Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Simplified Guide to many things [Training, Dojo, Contract, Battle System]

Guides written by Sazuki Nao/Owly

Note of the maker; said:
This guide is only to get you started if you are new or returning to Ninpocho. And can possibly act as a quick look by.
This is not for advanced troubleshooting or more advanced things. Please do not message me about them either. =)

For combat wise and battle we have on Ninpocho discord a tab called " Ninja powergaming"
For other questions there is a tab on Ninpocho discord called " I need halp. "

This is also only run by me; so if you have questions regards information in this dummies, please DM me on Ninpocho.

~ Owly flies away.
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Training, it seems hard. But I can tell you it is honestly easy.
You make a training topic under the following link Leaf training Area. Cloud training Area, Sand training Area. This is your personal training place, so you keep using this one for your current character.

Now that you want to make one... you have to know a couple of things in advance.
Each week you can train, but you can only train in the following times: Monday 12 AM GMT and Sunday 11:59 PM GMT time. This is the "week" by Ninpocho and only a single time in a week.
(Are you not sure what the time is exactly? I made a shortcut for you, just click the link! It will tell you the date and time. Click me Just set the language if it doesn't automatically change.)

What needs to be in the training post is the following:
» An RP link between the above-named times.
» The link and the word count of the part RP you are using.[250 Wordcount minimum]
» Your current stats
» Your training rolls (To show where the stats went towards.)
» Master Jutsu's you place them here.
» Your new stats + ASP count.

With the new shop announcement, you do not purchase jutsu in your training anymore. You do that in the shop now! But make sure you do not do multiple jutsu types in one go! Do it one by one: Fire, purchase, next, water, purchase, next, etc, etc.

One normal one-time training is this:
Yen by rank:
35 stat points.
However, we have sometimes an extra reward.
Which is found on the following link » L I N K «. Over here you go to the latest placed post to see what the rewards of this month are. You calculate it as 1x (the regular training ) multiplied by the Vote for Us reward.
1x2 = 2
1x3 = 3
1x4 = 4

Regular training looks like this:

Stats + AllocationRewards
OOC Rank: E
Level: 1
Agility: 10 [+5]
Stamina: 10 [+5]
Ninjutsu: 10 [+5]
Genjutsu: 10 [+5]
Taijutsu: 10 [+5]
Chakra Control: 10[+10]
Power level: 60 / 300
+35 ASP
+750 Yennies
+0 ASP from Monthly Voting Rewards [Enter month]
+0 Yennies from Monthly Voting Rewards [Enter Month]
Total to be added:
+0 ASP
+0 Yen

Training Link « Hyperlink This
WC: 250+

Training With Class Rewards.

When you have done training or class, there is a thing going differently. Then a reward is WITH a class or tutor fit in. However, you do need approval from the council. You can do that under Leaf Request, Sand Request, or Cloud Request boards. Once you have the approval you need to link back to that approval ( a paper trail ) for the Global Moderators. Only then you can the extra training reward. If the vote for us says training is doubled, you get a 2x reward extra.

That would be displayed as:
Stats + AllocationRewards
OOC Rank: E
Level: 1
Agility: 15 [+10]
Stamina: 15 [+10]
Ninjutsu:15 [+10]
Genjutsu: 15 [+10]
Taijutsu: 15 [+10]
Chakra Control: 15 [+15]
Power level: 95 / 300
+35 ASP
+750 Yennies
1x training for completing class: xxx requested, a request granted by xxx
+35 ASP
+750 Yennies
+0 ASP from Monthly Voting Rewards [Enter month]
+0 Yennies from Monthly Voting Rewards [Enter Month]
Total to be added:
+0 ASP
+1500 Yen

Training Link « Hyperlink This
WC: 250+

Please take mind of the following. Class/Tutor/Mission rewards may only be claimed for the week they are actually completed.

Purchasing Jutsu and mastering them.
On the top bar, you see "Shop" also found under this link » Click me «. You purchase here your Rank 1. Jutsu's. These your character knows after their purchase (do keep in mind, stated in the rules, you must state them in your profile.)

Now there is a risk with bulk purchases for the site, on this, we request the players not to buy in huge bulks (Multiple jutsu in one go.)
Do it one by one: Fire, purchase, next, water, purchase, next, etc, etc.
There is no limit on the number of jutsu you can have, you can buy the whole shop for the badge/achievement we have!

ASP means Advanced Special Points, which you can use to Master a Jutsu. Below you have a small column explaining what is what for each rank. This happens in your training thread! NOT DOJO.

You will receive yen with each training based on your OOC rank. The yen received is as follows:
E Rank: 750
D Rank: 1,250
C Rank: 2,000
B Rank: 3,000
A Rank: 5,000
S Rank: 7,500
The Jutsu mastering goes as follows:
E Rank: 6 ASP
D Rank: 8 ASP
C Rank: 10 ASP
B Rank: 12 ASP
A Rank: 15 ASP
S-Rank: 20* ASP
* Currently only Chimera, Jashinism, and Human Puppet Kinjutsu owners

And how do you display that?
Stats + AllocationRewards
OOC Rank: E
Level: 1
Agility: 10 [+5]
Stamina: 10 [+5]
Ninjutsu: 10 [+5]
Genjutsu: 10 [+5]
Taijutsu: 10 [+5]
Chakra Control: 10[+10]
Power level: 60 / 300
+35 ASP
+750 Yennies
+0 ASP from Monthly Voting Rewards [Enter month]
+0 Yennies from Monthly Voting Rewards [Enter Month]
Total to be added:
+0 ASP
+0 Yen

Training Link « Hyperlink This
WC: 250+
Mastering Jutsu:
Jutsu Name - Rank - Costs

Total cost: xx ASP

Ranking up.

There are now 2 ways to do it, the mid-training way and the old-fashioned way.

Mid Training way:
Caps aren't as much as a border anymore with an introduction to the mid-training way. Through training, you can go past a capped point, but you have to make sure you own the requirements when doing this, failing to meet the requirements results in not being able to rank up so all the past stats points get converted to ASP.

Below I have made a quick "cheat sheet" to know what to own before you can mid-training your way up to the next rank.
  • From E to D
    • PL of at least 240; Three Mastered Jutsu.
  • From D to C
    • PL of at least 480; Six Mastered Jutsu; at least one D-Rank Mastered Jutsu.
  • From C to B
    • PL of at least 870; Nine Mastered Jutsu; at least one C-Rank Mastered Jutsu
  • From B to A
    • PL of at least 1560; Twelve Mastered Jutsu; at least one B-Rank Mastered Jutsu
  • From A to S.
    • PL of at least 2800; Fifteen Mastered Jutsu; at least one A-Rank Mastered Jutsu
All you need to do is state in your training you are doing a Mid-rank up and then post inside the Rank up the request with the training and everything in order.

Old fashioned
Once you hit the cap points. like below
Agility: 50/50
Stamina: 50/50
Taijutsu: 50/50
Ninjutsu: 50/50
Genjutsu: 50/50
Chakra Control: 50%/50%
You have to rank up, you can rank up in the OOC rank up! The link is the following: » Rank up « What you need to fill in is the following
Current OOC Rank:
New OOC Rank:
Latest PL:[/b] (include a link to where your PL was increased to reach the required number)
[b]Mastered Jutsu:[/b] (please put them within a spoiler tag; state each jutsu's rank and place a link to the jutsu description post)

And these are the requirements for each rank:
E-Rank: Nothing, you start out as this!
D-Rank: E-Rank; PL of at least 240; Three Mastered Jutsu; at least one E-Rank Jutsu Mastered.
C-Rank: D-Rank; PL of at least 480; Six Mastered Jutsu; at least one D-Rank Mastered Jutsu.
B-Rank: C-Rank; PL of at least 870; Nine Mastered Jutsu; at least one C-Rank jutsu Mastered.
A-Rank: B-Rank; PL of at least 1560; Twelve Mastered Jutsu; at least one B-Rank Justu Mastered.
S-Rank: A-Rank; PL of at least 2800; Fifteen Mastered Jutsu; at least one A-Rank Mastered Jutsu.

Late Training.
Please try to avoid this, but if it does happen we got you covered till an extent.
  • You may have one late training a month, but only if you actually posted an RP during the week you're requesting it. For example, the week of Monday Jul 6 2014 to Sun Jul 13, you actually RP enough to train but forget to do so, or hold it off and lose internet, then the following week of Mon Jul 14 to Sun Jul 20, you may link to an rp made between Jul 6 and Jul 13 and ask for it to be rolled. You get one per calendar month. There will be absolutely NO late training granted for weeks in which you failed to RP the minimum word count for an RP.
  • The "Once per calendar month" is the month the training was missed.
  • You cannot claim late training from any further back than the previous month. Eg; You failed to train the first week of June. You have all the way up to the fourth week of July to collect that training. If you also fail to train the second week of July, you can claim both by the Fourth week. If you wait until the first week of August, however, then you can only collect the late July as June is 2 months past now.
  • However, if you have an expected absence, you may request an Early Training in which you will alert the village in their request board that you will be gone for a week and thus unable to train, and when you return, you will be allowed to perform that training anytime within seven days of when you return. If those seven days run out, you lose that Early Training. If you post at any time during the week in which you are requesting an Early Training, it is auto-denied. You may only request one Early Training in a one-month (30 day) period.
Vote for Us rewards and Training.
- Claim once per month possible,
- Training mulitpliers only use-able in the dates mentioned, not before or after.
- If no date has been set yet, it's a flat out 1x training!
- The classes and missions are for all accounts.

Below are examples.
Example message used (1); said:
We hit rank 1!

This months rewards are as follows:

  • +1 RP slot for the month
  • Classes/tutoring gives double stat and yen rewards
  • Solo/Self modded missions give 2x Yen
  • 50000 Yen and 100 ASP

03/07 to 09/07 - x4 training
10/07 to 16/07 - x4 training
17/07 to 23/07 - x4 training
24/07 to 30/07 - x4 training

Remember that if you have a sub account, you can only claim the flat Yen/ASP, and the training bonus rewards on one account.
The bonuses to class rewards, solo missions, as well as the RP slot apply to all accounts.
Example message used (2); said:
We hit rank 3!

This months rewards are as follows:

  • +1 RP slot for the month
  • Classes/tutoring gives double stat and yen rewards
  • Solo/Self modded missions give 2x Yen
  • 40000 Yen and 80 ASP

07/08 to 13/08 - x3 training
14/08 to 20/08 - x3 training
21/08 to 27/08 - x3 training
28/08 to 03/09 - x3 training

Remember that if you have a sub account, you can only claim the flat Yen/ASP, and the training bonus rewards on one account.
The bonuses to class rewards, solo missions, as well as the RP slot apply to all accounts.

Through this you can see you have extra trainings and other goodies. They can only be claimed on 1 of your characters. So either a main account or 1 sub account. Not on both!

As you can see; there is 1 week " missing" that is because this isn\t a monday starting in the new month. in this week (so 31-07-2023 till 06-08-2023) is a flat out 1x training only.

To help vote; use the following web-page; Vote for Us RPGfix

Q: I missed the training! What now?
A: You can late train once per calendar month, you do need a post from that given week. This won't be voided under any circumstances.

Q: I have too many stats points left over, but I am capped!
A: Then the rest of the stats points get converted into ASP. You need to request a rank-up though. Requirements are here » Click Me « and you request it here » click me «.

Back to the top, click me.

Things to take note of:
» Rank up once you meet a requirement,
» Claim the monthly rewards if they are available,
» Make sure you also keep count of your own things! Don't worry if there is a mistake at either your or the roller's party. We are all human,
» You can always contact the (global)council or admin if you have questions regarding training,

Quick link index:
Vote for us (rewards)
Training Rules

S Rank Training Cost June 2, 2020
Training Rules Update May 31, 2020
Late training change Aug 16, 2020
Re-made this explanation 2-10-2020

Added a few words to make 'more sense' 15-11-2022

Added explains on vote-for-us in trainings. 19-09-2023

Happen to have more questions?
Don't be afraid to contact us!!

Must use training template for GMT and Training.

Stats + AllocationRewards
OOC Rank:
Agility: 5 [+0]
Stamina: 5 [+0]
Ninjutsu: 5 [+0]
Genjutsu: 5 [+0]
Taijutsu: 5 [+0]
Chakra Control: 5 [+0]
Power level: 35
+35 ASP
+750 Yennies
+0 ASP from Monthly Voting Rewards
+0 Yennies from Monthly Voting Rewards
Total to be added:
+0 ASP
+0 Yen

Training Link « Hyperlink This
WC: 383
[TH]Stats + Allocation[/TH][TH]Rewards[/TH]
[TD]OOC Rank:
Agility: 5 [+0]
Stamina: 5 [+0]
Ninjutsu: 5 [+0]
Genjutsu: 5 [+0]
Taijutsu: 5 [+0]
Chakra Control: 5 [+0]
Power level: 35 [/TD][TD]Training:
+35 ASP
+750 Yennies
+0 ASP from Monthly Voting Rewards
+0 Yennies from Monthly Voting Rewards
Total to be added:
+0 ASP
+0 Yen

Training Link [COLOR=rgb(107, 142, 78)]« Hyperlink This[/COLOR]
WC: 383[/TD]

-------------------------------------------- General information of the Shinobi --------------------------------------------​
IC Rank:
OOC Rank:
Profile Link: Click me <-- Hyperlink this
Dojo Link: Click me <-- Hyperlink this

-------------------------------------------------- Documentation of current --------------------------------------------------​
AGILITY: 0 / 0
STAMINA: 0 / 0
PL: 0 / 0
Lv. x
Rank up E -> D proof <-- Hyperlink these, but do remove those who you not need
Rank up D -> C proof
Rank up C -> B proof
Rank up B -> A proof
Rank up A-> S proof

Singel training rewards:
S Rank: 7,500 Yen EXAMPLE
S Rank: 35 Stats

-------------------------------------------------- Documentation of Training --------------------------------------------------​

Weekly reward:
RP: WC:250+ <-- Hyperlink this
Stats: 35 x =
Yen: Yen amount here x = Yen amount here

Monthly Reward:
N/A (or place rewards here)
Allocation of Stat points:

Total stats points spend: N/A
Rest to ASP:

-------------------------------------------------- Purchase and Mastering --------------------------------------------------
Total Costs: 0

------------------------------------------------- Administration of Training -------------------------------------------------​
Current Yen:
Yen gain:
Yen Spend:
New Yen:

Current ASP:
ASP gain:
ASP Spend:
New ASP:
New stats:

AGILITY: 0 / 0
STAMINA: 0 / 0
PL: 0 / 0

[CENTER]-------------------------------------------- General information of the Shinobi  --------------------------------------------[/CENTER]
IC Rank:
OOC Rank:[/B] [/TD][TD]Profile Link: Click me [COLOR=rgb(107, 142, 78)]<-- Hyperlink this[/COLOR]
Dojo Link: Click me [COLOR=rgb(107, 142, 78)]<-- Hyperlink this[/COLOR][/TD]

[CENTER]-------------------------------------------------- Documentation of current --------------------------------------------------[/CENTER]
[TH][B][U]S T A T S[/U][/B][/TH][TH][U]O T H E R[/U][/TH]
[TD][B]AGILITY:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]STAMINA:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]TAIJUTSU:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]NINJUTSU:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]GENJUTSU:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]CHAKRA CONTROL:[/B] 0 / 0 %
[B]PL[/B]: 0 / 0
[B]Lv. x[/B][/TD][TD]Rank up E -> D proof[COLOR=rgb(107, 142, 78)] <-- Hyperlink these, but do remove those who you not need[/COLOR]
Rank up D -> C proof
Rank up C -> B proof
Rank up B -> A proof
Rank up A-> S proof

Singel training rewards:
S Rank: 7,500 Yen [COLOR=rgb(107, 142, 78)]EXAMPLE[/COLOR]
S Rank: 35 Stats[/TD]

[CENTER]-------------------------------------------------- Documentation of Training --------------------------------------------------[/CENTER]
Weekly reward:
RP: WC:250+ [COLOR=rgb(107, 142, 78)]<-- Hyperlink this[/COLOR]
Stats: 35 x =
Yen: Yen amount here x  = Yen amount here

[URL='']Monthly Reward:[/URL]
N/A (or place rewards here)[/TD][TD]Allocation of Stat points:
[B]AGILITY:[/B] +0
[B]STAMINA:[/B] +0

Total stats points spend: N/A
Rest to ASP:[/TD]

[CENTER]-------------------------------------------------- Purchase and Mastering --------------------------------------------------
[U]Total Costs[/U]: 0

[CENTER]------------------------------------------------- Administration of Training -------------------------------------------------[/CENTER]
[TD]Current Yen:
Yen gain:
Yen Spend:
[B]New Yen: [/B]

Current ASP:
ASP gain:
ASP Spend:
[B]New ASP: [/B][/TD][TD][U]New stats:[/U]

[B]AGILITY:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]STAMINA:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]TAIJUTSU:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]NINJUTSU:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]GENJUTSU:[/B] 0 / 0
[B]CHAKRA CONTROL:[/B] 0 / 0 %
[B]PL[/B]: 0 / 0 [/TD]


Mid-rank up in pieces of training. (This seemed to be an old thing no one knew about perhaps.)

Added a link for "training time"

Added new hyperlinks, removed a few errors, and reworded a few things.
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Starting a dojo for Dummies
Classes || abilities || Equipment and weapons || Dojo template
Starting up a DOJO, now this doesn't explain anything really, it just explains where to start and go from there. Just beware, everything can be found on the Ultimate Battle Rules! Now all this kind of says is for new players to start-up, to know a little who what or where to find. BUT! This doesn't explain the more advanced stuff! That is all explained further inside the big book!

Rookie Class
Now as a new player, you start off with the following:
Rookie Class
HP: (38+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (38+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: None
High: None
Average: All
Low: None

A rookie class is something you keep till you have a Power Level from 200. (A power level is all your stats together.) After that, you need to start your own class. This is all explained in a detailed version over here » L I N K «.

Regular Class
I am going to try to break it down to make your own, don't be afraid to hit up a council or admin if you need help.

We start off by an empty sheet:
<Insert Class Name>
HP: (mod1+lvl) x stamina
CP: (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus:
[u]<Insert Class Name>[/u]
[b]HP[/b]: (mod1+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP[/b]: (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
[b]Class Bonus[/b]:

Now we start by filling this in, like a regular class you have 90 points to spend, but you have to make sure that you don't go lower than 30 now.
Mod 1 simply is for your first number out of the 90 points.
Mod 2 is for your second number out of the remaining 90 points.

For example, we fill in the following:
Green Beast of Konoha
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (30+lvl) x chakra control

Now we are going to fill in the High, Average, and low. For that we have the following:
  • Melee Accuracy,
  • Ninjutsu Accuracy,
  • Ranged Accuracy,
  • Genjutsu DC (Genjutsu accuracy),
  • Dodge,
  • Genjutsu Save.

There is one thing that HAS to be inside average, so we are going to pre-fill that in.
Green Beast of Konoha
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (30+lvl) x chakra control
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save

As you may have guessed by the name, we get Rock Lee from Naruto as an example. Since it mainly is using his hands and feet to attack rather than weapons. We are going to pick Melee Accuracy and place that in high. Then we will place Ninjutsu accuracy in Average. Then we have two remaining, which we will be placing in Low. It now looks like the following.
Green Beast of Konoha
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (30+lvl) x chakra control
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy.
Low: Range accuracy, Genjutsu DC.
BUT, we are going to make our Green Beast a real Unarmed Taijutsu user, meaning he doesn't use anything else besides Unarmed Taijutsu... So let's lower that Ninjutsu accuracy. By lowering accuracy from Average, placing them all in low. We gain an extra 5 points to spend on our mods. We will be placing this +5 in our HP. Our polished and almost finished class is the following. Class Bonus.

With a class bonus, your basket to shop is 4 points. Now if we go to the following list: » Class Points «. We see what we can spend those 4 points on. In this exmaplantion we spend them as the following:
+1 [Type] Accuracy and Genjutsu DC; (Accuracy Type must be Melee/Ranged/Ninjutsu) (3 points) We are going to place this down as a 1+ Melee Accuracy.
Now we have only 1 more point to spend. With that 1 point left we are going to buy +1 Hp Mod (1 point). With that, our class is complete and looks like this:
Green Beast of Konoha
HP: (65+lvl) x stamina
CP: (30+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Melee Acc/Gen DC and +1 hp mod
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Do keep in mind, once you get a Kinjutsu at OOC B-rank you get a free option to swap out a Class bonus to Kinjutsu. (this costs all your points)

A basic class divider on accuracy is the following: 1 high 1 average 2 low.
Lowering an Accuracy is a +5 mod. Place an accuracy in high extra costs you 5 mod.
Acc up: -5 mod
Acc down: +5 mod.

Veteran Class
First of all, congratulations on gaining to B-rank! This means things change for you and you have a bit more options open!
For your class it means you get an extra mod of +5 on your Cp and +5 on your HP. However, this does increase the minimum inside mods. The mods minimum increase from 30 to 35. But that isn't all, you gain an extra +2 Class points!
So your new totals on making a class are 100 mod points, 6 class points.

If we are going to take a look at our class we made earlier, it seems in need of tweaking. Now I am going to be making 2 options of classes since not everyone wants to get a Kinjutsu (this you unlocked by gaining B-rank.)

Without KinWith a kin
Green Beast of Konoha
HP: (70+lvl) x stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Melee Acc/Gen DC and +3 hp mod
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Green Beast of Konoha
HP: (70+lvl) x stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu Option (Hachimon)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC

Changing Class!

Not entirely sure about it? You can always change your class, however, you do need to write a 100 wordcount and you need to pay 35 stats or ASP points.
This goes into your Dojo.

And for abilities, there goes the following:

E-Rank: 3 Abilities
D-Rank: 5 Abilities
C-Rank: 7 Abilities
B-Rank: 9 Abilities
A-Rank: 11 Abilities

Since you start off as an E-rank you are free to get 3 abilities. (Do note those are listed here and must follow your representative council's rules regards gaining them. » L I N K «

To gain an ability you need to write 100 words on how he/she gained it.
To unlearn an ability there are 2 ways:
1) Write 100 words.
2) Unlearn and wait a week before you can learn again.

Example said:
1. Strategist
Izumi had duck into the books, writing out plans, idea's to use in combat. But not only he had been working it on papers, he also had shown it to his teachers in the hope of some positive feedback.

Once he had gotten those of the teachers he started to use it in the battles before him. Making up plans as if he was having a team under him to guide him along the way. He made tiny errors which were luckily do-able for him and his team. And the more he did strategy the more he got the hang of it.
Disclaimer: The following is an example that was used by a real player, you aren't allowed to copy this.

Our community Improvement team has assembled a list of what to gain at what rank and PL. You can find that here: » Click me « Scroll down to the second post to have abilities on OOC-Rank

Each player has been given 5 inventory slots, please keep note that Weapons do not fill up inventory slots. The 5 slots are divided into one Utility Slot, one Armor Slot, and 3 Miscellaneous Slots.
Please keep in mind; you may only use 1 of each item. They cannot be duplicates.
For more information please click the link beside. > Click me <

There is a cap on it, on how many you can make of these. Now don't be worried, you cannot really reach this cap unless you are a hoarder. But it will be mentioned below.
  • E-rank: 2 Weapons
  • D-rank: 3 Weapons
  • C-rank: 4 Weapons
  • B-rank: 4 Weapons
  • A-rank: 5 Weapons
  • S-rank: 6 Weapons

Now... To create a weapon, the fun part. It is all explained here: » L I N K « but I hope this break this down for a starter on the easy way.

Creation of the weapon:
Now there are many ways to create a weapon, with or without a story, with or without a picture. But, the basic layout will always be the same:
Weapon name
Weapon damage
Damage Modifier:
Accuracy modifier:
Augments :
You can find all of them here: » L I N K «

I have made a "basic" Kunai for those who want to have this. Please note you still need to pay 2400. Yen for the Augment this way!
Training Kunai
Weapon damage
: Unarmed - use Handseals
Damage Modifier : -5% Bonus damage modifier
Accuracy modifier : +1 accuracy
Augments : Recovery
[fimg=left][/fimg][B][U]Training Kunai[/U]
Weapon damage [/B]: Unarmed - use Handseals
[b]Damage Modifier [/B]: -5% Bonus damage modifier
[b]Accuracy modifier [/B]: +1 accuracy
[b]Augments [/B]: [url=] Recovery[/url]

Empty copy layout for DOJO..
Character Name:

Class Name
HP: (mod1+lvl) x stamina
CP: (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Class bonus features
High: High Stat(s)
Average: Average Stats
Low: Low Stat(s)

OOC Rank:

Bloodline/Core Ability:

Core Ability Choices:


Curse Seals:

Advanced Shop Battle Related Purchases:


Major Affinities:

Minor Affinities:

Advanced Elements:

Weapon (name):
Weapon Damage Type:
Damage Modifier:
Accuracy modifier:
1. Unlocks at E-Rank
2. Unlocks at D-Rank
3. Unlocks at B-Rank

Utility Slot:
Armor Slot:
Miscellaneous Slots:

Health Points:
Chakra Points:

Contract Class:
Class Name.
HP: (mod1+lvl) x stamina
CP: (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Class bonus features
High: High Stat(s)
Average: Average Stats
Low: Low Stat(s)

Contract abilities:



Weapon (name):
Weapon Damage Type:
Damage Modifier:
Accuracy modifier:
1. Unlocks at E-Rank
2. Unlocks at D-Rank
3. Unlocks at B-Rank

Jutsu List:





[b]Character Name[/b]:

[u]Class Name[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (mod1+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
[b]Class Bonus[/b]: Class bonus features
[i]High:[/i] High Stat(s)
[i]Average:[/i] Average Stats
[i]Low:[/i] Low Stat(s)

[b]OOC Rank[/b]:

[b]Bloodline/Core Ability[/b]: 

[i]Core Ability Choices:[/i]


[b]Curse Seals[/b]:

[b]Advanced Shop Battle Related Purchases[/b]:


[b]Major Affinities[/b]: 

[b]Minor Affinities[/b]:

[b]Advanced Elements[/b]:

[b]Weapon (name)[/b]: 
[b]Weapon Damage Type[/b]: 
[b]Damage Modifier[/b]: 
[b]Accuracy modifier[/b]: 
1. Unlocks at E-Rank
2. Unlocks at D-Rank
3. Unlocks at B-Rank

[*]The Utility Slot (may contain a Headband, Headset or a Respirator.)
[*]The Armor Slot (may contain either Heavy Armor, Light Armor or No Armor.)
[*]The Miscellaneous Slots (may have any Gear, Tool, Poison or Trap. But keep in mind; No utility or Armor in misc slots.)
[b]Health Points[/b]:
[b]Chakra Points[/b]:

[u][b]Contract Class[/b][/u]: 
[u]Class Name[/u].
[b]HP:[/b] (mod1+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
[b]Class Bonus[/b]: Class bonus features
[i]High:[/i] High Stat(s)
[i]Average:[/i] Average Stats
[i]Low:[/i] Low Stat(s)

[u]Contract abilities[/u]:



[b]Weapon (name)[/b]: 
[b]Weapon Damage Type[/b]: 
[b]Damage Modifier[/b]: 
[b]Accuracy modifier[/b]: 
1. Unlocks at E-Rank
2. Unlocks at D-Rank
3. Unlocks at B-Rank

[u]Jutsu List[/u]:




Back to the top, click me.
Empty layout on dojo.

Added: Class changing

Update on Dojo- easy copy and their coding. Added empty template weapons.
Also added in an empty template for a contract.

Update to reflect on the recent
item update.

Added: Equipment and explanation.
2 broken links fixed.
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Contracts for Dummies!

Now we get to the point of Contracts, a contract is a feature that involves summoning beasts and creatures to do your bidding during battles or for Roleplaying purposes. How do you gain one? Let's go through the process, we'll split it up into 3 parts, gaining one, designing one, and enabling it for combat (in your dojo)

Summoning Technique said:
Before an animal can be summoned, a prospective summoner must first form a contract with the animal and/or its species. To actually summon a contract, users apply some of their blood to the hand they signed the contract with. Usually, they bite one of their fingers to accomplish this, but blood from injuries elsewhere on their body can also be used. They press the hands' five fingers to the ground and channel chakra to the hand, summoning the animal to that location.

Gaining a Contract

It’s quite simple these days. But let's get over the part to what contracts there are on-site: » Link «.
To gain more information about a certain type of contract you can go here » Link «.

There are multiple ways to do searches, but this is the main route you need to take. The only difference is if you wish to bind an ASP item along with it.

How to do the search: (Update!)
There are multiple ways to do a search, below they have been written out.. You have to pick one of the options and make clear which route you are going for, this makes life easier for the contract team.

Recommended; Random search, ASP search (Specific find).
How it works
  • You post a search 1500WC minimum,
  • You post this towards the Contract Land,
    • No modifiers for how eloquent, or structured the post is. Only the ASP card and events can give bonuses.
  • The Contract Team will get back to you.
Tips and tricks for the players
  • Think this of a personal story gain,
  • Let your contract try to overcome something,
    • Can be they found themselves in a predicament and they need to get out of such a thing,
    • Maybe they have found someone in a predicament and want to help them.
  • What, for example, one of our moderators does, split it up to create a red wire.
    • Example; 300wc for opening up, 500 WC of how they got in such a predicament, 500 WC of how they should be getting out of such a thing, 200wc to wrap things up.
The plus side of the story and the minus side of this;
+ You almost have a full guarantee on a contract, even if you do a random search.
+ Depending on how easy you write, it can be a very easy gain on contract,
+ You can do this with another person! Dual searches for the win.

- It’s 1500 words, as much as you have a KInjutsu for, but by making it this hard for yourself you are rewarded.

Recommended; Random search, ASP search (guaranteed random find)
How it works
  • Word requirement: 1500WC minimum total,
  • You post the first 300 - 500 words,
  • You post this towards the Contract Land,
    • A moderator picks up your search, rolls for you.
    • Your contract moderator gets back to you with the dice roll.
  • You finish the word count.
  • Post this up towards the Contract Land, in your original topic;
    • A moderator picks this up, rates it, and gets back to you.
  • Either good luck next time or congratulations!
Tips and tricks for the players;
  • Think this of a personal story gain,
  • Make for yourself a story idea, let your inspiration go wild!
  • What, for example one of our moderators does, split it up to create a red wire.
    • Example; 300wc for opening up, 500 wc of how they got in such a predicament, 500 wc of how they should be getting out such a thing, 200wc to wrap things up.
The plus side of the story and the minus side of this;
+ Depending on how easy you write, it can be a very easy gain on contract,
+ You can do this with another person! Dual searches for the win.

- It’s 1500 words, as much as you have a KInjutsu for, but by making it this hard for yourself you are rewarded.
- There is no guarantee you gain a contract this way.

Recommended; Random search, ASP search
How it works
  • Requirement: 2000WC minimum,
  • You post the first 500 words,
  • You post this towards the Contract Land,
    • A moderator picks up your search, rolls for you.
    • Your contract moderator gets back to you with the dice roll.
  • You choose to accept or deny it..
    • By denying this, you still gain the time out, but you cannot find this contract by your next search unless you ask for a ‘reset’.
  • By accepting it, you start the journey together with your Contract mod,
  • You post behind each other with a daily limit of 5, unless differently mentioned.
    • Keep in mind, 3 strikes and you failed the search.
    • When you, the player, haven't posted in the search for 3 weeks, it is considered a failed search.
  • Near the end, your contract mod will take the search to the contract team,
    • This will be judged by the team if you pass or fail.
  • Either good luck next time or congratulations!
Tips and tricks for the players;
  • Talk with your Contract moderator if you have questions,
  • really keep in your character rather than forcing your player to do a certain something just to gain a contract,
  • Have fun and keep communicating, your contract mod might not say everything, but you can always ask and they will provide the best answer.
The plus side of the story and the minus side of this;
+ You get to RP against a contract moderator,
+ You can do this with another person! Dual searches for the win,
+ You can create a lot of fun for your character.

- It requires more effort of the player doing to search,
- There is no guarantee you gain a contract this way.

Recommended; Random search, ASP search

How it works;
  • You keep to the requirement of your chosen search,
  • Make sure to follow the rules.
Tips and tricks for the players;
  • Talk with each other to gain a flow momentum,
  • Get a red wire going on, a common goal so to say.
  • Don’t try to do this in “one go 1500 words” that leaves less room for the other to go with the flow, try to do this in the Tutor teaching setting, each one posts for +- 300 words a post, till you hit the 1500 words mark. Easy going!
The plus side of the story and the minus side of this;
If you do a Contract Search ASP card Find, only one of you needs to get the card!
+ Depending on the search, you get a contract with joined effort.

- Can be difficult if you rush it too quickly in word counters.
- Depending on the search, you might not get a contract despite the joined effort.
*If you want a different OVZ (Outer Village Zone) You must travel towards it following the traveling rules!
Note: Do beware there is a 2 month waiting period between searches.

  • Fox
  • Toad
  • Feline
  • Marine Mammal
  • Slug
  • Ungulate
  • Monkey
  • Turtle
  • Canine
  • Slug
  • Spider
  • Plant
  • Lizard
  • Snake
  • Shark
  • Bird
  • Insect
  • Rodent
  • Bear
  • Canine
  • Marine Mammal
  • Feline
  • Spider
  • Ungulate
  • Deep Sea
  • Marine Mammal
  • Bird
  • Shark
  • Insect
  • Rodent
  • Bat
  • Insect
  • Spider
  • Bird
  • Canine
  • Plant
*The contracts marked by the green glow are exclusive to the particular country they’re listed under. So to find one of them, one would have to travel to that country, or buy one of the ASP cards that allow searching for other beasts in your own country.

**The Kami, Youkai, Tsukumogami, and Elemental contracts have a rare chance of being found in any location.

!!! If you have purchased an ASP card, you must state this in your search, and once you request a C-mod! We will look if you have this ASP item purchased if this is the case once complete it will be paper trailed and the item will be removed.

Discovery of Contract of Random Choice -150 ASPointsDiscovery of Contract of Your Choice - 400 Points
The user is guaranteed to find a contract when they do their contract search. They must still travel to an area where contracts would be found (i.e. any Outer Village Zone) and perform a contract search. This does not permit the user to find a contract that doesn’t live in that particular area. (i.e. no finding Deep Sea contracts in Wind through this ASP card.)
This may not be returned. May be purchased once or twice, depending on the number of contracts already held. Cannot obtain the same contract twice. There will be a 1 month wait time between each purchase.
The user is guaranteed to find the contract of choice when they do their contract search. They must still travel to an area where contracts would be found (i.e. any Outer Village Zone) and perform a contract search. This permits finding any contract in any Outer Village Zone (i.e. finding Deep Sea in Wind would be possible.)
This may not be returned. May be purchased once or twice, depending on the number of contracts already held, Cannot obtain the same contract twice. There will be a 1 month wait time between each purchase.
Step by step on how to do a search:
Step 1) What kind of contract do you want; go towards that village outer zone if needed.
Step 2) Pick the kind of search you want and start writing.
Step 3) Post it up for a moderator to pick up, depending on your search type they will respond correctly.
Step 4) Either congratulations or good luck on the next try.
By congratulations; go to step 5.
Step 5) Design a contract; see steps below.
Step 6) Once the design is approved, go to your dojo and create your contract for battle. (See explanation below.)
Step 7) All approved? Great going, you got your own contract.

Designing one
There is a list we need to keep as we make one.
Physical Appearance:
Other info:[/b] [/B]State here whether your contract is taking the Gigantic or Hivemind ability.

Now, these are the expectations/rules of the team towards a contract:

All types of contracts must meet the following: The History must have 300 Words minimum, Physical Description, and Mental Description of the contract 100 words each. These things are set in stone upon creation and would require a re-vote from the Contract Team if they were to change.

The naming of Contracts:
The name unlike in character creation, the name can be non-Japanese. However, we do follow that it cannot be a cannon name from nature Universe, can't he name cannot have a BL / CA affinity with them

Normal Contract Creation:
These contracts cannot have any human form to them. Birds cannot have arms, slugs cannot have legs, etc. (Hybrids will be accepted if they do not break the rule of becoming humanoid in the process). They also cannot be undead, spirits, or anything like the special 3 contracts.
If you make a contract that is related to an animal or aspect of a respective council, you also need to gain permission from them. example: Sandworm from the Sand council.
The contract must represent what it is originally supposed to be in some shape or form, to give a few examples of this you can find them below:
1) Slug's contract could be represented as something like a Sand Worm, Slug, Wyrm that follow similar traits to that contract.
2) Dog contract could be represented by such things as a Wolf, Canine anything that could represent that breed of the animal if it has the features of the contract.
3) Feline Contracts could be represented by such animals as a jaguar, cat, cougar, lynx anything that represents that breed of animal.

Youkai, Kami or Tsukumogami:
These 3 special contracts can have humanoid appearances, however, they cannot change forms after you have created it. IF it is that much bigger then a regular contract, you must pick up the gigantic ability.


This contract is made and owned by Hato, you cannot replicate this as this is solely used as an example!


Name: Nyrdu -> Nyr
Alias: Champion of the Blue
Age: Unknown
Rank: Canine contract
The fur of this canine is a mix. The belly and part of the paws are covered by the white-colored fur, yet the back and sides of the paws are covered by black. There is marking on his forehead and he has blue hues. He has a regular size, which is around a wolf's regular height, but once he activates his mount ability, he easily reaches up to one and a half-human size. This only so the person is able to ride him like a mount.
Nyr can perform attacks with his teeth and claws, as well as lunge nimbly toward enemies, although these attacks are not as powerful as when he is in his regular size, they still do quite the damage. He can learn various scents, using his enhanced senses as a wolf to track that person or object to whom the scent belongs.

In his mount ability, he is able to jump higher than in his regular form and is able to take more damage from higher jumps.
He can have a lot of fun with his friends, but can also be quite serious about his duties and responsibilities. He takes pride in being dependable and trustworthy if there is a job to be done? They are the ones you can count on, to put a part of that burden on his shoulders in order to take a wheel for example. He also believes in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. He isn't very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is his way. For in the long run loyalty, discipline and teamwork get the job done. He is strict regards schedules and a sharp eye for proper procedures. He is cautious about change, even though he knows it can be for the better and the healthy. Even though, he is a provider, who takes it up to himself to ensure the health and welfare of those he places in his care. He is one of the social ‘champions’ of his group. Because of the fact he is a friendly social, he is a key to their nature. Wherever he goes, he is happily giving his time and energy to those who he meets.
So to describe him in a short summary, he is social, caring and very loyal. Somewhat strict to rules and often clings to them more than necessary. He dislikes changes from plans that are already made, but often has to go with Shin in his way. Guarding him whenever it is needed, taking care of him when it is a must.

He was part of the “blue” clan, which was a sub-clan inside the village. His chief was always working on the communication, and on that perspective, he had a circle of elites. His champions. out of each champion was the main one, one that was the leader of this group. And he had no idea he would be that person later in life.
Yet as he was born, he didn’t have that snow-white fur that all the others held, which made him have a rather rough time in and around the place at first. He had a mixed fur from dark and light but held these bright blue eyes. When he was just a teen, more of that fur mixture was born. And that was when his life started to ease up. He went to the training of his clan in order to learn further, to train further. He got to see little outside of this village yet, till he was trained and ready. But there was a special thing about him, he held amount ability, he could enlarge himself. Which often meant a victory for him. It was also, the way he used it, innovative to protect the others behind him. Soon he was seen as the protector of the group he was in.

There was eventually a trial, as the old champions had to retire after such a long time, that they were to ‘trial’ against the new ones. That way you always had stronger than the past ones. A select group of 10 was made to fill in the 4 that there were. 1 head, 3 regulars. It was a difficult trial. But you had to do it on your own, something which felt hard for Nyrdu as he always watched out for them. It was a dangerous trail, already re-made because of the fact that this was going unsafe. This year was the last year that this trail was in use. After this, a completely new one would be made.
At the beginning of the trail everyone was racing towards the end, to meet the battle ahead. But around the beginning, someone fell off due to loose rocks. Nyrdu rushed to their aid, even though this could mean he wouldn’t have a spot in the 4… and after that one was saved, he didn’t thank. He just ran, it stung the other. But he cheered himself up knowing that he was save for now. Yet to win… he had to do something reckless. and that he did. He picked the old trail part, the one that was failed to doom for everyone who did it… and he barely made it first to the finish as one of his close rivals was just behind him. Now they had made the parkour part, the first 4 had to fight the same elite. Based on that there would be champions chosen on their way till the end. It was long battles, but eventually, 3 out of 4 passed, this meant the day was born for 3 heroes of their Blue clan.
It was at the ceremony that everyone got to know who got to be the new champions leader, out of everyone's surprise it was Nyrdu. Who had to listen about why he got it which made him shy. The symbols were transferred over from champion to champion and with that it sealed the deal. Yet it was that after years and years that he was linked to a human, it was an honor, but also a burden to carry two mantles.

Dojo part Contracts
To make this, you have to post into your own Dojo. Below you can find an example template + code if you wish to use it, it contains everything you need before we get to explain further.

Contract Type
StatisticsCustom Class

Health Points
Chakra Points
Enter Class Name
Class Bonus:
Abilities & Jutsu Sub-typesWeapon
Insert Name

Jutsu List


[TH][SIZE=18px]Contract Type[/SIZE][/TH]
[TH][B][U]Statistics[/U][/B][/TH][TH][U]Custom Class[/U][/TH]

Health Points
Chakra Points[/B][/TD][TD][B][U][I]Enter Class Name[/I][/U]
[B]Class Bonus[/B]:
[TH][U]Abilities & Jutsu Sub-types[/U][/TH]
[TD][B][I][U]Insert Name[/U][/I][/B]

[TH][SIZE=15px][U]Jutsu List[/U][/SIZE][/TH]

The contracts have 70% of your own stats, ability-wise these are fun to play around with. Example: If your contract creature has their Ninjutsu Accuracy assigned to High and you have 600 in your Ninjutsu and Agility statistics then your creature is assumed to have 450 Ninjutsu and Agility resulting in a total Ninjutsu Accuracy of +24 (+12 from base stats and +12 from class bonus).

Now please do state, you get 3 additional ability slots besides the regular contract abilities. So if you have picked bat, you get the 3 abilities the bat already has, which are: Leech Life - Bat Contract Ability, Midnight Haze - Bat Contract Independent Special Move, and Confuse Ray - Bat Contract Senjutsu. Now you have 3 more slots left, they can be the shinobi's abilities, but can also be the contract specific ones.
Full list with information can be found here: » Link «

As for your Class for a Contract, your base value to spend on CP and HP is 70. For a class bonus, you have 4 points and you can treat it as making your own class. Exactly the same steps, just different values.
Their Action points for battle, are different than what you have yourself.
E-Rank = 1.5AP
D-Rank = 2.5AP
C-Rank = 3AP
B-Rank = 3.5AP
A-Rank = 4AP
S-Rank = 5AP

Now you cannot pick every Jutsu in the shop. Once you design your contract, you have to make a decision as you can only bring 3 types. So you can pick any Jutsu from that subtype, but only till the slots are filled.

Contract Moderators do not ever pick your contract search find. People often think this way, but they have no saying in what kind of contract you receive. A contract mod will place the information inside a generator. Which place you are, solo search, random or ASP etc.

However, they do judge your search. The judging goes as followed; A point system.
0.5 - Creativity.
0.5 - Grammar.
0.5 - Spelling.
0.5 - Organization.
The maximum a moderator can give is a max of 2 in each.
Example max points (1500 words search.) said:
0.5 - Creativity.
0.5 - Grammar.
0.5 - Spelling.
0.5 - Organization.
Totals 2.
The following above might not be a guarantee a find, however, it's an increase on the odds.

There is a randomizer who throws a dice basically and that way you either made it or failed it. It is all logged behind the scenes, everyone on the admin team and contract team has access to that.

The tip I can only give regards to searches; challenge your own character to do something. Let them overcome a hurdle.

Custom Contract Expectations Nov 27, 2018

[Important] New Rules! date Jun 12, 2019


  • [Important] New rules: Apr 4, 2021
  • [Important] New search options. Jun 4, 2021
  • Full Re-work to make it more dummy-proof.
Last edited:
Battling for Dummies

So you want to battle, but not sure what or where to start? Let's break it down a bit so you can start one, send in actions, and how to read one.
It does have an index since this is a big dummy in the end.

Starting a fight.

Over here you can find the full explanation Link.

Now to start a fight you need another player, not an NPC. NPC does not hold combat stats, unlike a player does. On some occasions the councils use an NPC with combat stats, these are approved higher up and often used for events.
First, you both post a little, then you call in a B-mod. Just a note, you cannot call a B-mod in the first post of your topic.
When you do call a B-mod, you need to place on the bottom: [Calling B-mod]. Now a battle mod has been called to initiate the fight all you need to do is post here: » Request boards » B-mod request. There you post the following.

Link to the battle mod call: Paste here your link to the topic where you called a b-mod
Access required: Which village
Participants: Who is inside the battle.
Description: What has been going on.
Purpose: What is your purpose for this battle
Battle Conditions: Only the first poster can decide this, the terrain going on. Is it dark, light, hailing, snowing, sunny etcetc.

Link to the battle mod call:
Access required:
Battle Conditions:

!!! Take note of the following !!!
» All those inside the thread are immediately treated as involved in the battle and all must send their details to the battle mod.
» Any training or build changes whose requests were made BEFORE the battle mod call was made are allowed to be included. All those changed AFTER the battle mod call will be denied!
» Make sure your stuff is up to date, preferred hyperlinked on everything possible, and when your stuff isn’t up to date, the battle mod can deny!
  • Open: -3 Stealth. This would be a generally empty area with nowhere to hide, like a narrow hallway, an open plain, or an empty room.
  • Light Cover: -1 Stealth. These would be nearly empty areas with few obstructions and cover, like a deserted street or gate. Available cover would be few, or small, such as the occasional shrub.
  • Little Cover: +0 Stealth. Everyday environments, small signs or bushes, a normal house or room would all fall into this category.
  • Moderate Cover: +1 Stealth. This would suit areas such as a leafy forest trail, a mountain path filled with boulders, the rooftops of a large village, or even a large room that is filled with party guests.
  • Heavy Cover: +2 Stealth. This represents the easiest of places to hide, such as a deep within a cavern, the heart of an overgrown forest, or even a warehouse packed with large crates.
  • Bright: -2 Stealth. This would be broad daylight, or an area with otherwise bright lighting where visibility is no problem.
  • Average: +0 Stealth. Not quite broad daylight, this refers to average areas without direct sunlight, but still visibly bright, about as bright as indoor lighting.
  • Dim: +1 Stealth. This is used to represent slight twilight that is not too dark, such as the twilight round sunset/rise, or a building with no lights but plenty of windows.
  • Dark: +2 Stealth. Representing naturally dark environments, this would be a general village at nighttime, a dark home with no lights, a basement with flickering light bulbs. There's still light to be found here, but the shadows are definitely more dominant.
  • Pitch Black: +3 Stealth. Very specific areas that have no visible light whatsoever. This would be the deepest reaches of a cave away from all light sources, or deep within a large structure or building in the dead of night

Sending Information to a B-mod.

The B-mod has made an appearance in your topic, it has been accepted and he asks for your information. The information in a single post should contain the following:
- Stats
- Custom Class
- Bloodline or Core Ability Table
- Kinjutsu
- Equipment Lists
- Ability Lists
- Jutsu
- Inventory Link.

If you have this all hyperlinked, it makes the life of a battle mod a lot easier and you can easily get stuff for yourself too if you need a link.

!!! Take note of the following !!!
» If you are called into a fight all information MUST be sent when you enter the fight. (Meaning: Stats, Abilities, Equipment, BL/CA/Kin) This excludes actions as they will be sent when the round the player comes into the fight on.
» Stuff you gain from AFTER the B-mod won't be counting for your current B-mod. Only the B-mod profile you send up!
» YOU CANNOT SEND A LINK TO YOUR PROFILE, THIS WON'T BE APPROVED. Worst case scenario a B-mod can void your fight!!

AGILITY: 600 / 600​
STAMINA: 600 / 600
TAIJUTSU: 600 / 600
NINJUTSU: 600 / 600
GENJUTSU: 600 / 600
CHAKRA CONTROL: 600 / 600 %
PL: 3.600 / 3.600
Medici rampage
(50+6*+15) x 600 = 42.600
CP: (50+15) x 600 = 39.000
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
Class Bonus card: -5% Cp cost (2pt.)
High: Ninjutsu accuracy,
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save,
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC, Melee Accuracy
*Divine Mind - Boost: +6 to HP modifier.

Weapon: Damaging Gloves
Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed -> Handseal
Damage Modifier: -5% Bonus Damage
Accuracy modifier: +1 Accuracy
» Blitz
» Vampiric
» Vanguard
Weapon: Kunai
Weapon Damage Type: Slashing -> Bleeding
Damage Modifier: -10% Bonus Damage
Accuracy modifier: +2 Accuracy
» Primal
» Razor strike
» Recovery
Weapon: Sanctuary Gloves
Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed -> Handseal
Damage Modifier: -10% Bonus Damage
Accuracy modifier: +2 Accuracy
» Re-energize
» Recovery
» Vanguard

*= ASP Card

AffinitiesAdvanced Elements
Major and Minor Affinities:
  • Earth,
  • Fire,
  • Lightning,
  • Water,
  • Wind,
  • ANBU,
  • Medical,
  • Non Element.
Sensory Moves:
  • Genjutsu Will
  • Genjutsu Kinetic
  • Genjutsu Audial
  • Genjutsu Visual
Advanced Elements:
  • Sand,
  • Lava,
  • Shadow,
  • Explosive,
  • Sand,*
  • Lava,*
  • Paper,*
  • Wood,*
  • Metal,*
  • Shadow,*
  • Explosive,*
  • Plasma,*
  • Kinesis,*
  • Scorch,*
  • Ink,*
*= Advanced Element card use.
  • Radiation,*
  • Storm,*
  • Gravity,*
  • Magnetic,*
  • Blood,*
  • Crystal,*
  • Acid,*
  • Ice,*
  • Vapor,*
  • Mirror,*
  • Sound,*
  • Poison,*
  • Dust,*
  • Photon.*
Advanced Elements continued:

*= Advanced Element card use.

Core AbilityCore placements

A benevolent one lives not for themselves, but their precious friends. They think little of their own well being and tend to take a more supportive role in the battle. When pushed too far, however, they can use their normally restorative techniques in offensive ways.

Note: A character with the Benevolent Core Ability may choose to learn a single Medical ability without it taking up a slot. If they lose this CA for whatever reason, the chosen ability is also lost. Battlefield Medicine
Master Healing - Passive (3 points)
Benevolent with this ability have fully mastered all aspects of healing and treating the wounds of others, making their healing jutsu that much more effective.
Effect: Medical jutsu are enhanced by 15%
Negative Energy - Dependent Special Move (3 points)
Benevolent people are generally kind-hearted and adverse to violence, but when pushed far enough, they can use their medical jutsu, which deeply affect the body and chakra system, to deadly effect.
Effect: The user may cast the following Medical Ninjutsu offensively using Melee Accuracy: Mystical Hand, Mystical Force, and Angelic Blessing. Casting a Medical Ninjutsu offensively deals damage equal to the amount of damage it would have healed (see note in jutsu).
Transmit Life - Passive (2 points)
A limiting factor of many Medical techniques is that they tend to require the user to make contact with their target, and remain in constant touch. As even the smallest of inconveniences could be the difference between life or death, a Benevolent can, with training, learn to use medical techniques from several meters away.
Effect: The user is able to cast Medical Jutsu and Benevolent skills using Ninjutsu Accuracy, removing their Melee Contact requirement. All Medical Jutsu gain +1 Critical chance.
Sacred Guard - Passive (3 points)
Something about a healer makes the forces of nature slightly less inclined to hurt them. This can often work in the Benevolent's favor, especially with their tendency to sacrifice their own health for their friends'.
Effect: The user takes 10% less Non-illusionary damage. This does not apply to Spiritual damage.
Divine Mind - Boost (3 points)
Mind over body, chakra over matter, and divinity over mortality. Benevolent fighters need to possess more fortitude than their fellows, in order to better aid them.
Effect: +2 to HP modifier.
Life Switch - Independent Special Move (2 Points)
Empathy made real, using this technique a benevolent person literally takes on another’s pain in order to heal them.
Effect: For 2.5 AP, the user may attempt to exchange their current HP with an ally. This requires a full round to occur (in which the Bmod will PM the target for approval), if the ally declines, AP is still used and the Life Switch fails. Requires Melee's contact.
Healing Aura - Passive (2 points)
A Benevolent soothes and calms just by their very presence. This peaceful aura is said to feel like a cool breeze that not only refreshes others, but invigorates themselves as well.
Effect: The user's Medical Jutsu are Holy aligned. Holy jutsu normally heal their user for a portion of the damage dealt, but the user's Holy Medical Jutsu will also heal the user for 10% of the healing they perform on others.
Phylactery Genesis - A-Rank Medical Ninjutsu (2 points)
A questionable technique for many, but a Benevolent see health, life and security for those they care about as a priority over "ethics." By taking a small bit of someone, often a lock of hair, and sealing it into a small container, a Benovelent may capture their life-essence. While some liken this to dark magic, it is no such thing, rather it is an extreme form of healing that only a Benevolent can perform.
Rank 1: User may choose a single target to be affected by Phylactery Genesis for 3 full rounds. While active, whenever the target takes damage, 10% of the damage is stored into Phylactery Genesis. Additionally, if the target's HP drops to 0, they instantly recovers all HP stored through Phylactery Genesis.
Rank 2: User may choose up to 2 targets to be affected by Phylactery Genesis for 3 full rounds. While active, whenever either target takes damage, 10% of the damage is stored into Phylactery Genesis. Additionally, if either target's HP drops to 0, the target instantly recovers all HP stored through Phylactery Genesis.

Rank 1 Cost:3 Ap, 3000 Chakra
Rank 2 Cost: 3 Ap, 3500 Chakra

- Lasts for 3 full rounds, or until a chosen target of Phylactery Genesis activates the second effect.
- If neither of the target(s) of Phylactery Genesis activates the second effect upon the end of the duration, the target(s) recovers half of the HP stored through Phylactery Genesis. In terms of Rank 2 Phylactery Genesis, half of the HP stored through Phylactery Genesis is evenly divided among the two targets.
- A target may only be affected by the second effect of Phylactery Genesis once per battle.
- May only maintain a single Phylactery Genesis at any time.
- Example; an attack dealing 3000 damage would instead deal 2700 damage, with 300 being stored into Phylactery Genesis.

Archsage said:

Training under the tutelage of an ancient animal that has long lived, these shinobi hone their ability as well as the bond that keeps their contract alive. After earning the ultimate trust and the capacity to contain an immense amount of chakra, these shinobi are given a chance to master the practice of Senjutsu they previously may have been exposed to, and are given the title of Archsage upon mastery. An Archsage is able to freely harness the Natural Energy of the world and have reached such a degree of control that Sage Mode takes but a simple breath to enter.

Kinjutsu Table
Prerequisites: Kinjutsu Application, B-Rank, 3 Ability Slots, a Contract

  • The user’s alignment changes to Holy and cannot be changed.
  • The user gains the Sage Mode Ability and it will not take up a slot. If the user already has the ability upon gaining Sage Art, the Sage Mode Ability will no longer take up a slot.
  • When using Sage Mode, if the user’s contract has a different alignment other than Holy, the Archsage remains Holy.
  • The user will no longer lose unspent Natural Energy upon exiting Sage Mode. If the user has Natural Energy remaining, this reduces the time to enter Sage Mode to 1 second.
  • The Archsage may grant another player access to Sage Mode, making them a Disciple.
    • The Disciple gains a variant of the Sage Mode ability, tagged with contract name. (example; "Sage Mode [Toad Disciple]").
    • The Disciple may only enter Sage Mode for that contract only, but does not require the contract.
    • The Disciple Sage Mode ability requires an ability slot, and follows standard ability rules.
    • The Archsage may only teach someone the Sage Mode ability for a contract they own.
    • The Archsage may only serve as the patron to 3 Disciples at a time.
  • Archsage Techniques are Archsage Senjutsu, and follow the same rules as Contract Senjutsu.
    • The Archsage must choose a Jutsu subtype for the Archsage Senjutsu in their Dojo to apply to all Kinjutsu techniques.

Natural Energy is the pure form of chakra and that exists in the world and atmosphere, and Senjutsu is the practice of combining and shaping it with ones own chakra to produce effects grander than either could create on their own. Honing this art, Sages are capable applying this in numerous ways. While the basis of this skill is to control it, an Archsage can learn to infuse this essence of life into other techniques, gather residual energy from their opponents techniques, and even use it to sustain their own life in dire circumstances.

Prerequisites: Archsage

  • The user has a pool of Natural Energy that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra. The user may cast Jutsu using their Natural Energy as normal while their Sage Modeis active.
    • User cannot partially use a portion of Natural Energy in combination to the normal Chakra Cost. They must use Natural Energy as the full cost instead, applying to both initial and maintenance cost.
    • Techniques and Jutsus used with Natural Energy are treated as Holy and gain +10% Damage. This is increased to 15% when used with Techniques or Jutsus that would restore Health or create a Barrier.
    • If Natural Energy is used to activate Contract Summoning Jutsu, the Contract recovers Health each round equal to the Cost.
    • The Archsage passively recovers 5% max CP as Natural Energy per round.
    • There is no limit on the amount of Natural Energy they can gain through battle.
    • Natural Energy cannot be damaged or recovered directly, unless specifically stated otherwise.


A Sage's bond with their allied animal are deeper than the average relationship. Contracted animals have lived long enough to gain knowledge and experience that they usually keep to themselves, only revealing and sharing them to people who have earned their trust and in return, protect each other in the midst of battle. Even when uncalled, these contracted animals have a keen sense of protection, reacting independently from their given instructions for the sake of their friend.

Prerequisites: Archsage

  • While the user's Contract is present in battle, they have 2 Contract Conditionals of their own that do not count against the player's limit of 5.
  • While the user's Contract is not in battle, the 2 Contract Conditionals can be used with the following Pre-Made Conditionals. If a condition has been reached, the Contract is reflexively summoned into battle and will perform the given resolution.
    • Condition
      • If the user receives 10% or more damage.
      • If the user is bound by a Bind.
      • If the user receives a critical hit.
      • If the user performs or receives a Full Hit.
      • If the user performs or receives a Partial Hit.
      • If the user Misses or is Missed by an attack.
      • If the user is Suppressed.
      • If the user receives a Bleeding Rank.
      • If the user receives a Called Shot Rank.

    • Resolution:The Contract will
      • Perform an Offensive technique.
      • Perform a Defensive technique.
      • Perform up to 3 Basic Strikes.
      • Replace active Contract

    • Contracts summoned this way will remain in battle for the round and then leave.
    • Contracts summoned this way do not replace the current Contract on the battlefield.
    • Techniques performed by the Contract are chosen as part of the conditional set by the Archsage.
      • The AP cost is deducted if the Contract is summoned normally during the round.
      • The Chakra Cost is deducted from the Contract as normal.
    • If the Contract is summoned through Unbound Loyalty, they are considered valid targets for the round and will retain any damage or effects that were inflicted to them upon being summoned again.
    • Contract Conditionals follow standard Conditional Rules.
    • If the Archsage has two contracts, they can split the Contract Conditionals between the two of them.
    • Replacing an active Contract may only happen once per battle, but the replaced contract may continue to be used for other conditionals.


Chakra is life energy. All living beings, from humans, to plants and animals, to even demons, have chakra; this is the truth of the world. An Archsage that understands this may guide the flow of life in living creatures, and with a touch, can imbue the target with natural energy to strengthen their lifeforce.

Prerequisites: Archsage, B-Rank

Rank 1/2: Infuses an ally with Natural Energy for 20/30 seconds. During this time, the target is considered Holy and any Hp/Cp recovery that affects them is 10%/15% more effective. If cast with Senjutsu Manipulation, this may target up to two/three allies.

Special Action - Life Manipulation: If the user's HP drops to 0 while Sage Mode is active, they may reflexively cast this jutsu upon themselves. This allows them to remain conscious until Sage Mode ends, at which point they are immediately KO'd for the remainder of battle (even if their HP is healed above 0). Any damage taken past 0 HP is also dealt directly to their Natural Energy pool.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 2.5 AP and 730 Cp

  • Does not require handseals.


In the world where chakra is almost utilized by everything, an Archsage with mastery over Senjutsu can cleanse the impurity infused into an attack, turning it into a harmless and pure chakra that they can absorb for their own.

Prerequisites: Archsage, B-Rank

Rank 1/2: The user may reflexively attempt to convert an attack targeting them into Natural Energy at +0/+1 accuracy. If successful, the attack is dispelled and converts the damage and into Natural Energy. If unsuccessful, its damage is reduced by 30%/40% and only this reduced amount is converted into Natural Energy.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 2.5 AP and 680 Chakra.

  • Does not require handseals.
  • Requires 10 second cooldown after use.
  • Naturalization makes a check using whatever accuracy type the incoming attack was used with. If the attack uses Melee Accuracy, a Melee Check between both the user and the attacker is made. If the user fails this check, they are auto-hit by the attack.
  • If used successfully while Sage Mode is active, the duration of Sage Mode is extended by 10 seconds; this may only occur once per Sage Mode activation. If used successfully while Sage Mode is on cooldown, this cancels the cooldown and automatically activates Sage Mode; this may only occur once per battle.


A technique, also known as Inorganic Reanimation, allows the user to figuratively breathe life into the land around them by directly taking control of Natural Energy, or infuse it into things without it such as the earth. In either case, this gives the user the capability to make even drastic alterations to their immediate environment that occur both suddenly and unexpectedly. The environment itself is an Archsage's ally.

Prerequisites: Archsage, A-Rank

Rank 1/2: Controls the environment. Once per round, the user may have the environment perform one of the below actions. The environment has no AP, HP, or CP, but actions performed by it takes the timing of 2 seconds.
  • Attack: When an enemy target the user is aware of dodges an attack, the environment may attempt to attack it for 3520/4400.
  • Protect: Reflexively defends all allied targets from a single attack that hits them, blocking up to 3520/4400 damage.
  • Alter: Changes the Terrain Modifiers of the battle into the user's choice for the duration of the round. At Rank 2, can nullify Terrain Techniques for the remainder of the round.
Rank 1/2 Cost: 3 AP, 3025 Natural Energy and 1510 Natural Energy per round.

  • This is a Creation Jutsu.
  • Does not require handseals.
  • Lasts for the duration of Sage Mode.
  • Attack: Uses the Archsage Senjutsu sub-type choice for acc/dc and damage buffs.
  • Protect: Follows all Barrier Rules, with DR matching the Archsage Senjutsu Sub-type.


The epitome of an Archsage is their oneness with the world around them. In a last ditch moment of desperation, an Archsage may draw upon the power of the world, from the smallest to largest creatures, the birds in the air, from every tree to every blade of grass as far as they can see. Though channeling such a power takes time, the result allows them to strike with the Natural Energy of the earth itself.

Prerequisites: Archsage, S-Rank

Rank 1/2: The user gathers energy for the duration of their Sage Mode. While active, this Technique stores damage equal to 20%/30% of all chakra and Natural Energy used by all participants in battle. At any point, the user may choose to add this stored damage into any given offensive attack (even one made by another target) to increase its damage by an equal amount (this additional damage cannot be increased via damage bonuses); this attack may hit an additional +3 targets. This Technique ends when the attack is launched or Sage Mode ends.

Cost: 4 Ap, 3980 Natural Energy and 1990 CP per round.

  • Does not require handseals.
  • Requires Sage Mode to be active.
  • Once initiated, this Technique cannot be cancelled (willingly or otherwise) outside of KO'ing the user. The user cannot be prevented from maintaining it.
  • If Sage Mode ends before using this stored energy, this jutsu will launch itself as an attack using the Archsage Senjutsu’s Accuracy, dealing the accumulated damage to up to 3 random targets.
  • The casting and maintenance cost of this technique is counted for the accumulated damage.

450 / 450
STAMINA: 450 / 450
TAIJUTSU: 450 / 450
NINJUTSU: 450 / 450
GENJUTSU: 450 / 450
CHAKRA CONTROL: 450 / 450 %
Kami's believe
HP: (35+15) x 450 = 22.500
CP: (35+15) x 450 = 22.500
Class Bonus: +10% Medical Healing given and received (4pt)
High: Melee
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
1. Ancient Wisdom - General Contract Ability
2. Hidden Power
3. Predatory Precision - General Contract Ability
Kami's Abilities
1. Calming Presence - Kami Contract Passive
2. Cleanse - Kami Contract Dependent Special Move
3. Wings of Hope - Kami Contract Senjutsu
1. Buffing Taijutsu
2. Medical
3. Unarmed Taijutsu

1. Fleeted (BUFF)
2. Low Sweep (UNARM)
3. Grip (BUFF)
4. The One-Two (UNARM)

1. Mystical Hand (MEDIC)
2. Muscle Control (BUFF)
3. Dynamic Finish (Unarm)
4. Shadow Play (BUFF)

1. Chakra Absorption (BUFF)
2. Anesthetic Infusion (MEDIC)
3. Gather (BUFF)
4. Tiger Hook (UNARM)

1. Mystical Force (MEDIC)
2. Counterstrike (BUFF)
3. Medical Ward (MEDIC)
4. Unbound (BUFF)

1. Pristine Aura (MEDIC)
2. Angelic Blessing (MEDIC)
3. Fist of Virtue (UNARM)
4. Fist of Sin (UNARM)
5. Regeneration (MEDIC)
6. Limit Break (BUFF)

Heavens wings

Type: Unarmed: Handseals
Mods: +2 acc -10% Bonus Damage
1. Chakra Drain
2. Blitz
3. Swift

Yokai Jibril
StatisticsCustom Class

Health Points
Chakra Points
Scythe of Darkness
HP: (35+lvl) x stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus:
4x +.5 Genjutsu DC = +2 Gen DC
Gen DC,
Dodge, Gen Save, Ninjutsu acc
Melee Acc, Range acc,

Contract abilities & AbilitiesWeapon & Jutsu Sub-types
Contract abilities:
1. Maleficium- Youkai Contract Ability
2. Miasma- Youkai Contract Independent Special Move
3. Heartseeker- Youkai Contract Senjutsu

1. Dread Aura- General Contract Ability
2. Jutsu Expansion
3. Mind Overflow
Demon's skull
Type: Unarmed -> Handseals
Mods: +2 Acc / -10% dmg
1. Mirage
2. Vanguard
3. Recovery

1. Gen: Will
2. Gen: Kinetic
3. Sound

Jutsu List

1000 Years of Pain Kai (Kinetic)
Hot Weapon(Kinetic)
Lethargy (Will)
⊳ Intimidation (Will)
Drunken Stupor (Kinetic)
Facepalm (kinetic)
False Success (Will)
Leaking Mind (Will)
C-RankB-RankA-Rank (Unlocks at A-Rank)
Harmonic Vibrations (Sound)
⊳ Crippled (Kinetic)
Untruth (Will)
Silly Fingers (kinetic)
Echo Strike (Sound)
Havoc of the Doomed Mind (Will)
Thought Down (Will)
Lingering Spark (Kinetic)
Hypersonic Reverberation (Sound)
Curse of the Leper (Kinetic)
Delayed Agony (Kinetic)
Temple of Nirvana (Will)
Torment of the Physical Plane (Will)
Shared Torment (Kinetic)

Jutsu List
Updated: 28-01-2021 (dd-mm-yy)

Collect them all badge!​
Earth NinjutsuFire NinjutsuLightning Ninjutsu
Water NinjutsuWind Ninjutsu

TAI: UnarmedTAI: Slashing
Projectile TAIPiercing TAI

Bludgeoning TaiPuppet Tai

Kinjutsu; Temporal StriderKinjutsu: Archsage
World Standstill (Ability)
Chronostasis (Ability)
Rewind (B-Rank Technique) - Mastered
Fast Forward (B-Rank Technique) - Mastered
Favor of Time (A-Rank Technique) - Mastered
Broken Timeline (S-Rank Technique) - Mastered

Sending your actions to a B-mod.

You have sent your whole profile, now it’s time to send up your actions. The easiest way for yourself is first to see how much AP you have, which is 10AP, but for the build below and actions. We used the old system that doesn't exist anymore (and Owly got lazy.)

Now I made, this simply this, made a really basic character.
Rookie Class

HP: (38+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (38+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: None
High: None
Average: All
Low: None
Agility: 60/100
Stamina: 75/100
Taijutsu: 50/100
Ninjutsu: 100/100
Genjutsu: 50/50
Chakra Control: 100%/100%
Power level: 435 -> 2
Santaru Bloodline
084 PL - Storm Manipulation (Rank 1), Electrokinesis (Rank 1)
168 PL - Surging Presence (Rank 1)
252 PL - Storm Call (Rank 1)
336 PL - Storm Control (Rank 1)
420 PL - Storm Manipulation (Rank 2)

Storm Manipulation - Passive
The Santaru have an innate affinity to storms, each member having volts of energy coursing through their body constantly as if generated similar to blood. Naturally, they possess the ability to both generate lightning instinctively and fluidly manipulate it into deadly arcs of energy with little trouble.

Rank 1: May convert Lightning and Water Jutsu into Storm by paying an additional 20% Chakra Cost.
Rank 2: May convert Lightning and Water Jutsu into Storm by paying an additional 10% Chakra Cost.
Rank 3: May convert Lightning and Water Jutsu into Storm at no extra cost.

- Partial hits from jutsu converted into storm are treated 1 rank higher.
- The Santaru automatically has access to the Storm element.
- All techniques used with this are treated as Storm element.


Electrokinesis - Passive
While generating vast amounts of Lightning is one trick to the Santaru's ability, one would be a fool to compare their Electrical abilities to another. The Santaru are able to increase the voltage of any electricity they wish, using their own body and the chakra as a electrical turbine to create shocking, and destructive, bolts of energy.

Rank 1: +5% Storm Damage
Rank 2: +10% Storm Damage
Rank 3: +15% Storm Damage


Surging Presence - Passive
Have you ever touched a Santaru before? Those who have would immediately notice that one is guaranteed to feel a spark of electricity upon contact, often enough to leave a blister or after twitch. This is due to the fact that as the Santaru's strength increases, their very blood becomes a source of electric energy, their chakra flowing with volts of energy. In a sense, the Santaru are living turbines each with a high voltage. It is common for electronic devices to malfunction in the presence of a Santaru.

Rank 1:
- Unarmed strikes against the Santaru return 50 storm damage per .5AP used.
- Remaining in contact with the Santaru deals 35 storm damage per .5 AP spent in contact.
- Weapon Strikes against the Santaru return 100 storm damage per .5AP used.

Rank 2:
- Unarmed strikes against the Santaru return 100 storm damage per .5AP used.
- Remaining in contact with the Santaru deals 75 storm damage per .5 AP spent in contact.
- Weapon Strikes against the Santaru return 150 storm damage per .5AP used.

Rank 3:
- Unarmed strikes against the Santaru return 150 storm damage per .5AP used.
- Remaining in contact with the Santaru deals 100 storm damage per .5 AP spent in contact.
- Weapon Strikes against the Santaru return 200 storm damage per .5AP used.

- Unable to be buffed.
- Weapon strikes only apply to melee weapons.


Storm Call - D- Rank Storm Ninjutsu
Though they are more than capable of using their own Lightning powers to generate their own volts of Lightning to strike down their targets, the Santaru possess the ability to change the weather by altering the patterns of electrons in their electromagnetic Aura. This allows them to create storms which rapidly begin to unleash their wrath upon the those stupid enough to invoke anger the Santaru.

Rank 1: Summons a storm with mild intensity that sends two bolts of lightning at a target of the Santaru's choice every round at 300 damage per bolt.
Rank 2: Summons a storm with greater intensity that sends three bolts of lightning at a target of the Santaru's choice every round at 300 damage per bolt and +.5 Ninjutsu accuracy.
Rank 3: Summons a black storm with dangerous intensity that sends three bolts of lightning at a target of the Santaru's choice every round at 600 damage per bolt and +1 Ninjutsu accuracy.

Special Action: Instead of striking a target, they user may strike themselves to heal half as much of the damage.

Rank 1: 1.5 AP; 200 chakra to initiate, 90 Cp/Rnd.
Rank 2: 1.5 AP; 300 chakra to initiate, 140/round to maintain
Rank 3: 1.5 AP; 600 chakra to initiate, 285/round to maintain

- Strikes at the start of the round.


Storm Control - C-Rank Storm Ninjutsu
Though knowing which patterns of electromagnetic fields produce what result is a difficult task, eventually through trial and error the Santaru begin to realize the full potential they possess; their abilities aren't limited to simply summoning storms of lightning, but they can create nearly any change in weather that they desire. Eventually, this becomes to simple that they almost do it subconsciously, allowing them to create gusts of wind, cause rain, snow and even hail to fall from the sky with a simple thought.

Rank 1: Calls wind, rain or snow.
  • Wind reduces the accuracy of all attacks using Ranged Accuracy by -1.
  • Rain is treated as Rain Dance (Rank 1).
  • Snow chills to reduce dodge by 1 and ups the chakra cost of everyone but the user by 2%
Rank 2: Calls wind, rain, snow or hail.
  • Wind reduces the accuracy of all attacks using Ranged Accuracy by -1.
  • Rain is treated as Rain Dance (Rank 1).
  • Snow chills to reduce dodge by 2 and ups the chakra cost of everyone but the user by 4%
  • Hail deals 360 ice damage/round to everyone but the user.
Rank 3: Calls two of the following of wind, rain, snow or hail.
  • Wind reduces the accuracy of all attacks using Ranged Accuracy by -2.
  • Rain is treated as Rain Dance (Master Rank).
  • Snow chills to reduce dodge by 3 and ups the chakra cost of everyone but the user by 6%
  • Hail deals 810 ice damage/round to everyone but the user.

Rank 1: 2 AP; 500 chakra to initiate, 170/round to maintain.
Rank 2: 2 AP; 700 chakra to initiate, 230/round to maintain.
Rank 3: 2 AP; 900 chakra to initiate, 300/round to maintain per effect (for total cost)

- This is considered a Terrain jutsu.
- Storm Call of the user's highest attained rank must be in use before Storm Control can be used.
- Storm Control may not be used on top of itself.
- Lightning effects from Rain Dance do not effect the caster.
- Hail automatically hits at the end of every round it is active, but damage cannot be buffed.
- Cannot use a double up on the same element.
- At all ranks, other combatants must pass a Ninjutsu Check against the user at -2 in order to cast an Arena jutsu, or their own Terrain jutsu. If the opponent successfully casts their own Terrain jutsu, this one is dispelled.
- If the user activates Dark Tempest, this jutsu is automatically overwritten.
1. Teamwork
2. Willpower
3. Healing Factor
4. Initiative
5. Hyperactive
Training Kunai

Weapon damage
: Unarmed - use Handseals
Damage Modifier : -5% Bonus damage modifier
Accuracy modifier : +1 accuracy
Augments: Recovery

Light Armor
Jutsu list
Infernal Ember - Mastered
Thermal Maw- Mastered

Fireball - Mastered
Wind Slash - Mastered
Pressure Burst - Mastered

Whirlwind Spin - Mastered
Air Bullet - Mastered
Shredding Touch - Mastered
Rookie Class

HP: (38+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (38+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: None
High: None
Average: All
Low: None
Agility: 60 / 100
Stamina: 90 / 100
Ninjutsu: 70 / 100
Taijutsu: 85 / 100
Genjutsu: 70 / 100
Chakra Control: 75 / 100
PL: 450 -> lv. 2
CA: Tidecaller
Whirlpool - Dependent Special Move (2 points)

Effect: When the user attacks with a Water jutsu, they may add +10% CP cost in order to have 10% of that damage dealt to the target at the start of each of the next two rounds. Until this is completed, the victim is considered still under attack and may not attempt to flee the battle. This may only be in effect once per target at a time.

Liquid State - Independent Special Move (3 points)
Effect: For 2 AP and 700 CP, the user may transform themselves into water. In this state, all Water actions cost -15% CP and the user gains +10% resistance to Bleeding and Called Shots.

Costs 350 CP/round to maintain. Note: This counts as a Chakra Armor.
1. Hidden Power
2. Hyperactive
3. Adrenaline Rush
4. Weapon Attunement
5. Called Shot
Fishing Spear
Piercing type- +5% Called Shot chance
-2 acc/+10% damage (only -1 from Weapon Attunement)
Special Composition (Water),
Razor Strike

Light Armor
Jutsu list
Pressurized Mist (M)
Water Gun (M)

D-Rank: Water Whip (M)
Aqua Fang (M)
Rinse Off (M)

Stab (M)
Thrust (M)
Multi-Impale (M)
Piercing Rain (M)
Now to take a quick note of what costs what.

E-Rank Ninjutsu: 1 AP unless noted
D-Rank Ninjutsu: 1.5 AP unless noted
C-Rank Ninjutsu: 2 AP unless noted
B-Rank Ninjutsu: 2.5 AP unless noted
A-Rank Ninjutsu: 3 AP unless noted
S-Rank (Kin mostly): 3.5 Ap unless noted
E Rank = 1ap
D Rank = 1.5ap
C Rank = 2ap
B Rank = 2.5ap
A Rank = 3ap
S Rank = 3.5ap
E-Rank Taijutsu: .75 Ap
D-Rank Taijutsu: 1.25 Ap
C-Rank Taijutsu: 1.75 Ap
B-Rank Taijutsu: 2.25 Ap
A-Rank Taijutsu: 2.75 Ap
S-Rank Taijutsu: 3.25 Ap
WeaponsBasic strikes
Equip = 0.5 AP
Un-equip = 0.5 AP
Drop = 0.0 AP
Pick up(From being dropped) = 1.0 AP
Important: One thing to note is that handseals cannot be made while a weapon is equipped.
A basic strike costs 0.75 AP and deal damage according to your OOC Rank:
  • E-Rank: 50
  • D-Rank: 70
  • C-Rank: 90
  • B-Rank: 110
  • A-Rank: 130
  • S-Rank: 150

Basic strikes are a E-Rank Taijutsu of the same subtype as the weapon used. If the weapon has multiple subtypes, the user chooses which subtype they are using.

This is how your actions could be looking like: example! When you do send stuff, make sure you cover everything. Left out information isn't the modders fault.
The format we useCode

Jutsu Name (preferred hyperlinked) - Rank use - AP costs - CP costs.
Ability: x

Ability: x
Jutsu Name (preferred hyperlinked) - Rank use - AP costs - CP costs.
[Spoiler=Abilities that affect this jutsu]
Ability: x

Ability: x
Example of how it would look: without special actionExample of how it would look: with special action
Air Bullet - Master - 1.5AP - 240 Cp
Ability: Jutsu Mastery
Effect: - All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains.
- All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
Air Bullet - Special Action - Gale Palm: - Master - 1.5AP - 240 Cp
Ability: Jutsu Mastery
Effect: - All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains.
- All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
Special Action - Gale Palm: By paying +20% Cp, this jutsu may use Melee Accuracy, which increases the 'Gaspless' chance by +8% but lowers accuracy by -2.

!!! Take note of the following !!!
» Please use uncut on everything, do not pre-calculate for the b-mod, even though this is a nice thing in mind to do for them. You do not see how the actions of the other is and if this could or would impact your calculations.

Using 2.5 AP and using Ring of Fire (Mastered) and use it upon me.

- Cast Specter Shade (Rank 1) [C1] w/ Special Action: Additional Clone [C2], w/ Summoner Special Action: Simultaneous Creation Jutsu to cast Mud Clone (Rank 1) [C3]

Using Strategist to use 1 Free Basic Strike (counted as a sneak attack) combined with Hawkeye Ability of Flickering Shadow - Ranged Accuracy
Before anyone asks: Yes, this is what b-mods have actually gotten this is no joke. Due to anonymous. Names have been removed and placed in player a, player b.

- player a would activate his Sharingan

` player a would then use Elemental Clone and summon Fire Elemental clones that can use jutsu up to D rank

- The clones would preform Fireball While the original player a would use Scalding Ash cloud

-after they they would retreat a good distance away from player b
Example Actions Round 1 Shinobi Alpha.

Equip weapon: Training Kunai - 0.5AP - 0CP
Initiative :
Effect: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.

Infernal Ember - Mastered - 1AP - 120 Cp to initiate

Example Actions Round 1 Shinobi Bob.

Equip weapon: Fishing Spear - 0.5AP - 0CP

Stab - Mastered - 0.75AP - 80 CP

Stab - Mastered - 0.75AP - 80 CP

Now that is how you send around to a mod. However, once you gain stronger you can also put in conditionals. Conditionals are an amazing feat to use and a difficult thing to master, or so I heard. For example a conditional can be the use of Body Switch, then you simply place on the bottom of your actions:

If struck use Body Switch
body switch | Mastered | 1 AP | Cost of Jutsu dodged +20% Cp.

Now you have sent your actions, it's the turn of the B-mod to do all of those calculations and get further ahead of things! Once the round has been modded you can continue to send in the next round till either the battle is called, fortified or won/lost.

How to read one round.
Shinobi AShinobi B
HP: 3.000
CP: 4.000 - 120 = 3.880

AP: 2
AP Next round: 2

HP: 3.600 - 90 = 3.510
CP: 3.000 - 80 - 80 = 2.840

AP: 2
AP Next round: 2


Round 1.

Shinobi Alpha equips Training Kunai - 0 seconds

Shinobi Bob equips Fishing spear - 2,5 second

Shinobi Alpha uses Infernal Ember against Shinobi bob - Partial 75% - Miss - Miss - 5 Seconds
rolls said:
1. Accuracy roll Shinobi A: 1d20 = (12) = 12 + 7 - 1 = 18
Dodge roll shinobi B: 1d20 = (12) = 12 + 5 = 17
Partial hit 75%
Exceeds dodge by 1 = 75% damage: 120/100*75=90

2. Accuracy roll Shinobi A: 1d20 = (3) = 3 + 7 - 1 = 9
Dodge roll shinobi B: 1d20 = (14) = 14 + 5 = 19

3. Accuracy roll Shinobi A: 1d20 = (8) = 8 + 7 - 1 = 14
Dodge roll shinobi B: 1d20 = (20) = 20 + 5 = 25

Shinobi Bob uses Stab against Shinobi Alpha - Miss - 6,25 seconds
rolls said:
1. Accuracy roll Shinobi B: 1d20 = (4) = 4 + 3 + 1 = 8
Dodge roll shinobi A: 1d20 = (14) = 14 + 5 = 19

Shinobi Bob uses Stab against Shinobi Alpha - Miss - 10 seconds
rolls said:
1. Accuracy roll Shinobi B: 1d20 = (12) = 12 + 3 + 1 = 16
Dodge roll shinobi A: 1d20 = (19) = 19 + 5 = 24

Right above here, you see how the rolls work. First off your roll, now if we look at the following one: Accuracy roll Shinobi B: 1d20 = (12) = 12 + 3 + 1 = 16
We can see the rolled a 12, then his Secondary stats are added on, then the jutsu accuracy in this instance.
Please take note, each battle mod has its own style of modding! Often the rolls are visible in the discord!

You can spectate a fight, but there are a few must do's for those.
» You can not be, in any circumstance, in the same topic as where the b-mod call is made.
» A spectating RP is a separate topic than the b-mod call. Is exactly the same topic name but has [spectating] in front.
» To be able to make a Spectating RP. You must have the OK for all members on that topic, and the agreement must be posted by all fighters..!
» You cannot interact with those inside the B-mod call. You can see/hear/feel what happens in the battle.

Getting a little bit more 'advanced'.

First things first…
1) A player may only create five conditionals (unless otherwise stated).
2) These may be different each round. (To allow for changing circumstances)
3) A player must follow the guideline of what a conditional is. (see when can I use a conditional) If their conditional does not meet the standard then it will be ignored. This means the conditional is left to B-Mod discretion. If you feel that the B-mod's call is unfair you may ask Bmod/Admin Team for an appeal.
4) You may not have conditionals lead into separate sets of actions. Players can only have one set of actions.
5) It's in your best interest to make sure any information needed in your moves is applied so your conditional can be used to the best of its ability (Such as stating what clone is being used with Stunt Double).
6) Your conditionals may not go off more than once. For example - Sending in "If my opponent does a basic strike, use a basic strike" means you will do that once. You will not basically strike with everyone your opponent does. 1 conditional is used for 1 action. 1 basic strike or 1 jutsu.

What are conditionals:
Conditionals are a trick in the hat kind of thing. These are actions set up for an IF situation. Below are a certain set of conditionals to when you can use a conditional.

When can I use a conditional?
Any triggers you can make based on the IC knowledge you have in a fight, such as (but not limited to);
  • Your HP/CP/AP hitting a certain point.
  • Being afflicted by a status effect.
  • Being under a genjutsu and knowing it.
  • An individual having a visible status; Stealthing, bleeding, cursed sealing themselves, equipping certain items
  • An individual using a Ninjutsu/Genjutsu ( using handseals) or Taijutsu (No handseals).
  • An individual using Melee, Ranged or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
  • An individual using a Jutsu that you own aswell or have a Snapshot of.
  • How much time has passed.
  • Upon being "hit" by an attack (these two are different).
  • Upon being "targeted" by an attack (these two are different).

The following example(s) are valid conditionals:
  • If at any point, the combatants I am attacking are KO'ed, stop my attacks on that target.
  • If the barrier has been broken, use Body Switch [M] with my Kawarimi target to dodge the next coming attack.
  • If attacked by a move that takes longer than 2 Seconds use Flock of Shadows reflexively to auto-dodge the attack.

The following example(s) are NOT valid conditionals: and explained
  • If I fail my stealth check use….
    • If your stealth check fails. You have no method of knowing this ICly until they attack you.
  • When my target is in stealth, use x…
    • Your opponent has a nonvisible status. If they're in stealth your conditionals based on them will be less likely.
  • When my target is at 50% Hp, use…
    • The reason you do not know, your IC does not know what your opponent's HP/CP/AP is. (Your opponent's HP/CP/AP hitting a certain point.)
  • If (condition) triggers, use X or X or X, or X and X.
    • You cannot have options or multiple actions in your conditional.

The following example(s) follow B-mod discretion.
  • If being hit, Stunt doubles with a clone.
    • The case here could be, that you meant clone A in the field of your 2 clones. But since you did not specify it. A mod could go through just clone A. or roll a dice to see which clone it will be.
  • If at any point any of the combatants are KO'ed stop my attacks.
    • A mod could pick this up, as dropping all attacks even when 1 out of 2/3/4 targets are KO’ed. Even if you had a different target laid out later in your attacks.
Added Conditionals

I stopped being lazy and did the edit AP Standardization of the announcement: v6-4-6-hey-space-cowboy-patch-now-including-kaen-hotfix

Fixed a broken link

An example has been added to send stuff in.
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Dummies on modding.

Please keep in mind; this is just a guide on how to simply mod things yourself, this makes you in no way an official moderator. We go over different things to calculate stuff out so pardon me if there are things missing or the likes. official moderators are always above you in calls and the likes and have an exell sheet to make things easier instead of paper calculated..
Only an actual "Bmod" can mod a fight such as a Force Enter/Force Exit/Going Missing/I'm actually trying to kill this character type of fight.

Calculating everything you need to mod;

Player power level;
LevelPower Level
11 ~ 239
2240 ~ 479
3480 ~ 719
4720 ~ 959
5960 ~ 1199
61200 ~ 1439
71440 ~ 1679
81680 ~ 1919
91920 ~ 2159
102160 ~ 2399
112400 ~ 2639
122640 ~ 2879
2880 ~ 3119
3120 ~ 3359
153360 ~ 3600


HP: (Mod 1 + Player level) x 600 =
CP: (Mod 2 + Player level) x 600 =

Player Lv.HighMediumLow

Secondaries; part 1.
  • Melee Accuracy = [(Taijutsu x .7) + (Agility x .3)]
  • Ranged Accuracy = [(Taijutsu x .6) + (Agility x .4)]
  • Ninjutsu Accuracy = [(Ninjutsu x .7) + (CC x .3)]
  • Melee Dodge = [(Taijutsu x .3) + (Agility x .7)]
  • Ranged Dodge = [(Taijutsu x .2) + (Agility x .8 )]
  • Ninjutsu Dodge = [(Ninjutsu x .3) + (Agility x .7)]
  • Genjutsu Difficulty = [(CC x .3) + (Genjutsu x .7)]
  • Genjutsu Save = [(CC x .6) + (Genjutsu x .4)]
part 2;
  • 5 = +1
  • 15 = +2
  • 30 = +3
  • 50 = +4
  • 75 = +5
  • 105 = +6
  • 140 = +7
  • 180= +8
  • 225 = +9
  • 275 = +10
  • 330 = +11
  • 390 = +12
  • 455 = +13
  • 525 = +14
  • 600 = +15
Stealth Value = (.6 Stat Average) + (.4 Agility)
Awareness Value = (.5 Stat Average) + (.3 Genjutsu) + (.2 Chakra Control)

For example we take these 2 builds;
I have colored stats ; class ; CA / BL ; ability ; other so you can see where the numbers are coming from.
StatsClassFull calculated Secondary stats
AGILITY: 600 / 600
STAMINA: 600 / 600
TAIJUTSU: 600 / 600
NINJUTSU: 600 / 600
GENJUTSU: 600 / 600
CHAKRA CONTROL: 600 / 600 %
PL: 3.600 / 3.600
Medici rampage
(50+6*+15) x 600 = 42.600
CP: (50+15) x 600 = 39.000
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
Class Bonus card: -5% Cp cost (2pt.)
High: Ninjutsu accuracy,
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save,
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC, Melee Accuracy
*Divine Mind - Boost: +6 to HP modifier.
  • Melee Accuracy = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
  • Ranged Accuracy = 600 =| 15 + 4 = 19
  • Ninjutsu Accuracy = 600 =| 15 + 12 = 27
  • Melee Dodge = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
  • Ranged Dodge = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
  • Ninjutsu Dodge = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
  • Genjutsu Difficulty = 600 =| 15 + 4 = 19
  • Genjutsu Save = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
AbilitiesInventoryCA Table
Weapon: Damaging Gloves
Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed -> Handseal
Damage Modifier: -5% Bonus Damage
Accuracy modifier: +1 Accuracy
» Blitz
» Vampiric
» Vanguard
  • Master Healing - Passive (3 points)
  • Negative Energy - Dependent Special Move (3 points)
  • Transmit Life - Passive (2 points)
  • Sacred Guard - Passive (3 points)
  • Divine Mind - Boost (3 points)
  • Life Switch - Independent Special Move (2 Points)
  • Healing Aura - Passive (2 points)
  • Phylactery Genesis - A-Rank Medical Ninjutsu (2 points)

StatsClassFull Calculated Secondary Stats
AGILITY:600 / 600
STAMINA: 600 / 600
TAIJUTSU: 600 / 600
NINJUTSU: 600 / 600
GENJUTSU: 600 / 600
CHAKRA CONTROL: 600 / 600 %
PL: 3.600 / 3.600
HP: (55+15) x 600 = 42.000
CP: (45+15) x 600 = 36.000
Class Bonus: 6x 0,5 = + 3 Accuracy
Class Card: 1 Free basic attack per round
High: Melee acc,
Average: Dodge, Gen Save, Ninjutsu acc
Low: Gen DC, Range acc,
  • Melee Accuracy = 600 =| 15 + 12 + 3 + 2 = 32
  • Ranged Accuracy = 600 =| 15 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 24
  • Ninjutsu Accuracy = 600 =| 15 + 8 + 3 + 2 = 28
  • Melee Dodge = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
  • Ranged Dodge = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
  • Ninjutsu Dodge = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
  • Genjutsu Difficulty = 600 =| 15 + 4 = 19
  • Genjutsu Save = 600 =| 15 + 8 = 23
AbilitiesCA Table
Curse Seal:
DS seal
Moving Nin acc from average to high.
4 Points - Attack damage cannot be reduced and partial hits become Full hits, but cannot perform actions reflexively.
(2 Points) +5% Damage Reduction
Utility Slot; Headset
Armor Slot; Light Armor
Misc. Slot 1; Pouch - Tools
Misc. Slot 2; Plexistim (lingering Poison)
Misc. Slot 3; Truth Serum (Lingering Poison)

Weapon: Claws (Natural weapon)
Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed -> suppressions (can still use hand seals due to CA)
Damage Modifier: -10% Bonus Damage
Accuracy modifier: +2 Accuracy
» Blitz
» Quick Switch
» Dual Weapon

0084 => 1 => Natural Weapon
0168 => 2 => Natural Weapon
0252 => 3 => Natural Weapon
0336 => 4 => Devil's Trick
0420 => 5 => Devil's Trick
0504 => 6 => Devil's Trick
0588 => 7 => Demonic Aura
0672 => 8 => Demonic Aura
0756 => 9 => Demonic Aura
0840 => 10 => Demon Blessing
0924 => 11 => Demon Blessing
1008 => 12 => Demonic Blessing
1092 => 13 => Dark Embrace (TAI)
1176 => 14 => Cursed Embodiment
1260 => 15 => Cursed Embodiment
1344 => 16 => Cursed Embodiment
1428 => 17 => Dreadforce
1554 => 18 => Dreadforce
1648 => 19 => Form of the Demon
1764 => 20 => Form of the Demon

TL;TR; You get everything, calculate the full secondary and then you have those; you can start modding. Make sure to always get a passive gain and an active gain on things. Example passive; Class. Active; abilities, weapons and or jutsu effects.

Players 1 "stats" for combat
HP: 42.600
CP: 39.000

AP: 10

  • Melee Accuracy = 23
  • Ranged Accuracy = 19
  • Ninjutsu Accuracy = 27
  • Melee Dodge = 23
  • Ranged Dodge = 23
  • Ninjutsu Dodge = 23
  • Genjutsu Difficulty = 19
  • Genjutsu Save = 23

Player 2 "stats" for combat.
HP: 42.000
CP: 36.000

AP: 10

  • Melee Accuracy = 32
  • Ranged Accuracy = 24
  • Ninjutsu Accuracy = 28
  • Melee Dodge = 23
  • Ranged Dodge = 23
  • Ninjutsu Dodge = 23
  • Genjutsu Difficulty = 19
  • Genjutsu Save = 600 = 23

Modding "a roll".

Nc works with a D20 system and a D100 system. Other then that- they can varie if you fail to mention things or when there are clones in play.

For this; I have made it that both players are "damanged" I rolled the % of damage to see on both- and they have both a weapon equipped. Below here is a "round-part". After that I will explain as detail as possible who, what and or where.

Player 1.Player 2.
HP: 9.372 + 1.278 - 789,75 = 9.869,25
CP: 17.550 + 1.170 - 910 = 17.810

AP: 10 - 0.5 - 0.5

Weapon; gloves,

Melee Accuracy = 23
Ranged Accuracy = 19
Ninjutsu Accuracy = 27
Melee Dodge = 23
Ranged Dodge = 23
Ninjutsu Dodge = 23
Genjutsu Difficulty = 19
Genjutsu Save = 23
HP: 13.860
CP: 15.840 + 1.080 - 400 = 16.520

AP: 10 - 1.75

Natural weapon; claw,
Hidden Power (abillity),
Combat instinct (abillity),

Melee Accuracy = 32 + 2 = 34
Ranged Accuracy = 24 + 2 = 26
Ninjutsu Accuracy = 28 + 2 = 30
Melee Dodge = 23 + 2 = 25
Ranged Dodge = 23 + 2 = 25
Ninjutsu Dodge = 23 + 2 = 25
Genjutsu Difficulty = 19 + 2 = 21
Genjutsu Save = 600 = 23 + 2 = 25
0 seconds - Player 1 regained some CP through Hyperactive.
0 seconds - Player 1 regained some health through Healing Factor.
0 seconds - Player 2 regained some CP through Hyperactive.

0 seconds - Player 1 Dropping Medical style Sanctuary for 0.5AP with Initiative
0 seconds - Player 1 Entering Medical Style Combat Medic for 0.5AP with Initiative

1.25 seconds - Player 2 uses Roaring Combination against player 1.
(34+18+1=) 53 vs (25+15=) 40 HITS 135dmg
(34+19+1=) 52 vs (25+5=) 30 HITS 135dmg
(34+16+1=) 51 vs (25+13=) 38 HITS 135dmg
(34+10+1=) 45 vs (25+5=) 30 HITS 135dmg
(34+1+1=) 36 vs (25+12=) 37 PARTIAL HIT 25% 33,75dmg
(34+6+1=) 41 vs (25+15=) 50 MISS
(34+7+1=) 42 vs (25+12=) 37 HITS 135dmg
(34+9+1=) 44 vs (25+12=) 37 HITS 135dmg

6x Dual weapon hits;
(34+7=) 41 vs (25+3=) 28 HITS 20,25dmg
(34+14=) 48 vs (25+15=) 40 HITS 20,25dmg
(34+5=) 39 vs (25+15=) 40 MISS
(34+19=) 53 vs (25+14=) 39 HITS 20,25dmg
(34+9=) 42 vs (25+7=) 32 HITS 20,25dmg
(34+3=) 37 vs (25+18=) 43 MISS

1,5 seconds - Player 1 uses Mystical Force with CA: Negative Energy against player 2.
[ (27+1=) 28 vs (25+17=) 42 ] Miss

1.25 seconds - Player 2 uses Roaring Combination against player 1.
(34+18+1=) 53 vs (25+15=) 40 HITS 135dmg

First things first; we can see from the jutsu, that this is Tai jutsu Unarmed. This will fall under Melee. In this case the attacker will attack with Melee Accuracy. While the defender have Melee dodge.
Player 2 goes as following;
Here you see the "base stat" used: 34
Then we rolled to see what dice roll the player gained (in this instance a 1d20 was used. (1dice 20sides) and landed on a 18.
The jutsu itself said it had a +1 accuracy, this is where the +1 came from. To add that all together, you have 53 of total points to versus against.

Player one seemed to be less lucky.
His base stats were 25 and he rolled a 3. Hence where the 28 came from.

When you roll; it will always be attacker vs defender. Not the other way around if you roll.
(Best tip when doing rolls; claim how they go. below is a part of a printscreen with example; This is after I had rolled for the round- hence why the numbers are off. Me lazy...

Different Rolls

Overal; we work with 1dice20 and 1dice100 rolls.
the 20 is used for attacks and dodge rolls.
100 are often used in % rolls.

1000 Years of Pain Kai said:
There is a technique so forbidden that it isn't taught anymore. That technique is the 1000 Years of Pain (or the 1000 Years of Death). Due to it's forbidden nature, this genjutsu mimics the forbidden jutsu's nature.

Prerequisite: E Rank

Rank 1: Deals 90 Illusionary Damage at -2 Gen DC. There is a 6% chance the target is suppressed for 0.5 AP.
Master: Deals 110 Illusionary Damage at -2 Gen DC. There is a 9% chance the target is suppressed for 0.5 AP.

- This genjutsu does not over-write other kinetic-based genjutsu.
- This genjutsu lasts for a single action.

Rank 1 Cost: 70 CP cost
Master Cost: 90 CP cost

The rolls would go as followed:
1d20 (accuracy)
1d20 (dodge)
If this attack hits. We see that there is a 6/9% chance to supress. For this we use a 1d100 roll.
If the number is 1 - 6 or 1 - 9 (depending on jutsu rank use) they passed- they have supprsed the target for 0.5AP. If it is above. It has failed.

Odd rolls; That is how I would like to call them.
You have clones in the field. Random numbers. Player 2 has 3 clones.
Player 1 is aware of 1 clone.
Player 1 attacks and has 4 enemies. He knows 1 of them is a clone so just 3 remain. It is a single target jutsu- so what you will do is pretty simple (brutal)
1d3 (1dice 3 sides) The sides are for the enemies and its only a single attack.

When modding;; make sure it is on the Discord server of NC open for everyone. This way there are no "secrets" involved and you can figure out if there was a mistake, where the mistake was made.
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