Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Under Orange Skies [Contract Search]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
One look and Kiri was wondering if he truly needs to return to the village soon. He had returned to Lightning Country, indeed, but he was still skeptical about entering through the village gates, possibly facing the wrath of his Raikage once the issue in Leaf would be brought up. Not that he was scared for the punishments, but that he was embarrassed as it is that he would not know how to answer if he were questioned. Would simply saying that he did it because he was given the option to fight and prove himself through his strength, only to be beaten and making it all the more shameful?

“Stop thinking about it so much,” said his brother’s voice from deep inside his soul. “There is more shame if you hide from your lord. It’s best to come clean and honest.”

Kiri sighed at the thought and looked up ahead to the distance, past the plains and the silhouettes of mountains, Kumogakure waited with its cold climate, its stoic landscapes and its securing feeling. Even if Kiri was born in Leaf, and he did try to investigate about it back when he was in Konoha, all trails led to a dead end with most of the Hasegawa Clan having fled before the civil war started and never bothered to return. That reinforced the notion that he shouldn’t bother dredging up the past and just be loyal to his present. But at that moment, he was being a bit childish to just return and apologise to the so-called “father” of the village.

Everything would have to happen, though. And lingering along the outer villages would not do him any good. He had asked permission from Junko before they separated that he would stay a few days in Port Cirrus, just to visit the old baker and his family. Right before he would head back to the village, and he was trusted for it. It has been 4 days since and he knew it was just about time he started traveling home for real.

Nodding, Kiri would finally agree with his brother’s words, after a mental image of someone patting him on the head. Thus, he would continue on his travel along the plains. He had already calculated that he would be able to go past the plains by nighttime and reach the mountains at the very least. He’ll have to do some hunting along the area for dinner. His beast would probably be happy since they haven’t done any huntings along the mountain pass for a while, always stuck with the forest of Leaf. So the challenge was different and perhaps he could even practice a few of his new jutsus. Ah, but he’ll have to be mindful of other travellers and perhaps falling off the side of the cliff.

But unlike before, when he would run as freely as he could along the tall grasses of the plains, coming home right now gave a different feeling. He would reach out a hand to feel the grasses against his palm as he passed them by. A certain kind of freedom was felt and it was strangely nostalgic, almost as if he had felt a great sense of burden released from him before. However much he would try and recall it, he couldn’t. And so, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was a memory of his brother’s, and so the feeling of nostalgia must also belong to him.

“We don’t have to rush. You seem to be enjoying the sight,” said Kiri with a smile as he slowed his pace running across what almost seemed like the endless plains with the mountains in the background, and the sky turning orange as mid-day began to retreat. But he wouldn’t hear an answer from his brother, simply a feeling of enjoying the moment.

And so, he felt a rising of a childish innocence in him as he quickened his run with his arms out wide, feeling the wind past him. A gleeful smile on his face. A jump, a hop, a skip, a leap, and even crashing on the grass and rolling about. His brother was definitely probably shaking his ethereal head in his soulscape at that point, but it simply felt like freedom.

As he came to a stop, Kiri found himself gasping for air, trying to contain that brief excitement as he watched the passing clouds overhead. The orange sky was simply stunning now that he was back in the country after a year in Leaf. With no forest to be seen at any point of his periphery, the sky was endless and raw, and beautiful that it made one feel like they were nothing compared to the enormity of the world, and yet seemingly strong and powerful to take it on. It was a different kind of high… and comforting… and encouraging.

“Yeah, I really would love to protect this land. But I guess I need to face Raikage-sama first,” he said with a smirk.

[WC: 839]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Being quite particular of the circumstances. Leaving the slope high on the other side of the wrong set of the mountains, Baba would find himself now shaking off the last bits of snow and allowing his clothing to dry from the wetness that came with frozen water that fell from the sky. Packing up his things he would leave them sitting next to a bank on a small stream. His medical Supplies tucked away in a side bag he was carrying with him. Feeling the grumbling in his chest it was time to gather more blood and another heart... but this time he would use an animal heart to see if it had the same affect on him... However, something stirred him. Chakra coming his way... It seemed to be alone...

He'd track its distance keeping a close note in the back of his head to make sure it was unfamiliar. And it was, so he would unclench a fist, leaving it alone unless it came his way... However, maybe they could point him in the correct direction... Then again maybe they were the ANBU that were more than likely tracking him and Akumi at this point... but now that they'd split up. And Baba was trying to figure things out. He knew how to cover his tracks... but how well could he cover them up from someone that was trained to track people down? Who knew...

He wouldnt approach, he'd let his prey come to him. And assess the situation from there, however, he needed to get some food. So with that he would trudge to the nearby high grass, maybe he would shoot himself a deer... rabbit... or even a wolf. Something with substantial meat and a beating heart for him to take a clean shot against. Taking his rifle from the bank he'd travel a few feet to the nearby grasslands and he would create a bullet from bone as it pierced through his finger tip being held up by the threads and tendrils in his body into the chamber. Cocking it back slowly he'd prepare himself for an easy kill as a young buck would appear over the horizon. "Hnn.." the humming in his head would allow him to concentrate. And with a deep breath he would pull the trigger.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Watching the clouds move past, time seemed almost to have forgotten him. Not that he would complain or anything. Kiri was taking this moment to relax and feel at ease while his mind raced to figure out the next step. He’ll have to get back, that he knew very much, but there was still time. He’ll have to prepare himself, mentally and physically, after all. The latter was easy enough, but the former may not be too willing. He had a reputation for his pride, and that was the biggest hindrance in his adventure in Leaf. Thinking about it, he wondered what would have happened if he ended up destroying the alliance that they were trying to accomplish for years. Ah, but he wasn’t really all that important.

Just then, his senses got into full alert as a bang resounded loud into the plains. He stopped himself from standing up, coming to a crouch, still hidden within the tall grasses as he assessed the situation. Eyes darted from side to side as he tried to decipher what was happening, but he felt it. His beast inside easily caught on to the scent of blood in the air, and it was fast to pick up the scent of a familiar creature.

“Hunter?” he wondered as he tried to get his options right for today. He wasn’t ready to get into a fight just yet, but if hunters were abound, he’d have to avoid them. But that wasn’t the Kiri-way.

Slowly he would rise from where he sat and let himself be seen from amongst the tall grasses. Immediately, he would let his senses track down the location of where he thought the sound came from and he began to make his way over. Should someone be spying on him as he made his way, he was ready to retaliate. For now though, a certain desire of a hunt was surging within his beast, and Kiri felt that the presence of another predator was rather interesting.

Well, he was now back in his country, so there was to worry about, he supposed.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Almost like Echoes in the sky... The Bang would cackle like a hyena laughing over a downed prey. There he was, the Boogey man, the predator of the damned... moving and slithering over to the side of the Young buck, who seemed to still be alive. His now short blonde hair fallen over his scalp and draped over his face covering the top of his vision. He could feel the chakra looming in the distance, but what was there? Who was there? Nodding once again Baba would find it within himself that this would be a chance to kill two birds with two separate, yet effective stones. But First... he would step down on the neck of the buck breaking it under the strength of his body. The sounds of bone crackling and snapping under his foot almost echoed itself... but now his attention would turn to the far side of the empty plains.

"Who is out there?" he'd call out. The Air would wave a bit, causing the grassy land to shiver in the wind. It was calm... and he could still feel the chakra in the distance... He didnt have an idea of how close but the stronger it felt.... the closer it would be. Calling out again but he would yell a bit louder this time. Maybe to get a reaction as he moved closer cocking his gun back again readying the gun to shoot again. "WHO IS THERE!?" shaking his head he would continue pointing until he got or heard something.

"Fine.", muttering under his breath he would continue further bridging the gap... finally coming close enough to see a bird fluttering as he would finally lower his weapon... Maybe his sensory abilities were leaving him. Who knew...


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Coming closer, following his instincts that told him something was off, Kiri would be on guard. He had experience with hunters or poachers before, but they weren't so silent like this. If anything, they could already be awaiting for him.

Just then, he could sense the writhing of the creature before its life pulse disappears for good. He furrowed his bow. This was no likely hunter. He stopped on his tracks again as he felt the stirring of his brother's soul within him. A good long while before he continued again and this time, he was more than ready to chase out the prey as he should.

Crouching, he slowly gathers his chakra about him fast enough before letting it wash over his body, creating a diffusion of his chakra that would otherwise makes his presence known. Drenched the darkness of a shadowy mist, his body a thing of darkness itself, he would keep below the line of sight and away from the tips of the tall grasses. With mid-afternoon moving quickly, night was at the corner and soon enough he'll be at a more favorable hiding capacity.

Foe now, he would stalk ever closer, readying himself for what's to appear.

But what came was a voice that echoed. The sound resonating the distance between them. The uncertainty to the voice made him think that this hunter was not accustomed to the lands, which led Kiri to wonder just what kind of man this was. He would remain silent, though, seeing as this was not the time to pit strength against strength.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
It was quite irritating to know something was there... but there was one sure fire way to get them to come out. Baba would frown, deeply moving his body away from the chakra source at first only to grab his things on the bank not far from them, then turning back to the direction of said chakra, He could hear movement. It wasnt a child... the chakra signature suggested otherwise. Though he could not guess... he didnt know. However, he didnt have time to be waiting for someone to try to nab him... He knew people he might not ever met were after him. Or at least he was under the assumption that they were after him. "Fine have it your way..." calling out once again... Letting the wind around them rustle.

This was not the time to be doing this in Baba's head. Either it was a kid playing games... or an adult looking for trouble. And as it didnt matter before he would not want to deal with this, it was stressful enough to think about having anything after him. Maybe he was just going crazy? Who knew... but he would frown before he would turn again and begin flashing threw handseals. A large jutsu to hit the entire area. "...If you dont show yourself... I'll be forced to end your life without ever seeing your face..."

[Calling Bmod if Kiri chooses to continue to hide]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
The closer he went, the more certain Kiri was that this was no ordinary hunter with an alibi. He could feel the gathering of a chakra pulse, far different from the one that belonged to the creature earlier. This one was more controlled, more precise. And while his encounters of his kind in the plains had been quite numerous in the past, the one he could remember was Raku. But even back then, the two were close to engaging each other until both seemed to have figured out that they were not a threat to the other. And that is where it differs with the current predicament.

When words began to resound clearly, Kiri comprehended every part of the speech. The accent was different and the tone was suitably… agressive. No cloud shinobi would feel threatened in their own turf to the point of threatening an unknown. And no cloud shinobi would be far out for a simple hunt without identifying themselves the moment they have sensed Kiri’s presence, or anyone’s presence for that matter.

With both him and his brother in agreement that this person was possibly not from this area, and judging from his ultimatum for Kiri to appear or be killed, it was dangerous to let this man go any further without knowing his intentions. And from his most recent trip to Leaf, he had declared it time and again that he would protect Kumogakure from all sorts of enemies.

“Times like this Osu-senpai would scold me for not having a headset,” said Kiri in his mind, earning a “tch” from his brother’s soul. But with eyes still up ahead, the blonde would bring forth his all to engage this unknown threat.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Almost like silent confirmation Baba would pinch the bridge of his nose, He would try to make this interesting and quick... There was something about this chakra it made him uneasy, and he wasnt about to back down from anything. So with little consideration of the future Baba would find that this would come back to bite him in the future. However, he did not at all care about that at this moment in time. Looking to the sky for a moment maybe this would give him a bit of a reprieve. Maybe this would be best for him to gain a bit of substance... He was still looking for himself in the sense that he didnt know what his life would amount to... Maybe he was destined to be a great leader. Maybe he was going to be the most extraordinary leader of a village or a people that would ever be known.... Maybe he would turn out to be the villain that the world seemed to so desperately needed.

Who knew... but now, he would have to turn it up. This might have turned into one of the turning points in his life. His ideals were... transparent right now... to a point which they didnt mean or have any grounds at the moment. "Welp... Times up.", He would draw his Bone Kunai... And this would begin as he would grind his way through the grassy lands looking for his victim to victimize.

[Bmod Called]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 1

HP: 20,400-643=19,757
CP: 21,200-4,933=16,267
AP: 8-8=8
Status: Affected by Heaven’s Touch | Affected by Strainweed | Hidden Action #1 | Hidden Action #2 | Hidden Action #3 | Alpha Cloak


HP: 45,000-7,906=37,084
CP: 29,425-3,050=26,375
AP: 10-8.25=11ap
Status: Dance of the Willow | Affected by Kiri’s HA #1 | Affected by Kiri’s HA #2 | Affected by Kiri’s HA #3 | Dance of the Camellia
Equipped:: Bone Kunai

Round Actions:
0s~Baba switches into Dance of the Willow.
0s~Baba draws a syringe.
0s~Kiri decides to duel Baba!

.5s~Baba stretch-throws the syringe at Kiri! (Auto-Hit)
-Kiri poisoned with Heaven’s Touch!

1s~Baba draws his Bone Kunai!
-Baba strikes at Kiri! (Hit)
-Baba’s Exploding Note goes off for . . . no damage!
-Baba’s Botulinum Toxin is not effective due to needing to be used with a syringe!
-Kiri is hit with but still resist the Strainweed poison that the Bone Kunai was laced with!

1.25s~Kiri sends his shadow towards Baba!
-Baba body switches out!
-Baba does something! (Miss)

2.75~Baba goes into the Dance of the Camellia on Kiri! (Miss)

3.125s~Kiri does something . . . (Hit)
- Kiri adds something to the something . . .
- Kiri adds another something to the something of the something . . .
- Kiri follows up with a Menacing Blast at Baba (Hit)

5s~Kiri puts on his Alpha Cloak!

5.225s~Baba decides to Dance like a Clemantis! (Auto-Dodged)

10s~Baba does not have enough time to complete his actions!

Round Note(s):
- Poison’s only stack if they say that they do!
- Don’t forget to actually put how much CP you’re prepping an E-Note for, folks, lol!
- Let me know if you see anything that you believed that I miss. Discord is the easiest way to catch me.
-Send in actions ASAP please, lol!

- The poisons were re-addressed . . .
- Initiative cannot be used with binds . . .
- Please read all poison rules.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Right in the chest... causing Baba to stagger back as the menacing blast hit his stomach, chest and abdomen... Causing him to fall to the wayside, before rolling back to his feet... As he got up the bones now coming out... protruding from his body. Now he was pissed. The look in his eyes, a man unstable. The hearts in his chest would begin quivering in excitement. And the tendrils seemed to be reaching for air out of pockets of skin that had been hurt in the immediate hit. However... one thing that worked in his favor... His syringe. The class of a Medical Student that kept highly volatile poisons on him. Just in case... however, he kept some secrets in his weapons just in case.

"KEeeekekekeke! Ohoh! So you dont show your face... AND NOW YOU Hit me with intent to end my life?!? KEKEKEKE!", twirling his kunai in his hand he would frown as he would look to the unknown boy... Now covered and dripping in destructive chakra... There was a strong sense there was little to no control though, it was... a high level of chakra, something that many people couldnt contain... And maybe that would work to Baba's favor as well... So with a flick of his wrist he'd devise a plan to take down the beast... bit by bit... and make it suffer... he might even take a heart for himself. He was a monster after all... and wasnt this what monsters did!?

[Actions Sent]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
He knew he may have gotten himself into a bad situation, especially when one of his trusty jutsus just missed. Kiri clicked his tongue as he rolled away from direct line of fire as soon as his chakra-infused shadow barely clipped the target from when it stretched all the way to begin the charge. At that point, Kiri was reminded of his most recent bout, a crash course in the art of fighting with Manzo of Leaf. If only things were as easy as they were in a class, but they weren’t. Pitted in the real battlefield, experience and composure were necessary. At that, Kiri had to calm himself and figure out how to go about his next plan.

It was at that point when Kiri was caught offguard, a hand landing beside him, and a prickly pain shooting at his skin. It was quick, but the hot liquid that entered his body was evident for him to deduce it was poison. He may have caused a lot of trouble for Osu, but he was still his student, always learning first hand, and aspiring to be a doctor. As such, he knew the moment he got inflicted by that swift manoeuvre that a syringe had tasted his flesh and craftily violated his internal system. Sounded vile. But that wasn’t all there was. The quick moving enemy struck out with a strange weapon that left a cut across his chest, ripping along his yukata and happi, a mess that he’ll have to mend should he survive.

“Law of attraction. Don’t think it if you don’t want it,” chided his brother from within. Kiri nodding in response, eyes still focused on the enemy even when pain soared in him. He was burning the image of his opponent into his eyes, his memory, and he was also planning for the next.

In an instant, Kiri would duck and dodge and roll and leap away to avoid the succeeding strike of the opponent. Something he had learned quite recently– nothing to lose when one opts to evade. And perhaps by positioning himself in a better view, he found his luck. A quick movement of the hands forming a seal before a glaring aura would strike the enemy, like a painfully haunting oppressive nature before Kiri gathers enough chakra before him to blast at the enemy in quick succession.

Now having mustered his energy, Kiri felt a part of him let loose, his chakra intensifying around his body but only like a thin veil, just as the vertical slit on his forehead would open up to reveal an eerie golden eye that kept watch over the opponent.

“You threatened first,” said Kiri, almost as if with a pout, “And I can’t allow that. Any way or form, within this country, threats easily given are indicative of who is saying them.”

[Actions sent]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 2

HP: 19,757-7,925+408=12,240
CP: 16,267-2,562+636=14,341
AP: 8-3.575=9
Status: Affected by Heaven’s Touch | Affected by Strainweed | Maintaining Phoenix Embrace | Maintaining Lightning Illusions | Alpha Cloak | Fire Style
Equipped:: Nakigitsune

HP: 8,800
CP: 10,250
AP: 4
Status: Slimy
Equipped:: Slime


HP: 37,084+2,700=39,784
CP: 26,375-4,716=21,659
AP: 11-9=11
Status: Dance of the Willow | Aware of Phoenix Embrace | Aware of Lightning Illusions | Dance of the Camellia | Heart #1 | Heart #2 | Maintaining Clones | Maintaining Bone Dragon
Equipped:: Bone Kunai

Baba Clone #1
HP: 1,667-5=1,662
AP: 2.75

Baba Clone #2
HP: 1,667
AP: 2.75

Baba Clone #3
HP: 1,667
AP: 2.75

Bone (Steel) Dragon
HP: 5,775
AP: 2.25

Round Actions:
0s~Baba maintains Dance of the Willow and Dance of the Camellia.
0s~Kiri maintains Alpha Cloak.
0s~Kiri regains some chakra!
0s~Baba attacks with Dance of the Camellia! (Hit)
0s~Kiri succumbs to both Heaven’s Touch and Strainweed!
-Kiri falls asleep . . . and dreams of shadow sheep!
-Kiri further fails to resist the Heavenly poison!
0s~Baba suddenly can see clearly now that the rain is gone!
-Hidden Actions not affecting Baba at this point.
-Baba aware that Phoenix Embrace has been/is being used on him.
-Baba aware that the Lightning Illusions that he’s seeing aren’t real.

1.81s~Baba creates more Baba’s!

3.85s~Baba summons a Bone Dragon!

6.57s~Baba targets Kiri with a Perfected Rasengan! (Auto Hit)(Sneak Attack)
-Kiri’s alarm clock [Exploding Note] goes off right as he wakes up from his nap, affecting both him and Baba! (Hit)(Hit)
-Baba body switches with Baba Clone #1
-Kiri knows who the real Baba is!

6.57s~Kiri enters his Fire Style!

7.12s~Kiri draws his Nakigitsune.

9.595s~Kiri summons Elrin (Slug)

10s~Baba and Kiri heal!
10s~Kiri nor Elrin have enough time to complete their actions.

Round Note(s):
-Fixed an HP error with Baba’s Healing factor.
-Accidently charged Kiri the cost of Alpha Cloak last round so I did not charge him for it this round.
-There’s a lot of Genjutsu and Poison shenanigans going on between you two . . . read up on the Genjutsu and Poison rules.
-As always, I’m not perfect, if you see something, please let me know.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Suddenly the chakra enveloped demon seemed to fall to the effects of his poisons. "I call that one... Alittle piece of Heaven... Kekeke...", nodding he would begin to set up his plan of action for the young man... Seemingly still chakra running and pouring out of him he would feel his chakra rumble, 'Genjutsu?' tilting his head a bit looking down he would look and wonder... 'When did you have a chance to place me under a Genjutsu? This boy is good... Caught me under a Genjutsu... and I didnt notice... Hm, there might be something deeper here to harness... but who knew.' nodding again he would summon his clones and the Dragon of bones... Shivering a bit he would find himself now more focused. And now it was time... huffing a bit and charging his chakra making sure not to utilize too much he didnt want to kill his meal quite yet... He wished to bring it to its knees and beg for forgiveness.

"Odama." as he would charge the chakra in his hand... expanding it and allowing it to flow outwardly... a perfectly round and erratic sphere of amber chakra seemed to ripple... finally he would fling it with a stretched limb of bone and thread-like tendrils sending the chakra to the 'sleeping beauty' or rather the sleeping prince charming... but this was no fairy tale... and there would not be a happy ending. As soon as it connected the boy woke up and somehow an exploding note hit him... but he switched bodies with the clone he'd previously made...

"A contingency plan? You're more skilled than you let on..." cackling a bit as his body would ripple and his hearts beating in his chest seemed to pump with much more veracity, almost as if they were pushing Baba's body to become more... More than he was... more than he could be accepted to be. He was becoming a monster, bit by bit his psyche was breaking down and what was left of his humanity seemed to be washing away in the flood of chakra and anticipation that fueled his mind. He was a terror. And now it was time... to break this boy down, he couldnt have been any older than he was... but he saw the world through eyes of a man that had lived for hundreds of years.. his birthday may read something... but his brain led him to become something else...

And now he would stare down to Kiri... In the distance... as he stood next to his clones and a Dragon... and The boy had... A Slug? Maybe it was tasty... he'd find out soon enough.

"Oh great Hero of this... Mountain... Country... You look at me as if I am a fool, to protect this country and your friends... you first have to be able to protect yourself, and harness that power through your own ideals. But can you? That one blow alone seemed to knock the wind out of you. And you got a complete straight-on shot at me...KEKEKE, and my body has already regenerated itself.", though as Baba would say that he felt his mind going haywire... and he would begin to hum...

[Actions on the way]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
As the fight went on, the energy continued to wrap around Kiri like an armor. It was, for the most part, like one, but also not. It was more of a second skin, a releasing of his constraints and the freedom of his suppressed chakra. But no sooner had he found such freedom, he would begin to feel strange. Even as he kept his eyes open, the world began to shrink, and soon enough, there was just darkness. In the stillness of this unknown space, he was left in confusion.

A trickle of a sound echoed and he turned from side to side to find its source, failing. It felt cold and surreal, different from his soulscape. But he calmed himself and soon began to feel the warmth of his chakra. A face appeared in front of him in that lone void– a face that would have haunted others, but was much more welcoming to him than any other. The large metal plated jaws of the shadow beast, with golden eyes that lay focused on him, and with a waving mist slowly enveloping him. It was his brother’s presence, the beast’s chakra that seemingly kept watch over him.

“Am I dead?” asked Kiri as he reached to touch the face.

A smirk? Only he could really see that and he knew that he was alright. Still, there was a seriousness in the silence of his brother’s soul. This place was unlike the most of the void he dwelt before.

Then suddenly, he would be brought back into the bright world of the plains, his body crashing onto the ground with pain searing deep into his system. He pauses for a moment before his mind gathers all thoughts back and piece things together. Then he realised that this was not simply because of the explosive tag he had prepared. Coughing out blood and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Kiri would quickly pull himself together. Despite the pain, he got up and let his outpouring of chakra infuse with his nature, feeling that sense of a fiery surge within him. Immediately he draws his blade, Nakigitsune as his emotions from earlier were beginning to personify, that is to say, he remembered the eyes of his brother and the concern. There was no way he would betray those eyes.

And remembering the words of his mentor before, there was no shame to call for help. And in his most recent trip, his newly found allies, had encouraged him to depend on them in times of needs. A little hesitant, Kiri would do it anyway, holding the edge of his blade with his freehand, feeling the skin tear under his palm, before letting go. Then he would do a few handseals before he dropped down to a knee and slammed his palm to the ground, letting his shadows flow around him to form a summoning circle.

Instantly, a surge of chakra would flow out from the center as he stood back up, and a large, human-sized creature, a blue sea slug, would appear before him, floating in the air as her own chakra would seemingly create an aura around her body to keep her afloat in this water-like air. Even then, Kiri would feel a strange uplifting power attach itself to him as he glanced at the slug with a nod, right before he stared back to the enemy who had now made clones and a large bone dragon creature.

What a memory that was… something he encountered against Takeshi before.

“Okay,” replied Kiri. “Then, I’ll have to start again. Failure only happens when you die. Until then, I can keep on trying.” And it would be an embarrassment if he could not remember that moment he fended off against Takeshi’s bone dragon, or the hint of the extending limb as was Osu’s most common way to slap him when he wasn’t studying hard. Indeed, he wasn’t at all surprised at the scene before him, but he wasn’t one too confident either. He would simply push through. “You’re not getting pass me that easily. That’s one thing I’m sure of.”

[Actions sent. Sorry for the wait]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 3

HP: 12,240+408-14,921=0(Medical Ward)+1,632+2,750-100=4,382
CP: 14,341+636-7,301=7,676
AP: 9-8=9


HP: 37,084-437+1,350=37,997
CP: 26,375-7,226=19,149
AP: 11-8.75=11
Status: Dance of the Willow | Dance of the Camellia | Maintaining Clones | Maintaining Bone Dragon
Equipped:: Bone Kunai

Baba Clone #1
HP: 1,662-500=1,162
AP: 2.75-2.5=2.75

Baba Clone #2
HP: 1,667-500=1,192
AP: 2.75-2.5=2.75

Baba Clone #3
HP: 1,667-500=1,167
AP: 2.75-2.5=2.75

Bone (Steel) Dragon
HP: 5,775-470=5,305
AP: 2.25-1.75=2.25

Round Actions:
0s~Baba maintains his maintains.
0s~Kiri maintains his maintains.
0s~Kiri resist Heaven’s Touch and is no longer affected by Strainweed!
0s~Baba suffers from the Phoenix’s Embrace as well as the ever apparent lightning illusions!
0s~Baba strikes out at Kiri with a funny dance! (Auto Dodged)
-Kiri uses a K.Target to get out of danger!
0s~Baba drops his Bone Kunai.
0s~Baba draws his Surgical Gloves.

2.475s~Baba attempts to attack Kiri with Dance of the Clemantis! (Hit)
-Kiri is bound!
-Baba strikes at Kiri! (Hit)
-Kiri is freed from the bind!

3.33s~Kiri summons the Shadow Dimension (All Hits)
-Everyone/Everything in the topic is in the Shadow Dimension!
3.33s~Kiri tries to go into stealth!
-Clone 1 and the Bone (Steel) Dragon cannot see Kiri!
-Kiri is empowered by the shadows!

4.54s~Clones #1-3 ready Shadow Projectiles!

5s~Elrin attempts to hit Baba and the Bone Dragon with Acid Rain! (Miss|Miss)

5.467s~Baba summons a Stardust Nova at Kiri! (Miss|Miss|Hit|Miss|Hit|Miss|Hit|Hit|Hit|Critical Hit)
5.467s~Baba combo’s that stellar attack with a Perfected Odama Rasengan! (Hit)
-Kiri is KO’d!
-Kiri drops all maintains, his style and his weapon due to KO status.
-Elrin poofs!
-Kiri’s Medical Ward activates!

6.66s~Kiri uses Regeneration!

7.26s~Clone #3 sends a volley of replica Bone Kunai at Kiri! (Miss|Miss|Miss|Miss|Miss|Hit|Miss|Miss|Miss|Hit)

7.77s~The Bone (Steel) Dragon attempts to hit Kiri with it’s full impact! (Miss)

9.08s~Clone #1 attempts Blood Grind on Kiri! (Miss)
9.08s~Clone #2 hits Kiri with Instant Fall!

9.98s~Clone #3 sends a volley of replica Bone Kunai at Kiri! (Miss|Miss|Miss|Miss|Miss| Miss|Miss|Miss|Miss|Miss)

10s~Baba and Kiri heal!
10s~Kiri and the Bone (Steel) Dragon do not have enough time to complete their actions.

Round Note(s):
-Please read the Duelist ability.
-You have to state if you do not wish to dodge ally’s medical stuff.
-As always, I’m not perfect, if you see something, please let me know.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
As the fight raged on, Kiri could feel the creeping uneasiness underneath his skin. It was burning but he did not let it faze him. With his mind fully determined to defeat the enemy, nothing would deter him from his actions. Not until a sudden action from the enemy caught him off guard, and he found himself bound, unable to move from his current state. Try as he might, his body simply did not want to follow his command and before long, he would suffer a blow from the opponent.

Once freed, though in pain from the recent strike, Kiri summoned up his chakra and let loose his energy across the field. Almost at once, his shadow would grow from the ground and envelop the entire battlefield into a dome of darkness. In it, Kiri felt empowered by his affinity with the darkness, allowing him a moment’s advantage with the enemy. However, he may have forgotten that his summon Eirin would not be able to take advantage of the situation, seemingly struggling with the new environment that her attacks would fall short from hitting the enemy.

And it would seem as though the enemy had decided to throw in more ridiculously strong jutsus at him, that despite his advantage at the moment, he would still get hit. Smacked straight into the body, Kiri felt the wind knocked out of him as he flew across and crashed into the ground. His mind did go blank, his vision darkened, and the dome itself said farewell to its short-lived existence.

But Kiri would feel a spark in his chest, prompting him to wake up and gasp. Turning to the side, gasping for air, he could feel the surging healing jutsu that was coursing throughout his body from the seal he placed on himself. Like a sudden shock to awake his senses, it worked, though he was feeling every bit of pain and exhaustion that was delivered at him. Coughing out blood, he gritted his teeth as instincts would take over and he quickly made the hand seal for a regenerative jutsu to wash over him. Veiled in a thin aura, he could feel the enriching energies try their best to treat his body, but he was almost running on empty.

What’s more, he felt the sudden lack of his beast’s power. He grinned even at the face of an impending defeat for he was truly cornered now. And yet, surrendering was far from his mind. “Haah… Haah… Not yet, Mr. Stranger…” he said as he pushed himself to a stand. Despite the shaking, the call of his muscles to simply lay and beckoning of the breeze that felt both heavenly and painful against his bruises, he persevered.

Eirin was gone. Perhaps that mental lapse had cut off his connection with the slug. He only hoped she was alright.

Raising, still, his sword at a ready, Kiri let no movement to waste. He was ready for everything– that he told himself, even if he was pushing himself far too much at this point.

[Actions to follow]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

These are the precious moments we will never get back... Goddess... Help me...

Rippling throughout his body, Baba's chakra would be bouncing to abnormal levels of volatility. Lashing out at the boy he would look for a moment, cackling like a hyena ready to feast upon the body of the boy. Slamming his jutsu into the body of the boy.... And just as he suspected... there was no way to avoid it. And that was enough to knock the boy briefly unconscious. Though it didnt matter... this was all evident... the present timeline of Baba had him lashing out until this boy's death. And thats just exactly what was going to happen... He was ready to feast... ready to destroy... Ready to become the monstrosity that the world viewed him to be. Or so he'd thought. His ideals, wants, needs, goals and aspirations, all cultivated by the fact that he wanted to share a visage of wisdom to the world about the monster that people could be perceived to be, and how that would ultimately affect the psyche of those just from a 'growing up' standpoint.

Moments before, Baba's vision began to tunnel... however the visions of the clones helped him keep track of Kiri... though the boy had tricks up is sleeve, it would seem that he'd try to entrap him in a void... Shadows... and the slug was ready to pounce in for the boy... however, with his overwhelming chakra Baba sought out to out power the boy. Which he did using some jutsu styling that he didnt have before... Something that Baba would reach into the back of his arsenal to use. "KEKEKEKE!" cackling as the void dissipated and his summon would poof. That was the action of a person that was knocked out but used the medical abilities to zap you back into the world of the living. Baba was aware of the jutsu and seal. It was... a technique that could be used as a variant but the process was still the same.

"I can smell it... Your chakra is running thin... Your body is ready to give out on you... And yet you do not give in? Do you think you can win? Do you believe your life is worth anything more than you think?", shaking his head a bit he would turn to the sky and the area they were fighting in. The bright plains. Grassy terrain now something else.... Thrashed by jutsu and pounded with the attacks they threw out. Could it be that Kiri's fighting spirit was more than Baba expected? He was a mortal... Something Baba knew nothing about. Death was a treat Baba could never taste. Just nothingness was before him. When the roaches and spiders were left at the end of time... Baba would be there to feast alone on the supply of the world. Drunk in the thoughts of... his being so misunderstood... just wanting to be able to go home without the pin prick of society's want for immortality.

"...You're just a pawn in the grand scheme of things... Your actions today will never echo for eternity. Because all you are, is a cog in the ever flowing system. The name you were born with, was a name that would never to be uttered to the same effect mine will and has become...", the tendrils in his body would begin seeking air... and a reprieve from their skin's bindings. he was letting loose. And this would be the lasting imagery that Kiri would see. It was time to rain down with the Visage of Sin with the power of calamity.

"I am known as the monster that lives in the dreams of the shinobi. The one that can take everything you worked so hard for... To some...they think of me like Baku-san... to others I am the Boogeyman...", nodding he would finally open his mouth as the threads would begin to break is body apart... and is form would become true...

It was time.

[Actions incoming]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 4

HP: 4,382-5,995=-1,613
CP: 7,676-4,514=3,162
AP: 9-7.75=9
Status: Bleed R1
Equipped:: Nakigitsune


HP: 37,997+1,315=39,312
CP: 19,149-5,634=13,515
AP: 11-10=11
Status: Dance of the Willow | Maintaining Clones | Maintaining Bone Dragon | Goulish Shroud
Equipped:: Surgical Gloves

Baba Clone #1
HP: 1,162-500=667
AP: 2.75-2.5=2.75

Baba Clone #2
HP: 1,192-500=667
AP: 2.75-2.5=2.75

Baba Clone #3
HP: 1,167-500=667
AP: 2.75-2.5=2.75

Bone (Steel) Dragon
HP: 5,305-470=4,835
AP: 2.25-1.75=2.25

Round Actions:
0s~Baba maintains his maintains.
0s~Baba keeps up his Dance of the Camellia! (Auto Hit)
0s~Kiri Instantly Falls!
0s~Kiri bleeds . . .
0s~Kiri is no longer poisoned!
0s~Kiri begins to Duel Baba . . . again!
0s~Kiri enters a defensive stance!

2.27s~Baba throws on a Ghoulish Shroud!

3.33s~Kiri attempts to drag Baba into the Supreme Aqua (Shadow) Realm! (Miss)
-Kiri is in a giant shadow bubble by himself!

3.17s~Baba attempts a Spear Hand at Kiri! (Miss)
-Baba succeeded on the roll to avoid hitting the dome but still missed Kiri.

4.54s~Clones #1-3 ready Shadow Projectiles!

5.44s~Baba attempts to slap Kiri with a Leech Seal! (Auto Dodged)
-Baba succeeded on the roll to avoid hitting the dome but still missed Kiri.

6.66s~Kiri attempts to send a Water (Shadow) Dragon Bullet towards Baba!
-Kiri hits the dome!

7.26s~Clone #3 sends a volley of replica Bone Kunai at Kiri! (All Hit)
-The dome is attacked instead of Kiri!

7.49s~Kiri attempts to basic strike Baba! (Miss)
-Kiri hits the dome!

7.71s~Baba sends forth a mass of stretched Malicious Tendrils! (Hit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Hit)( Hit|Hit|Miss|Hit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Miss|Miss|Hit)
-Baba hit the dome for the first 5 attacks followed by the following 10 attacks on Kiri since the dome was destroyed.

7.77s~The Bone (Steel) Dragon attempts to hit Kiri with its full impact! (Hit)
-Kiri is KO’d

9.08s~Clone #1 attempts Blood Grind on Kiri! (Hit)
9.08s~Clone #2 hits Kiri with Instant Fall! (Hit)

10s~Baba heals!
10s~The Bone (Steel) Dragon does not have enough time to complete its actions.

Round Note(s):
-Corrected Baba’s weapon.
-As always, I’m not perfect, if you see something, please let me know.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Kiri felt giddy. That is to say, the restlessness was real and he was just about ready for anything. That was, until, the other began to change. His appearance grew darker and his visage was monstrous. Kiri took in the image of the demon, unsure if he wanted to protest against the creature for its sudden appearance. He was certain of one thing, though, and that was how he found the other speak rather... Odd.

In that, he gained a bit of his composure, and kept himself straight and at a ready. He was never one too good with conversations, to begin with, so he could barely make things from the way the other spoke. And if anything, he was reminded, all the more of the times he fought beastly warriors who altered their appearances for their advantage. Kiri would not be surprised.

"I've seen worse in the past," he rebutted the other's rather lengthy speech with a grin. "And I have a mentor who is far more shocking though subtle. Besides, what on earth is a bo... Boogeyman? I think you're dealing with the wrong person here, as I'm often told to try and learn a few things."

With that out of the way, Kiri then sent out a jutsu that aimed to engulf them both, hoping to separate his target from his creations. Unfortunately, the fiend was cunning and managed to get away, but the dome of shadowy water was able to protect Kiri from the offensive. It was just, however, a sad part in Kiri's affairs that the dome would prove to show his inexperience. He was still playing newly found discoveries and would need a lot longer to truly understand the nature of his jutsus. As such, his plan of rapid assaults ended up being trapped with him. A rather sorry and comedic sight and frustration was showing on his face. And to add to that, the enemies were slowly chipping away at the dome.

Soon enough, Kiri would see a crack in the pitch black surface before it shattered. All at once, came the fiend and his relentless attacks would strike true. And as much as Kiri wanted to hold out, his mind refusing to give up, his body would not listen. Blood trickling down the side of his face, the blonde found himself lightheaded. He staggered for a bit before his feet lost balance and he cave in.

His vision collapsed before he did, though he still felt the last few strikes. The pain reverberated in his dark world and he could faintly hear his brother's voice. No doubt he was worried. No doubt he was angry.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
