Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Time Is An... Wait What? [Requesting Medic]

Dark malevolent tendril wrapped around Hime and she could feel the sting of its cursed nature through her ethereal armor. She would struggle and struggle until either she broke free or fainted from the exhaustion of the attempt. Hime knew her ethereal armor was about to expire, but she knows that she must stop this man no matter the cost.

Struggle till free
As many basic strikes as I can do after that.
His plan to hit him hard failed..

The moment he saw his skin turn color again, the marks on his body disappear, he knew he ran out of time. His sage mode had run out and that would mean the trigger of his Gaia vengeance... But it seemed like it did nothing. Gritting his teeth he would try to think of anything other. It seemed that Ryu wasn't that well in combat and he needed someone else to deal the damage while he supported him. And in this case, he had to be on the attacking side.

It was then that he saw a tear open out of nothing and he got a churning feeling in his stomach, whatever he had been cooking up, this was something that wasn't right. The tendrils once more came and Nao did not like it at all. At least this time he was able to see what they were unlike a few rounds back. He tumbled on the ground while he was bound and was sure to not hit his head too hard on the ground.

As he tried to get loose he tried to call out to him. "oi! What mission?!" He tried to yell towards Kaen but it held nothing but fail.. the man was already gone.

He kept wiggling to try to get free, despite how his body was doing. ' Sprained muscles... Depending on how severe they hurt the muscles in my legs... I might be home sick for 3 weeks... If not longer or worse need surgery on my own..' He decided to take it easier and would, as soon as he get free, he would summon his yokai... She would have a blast if she was able to leave a hit on him... And for himself, he would then create a set of hand seals to heal himself up, in the hope to ease the pain in the muscles and not make it disappear.

Things to keep note off: said:
» Master Healing: Medical jutsu are enhanced by 15%
» Transmit Life: The user is able to cast Medical Jutsu and Benevolent skills using Ninjutsu Accuracy, removing their Melee Contact requirement. All Medical Jutsu gain +1 Critical chance.

Ability (passives):
» Healing Factor: +3% Max HP at the beginning of each round
» Hyperactive: +3% of their Max CP back at the beginning of every round.
» Jutsu Mastery: -10% Chakra for all jutsu, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
» Human Anatomy: +1 Critical Range to all attacks. All critical hits deal 2.25x Damage. Additional Critical Damage does not stack with any other Critical attack damage buffs (Opportunist, Hawkeye, etc.).

Weapon while equipped:
» Re-energize: While equipped user regains 2% of their maximum CP each round.
» Recovery: While equipped user regains 2% of their maximum HP each round.
» Vanguard: +5% Damage Reduction while this weapon is equipped.
-10% bonus dmg. +2 acc

Active Style
'Combat Medic'
Actions said:
ActionAPCPRank 1 / MasteredFillExtra
1)3.252500CpMasteredContract Summoning: Jibril A-Rank

32750MPerfected Rasengan [M] Special Action - Nature Infusion: - Against shi-fu Using Feint affinity
Odama Rasengan (NE): Forsaking the elemental properties of other versions, this increases the size and damage of Rasengan. This grants it the chance of the 'Non Elemental' effect and suppression.
Human Anatomy,
Jutsu Mastery,
Natural energy
3)2.5910MMystical Force - against myselfUsing Control affinity for -10% CP

Conditionals said:
APCPRank 1 / MasteredActionSpecial notes
2.5 Ap,1640 CpMFlock of Shadows; When I am attacked below 50% HP.-
And so with the familiar looking assailant now gone and out of range the jutsu that once held Sennin Nao and lady Hime was dispelled. They could move around freely unencumbered by Shi'fu's dastardly ninjutsu. The scenary around them had taken a bit of damage in the fight, but none so much as the gaping hole that was in the side of the Byoin. That and the damage that was caused by the paper bomb that went off earlier. In fact, Shishiwakamaru was still in the room, deep lacerations and dark, crimson bruises covering his body from the explosion. Slowly bleeding out, Nao and Hime only had a limited amount of time to come to his rescue before he completely bled out and died. Surely two, or at least one, hero will come to his aid once more, right?

Shi stared off towards the open hole that formed with the rasengan Sennin Nao pummled Shi'fu with, sending them all outside after the fact. A pittiful cough produced more blood that slowly dribbled down the corner of his mouth. His eyes hazy and dull as the life was draining from his body. "H-help... somebody..." A quiet voice called out to anyone, anyone at all. He didn't want to die here today, he wasn't ready. He still needed to become a full fledged shinobi, a medical nin even. There were so many lives he wanted to save before he left this world...
He felt himself being released from the grasp and he was safe to say very gladly that. Yet he heard something far away... And in his mind he made a connection, all the past actions he neglected to try to rush inside. He didn't feel that wicked aura anymore thus forgetting about Hime being there too. He did come to an abrupt stop as he stood in between them.. There was something he could do. "Medical Ninjutsu; Medical Assistant." A double of him got forth in a puff of smoke. It was weaker than the main body but it was something that could help out. First, it went to Hime, to treat her wounds till they were decent. Before going to others who were harmed in the blast.

As Nao got closer to the young Shi. He stood there shocked for a second before his body got an automatic response and got close. At first, he would check for breathing and pulse. Seeing as how severe it was, he would get rid of the remaining clothing that was on the boy's chest. "Medical Jutsu, special action Medical ward." He spoke softly as he inscribed a seal that would activate in the more dire moment. When he almost died.

His own body was aching especially his legs. He was putting priority over the young child. "C" mon... You are too young... You still haven't seen the world.." He said in softer words, this child was living with him. Eating at the dinner table and being a happy family back at the clan. Seeing him like this right now was difficult. Nao's hands began to glow as he made a few more handsets and started to use Mystical Force. Pushing himself further yet tears were rolling down his face.

After a while of healing, he would stop and check every vital that he could.. As soon as he was done with it... He would lift the boy up gently and bring him to a room. That man would pay...
The ethereal armor finally reached its limit and disappeared. The adrenaline surge of the battle has passed. Her body never felt so weak. She was in the hospital for overtraining and was soon to be released, but after this it is very likely she will be staying for another week. As soon as the bind let her go, she fell to the ground like a rag doll. The strange said his job was done. But wasn’t he here to kill the kid. “Nao, you must check on Shi.” The last thing she saw was a Nao rushing over to her before she passed out.

[left topic]
"M-master Nao? Am I alive?" A weakened voice escaped the young Nara's lips as the healing process was taking effect. But the consciousness would be short lived as Shishiwakamaru passed back out. The damage was substantial, but Sennin Nao's healing was just a step ahead of the game. As the tears dripped down Nao's face onto the barely breathing Nara's the sun would begin to set in the foreground. Shi would live, but not without suffering nigh irreversible damage to his body and mind. It would be some time before he was up and running again, and it was far too early to tell if this would be the end of his shinobi career. Through physical therapy and additional healing sessions Shi would recover. It was only a matter of time. Furthermore the threat was still looming with Shi'fu still out there somewhere. Thankfully, for now, Shi'fu assumed the boy dead. Hopefully it stayed that way.

[OOC - Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
