Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[finished] Shion -> Ryota

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Shion Yoshino
Old Village/Missing: Merc
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Leaf outer zone
Old IC Rank: Merc

New Character Name: Toraono Ryota
Preferred Username: Royta
New Village/Missing: Sand
New BL/CA: Hyuuga - Bold Step
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
Mixed eyes.
HP: (50+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (55+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: KINJUTSU
ASP card: -5 CP Costs
High: Nin acc.
Average: Dodge, Gen save,
Low: melee acc, Genjutsu DC, Ranged Acc
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: MB
IC Rank: Genin

Character Age: 17 years
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description:
There was a male teen named Ryota who stood out from the crowd with his unique appearance. He had striking red hair that seemed to have a life of its own, curling and frizzing in every direction. His tan skin glowed under the sun, adding to his rugged charm. And the teen has golden hues with slit pupils.
Despite his youthful age, Ryota possesses toned muscles that he had sculpted through hours of hard work at the local gym. His dedication to fitness was evident in his physique, making him the envy of many of his peers.
With his red hair, frizzy locks, and glowing tan skin, Ryota exuded a confidence that drew people towards him. He embraced his unique features, turning heads wherever he went. Whether he was playing sports, hanging out with friends, or simply walking down the street, all eyes were on him.
Oliver's appearance may have been unconventional, but it was a reflection of his individuality and self-assurance. He stood tall, proud of who he was, and unafraid to stand out in a crowd. This is why he often hides his hair inside a hoodie and wears loose-fitting clothing.

Character's Mental Description: As a child, he was constantly in trouble, scrapping with the other boys and causing mischief around the place. Despite his young age, Ryota quickly proved to be a natural fighter, his rebellious spirit and fierce determination making him an unstoppable force on the training field. As he grew older, Ryota's reputation as a formidable fighter spread throughout the clan. He was often sought after by people, who wished to hire him as a bodyguard or retain his services for their disputes. However, Ryota had little interest in such missions.

Despite his rebellious nature, Ryota is fiercely loyal to those he considers friends. He is known for his quick temper and impulsive actions, but also his unwavering courage and compassion. He has a teasing side that often manifests itself in playful banter with those he trusts, but he takes offense easily and will not hesitate to defend those who cannot defend themselves. He often found himself drawn to those who needed help, whether it was lending a hand with the chores or standing up for someone being bullied.

Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History:
“We understand the risk that involves this.” She would speak, keeping from everything and everyone that she had been skipping a certain time of the month already for a half year. She never even told her husband and she was extremely luckilythat there was nothing to see. She got sent out with 2 others, and one of them was her husband. “We will make sure to make you proud.” They spoke to the Clanlead before they started to embark on their mission. It was a mission just for recon but for a long while.

Two months later, there only started to show a small bump, which the third member of the party never even noticed but the husband did. After a small quarrel, he was happy after all, but he knew the risks involved. Because of the type of recon mission, there was a long period of time without contact to the outside world. After roughly every two weeks there was a report made, but it never did mention the pregnancy.

At the moment of birth, the third member was not happy as she would have loved to know that this was going to happen. The mother kept saying sorry, and the father was annoyed at both of them, but all in all. The birth of the small boy was without complications or hindrance. The week after they kept a lay low and then started to each take turns caring for the small child.

When the child was almost a year old, there was a report going out about what had happened and that more information would be given upon return. There was a mention of a child. When they moved back, they had made a hidden makeshift child stroller and continued traveling. Ryota holds no memory of it, but a group of nomads attacked the small and exhausted group and sadly all got wounded and murdered. Ryota had kept silent as he had been fast asleep, tired of the playing, trotting, and stumbling. Around noon a cry came from the cargo that had been partially scattered, when the child had been found, it was luckily still alive. An individual took him to a small family, with the emblem of his family. A smile was on his face as he handed the child off to the family where he would be growing up. The first few years were actually without much trouble, as he was yet to unlock his potential it seems.

“Yes Lord Akkuma,” Was a voice from the caregiver that had been sitting around the table with the guardians of Ryota. He looked carefully around the wall and his golden hues often scared people so he was rather careful. His guardians had told him that a special guest was coming over. When he was noticed he got called in, standing in simple clothing a bit dirty from playing outside he would smile shyly to the ground. After all, it was not a lot that he got to meet new people. “He is… we believe around 5 years now, and if what you told is true, he should be manifesting his nature soon…” The male spoke and the female took the child on her lap. He started to play with the little dinosaur on the table.

They spoke a bit more about his behavior, the way he had been growing, and odd things if they had encountered things. Since Lord Akkuma was the one providing the care of the child. This couple was just very glad to be able to let one grow up as they could not have a child of their own.

An… emergency summon was done to Lord Akkuma as the child had gotten out of control, the guardians were at a loss by the sudden appearance of a set of extra ears, a tail, and what seemed to be tiny fangs and claws. Yet the rest was the body of a child… A hue was going over the child as if something was coating him. The urge that this child had to scratch and bite everything even when the lord had come from his tiny hellhole. The fierce growl that the child gave made the guardians a bit hesitant, but mainly because they were unsure how to handle this.

A week… one week with Akkuma and he came back almost as a different child. He informed them that it was his Bloodline peeking through, as he was coming from the Toraono Clan. The child was probably from one of the families and thus inherited it. Yet from who was something that they did not know. A clear growth plan was given for this 6-year-old on which he started pieces of training to also manage his energy output. But for some reason, he was always unable to give happiness to his father. He always asked if that was all he was able to do, and he even asked if he couldn’t do more. It made him feel smaller and his mother on the other hand always was doting on him. But slowly the truth started to turn around.

As how Ryota would describe it... That week was another hell. The Lord often found him talking to nothing, but he soon discovered that was because the being never showed himself but to the child. Thus it was eventually that Ryota asked the spirit to show itself in front of the lord. It was soon clear that Ryota had been a vessel for a spirit and one inhabited him. It was a lightning spirit but a cursed one.

Throughout the week, the child almost lost control of it twice but managed with help to overcome it every time. The training was harsh but eventually, the kid did learn the manage stage 1 without a problem, stage two when he was focussing enough only stage three was something that should be trained under a careful eye.

Ryota started to talk less to the creature when he wasn't alone and did start to become a bit more docile altogether, seeming that they at least got to equal ground.

The child was always trying his best in and around the household when he was at the age of 10 he found a wolf. The wolf was staring at him and it intrigued the small boy. A mechanical leg, not the mention that gaze. Ryota was drawn to it. But even halted in his steps, looking back to the house where he had been growing up, with how he had been growing up… He was already a bit more mature than most of his age, so he knew that if he followed this wolf… That he would not come home, he would not return here. That made him make up his mind, asking the wolf for a moment if he would go back inside the house, using his cat-like senses to get around the guardians and leave three sets of notes. To his mother with a few caring words, to his father that he would achieve his dreams and set out for the wilds. Making sure he would survive and always do better like he had asked. To the lord… There wasn’t much in the letter for the lord, except a drawing of a…. yesh, he was still a child. All those letters were signed and with his signature, he had punctured the papers with his one corner teeth. one of them had fallen out a few days earlier it was his baby teeth. Just a few more and he was done with them all.

On the way, it was difficult for the 10-year-old if it had not been for the amount of training. He was following the wolf diligently through the sands, learning a lot more about the surroundings and the pictures of the monster that the lord showed but also the picture books. “Those are dangerous…” He muttered as he looked to the wolf who seemed to think the same, waiting for the creatures to move they would wait. At one point the boy was asleep on the wolf’s back as they moved further.

After a month they finally made it towards the giant gates. In awe, the child was looking towards the giant steel doors and soon a set of guards with raised weapons started to walk towards the front. That was... Till they spotted the emblem and then suddenly started to headset call towards someone. The road had been long, difficult so by the time the child had gotten some hot cocoa and a muffin… He was already falling asleep, it was a pleasant dream for him. But by the time he woke up, he woke up somewhere he didn’t know what was.

Through the years he started in the academy, being a shinobi like his parents used to be. The clan was nice to him, but it still felt off as it was a big group, unlike the place where he grew up. Sometimes there were children, there weren't. They were a lot on the move and he was hardly allowed to venture far. Unlike here… he was allowed everywhere inside the village borders.

A quarrel inside the clan. (Hyuuga application 307WC)

A blow had landed on the cheek of the red-haired child. He had been gritting his teeth earlier at the remarks and this was now too much. Words didn't hurt, that is how he had been taught, but now that child had hit him. And that was the moment a fight had erupted between the red-haired child and the black-haired child. The caretaker who was in charge of them was unable to separate them as she was a non-chakra person. So she did the best possible thing next, and that was to get an adultier adult.

After the first blow, the two children started to fight more, Nara versus Hyuuga. Blows were landing left and right and a lot of things were being yelled. At one point there was a cloudy look going over the golden hues of the child and it was clear that he had passively activated something. "We in the Hyou are better!" Sounded the black-haired and of course, the child gritted his teeth. He had been trying his best all the time, trying to prove that he was worth it. Right now they were in a fight by all the taunting the other one had been doing. " You shouldn't even be here! You weren't born here!" And that was where he snapped. His vision turned better and veins were popping around his eyes. A direct hit was landed on the child and right after an adult managed to step in before they went overboard on each other. The blow that @@@@ landed made it so that the other was bleeding internally.

Ryota had been scolded firmly and had been grounded, told that he should have done better. The other child had been scolded too, but that information was never told to @@@@. For him it seemed unfair that this was happening, after all... he never had started this.

Lazy ass;

Right now he is 17 years old... And still, a genin, that was because he was done with proving that he was worth it, it seemed like he hardly got any recognition from people for what he had been doing. He was quick to be ticked off and did not seem to spend much time in or around the clan. Everyone kept their distance too because of the fights he had held in the past. Knowing full well what he was didn't help, along with having no parents to love him. The child had been living like a sword, trying to be molded and hammered into a shape but it had been broken along the way. They had tried to patch it but didn't understand why it had been broken.

Now only time could tell as to how he would grow up to an adult... that was if everyone could handle him in his teenage phase.
Clan Request: Toraono

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats: [
Agility: 600/ 600
Stamina: 600/ 600
Taijutsu: 600/ 600
Ninjutsu: 600/ 600
Genjutsu: 600/ 600
Chakra Control: 600%/600%
Stats: 3.600 / 3.600
Old OOC Rank: S
Stat Cut: 0%
New Stats:
Agility: 600/ 600
Stamina: 600/ 600
Taijutsu: 600/ 600
Ninjutsu: 600/ 600
Genjutsu: 600/ 600
Chakra Control: 600%/600%
Stats: 3.600 / 3.600
New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:Keeping all


note to self; add Sound [M], Gravity [M]

«M» Means Mastered, fully mastered.

Other Refunds: Keeping all

Name of any Contract you currently own: Yokai, keeping on Shion.
- If Retiring character, list link to obtaining the Contract. You will regain this contract upon rebirth back into this character provided you do not transfer it or swap it. Contracts do not transfer over to new characters normally. You may pay 300 Advanced Shop Points to transfer over a single contract you currently own, or pay 450 Advanced Shop Points to swap and transfer one contract you own for another contract during the OCR process. Both options require a writeup to be sent to the contract team for approval of how you gained the contract as your new character. You may not switch to a rare contract from a common contract. (Rare contracts are Kami, Youkai, Tsukumogami, and Elemental)
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: I believe i dropped it... or planning on.
- If Retiring character, list link to obtaining the cursed seal (from village request). You will regain this cursed seal upon rebirth back into this character. Curse Seals do not carry over to new characters.
Name of Kinjutsu you own: Doujutsu
- If retiring character, list link to obtaining the kinjutsu (from your village request). You will regain this kinjutsu upon rebirth back into this character. Kinjutsus do not carry over to new character. Also, you may choose any kinjutsu fr your new character, but you will need to apply for it with your new character.

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? No, but do want to keep him as NPC.
Upon death, roleplayers in ANY of your other incomplete thread(s) are to vote whether they can deal with your non-existence from the beginning of these thread(s). Whether you joined these thread(s) before or after you entered the battle that got you killed, you are still considered a part of these thread(s).
- If players vote yes, you get to move on to your next life.
- If players vote no, you must stay in those threads as if you were still alive.

You can still train (see: explanation of Limbo Training below) and do other OOC things, but you may NOT join any new threads. After you have completed these thread(s), post in OCR again and we will move you on to your next life.

What is Limbo Training?
This is the training that you would have gotten if you did not move on to your new character's life. Your caps are determined by your rebirthed stats. You must keep a record of your stats gained during limbo in your OCR thread. You may NOT request for an automatic rank up should you find that your new stats allow you to upgrade. Limbo training is only for people who have died in modded combat or suicide. Anyone whose character has not died is still capable of RPing that character until their OCR is finalized, and thus can train as normal.

Things you do NOT need to state, but take note of:
  • Abilities = All of your Abilities are auto-untrained upon rebirth. In order to have any Abilities for your new character, you must activate them by posting in your character’s Dojo topic in your new village.
  • Character History = By suiciding/rebirthing, you're making a new character. This means your new character must not know or remember anything of your old character's life/thoughts/feelings. If your new character has ANY direct/indirect connection to your old character, you MUST state that in your new character history write up for Admin & Village approvals. All Medical or ANBU related experience should be reflected in your history along with CA or BL influence.
  • Editing Your New Character Application = Do not edit a post you have made in your OCR. You must copy all of your information from your last post and add the changes to the new post. This is for papertrail reasons.

Things that do NOT transfer with your next character:
Please take notice of which ASP shop items that you have bought transfer with your character, and which do not.
Last edited:

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Old Character Name: Shion Yoshino
Old Village/Missing: Merc
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Leaf outer zone
Old IC Rank: Merc

New Character Name: Toraono Ryota
Preferred Username: Royta
New Village/Missing: Sand
New BL/CA: Hyuuga - Bold Step
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
Mixed eyes.
HP: (50+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (55+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: KINJUTSU
ASP card: -5 CP Costs
High: Nin acc.
Average: Dodge, Gen save,
Low: melee acc, Genjutsu DC, Ranged Acc
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: MB
IC Rank: Genin

Character Age: 17 years
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description:
There was a male teen named Ryota who stood out from the crowd with his unique appearance. He had striking red hair that seemed to have a life of its own, curling and frizzing in every direction. His tan skin glowed under the sun, adding to his rugged charm. And the teen has golden hues with slit pupils.
Despite his youthful age, Ryota possesses toned muscles that he had sculpted through hours of hard work at the local gym. His dedication to fitness was evident in his physique, making him the envy of many of his peers.
With his red hair, frizzy locks, and glowing tan skin, Ryota exuded a confidence that drew people towards him. He embraced his unique features, turning heads wherever he went. Whether he was playing sports, hanging out with friends, or simply walking down the street, all eyes were on him.
Oliver's appearance may have been unconventional, but it was a reflection of his individuality and self-assurance. He stood tall, proud of who he was, and unafraid to stand out in a crowd. This is why he often hides his hair inside a hoodie and wears loose-fitting clothing.

Character's Mental Description: As a child, he was constantly in trouble, scrapping with the other boys and causing mischief around the place. Despite his young age, Ryota quickly proved to be a natural fighter, his rebellious spirit and fierce determination making him an unstoppable force on the training field. As he grew older, Ryota's reputation as a formidable fighter spread throughout the clan. He was often sought after by people, who wished to hire him as a bodyguard or retain his services for their disputes. However, Ryota had little interest in such missions.

Despite his rebellious nature, Ryota is fiercely loyal to those he considers friends. He is known for his quick temper and impulsive actions, but also his unwavering courage and compassion. He has a teasing side that often manifests itself in playful banter with those he trusts, but he takes offense easily and will not hesitate to defend those who cannot defend themselves. He often found himself drawn to those who needed help, whether it was lending a hand with the chores or standing up for someone being bullied.

Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History:
“We understand the risk that involves this.” She would speak, keeping from everything and everyone that she had been skipping a certain time of the month already for a half year. She never even told her husband and she was extremely luckilythat there was nothing to see. She got sent out with 2 others, and one of them was her husband. “We will make sure to make you proud.” They spoke to the Clanlead before they started to embark on their mission. It was a mission just for recon but for a long while.

Two months later, there only started to show a small bump, which the third member of the party never even noticed but the husband did. After a small quarrel, he was happy after all, but he knew the risks involved. Because of the type of recon mission, there was a long period of time without contact to the outside world. After roughly every two weeks there was a report made, but it never did mention the pregnancy.

At the moment of birth, the third member was not happy as she would have loved to know that this was going to happen. The mother kept saying sorry, and the father was annoyed at both of them, but all in all. The birth of the small boy was without complications or hindrance. The week after they kept a lay low and then started to each take turns caring for the small child.

When the child was almost a year old, there was a report going out about what had happened and that more information would be given upon return. There was a mention of a child. When they moved back, they had made a hidden makeshift child stroller and continued traveling. Ryota holds no memory of it, but a group of nomads attacked the small and exhausted group and sadly all got wounded and murdered. Ryota had kept silent as he had been fast asleep, tired of the playing, trotting, and stumbling. Around noon a cry came from the cargo that had been partially scattered, when the child had been found, it was luckily still alive. An individual took him to a small family, with the emblem of his family. A smile was on his face as he handed the child off to the family where he would be growing up. The first few years were actually without much trouble, as he was yet to unlock his potential it seems.

“Yes Lord Akkuma,” Was a voice from the caregiver that had been sitting around the table with the guardians of Ryota. He looked carefully around the wall and his golden hues often scared people so he was rather careful. His guardians had told him that a special guest was coming over. When he was noticed he got called in, standing in simple clothing a bit dirty from playing outside he would smile shyly to the ground. After all, it was not a lot that he got to meet new people. “He is… we believe around 5 years now, and if what you told is true, he should be manifesting his nature soon…” The male spoke and the female took the child on her lap. He started to play with the little dinosaur on the table.

They spoke a bit more about his behavior, the way he had been growing, and odd things if they had encountered things. Since Lord Akkuma was the one providing the care of the child. This couple was just very glad to be able to let one grow up as they could not have a child of their own.

An… emergency summon was done to Lord Akkuma as the child had gotten out of control, the guardians were at a loss by the sudden appearance of a set of extra ears, a tail, and what seemed to be tiny fangs and claws. Yet the rest was the body of a child… A hue was going over the child as if something was coating him. The urge that this child had to scratch and bite everything even when the lord had come from his tiny hellhole. The fierce growl that the child gave made the guardians a bit hesitant, but mainly because they were unsure how to handle this.

A week… one week with Akkuma and he came back almost as a different child. He informed them that it was his Bloodline peeking through, as he was coming from the Toraono Clan. The child was probably from one of the families and thus inherited it. Yet from who was something that they did not know. A clear growth plan was given for this 6-year-old on which he started pieces of training to also manage his energy output. But for some reason, he was always unable to give happiness to his father. He always asked if that was all he was able to do, and he even asked if he couldn’t do more. It made him feel smaller and his mother on the other hand always was doting on him. But slowly the truth started to turn around.

As how Ryota would describe it... That week was another hell. The Lord often found him talking to nothing, but he soon discovered that was because the being never showed himself but to the child. Thus it was eventually that Ryota asked the spirit to show itself in front of the lord. It was soon clear that Ryota had been a vessel for a spirit and one inhabited him. It was a lightning spirit but a cursed one.

Throughout the week, the child almost lost control of it twice but managed with help to overcome it every time. The training was harsh but eventually, the kid did learn the manage stage 1 without a problem, stage two when he was focussing enough only stage three was something that should be trained under a careful eye.

Ryota started to talk less to the creature when he wasn't alone and did start to become a bit more docile altogether, seeming that they at least got to equal ground.

The child was always trying his best in and around the household when he was at the age of 10 he found a wolf. The wolf was staring at him and it intrigued the small boy. A mechanical leg, not the mention that gaze. Ryota was drawn to it. But even halted in his steps, looking back to the house where he had been growing up, with how he had been growing up… He was already a bit more mature than most of his age, so he knew that if he followed this wolf… That he would not come home, he would not return here. That made him make up his mind, asking the wolf for a moment if he would go back inside the house, using his cat-like senses to get around the guardians and leave three sets of notes. To his mother with a few caring words, to his father that he would achieve his dreams and set out for the wilds. Making sure he would survive and always do better like he had asked. To the lord… There wasn’t much in the letter for the lord, except a drawing of a…. yesh, he was still a child. All those letters were signed and with his signature, he had punctured the papers with his one corner teeth. one of them had fallen out a few days earlier it was his baby teeth. Just a few more and he was done with them all.

On the way, it was difficult for the 10-year-old if it had not been for the amount of training. He was following the wolf diligently through the sands, learning a lot more about the surroundings and the pictures of the monster that the lord showed but also the picture books. “Those are dangerous…” He muttered as he looked to the wolf who seemed to think the same, waiting for the creatures to move they would wait. At one point the boy was asleep on the wolf’s back as they moved further.

After a month they finally made it towards the giant gates. In awe, the child was looking towards the giant steel doors and soon a set of guards with raised weapons started to walk towards the front. That was... Till they spotted the emblem and then suddenly started to headset call towards someone. The road had been long, difficult so by the time the child had gotten some hot cocoa and a muffin… He was already falling asleep, it was a pleasant dream for him. But by the time he woke up, he woke up somewhere he didn’t know what was.

Through the years he started in the academy, being a shinobi like his parents used to be. The clan was nice to him, but it still felt off as it was a big group, unlike the place where he grew up. Sometimes there were children, there weren't. They were a lot on the move and he was hardly allowed to venture far. Unlike here… he was allowed everywhere inside the village borders.

A quarrel inside the clan. (Hyuuga application 307WC)

A blow had landed on the cheek of the red-haired child. He had been gritting his teeth earlier at the remarks and this was now too much. Words didn't hurt, that is how he had been taught, but now that child had hit him. And that was the moment a fight had erupted between the red-haired child and the black-haired child. The caretaker who was in charge of them was unable to separate them as she was a non-chakra person. So she did the best possible thing next, and that was to get an adultier adult.

After the first blow, the two children started to fight more, Nara versus Hyuuga. Blows were landing left and right and a lot of things were being yelled. At one point there was a cloudy look going over the golden hues of the child and it was clear that he had passively activated something. "We in the Hyou are better!" Sounded the black-haired and of course, the child gritted his teeth. He had been trying his best all the time, trying to prove that he was worth it. Right now they were in a fight by all the taunting the other one had been doing. " You shouldn't even be here! You weren't born here!" And that was where he snapped. His vision turned better and veins were popping around his eyes. A direct hit was landed on the child and right after an adult managed to step in before they went overboard on each other. The blow that @@@@ landed made it so that the other was bleeding internally.

Ryota had been scolded firmly and had been grounded, told that he should have done better. The other child had been scolded too, but that information was never told to @@@@. For him it seemed unfair that this was happening, after all... he never had started this.

Lazy ass;

Right now he is 17 years old... And still, a genin, that was because he was done with proving that he was worth it, it seemed like he hardly got any recognition from people for what he had been doing. He was quick to be ticked off and did not seem to spend much time in or around the clan. Everyone kept their distance too because of the fights he had held in the past. Knowing full well what he was didn't help, along with having no parents to love him. The child had been living like a sword, trying to be molded and hammered into a shape but it had been broken along the way. They had tried to patch it but didn't understand why it had been broken.

Now only time could tell as to how he would grow up to an adult... that was if everyone could handle him in his teenage phase.
Clan Request: Toraono

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats: [
Agility: 600/ 600
Stamina: 600/ 600
Taijutsu: 600/ 600
Ninjutsu: 600/ 600
Genjutsu: 600/ 600
Chakra Control: 600%/600%
Stats: 3.600 / 3.600
Old OOC Rank: S
Stat Cut: 0%
New Stats:
Agility: 600/ 600
Stamina: 600/ 600
Taijutsu: 600/ 600
Ninjutsu: 600/ 600
Genjutsu: 600/ 600
Chakra Control: 600%/600%
Stats: 3.600 / 3.600
New OOC Rank: S

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:Keeping all


note to self; add Sound [M], Gravity [M]

«M» Means Mastered, fully mastered.

Other Refunds: Keeping all

Name of any Contract you currently own: Yokai, keeping on Shion.
- If Retiring character, list link to obtaining the Contract. You will regain this contract upon rebirth back into this character provided you do not transfer it or swap it. Contracts do not transfer over to new characters normally. You may pay 300 Advanced Shop Points to transfer over a single contract you currently own, or pay 450 Advanced Shop Points to swap and transfer one contract you own for another contract during the OCR process. Both options require a writeup to be sent to the contract team for approval of how you gained the contract as your new character. You may not switch to a rare contract from a common contract. (Rare contracts are Kami, Youkai, Tsukumogami, and Elemental)
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: I believe i dropped it... or planning on.
- If Retiring character, list link to obtaining the cursed seal (from village request). You will regain this cursed seal upon rebirth back into this character. Curse Seals do not carry over to new characters.
Name of Kinjutsu you own: Doujutsu
- If retiring character, list link to obtaining the kinjutsu (from your village request). You will regain this kinjutsu upon rebirth back into this character. Kinjutsus do not carry over to new character. Also, you may choose any kinjutsu fr your new character, but you will need to apply for it with your new character.

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? No, but do want to keep him as NPC.
Upon death, roleplayers in ANY of your other incomplete thread(s) are to vote whether they can deal with your non-existence from the beginning of these thread(s). Whether you joined these thread(s) before or after you entered the battle that got you killed, you are still considered a part of these thread(s).
- If players vote yes, you get to move on to your next life.
- If players vote no, you must stay in those threads as if you were still alive.

You can still train (see: explanation of Limbo Training below) and do other OOC things, but you may NOT join any new threads. After you have completed these thread(s), post in OCR again and we will move you on to your next life.

What is Limbo Training?
This is the training that you would have gotten if you did not move on to your new character's life. Your caps are determined by your rebirthed stats. You must keep a record of your stats gained during limbo in your OCR thread. You may NOT request for an automatic rank up should you find that your new stats allow you to upgrade. Limbo training is only for people who have died in modded combat or suicide. Anyone whose character has not died is still capable of RPing that character until their OCR is finalized, and thus can train as normal.

Things you do NOT need to state, but take note of:
  • Abilities = All of your Abilities are auto-untrained upon rebirth. In order to have any Abilities for your new character, you must activate them by posting in your character’s Dojo topic in your new village.
  • Character History = By suiciding/rebirthing, you're making a new character. This means your new character must not know or remember anything of your old character's life/thoughts/feelings. If your new character has ANY direct/indirect connection to your old character, you MUST state that in your new character history write up for Admin & Village approvals. All Medical or ANBU related experience should be reflected in your history along with CA or BL influence.
  • Editing Your New Character Application = Do not edit a post you have made in your OCR. You must copy all of your information from your last post and add the changes to the new post. This is for papertrail reasons.

Things that do NOT transfer with your next character:
Please take notice of which ASP shop items that you have bought transfer with your character, and which do not.
Taken into Council!

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Bloodline/Kinjutsu - Check
Clan App - Check
Approval from the Devil Themself - Check

History/Background/Descriptions - Check
Jutsu Exchange - N/A (keeping all)

You're approved! Welcome to Sunagakure! To catch up on recent events, please visit our Timeline for history and our current Event!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
