Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The wolf (free rp)


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Friday : The Spine of the World : 1:18​

This was unexpected. He was rarely if ever caught off guard but the voice from the new man to the scene came from nowhere and only a few seconds later did he find himself being able to spot the body and match voice to form.

He spoke with a silver tongue and claimed to be the Mizukage. However Kagemaru had a hard time believing his words. But what surprised Kagemaru the most was how the new man on the scene KNEW Kouin. This wasn't looking good. Listening to the words of the one who presented himself as Hoshikata, Kage was the one on the defensive now. His mission was to bring Kiko back to leaf, but if this Hoshikata fellow suddenly felt the need to be courageous, that could prove to be problematic. And whats more, Kouin was a friend of his and Kage could only assume that he would fight for the Hoshikata fellow.

He didn't want to risk losing his target, but he was in a bad situation.

Leave or attack?

He'd take his chances with attacking. If all else failed, he was trained well in countering groups of people at once and though it would be difficult, he could take 3 people on at once. He just hopped he wouldn't have to. Not taking his eyes off Kiko, he spoke while addressing the new man to the scene.

If you're the Mizukage then you should understand that when a shinobi is sent on a mission to retrieve someone, thats what they have to do. I'd prefer you to leave now and not interfere. Your group sounds like more trouble then its worth. That said, he prepared himself to attack Kiko.



Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Nobody, so he was an Anbu from Konoha, she had heard the call sign more than once though she had never seen the man in the flesh. The darkness behind her eyes manifested, light blue chakra dripping from her hands. This was going to quickly turn into a life or death situation... There was no way she was returning to Konoha alive, it was simply not going to happen. "I am sorry to say but it will have to be the hard way."

A strong voice broke her concentration, another entered the clearing which seemed to stir Nobody into action. The newcomer identified himself as Isaki Hoshikata, the second Mizukage. He also seemed to be friends with Nobody's companion, referring to him by the name Kouin... So not a Leaf Anbu then, perhaps she could survive this after all.

Kagemaru requested that Hoshikata stay out of it, Kiko would do something similar... "Kouin, Fenlen, Hoshikata... Please don't interfere. Let it be Anbu verses Anbu to the final stupidity, if I fall let me fall. If he falls let him fall... Please do not interfere, I am at peace... Just bear witness that it will be a fair fight, him verses me and no more no less."

She moved her blade behind her, moving into a fighting stance. The blues chakra still dripped from her hands. There would be more blood spilt this day, Kiko hoped they would listen to her request and leave the two of them to sort it out.

"Now, Anbu of Konoha... One of us will die this day... Let it begin."

[will send stuff once b-mod is here, 1vs1 plz, everyone else enter as spectators if that is ok :) ]
[Edit 1: all stuff sent, good luck and have fun peeps :) ]
Oct 23, 2012


All participants in the battle please send me the following in a single PM

- Stats
- Equipment [Link equipment and the items being used with them]
- Custom Class
- Jutsu
- BL/CA/Kinjutsu [If you have a CA please note/bold which abilities you have]
- Round 1 Actions [When using jutsu please link me to them]

- Passives list [makes things easier on me. I usually go through all your information and make a list on my own at the beginning of the first round]



Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
As things escalated, a frown crossed Hoshikata's features. He'd been preaching peace and they apparently the man who was starting a confrontation took that as means to go deeper. He grips his weapon tighter to hand and looks to Kouin with his golden eyes. ”These two appear to have some business. Perhaps we should leave them to it?” He looks back to the other two and shrugs, turning around and making his way back out of the area.

The following of his partner would be entirely up to him, Hoshikata had other things to do, however, and getting involved in a brawl was not one of them.

(Topic left assuming Kage/Kouin/Kiko are fine with it. If not let me know and I'll send my stuff)


Aug 29, 2012
It was the time to make amends with what he has done larding his life. It was a surprise to see Hoshikata here, I wonder if he followed me here... That made some rings slightly awkward, but he would have to deal with it. He watched as kuromaru got into a fighting position, and was preparing to strike this Kiko fellow. In a loft one hr whispered The time for repayment as come He stood a lot preparing himself for battle, I am Kaze Kouin, anbu of mist , and man of his word.

He looked towards Hoshikata who was leaving, Go friend, I must repay a debt. I'll meet you at the rendezvous point. Turning back towards Kiko, he to Kuromaru, Let's do this The fun was about to begin.

[sending stuff when I get home. I have no reason to leave wth Hoshikata.]

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Okay they were attacking it was time to leave. Like the wind Shimete ran out of the forest and never looked back. All of her wolves followed her in order to protect her from any incoming attack. Well, all but one. Hakkai, the white wolf remained for he was not about to abandon his new friend.

[Shimete left topic/ Hakkai remains. I don't think anyone would object to me leaving]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Venom entered Kiko's voice as Kouin told the new arival to leave, her eyes focused on Nobody "You are a coward Nobody, a pitiful example of what Konoha has sunk to... No honour. You fear to fight me on your own, cowardly dog!"

The blue chakra spread up her arms and over her shoulders as she released inhibitors in her body, she looked at Kouin with a cold glare " seems the Cancer of Konoha has spread to Mist. Pitiful..."

The maid began to retreat with her wolves in toe, Kiko did not turn to watch them leave, instead her glair moved to Hoshikata, "Leave if you chose but know you are signing an inocent womans death warrant... If you seek peace but call this one a friend, then in future you should choose your friends more wisely. Now go if you choose, follow the maid in retreat from this one sided assault..."

[ooc: no worries Hoshikata and Anii, you can leave if you want :) kiko is pissed off ic but it doesnt reflect OOC, im good to play :)

On a side note, i like your moustache Kage, very fancy.

I wont post again until after the first round :p]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Friday : Spine of the World : 1:18​

As he made his way to Kiko, the words she barked fell on deaf ears.

You would speak of honor? You who abandoned your village? Your people? This is not a fight between two honorable people. Nor is this a fight of honor. This is a shinobi who's job it is to hunt down deserters and bring their heads back by any means necessary. Any honor involved was remained at the village gates when you left them. He didn't care if the oncoming assault was one sided. He had his mission and he would accomplish it. Though he hated that he had to report back to a Senju, but there was no higher authority that he could answer to. He could see that Kouin had refused to leave with the Hoshikata fellow. It relieved the Hyuuga to more then a degree. Kouin was proving to be more trustworthy by the second and whats more, Kage had just found out the man was also ANBU but from mist. In Kage's eyes, that spoke volumes for the skill level he would assume Kouin had.

[ooc: Sent.
Hoshikata and Anii are allowed to go no problems.

Thanks for being understanding Kiko, its just a mission.

Edit: Just recalled the Rules of Engagement. Anii and Hoshikata can't leave. They must run for 3 rounds.

Edit 2: Nevermind. We're all good You guys can leave.]
Oct 23, 2012
Round One – Help said:

HP: 48,600
CP: 30,600 – 766 – 537 = 29.297
AP: 10 – 0.5 – 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.75 – 2.25 – 1.25 = 4.25, 1 AP carried over to next round
Status: Jyuuken Battle Stance
Visible Items: Byakugan, Called Shot Weapon, Belt Pouch 1, Belt Pouch 2


HP: 51,030
CP: 32,130 - 2750 - 2750 = 26,630
AP: 10 – 1 – 3 – 3= 3 AP, 1 AP carried over to next round
Status: Fine
Visible Items:


HP: 42,000 – 279 – 154 – 419 – 419 – 419 – 419 = 39,891
CP: 40,800 – 891 – 210 – 210 – 210 – 210 = 39,069
AP: 10 – 0.5 – 3 – 0.5 = 6, 1 AP carried over to next round
Status: Sprained Hands, Bleeding Rank 1
Visible Items: Belt Pouch​

Time Stack said:
0.00s: Eager to start the battle with great initiative Kagemaru enters the Jyuuken battle stance and equips his Called Shot weapon.
- Kiko looks to Kagemaru calling him out targeting him with Duelist
- Kouin not going to sit back and prove he is also a threat intends to make things personal targeting Kiko with duelist. Also playing the supporting time mage role channels his chakra through Kagemaru speeding up his actions through haste!
0.25s: Kagemaru draws two ninja wires
0.75s: Kagemaru launches into action going for a called shot with the aid of his ninja wires at the hands of Kiko.
- CRIT! Kiko's hands are now sprained
Kagemaru immediately follows up with a strategical free shot against Kiko going for a sneak attack!
- HIT! Kiko is Suppressed!
2.20s: Kiko attempting to gain some control over the battle targets Kagemaru with a Hidden Action!
- Miss!
2.75s: Kagemaru lunging into action fluidly springs off into the Jyuuketsu combo targeting Kiko!
- Hit! Hit! Suppression! MISS! HIT! Kiko is now bleeding! HIT!
3.00s: Calling forth the power of the elements Kouin joins the fray calling down Raijin's Vengence!
4.25s: As the dust from the missing lightning strike settles Kagemaru attacks from a blind spot attempting to Grapple Kiko!
- HIT! Kiko is now bound!
7.25s: Kouin performing a series of hand seals as if performing a jutsu, but nothing happens? Perhaps something was sent into the future...

Notes said:
- Kiko, you listed no conditionals for in case you get bound. So you could not perform the rest of your actions this round for being bound. However, you wouldn't have been able to complete them all anyways as a result of being Suppressed a few times this round
- Kouin, there is an * denoting something in your actions when it came to use of one of your jutsu [Action 3]. So when Kiko was bound I ignored that option and instead stopped you in the midst of that action and went through with your third conditional instead. Figured that would be more appropriate.
- If any party would prefer me to simply be boring with how I portray the time stack and keep it “professional” let me know and I will avoid my filler text.
- Comments? Concerns? Questions? Flames? Feel free to PM me.
- Edit: I had to edit HP and CP for all parties involved in the battle. The B-mod calculator only goes up to level 15 and since some of you have Stamina or Chakra above 600 it factors that into the HP and CP calculation. For HP and CP now, increases in levels increase your overall HP and CP but Stamina and Chakra only count for 600. So I went back through and manually calculated all of your HP and CP to reflect this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Friday : Spine of the World : 1:20​

The battle began and he was delightfully surprised when he realized that he was moving faster then usual. Due to his Byakugan, he could see the invisible aura of chakra surrounding his body that had the same signature of Kouin's. The Doctor had hastened the Hyuuga's movements in some way. An impressive technique to have control over if he had to admit that.

He had little to say as he aimed his attacks at Kiko's hands. He intended on cripling them as he could see they would be her main focus for attacks. Handseals or taijutsu, she wasn't carrying any other dangerous weapons aside from the daggar she had earlier but taking care of her hands would also take care of that little detail. Weaving some ninja wire into his attacks he knew that he'd disabled her hands pretty decently. Now was time to attack her for real. First attacking her chest area, Kagemaru could tell he'd knocked the wind out of her. She was sluggish but that was the point. He was going to let up or given her any room to breath. In fact, he'd get even closer. Striking her several more times, but this time with the intent to knock some chakra out of her. Most of his attacks struck home. Kiko managed to dodge one of them but then they both had to dodge out of the way as a rather large lightning bolt struck the ground. Most shinobi would have had to wait for the dust to settle before resuming combat. However Kagemaru wasn't most shinobi. His enhanced Byakugan allowed him to maintain his visual contact with Kiko and thus he was able to commense his next attack soon as the force of the lightning passed. His plan was a success as he'd taken hold of the woman's body and restricted her movements.

Its a shame we had to cross paths this way. I don't take any pleasure in ending the life of fellow Leaf shinobi. But thats not what you are anymore now is it? He'd whisper into her ear as he restrained her from doing much of anything. He was in full control of this fight just as he'd planned. The aid from his Mist friend wasn't even necessary but as Kage knew all too well, working in a group was usually better then working alone. He did however prefer to work alone, but Kouin was working out so far so he didn't mind it.

[ooc: I'm good with how you did that Jeno. Actions Sent]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Kiko stumbled backwards under the onslaught of the Konoha Anbu. She felt the bones in her hand crunch together with a well placed strike. She could tell that her Jutsu had not taken effect as the Anbu continued to strike relentsly... Her hands began seals but the chakra was knocked out of them as she was struck in the chest. Her mask spun away from her, landing in the dirt.

She gasped as she was struck again, Nobody moved like lightning as blood fountained from Kiko's mouth after the repeated strikes to the chest. A bolt of searing light slammed into the ground causing both combatants to separate for a moment but not long enough for her to catch her breath as, again, the Anbu moved within striking distance in the blink of an eye, wrapping himself around her to restrict her movement.

He spoke the truth as he whispered, his lips just inches from her. Kiko responded whilst she was being held motionless by his grapple, a painful laugh escaped her lips before she strained out her breathless words "No I'm not... When I die... I die free..."

A grin came over her blood flecked face as she flexed against his iron embrace, her chakra began to swell inside her again, "...When you die... You die as Nobody... Not even a name..." as she spoke the last syllable her chakra seeped from her pores, though she was bound she was not yet defenceless.

[OOC: yeah good job mate, I cant see anything wrong :)

Will send my actions once I work out wtf I am doing :p

Edit: stuff sent :) ]


Aug 29, 2012
The fight in simple terms, boring. It started off with him speeding up Kuromaru, causing him to move faster than Kiko and himself. It was pretty simple, he attempted to hit Kiko wit a strong bolt of lightning, but he underestimated his ablities as he watched him dodged it smoothly.

He didn't know Kiko so he had little to say to him, so he paid attention to Kuromaru and what he said; he has no prior background on anything based on this situation, which made thugs interesting not knowing anything about the mark, but interesting is always fun he guessed.

[sending actions]
Oct 23, 2012
[Throwing out the warning, that if I do not receive actions from all parties I will be modding the next round after I get home from work today at 8pm EST. All parties who have not sent action will be modded as per what is stated in the rules of engagement.]
Oct 23, 2012
Round Two - Fear the Fist of Balance said:

HP: 48,600 – 1,030 – 1,030 + 1458 = 47,998
CP: 29,297 – 319 - 1804 – 2,719 + 43 + 345 + 253
AP: 11 – 3 – 1 – 1 – 5.6 = 0.4 AP carried over to next round
Status: Jyuuken Battle Stance
Visible Items: Byakugan, Called Shot Weapon, Belt Pouch 1, Belt Pouch 2


HP: 51,030
CP: 26,630 – 2,750 – 2,750 – 575 = 20,555
AP: 11 – 3 – 3 – 2 = 3 AP, 1 AP carried over to next round
Status: Fine
Visible Items: None

HP: 39,891 - 420 – 6,534 – 6,534 - 433 – 3,458 – 2,536 = 19,976
CP: 39,069 – 1925 – 1,827 – 306 – 306 - 43 - 345 – 253 = 34,064
AP: 11 – 3 – 3.3 – 0.5 – 0.5 – 3 = 0.7 AP carried over to the next round
Status: Sprained Hands, Bleeding Rank 1
Visible Items: Belt Pouch​

Time Stack: said:
0.00s: A layer of chakra coats Kagemaru's weapon as he channels his elemental power
2.72s: Looking to take advantage of the bound Kiko, Kouin manifests great power from the sky and strikes down with Raijin's Vengence!
- Hit! Kiko is no longer bound!
Free from her binds she was already preparing for an attack as a spiraling chakra is created and sent flying straight for Kagemaru as Kiko uses Rasengan!
- Hit! However as Kagemaru is hit he bursts into a flock of shadows and reappears elsewhere on the battlefield with two other visions of himself. Kiko and Kouin are not aware of the real Kagemaru!
The Rasengan was a feint and looking to the three Kagemaru, Kiko tries again with a second strike!
- Hit! Kiko hits a Kagemaru but turns out to be a shadow servant!
3.63s: Kagemaru attempts to disappear into the shadows
- Fails to go into Stealth!
4.54s: Kagemaru attempts to disappear into the shadows once again
- Fails to go into Stealth
5.27s: Kiko converting her chakra into negative energy begins to transmit a jutsu targeting a Kagemaru!
- Hit! Kiko destroys a Shadow Servant!
5.44s: Kouin being the conjurer of storms goes for a strike with Raijin's Vengeance a second time!
- Hit!
6.13: Kagemaru channeling more chakra through his weaponry activates Chakra Absorption!
7.25s: Kouin forging his chakra through the ground releases laser beams from the ground attempting to bind Kiko!
- Hit! Kiko is bound!
9.65s: Looking to take advantage of the prison containing Kiko, Kagemaru comes rushing in with a jutsu of his own creation: The Fist of Balance! [This is funny because Kagemaru is Dev Head]
- A powerful wind is exhaled from Kiko which begins spinning around her body forming a barrier using Vacuum Sphere! Kagemaru breaks through the barrier and continues his attack!
- HIT! HIT! HIT! Kiko is no longer bound
Notes said:
- To be fair, I could have kept to the Rules of Engagement and gave only 48 hours for actions to be received. To which Kiko would have been the only one to send in actions. I gave off a warning this round though and allowed actions to be submitted within 72 hours. I will give another 72 hour period considering tomorrow is Thanksgiving for actions. After that, let's stick to the 48 hour rule :)
- While I like to be impartial in battles, I also like to give advice when I can. Kouin, I know you didn't have the chance to fully go into all of your actions when you sent them but you tend to not bother using your affinity moves. Just a thought for later!
- Kagemaru, I hope you intended for the Fist of Balance to be a joke, because I found it hilarious.
- Comments? Concerns? Questions? Flames? PM me!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Friday : Spine of the World : 1:22PM​

The fighting continued and though they hadn't exactly planned fighting together, both Kagemaru and Kouin were working fairly well together. While he continued grasping Kiko's body, Kagemaru began channeling his chakra through his fists. This way was different then his usual way of channeling chakra. This way was emitting a black aura around his hands. He was a taijutsu expert and using handseals could prove problematic so with this technique, when he needed to use handseals for his darker jutsu, he wouldn't be burdened with the inconvenience.

When he was younger, Kagemaru had heard the phrase "lightning never strikes twice" but the next few seconds of fighting would seriously prove that wrong. He had to let Kiko go once he saw the flash of light. His reflexes were just fast enough to allow him to dodge the bolt of electricity that struck Kiko perfectly. This was also a coincidence as he had to release Kiko in order to dodge the hit she was about to unleash on him. Which he did beautifuly. The whirling ball of chakra Kiko had comprised struck his body. Kagemaru would have felt the pain of the attack if he'd actually been hit. Bursting into a flock of crows, one of his favorite jutsu to use and confuse his opponents with. Manifesting himself on the battlefield with two other forms he knew that Kiko was confused as to which was the real one. That fact was proven as Kiko tried two times to to strike Kage but ended up only destroying his clones.

I'm disappointed by this Kiko. Two against one is a tough thing to handle but you should still be doing better then this. He was however impressed with her skill at detection. He'd tried to hide himself at least twice from view. Kiko detected him both times. It was impressive. Kage liked to think that he was good at hiding form others, but the terrain didn't exactly favor that approach. However, it was good to at least try. Another piece of impressive battle tactics was Kouin's use of a rather impressive looking ninjutsu. It seemed to trap and bind Kiko again. The two ANBU from two different parts of the world thought remarkably similar ways. Their teamwork wasn't perfect but it was effective. Their methods were not exactly the same but their tactics were similar. Kouin took full advantage of Kagemaru restraining Kiko. So Kage reciprocated by taking full advantage of Kouin's bind.

I don't get to use this attack very often. The chakra emanating from his hands began to swell. It began to cover the entirety of his arms. His right arm's chakra changed to a grey and white-ish tint while his left remained black. This technique was one of Kagemaru's favorites to use because it was both an evil as well as angelic technique. He dubbed it the Fist of Balance Evil chakra fused together with holy chakra to create an even stronger technique. What he loved most about this technique was the overall level of fluidity that it had. Striking Kiko, the prison she was trapped in was infinitely helpful. His attack was executed flawlessly. Three strikes done, one to Kiko's face, neck, and sternum. The only hitch in his plan was that Kiko was apparently not entirely stupid. She had activated her own technique in order to forgo the need for handseals as well. A barrier came up as Kage was striking her. He broke the barrier with little effort but it DID cushion the blow a bit and Kage could tell. It wasn't over. Kiko had some fight left in her, but based on how this was going, it would only be a few more minutes until this was over. The dust was beginning to settle from the recent events. The three of them had separated and the two sides were staring at each other. Kage and Kouin on one side, and Kiko on the other. Craters where lightning had struck and to Kage's joy, he had created a crater of his own of nearly the same volume. His Fist of Balance had done so much destructive damage that the force of the blow decimated a small portion of the earth. Not exactly to the same degree as Kouin's lighting, but nearly as much. Which made Kagemaru well up with pride as he was comparing the destructive force of his bare hands with that of actual lightning. The conclusion of the comparison was that Kagemaru's attack was almost as dangerous and destructive as a force of nature. That was something to be proud of.

Nicely done Doctor. I see the ANBU in Mist aren't too different from the ANBU of Leaf. Are all of them of your caliber? This was a probing question. He still needed more information out of Kouin and if all of Mist's ANBU were of his skill, then Kage may have a problem later should things go awry. But hopefully Kouin would be an exceptional case. Similar to Kagemaru in the combat department. When he first met Kouin, the man seemed aloof and oblivious, but his fighting skill was revealing a different side to him. So much was left to learn about this Kouin character, so much indeed.



Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Kiko shook her head, the binds were getting tiresome but it was the tactic that she herself would have been using had she been in their position... Her attacks had been continuously foiled by Nobody's abilities, his clones taking the brunt of her attacks... But she had a few tricks left.

Kouins lightning arced out of the sky smashing her out of her thought pattern, shocking her back to reality. Nobody came at her again but this time she was ready.

Though the fight was not going her way she had worked some things out... Nobody was Hyuuga, and a very skilled one at that, so fleeing was not an option. He would be able to track her wherever she ran... The other seemed to be a normal Shinobi, though his attacks were hitting like hammers.

Nobody spoke to her directly, his words stung a little but then she had not been in a fight for her life for so long that she had forgotten the tricks that people play... She breathed deeply today "...I'm sorry to disappoint you, I will try and do better next time..."
Blades of wind curled around her as he came in for more attacks, she had at least done as much damage to him as he had done to her... But the lightning was beginning to take its toll on her as nobody was able to land a few hits of his combo.

Time to change her pace and hopefully save herself. She had little doubt how this was going to turn out but she hoped she could make them pay for it as best she could.

[mft, will send stuff in a minute]


Aug 29, 2012
Though he was fighting with someone he knew nothing about, yet they were fighting in almost perfect tandem, which was weird. He had no clue how they were doing it, but he seemed to be very effective, which was best considering the situation.

This time around his lightning was striking straight and true, his mark, Kiko was feeling his vengeance from he previous mishaps, but no more; he was done playing around, now it was time, Lets get down to business. his foes might think normally of him, but they would be wrong. He has the blood of the Santaru coursing through his veins, but most of all he has time on his side. I am a Santaru from the village of clouds, born in the village of mist. Don't mistake my lightning as normal.

He looked towards Kuromaru; asking about the other anbu in mist, and all he could do was sneer, the others were nothing like him, They wish they were like me. I frequented on solo op missions; I'm a whole different caliber.

[Sending actions soon]
Oct 23, 2012
Round Three - Let's Try This Again! said:

HP: 47,998 + 1,030 + 1,030 – 2311 = 47,737 – 11,56 – 1,181 – 8675 + 1458 = 38,183
CP: 25816 – 115 - 3,472 – 2,310 + 549 + 549 = 21,017
AP: 10.4 – 1 – 1 – 5.6 = 0.4 AP carried over to next round
Status: Jyuuken Battle Stance, Chakra Absorption, aware of the real Kiko
Visible Items: Byakugan, Chakra Damage Weapon, Belt Pouch 1, Belt Pouch 2


HP: 51,030
CP: 26,630 – 575 – 2,750 – 2,750 = 20,555
AP: 11 AP – 1 – 2 – 3 – 3 = 2 AP, 1 AP carried over
Status: Unaware of the real Kiko
Visible Items: None


HP: 19,976 – 420 – 5489 = 14,067
CP: 34,064 - 1476 – 2475 – 549 – 549 – 110 – 1827 = 27,078
AP: 10.7 – 3 – 3.3 – 0.5 – 0.5 – 3 = 0.7 AP carried over to the next round
Status: Sprained Hands, Bleeding Rank 1
Visible Items: Belt Pouch

Shadow Servant 1,2
HP: –
CP: –
AP: –
Status: Disappears beginning of the next round, Shadow Servant 2 is bound

Fun House Clones 1-3 // Kagemaru's perspective
HP: –
CP: –
AP: –
Status: Fine

Fun House Clones 1-2 // Kouin's perspective
HP: --
CP: –
AP: –
Status: Fine​

Time Stack said:
0.00s: Kagemaru taking initiative takes off his kid gloves sheaths them to save them for later. Followed with taking out another pair of gloves, Chakra Damaging! Kagemaru splits into clones at the start of his created technique. Kouin manipulating the space-time continuum casts haste on himself to speed up his actions. Appearing out of a rift in space-time an attack that was sent into the future now appears as Zephyr's Grace comes to strike Kiko!
- Hit! Kiko bursts into a flock of shadows as there are now three Kiko on the Field! [Flock of Shadows]
1.56s: Kouin hastily forcing chakra through the ground releases a series of laser beams attempting to capture Kiko in a laser prison!
- Hit! A shadow servant is now surrounded by a Laser Prison!
2.99s: Kiko generating dozens of mirrors surrounding them all causes both Kagemaru and Kouin to see four images of Kiko! Each one seeing a separate series of images![Fun House] Kagemaru and Kouin are not aware of the real Kiko!
3.96s: Kagemaru flaunting his creative muse utilizes a new skill, Dance of the Sinful Moon!
- Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! The attack lands upon a Mirror Clone! The mirror clone does backlash damage against Kagemaru and two of his clones! Those two clones disperse
Kagemaru follows through the attack with another strike, Falcon Punch!
- Hit! Kagemaru is aware of the real Kiko
4.03s: Kouin calling forth his power from the heavens summons down Raijin's Vengeance!
- Hit! A mirror clone is destroyed!
Kouin proving lightning will not strike the same place twice aims for another Kiko with a second Raijin's Vengeance!
- Hit! A mirror clone is destroyed!
4.11s: Kiko attempting to bait out a reaction from Kagemaru goes for Thermal Maw!
- Hit! A clone of Kagemaru disappears
5.88s: The rest of the Kagemaru clones disappear
7.10s: Kiko spreading her chakra through the air and looking to transmit her power she fires off Angellic Blessing towards both Kagemaru and Kouin!
- Kagemaru is Hit! Miss on Kouin!
Notes: said:
- So I went through and re-did the entire round including all of the rolls. I will list a few things that changed as a result from the last round that is a little different
~ Kagemaru listed as sheathing his weapon instead of dropping it
~ Added in the maintained cost of Chakra Absorption for Kagemaru. I will keep a list of maintained techniques for my own purposes but reminding me of what you are maintaining each round will also help me keep track.
~ Kouin's delayed ninjutsu from round 1 is accounted for.
~ The mechanics of Dance of the Waxing Moon were applied how they should be. Also, for the Jutsu Creator I listed all the hits as I should have. Dance of the Waxing Moon hits 6 times [5 for each clone, and one for the user] and then the follow up attack Fist of Sin.
~ Combos now went for another target instead of the same target which would have been destroyed by the first attack.
~ Timings mainly for Kiko were altered this round as a result of being targeted by Zephyr's Grace at 0.00s. This also no longer interrupted Kiko's actions like it did last round inflating the timing of using Fun House. Also, I accidentally classified Fun House as a genjutsu last round instead of a ninjutsu. I feel like I was confusing it for one of the old genjutsu.
~ I did not take into account for the damage of Angellic Blessing that Healing Factor increases the effectiveness of Healing jutsu by 10%, which would further buff the damage. I also, applied Healing Factor for all those who should regenerate health at the end of the round [which was only Kagemaru this time around]
~ Questions? Comments? Concerns? Flames? Feel free to PM me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Friday : Spine of the World : 1:24PM​

This was more like it. Kiko was beginning to fight back and Kagemaru was appreciative of it. Steamrolling a target wasn't educational but in the seconds that Kiko managed to fight back, she had taught Kage so much. She demonstrated that she was indeed also an ANBU by utilizing a jutsu that Kage himself had already used. A very useful technique and quite annoying to deal with. He had to smirk at the irony of the situation. But the real knowledge came from the fact that she was able to utilize medical jutsu not only offensively, but from a distance. Kagemaru had known medical jutsu to be of a healing variety and always needing to be directly next to your target, but Kiko was able to strike them both from a distance. Perhaps he'd misjudged her abilities.

A medical shinobi eh? I'm impressed. Not many ANBU know such techniques. He spoke in his casual tone while complementing his adversary even though the technique she DID hit him with was fairly painful. However medical jutsu made you feel when they were healing you, this was the exact opposite. It was difficult to describe the feeling as it felt like the core of his body was rotting from the inside out. But he would press on. Kage had felt worse pain then this and he was not going to lose to this woman. He also knew that she wouldn't be able to utilize that technique again for some time. It was a heavy burden on the body to continually use it so he had time before she could do that again. It was at this point he realized that his Doctor friend had vanished. His chakra signature was still eminating around the field, but his physical body wasn't there.

Well I know he's still here... but where did he go... or maybe I should be asking when... His mind snapped back to the battle at hand. He'd been too lax on Kiko. It was something that having a teammate would do to you. You get confortable that your numbers are enough to handle your adversary, but that wasn't the case at all. If he wasn't careful, Kiko could just as easily take the both of them out. He'd need to go back to his serious mode of fighting. He got caught up in using his fancy techniques that he didn't get to use very often and forgot his basics. Taking note of his chakra and his opponents, he'd have to remedy the imbalance.

Classic and straight forward it is... no more games. As if he'd gotten a second wind, he lunged at Kiko with full intent on striking her seriously.


Edit: [Sending Actions Again]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
