to some more shelter spaces...then again was there any? The dojo itself, while not destroyed completely yet, was not in good condition. He could imagine the dead bodies there, but tried to focus his mind on the goal. The wretched beast, the way's they could try and combat it...though still going in without a clear was always a risk, but one they had to take. He prepared himslef the best he could, a large cloud of all the sand and other grainy particles he could bend with his will trailing behind him.

He was a bit bemused after hearing the music start to play through the building...he would even chukle if he werent exhausted and angry...and facing a battle scene between the familiar abomination and another beast of sorts. He didn’t have much time to think as the Kazekage was already there, giving orders to try and bind it down. He could see the trap spring from under the creature. A Metal cage erupting from under it. Harupia himself waited a split second, wanting to give the other creature time to land its strike against the Djiin while gathering his own energies before shouting out "Sand Style: Sand Coffin!" his fingers twisting and pointing towards the Djiin. The sand from behind him and around the are charged at the creature, squeezing around it, forming into a solid, cramped coffin in the middle of the steel prison. He wasn’t sure how long it would last, but he would try to make it the longest, and most uncomfortable as he could. The most he could do for now.

(Using Sand Coffin, standard variant)


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Stepping forth from a quivering mass of darkness, the ANBU Sennin quickly did his best to take inventory of the situation. The Throne of Bone was damaged but not decimated in the same way that the medical tower had been which reinforced Mikaboshi's theory. He'd wasted a lot of the energy that he'd stolen from the attacks which had been directed at him in that massive blast and was now looking for more. He could potentially have stayed and killed indiscriminately but the illusion he'd enshrouded the fighters in hadn't lasted very long on many of them. If the Djinn had stayed to take the lives of the defenders he would likely have found himself facing them down while low on energy. But the question still remained; what sort of connection to chakra did the monster have? Mikaboshi himself was a being that subsisted on the consumption of other being's spiritual energy. A 'chakraphage' he'd heard demon hunters call it. But even though he was capable of feeding on his opponent's energy in battle, that did not give him the same level of super strength that the Djinn had. And even so, he had not witnessed the Djinn directly absorb energy from anyone yet... until he finally spotted the Djinn doing just that to the pinned Kuro.

"So I was right." Thought Mikaboshi. "Then... perhaps..."

The phase of the plan that was being executed was containment. He could feel the energies of the various other shinobi of Sunagakure igniting like candles in the dark as they contorted their hands around in the silly-looking seals that they used to channel their spiritual energy into techniques. One energy in particular though... casting his eyes in the direction of Kinnaku, Mikaboshi could not help but be taken with the strangeness of her power. It was not demonic... not really. But it was powerful. And so unlike anything else that he'd encountered in the village of Sunagakure before. Writing himself a mental reminder to investigate the Medical Sennin-- for surely that was her chakra he sensed underneath the cloak of sheer power that she'd wrapped herself in --Mikaboshi turned his attention back to the Djinn which was sucking the life out of one of Kuro's strange multiple bodies. With the others going all out and the Djinn already preying upon one of the strongest in the village... Mikaboshi decided that perhaps it was time to put aside the mask that he wore for other's protection. His vow was to protect the other members of the village and previously removing his mask would have potentially put them in more danger. But with the Djinn preparing a large store of dangerous energy being harvested directly from Kuro, it was now or never. Reaching up once more as he did before, Mikaboshi slid his index and middle fingers through the eye-sockets of the mask, paused for a moment to prepare himself for the merging of his conscious and subconscious minds... and then with a light tug removed the mask and plunged into the abyss inside him.


Glimpse of the Hunger
With the mask removed and his inhibitions pushed aside, the hungry darkness around Mikaboshi enveloped him entirely for a moment before expanding back outwards... this time as a span of massive dark wings which revealed a sinister change in the ANBU Sennin. In this state, he was much more than a spirit simply trapped in a human body. With his true nature unleashed his entire body oozed chakra and power, manifesting in a glimpse of his former glory. Eight feet tall and covered entirely in a midnight-blue hide pulled taut over tightly corded muscle, Mikaboshi's new form towered over his relatively diminutive normal state. Casting aside the mask that had once pinned his version of him behind it, his terrifying jaws which split his face from up-turned ear to up-turned ear and even ran between his eyes where a nose should have been curled back in a hungry snarl revealing row after row of razor-sharp teeth. He could feel prey all around him. Smaller spiritual presences punctuated his hungry vision, morsels that his unchained subconscious wanted to ravage and devour without delay. It had been pent up for so long... it had been so many years since he'd sank his fangs into another and consumed their soul in the way that he used to. These days he was so much more careful. His kills were quiet and quick. He wanted this one to be slow and agonizing. He wanted to enjoy it. But even as his head glanced around deciding which of the lesser presences to descend upon, the rational side of Mikaboshi battled back and focused the entirety of his mental attentions towards Djinn. If he wanted to feed... he would need to destroy the Djinn first.

ing his claws together for a moment as he focused, Mikaboshi's right set of talons began to shimmer with a mass of his newly unleashed toxic dark blue chakra which writhed around unstably. With that mass of energy condensed into his palm, Mikaboshi flared his looming wings open and crouched for a moment before pouncing forward from where he'd been standing and racing towards where the Djinn had Kuro pinned intent on sinking those imbued claws of his right hand into the Djinn's body... but more importantly into his spirit. Being a predator of supernatural origin, Mikaboshi had long ago learned how to attack the spirits of those who were too difficult to harm physically and the Djinn certainly qualified. If his blow struck true, his claws would stab through the Djinn without wounding him physically but certainly not without leaving his spirit unharmed. The Djinn was a being of unbelievable spiritual power... but given how little he thought of his attackers he was unlikely to be prepared for an attack which could harm that spiritual presence. Even if he was prepared to dodge such an attack, Mikaboshi knew that many others of the Sunagakure shinobi corps were attempting to pin down the creature even as he struck. He was not guaranteed to land this blow... but the odds were certainly stacked in his favor.

EDIT: Edited to fix my picture link which apparently exploded?

Mikaboshi has transformed into his Omega Cloak state with Poisonous Chakra active. His intent is to attack the Djinn with Perfected Rasengan combined with Strike the Spirit.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Medical shinobi at the former tower begins broadcasts a list of names of who had died in the previous event. Nani’s father was a doctor. Normal he did not work nights, but because she was there he worked over time. It was because of her that he is dead and it was too much for her. She walks back to the dojo to the training room that he was in. If he will purify her she would gladly accept it.

[Make my death be painful and memorable. Let it inspire those to fight with all there strength. My next character will be someone more normal. None of this demon stuff.]


Feb 25, 2013
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Satsumaru, or rather Apex, arrived at the Toraono's grounds along with the rest of the Steward's entourage of bodyguards and ANBU. Things were already heating up, with a few scattered shinobi keeping the Djinn's attention. With the arrival of the Steward's group, it seemed that all three of the Sennin were gathered, along with most of the village's ANBU corps. If anyone stood a chance at containing the entity, the job fell to those gathered. If the village's strongest fell, there wouldn't be much left to oppose his destruction of their homeland.

The Uchiha approached calmly and slowly, taking in the situation as the assembled defenders engaged. It seemed as though the entity was draining Sennin Kuro of chakra, leeching from him as a parasite would. Normally, it would be wise to use fire to remove a parasite, but in this instance, it had been proven to be ineffective.

As he approached, small bits of chakra came within sight. Kikai, so it seemed, much like those Kinnaku had been using at the Tower. In fact, they seemed to work in the same fashion. Interesting...

"Tell Satsu... I... I'm quite taken with him."

The kikai brushed up against the Uchiha, sending words to his mind. No mask could hide him from the chakra-based creatures sent by one who knew him well enough. They brought words formed by Kinnaku herself. Why would she send this message? Was she...

This was an awkward time for confessions, and it worried him. There was usually only one reason someone would admit to such feelings or go out of their way to relay them in a time like this, and that was because they didn't expect to make it out alive. For one who made a habit of throwing his life away, this upset him.

Clenching his gloved fists, the masked ANBU gathered chakra and prepared a few jutsu of his own. Kinnaku was here, he sensed her even if he hadn't seen her yet. While it was his duty as a shinobi to protect the village and the Steward, he was compelled as Kinnaku's lover to keep her alive. For once, the killer would play the knight. A black knight, perhaps, but a knight all the same.

He regretably hadn't mastered the art of sealing, despite all the dark arts of it he had learned, but there were other dark powers at his disposal. As with any assault so far, there was no way to know what the being really was or what would affect it. However, it clearly had some essence and chakra, and it thrived on and stole away the chakra of that around it - now stealing the Border Sennin's. It had to be contained, or at least distracted.

Performing some quick handseals and gathering chakra, Apex released his energy into the shadows. In a gamble, he would utilize the Underworld Prison jutsu. Shadowy tendrils would race toward the being, with eerie hands outstretched to bind the entity and drain chakra. In another wave of his hand, he concentrated the Shadow Summoning jutsu. If this thing had a soul, he would drag it out and show it to the village. It may have been far beyond any human's power, but if it had a soul, it would be forced to materialize.
- Satsumaru receives the kikai message, approaching the Djinn and attempting to bind it and pull it's soul/shadow and create a method of attack.
[spoilername="Underworld Prison"]A hellish technique that is said to capture its victims by the soul; withering away and draining their lifeforce steadily until they manage to escape the clutches of this skill.

Prerequisites: - Shadow Affinity, B-rank, 2 mastered Shadow Jutsu

Rank 1: Binds a target at -4 Accuracy. While bound, the victim(s) take -3% Max CP each round active.
Master: Binds a target at -3 Accuracy. While bound, the victim(s) take -4% Max CP each round active.

Special Action: By paying +20% Cp, the user may regain Hp equal to half the damage done by this Jutsu. This gives all checks a -1 Accuracy penalty, and does not stack.

Rank 1 Cost: 800 Cp, 400 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 920 Cp, 460 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to three rounds, requiring a Nin check each round active.
- When bound, the victim cannot perform handseals or move.
- For 2 Ap, a bound victim may attempt to escape with a 15% chance of success.
- This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. (They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though)
- If the user takes more than 10% of their Max Hp in damage during a round, this bind is dispelled.[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Shadow Summoning"]Some say that the soul is connected to your shadow, and to have a lack of a shadow means to be without a soul and in most cases, dead. Whether the rumors are true or not, this Jutsu forcefully materializes the shadow of a victim into a physical, 3D form, enabling the victims soul to be directly harmed.

Prerequisites: - Shadow Affinity, A-rank, 4 mastered Shadow Jutsu

Rank 1: Manifests the victim's shadow at -2 Accuracy. While active, the victim's shadow becomes a valid target during battle.
Rank 2: Manifests the victim's shadow. While active, the victim's shadow becomes a valid target during battle.

Special Action: By paying +20% Cp, the user may attempt to dispell a Shadow currently manifested by this Jutsu. This requires a Ninjutsu check between them and the one who manifested the Shadow. (I.e another Shadow user performs this Jutsu on the you or an ally; you may use this to attempt to dispell it).

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 Cp, 1100 Cp/Rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 1760 Cp, 880 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to two rounds, and requires a Nin check against the victim each round active.
- A target may only be effected by this Jutsu once per battle.
- The Shadow is not a clone of the victim, but retains all their secondary stats and any effects active at the time this Jutsu was used. Any Jutsu used by/on the owner after the Shadow is manifested will not apply to it (Such as creating clones or activating a Chakra Armor or barriers).
- The Shadow does not attack or perform actions, but may attempt to dodge.
- Any damage done to the shadow is done to the owner of the shadow, but other effects such as debuffs, binds or poison, do not transfer. Only Damage. If both are attacked with AoE, whichever damage is highest is dealt.
- The victim may pay 1 Ap to attempt to reclaim their shadow and dispel this Jutsu; this has a 25% chance of success and may only be attempted twice per round.
- This Jutsu always requires full handseals to initiate; regardless of any skills or abilities the user may have (Such as channeling or one handed seals).[/spoilername]


Oct 23, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Raijin followed but at a distance. There was more to be gleamed through observation than his fist and he knew this. Broken noses and dislocated jaws had taught him that lesson many years previously. But there was still something he could do to assist. In their last encounter the creature known as Djinn had caused massive destruction. This time, hopefully, he could slow that goal. It wouldn't stop it completely. But at least he was trying, it wasn't his usual move. The Kazekage was his real priority but the man seemed durable enough in his armor. He could afford a moment to do this next task.

So as soon as his feet stepped down on the Dojo grounds he turned away from the commotion and began making handseals. This time it was a long serious of complex handseals unlike his normal battle ninjutsu. When he finished, a wall of earth rose around the perimeter of the Dojo. His hope being that any destructive blast would be slowed by the wall, decreasing the damage done to the outlying area.

From there roots and trees began to grow and reinforce the earthen wall he had just made. Sewing through the dark stones like a needle through lace. Following that a series of steel pillars came out at a 45 degree angle towards the back of the wall. Giving it one last level of fortification in case the worse were to happen.

By now Raijin was sweating from exertion and he found himself truly strained. It had been a long time since he had attempted something on such a large scale. Mentally he made a note to do this more often in order to adjust his body to the strain. It wouldn't grant him any more chakra but it would help lessen the mental strain of these sorts of task.

When the blast shield was finished, Raijin would let his hands fall to his sides. It would take a few moments to recover from that level of chakra consumption. While he waited he wished this was a more traditional attack. At least then he has enemies he can drain chakra from....

WC: 357

[spoilername="Actions"]1. Bedrock Coffin all around the Dojo.
2. Evergreen Thicket to reinforce the blast wall around the Dojo.
3. Steel Slam to further reinforce the blast wall around the dojo.[/spoilername]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

The Djinn looked down at the resistance that was being put up by his ensnared victim Kuro. The demonic Sennin wriggled with all his might and began to let loose a wave of toxic chakra. Energy that was unnatural and tainted by the dark arts. It was a cute concept that definitely showed this individual was preparing to give his life. The body of the warrior began to take on various changes as his energy continued to flare around. There was some appreciation for the effort being displayed, it was almost commendable to watch this ant-like entity struggle with such passion before him. Then the foul creature did something very aggravating, as its fingers thrust down on the wrists of the Djinn and let loose another wave of pain very similar to the pain experienced earlier. This sent act invoked the return of the Nansui.

His right hand's grip tighten on Kuro as his left hand momentarily released only to latch itself on to the neck of the Sennin with such a ferocity that if Kuro's consciousness was still awake within this body it would feel like its eyes were about to explode from the pressure. And with that the ground gave out as the last stand of the beast-man was to cause an explosion and send himself and the Djinn down into the depths of the dojo. This might have been surprising, or caught him off guard, if the Djinn hadn't been so intent on strangling what life, if any, was left in Kuro's body out of him. "A wretched beast dare lay its filthy hands on me?! I will use this body of yours, one you so valiantly displayed and carried pride in, at my leisure, as a tool for my whim. In afterlife you will know your place; nothing more than a sack of meat for me to toy with!" Before his anger could escalate any further others would appear, but the first was a woman with prideful, sorrow laden words. His eyes, brimming with his own frustration, would turn to the female. While she began her series of movements, releasing the shuriken, the body of the Djinn would react by releasing its left hand from the neck of Kuro to release a wave of energy, that once hitting the shurikens would cause them to explode [Blast Wave]. But while this was going on something else was occurring within the body of the Djinn.

The new set of seals, on the outset of the first seal which was fading in power at this point, would cause an a new imbalance to occur within the mind of the beast. The disruption to elemental nature, now amplified, would be crushing to most warriors but for the Djinn it would lower his ability to be more evenly matched for a few Sennin caliber shinobi while still proving difficult. The change in power would be noticed but the gulf in power comparison between his own and their collective could still be felt, but just maybe hope was shining through. The mind of the Djinn would begin to ring, not because of the sudden booming of loud music but because his chakra being hindered caused some instability within the essence of the beast. His mind already fractured, this new hindrance would bring about something he had felt was disposed from within long ago; emotions. One emotion in particular, fear. He did not fear these mounting creatures, but he did fear what allowing them to continue to breath might bring to his intentions. The risk they carried with them, when collective, was far more than what he had given credit earlier. This new emergence of such petty, human-like emotions immediately flooded Nansui's consciousness and would be reflected through the Djinn.

His eyes, colder than before, would glare at the charging beast before him. Another figure with the ability to transform into a grotesque, corrupted image. His left arm would raise up straight into the air as an energy would be seen releasing to meet the oncoming sword attack. This energy, once struck by Kinnaku's blade, would manifest in a dome that was now surrounding the Djinn and Kuro's body. After a moment of the two colliding forces interacting, the dome would initiate its created design and erupted into a massive explosion meant to push back the abomination. The Djinn would remain with Kuro in his possession looking at his left arm as it lowered, feeling the change in his own chakra flow due to the seal.

Another monster-like figure would lunge out towards him, a beast of pure darkness. The energy emitting from this creature was foul and putrid. It was a much more toxic version of the energy he had absorbed from Kuro earlier, so it was interesting to see what could be down with that powered siphoned into his own being. Maybe he would experiment later. Instead of allowing the monster of darkness the opportunity to strike him with his attack, he would allow the body of Kuro to serve the purpose he had claimed it would earlier, by raring the lifeless body upwards and sending it slicing across his body to intercept the oncoming attack from Mikaboshi. No longer having a need for the body he would release it upon it making contact with the violent ball of energy in the ANBU Sennin's hand and would push backwards to gain some space from a better look at the surrounding. Before he would enjoy that chance, another bug would appear.

This was quite literal as a metallic spider lunged towards him. This was the best he was given by these insignificant beings, this technique that seemed to be some twisted child's dream? Was this nothing more than a game to them? Then a game he would treat it. The creation seemed to begin to transfigure it a metallic coffin, as more ants would appear. "You insolent ants just keep biting, and biting away. I almost feel bad for you, so I will let you have this moment to feel some semblance of hope!" The Djinn's arms would fold as it seemed he was accepting the desert coffin and its confinement. Before the metal completely shut him out a noticeable smirk could be seen on the face of the being, "This will be the only free shot I allow... make it count." And with that his figure would be caught within the metal, and then wrapped once more in sand. The wave of shadows that cut across the floor would wash up against the desert coffins, coming short of making their connection with the Djinn, if to do nothing more than to show just how disorganized the forces of Suna still remained.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Djinn had underestimated Kuro's tenacity, the seals had taken, although after nearly killing him Kuro was forced to leave his true body behind before it was flung about during Djinn's rampage. The explosion that followed along with Djinn's actions flung his now lifeless body into the ramparts a reasonable distance away from his sharingan body which was still alive but completely out of commission. Sanryoukyogan Kuro came running and quickly summoned the massive statue of Hyakujuuonouu behind the rubble strewn about from the initial attack upon the dojo. He had to work fast and well away from prying eyes as Sanryoukyogan Kuro took the bodies one at a time before Hyakujuuonouu and set to rebuilding them, healing their wounds and resetting their bone structures and spiritual alignments. It was a quick and thorough process as the demon warrior's bodies were made new. First body retrieved was Sharingan Kuro whom had been awake ,but paralyzed from all the damage inflicted upon it. Yet another lesson learned by the Sennin from this battle. Kuro's true body had to be summoned away from the battle as it would definitely be suspicious if Sharingan Kuro simply walked in and retrieved his broken corpse and fled. This way would add more strength to the tale that Kuro and his father were immortal and never really died after a defeat, they were simply called back to hellfires of Makai to heal and return. Kuro's body was broken and battered as Indou raced to the scene of his evident defeat, just as he managed to get close enough to try to drag Kuro away his body disappeared in a puff of smoke like an elemental clones body would leaving Indou-san perplexed as to what had happened to his sensei. All he knew for certain was the monstrous being binded before him was the culprit.

OOC: I stand ever ready to delete and edit this post according to any event changes


Oct 22, 2012
Re: The Djinn's Second Attack [Event Continued]

Following behind the Sennin and her other superiors proved difficult for Elfin. By the time she arrived on the scene chaos already reigned supreme. Herself, Titan, Plague, and Osiris travelled within a group, conversing over their plan of attack. What awaited them was just as horrendous as the ordeal they just went through with the Caduceus Tower. Bodies littered the streets. Buildings collapsed upon themselves, trapping or worse killing those inside. The entire Dojo, though in better shape than the Medical tower, wouldn't be for much longer. Unless this Dijunn was stopped. Elfin could only imagine what the Sennin was feeling now. His family home under attack. Members of his family probably lay dead within the streets. If it were here...If it were the Uchiha...No. She couldn't think like that. The moment she let emotion rule her her role as an ANBU would be compromised. Right now she needed to think rationally.

By the time the group of ANBU arrived the battle was well underway, even Sousuke was fighting! As an ANBU it was her responsibility to protect him...but at the moment protecting the village weighed just as heavily upon Elfin. A group assault appeared to have been attempted upon the being, however, the dijinn easily thwarted most of the attacks. At this time Alarge explosion, engulfing it and Kuro, shook the foundations of the dojo. Sending the two of them into the within the depths of the dojo. Though something did feel odd, the aura eminating from the dijinn, didn't feel as knee buckling as it first had. Had the seal Raijin placed on him prior worked? Had it some how weakened him, even if only slightly? But there was still a problem. The being still lingered with Kuro in it's possession. This needed to be corrected. But there was not just one monster upon the battle field. Another, dark in nature, fought against it. It appeared to be a summon or creation of Mikaboshi's. What seemed odd though was the Dijinn's willingness to LET Sousuke-Sama's bind take hold of him. This, in itself, was the perfect time to free Kuro from the Dijinn's reach. Thankfully this was taken care of.

As much as Kumiko wished to help defeat this being she would stick to the task at hand. Containing this beast within the area was, by far, the best thing to do. It could no longer be allowed to freely travel throughout the village. " I'll take the west side. Once I'm in position I'll radio it in. " Nothing more needed to be said. Elfin would take off within the shadows towards her designated position. It took little time. Coming to her position she would click on her com link. " Elfin. In position. "


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
