Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Seeing Things (private)


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]The former ANBU Sennin shrugged noncommittally but said nothing to Roku's mention of his claim on Kaito which was precisely why he had not chosen to kill Kaito but rather confiscate something powerful and important from the former Cabal leader. If he'd slain Kaito it would have constituted a breach of the truce that he'd agreed to with Sousuke and while Mikaboshi was perfectly willing to do so -- waiting for the right opportunity, really -- he didn't want to waste that moment on something as banal as revenge on Kaito. The debt that he was owed was important to him but his sense of practicality demanded that he hold his cards a little while longer.

After all, he could always kill Kaito when he was done with Sunagakure and Sousuke.

Mikaboshi endured Kuro's outburst quietly as he waited for the border sennin to finish his rant.

"Think what you like, Kuro." He whispered, the volume of his voice low but packed with venom. "But your Sunahoshi is gone. I tore open his chest, ate his heart and now I wear his skin like a coat. Such and no less is the price for crossing me. Forget that at your own peril."

It was not explicitly a threat but the violent message in Mikaboshi's words was clear: Katsuo is gone and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to change that. In truth, even Mikaboshi wasn't sure if that was entirely true after his... encounter with a strange specter of energy in the preceding weeks. Still, the specter had not troubled him or interfered any further so Mikaboshi had put it out of his mind for the time being to focus on greater things. Even despite all of that, the conviction behind the words he spoke was adamant and there was no room to interpret any facet of his statement as uncertain or without surety. He said nothing to Kuro's remark about being the "true king of Wind Country" despite being possessed of an urge to give it a derisive snort. The "true king"? He did not need the blood of a doomed line of kings to take control of Wind Country nor did Mikaboshi harbor any intention of bridging any gaps between humans and ancients.

Humanity would kneel or it would burn. Perhaps a little of both if Mikaboshi had his way in the end.

"I've met their leader, briefly." Remarked Mikaboshi on the nature of the Miroku Clan. "I judged him as incompetent and out of his depth. I expect he will get himself and his people killed sooner rather than later. The only danger he poses to Sunagakure is the further reason he gives to your foe to unite Wind Country against you as he plans to seat his own pawn upon the seat of Wind Country's throne. A boy named Riyota."

Mikaboshi craned his head to look at Kuro to watch his reaction as he plainly spilled a detail of the night he'd wandered in on a plot between him, Akujin and Akkuma to seize power in Wind Country. He had no reason to believe the plan had changed for any reason save for perhaps the fear that Mikaboshi now knew it... but truthfully neither Akujin nor Akkuma struck Mikaboshi as terribly cunning. They both seemed to believe in earnest that they could simply replace the Daimyo with a pliable youth they could control and that would grant them power in Wind without taking into account any of the other major power players in the country... or in the world, for that matter. And in the long run Mikaboshi's assessment had proven correct as it had become clear that the Daimyo possessed backing from an entirely separate group which lurked behind the scenes and was infinitely more dangerous -- to say nothing of enigmatic in their motives. Mikaboshi had not learned much about this Otogakure but the fact that the man who had created and controlled the beast which acted as the anchor for the Diamond Maelstrom was reason enough for concern. That went far beyond they Daimyo possessing simply move-than-averagely competent human specialist soldiers.
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [[url=]SCENE BGM[/url]]"]

Mikaboshi - One and Again Lord of the Deep Court
King Under the Sands, The Great Nightmare, The Night's King, Eldest Shadow

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro looked at Roku while awkwardly holding up his hands like a police officer to interrupt the chain of conversation as it seemed Roku was somehow upset with Kuro and after mentioning Riyota and Surutameni he nodded at each mention and then addressed them unsure what Roku's true problem with him was. "First of all Miroku Akkuma's adopted son Riyota is learning to control his seals and he will be fine, THEY ARE NOT ILLEGAL. As for Surutameni, his surgery was his choice and after working with him on his outbursts he too has gained control and will be better for it. The surgery was also NOT ILLEGAL, if anything my family members are doing is offending you then feel free to let me know and as for your believing I am looking down on you I am not. I barely know anything about you. Feel free to be upset with me as you like I am happy with your accomplishments and your promotion. I have no reason to talk down to you or reason to doubt your words or your action if or when I do I will personally let you know. My gripe was with Mikaboshi himself, he currently believes he is something he is not. I currently believe this is mainly because he is taking on a great deal of human tendencies and humanity that makes him both weaker and stronger than his past self. He can and will make all the slights he wants but HE KNOWS WHERE I STAND ON THE MATTER. As for you Agent Titan, Sennin Roku and whatever other titles and accolades you have earned, you have my sincere thanks for being there to help Sunagakure but NEVER COMPARE YOUR SACRIFICES TO MINE YOU WILL NEVER REACH THE HEIGHTS. Where you might find yourself angry at an outburst not directed toward you I would destroy all that I am in sacrifice just so Sousuke can survive another day to do what is right. By birth, by blood, by spirit, by law, and by eternal oath where I stand is well known. What I do is no secret, who and what I am is no secret. What I am on about as far as Mikaboshi-sama is concerned, is over his actions alone. Your past with him is not the same as mine. My respect for him is certainly different than yours. He IS royalty, he HAS done something very unsettling, because of his actions inadvertently MIKABOSHI IS NOW DOUBLY A KING. HE does not have to like what he has done and what lines he has crossed for me to tell him. I need not lie to him or anyone in this room and since he is not my wife HE gets no lies from me, his feelings are the least of my concerns. Now whatever claims you have about me TALKING DOWN to you please clarify them. IF I EVER DECIDE TO TALK DOWN TO YOU, you will KNOW FOR CERTAIN that I am and I WILL PARADE IT IN YOUR FACE AS AN EQUAL. I will never treat you as anything less than an equal, you have certainly earned that right as Sousuke has appointed you. Lastly I won't be spoken ill of by anyone OUTSIDE of my family EVER. Kazekage, Brother Kazuki, I apologize for my outburst, I do not mean to turn this into a tirade. Please let us all get back to business."<i></i> Normally Kuro would have been far more diplomatic but his bonds with Miroku had indeed loosened many of the binds on his rage and his control over his emotions had dropped from 120% to 80%. Luckily this was quite a light outburst compared to immediately after his exchange in power with Akkuma. Mikaboshi had unveiled one plan and he had gotten it wrong Surutameni had been the choice as he was of royal blood, Riyota was a special case and a potential harbinger of destruction if trained properly. Kuro never denied the usage of seals in his family or his students, as they were always candidates by their own choice. Kuro released his frustrations with a calming breath, as he wondered why he was having to defend anything he had done or allowed to happen to anyone in this room. Kuro would again look at the Black King, he still did not seem to grasp the full implications of what he had done and Kuro did not have the time or the words to make him understand.

WC: 757

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Things quickly escalated once Mikaboshi joined them. An apparent byproduct of the Deep Lord's appearance no less. He had the uncanny ability for sowing discord among them just with his mere presence. And a few well measured words. Kuro started arguing with the former ANBU Sennin that he had gained a few levels of humanity once he had merged his essence with the last living Sunahoshi heir. A fact quickly put down by Mikaboshi. Unfortunately, the mention of the Miroku clan and the Deep Court Lord's double royalty status riled things up and the conversation was going downhill. It seems they had to be reminded of why they had gathered here. To discuss the new Sennin status. To converse about the new wall. And to further solidify their plans regarding the war with the Wind Daimyo. "We can keep arguing till we go blue. Roku has a lot of distrust for most of us. Kuro believes Mikaboshi's possession of the last Sunahoshi heir made a profound change that he is not readily aware. He also believes Mikaboshi is double royalty and deserves some respect because of that. Sousuke is deeply troubled by recent events that culminated in betrayals from people that were close to him." Kazuki told them, attempting a feeble resume of what was going on. He had started pacing around as well, circling them all as he spoke. "We all get it. We have troubles that will not be easily solved. But we are forgetting why Sousuke gathered us here. To discuss our war with the Wind Daimyo. Bickering like this will just further the Daimyo's agenda." the Overlord stated as he returned to his original spot, between Toraono Kuro and Roku. He thought about mentioning Mikaboshi's agenda as well, but considering what he had just said, it would be a wrong move. A very wrong move, even if he was still certain the Deep Court Lord was not being fully honest them.

"Can we bury the hatchet for the time being?" the Silvery Haired Man asked of them.

[MFT - 341]​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Protectors of Sunagakure[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki - Occult ANBU Sennin

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The more and more that was coming out, the more and more Sousuke was getting frustrated. Kuro's ignorance and arrogance was gound shattering. Shouki survived being digested. DIGESTED. There is stomach acid involved. He survived it. Shouki's durability was greater than his own once upon a time. Granted now that was not so much the case anymore. "Fine then. Go seek out Shouki. Fight him but know if I had difficulty, then so shall you."<i></i> He furrowed his brows. The volume of his voice did not raise. The bit about cursed seals being not being illegal was ... well it did not sit with Sousuke well. "Kuro. Children do not have the mental capacity to realize what cursed seals do to their bodies. They are cursed seals, not celestial seal. I am not going to lie, it was pretty awkward to watch Akkuma just insert his hand into you and just give you a wondrous gift. No more cursed seals to children."<i></i> There was sarcasm in the word wondrous. Sousuke knew what cursed seals were, but more importantly he knew that they were cursed. What part of it did everyone miss? The cursed portion?

He rubbed his temples, Kuro had triggered Mikaboshi and himself at the same time in one fell swoop. Did he want Mikaboshi revealing his situation. No. There was He looked at the ceiling and scratched at the sides of his head rapidly to cause some redness on his flesh. This was frustrating. "As much as I do not like the situation of Katuso being dead, and as much as I do not like the fact that Mikaboshi is walking around in his body, at least there is the one prospect that the Daimyo does not have access to another Sunahoshi at this present time to put up another storm. Equally it means I have to protect ... in some way, I don't know how ... Mikaboshi from being used as a battery by the Daimyo for his little army. Equally if he gets his hands on Katuso's body then it means he may be able to do some very dangerous things."<i></i> Sousuke was talking out loud to himself. "This is a very awkward situation. Mikaboshi is quite capable of handling himself in times past, but he was sealed away during the Cabal invasion. Naturally he broke out by some means, but it is something we have to factor."<i></i> He gritted his teeth. This was maddening and stressful. "Katuso didn't want to become Kazekage, so who truly knows if he wanted to become the King of Wind Country. He merely wanted to save it, but then you now have the complete antithesis of it being that Mikaboshi quite probably wants to burn down a good portion of it because ... 'humanity'. I don't know."<i></i> Sousuke still wasn't done yet. "Did I mention how terrible cursed seals are for children?"<i></i> He did that. Didn't he?

At this rate the only one Kuro who had yet to insult or trigger was Kazuki. Roku and Kuro had words, and Sousuke was still staring at the ceiling as he was going through the options in the long run. The shouting at some point had become white noise to Sousuke. He filed away what Mikaboshi had said about Miroku's clan, and yes he was right. "When were you going to tell me about you plan for Suru or Riyota? You do realize you are putting them in mortal peril? If Wind country sees us putting Suru on the throne, do you think that is going to make us hated or less likable?"<i></i> Finally his gaze would shift from the ceiling to Mikaboshi. "Thank-you for your assessment, I had a very similar assessment of my own. His men have been trying to ... get to know me better ... which makes me uncomfortable."<i></i>
Kazuki had stepped forward, and spoke his peace. Kazuki got the jist of most things and fortunately was able to return them back to the original point of things. Sousuke tapped his fingers together. "Let's begin with a debrief of the person you had captured Roku. Where did you get him or her, what was she doing here exactly? What was her power set comprised of? Did Mikaboshi sense ... trapped Ancient powers brimming from his or her being?"<i></i>

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro looked at Sousuke in his frustration and would have explained but thought better of it. Sousuke did not know or understand the depths and lengths that the Toraono Clan had gone through to save him or thousands of other children. Cursed seals were merely that because they caused breakdown when not wielded properly. Kuro had never gotten a chance to tell Sousuke anything because he had never finalized the plan nor was he able to present with absolute certainty that it could even be done. Too many moving pieces was an understatement... Now Sousuke had mentioned his problems with a Jashinist not knowing Kuro had already faced and defeated more than his fair share of Jashinist's so Kuro would have to pull him aside and explain that on a personal level later. Kuro would give a firm motion of acquiescence to Sousuke as he repeated Sousuke's words. "As you wish Kazekage, no more cursed seals for children."<i></i> Kuro wasn't making any headway and despite his honesty everyone seemed to take offense at his slightest word. Shrugging inwardly Kuro picked up a blank piece of paper from Sousuke's desk and after making a cursory check for any of Sousuke's personal notations Kuro then focused his telekinesis to imprint/write a letter of explanation about Jashinists.

What is mentioned below is Written Correspondance - not vocalized- anyone in the room is welcome to read it. ((Kuro did not try to hide the writing or passing of the note, he merely meant to be prompt and allow the debrief to continue))

... As for your problems with Shouki, I can relate. You were never taught how to defeat a Jashinist because it was never brought up in your combat lessons with mother. I have felled more than my fair share in their personal hunts of me and mine so I can tell you it is quite simple. You simply do not let them physically remain in the space of their blood seals. Inside of a toad he had plenty of blood to work his blood magic and blood seals with despite the stomach acid. Any Jashinist can survive combat or inhuman situations as long as they have someone to feed upon and exchange suffering with. Worse still Jashin will let them survive nearly anything except true cremation. Stories persist of a Jashinist being drawn and quartered and that he managed to not only survive it but thrive in his tomb because he was left with enough of his head intact to recite his prayers and curses. I did not mean to insult you, I merely want to point out you did not know...<i></i>

After passing the letter to Sousuke for him to read at his leisure Kuro would find a shelf to lean against so he could listen to Roku's debrief.

WC: 460


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 6: 'Brief Debrief'| Sennin Arc said:
[col]Kazuki called for a burying of the hatchet after yet another outburst from Kuro. Roku was rather curious how amusing Mikaboshi must have found this whole moment. Those that would stand against him as the peak of Sunagakure after settling the situation with the Daimyo would be the four individuals present; one was some form of descendant from Mikaboshi's, one saw the Ancient as some 'double king', one was losing his mind over all of this and then there was Roku. A sigh would escape his lips, and could have been interpretted a great many different ways.

Geez, we are up shit creek on this one...

Sousuke would ask for a debrief. Pausing for a moment, his eyes would spot the note being passed to Sousuke from Kuro after the beast like Sennin acknowledged the Kazekage's concern about his family friend going around and putting life shortening seals on children.

Guess he isn't that dense.

"Very well, I will give some points of relevance to the degree I feel most comfortable."

Let's be real, just because they were playing nice did not mean he trusted any of these scoundrels.

"First, the name of the member is Natsukawa Avaron. Out of the number ranked members she is number 10, out of a total of 10. I've been informed that numbers do not necessarily indicate power level among the ten, but that it does play a factor. Avaron seemed to have the ability to copy abilities through touch, seemingly stealing my fighting style and moves after contact with my person. She was also able to remotely detonate an explosive device, which is not an ability set of mine. She was the newest member of the Sovereigns main numbers and unlike the majority of the others, she willingly entered their forces within the past year as an adult, which means she either knew what their 'process' was for making these enhanced individuals or she herself had a unique body and was submitted to the Sovereign on behalf of another party."

Seemed like a rather vague and ominous comment, but he was going to provide a juicy morsel. He did not like giving up his information so freely, but at the same time he figured this gesture would keep the others off his back for the time being. Especially since he had no intention of sharing anything further than this past this point. His eyes would begin to scan the room as he spoke;

"Avaron was from Tea Country and held a passport that she used to check into the village. It was report that during her check-in she was accompanying a shinobi from Cloud who was, surprise-surprise, greeted and escorted away by one Miroku Akkuma. I believe Tea Country is a variable for the upcoming battle with the Daimyo we need to further investigate."

His back would then find itself pinned once more to the wall.

"At this time, that is all I feel comfortable speaking about in front of the current collection of individuals. Sousuke, I will invite you to have a word with her once I have finished my preparations if you happen to have any questions of your own you'd like to ask her. I do not believe these individuals, the Sovereign, will be open to talk to us either willingly or by force. I will attempt information gathering none-the-less."



Name: Okayama Roku
Epithet: Suna's Raging Beast
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Eyes: Red
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
WiPActionsWiPWeapon EquippedMood MusicWiPMISC X


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]It didn't seem like Mikaboshi even had to really lift a finger to divide the leadership of Sunagakure. They were at each other's throats enough as it was. It did amuse him to some level that Kuro somehow believed that being in possession of Katsuo's body somehow further legitimized his claim to rule as if Mikaboshi cared about what humanity's opinion on the matter was. He had no intention of submitting himself before a conclave of humans and making his case for lordship by reciting lineages and bloodlines. Humanity was in many ways it's own worst enemy and Mikaboshi intended to make full use of that facet of their collective identity to his advantage. Even now he wielded Sunagakure as a cat's paw in a proxy war against the Daimyo that said Daimyo did not even know he was fighting. They both believed that they were fighting each other when in truth they fought because Mikaboshi wanted them to. Whichever emerged the victor would be worse for the war and the other would be eliminated as a rival for Mikaboshi's bid towards dominance.

Finally Kazuki attempted to make peace between the quarreling Sennin and still Mikaboshi said nothing, honoring the ceasefire that he'd signed with Sousuke. For now it suited his purpose fine that Sunagakure started to get their act together and fight in earnest. He believed in the end that Sunagakure would emerge the victor in a battle between the two forces which is why he'd offered the truce to Sousuke rather than Ishii but if they spent too much time looking inward they'd find themselves at the sharp edge of a blade belonging to another one of the Daimyo's assassin's.

Roku seemed coy about the information he was willing to offer... which was shrewd, considering the circumstances. They'd fought and bled together but Mikaboshi knew that Roku did not consider him a true ally and he was smart to doubt in the loyalty of the Deep Lord. Roku believed that Mikaboshi would only remain loyal so long as their interests were aligned and that was, for the most part, completely true. He intended to stay "allied" to Sunagakure until an opportunity for gain presented itself or the battle against the forces of Sora was over one way or another. If Sunagakure managed to get itself destroyed in the process Mikaboshi could always fall back into the darkness of the underground depths and wait for another opportunity to come about. After all, the Daimyo would die of old age eventually and Mikaboshi had already seen his spawn be defeated once before. Defeating Shouki a second time would be no great challenge if it came to it. Still, it was interesting for Mikaboshi to hear what Roku already knew about the Sovereign. Once more Tea Country reared it's ugly head and brought forth a potential connection to the enigmatic Otogakure that seemed to be flitting about in the shadows. Mikaboshi wondered as Roku explained his information on Avaron whether his successor knew about Nao and the connection that the necromancer had to that organization.

Not that he intended to share any of the information he'd received from his new friend with the group. He also could not help but wonder if they knew he'd contacted her. What would they say, he puzzled with a smirk behind his mask, if they knew? He offered nothing to supplement Roku's information. Not because he didn't have anything to add but because the facade he projected implied he had nothing to add. Why give them more information than they needed?

[Geez has it been seven days? I'm super sorry for the wait guys!]
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [[url=]SCENE BGM[/url]]"]

Mikaboshi - One and Again Lord of the Deep Court
King Under the Sands, The Great Nightmare, The Night's King, Eldest Shadow

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
It was quite ironic. Perhaps the less known and less trusted individual in the entire room, serving as the official peacekeeper. Of the present company, only two of them had an actual level of trust, those being Sousuke and Kuro. Roku, his fellow co-Sennin had just started showing a semblance of faith in the Overlord. And there no reason to mention Mikaboshi, since the Ancient clearly loathed him. If the White Wolf were to guess, it was all because he was the latest inductee into the Deep Court. In fact, a feat in on itself, since the Court's effective extermination, a few hundred years ago. Although only a hybrid, the Silvery Haired Man represented a sliver of hope for the Court's eventual rebuild. And although this would be a happy thought for a certain Earth Queen, the Eldest Shadow saw this as potential competition. That or simply because Reaper was a potential progeny of his or had been turned without his direct intervention. Regardless of the probable explanation, it was still an unknown variable, and something to figure out later on. Still, each and everyone's allegiance was quite clear. The Kazekage and the two other Sennin were pro-Sand, no matter how you tried to paint it. Despite the Toraono Warlord's demonic Ancestry, Kazuki had never seen another men with such devotion to his village, except for himself that is. Mikaboshi, on the other hand, regardless of his pretense allegiance was all for himself there. As a foreigner, as a former shinobi from Leaf and Stone, and as a being with a human and ancient side, the Overlord was the wild card there. Although trusted, neither man or ancient were completely certain what kind of angle he was playing there. If only they knew his devotion level was as great as Kuro's, if not even bigger.

Roku's debrief was troubling to say the least. Apparently the Sovereign group was a numbered bunch of individuals. The smaller your number, the greater the potential power, although such correlation was not as direct as one could think. "We should extract as much information as possible from Avaron and then kill her and study her body. We need every piece of information as possible." the Silvery Haired Man advised. It was not exactly a fair deed there, but this was war, unsavory actions were to be expected. "There is someone else that possesses information relevant to the Wind Daimyo and the Sovereign. We need to extract as much information as possible from that source as well." Reaper noted as he eyed Roku. He would know what Kazuki was talking about, and with Mikaboshi present, he did not wish to disclose that Fuu was currently detained in Sand's prison. If only he knew that, not only was the Deep Court Lord aware of such, that the Ancient was already conversing with the Oracle and striking a deal with her.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Protectors of Sunagakure[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki - Occult ANBU Sennin

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Okay. Kuro accepted the new rule of no cursed seals for children. Good. There was absolutely nothing good to come of it, especially considering the condition Riyota was in. Houjin and his Grandmother had provided a detailed report of the exam he was in. Kuro then gave Sousuke a note. He read it over with furrowed brows. Shouki did lose consciousness during the fight. The moment he did he was devoured by Gambuta. He was then taken to the realm of the Summoned, which ... by all right and reason had its own rules and regulations on how that plane of existence worked. After reading the note, here merely pocketed it. Kuro had pointed out a number of details yes, but Shouki if anything would be a continual problem... so would his father if there was a precedent to be made from this.

Now then. Full and absolute attention give to Roku. "We don't know then... how long she has been subjected to being fed the energies of an Ancient or Ancients?"<i></i> Sousuke wondered out loud. He leaned back in his chair and thought about it. "Is there a tell? Kazuki and Mikaboshi can gauge the number of human collected and concentrated into a source."<i></i> He looked to the two of them now. "Has this ever worked the other way? Has there ever been a precedent in old times for this to happen even? Or is it just a power influx display that causes one to figure out a rough number of X source? There is a legend of the Orochi, that ... was ... was it ever confirmed to be an Ancient? It supposedly ate other Ancients? Were numbers were confirmed on the quantity that were devoured?"<i></i> Sousuke was pulling at strings. He despised the concept of Legends. They were not quantifiable. Legends involved numbers that were near infinity, which was absolutely infuriating in the highest regard. Mikaboshi knew it. That is why he was always 'put on the record' for questions. For all he knew Mikaboshi could have sired some ten thousand children by appearing before women in some ... attractive form. Yes. Legends. They were detestable. "Did you loot her passport or anything? Was there anything exceptional about the documents she had on her person? The Daimyo seems to like ... setting up a smoke screen and doing things through others."<i></i> Sousuke knew that Tea was behind Sand into terms of technology. It was a very curious state.

"So. Akkuma had let her in then?"<i></i> That was a concern. Sousuke looked to Kuro to hear him out next about this. Akkuma seemed to want to go about demolishing the Daimyo's forces in a grand display... but of course he didn't know the Daimyo's own people when they were in front of him. A fine smoke screen indeed. "I'll certainly have questions for her."<i></i>

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro looked at his seal work for a moment before replying. "Akkuma welcomed the envoy from Cloud and you met with their messenger as well Sousuke, all involvement with Kumogakure and treaties therein to be established were discussed some time ago. Akkuma did not allow Avaron inside he was merely present when she arrived and Akkuma is not allowed to attack anyone at the dojo unless he is attacked first by our own pact. He could have escorted her around the dojo to meet with Anbu or myself but allowing her entry is NOT within his power. All Roku knows for certain is that she arrived in the company of a Cloud envoy. I appreciate his help in the matter, perhaps if he can help train more Anbu to replace the losses we suffered from the initial Cabal attacks with Kazuki's aid and Roku's attention to detail the new gates to be built will be beyond formidable. There is also the matter of another Sovereign Automaton I wish I had your assistance on Sousuke. While trying to track down then in further attempts to protect Fuu and the Anbu whom called himself Zombie from harm he decimated my defenses and capacities with flames that were obviously powered by Ancients of the flame court. I say it in such a manner because fire is my primary element and outside of Mikaboshi or yourself Sousuke there is no one I know of whom could best me in my own elemental fury. Thanks to my sound defeat at the feet of the Automaton I have also developed some specific combat patterns to deal with him and others like him should he reappear, I believe his title was Number 6. I left the charred message in your office before we set off to check on the exams."<i></i> Kuro spoke to give Roku a compliment on noticing details but after he spoke he was certain Roku would find some reason to turn it into an insult. If he did however Kuro would simply offer another olive branch and speak with him later.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 7: 'Playing Nice'| Sennin Arc said:
[col]Sousuke would ask about her passport.

"Yes, I am in possession of it. States she is traveling here for educational purposes... nothing of it is incriminating and was designed to be non-threatening as possible. No real need for further examination."

Kazuki would call for the death of the woman after extracting as much information from her as possible. He agreed but also did not believe it was going to be that simple. His eyes would briefly shift to Mikaboshi who remained silent through all of this. Either the Ancient was in deep thought or was choosing not to speak on purpose. There were too many variables to try and discern, and the fact one could not see his face to make any judgments based off of fine muscle movements made it almost pointless to attempt a guess. However, it was definitely noted that this was the time in which the Dark One decided to remain quiet when he had been chiming in through most of the conversations thus far.

"Of course, Kazuki, but I also have some reservation. There is a figure within The Sovereign who is known to place seals on people that bring them back after death. I am curious to test out what that truly means, but also realize there is some risk trying such a thing with one of the 10 ranked members without known if they have all been sealed or not. Either way, her life is over."

This introduction of another member of The Sovereign, the number 5 of the group, caused him to think a bit more about all of the facts he had learned about the group and their selection process thus far.

"One more thing about The Sovereign; their recruitment has been linked to the human trafficking happening within this country and within this village. The members that make up this group are potentially composed of former children that were snatched up from obscurity and placed through training to break them holistically and rebuild them as these weapons. Avaron is the not the same, she came in as an adult within the past year. There is a high chance if she was a monster, she was built outside of the Daimyo's care, but the rest of the 9, I would venture half come from human trafficking and were the cream of the crop of human experimentation."

He wanted those in the room to understand who they were fighting. There were some true monsters within the ranks of the Daimyo, but there were also those that were forced into this situation and shaped into the will of the Daimyo. Each of them were going to come face-to-face with a former child of this country or this village who had succumbed to their traumatic upbringing. This was not some clear cut war. The Daimyo was not fighting fair in any sense of the word. He would listen to Kuro and wonder if his fellow Sennin understood how condescending his words sounded when he paid compliments with backhanded remarks. But he did not need to discuss the ANBU branch. Roku had done his part these past months in bringing in a brand new batch of ANBU with various skills and talents. The reestablishing of the ANBU was well underway, whether the head of the Toraono realized it or not.

Ah yes, I went by the name Zombie at that time... I wonder if Fuu is still alive...



Name: Okayama Roku
Epithet: Suna's Raging Beast
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Eyes: Red
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
WiPActionsWiPWeapon EquippedMood MusicWiPMISC X


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[I managed to get one post out for my three topics tonight -- got side-tracked real bad with something when I get home but I promise I will put something up tomorrow.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]"His name is Nao." Pitched in Mikaboshi, offering information for the first time at the exchange as Roku mentioned that there was one among the Sovereign capable of resurrecting the dead. "He isn't a Sovereign but he is certainly allied in opposition against you with the Daimyo. His skills are based in ancient sorcery."

He left out the part about Otogakure. He still wasn't entirely sure what to make of that information. Certainly it meant that these events were wheels within a larger wheel; if someone as powerful as Nao were the instrument of another being then that being was more than capable of orchestrating the current conflict between Sunagakure and the Daimyo but at the moment the leadership of Sand didn't need to understand that part. Such a foe was beyond them anyhow; they struggled enough with Kaito and his Cabal which was to say nothing of the vastly more powerful Sovereign. Mikaboshi could clearly recall the battle in which Katsuo had participated against Kaito and Urufu and knew that neither of them would have been a match for Avaron. Mikaboshi and Roku had dismantled Avaron simply enough but that had been a great deal in part to the Sovereign agent's overconfidence and foolishness. Mikaboshi had ridden the wave of her arrogance and guided her right into her own defeat while Roku did much of the physical heavy lifting.

"He is a master and a genius by human standards but he is not my equal." Concluded the rogue sennin with a tone of finality. He had already put that theory to the test when he'd purged Nao's spell work from Fuu's body with the flames of his essence. Bathed in his power Fuu had been freed from the shackles that tethered her to Nao and in the same breath had transcended her humanity and become something much more exciting in the process. "You would be wise to give me a session with Avaron before you decide to take her life unless you wish for her to rejoin Nao in undeath."

[We now return you to your regularly scheduled schemes already in progress.]
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [[url=]SCENE BGM[/url]]"]

Mikaboshi - One and Again Lord of the Deep Court
King Under the Sands, The Great Nightmare, The Night's King, Eldest Shadow

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Mikaboshi was such a nice character. Offering information and even telling them they would be wise to give him alone time with Avaron. Why not offer him their firstborns as wells? Perhaps King's right as well? Might as well give him reign of the world and go to sleep. As a primordial being, the Deep Court Lord thought himself higher than he should. Humanity had long surpassed Ancients, otherwise they would have never been overthrown. Yes, there were areas were Ancients still had lordship, but human's ingenuity would soon reign supreme. Kazuki felt scorn when looking toward the Elder Shadow, but anything he could say would be twisted and used against him. Staying silent and observing would serve him best for now. Let the Lord of Shadows make his own pitfall. Because the Senju Overlord would be there to push him to his downfall. Hybrid or not, the White Wolf would see his King's downfall. He was on Sunagakure's team first and the Earth Queen's second. They were both part of the same court, but the Silvery Haired Man owned Mikaboshi no allegiance. The world would have to shift its axis before those two could see eye to eye.

[Not much, I know, but I don't know what to write. lol]​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Protectors of Sunagakure[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki - Occult Sennin

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke sat there and considered everything. The harder part was the fact that this was going to bring up every single missing person case before he was born. This was going to be a difficult situation. He was going to have to try and put faces to those who he might have to fight in the future. "Great. This just re-opens no less than thirty cases that got closed and sealed. I'll get those files moved and re-opened. We're going to get closure to some of them."<i></i> Like the Cabal some of these members of the Sovereign were going to have some real motivation. Sousuke considered brainwashing being used, and he certainly would not put it outside of the scope of what the Daimyo was capable of, granted that Roku had indeed mentioned the use of human experimentation. "This automaton Kuro and Zombie had faced off against."<i></i> Sousuke pondered out loud for a moment. "Considering it had bested Kuro, we are ... certain ... in assuming it is one of the ten? Did it announce anything to lead to such an assumption?"<i></i> The Daimyo was not a sloppy individual. He was not going to have a bunch of oafish individuals with numbers on their backs spouting their numerical place in this army and fighting. "Ten was replicating techniques, and this automaton was making use of machinery and flame. Seems like each of these are going to have a varied skill set. An elementary observation of course."<i></i>

Mikaboshi interjected about Nao. This was naturally the first time that he had heard this name. "When you say ancient sorcery are we talking about old techniques, or are we talking about ... the Ancient race?"<i></i> Sousuke had to inquire. An important detail. It was entirely possible that Nao could in fact be an Ancient who simply escaped destruction by humans and lingered in the landscape awaiting a particular moment to re-join history. Sousuke tapped his fingers together and considered things. "Perhaps he was the one who was keeping up the entity in the eye of the storm who was keeping up the Diamond Maelstrom."<i></i> He considered out loud. If that was the truth of the matter, then Nao was a very dangerous individual. Mikaboshi spoke that Nao was not on his level, and it was in that Sousuke was growing wary. Mikaboshi's over confidence was a dangerous this, and in that should he fail to best Nao if it came to that, then there would be another Sunahoshi and another Daimond Maelstrom at work. "Your confidence might betray you Lord Mikaboshi. What make you say so easily that you are above him?"<i></i> Mikaboshi was capable of backing up what he had said, there was reason. What was it? Mikaboshi explained. There was something about the Soverign, defeated they might be Nao was capable of bringing them back. "Damn."<i></i> Sousuke swore. A rare occasion. "Nao is then most likely the reason why the Diamond Maelstrom had lasted as long as it did."<i></i> There was much less to assume then. Sousuke covered half of his face with his hand and readily rubbed the top part of his forehead with his index and middle fingers. "You've had experience in this field before then."<i></i> Sousuke declared. Why else would Mikaboshi make such bold statements with his usual confidence. "No. I do not wish to have a Sovereign up and fighting again. Fine. Yes. I will allow that but there will be a selected few to observe this."<i></i> Sousuke added. "Has anyone encountered this before? This particular brand of sorcery? Is akin to something like what history has recorded occurring at God's Fall?"<i></i> Resurrecting the dead was anything new. Kazuki was capable of it. The differences were vast and varied. Immortality is what all beings desired, but the potency of it was something grave concern.

[MFT 628]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro almost withered in his spirit as he noted Sousuke's concerns. "In Lord Mikaboshi's defense all sorcery is Ancient knowledge despite the different ways in which it is used. Your report stands solid that the last Sunahoshi in control of the Diamond Storm was neither in control of himself or truly alive. With Mikaboshi's experience and Kazuki's knowledge not to mention my own, resurrection and control of those resurrected of a sort is possible. If Nao is the main source, I believe our resident experts should be enough to deal with him. As far as the automaton is concerned I believe any trio of us should be able to deal with him upon his next sighting. I would hope that the Kazekage and myself might go deal with him, should he be captured or at the very least deactivated I know Sousuke could reverse engineer his mechanical components. As far as Avaron is concerned I believe that since Roku and Mikaboshi took her down, she should be at the very least under their power and capacity to interrogate. Just thoughts everyone... thoughts and hopes that we might accomplish together."<i></i> Kuro went about setting some papers aside referencing the missing nin cold cases and identified enemies. This was going to be a headache but a headache was far easier to deal with than the loss of life that would occur if they did nothing.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 8: 'Compromises'| Sennin Arc said:
[col]It seemed that the tempers were starting to wind down, and the hostility seemed to run its peak by now, maybe the long pause after his comment led to this change in the atmosphere. Maybe it was that Mikaboshi was seemingly cooperating. Sousuke even seemed to approve the request, which irritated Roku more than it probably should have.

"As the Kazekage wishes."

Would things be that simple?

"I only have one request before obliging; Mikaboshi did you leave Kaito alive?"

It was only fair that they do a little prey swapping. Depending on if the man was alive or dead, the new Sennin had quiet a few question of his own to ask the war criminal, one of which related to Mikaboshi while the others had very little to do with anything really being discussed in this room. Some grudges had to be worked through or settled.

After everyone, minus Mikaboshi Jr., had a chance to speak on the subject, he would once more chime in a bit. It seemed that Kuro did not fully hear the exchange that happened between Zombie and Mr. 10 or maybe he just did not think it important, either way it worked in his favor.

"Zombie's report stated the mechanical fire-man spoke a name that Fuu gave me. That plus the description of the appearance and actions lead me to believe that he is certainly one of the Sovereign. I also agree with Sennin Kuro. While Mikaboshi and I seemed to favor each other in this instance, I would find it hard to believe one of us alone would have had the same results. I do not wish to make this a blow to any of your pride, but I think it would be wise if any of us encountered an Sovereign that we call for back up immediately. Maybe even making an effort to prepare squads specifically for fighting one of these things. I will type up all the information one the names and members I have to disperse."

See? He could be a team player.


Name: Okayama Roku
Epithet: Suna's Raging Beast
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Eyes: Red
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
WiPActionsWiPWeapon EquippedMood MusicWiPMISC X


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]Mikaboshi replied to Roku's question with a casual shrug before he spoke.

"The former Cabal leader was still breathing when I left him."

Those words could have had... a broad meaning. Ultimately what it really meant is that Mikaboshi had not actually harmed Kaito; he'd robbed him of the source of his power and left him to fend for himself in a village of people who still hated him for his role in what the Cabal occupation had done to the city. Was Kaito still alive? Potentially, Mikaboshi didn't know or care. The point was that he'd exacted his retribution and gained a powerful trinket in the process. It was a successful transaction in the Deep Lord's mind.

"As for the dossiers, I have saved you the effort." The rakish grin behind Mikaboshi's mask was palpable in his words. He said nothing to Roku's suggestion that either of them would have struggled on their own... but only because there was no reason for him to elucidate on the subject of his deeper strength. His pride demanded that if Roku rose to challenge him directly that he utilize all means at his command in answer but if Roku were burdened with an underestimation of just how strong Mikaboshi really was... well that was his problem, wasn't it? "You may enter now."

Mikaboshi's words were quiet and seemingly said to no one in particular but the connection that he shared with the individual which he'd called for was of such a unique nature that she would be capable of hearing him no matter how quietly he spoke and even at great distances away if he chose to call for her. Michi, formerly Fuu of the Cabal, was the first member of the Deep Court to have been initiated in decades. Generations, even. Mikaboshi had found her broken and cursed and as he was wont to do he offered her a choice; she could join him in the shadows and serve as a member of his Court or she could continue to languish in servitude to men and an organization that she hated. She'd taken his offer and true to his word Mikaboshi had burned away the weakness and impurity that he'd found in her both physically and spiritually before reforging her into something stronger.

Something better.

"Lords of Sunagakure, this is my newest protege Michi. She is the newest member of my Court in some time. I will expect that you treat her with all due respect that you would treat me with." There was an unspoken punctuation of "or else" at the tail end of his statement as he rose from his seat and stepped through shadows to the door where he intended for her to enter.
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [[url=]SCENE BGM[/url]]"]

Mikaboshi - One and Again Lord of the Deep Court
King Under the Sands, The Great Nightmare, The Night's King, Eldest Shadow

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013


A young woman entered the room as if on cue, pinched beneath her arm was a stack of manila folders stuffed thinly with papers. She was wearing a pair of glasses and a dark, tailored dress with a pair of practical flats. Her dark hair was pulled back from her face less a few unruly tresses that framed her face, pinned to the back of her crown her hair fanned out in a messy manner but seemed to scarcely move as she briskly crossed the room. "Lord Mikaboshi supplicated me to provide a file on the Soverign army. I am afraid that his request is not feasible, however I can give base facts and describe the leadership of the Soverign," she announced as she pressed a folder into Kuro's chest. In comparison she was quite small. "Sennin Toraono," she would look up an announce his name. This would be the first time they met, although they met once before she was in no state for introductions. The folder would be relinquished when he raised his hands to reach for it. It would feel and appear insubstantial; perhaps that would be a disappointment or suggest she was holding back. Of course the Border Sennin would come to his conclusions soon enough.

"Senju Kazuki," she continued without looking the former foreign delegate in the eye. "I encourage you to study page six, sir."

"Lord," she said as she thoughtlessly relinquished a file into the unmasked ANBU's hands. She did not know the face yet but she soon would.

"Kazekage Takahashi," she handed him the same file as the others.

"And yours as well, sir," she concluded.

Her hands now barren she approached Roku. She did not touch him as her golden eyes flickered with a primal sense of recognition while her mind failed to place his face to a name. She was one who never forgot. She would wordlessly circle around him, not even her shoes touching the floor would make a sound. She would walk around him, moving into his personal space as she did so sniffing the air around him. "There is something wrong with you," she announced cryptically before she started to retreat to a space nearest the door.

"Attempts were made prior to death to disseminate this information," she announced as she started to read off the transcript.

"Page one. Ishii Shouki. Nineteen. Bastard son of Diamyo Ishii Shiro and Oracle Fuu. He is not considered to be in line for the throne because he is an illegitimate but he was raised in the Palace of the Glorious Immortal. He is considered to be a successful warrior and a practitioner of Jashinism, he is immortal. Favored in many ways by the Diamyo, Shouki had a noticeable blood-lust from early childhood that his father Ishii Shiro fostered over the years. Shouki only grew in power as he brought glory to his god. He is the general of the Sovereign army but he temporarily joined a treasure-seeking group called The Cabal. His purpose in the group was to keep the Kazekage outside of the village for the first 72 hours of the siege. After that he was supposed to return to Sora and muster the Soverign Army, citing the Cabal's success. The Cabal attack was not intended to be a victory, at least from the Diamyo's standpoint, it was intended to be a test to determine how fragile the community truly was. If the village overcame the Cabal before this time or the Kazekage was able to get past him, the attacks were to be deferred until a later time because Suagakure would be considered "too powerful" to overtake.

The determination was that Sunagakure was a sub-par and that they could be easily destroyed. A summery of this was provided to the Diamyo a few weeks after the Cabal was defeated. The Soverign attack was prevented because of Shouki's mysterious absence. He failed to return to lead his army, reportedly because he fell underground when leaving the Maw of Barynx to return to Sora. He attacked some moderate ranked assumed shinobi, apparently taking on a perverse interest in the Kazekage. The fate of those he took is undocumented but as there is no record of their recovery my reports assume them to be dead. Shouki is considered to be a genius and he has an affinity for riddles. In addition, he haws several sexual perversions that are manifested through violence. He enjoys both being in pain and giving pain and considers his durability to be a curse because he rarely considers the sensations of combat 'painful' any longer.

He was swallowed by Gamabunta after he fought Sousuke, however he was seen several months later according to civilian reports that described a man matching his description nude walking through the residential district. His present whereabouts are unknown but there have been no reports that he has exited the community nor have there been any reports of brutal attacks that would match a description of what he might do. His physical description is as follows: teenage male standing seven feet in height. He has golden eyes and red, messy hair. He has several piercings, particularly cartilage piercings as well as personal piercings that would likely not be visually identified if he was fully clothed. He has three cursed seals -- they have not been used according to all documented accounts since he has been in Sunagakure, however these seals effect his health making him regenerate faster in terms of vitality as well as chakra. A second seal that serves as a defensive seal that makes him highly resistant to genjutsus. The third being a seal that calls on his god, granting him even more power in accordance with his faith. He uses a giant blade when he fights, it is as tall as he is and weights 100 pounds. Shouki weighs close to three-hundred as well but is mostly muscle despite his Akimichi heritage. It is a relatively little known fact that the Ishii line has some associations with the Akimichi Clan.

He has four known interests -- sex that is violent and rarely consensual; violence that is never consensual; a woman named Naganisa who was a slave-whore in Soons; finally mind games and he likely found his match in Sousuke. He can be obsessive over matters and it is likely that he remains in the village because of Sousuke. It is likely that he is stalking Sousuke and that he plans to attack or take whatever he values most to relive the thrill of their encounter. As for where -- it is possible that he has found Naganisa and is holed up with her someplace. They had a physical relationship but are not 'in love.' Naganisa, however is in love with him. Naganisa is known to become overly attached to the men she surrounds herself with and there was a rumor that Naganisa's former lover... left her."
She concluded as she made a reference to the photograph affixed to the page. It was not the -whole- story but it was enough. Naganisa's love life would have weighted down the report anyways. Chikara Homura tried to kill her rather than elope with her and Sunahoshi Katsuo was essentially destroyed.

She gestured for the group to flip the page to the next entry. "Number One," she exhaled.

"The longest-term member of the Soverign Academy. While they are not ranked in terms of power but rather length of survival, #1 is undoubtedly the strongest. His origins are unknown but it is likely that his origins are similar to the others, he was likely picked up from the street as someone who would not be missed. Nao's academy housed these vagrant children as a 'benefit to society.' Known as the Soverign Academy, this 'school' houses children from the age of two or three to early teens. The children are often tortured and brought to a feral state, some were experimented on and others were left to fend for themselves against their fellow children. He, is likely as broken as the rest of them but he is terrifying.

His power is primarily in his word. He speaks and people follow his will, most have no choice in the matter. It is believed that he is a powerful practitioner of genjutsu. he is also very intelligent, he knows how to get inside of someone's head. He is considered to be more powerful than even the general Shouki, however, even Number #1 cannot contend with immortality. Shouki has maintained his status as general simply because Number 1 has failed to knock Shouki permanently off of his pedestal.

He has a sarcastic streak and enjoys his witty and sometimes not so witty banter. He has a high sense of self-esteem and knows exactly how powerful he is in comparison to those around him and has no qualms reminding others of this fact.

He can be identified easiest by the bandages that he wears. They cover his entire body, not an inch of his form is without bandages. Over top of this he sometimes wears normal attire or cloaks himself. This is to cover the horrible scars he has obtained that have left him a 'monster.' These injuries are not from any single incident but rather a lifetime of hardship and pain. Few have actually seen his physical body or the scars that dig so deep, when in the public eye perhaps for his own vanity or for the sake of others he covers his entire body in bandages. These bandages appear well-worn as if he has used them for a long time but they are clean and always neatly wound around his face, limbs and even his individual fingers. When his bandages come off, you can see several seals burned into his body. These seals were placed by Nao and are rather conventional for the most part, meaning they are the same seals that many Dark Sage practitioners can scribe unlike in Shouki's case. Terra, Celestial, Gaia, Lunar, Hell, Astral, Solar, and Heaven Seals can all be found on his body. The only 'problem' being that these seals are considered mastered but he can still bezerk making him a potential liability in battle.

He is all business so it is unlikely you will find him sulking about. He follows orders to the letter and considers himself a 'good soldier.' His last known orders were to assist in the collection of Sennins. His part in the matter is unknown, but he as well as the rest of the Soverign were ordered to contact the Sennins or other high-ranking delegates from around the world when they arrived in Soons Haven. He is likely processing a foreign delegate."
She gestured towards the photograph she provided, or rather well-drawn sketch much like the last.

She stood there stoically and eyed the men standing in the room. They were reading the report? Hopefully. Were some simply flipping ahead? If Kazuki was one to flip ahead, he would see a page dedicated to Nao that they had not reached yet. She would shift her hands through a complex array of seals, if she was not prevented the papers in their hands would shuffle and return to their previous order. "Before I discuss Number Two and Three, do you have any questions about the General and Number One?"

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"Lords of Sunagakure, this is my newest protege Michi. She is the newest member of my Court in some time. I will expect that you treat her with all due respect that you would treat me with." Mikaboshi announced. His words came with pride but also with a silent threat. Kazuki chuckled upon hearing those words. The Deep Lord's pride would be his downfall. There was another member that had joined the Deep Court before her. The Senju Overlord was him. In theory he was just a hybrid, but the Deep Court genes were still present within him. The fact that the former ANBU Sennin was unable to recognize that fact was a flaw that would come to bite him. Most of the conversation in the room went largely ignored by the White Wolf. Specifically the part where the name Nao came to be. He had heard and learned about the man before. Perhaps the first in the room to do so. But it seems this individual's existence was turning into common knowledge now. Unfortunately he did not had much share behind what had been said already. The only individual that could know more would be Fuu, but she was unconscious deep within the Obsidian Palace. Or was she not?

Michi would eventually enter the room. And so the present company all saw her. A young woman with dark hair, wearing a dark dress and holding several manila folders. Which she quickly distributed among the current men in the room. One thing immediately stood out, at least for the Silvery Haired Man, she failed to make eye contact to him. In fact, she did so with everyone else but him. As if she was trying to purposefully avoid it. Something seemed clear, she was trying to hide something from Reaper's soul piercing gaze. The Occult Sennin's natural curiosity made him study the files ahead of everyone. He was still listening to her speech, but his mind was also focused on analyzing every file. Some of them were more complete than the others, and some peaked his interest more than some. But this study also had a second reason, he was trying to check what file she had compiled about Nao. She talked and talked, and he read and read. Eventually, coincidentally or not, he would reach Nao's file just as Michi stopped talking. Noticing the sudden silence, Kazuki would rise up his eyes from the papers only to watch as the protege's hands were flying through a series of handseals. He was not certain but she seemed to be eyeing him as she did so. Taking a wild, but perhaps educated, guess, Reaper assumed she was doing so because he was reading Nao's file and so reacted accordingly. Luckily for him, but not so much for the former Oracle known as Fuu, the division had nothing but shadows. And where there were shadows, the White Wolf was king. If one were to take good notice, they would see that the Silvery Haired Man's shadow mingled with everyone else's. And by having such a link with them, he could physically control them if so he wished. In Michi's case, he did want. Due to such link, the Occult Sennin stopped her ability to make any and all motions, except for those necessary for sustaining life plus blinking and speaking. "Care to explain me why you were doing handseals while looking at me? And with such a hurry? Is my reading of Nao's file so troublesome for you? And since I am questioning you, why won't you explain to me why you look so familiar to someone I know and, at the same time, you look so different than anyone I know?" the Deep Court Hybrid calmly questioned her. He still had the folder open on Nao's file but his eyes were no longer interested in reading them. There were answers he wanted but they could be found on those papers. "I find it very suspicious that your fresh protege knows so much about them. It makes me wonder if she used to be a part of the Sovereign group, willingly or not. Or perhaps a underling of Nao's? Who was she before your turned her into an Ancient?" Kazuki questioned his supposed Lord without looking at him. His pitch black gaze remained with Michi because he was checking her for reactions to his words.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Protectors of Sunagakure[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki - Occult Sennin

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
