Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Zone 4 [Mission]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
As the kids spoke and listened, as the one who seemed to be of a higher age also spoke, Maki took a moment to wonder just what the hell he was doing here. He paid attention as each kid spoke, his ears picking out things that might be important later. Nervousness was present, and honestly he would have been amazed had it not been. These were just students, and he wasn’t sure why they were being sent on so important a mission. His own recruitment had made it apparent that danger was expected.

Still, there was a knife/vapor user, unarmed/mirror with a splash of Hyuuga, and a Sand/fire user. Manzo was good with tai, also. Maki was apparently the only one who put a claim to genjutsu, which wasn’t unusual. What was unusual was the call they all suddenly got. A bank robbery, and everyone but him was eager to go off and do something about it. Normally he’d begin reprimanding people for endangering the mission, but their job didn’t begin until tomorrow. That included him.

”Well, glad to meet everyone.” Maki follows along with an easy stride, his eyes taking in the city around him. ”I guess we’re foiling a bank robbery. Priority here should be on the hostages. Monkey lost sucks, but money can be replaced. Can’t really replace some poor kid losing their mom to an overzealous cop deciding to screw the hostages and stop the crooks at all costs.”

As they come upon the scene, Maki naturally moves with Manzo to the people already handling it and clears his throat. ”Greetings. Here to help. Need some info, however. Do you know how many assailants there are? What their armaments consist of? How many hostages? And how many exits or entrances into the place?” While they could send the students to scout for such info, it would be quicker to get it from the officials present if they already had it.

(Sorry for delay in posting.)

Hiyasu Shiori

New Member
Apr 22, 2017
And so the group began to share. Small snippets of information were passed about, and Shiori took note mentally of anything of use. He already knew about Hiroshi’s abilities with sand. What he hadn’t known about was his knack for fire. Shiori had been told he had an affinity for the element, which gave him his gift in vapour jutsu, but he hadn’t made any effort in using the element, preferring to use vapour in it’s many forms.

Shiori hadn’t known much about Yukio, but it was certainly interesting to hear of his odd abilities. He had assumed something was up with his eyes when they had changed from blue to white, but he didn’t want to say anything. It might have been seen as rude. He had first noticed it in Takeshi’s first class, the theory portion of their survival training. It had been one of the few full classes he had been in. It was a bit odd that none of his classmates were there. Kiri and Hoshi it made sense for, they were cloud ninja, and had returned to their village. But the others hadn’t joined up for the mission. He and Yukio were the only members of that class to come on the mission. That was a bit odd. Maybe they didn’t think they were ready? Takeshi had told him about this mission. Maybe he had withheld the information from other students. The thought made him swell with pride a little. Obviously Takeshi thought both himself and Yukio were good enough to at least learn from this mission. His step became lighter as he continued to the steak house.

Yukio also made use of mirror style jutsu. He had never heard of such a thing. He supposed though, as a student, he had a lot to learn about the different chakra elements and their combinations. It might be something good to ask about at the restaurant. His stomach grumbled as his thoughts turned to the food.

His ears pricked up at Manzo’s offer of training. He was obviously very advanced for someone so young, there would surely be a few tricks to pick up. He had very little experience in unarmed taijutsu, and his sword work could always be improved. He was getting better at wielding the energy blade that he could conjure up, but he knew he could improve, would have to improve, to be considered the best. He could ask for training and pretend it was for knife skills. He could take advantage of that whilst he was on watch with Manzo later on tonight.

Then the call came in. It seemed there were some bank robbers on the loose. That was not the job they had been selected for. This city had it’s own law enforcement, they would be able to take care of it. If they went off chasing the bank robbers, it would mean they were pulled away from guarding the plant, or not well rested for a night of being on watch.

“The mission has not started and personally I have a few hours before my guard shift. I am going to see if I can help out with this situation. As the mission has not started you are free to come with me or you can continue on to get something to eat.”

”I don’t know how much I will help, but I want to do whatever I can to assist so I’ll be coming with you. If any of you decide not to go, grab me a to-go bag from the restaurant so I have something to snack on when I get on watch.”

Yukio silently walked over to the group that was forming. He looked at Maki the mercenary, the final member of their group.

”I guess we’re foiling a bank robbery. Priority here should be on the hostages. Monkey lost sucks, but money can be replaced. Can’t really replace some poor kid losing their mom to an overzealous cop deciding to screw the hostages and stop the crooks at all costs.”

Shiori felt the colour drain from his face. Was he the only one who thought of the mission they had been assigned? They would be wasting time with these heroics, and it would negatively impact the mission. He shrugged. He would stick to his convictions.

“You guys go. I want to be fully ready for my shift later tonight.”

He turned into the steakhouse, the warm scent of the meals washing over him. It was easy to forget that he had essentially turned his back on his team when the promise of warm food was right in front of him. As he stood, waiting to be seated, the maitre d walked over, eyebrow cocked as he looked over Shiori’s careworn clothing. Shiori flashed the card, and the face of snobbish judgement became an obsequious smile, leading the boy to a nice table by a window.

Yes, he had made the right choice.


WC 833 [2157]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Order up!" As Shiori would sit down and order his meal. He might also notice the fact that the where he opted to go was still somewhat near where the team was headed. Whatever feelings he might have felt, soon all of them would drift away as his meal was placed before him. The gaze of one or two steak connoisseurs fell on the young boy trying to each such a hearty meal but soon their conversations drifted to other things like the stock market and what wines were available for the evening. Shiori being true to himself was about to enjoy a feast when a familiar acquaintance joined him.

Dressed like any other self respecting scientist would be, the blue haired man from earlier was rather surprised to find Shiori at the steakhouse instead of running around trying to save the damsels at the bank. Though he was only in the restaurant to officially pick up lunch for his team, the man had failed to call ahead so he decided to linger while he waited on his to-go orders. Sliding into a seat across from Shiori, the man attempted small talk. After all, the best way to know ones enemy was to find out directly from the horses mouth. Putting on his best smile, the man held out a reassuring hand. With the light of the sun hitting angles just right, the mans name was clearly seen to be stenciled on his lab coat over his heart.
"Hello there my boy, I take it that you also couldn't pass up a good meal!" A studious eye would catch the the rather odd surname Ao following the title of doctor. It seemed that even in his time off, Shiori would get no rest.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Arriving on the scene, the team would find that the bank was either especially compensating or the city was just that loaded. Sporting a large symbol of wealth on the building, the least costly of building materials seemed to be the marble exterior. Decadent in every manner, the emphasis on the building being set apart from the others around it was only further emphasized by the fact that despite existing on a public road, that the bank enjoyed a comfortable land grant as well.

With all the cops surrounding the building, it was quite clear that the team had arrived at the correct place. No sooner had they done an explosion shook the area and all the local law enforcers ducked as debris flew outward from within the bank. Appearing to be the chief, one brave police officer waited until the dust had settled and stood up yelling into a megaphone.
"Aka, we've met your demands now hold up your end of the bargain and release the hostages, you're only making things worse on yourself!" Whether this infamous Aka would listen or not remained to be seen. With a moment as tense as this, the team had two major choices before them. Did they rush in and save the day or make themselves available to the tactical orders of the local law keepers. What they chose to do as a team or as individuals remained to be seen.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi arrived at the bank with Megu in trail, a smirk across his face as she enjoyed the challenge that they would face, looking at the situation he knew that they represented leaf at that moment in time. Their actions would depict how the village came off, and as such it was probably best to do this as a team, and only follow the orders that had been given in advance. Looking back Takeshi caught a glimpse of the explosion that shook before a man began shouting. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked for somewhere quiet.

“I will be back in two minutes Megu, please wait here and I will come and join you in a few seconds, I have something to do”

Takeshi moved quickly as he looked around and found a dark alley, this city would always have one somewhere as he crouched down he allowed his hands to come together before dragging the remains of something he would rather not think about into life. As the creature scrapped itself to life he continued to scribe on his hands quickly and finished transforming it to Sera, looking to her a small smile on his lips as he watched her gaze back to him.

“I have a favour to ask form you Sera, as always it seems I need you these days more than Rin”

“Of course, bar his quick talks he is useless, though that hair makes him look cute, anyway what do I get in return for it?”

“Let’s say another letter since I know you enjoy writing them, to babysit a kid for a bit, sound like a good deal?”

“Done, I’ll go find him”

“Thank you”

With that Sera turned on her heels and left, on her way back to find out what Shiori had got himself up to. Knowing her luck, he was probably waste deep in trouble, but anyway Takeshi had asked her to help and she was more than willing to go and do it for no fee bar a letter. Though the letters meant more to her than anything else in the world, it was clear that she had foundation for a friendship with the Dark Sage. As she moved quickly through the streets scanning around for any form of the kid that she was babysitting, though he probably would not know her that much didn’t matter. She was there to help.

Back to the task at hand I guess, I got to see if Megu got himself into any trouble. The kid seems good though so it’s doubtful.
Takeshi sprinted back with speed to regroup now that he had finished doing what needed to be done. He knew full well that just having the extra support around the kid would be a bonus. Takeshi regrouped with his partner in a heartbeat as he came back with a big smile on his face, nothing out of place or showing any signs that something was wrong. Of course, he knew full well that things where taking a more serious turn at the bank.

“Right let’s see what the situation is a think things through after that, I probably should go ask the dude in charge if he wants us to do anything. After all, if we just barge in on his turf this could end badly for everyone involved, I hate to put that smear on the reputation of leaf, after all we are an extension of the village and by that the Hokage. Weird way to think of it all eh? Trust me you will understand much more later in your training”

Takeshi turned around and headed to the guy with a microphone, as he looked around he knew that the building was surrounded but the next step was what action would be required of them, of course that was if they were needed at all that would be the interesting thing. As he headed towards the man he turned back to Megu for a second.

“When everyone turns up, just keep them talking with you, once I have information or orders we will act on them, make sure no-one goes gun happy it would just cause bigger issues”

Takeshi turned back and walked towards the man in charge, it seemed that he would be the one that was required for information. As he headed over he ignored the minions that would be scattering around. There was no point spending time jumping up from person to person when you could just ask the man in charge. Made life for everyone easier and got answers a lot quicker.

“Excuse me, we are Leaf Shinobi in the area hired for a mission, we heard the call go out and wondered if you would require any assistance? If you do what do you need of us and we will act on this information.”

Keeping it short and simple was the best way to get information, and to get the team that would arrive working together to act on the information that was given from the police officer.


At the same time Sera was walking around trying to find the shinobi that she was supposed to be looking after, it seemed that he was not an easy man to find after all. Though she shrugged it off with ease as she continued to search, the smell of food making her hungry but that didn’t bother her right now.
Finally, she saw the boy, it seemed someone was enjoying a bit of meat while the others did the hard graft, she wouldn’t complain. She wasn’t being dragged into another useless fight so in her eyes everything was going perfectly smooth to say the least. As she headed over she sat down beside him and looked to the boy.

“Its Shiori right? Takeshi sent me to stay with you and offer any assistance you may need, no point leaving you alone in this place. Might as well work as a team in every situation that is given to us. So what we going to do?”

- Takeshi is speaking to the commander for orders
- Asked Megu to gather the group ready for information
- Summoned Sera using IWR
- Sera is with Shiori helping him

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
The bank was nothing but pure opulence. It was no wonder the robbers had decided that taking a shot at this bank was worth what ever trouble they might find. Trouble they would find as well. The problem had become the hostages. If it hadn’t been for them Manzo likely would have charged in and proceed to have fun with the bank robber. Not saying he wouldn’t come out unharmed, but helping people see the errors of their ways was something that amused him.

Manzo did not begrudge Shiori for wanting to be prepared for his shift later on. After all that was part of the mission. Granted one they had self imposed, but it was still important to be your best at all the tasks you do and if he thought that dealing with this situation meant he was not going to be ready for the mission then he made the best decision.

While Manzo could not speak for the others that joined him, his motivations were much simpler. Citizens were in danger. It was cliche but he it was a big part of the reason he joined ANBU. So he was not going to sit back and enjoy a nice juicy… no stop thinking about food at a time like this. He would get food soon enough once this situation was taken care of.

As the group approached the bank Manzo looked around for the person in charge. As he was looking around an explosion happened from inside the bank. As much as the urge to rush in to save the hostages was pressing him right now he knew that there was likely vital information that he was missing. They needed to be tactical about this situation since the police were already on the scene. This was not a situation for them to take charge of, at least at this time.

Hearing the megaphone he zeroed in on the speaker. He wasn’t sure if that was the head person but it would be a good person to deal with for now, until they got pawned off onto someone else.

Approaching he spotted Takashi and Megu, it seemed that they had beaten them there. It also appeared that Takashi viewed this as more beneficial than guard duty. It was sure to be more exciting that was to be sure. But considering Manzo’s own personal motivations it was not hard to understand Takashi’s. Manzo could hear Takashi asking how they could be of assistance. Not wanting to bombard the police with questions from multiple sources Manzo simply went to stand near Takashi, to show that there were more that could help as well as being able to hear the answered clearly.

The explosion was still weighing on his mind, what was the status of the hostages on the inside and what had set it off. There were to many things that could go wrong right now or had gone wrong. It made Manzo glad that Takashi had already started to do the talking, it allowed Manzo the opportunity to think about how he would break into the bank if he needed to deal with these robbers. It also gave Manzo a chance to start thinking about how the robbers themselves had gotten in, assuming they did not just walk in through the front door with a bag full of explosives. It was one option but that option did not leave many options for their own infiltration.

[TWC: 1842]


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
Megu's concerns fell by the wayside as the two of them reached the scene. Although Megu had already been impressed with the sheer size and glamour of the rest of the city, the bank really was something else. All he wanted to do was reach out and run his hand across the smooth exterior and see if it was shiny enough to reflect his face, but no, they were on a mission. He drew his attention away from the opulence and surveyed the scene. the police were already present and just when Megu was starting to wonder why they were even needed a blast shot debris towards the outside. He slid behind a car and took shelter for a moment before returning, albeit slightly shaken. It was at that point that Takeshi briefly decided his abilities were best served elsewhere. Megu stood in silence, listening to the police chief.

I could try out my clone jutsu? Try to sneak into the bank and see what's happening? No, too obvious. Although there is one way I may be able to get a better look.

With a few handseals he moulded some of the debris to create a small crystal eye. He was hoping that the eye would be small enough to escape notice, as well as give them a better view of the situation. With all the chaos and the debris he was confident the eye wouldn't draw attention to them, well as confident as a 10 year old student in a hostage situation really can be. He rolled the eye underarm towards the bank, using his chakra to try and guide it closer towards the door to try and peer through the gap. He held the image from the eye in his mind as it moved inch by inch closer, ready to dissipate at the first sign of detection. He heard voices and realised that Takeshi was back and taking charge and had been talking to him. He also noticed that another from the group had joined them also.

I mean maybe I should have checked with Takeshi first...

He walked over to the older nin, tugging slightly on his robe.

"Erm Takshi, I did a thing. I can see the bank, want me to go closer?"

If Takeshi turned round he'd point at the eye and await further instructions, not allowing the eye to quite reach the bank and instead rest near to the door trying to see inside.

[Total Wc: 2397]

-Use Crystal Eye to create an eye that will approach the door and try to hide behind rubble whilst peering through any cracks or crevices in the door.

-Release crystal eye on command or if there is any sign the eye may be noticed


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki makes a note of being ignored entirely, which wasn’t that surprising considering an explosion went off shortly after his arrival. Well, a look at the building showed much. One entrance on the ground, a few windows higher up. As Takeshi begins questioning the cop again, Maki watched one of the kids make a crystal eye and send it out. Good intuition there, the kid might make a good scout one day. The mercenary gives a sigh and shakes his head realizing he had three options.

He could cross the distance, climb the building, and go in one of the windows. That was the ANBU method he was sure. Showy, flashy, and risky. Crossing from here to the building would be highly visible. And while he cold likely circle to a side without windows on the ground, who knew who was watching from those upper windows. He didn’t want to be the guy who triggered a hostage killing to happen.

Option two was the rush the door and do his best that way. He felt he could handle some robbers, but that option was the riskiest, because he would, without a doubt, be noticed. And they would, most likely, kill some hostages to attempt to stop him. Maki knew if they did that, stopping him was out of the question. And if he did this right, he might be able to negotiate a higher pay than just from the power plant.

That left option three. He steps over to Takeshi and leans down. ”Heading in.” Two simple words but he knew that not warning the other would lead to worse things. He pops his headset on and hands Takeshi a slip of paper. ”Here’s my radio frequency. I’ll provide intel from inside.” With that said he falls back out of sight of the building and forms a few seals. And then Maki simply sinks into the earth below. This always bothered him, the suffocating feeling of being underground. But, as before, he would ignore it and move.

Maki had a general idea for the direction and distance to the bank. And he had a trump card in his sleeve. Unlike many people, he had an attunement to the spiritual world that gave him the ability to know and guess unlikely things. He moves towards the building. Should he hit a barricade that he cannot simply go under, then he would have to od something more. Something like immerse himself entirely in the ethereal to pass through if possible. But he wouldn’t come back up until that gut feeling told him it was safe to do so.

Inner Earth Reflection Lure when out of sight
Head towards bank this way. Use ghostly form rank 2 to pass through barriers if needed/possible.
Use ESP to know when to come from underground to not risk anything.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Taking a look around the scene Yukio would note the arrival of Takeshi and Megu alongside the resto of them, though they were now not on watch there was more than enough reason to be there. This was, for all a very tense situation, a good chance for the shinobi of leaf to represent the village.

Walking over to stand alongside Megu the Hyuuga would focus his eyes on the building to see if his eyes could pick out the location of those within the bank seeing his team mate form a Crystal eye. This would most certainly make the lives of the Shinobi easier to say the least, gathering intelligence was a vital part of any mission especially one with a tense outcome like this.

Taking a short moment to look around in slight detail to make note of who had come with them, Seeing Isaki speak to Takeshi a moment before moving off he could only assume the two of them had a plan to make their lives easier during this time. He also took note that most of the students seemed to have arrived on the scene as well, any help they could give no matter how small and insignificant it may seem to them could be vital to the mission turning his head as he spoke to Megu in a calm and collected tone.

“At least between all of us we should be able to get this place covered from top to bottom to find out what’s actually going on here, there’s only so much the normal eye can see from out here.”

It had been some time since he had spoken to Megu not since there previous lessons together from the academy remembering the first time they had actually met in more safe and secure circumstances.

Following Megu over to as he walked over to Takeshi he also made an effort to listen as to what was being said in the area around the bank wondering what led up to this point as Megu asked the elder Shinobi about his plan he decided to give some input however slight it might be.

“If we can both work together here we may be able to make the best use of these abilities, If I can see them I can guide you in a way that those inside won’t be able to see what your planning. This should be the best use of my Byakugan I can give at this time depending on if they can block my sight somehow. Always expect the unexpected I think the saying goes.”

With that input, he returned his full attention to his eyes, blocking out most of the outside noise around him to make sure any information he could give in that moment would be accurate. This was not the time nor the place to be giving false or inaccurate information.

Though he knew if he screwed up the young shinobi had confidence in his peers and that even if they had clashing information somehow, they would be able to fill in the gaps and create a clear picture of the inside.

[WT: 2561]

Use active Byakugan to scan the building looking for both hotages and bank robbers.
Ready to work with Megu to guide his jutsu through the building.

Hiyasu Shiori

New Member
Apr 22, 2017
Shiori browsed the menu. There were so many things here, not only steak. He didn’t even know what an aperitif was. Suo’s fare was far simpler sounding, made of more classic meals for hungry workers. Seeing some of the things here… Shiori had begun to think of himself as a budding chef, and now he felt like less than an amateur. He didn’t even know there were different types of steak, let alone so many different starters, soups, fish courses and desserts.

His father had always said to try something new whenever he went anywhere. It was sound advice, on the most part. Apart from that one time he had Oysters… The thought sent a shudder down his spine.

He looked right at the bottom of the menu. There seemed to be some kind of set menu, advertised as ‘chef’s favourites’. 5 courses! Shiori smiled, it would be perfect. He might be on the main course by the time the others came back, sent away by the local constabulary. The waiter complimented him on his choice, it was apparently an excellent one. That was good to know. The waiter apologised for not being able to offer Shiori the wine pairings, offering a range of soft drinks instead.

“I’ll let you choose.” Shiori said. He had no idea what a lot of these drinks were. Pressés and infusions and the like. Again, he was complimented on his excellent choice. He liked it here. He settled comfortably in his chair as the waiter brought some sparkling tonic water. He sipped it, his face scrunching at the bitter taste. It wasn’t unpleasant, and there was a hint of lemon at the end.

Then some berk sat down opposite him. Some fellow with an odd name and blue hair. The pieces clicked again. He had been the scientist there giving them the overview of their task. Why was he here? He supposed Scientists needed free time too. He was looking forward to his meal alone, but it seemed that enjoyment was ruined. He smiled at the blue haired man.

“No, we seem to have plenty of funds with these cards, so we agreed to treat ourselves. Until they went to the bank.”

As he finished his statement, given without enthusiasm, his first plate was brought to him, steaming hot. It seemed to be something wrapped in bacon on bread, with a drizzling of a pale orange coloured sauce. There were three of them, arranged in a triangle on the white plate. The sauce had been drizzled back and forth to make a squiggle. It all looked nice, but you didn’t eat with your eyes.

As if sharing Shiori’s thoughts, the waiter bent slightly toward Shiori, affecting a conspiratorial manner.

“I would recommend eating them quickly. They are best hot.” He smiled before walking off to another task.

Well, no time like the present! He reached out, grabbing one of the pieces. He put it into his mouth whole. The crunch of the bacon mixed with something else. It tasted like seafood… It was a nice combination. He eagerly picked up another.

“You are enjoying the angels on horseback, I see.” The waiter observed, pouring some more tonic water. Shiori nodded eagerly, swallowing before replying. The sauce added a small amount of citrus and spice to the flavour, bringing out the brine and seafood flavours of whatever was in the bacon.

“What are angels on horseback?” He asked, putting the third and final in his mouth.

“They are bacon-wrapped oysters, sir.”

Shiori paused, fighting the urge to spit the food out. He resumed chewing, he didn’t want to be kicked out of here, and it wasn’t actually bad. The two items complimented each other perfectly, he would have to try and replicate this at Suo’s. He used the bread to mop up the sauce that had mixed with some of the juices the angels on horseback had produced, enjoying the concentrated flavours of salt, sea, and citrus. Shiori resolved to try more Oysters in future.

He washed it down with some tonic water, cleansing his palette.

“They were lovely. What is next?” Shiori asked, the main with blue hair forgotten for a moment as his culinary journey took centre stage in his mind. The waiter smiled at him, picking up the used small plate.

“The soup course, sir. A Gazpacho developed by our chef here. It’s very popular.” He replied, chest puffing with pride slightly at the end of his sentence. It seems the waiter was very invested in the success of their steakhouse. A steakhouse with odd meal choices, but they had knocked it out the park so far. He was right to be proud.

“Its Shiori right? Takeshi sent me to stay with you and offer any assistance you may need, no point leaving you alone in this place. Might as well work as a team in every situation that is given to us. So what we going to do?”

Some woman sat down next to him. He had never met her before, yet she acted as if she knew him. It seemed he was a popular boy whilst simply trying to enjoy a meal in peace. He didn’t hide his annoyance at being interrupted.

“I don’t know what we are going to do, random lady I’ve never met. I am going to enjoy my meal before starting watch later.”

He just wanted to eat nice food. It seems between the jocular scientist and the random friend of Takeshi, he wouldn’t be able to have a peaceful couple of hours.

He wondered what Gazpacho was.

WC 936 [2260]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sensing that his time was up, the scientist nodded at the young boy and got up to leave. It seemed that the kid would be far too into his meal to talk and if there was one thing that Dr. Ao couldn't stand, it was a kid with no purpose. Clearly this kid was focused and the man liked that very much. Slapping the kid on the back, the man would congratulate him on the well deserved meal and then walk off beyond the hustle and bustle of the restaurant. Picking up his food on the way out, he found himself on the busy street heading towards his place of work. As he blended into the flow of traffic, he soon made his way at the foot of the large nuclear power plant where soon he'd expect his shinobi friends to be on guard. Checking in at the front desk, he flashed his badge to be let in past the guards when a loud explosion could be heard in the distance. Turning around to look out towards the glass front doors, the mans eyes perked up as he saw a large plume of smoke from the direction of the bank. Unable to do much concerning it, the man's alarm was further heightened when he overheard a conversation that a few of the building guards were having. "Yeah, they said that the stand-off at the bank went up in flames when somebody tripped an explosive chain reaction and sent debris clear across town."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eyeing the young man calling himself a shinobi of the Leaf, the captain on duty spit in the general direction of Takeshi towards the ground. Though he'd made sure not to spit on Takeshi, he'd certainly aimed close enough to give the man a warning. "Look, we don't need your type around here messing with our investigation. If you want to help, go and find some old lady with a cat stuck in a tree. You folks are good for that type of stuff. So how about you go and bugger ya tw-." The man was about call Takeshi a rather unkind word when suddenly he started to receive a distress signal from over his headset. Putting a hand to his ear in order to hear what was being said, the man swore out loud before pointing at Takeshi and yelling loud enough for all to hear. "Look what you lot went and did!" Turning towards his men, the man began to yell for everyone to evacuate. No sooner had he done so than the first of a new round of explosions went off. Compared to the ones that would followed, it was small, but it gave Takeshi and the shinobi precious seconds to protect what they considered important.

Blowing up just under the large golden money sign on the face of the building, the sign shook and whatever protective measures holding it up seemed to fail because it hung loose of the large face of the bank that it was placed on. Threatening to fall due to the previous explosions, the sign lurched and began to make a loud creaking noise. It was clear to all that it wasn't going to survive the mayhem. While Takeshi might not have been privy to what happened to cause the situation to go full throttle, the scene had played out right before the eyes of Megu and Yukio. Well meaning and indeed a fine plan by all conventional means, as Maki rose through the ground within the bank what he hadn't seen were the charged chakra seals primed to explode. In the middle of the bank was the red haired woman Aka speaking a group of her goons dressed in all black. Over their chest was a red letter "R" and listening to a rather riveting speech that the woman was giving to the hostages about her personal glory and how she'd soon take over the city and then the world, the woman stopped short as a spark of red colored chakra crackled a few feet away from her. Others might have missed it but any who could see chakra or in her particular case, the caster of the jutsu knew clearly what was happening.

"They got in!" Although it was clear by the wild turning of her head that she didn't know where the threat was going to come from, she knew enough to know that she hadn't the time that she'd expected and she made a quick handsign and gave a wink to the group of hostages before she gave a final quip. "We'll be blasting off now. Goodbye my loves!" With no more of a warning she let loose a wave of chakra and suddenly crimson colored chakra seals around the bank began to reveal themselves by glowing brightly then exploding. The first one was the loudest for those inside the bank, including Maki. With Aka and her grunts seemingly disappearing in the chaos , every other explosion after the first seemed to be as if one continuous chain reaction of explosions as the entire situation went from bad to worse. Even though he was miles away across town, Shiori could feel the rumbling of the earth as the first explosion. What he soon saw though was the falling of debris from the sky and in a span of a minute or two, the front of the restaurant exploded as a large golden money sign crashed into the sidewalk in front of the building.

OOC: I tried to write the action from multiple points of view . . . tried being the keyword.
Shiori: Eating his meal, etc when suddenly he feels/hears a large explosion off in the distance. Lights flickering in the restaurant, etc. He has a 2 minute prep time before the multi-ton golden money sign crashed into the street outside of the restaurant. There are upwards 50 people in the restaurant plus staff. The restaurant is four stories high, there is a basement and the three floors above the restaurant are residential. Affected by [Debris].

Sera: With Shiori . . . doing whatever it is that she's doing.

Takeshi x Manzo: Outside of the building and unaware of what happened inside. They have a 5 second (half round) prep time as they witness the explosions from the outside There are 20 police officers around them. Affected by the explosions considered [Outside]

Maki: Unfortunately tripped the trap wire so to speak. Maki is at the epicenter of the explosions within the building but also is the closest to the hostages within the building before it goes up in an explosive flame. Maki has a 10 second (full round) prep time. There are 24 hostages within the bank. Maki is affected by the explosions considered [Inside].

Megu x Yukio: Are outside of the bank near Takeshi and Manzo relatively speaking but have insight as to what happened in the bank. They have a 15 second prep time (round and a half basically). They can see both the hostages inside the bank as well as the police officers outside of the bank but are only affected by the explosions considered [Outside].
Aka had primed a number of large explosions to go off at the first sign of intrusion. The explosions are considered to go off continually for 10 seconds. The explosions and debris are to be considered as follows in terms of relative RPable strength.

Debris = 1 S rank Ninjutsu's worth of damage to the building face.
Outside = 3 A rank Ninjutsu's worth of damage to the surrounding area.
Inside = 5 S rank Ninjutsu's worth of damage to the interior of the bank.

PM me if you have any questions.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi stopped the conversation which was already on the back foot at the sound of the explosion, his eyes focused on where the blast had come from, knowing full well that he had probably got a line for this in his book, he just wasn’t sure on how to reply, so in a very calm and sinister tone he looked towards the man and sighed slightly seeing the area that would soon be bombarded with debris and pieces of the explosion that would soon litter the ground, he allowed a small sigh to come to his lips as he prepared himself for the oncoming litter that would crash into the ground.

“You know, you really made a mess of this one, I guess it’s good to know that you guys are incompetent as well as sluggish to react, but hell we will help even if it puts us at risk. That is what we are for and what we do in leaf. Just move your men back we will have to take care of this situation.”

Takeshi sighed to himself before his hands coming up, allowing the chakra to flow threw him in the split second. His hands where already moving quickly and efficiently from constant rehearsal it was to make sure that he perfectly rehearsed this move in worse situations, as he allowed his hands to hit the ground it was only what could be described as an awful situation. Those few corpses that had already died in the blast slowly began to twitch back to life. Rugged movements came into the bodies as they hauled themselves up. With Sera already in use only four of his corpses shambled into life, but that would be more than enough.

Instantly the clones began to move around working through the commands that the Captain as given them. Each Zombie would find one of the three students that was with them, protecting them from the first incoming attacks that came there way. Their job was to instantly protect the students from the attacks, it was the job of Takeshi to keep them safe and he would see that threw to the bitter end no matter how much it cost him. Moving quickly himself he would place himself in front of the students, knowing full well that Manzo could deal with the situation by himself he wasn’t worried about the ANBU. It was the students that he was more worried about and right now he needed to fix that one.

“Stick behind me, remember this is a fighting situation you have got yourselves involved in, right now I don’t have time to explain much, keep your head down and keep out of the way, or you will end up getting yourselves killed”

Takeshi allowed his hands to come up in front of him, knowing full well that the other damage would have been easier to handle if it was directed back. Right now, though it was of course his priority to keep the student’s safe and he would do everything he could to protect them. As he allowed a sigh to come from his lips, knowing full well that they had time to prepare he had to react quickly instantly causing gravity to become his ally in this situation deciding the best task here would be to make sure that he was ready and prepared to fight against anyone that came out of the building. Using the ability, he had with gravity he decided the best option would be to push it away from the group to protect them. If any more debris came towards them it was up to the group to deal with it, he had tried to protect them the best he could at that moment in time.

“Right, I did what I can, you will need to help everyone else around here, we are here to do a job. Don’t get caught up in all of this, and make sure that you work together, I want to see each of you at the end of this on the other side.”

His voice calm and collected as he spoke to each of them, of course the words were probably coming out in a more serious tone that he had originally planned, but that one didn’t matter right now. AS he wanted to get this situation under wraps he turned to Manzo to shout across as best he could over the noise that was taking place. Wanting to get his orders out quickly and without confusing anyone he made sure that it was heard by the one it was directed at.

“Right Manzo, find Maki try and work with him on getting people out and see who is behind this, I’ll come as soon as I am able to back you up. Also, barrier yourself and the students if you are able to”


Sera on the other side was having an easy time relaxing with Shiori, having the food that she had ordered herself while she was waiting, if Takeshi was going to sue her then she would at least try and enjoy a good meal out of it. That much was for sure, eating away she was enjoying the food with no complaints being made at all, having fun she allowed herself to have a small smile reach her lips as she leaned back in the chair putting the food down for a few minutes to relax.

“So Shiori, why did you not fancy going with the others? Not saying that I mind of course but let’s be honest you were quick to just abandon things. Would it not have been more effective to go with the others and support them?”

Sera blunt as always went back to eating food as she waited for a reply, of course it was at that moment the sudden explosion took place that would probably see Shiroi into action quickly. It had caused a massive issue around the food court and people were in danger that much was clear.

- Using Corpse Soil to summon the other 4 Zombies for 2 AP
- Using Shinra Tensei to deflect the debris from the students for 3 AP
- Zombies to stand in front of the students to take the hits of Debris

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
The contempt coming from the police was palpable. Manzo briefly wondered what had the shinobi done to this man in the past that had presented him with such hatred. Most likely he was supposed to get a job done and a shinobi did it better, or faster taking the credit from him. Well if he wasn’t good enough to get into the academy then he should do the simple things like cordon off the area and let the professionals handle this.

Manzo’s honor was the only thing that kept him from biting the man's head off from his comment. The man was only doing his job as he saw it, though he was incompetent to refuse help when it was needed.

It was then that an explosion was heard coming from the bank. No matter how this turned out that bank was going to need some serious work done to after this. He was also glad that this was not his bank. It wasn’t like he spent a lot of money but it was always nice to have it there when you needed it.

As the chief decided to blame them for the explosion, because after all they had just walked up why not blame them, Manzo respect for the man went down even lower if that was possible. A smart person would have said said, oh look people that can walk up the side of the building, can you go deal with this? Instead they got the blame.

”I guess I will save a kitten then“ he said just loud enough for the chief to hear. As much as he wanted to say more, he would leave that to Takashi. Pushing his thoughts of the police chief aside he burst into action. His first priority were the students that were with them. In less than a second he was standing in front of them. It looked like he simply teleported over to them, which in a way was exactly what he did. As soon as as he was there his hands were moving into hand seals to erect a wall of purplish energy in front of them. Seeing that Takeshi had the same idea to protect the students, standing next to him putting as much between the students and the incoming debris.

”If you have any kind of defensive jutsu’s now would be the time for them“ he told Megu and Yukio. ”We should be able to hold off most of this debris but anything you can do to help yourselves is most likely a good idea right now.“ Fortune favored the well prepared and no matter how much Takashi and Manzo managed to hold off, he suspected something would get through, even if it was just the shock wave.

Not trusting the barrier that he had erected his hands once again started to move in a hand sign to redirect the pull of the earth itself to push as much of the debris as he could away from the group of people. With the zombies rising from the earth to protect people Manzo wanted to add in as much as he could. Hopefully the jutsu’s that he was performing would help not just their group but the police as well.

As the wave of debris came crashing towards them Manzo did what the only thing left he could, brace for impact.

[OOC: Actions
Using Unreal Celerity Quick silver step to Megu and Yukio place himself between them and the debris -- @ 0 Second
Using Unreal Celerity Barrier Mastered Special Action Energy Wall with Overcharge to increase the damage the wall can take, This is to cover at least the students, but if it can be spread out he will protect as many of the police as he can with it. -- @ 1 second
Using Shinra Tenseiwith overcharge-- @ 4 second

[WT 2414]


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
The scene had turned into chaos right in front of Megu. He'd been happily guiding his eye around whilst the police bickered in the background, but that meant little to him. Whilst he appreciated that it must be hard for them to give up authority to some random Leaf nin who thought they new better, they did know better. Instead of shouting into the building he'd managed to glance inside whilst he observed one other disappearing before Yuukio arrived to activate his Byakuugan. The plan was simple but pretty perfect, Yuukio would use his technique to help guide the eye, and between them they would be able to see inside and ensure that the eye remained unobserved until they had a better picture of what they were actually facing. The plan, however, was scuppered rather abruptly. He could see a red haired woman in the bank, talking to a group all dressed in typical henchman style.

So she's the ring leader... If only I could see her mouth I might have been able to lip read what she'd been saying.

He considered moving the eye closer or maybe even in to a new position, but before he had the opportunity th woman turned, before reams of chakra seals started to appear around the bank. A pit opened up in Megu's stomach as he realised both what the seals were, and what was about to transpire.

Gods no...

Those were the last words he was able to utter before the world was set on fire. A thunderous explosion erupted from the bank as the seals set off. Megu dropped his eye chakra and started mentally listing his Jutsu,trying to find anything that might be useful. Although he didn't have any conventional barrier jutsu he did have something that few others in the area had, really hard bones.He entered his Dance of the Larch stance (Rank 1), grimacing as bones jutted out from his body to protect him from the oncoming storm. As the bones started to form around him he cast his signature fire jutsu, Searing Eruption (Rank 1 with special action firewall). Energy condensed into his palm which in turn he slammed into the ground. As the explosion occurred the fire would leap from the ground in an effort to divert the energy and debris away from the crowd.

After the oncoming explosion Megu would form three fire clones to try to enter the building and look for survivors and try to spot the red haired woman and her assortment of goons.

6ap from round and a half.
1: Dance of the Larch Rank 1: 1.75 Ap, 740 Cp
to create a bone shield that absorbs damage equal to 1515 HP.

2: Cast Searing Eruption Rank 1 for 2ap with special action firewall to erupt from the ground when he explosion occurs to try and divert some of the energy from the blast upwards away from the crowd, with minor affinity move 'Spread - Adds +1 Target to a Jutsu attack; this move may only be used once per round' to try and cover as many people as possible.

3: Cast Elemental Clone after the explosion to create 3 fire clones to rush into the bank and try to look for survivors/spot goons for 2ap.

wc: 422-MFT
Total WC: 2819


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Things went from bad to much, much worse as he rose through the ground. Maki was hoping for an unobtrusive entrance, but apparently the person who did this work was trained in the use of chakra. Obviously not an amateur. Damn that cop for not giving him the information he asked for, and just acting like a stuck up jackass. Maki knew it was partially a diversion of guilt, but he also knew if the man had just put his ego aside for a moment to be helpful this wouldn’t be happening. Maki takes a quick look around himself and sighs softly.

The woman was running off, but his bigger concern was the two dozen people huddled together nearby. The mercenary wastes no time rushing into the center of them. ”Hey! Get as close to me as you can! No ifs, ands, or buts!” Even as he was speaking, the shinobi was forming intricate handseals. Soon, the very earth itself rears up before them in a massive wall. A wall which Maki pours all of his being into to extend. He knew it wouldn’t be as powerful if he did this, but he also knew it would save more lives if he stretched it around everyone. Hopefully they listened, and gathered in close to keep it from weakening too much.

That done, he begins forming yet more symbols. Soon a whirling vortex of chakra forms outside of the wall of earth. It had a slight red sheen to it, and he hoped it would hold long enough for the next part. Maki checks how close everyone is before dropping the final barrier, the toll being great to keep all three of these going, but he knew if he failed, people would die. People whose only crime was coming to the bank today. He grits his teeth and hopes it doesn’t come to that.
Using Master Rank Earthslide Wall with Elementalist affinity moves Overcharge and Control, using the special action twice to get maximum coverage.
Using Master Rank Nature’s Guard on the outside of the wall with Elementalist affinity moves Overcharge and Control, and attuning it to Fire element.
Using Master Rank Pristing Aura on the inside of the rock wall, to help ease people and provide a third layer of defense. Using Elementalist affinity moves Overcharge and Control.

If they’re not closing in enough to cover with the initial earthslide wall, hit the ground with a Master Rank Antlion Sinkhole using Elementalist affinity moves Spread and Control to get more coverage, centered on Maki himself, to try and force people to naturally fall into Maki’s area. Then replace Pristine Aura with a Master Rank Sinkhole Fist using Sinkhole Wall special, and Elementalist affinity moves Overcharge and Control on anything that comes through the first two barriers.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Keeping an ear out and listening to the conversation between Takeshi and the police Yukio couldn’t help but sigh a little. Takeshi’s response made sense, there was being passive then there was sitting around and doing next to nothing to help the situation at hand was only making things worse and giving the criminals inside more time to prepare and bunker down. They refused the help of the shinobi present and whether that be because of pride or general dislike he couldn’t really tell.

this growing dislike of the local forces was only made worse as the building exploded his expression only going deadpan when the blame was pointed in their direction. As he saw the first few die in the explosion the expression didn’t leave his face, becoming a ‘what a day this is’ kind of look for all he tried to hide it. Watching the corpses come back to the state of somewhat living as he watched the corpses go towards the three students present himself included.

Being somewhat hugged by a corpse would not be a present experience, to say the least but that was the last thing on his mind at this moment in time as a trail of sweat rolled down his temple. Too much was going on right now for him to fully take in, his eyes showing him everything happening around them as he tried to rapidly process the situation unfolding before them.

The first thing that came to mind was what had triggered the explosion, only assuming either the ones inside got very trigger happy or one of their party had attempted something that had gone south faster than expected this would have to be a fleeting thought, however, all things considered he didn’t have much time to act.

Bringing his hands together Yukio formed a clone of himself made from his Mirror Style Jutsu, if he could get the clone out of here before the impact of the explosion hit they could react in time to possibly catch any of the surviving robbers off guard while also making sure the hostages are in good hands before this is over.

The next most important thing was the onlookers and innocents in the area the shinobi could take care of themselves the wide range of jutsu at their disposal being more than enough to keep them alive through this endeavour but the others didn’t have so much luck. Thinking fast he created multiple Aqua Fang Jutsu trying to destroy of divert any debris that may move towards the crowd.

Before the impact hit he took a moment to take in the situation around him once more, hoping the others were in the same position to defend themselves. He had no doubt Takeshi and Manzo would be fine in these circumstances but he had concerns for his fellow students they were the closest thing he considered friends right now thus his slight distraction.

Seeing the others were taking position to make moves of their own he nodded taking to stance ready to defend himself if the zombie fails to take the brunt of the damage he knew he should be hurt to some extent that was to be expected what mattered was how much could he do on his own without putting others at risk this did not mean he didn’t care for this own safety however for all making a good impression of the village to these people was important if he wasn’t alive to see the mission through there wouldn’t be much point.


- Maintaining Byakugan Rank 3 - Rank 3: +3 Accuracy/Dodge, 2000 meter visual range.
- Create Mirror Clone rank 1 to leave the area to a safe distance to keep an extra pair of eyes on the building and entering once the explosions are done. - Rank 1: Creates a clone of the user with -7 to their secondaries and HP/CP equal to 20% of the user's max CP. This clone may use D-Rank Wind Jutsu up to Master Rank and Water Jutsu up to Master Rank. 2 Ap.
- Conditional, if the Zombie should be destroyed Use Kaiten – Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation to block incoming damage. Rank 2: User autoblocks 55% of incoming physical damage, while attacking up to two targets with two Basic Strikes at +1.5 Accuracy. The user receives a -2 dodge debuff for a full round after use. Rank 2: 750Cp, 325Cp/rnd, 2.25 AP.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
It was chaos outside of the bank, and as the explosions began to erupt, the shinobi went into action. Without wasting any time, they all did something rather odd for what most considered of shinobi, they went on the defensive instead of the offensive. Watching all of it play out before his eyes, the police chief was helpless to defend himself as Takeshi summoned a host of his skeletal friends to assist in defending the academy students who themselves weren't exactly slouching at their post. Quicker than all the rest, Manzo moved in front of the students, and quickly threw up a barrier before following it up with a charged Shinra gravity technique. With the proficiency of a sage beyond his years, Takeshi released a surge of gravitational chakra that collided with that of Manzo's as together they formed a protective gravity wall that deflected all manner of debris from not only the academy students but also the police chief and most of his team. Of those that were left out of the gravitational defensive measure, the skeletal creatures inadvertently defended them from the most dangerous of debris although they were unable to prevent them from being licked by the sheer heat of the eruptions.

While everyone seemed to be focused on the students though, they were all focused on the helpless people within the bank as Megu first applied a bone armor to himself despite both he and Yukio being shielded from harm by the combined efforts of Takeshi and Manzo. What he next did was either sheer coincidence or the child was a prodigy however, as he created a wall of fire around the civilians within the bank that strangely enough absorbed its fair share of explosive energy although it was dwarfed by the efforts of Maki who showed his tenured experience and prowess by creating an earthen wall and then super reinforcing it with the guards of nature and a pristine aura. Though the explosions happened in seconds, the shinobi were able to effectively defend more than most of their intended targets and then some as the dust began to settle. With the moans and groans of the non shinobi starting to fill the air, Megu and Yukio's clones raced off towards Maki to help with the civilians in the bank. There were no doubt a number of questions to be asked and even far more to consider but for now, the team had made it through the first major battle but what they'd sound encounter would make that seem like nothing at all.

OOC: A+ ! ! !
- Shiori skipped due to not posting.
- Megu and Yukio's clones are helping the civilians within the bank.
- Sirens can be heard in the distance responding to the call of explosions and will be on the scene in a few minutes (one or two rounds of posting).

Please keep in mind that the WC limit for you all is 7k words. I'm going to break up what plans I had for this post into two parts so that we can get the post count up a bit. My goal is to have this done by October 1st at the latest if not sooner. I'll be going out of town Friday-Sunday but if I see that everyone (or mostly everyone) has posted for the next round by Thursday, I'll post then as well as on Monday if again, I see that the greater majority has posted.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
The stone walls rise, Maki breathing a small sigh as they do so. It was draining to force this much chakra out of himself and into the world. To reshape reality to his whim, almost. The blasts were still going, however, and he knew he had no time to spare. As the walls begin going up, however, he notices a ring of fire spring up around them, and grins slightly. Someone had presence of mind to help him, it appeared. Once the walls finish rising up, the mercenary forms more seals. While these walls were made of solid stone and could withstand much damage, he knew stretching them out like this weakened them severely from what they were normally capable of handling. He didn’t want to suffer that.

As he finishes the seals, another boundary of fire intercedes itself between the rock barrier and the fire barrier. This one spinning with chakra and seeming to be the most natural thing in the world to be there. Fire flower grew from its surface before fading out to be reborn. Maki, however, was not feeling such rejuvenation. Much like the wall of stone, his power was being sapped tremendously to handle these. But he felt he needed more. He could feel his energy wane as each piece of shrapnel and debris hit the barriers he’d already made, and knew more would do good.

As his vision begins to blur with the exertion of holding all of these, Maki forms yet more seals. An aura forms around those inside the barriers. It not only has a calming effect, but begins to heal those inside of any injuries they may have already suffered. Maki stands in the epicenter of this mess, arms out as he maintains all of these defenses until the sound of explosions from outside of this bubble of reality ends.

He slumps over as he drops all of it. The aura fades, the fire barrier burns itself out, and the wall begins to crumble to dust. Maki checks the people he’d protected before rising fully to his feet and wiping his forehead dry with one gloved hand. He still had some chakra reserves in him, but it wasn’t going to be easy to do anything here. And some of these people likely needed more medical help than a lone former Mednin could give.

He steps free of the crown and heads for the entrance, prizing his sword free of the sheathe as he moves through the ring of fire and outside into the throng there. Corpses greeted him, which was not something he expected to see but also not something he was surprised by much. His brown eyes look to the police gathered outside. ”I doubt I need to tell you this, but these people will need medical attention. If they’re not on their way already, get some transportation here to get them to a hospital!” His eyes lock onto the chief for a moment, tempted to throw his sword through the man.

Blue eyes turn away from the man, and with a blink they’re back to brown. ”Is everyone okay? I can do some minor healing if needed. But nothing major.” Indeed, he looked like death warmed over. Sweat was still dripping from him in rivulets, and his eyes had a sunken look as if he’d not slept in days. While he’d certainly used more chakra in a single scenario, he’d never put so much raw power into things in such a short time. It was showing.

(Sorry for breaking post order, but might not get much time to post later this week.)


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
Searing pain shot through Megu as bones burst through his body, extending his small frame whilst adding protection from the oncoming storm.

Well if no one knew I was a Kaguuya before they chances are that they know now...

It wasn't really that he minded the others knowing, but he wasn't sure how they would react. The ninja world was filled with surprised and abnormalities, but it was also filled with judgement and opinions.

As he braced himself for impact he was surprised to find that the heat and force never came, instead being blocked by some powerful barriers that erupted in front of him, along with several zombies that appeared to climb out of the ground. His heart skipped a beat as he took them in, wondering whether they were here for him or whether they were part of the supporting cast. As they didn't seem t approach him and were instead blocking some of the debris he figured he was probably safe. Well as safe as you get surrounded by zombies, ninjas and an exploding bank. He'd heard of killer interest rates but the only deposit he'd be likely to make here wouldn't be one of much monetary value.

He looked over at his companions, grateful of their protection and their skills, if not their love of horror film props. What did come, however, was the notice. Megu had grown up with a brother who seemingly took the phrase 'dawn chorus' a little too literally and had even added his own versus, but those stomps were nothing like the wall of noise that engulfed him. He dropped his bone jutsu and covered his ears for a second, before remembering that there was still a job to do. As he stood up straight he drew his hoodie back around him, annoyed to notice that it was now littered in holes from where his bones had pierced.

It appeared his plan to divert the power of the explosion had worked somewhat, but there was no time to dwell on whether this was by luck or design, they still had a job to do. Throwing out handseals quicker than out of date salmon he formed three clones in front of him as two sped towards the bank, the third running round the side in case there was a back door to the building that anyone was trying to use as an escape route.

Standing back from the bank he once more formed a crystal eye, the last one being dispersed in the blast. He guided this over towards the bank to once more give him a view of the inside. Whilst he considered approaching he'd witnessed first hand before what an explosion could do to the structural integrity of a building, but in his mind this was more of a 'them walls look a little wobble wobble' as architecture 101 wasn't something he'd stumbled upon being taught inside the Academy.

Before his odd little rescue team could approach the bank he noticed Maki appear. All thoughts of standing back left his mind as he ordered his clones forward once more and ran over to Maki, offering him a shoulder to lean on. It pained him to see his comrade like this, especially when the only reason the bank seemed to be standing was because of some seriously powerful jutsu.

He spoke low as he approached,

"Yo you look terrible, but that was f-ing incredible. Here take this water. What's the situation in there?"

He held out his flask for a second whilst he ordered both clones and crystal eye further out into the bank. As much as it seemed like they were out of danger for now you could never really be too careful.

Inside the bank the clones took in the situation and the carnage, as well as noticing some rocks that definitely didn't seem to belong in a bank. Megu wordlessly ordered them to tread lightly as the eye scanned for any traps or hidden robbers that may still be in the building.

The third clone tried to find a way around the building, taking in ever window and exit for signs of recent exits.

Total: 3509

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed his breathing to calm down for a few seconds, it seemed that he had managed to protect most people and Maki also seemed to have done his part, the three people that had the issues had managed to get themselves back up, dust themselves off and get on with the work. As he allowed a sigh to come to his lips he looked around observing the damage that had managed to rip this place apart. It was clear that the explosion had taken its toll that much was the truth, Takeshi wondered the situation of everyone in his team and knew he had to do a head count at some point. Better late than never he thought to himself.

“Head count, how are we all doing? Injuries and number of wounded would be helpful as well, I don’t want to have to leave one of you behind for not talking and right now I need to make sure that everyone is ok. Give me your name and location, situation and injured that are with you. Let’s make this quick and make it simple, heal if you can if not let the hospital deal with the casualties that will be coming through the door that’s their job after all.”

Takeshi allowed his hands to come together once more as the shambling corpses around him dropped to the ground, it was clear to see that he had his work cut out for him to make sure the students made it out of this in one piece. But as always at least he was determined to make sure they didn’t die that was the start of it. He allowed a sigh to come to his lips as he walked forward with a quick pace deciding he should probably check on Maki as well given the currently affairs of the situation and with what had happened.

“Manzo, keep the students together, make sure that they are safe and able to defend themselves, I can see more trouble coming our way and I don’t want anyone to be hurt from it, I will check back once I found the other one of us. For now, keep together and work together that is the best way to deal with the situation at hand.”

Takeshi turned around and walked away from the students leaving them under the full attention of Manzo while he looked around to see the injury count. Most people had come out of this explosion fine a few cuts and scrapes but nothing serious, which was a good sign he guessed. As he worked his way closer to the scene he spotted Maki and moved over quickly. It seemed that the man had managed to protect most of the people that were around, he allowed a small sigh to come to his lips as he looked at the state of the Ninja, though he gave him credit where it was warranted he had protected most people and seemed to have come out ok for it which was surprising.

“How are you doing over here Maki, I hope that the situation was under control, but we still need to look for the bomber, that much is clear if the person hasn’t been sent to hell from their own explosion. I suggest we rally with the students, assess the situation and continue from there, if your able to move that is of course”

Takeshi looked back to the students as he allowed his hands to come together instantly summoning three clones of himself to stand around for a few seconds. It seemed that they had a lot of work to get on with and he didn’t want to hold the team up they had work to do that much was clear, it was going to be one long day it would seem though when Takeshi addressed the split team it would be a very simple question he had to answer and needed to get a reply from. He didn’t want to make anyone wait and he wasn’t in the mood to keep hanging around and find out if the police wanted to blame them for this issue, Leaf didn’t need to come back looking bad from this one.

“Guys, shall we head to the power plant, with this recent attack, do you think that they will try anything there, it was a primary aim was to protect that. I will send a scout on ahead while we try and get things fixed here. Remember our mission and why we were hired in the first place was for this reason.”

Takeshi turned his headset on as he begun to speak into it contacting the missing two members of this team to inform them and update them on this current situation was well as give them new instructions on what was expected of them.


Sera allowed herself to sigh slight after the debris had cleared from the surrounding area, people where panicking and screaming this was to be expected only if they were on the outside, she wondered how the others were doing that had been closer to the explosion than first expected. Shrugging it off quickly she knew full well that she had her own orders to carry out and making sure Shiori was ok was one of them that hit the priority on that list.

“Shiroi, we have new orders, Takeshi is summoning us to go to the powerplant and secure the area. It is within our reach lets head there now and follow through, the rest of the team I presume will be catching us up soon on this one”

With that Sera grabbed the belongings that she had brought with her and headed straight into the direction of the power plant. It was clear that the two of them would be heading that way and they would meet the others up their when the managed to get free. The explosion had caused issues the only hope now was that there was not any problems at the power plant.

[TWC: 6,000+]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
